Mama's Sleeping Scarf

  • 2 days ago
by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie writing as ‎Nwa Grace-James
illustrated by Joelle Avelino


00:00To Chimamanda and the team of HarperCollins, UK, thank you, J.A., for M. whose tiny delightful
00:17fingers first pulled off my scarf, C.N.A., Mama's Sleeping Scarf, by Chimamanda Ngozi
00:24Adyke writing as N.W.A. Grace James, illustrated by Joelle Avellino.
00:29Mama's scarf is garden.
00:31It has big red circles and little blue circles.
00:34Chino likes to trace the circles with her finger.
00:36First, the big red circles.
00:38Then, the little blue circles.
00:41Chino likes to touch Mama's scarf because it's so silky and soft.
00:45Every night before bed, Mama ties her scarf around her head, to keep her hair all soft
00:50and nice.
00:51Mama is wearing the hat, Bunny says in her secret voice.
00:54No, silly, it's not a hat, it's a scarf.
00:58It's Mama's sleeping scarf, Chino says.
01:00A sleeping scarf.
01:02Bunny asks.
01:03Yes, it keeps Mama's hair all soft and nice.
01:06It's morning and Mama is brushing her teeth.
01:09Are you going out, Mama?
01:11Chino asks.
01:12Yes, Chino.
01:13I'm going to work.
01:14Will you come back?
01:15Yes, I'll come back.
01:17I'll always come back.
01:19What if you don't come back?
01:20I'll always come back, Chino.
01:22I have an idea.
01:24Would you like to play with Mama's scarf until I come back?
01:27Yes, please.
01:28Chino pulls Mama's scarf off her head.
01:30It goes wea.
01:32Time to play with Mama's scarf.
01:34Bunny is sitting on a chair.
01:36Bunny is gray with long droopy ears.
01:38I have an idea, Bunny, Chino says.
01:40The scarf can be your pretend blanket.
01:43Good idea, Bunny says in her secret voice.
01:46Chino wraps Bunny in Mama's scarf to keep Bunny all warm and nice.
01:51I like the big blue circles, Bunny says in her secret voice.
01:54No, silly, they are big red circles, Chino says.
01:58Oh, yes, big red circles.
02:00Papa is making a smoothie in the kitchen with fresh fruits all sweet and nice, yellow bananas
02:05and green mangoes.
02:07Chino peeks out from behind the scarf.
02:09Peekaboo, I see you, Papa.
02:11I see you, Chino.
02:13Papa says, Would you like a taste of my smooth?
02:16Yes, please.
02:17Chino takes a sip from Papa's cup.
02:19Oops, we've made a little mess on Mama's scarf.
02:23Papa cleans up the spill with a towel.
02:25Dab, dab, dab goes Papa.
02:27Now Mama's scarf is clean and nice again.
02:30Grandpa is taking a walk in the garden.
02:32He walks in circles round and round.
02:34He gets his exercise so he can be nice and strong.
02:38Chino waves the scarf in the air.
02:40It goes wee-oo.
02:41Look, Grandpa.
02:42I see you.
02:43I see you too, Chino, Grandpa says.
02:46Would you like to exercise with me?
02:48Yes, please.
02:49But I can't exercise, Bunny says in her secret voice.
02:52Yes, you can, silly, Chino says.
02:55Chino runs around in the garden holding the scarf.
02:58Bunny runs too.
02:59And wee-oo, goes the scarf in the wind.
03:02Grandma is reading the newspaper.
03:04Her glasses are big and round like circles.
03:06Chino hides her face behind the scarf.
03:09Do you see me, Grandma?
03:10I see you.
03:11I can't see you, Chino, Grandma says.
03:14Chino peeks out from behind the scarf.
03:17Now I see you.
03:18Grandma says, would you like me to tie the scarf around your head, Chino?
03:22Yes, please.
03:23Now you look just like Mama.
03:25Can I try Mama's scarf on my head too?
03:28Bunny asks in her secret voice.
03:30No, Bunny, because your head is too little.
03:33Chino says, Mama is home again?
03:35Chino gives Mama a nice big hug and Papa gives Mama a nice big hug.
03:40Did Papa tie my scarf around your head, Chino?
03:43No, Grandma did.
03:44It looks so nice on you, Mama says.
03:47It's dinner time.
03:48Can I wear the scarf at dinner, please?
03:51Chino asks.
03:52Yes, Chino, Mama says.
03:54But when it's bedtime, I'll need it for my hair.
03:57Papa has made some chicken, vegetables, and rice for dinner.
04:00Would you like some vegetables, Chino?
04:02Grandma asks.
04:04No, thank you.
04:05Vegetables don't taste nice, Chino says.
04:08Some vegetables taste nice.
04:10You can try a little bit and see.
04:12Grandpa says, look, Chino.
04:14The vegetables are green just like Mama's scarf is green,
04:17Papa says.
04:18And the tomatoes are red just like the red circles
04:21on Mama's scarf.
04:22Would you like to try just a little bit
04:24of the vegetables, Chino?
04:25Mama asks.
04:27Maybe just a little bit, Chino says.
04:29Chino eats a little bit of vegetables and a little bit
04:32of rice and a little bit of chicken.
04:34And then she eats a little bit of tomatoes.
04:37Thank you for making a nice dinner, Papa, Chino says.
04:40I liked eating a little bit of the green vegetables.
04:43And I'd like to eat a little bit of the green scarf,
04:46Bunny says in her secret voice.
04:48No, you can't eat the scarf, silly, Chino says.
04:51A vegetable is food, but a scarf isn't food.
04:54Now it's time to go to bed.
04:56Here comes Mama looking for her scarf.
04:58Mama's sleeping scarf is so silky and soft.
05:02She pulls it off Chino's head.
05:03And it goes wee-oo.
05:05When Mama pulls it off, Mama ties her scarf around her head.
05:09Are you sleepy, Chino?
05:10Mama asks.
05:11Yes, Chino says.
05:13I am not sleepy, Bunny says in her secret voice.
05:17Yes, you are silly, because it's bedtime, Chino says.
05:21Chino gives Bunny a nice big hug.
05:23Good night, Bunny.
05:24Good night, Mama.
05:25Good night, Papa.
05:27Good night, scarf.
05:28The end.
