
  • 3 months ago
by Stacey Previn


00:00Aberdeen. By Stacey Previn. Aberdeen didn't mean to leave the yard. But a balloon floated by. So he followed it. It bobbed along taunting Aberdeen as he tried to catch it. Touching down only for a second. Then drifting back up into the sky. He didn't mean to dig up his neighbor's flowers.
00:29But the balloon flew into their yard. So he burrowed under the fence to find it. Finally he caught it as it rested in their garden. Aberdeen didn't mean to fly away. But his tail got tangled in the string from the balloon and a gust of wind blew them both up in the air. He dangled over the dandelions and floated through the field.
00:54He didn't mean to pop the balloon. But his nail scratched it as he twisted in the wind and he tumbled through the weeds. Past curious crickets. And into soft mud. So he splish splashed in a puddle until he was clean again.
01:12Aberdeen didn't mean to wander into the forest. But he was getting hungry and the acorns looked so tasty. So he sat on a rock eating his fill as the sun began to set. The owl hooted from the tree above and startled him.
01:31Aberdeen didn't mean to cry. But his mama had warned him about owls. He was all alone. And it was getting dark. He missed his mama so badly that he thought he heard her call his name. Aberdeen didn't mean to make so much noise. But he needed to scare away the owls. So he threw the acorn as hard as he could against the tree.
01:58It rustled the leaves. Then crashed into the tree and the owl flew away. This time he was sure he heard his mama calling. Aberdeen! And he ran to meet her voice. I'm sorry. Aberdeen said. I didn't mean to make you worry. I know sweetie. Mama replied and held him tightly. But you did. Boring and weird. My very own Aberdeens. The end.