Shortland Street 7958 8th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
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00:01Previously on Shortland Street
00:02It's not there.
00:03Your package, is it valuable?
00:05Uh, no, no, no, nothing important.
00:06I'm reading a new series.
00:07They're racy, but I don't want Madonna to find them.
00:09I set up a parcel outside, and then when the package thief tries to open it,
00:13an explosive surprise awaits them.
00:15I've been approved for assisted dying.
00:19I'm never gonna be ready to leave you guys.
00:22She's gonna wake up again.
00:24Next morning.
00:25I'm ready.
00:26It's not your call to make, it's Leanne's.
00:28But she's not able to.
00:29I'm sorry.
00:30We just want her to die like this.
00:40Mom, I'm so sorry.
00:45I should have listened to you.
00:49It was selfish.
00:52I let you down.
00:55I'm so sorry.
00:59Nick, it's okay.
01:03No, it's not.
01:10I don't need sick leave, I can still do consults in ED.
01:13Maybe, but you still need to rest the arm.
01:15Yeah, in a sling, out of the way, good as gold.
01:18You're very determined, aren't you?
01:20Plus, ED could use all the help it could get with Harpergon.
01:24She'll be in the air by now.
01:25She's gone off to bail out her brother in San Fran.
01:29How serious.
01:30Well, he's not in jail, yet.
01:32Been charged with assault.
01:34She's loyal.
01:36Nothing, if not loyal.
01:47Any word on Leanne?
01:50What's that?
01:51Ah, nothing.
01:52Yeah, I haven't heard anything more, sorry.
01:55Oh, Esther.
01:56Have you been in contact with Chris?
01:58I'm sorry, I don't know where he is.
02:00Well, he won't pick up my calls, so maybe he would for you.
02:02He's the least of my worries right now.
02:04Are you holding up okay?
02:06I'm just hoping for the best.
02:08This be the end?
02:12What? Sorry, I wouldn't want to be lying around.
02:15Yeah, and Chris would want to be here.
02:16Yeah, well, he chose to leave.
02:18Okay, you don't care about him, we get it.
02:20Oh, yeah, and you care too much.
02:22Okay, it's always Chris, Chris, Chris.
02:23What are you, his lap dog?
02:25Man, we can't all be as cold-hearted as you, sis.
02:27I think we all need to try to support each other.
02:30Oh, is that right?
02:32Well, why didn't you increase the Bureau nursing budget?
02:35We have no money.
02:36Well, not even to cover for Maeve.
02:38I'm making arrangements for Maeve.
02:40Well, maybe you should do it before Leanne dies.
02:42Yeah, well, maybe you should.
02:45We're all stressed, okay, but I need a DON who is solution-focused.
02:49Not about problems, so if that's not you, let me know.
02:59I don't need the damn wheelchair.
03:01Maybe just go with it.
03:04Hey, what are you doing? You could feel dizzy.
03:06Stop fussing, I'm fine.
03:08Look, I'm happy to keep pushing.
03:09Yeah, of course you are.
03:12Well, sorry if I stressed you out.
03:14Then stop mothering me then, I don't need it.
03:16Okay, back it up.
03:19It's just everything.
03:21Hey, guys.
03:23All good?
03:25Yeah, sweet.
03:27How's the recovery going, Phil?
03:29I'll be back in 80 before you know it.
03:31Oh, that's great news.
03:33Don't overdo it.
03:39Hold on.
03:41Still here, untouched.
03:43Isn't that a good thing?
03:45I don't want to catch this thief.
03:47Hey, overtime's all yours, Jackie.
03:49Yeah, fair, okay. Bye.
03:53You know the rule, whoever's up first makes the coffee.
03:55We're going for a raid.
03:57I can't.
03:58Why not?
03:59Because I am a man on the edge.
04:01What happened?
04:03Nothing a good sprint around the port won't fix.
04:05Go, go, go.
04:17Don't do it, don't do it.
04:29Uh, Harper, I've got to go.
04:31Okay, yeah, yeah.
04:33Love you, bye.
04:37How will she approve it?
04:39I was going to bring QM.
04:41We need to give Mum the death that she deserves.
04:43We need to give Mum the death that she deserves.
04:47I'm sorry, Nick. We can't.
04:49This is crazy. She was approved.
04:51Didn't Drew explain?
04:55He said that she has to ask for it for herself, but...
05:03We can make her as comfortable as possible.
05:05You're not listening.
05:07I am.
05:09And I understand. I would help if I could.
05:11You can't.
05:13It's illegal.
05:15Whatever, I'll do it, right? I'll take responsibility.
05:17You can't. They can't allow it.
05:19It is heartless. It's cruel.
05:23No, if you're not going to help me, don't come back here.
05:25Don't come anywhere near her.
05:29She didn't mean it.
05:31You know I would help if I could.
05:33Yeah, I know. We all would.
05:37You need to not work and go and be with them.
05:41Oh, Edie's slammed.
05:43We'll deal with it.
05:45Okay, well, I'll let the team know.
06:09That's harsh.
06:11She's upset. That's okay.
06:13Got me thinking about Dad.
06:15It was, like, so long ago,
06:17those two were together.
06:19Leanne was quite the stepmom.
06:21She has always looked up, yeah?
06:23And you.
06:25He was really going to miss us, then.
06:29Anything I can do?
06:31Would you cover any D?
06:35Well, Harper's away, and Maeve obviously has to be with Leanne,
06:37but they're seriously short-staffed.
06:39Well, I'm needed in Peds.
06:41I've spoken to Nazza. He understands, and he can spare you,
06:43but if you don't want to, it's fine. I get it.
06:45No, no, it's not that. I'm all good.
06:47It's just...
06:49It's been a minute.
06:51It's like riding a bike.
06:53Yeah, a bike that's going 100 miles an hour.
06:55Yeah, what they say, you never forget.
06:57No pressure, though, if you're not ready.
06:59No, I'm good.
07:01Count me in.
07:04Oh, still here.
07:06Forget about it.
07:08Order is my thief.
07:10Waiting for you to call the police.
07:12I can't.
07:14Why not?
07:16Breakfast is ready, guys.
07:18You didn't have to do all of this.
07:20I'm an active and giving relaxer.
07:22What's that?
07:24I need to do something for others to de-stress from work.
07:26Is it that bad?
07:28Oh, it's just tough, but I can handle it.
07:30I need my me time.
07:32Well, cycling helps.
07:34No, thanks.
07:38I need something to stop my brain from functioning in the real world.
07:40You got any idea what that could be, Thaddeus?
07:42Are you asking me for drugs?
07:46Well, you could try meditation.
07:50I need something exciting,
07:54something with blush on.
07:56That's not much use asking me for advice on that kind of thing.
07:58Well, if anything crops up,
08:00let me know.
08:10So you're gonna let her suffer?
08:12You don't think that if I could do something, I wouldn't?
08:14Look, at least I'm here with her.
08:16You know I'd be there if I could.
08:18All I want is to be with my family right now.
08:20I don't care what is fine. His mum's here.
08:22Surely there's something you can do with.
08:24Can't just let her suffer.
08:26I have asked. She won't listen.
08:28I am sorry.
08:30I hate seeing her like this.
08:32There's nothing we can do for her.
08:34Yeah, it doesn't make it any less awful.
08:36Wake up, Nana.
08:38Sorry, we shouldn't be fighting.
08:40I just...
08:42Yeah, I know. Me too.
08:46I love you, Mum.
08:50Sorry I can't be there with you.
08:52She loves you too.
08:54She's so proud of you.
08:56And if he were,
08:58make sure you keep talking to him
09:00about his awesome Nana
09:02so he doesn't forget.
09:06Bye, Mum.
09:08I love you.
09:20This will stop the seizure, okay?
09:24Can you stay with him?
09:26This is Annabeth, early teens.
09:28Vomiting and semi-conscious after inhaling solvents.
09:30Might have a broken wrist too.
09:32Annabeth! Hey, honey, can you hear me?
09:34You are in a hospital.
09:38Okay, he's very suspect too.
09:40Her friends are behind us. Same story about deluxe.
09:44Hiya, hey, can you take over room seven?
09:46Hey, you with me?
09:48Of course. What's up?
09:50Seizure patient.
09:52Um, what room?
09:54Just in there. Here in the game, yeah?
10:00are you okay? Yes.
10:02Are you sure? Why wouldn't I be?
10:04Because you seem a bit hyper.
10:06A bit manic.
10:08Look, I'm taking my meds if that's what you're implying.
10:12I'm just checking.
10:14I haven't slept
10:16myself since the earthquake.
10:18Yeah, same.
10:20Struggling to focus sometimes.
10:22I can't even stop thinking about you.
10:24What do you mean?
10:26Just how close
10:28you came to dying.
10:30That was Phil,
10:32not me.
10:34Sure, look, it just gave me a wake-up call, that's all.
10:38Anyway, I'm glad you're okay.
10:42Is it just me or is it hot in here?
10:46You were in there.
10:48Excuse me? Floating much?
10:50I'm not floating with anyone, okay?
10:52I'm with Phil.
10:54Yeah, but I don't think Natalie got the memo.
11:26Sorry, I was just...
11:28I think I needed some more pain relief
11:30and I didn't want to trouble you guys.
11:34Nicole, you weren't...
11:36You didn't want to...
11:42No, for a split second
11:44I thought about it, but I wouldn't...
11:46I wouldn't be able to go through with it.
11:52It's just really awful.
11:56She's just in so much pain.
11:58She's suffering.
12:10Book thief.
12:12Okay, I'm sorry.
12:14My packages addressed to me.
12:16First time, accident.
12:18And then the rush came.
12:20I feel violated.
12:22Sorry, what?
12:24I'm addicted.
12:26Don't make fun of me.
12:28No, I'm not. I love Tides of Desire.
12:30And I know you write your little pirate stories,
12:32but I didn't know that there was a whole world
12:34of these out there.
12:36Where are they?
12:40I was going to post them back to you,
12:42but you caught me.
12:44You and your glitter bomb.
12:48There's one missing.
12:50What is it?
12:52Passion's anchor, where is it?
12:54I don't know.
12:56Fine, fine.
12:58So you won't mind hearing
13:00what happens between Flora O'Malley and Will Graveheart?
13:02I don't even know who they are.
13:06You're not aware that Flora
13:08is the terror of the Black Seas,
13:10and the only thing standing in her way is...
13:12Okay, stop. Don't tell me.
13:14But I thought you said you didn't even know who they were.
13:16If you say one more thing about Flora and Will,
13:18I swear I'm going to tell Madonna.
13:20Imagine the look on her innocent little face
13:22when I tell her what you've been reading.
13:24You wouldn't.
13:26Oh, yeah, I would.
13:28Filthy pirate smut, layer upon layer of it.
13:30They are not smut.
13:32They're a very
13:34exciting read, that's all.
13:36Nothing to be ashamed of.
13:38I don't think Madonna would agree.
13:40Well, Madonna is never going to find out,
13:42because you are going to give me back my book.
13:44No, I'm not.
13:46They have a secret love child.
13:48What? I can't believe...
13:50I can't believe you. You know what?
13:52You can have your stupid book back.
13:54See if I care.
14:02You both know
14:04that I wouldn't have actually given her anything.
14:06Of course.
14:08Obviously, you're feeling
14:12She's not in any pain, Nick.
14:14You don't know that for sure.
14:16We've upped her pain
14:18meds, so she's...
14:20she's not really feeling anything.
14:22Right, so she's...
14:24she's not my mum.
14:26Then she's...
14:28she's just a body.
14:30A corpse.
14:34She'll never wake up.
14:38You can spend time with her.
14:40And talk to her.
14:42She can't hear me.
14:46Well, it's up to you.
14:48This is all just an act, right?
14:50We're just waiting
14:52for her body to give out.
14:54We're pretending like
14:56it actually means something.
14:58When we could actually help her,
15:00we could actually end it
15:02for her.
15:04I can get the counsellor.
15:06I don't want a counsellor. I want my mum to die
15:08the way that she wanted.
15:10Not this nightmare.
15:12Except it's not possible.
15:14It has to be.
15:16It's not an option, Nick.
15:18And there's nothing that you
15:20or me or anyone
15:22can do about it.
15:26You have to let her go.
15:28I can't.
15:32You don't understand.
15:34I beat her.
15:36She was ready.
15:38And I just wanted
15:40one more day with her.
15:44I can't take this, Nick.
15:46I can't change it.
15:48I can't change it.
16:00I don't get it.
16:02Oh, it's meant to calm you down.
16:04It makes me nauseous.
16:06New hot beats for us to listen to?
16:08No, it's a pirate ambient soundtrack.
16:10Never heard of such a thing.
16:12It's a creaking, wooden pirate ship.
16:14Waves splashing.
16:16It's weird.
16:18I thought you liked pirate things. You like dad's books.
16:20Well, that's different.
16:22I was supporting a friend.
16:24Well, I like to listen to it when I'm reading
16:26Tides of Desire.
16:28You don't read that rubbish, do you?
16:30What's wrong with that?
16:32It's smutty.
16:34How do you know? Are you a secret fan?
16:36Of course not.
16:38There's nothing wrong with a bit of bodice ripping on the high seas.
16:40It's degrading to women.
16:42Well, what do you think about
16:44It's trash, right?
16:46I'm not familiar
16:48with that particular sub-genre.
16:50Yeah, raise the bar, Selina.
16:52Read a classic or something
16:54from Oprah's book club.
16:58Lie a lie of pants on fire.
17:10I've pulled some strings.
17:12You can thank me later.
17:14Sorry, what?
17:16Now, the physios we've got here, they're absolutely fine.
17:18No complaints.
17:22I've only gone and booked you in with Emerald Khan.
17:24I should know that name.
17:26Top of her field.
17:28Most of her clients are training for the Olympics.
17:30I've persuaded her to take on one of the country's most promising young surgeons.
17:34Thanks, Drew.
17:36My thanks will be having you back in the operating room
17:38even better than before. Deal?
17:42Here's your man, so go and cram your style.
17:44Hey, mate.
17:46What'd I miss?
17:48Drew's found me an amazing physio.
17:50Great. He'll be back in the game in no time.
17:56Are we okay?
17:58Why would you ask that?
18:00We just feel a bit off.
18:02Maybe I was a bit intense before.
18:04It's okay.
18:06I just want everything to be cool between us.
18:08I don't have the energy for this right now.
18:10Okay, when will you?
18:14Later when?
18:16When I'm ready.
18:18Why don't you just say it, Phil?
18:20Say what?
18:22That you don't want to be with me.
18:24It's not that.
18:26It's what it feels like.
18:28You won't even deny it.
18:30I've been through a lot recently.
18:32I thought I was going to die.
18:34I thought they were going to have to amputate
18:36I was trying to get help.
18:38You're a coward.
18:40You ran away like you always do and I'm over it.
18:52How could she say that?
18:56Is that what she really thinks of me?
18:58That's why I can't get through to her.
19:00Maybe it is.
19:02Who knows what's going on in her mind.
19:04Maybe there's something wrong with them.
19:06What do you mean?
19:08I just can't think straight.
19:10Hey, you're just worried.
19:12Going back on medication like that, it can take a while to settle, right?
19:16Unless I need a different prescription now?
19:20Or to give them a fair chance.
19:22You know you can always talk to me.
19:24I'm going to ground you, right?
19:26As far as I can see, the only problem
19:28you really have is Phil pushing you away.
19:30Look, I can't talk about this right now.
19:32See you later.
19:42In the port of Varna, the deckhands make a soup.
19:44Too much white wine?
19:46Did you read that book?
19:48Surrender to the Sea?
19:50Chapter 4.
19:52The calf was doing a seafood chowder.
19:54I thought you might like to try a mug with me.
19:56I didn't mean to steal your books.
19:58They opened up the first one by accident
20:00and then I just kept flicking through.
20:04Hook, line and sinker.
20:06I'm sorry.
20:08I'm sorry about the spoiler.
20:10So, about the love child...
20:12I'm not saying another thing.
20:14Is it that kid that sells bread buns down at the port?
20:16Not another word.
20:18Why don't you tell Madonna
20:20you're into racy novels, okay? Own it.
20:22Be bold.
20:24I don't want her to think badly of me.
20:26Well, you need to have courage.
20:28Be like Will.
20:30I don't know how.
20:32I won't blab to Madonna, okay?
20:34I promise.
20:36Thank you.
20:38So, tides of desire, our little secret?
20:40I'll leave passion's anchor on your bed this evening.
20:42Sorry, sleeping quarters.
20:44Oh, I'm getting shivers.
20:46Hi, guys.
20:48Hi, Miz.
20:56Ready to go?
21:00What? Black Man Express.
21:02Oh, right.
21:04Thanks, Sage.
21:06Sorry, I mean...
21:08A bit tense?
21:10Have you seen him? Did he say anything to you?
21:14I messed up.
21:18Things got on top of me and I just...
21:20I lashed out.
21:22Hey, it happens.
21:24No, I was cruel.
21:26Really cruel.
21:30Come on.
21:36Go away.
21:38I'm not leaving you like this.
21:40Look, I don't want to get caught.
21:42What, in case word gets back to Phil?
21:50In case word gets back to Esther,
21:52anyone who could find me.
21:54Look, just breathe, okay?
21:56I'm here. Everything's going to be fine.
22:02Do you want me to go?
22:06Because you and Phil are over.
22:08She dumped me.
22:12It's over for her.
22:14You weren't happy with her, Rocky.
22:16I never said I wasn't happy.
22:18I want her to keep trying.
22:20And that's not fair for you.
22:36Don't worry, mum.
22:40I'm right here.
22:42And I love you.
22:46Everyone loves me.
22:49And everyone is here for you.
22:52You just...
22:56Who are you?
22:58This is not mine.
23:02I need to speak to her.
23:04No, you cannot.
23:06I have to.
23:08You're drunk.
23:10You can't speak to her when you're like this.
23:12You're a mess.
23:14Get out.
23:16He's back.
23:18Get out.
23:22I don't want him anywhere near my mum.
23:24I have to see him.
23:28What's going on?
23:30Let me see Leanne.