
  • 2 months ago
00:00I shouldn't even need someone else to get pregnant for me, but I do, and whose fault is that?
00:06The results show that your baby will almost certainly have Down syndrome.
00:11You don't know how I feel, no one does.
00:13Just stop, okay, both of you, just stop and...
00:16Just leave me alone.
00:30Sorry I'm a bit busy, but...
00:37What did you say?
00:39Dad, I can't hear you.
00:41Hang on, one sec.
00:42No, wait, please!
00:50Yeah, no, just, yeah, I'm gonna be late now.
00:53Yeah, actually it doesn't matter.
00:55No, Dad, I know I'm not a doctor, but...
00:59All right, give Mum a love.
01:01Okay, bye.
01:12You all right, Cam?
01:14I missed my bus.
01:15Best get in then.
01:17Come on.
01:18Thank you.
01:21Put the window up.
01:25I hope the window's all right, it's steaming up.
01:27Yeah, of course.
01:30Siobhan, how long did it take for you to get to where you are?
01:33Oh, not long, about 14 minutes.
01:36Sorry, I'm just naturally funny in the mornings.
01:39You meant work-wise, didn't you?
01:41Yeah, no, I just, I feel like...
01:43I feel like I'm ready to step up.
01:45Do you?
01:46Don't you?
01:47I don't know, I think if I was you, I'd...
01:49What's that?
01:50What's happening?
01:52With me.
01:55Please, let me out, please, please!
02:00Hi, I'm Siobhan.
02:02This is Cam.
02:03We're nurses from Holby City Hospital.
02:05Can we take a look?
02:06The sign flew off.
02:07She's bleeding.
02:08Yeah, but she's making a noise.
02:09We like that.
02:10What's her name?
02:11Chloe, Chloe.
02:12Chloe, right.
02:13Well, let's get Chloe inside.
02:15Take her in.
02:16Come with me.
02:17Come on.
02:18Come on.
02:19Come on.
02:25Well done, Cam.
02:26We're going to lay the baby on the floor for a minute.
02:28Give me baby Chloe.
02:29Thank you.
02:30We'll take good care of her.
02:31Here she comes, Cam.
02:32There you go.
02:33Now, baby Chloe, she's normally fit and well, is she?
02:38Error's patent.
02:39I'll sweep a little faster.
02:41The ambulance is on its way.
02:42The sign just fell on the ground.
02:44Please, look after her, OK?
02:47Why don't you come down here with us?
02:49I think she wants her mum.
03:05There's a good girl.
03:06Mummy's here now.
03:07She's on her breathing slope.
03:08Is it?
03:10You know what to do.
03:13Completely cover her mouth and nose, OK?
03:16It's OK.
03:17We're just helping Chloe with her breathing.
03:19Can you feel the air going in and out?
03:47Thank you.
04:01Could I have everybody gather round, please?
04:04Let me do a quick check for stragglers in reception.
04:07Tarek, would you mind checking staff?
04:09Yeah, on it.
04:11How have you been feeling?
04:13Yeah, really good, actually.
04:16So, you spoke to Rosie again?
04:18She'll come round.
04:21OK as well.
04:22So sorry.
04:23It's been eight weeks.
04:27Welcome back, Dr Masoor.
04:30OK, is that everybody?
04:32Right, a bit of bad news, I'm afraid.
04:34I've just had the weather warning changed to red,
04:37meaning travel and power disruption
04:40and a significant risk to life.
04:42We've been here before and what happens
04:44tends to be a bit of a lull before the trauma admissions,
04:47but when they start coming, it never rains but it pours,
04:50so we'll need to buckle up.
04:52It never rains but it pours.
04:54I'll take it.
04:57Er, dear Len...
05:00Well, you know the deal.
05:02Complain about the weather, you're going to buy a round.
05:05OK, it's more an observation than a complaint,
05:08but, yeah, OK, we'll have a go through the night.
05:11There's no skin off my nose.
05:13We're pleased that we proactively make sure
05:17that all discharges and referrals take place
05:20and that all clinical areas are kept stocked.
05:23Other than that, good luck, stay dry.
05:30Guys, not to influence you...
05:32Yeah, no, no, I know, I'm aware of the weather...
05:35Play the game.
05:44Protein bar? Keep going, Jill.
05:46You can thank me later.
05:48Dr Masson, a hand, please.
05:52Who's that?
05:53It's my shadow, Elise, for the next few weeks.
05:57She's good, actually, helpful.
05:59No-one likes a drink in the morning, why didn't I take this one?
06:02Because I don't need you to, and I don't need this.
06:05But thanks.
06:09So I did this? I made it worse?
06:11No, no, you didn't. You didn't.
06:13Excuse me, guys.
06:14These are paramedics.
06:15This is Mum, Abigail, with baby Chloe.
06:17Jacob's been run.
06:18Can I breathe?
06:19Out of the way, please.
06:20And she's sent to the silos.
06:21We're looking at traumatic brain injury
06:23and possible crush injuries to the chest and abdomen.
06:26Run a step.
06:31Are you tired by knee?
06:33She can't sleep without it.
06:35It's OK, I'll get it.
06:36Come on.
06:37It's OK.
06:38It's OK.
06:47OK, this doesn't look good.
06:49How do you want to do this?
06:50I'll do primary.
06:52If you get going with access and get the monitor and all.
06:56Listen, am I glad to see you guys.
06:58I'm Rich, incident commander.
06:59Hey, I'm Dr Nash.
07:00This is Susie Chang.
07:01We're critical care.
07:02What have we got?
07:03So a car's aquaplaned into the back of a van.
07:05Two victims, primary, the driver.
07:07She's been impaled by a pole in the left shoulder.
07:10Secondary, the passenger, she's less serious.
07:12But both are mechanically trapped by the doors.
07:14OK, thanks, good to know.
07:15No, no, no, you can't approach just yet.
07:17Why not?
07:18Because the site's still unsafe.
07:19But they need to be assessed.
07:20Listen, I got that, but there's petrol everywhere
07:22and we're still dealing with the airbags.
07:24The driver's side didn't deploy.
07:25Happens more often than you think.
07:26Rich, P4 absorbent.
07:27Yep, on its way.
07:28Listen, hang tight, I'll get back to you.
07:30Yeah, but if she's been impaled...
07:32Yes, I know, don't move.
07:34Dougie, give us a hand, mate.
07:35Yeah, coming.
07:38Thank you very much.
07:39I need bodies.
07:40We have an incoming paediatric trauma,
07:42nine-month-old with cross-injury,
07:44so we need to act fast.
07:45I have Karen, I think, Tarek.
07:48Ngozi, are you free?
07:50I'm heading to the theatre.
07:51OK, thank you anyway.
07:52Have we got any other doctors?
07:53Where's Stevie?
07:54She's out on a hemp shift, but I could do it.
07:56I've just finished with a patient.
07:57I think probably not just yet, Rash.
07:58Thank you.
07:59Nicole, are you free?
08:01OK, paediatric trauma on the way in.
08:02Nicole, are you free?
08:04OK, paediatric trauma on the way in.
08:06Now, the impact was quite significant,
08:08so can you call paediatrics,
08:10and I'll calculate the wet flag, OK?
08:14Hey, a couple of weeks,
08:16I'll be back on the 18th.
08:22OK, and lift.
08:24We can't use the crane because of high winds, over.
08:27Dr Nash?
08:28Yeah, OK, we'll be out.
08:29OK, so the fuel's been neutralised,
08:30your driver's side airbag's been made safe,
08:32and they've just removed the door.
08:33OK, we're good to go.
08:34You take the passenger side, I'll take the driver's side.
08:38Hiya, I'm Dr Nash.
08:40Be quiet, Louise.
08:42Just let them do their job.
08:44It's OK.
08:45I'm Dr Nash, OK?
08:46Critical care.
08:47This is my colleague, Susie.
08:48We're going to look after you.
08:49What are your names?
08:50I'm Bev.
08:51This is Louise.
08:53She's my daughter-in-law.
08:54Right, hi, Bev.
08:55Hi, Louise, daughter-in-law.
08:56Louise, I can see you're in a lot of pain,
08:58but I need you to calm for me, OK?
09:00So can you slow your breathing down for me, yeah?
09:03Really good, slow it down.
09:04That's it, that's it.
09:05OK, we're going to get a mask on you,
09:07get you some pain relief, yeah?
09:09That sound good?
09:10Bev, are you in pain anywhere?
09:11Does anything hurt?
09:13My arm.
09:14Can you move it?
09:16Yes, that's it.
09:22Start it on the interlock?
09:23Yeah, yeah.
09:33Er, plasma light,
09:34and can we make sure that we've got analgesics?
09:37We're going to start with nine micrograms of fentanyl.
09:40Yeah, I've got that already.
09:41Sorry, can I help you?
09:42I'm Sophia Peters.
09:43I'm one of the site liaison nurses.
09:45Did you phone and get me a call about a patient of mine?
09:47OK, not now.
09:48This is a resus area.
09:49Abigail Donaldson.
09:50She came in with her nine-month-old.
09:52Any news?
09:53Yeah, they're on their way in.
09:54Sorry, is there something we need to know
09:55about the mum's mental health?
09:56She's got post-natal depression.
09:58Coming through.
10:03Nine months old. Estimated eight kgs.
10:0540 minutes ago, she was struck by a falling metal shop sign
10:08approximately three metres high.
10:10Injuries from top to toe include a significant haematoma
10:13to the left-hand side of her head.
10:14OK, ready?
10:15OK, ready, steady, slide.
10:17It's storming people.
10:18Chest wall.
10:19I'll make sure that's the chest wall.
10:20Rest rate irregular at around 25,
10:22requiring support with a BVM on 15 litres.
10:24She is saturated...
10:25Why don't we go outside?
10:27Let the doctors help Chloe.
10:29120 milligrams of TXA,
10:3180 milligrams of paracetamol,
10:33and 24 milligrams of morphine.
10:34OK, that's great, thank you.
10:35Guys, why don't you get changed,
10:36come back and join us when you get to work.
10:38We'll be right back.
10:39Thank you, we'll back on there.
10:40Fine, so let's start the primary survey then, please.
10:42And once we have a new line in,
10:45should we get a full set of bloods and a venous blood test?
10:50It's miserable up there.
10:59Like how you're playing?
11:02How's it looking with the baby?
11:04It's not good.
11:07Today's supposed to be an easy day back.
11:09I'm worried about Rash.
11:11OK, and when's it ever been an easy day back?
11:14We just need to give him some space
11:16and hope that he'll be all right.
11:18Do you think he will?
11:20Erm, I don't know.
11:22But Rash would never come back if he didn't think he was ready.
11:26I've got two bloods, thank you!
11:33I said this would happen tonight, I said that she would fall,
11:36or I would drop her.
11:37Abi, it is not your fault.
11:43Siobhan, could you set me up a TXA infusion?
11:46Please, and can there is a bowl of some drawn-up of 40ml?
11:49It should be 5ml per kilo of saline.
11:56Can't see a pneumothorax here.
11:59OK, I've got the one I can lie.
12:01Salts are dropping 89%.
12:04Infants hide these things very well.
12:06She's certainly bleeding from salt.
12:08It's down to 84 now.
12:11Let's prep for an RSI then, please.
12:13Can we get a two-person jaw thrust technique?
12:17Nicole, I think it's probably time to step outside and update Mum.
12:21OK, thank you.
12:23Sorry, please can I sit with you? Yeah.
12:26I've lost ephemeral pulse.
12:28She's in PA.
12:29Let's start compressions then, please, Cam.
12:32Cam, on the chest, please.
12:37Please, now.
12:39I don't know if I can. You can.
12:41Look at me, look at me. One, two, three, four...
12:44Fifteen to two breaths.
12:49On the chest. And back on, please.
12:52One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
12:57eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.
13:01On the chest.
13:03One, two, three, four...
13:05Can you say that again?
13:07Abi, I need you to listen, OK?
13:12I'm afraid Chloe is very unwell.
13:15She's stopped breathing, so we're having to help her.
13:19I thought you were making her better.
13:21We're treating her the best we can.
13:25Do you want to come in and be with her?
13:27I can't do anything.
13:30You just need to be there, be there for Chloe.
13:33We can come in and out any time.
13:36Will you stay with me?
13:38Of course.
13:42It is quite busy in there. There's a lot of people.
13:45They're all helping Chloe.
13:47There's a machine helping her breathe.
13:50And they're doing chest compressions now because her heart has stopped beating.
14:07Dylan, this is Chloe's mum.
14:12Blood's running through her, OK, isn't it?
14:16Doesn't that hurt?
14:20Why isn't she crying?
14:22There's a tube in her throat to help give her oxygen.
14:32Come on.
14:34It's OK.
14:41It's OK.
14:51It's OK.
14:53It's OK.
15:04How's the pain? More manageable?
15:08Good news is the pole hasn't gone the whole way through.
15:11So we'll be able to get you to hospital as soon as possible.
15:14Just going to have a little listen to your chest.
15:16Why didn't you just go the other way?
15:19Bev, please.
15:21What? This would never have happened if you went the way I said.
15:24This happened because I kicked you off.
15:27Like I take you shopping.
15:29Like I call you every week.
15:31Right, put the mask on for me, Louise.
15:34Louise, mask on.
15:36Louise? Louise?
15:46Louise? Can you stay awake for me?
15:50What can I do?
15:52OK, hold her head for me, nice and still.
15:55I've got to get an OPA in. Can you get Bev to the ambulance?
15:58Bev? Do you want to come too?
16:00No, I don't. I'm not going anywhere.
16:03OK, I'm going to start a blood transfusion.
16:06Wake up, Louise, please!
16:08Wake up, please!
16:13You OK?
16:20Yeah. I'm fine.
16:26OK, if you can just take a seat in there,
16:28someone will be with you shortly, all right? Thank you.
16:31How are we doing in recess now?
16:33I've been there about 20 minutes. I feel like we should be doing something now.
16:36Yeah, we are. We're keeping up that way.
16:38Er, Grant Nelson. That's me.
16:40Sorry for the wait, Mr Nelson.
16:42Weather's causing us some delays.
16:44It's all fuss about nothing. Bit of rain never hurt anyone.
16:47Our waiting room says otherwise.
16:49That's a tasty headwind. Are you OK to walk?
16:51Yeah, I've had worse on me a lot, then.
16:53Lads from Cyprus said I don't want to be here, but they insisted.
16:57Insurance, I suppose.
16:59Did you find that work, then?
17:01Yeah, like a sack of spuds and all the great end of it.
17:04They already called me old man.
17:06Cheeky sort.
17:08Did you lose consciousness at all? No, no.
17:10Just a bit. There?
17:12Yeah, that's it.
17:14If you just take a seat for me.
17:19Well, your...
17:21your blood pressure's quite high.
17:23Were you feeling light-headed or dizzy when you fell?
17:27A bit, maybe.
17:29Dehydrated, probably, from last night.
17:31I had a few too many at darts.
17:33You've got to enjoy life, haven't you?
17:35Otherwise, what's it for?
17:37I'm all for that.
17:39But you have to look after yourself, too.
17:41Know your limits.
17:43Yeah, I do. Mine's about 20 pints.
17:48If you're not laughing, you're dying, aren't you?
17:58How's she doing? Yeah, her blood pressure's way too low.
18:04Yeah, this is tissue. OK, let's get another line in.
18:07I'll have another unit of Oneg. Thanks.
18:11What's taking so long?
18:13The duck's cold and soaked through.
18:15Lads, let's get some salvia cheese over here.
18:17Get the rain off the duck's back.
18:27I hate noodles.
18:29I don't know how you do it.
18:33Not helping.
18:36Take your time.
18:41I hate storms.
18:45Me and my sister used to...
18:47hide under the kitchen table...
18:51hold hands and...
18:53sing ABBA.
18:55You want me to sing? What?
18:57Might calm you down.
18:59Yeah, no.
19:01I want you to shut up.
19:03Fair enough.
19:07Yeah, OK.
19:09Good job, by the way.
19:18Good to move her.
19:20Good. Oi, you heard the lady!
19:44OK, let's do a rhythm check, then, please, at 35 minutes.
19:48Ace of stolic.
19:51Thank you.
19:55Abigail, do you want to come a little bit closer?
20:00No. No?
20:03We've been trying to restart Chloe's heart for some time now,
20:06and I'm afraid we haven't been successful.
20:13So if you did want to come and hold her hand,
20:15I think it would be a good time, because, really, we ought to stop.
20:23No, no, no, no, no, please, please, please, please, don't stop.
20:26Don't stop, OK? She's all I've got.
20:33She's stopped breathing, and her heart's not beating any more, I'm afraid.
20:37She has died.
20:43No, no, no. No, you need to help her,
20:46because she's just a baby. Please!
20:49Please help her!
20:56What am I supposed to do?
20:58Hold her hand. What am I supposed to do?!
21:00Hold her hand. Tell her that you love her,
21:03and say goodbye, because it will help you, it really will.
21:06It will help.
21:24It's OK. It's OK.
21:45It's OK.
21:48Mummy's here.
21:53Mummy loves you very much.
21:57Cos she's got you.
22:13OK, Louise, I'm going to give you some more blood, yeah?
22:17I want you to try and stay awake for me.
22:22Susie, can we draw up ten mils of 10% calcium chloride, please?
22:26OK. Thanks.
22:28OK, I'm going to get you nice and relaxed.
22:30Then we'll be on our way, and I'll be with you the whole time, OK?
22:36Oh, hey. Looks like you've got yourself a visitor.
22:39Can I speak to you?
22:41I've got a sketch up here.
22:51My mother-in-law...
22:55..was the worst woman I ever knew.
22:58I hated her.
23:00I don't want to be her.
23:04I never wanted to be her.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:15I am so sorry.
23:37I've just heard that the route back's flooded.
23:39You're going to have to hold here while we work out a new one.
23:42How long? I don't know.
23:46OK, erm, thank you for...
23:50..letting me know.
23:52All right.
24:02Let's get a sightseeing!
24:08He's fast positive, GCS is 14, maintaining his own airway.
24:12Mr Nelson? Mr Nelson, we think you're having a stroke.
24:16Do you understand?
24:18Yeah? We're going to give you some medication, arrange a head scan
24:21and then the stroke team are going to come and see you.
24:23They're very good at what they do.
24:25Sue is going to stay with you in the meantime, is that OK, Sue?
24:27OK, yes. And can you get a gown for Mr Nelson, please?
24:30Hey, man, you were great. You were all over that.
24:33Take her away. I was with another patient.
24:36Mr Nelson's your patient.
24:38I shouldn't have to cover for you. Please, not today.
24:44Sorry about that, Elise. I had to step in there.
24:49Thank you.
24:59Yeah, the butterfly room is set up whenever Abigail's ready
25:03and we can bring Chloe through to her there.
25:05Thank you.
25:09..the butterfly room is a space for you to spend time with Chloe
25:13as much as you like.
25:16Emma, are you OK to stay with her?
25:18The clients haven't made it in.
25:20Shall we let the nurses take over here for a little while?
25:44I've got him.
25:48Look after her.
25:53I will.
26:02Why don't you take five? Rita's here.
26:05It's OK, I want to.
26:07Are you sure? Yeah.
26:15Yeah, let's just have a debrief in the staff room in 20, OK?
26:28We're nearly good to go.
26:30Can you top her up with SD10 milligrams of ketamine
26:32just before we go out again?
26:35OK? Have you got clearance?
26:38Yeah, almost, hopefully.
26:40Listen, I just wanted to say good job today.
26:43Oh, OK, that's not patronising at all.
26:45No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that.
26:47I meant it was a tough one given the weather
26:49and considering you weren't singing
26:51Gimme, Gimme, Gimme with your sister under the kitchen table.
26:54I'm bored of school singing Super Trooper, actually.
26:57Ah, of course, yeah.
26:59Anyway, I don't sing ABBA anymore.
27:02Why not? The offer still stands if you fancy a little sing-song.
27:05I don't.
27:07You sure? It'll lift your heart.
27:09My sister died.
27:11She's dead.
27:13Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that.
27:17Heli-Med station Delta.
27:19Are you receiving?
27:21Yeah, control, yeah.
27:23The route is clear.
27:24Yeah, we're on our way.
27:25Thanks, over.
27:26Thank you, over.
27:28OK, well, let's get going.
27:36Can I help you with anything?
27:38Can I help you with something?
27:40Because it's kind of starting to rain.
27:48OK, I'll tell you what.
27:50Give me your phone.
27:55I said it, didn't I?
28:09Are you married, Rich?
28:17But it's complicated.
28:20You might want to tell your wife that.
28:23You have a good day.
28:30Um, do you think you might just pop over for five minutes?
28:35Um, do you think you might just pop over for five minutes?
28:38Maybe take her for a walk?
28:42I mean, obviously, I know it's frightening,
28:45but are you worried you're going to melt?
28:50Oh, man.
28:53My dog walker cancelled on me, so I was just trying a neighbour.
28:56Didn't seem to go that well.
28:58No, it didn't.
29:00Um, how's Abigail?
29:06She's asked to talk to Cam and Siobhan,
29:09but I'm hoping it'll help.
29:11Have you seen him?
29:13There's a hot debrief in the staff room.
29:15Right, sorry.
29:17I won't keep you all.
29:23Hi, there's me. I'm sorry about that.
29:26Thanks for coming, guys.
29:28Difficult day.
29:32We're in the business of saving people,
29:35and when we can't, it feels...
29:37Well, it feels rubbish.
29:39So I just wanted to check in with you all, make sure you're OK.
29:43A death like this one, it affects everybody,
29:47whether you were directly involved or not.
29:50So I just wondered if there's anything you need from me?
29:56No? Anything you want to get off your chest?
29:59Anything at all?
30:03I think we did well.
30:06I do too, Ngozi.
30:09Anything else?
30:12OK, well, I need to be at a meeting,
30:15so I'll stick around for ten if anyone wants to talk.
30:19Off you go.
30:21Look after yourselves, be kind to each other.
30:25I'm proud of you.
30:29Are you coming?
30:31Er, no.
30:33We love you. Yeah?
30:36Love you too.
30:43You OK?
30:46Sit down.
30:49Sit down.
30:57Oh, what can I say?
30:59It was a rare occurrence, how it played out for us two.
31:02I hesitated when Dr Keogh asked me to give the compressions.
31:05For a few seconds.
31:09Do you think that could have made a difference?
31:12You know better than that. No.
31:16Death's a big part of the job, but accepting that
31:19doesn't mean you've failed in any way, shape or form.
31:33Mm-hm. You all right?
31:40Er, cubicles need restocking in three if you want time out.
31:45OK. Thank you.
32:02I'm worried about Rash. Did you see him blarp on me?
32:05Yeah, half the cubicles did.
32:08I feel like he might have a point, though.
32:10I said give him space, not avoid him completely.
32:13How am I supposed to do that? I'm either too near or too far.
32:16Either way, he's pissed, Rita. You keep trying.
32:18And you try not to get annoyed, cos this is important.
32:21It's just hard, man.
32:23I live with him, I see him every day, and we say nothing.
32:29Sounds rough.
32:31How are you coping?
32:33Look, I just want him to be all right.
32:36And he will be.
32:38We just need to believe that.
32:45Hey, Cam.
32:47Hi. Did Dr Keogh speak to you?
32:50Erm, what about...?
32:53Abigail wanted to talk to you.
32:56Abigail wants to talk to me? Why me?
32:59First on the scene.
33:01You're kind. Put your jacket down for her.
33:05She's having trouble piecing things together.
33:10OK, yeah.
33:12Erm, well, it was all a bit of a blur for me too, to be honest.
33:16OK. Well, there's no right or wrong answer, so...
33:22Yeah, I just, erm...
33:25I don't know how much help I'd be. I'm sorry.
33:28Who are you?
33:30I should probably...
33:32Of course. If you change your mind, will you...?
33:37Hi. Sorry, if you could step back for me. Sorry, sir.
33:40Hi. I'm a nurse here. I'm Cam.
33:43What's your name?
33:45My name's Raph. I get the bus by myself.
33:47I have a regular social skills, mental skills and life skills.
33:51My health passport. OK, thank you.
33:54Did you hurt yourself, Raph?
33:56My leg hurts. I took a tumble.
34:00I get uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.
34:02I'd like to speak to my parents now, please.
34:04Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
34:06How about we find an empty cubicle? I'll try and contact them, OK?
34:09I don't know.
34:11It's OK. Come with me. Come on.
34:15And remember, predictable periods of decreased use
34:19would offer opportunities for non-emergent private patients.
34:25Kachings all round.
34:27Anyone got any questions?
34:30Well, maybe we can...
34:34No worries. We were just about to go for a break.
34:37Everyone back in five?
34:44Can I join you?
34:46Yeah, why not? It's your meeting.
34:48Are you pitching for the new scanner?
34:50Of course. I'm a tech guy. I like all the toys.
34:54Do I have your support?
34:56Oh, you know you do.
34:58I voted for your appointment, so don't let me down.
35:01Yeah, I, erm...
35:03Sorry for the lateness.
35:05We lost a baby.
35:07Oh, that sounds horrendous. Yeah, it was.
35:09And I'm not expecting it to get any easier over the next 24 hours.
35:13The storms, yeah. I've got the alert.
35:15If you need me, just yell. I'll be there.
35:18Good man. I've never been a fan of bureaucracy.
35:21Me neither. What?
35:23New clinical lead without an ego?
35:25Give over. Hmm.
35:27So, how's it all going?
35:29Well, I'm certainly going.
35:31Is that coffee? I'm dying.
35:36No. What is it?
35:38The river holster's burst its buns.
35:43Your ankle is pretty swollen, Ralph.
35:45No wonder it hurts, right?
35:47I would like to take you for an X-ray,
35:49but how do you feel about that?
35:51I'm not going out there. It's too... too many people.
35:54Well, your passport said you prefer calm spaces,
35:56so what if I took you a different way?
35:58It's like a super-secret quiet way.
36:00It's not a good feeling. I really need my mum and my dad.
36:03OK, do you remember I told you their train's been cancelled?
36:06Yeah? But they are on their way. I promise they'll be here soon.
36:09All right?
36:14You really like animals, don't you?
36:16Giraffes have seven bones in their neck.
36:18Same as a human. Just bigger?
36:20Yeah. Wow.
36:24Do you know what? I've got an idea. Will you stay there?
36:36OK. How would you like to turn this piece of paper into an animal?
36:40What kind? I was thinking a bird.
36:42How does that sound? Yeah. Yeah, cool.
36:44Right, I'll take this one for you.
36:47Hey. Hi.
36:49Don't you ask me what day it is again.
36:52Every half hour till we get you a bed on Nero.
36:55It's Thursday. I'm in hospital.
36:58And I'm doing great, apparently.
37:00You are? How are you feeling now?
37:02Never better.
37:04I'd take a 20-pound hangover any day.
37:08When can I go? I need to get back to work.
37:12Mr Nelson, you can't go back to work any time soon.
37:16It's time to ease off a bit.
37:19And then what?
37:22Shut those curtains, will you?
37:26It's bad enough I'm wearing these without people gawping.
37:32Look, sometimes you need to listen to what your body's saying.
37:36Even if you don't want to hear it.
37:38I'm 62.
37:40I'm 62, and all I've got is this job.
37:44It's OK to slow down, Mr Nelson.
37:47It really is. You're more than your job.
37:52Well, they're comfy, I'll give them that.
37:56Hey, Mr Fielding. Mr Fielding, please.
37:59Jodie, lacerated hands.
38:01He's partially deaf, so he can't hear you.
38:06That was quick. How did he go?
38:08It went. Have you heard? The river's burst its banks.
38:11Does that happen often? It's never happened before.
38:14The Causeway's flooded, Saltwood Way's flooded,
38:17the High Street's under three feet of water.
38:22I've just remembered I left my car down there.
38:25I'm going to be inundated.
38:27Who says we'll be able to leave?
38:29Neither will we.
38:31How's the night shift going to get in?
38:33Sorry, can I have a quick word, please?
38:35Is it urgent, Cam? No, it's just that, um...
38:38Listen, I've been thinking and I'm ready to speak to Abigail
38:41if she wants me to.
38:43I can. Thank you very much, but, you know, really, I wouldn't.
38:47Not today. Give her some space.
38:49These conversations are never easy to have
38:51and I'm going to talk to her later myself anyway.
38:54And, Gozi, could you make up a list of staff?
38:56Who's in, who's missing?
38:58Er, yeah, blunt trauma.
39:00Yeah, if I have to.
39:02Er, Dylan, there's a spare bed in triage.
39:04Er, can I ask you to get in touch with Siobhan about who to shuffle round?
39:08You could try the guy with the burn.
39:10Er, Mr Stokes? Yeah, him. OK.
39:13Thanks. Bye.
39:17Can I help? Actually, yes.
39:19I'm looking for Siobhan too.
39:21She is around somewhere.
39:23Sorry, it's a bit chaotic at the moment.
39:25Yeah, I totally understand.
39:29How was the debrief?
39:31You'll have to ask Siobhan, I'm afraid.
39:35You didn't go?
39:36Well, it's not really my bag.
39:38I mean, I know it can be very useful for some members of staff,
39:41but perhaps a bit less so for me, really.
39:43But it's an opportunity for the team to share, to offload.
39:46Yeah, I'm just not sure there was anything I could do.
39:48But you were the trauma team leader.
39:50Yeah, but there were no mistakes, there weren't any oversights.
39:52I was incredibly sad. But then you offer your support.
39:54OK, in an ideal world, that would be an absolutely lovely thing.
39:57Of course, you can see through it a little bit.
40:03Hello? No...
40:07Hey, that's unbelievable.
40:09Sorry... Mm-hm?
40:11You don't know me. I didn't ask for your opinion.
40:17Sorry, can you just leave that for a second?
40:19We need to focus on this.
40:21How do you get a glass bottle in here?
40:23I will bring it up now. Thank you.
40:28Cam! Jamie.
40:30This is mad. I swear, you haven't changed in, what is it, ten years?
40:34It'll be something like that, yeah.
40:36Look at you, you made it. You're a nurse.
40:39I just took your miserable dad round.
40:41Ah, well, I didn't, not really.
40:43Um, what about you? What are you doing here?
40:46Well, right now I'm trying to make myself useful.
40:49But, er, I'm actually on the board here, believe it or not.
40:52Oh. Yeah, it feels weird playing with the big boys, I'll tell you.
40:56You OK?
40:59No, you're not.
41:01What's going on?
41:05It's nothing, it's just one of those days, you know.
41:08Yeah, of course, yeah, we all have them.
41:10Can I help?
41:14You sure? You're not so certain?
41:16What is it?
41:18It's nothing, it was just I was going to talk to someone,
41:21but I've been told not to. Why?
41:24I don't know.
41:27Ignore them.
41:29Like you did your dad when he said you couldn't be a nurse.
41:33I know you, Cam. There's not a lot you can't do.
41:36It's like we used to say, um...
41:38scared's a feeling.
41:42But brave's an action. Exactly.
41:46Oh, it's so good seeing you again, Cam.
41:48Yeah, and you.
41:55Oh, wow.
41:57Hey, that's a good one.
41:59Let me see.
42:01That actually might be better than my one.
42:05Seems a lot better. Yeah.
42:07He loves those socks.
42:11Oh, hey.
42:13I'm sorry about today, man.
42:15I guess I've been nervous about you coming back to work.
42:19Yeah, me too.
42:21Look, you don't have to worry about me.
42:24No, but I do, because...
42:30Look, wherever you need me, I'm here.
42:35It's good to know.
42:43Um, heads up, people.
42:45Um, yeah.
42:47This time it's critical, cos we are at capacity
42:50and we need to find some more space.
42:52I know some of you should have left already,
42:54but that is looking increasingly unlikely,
42:56so I promise you we'll find somewhere for you to get your heads down.
42:59Sue's going to take you up to X-ray now, all right?
43:01Could I have some more paper when I get back down, please?
43:03Yeah, of course. I'll get you some when you're back.
43:05OK. Thank you, Sue. Thanks.
43:11Cam, you'll help out, right?
43:13It's great you're setting up. Come.
43:21Yeah, we're going to be stuck here overnight, Cam,
43:24so we need to set up an area where the staff can get some shut-eye.
43:27Yeah, but what are we going to do for food, because the canteen's closed?
43:30Don't worry, I'll sort that.
43:32Hey, Cam, how do you know him?
43:35Um, he was kind of like a mentor.
43:37I did outdoor stuff when I was a kid.
43:39Ooh, outdoor stuff. I'd do outdoor stuff with him.
43:42She asked me to speak to her.
43:44Oh, babe, I'm so sorry. Are you OK?
43:47Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Um, I'll be right back, OK?
43:52Sophia, hi. Cam.
43:54I just wanted to say that I think that I'm ready to speak to Abigail
43:57if she still wants me to. Yeah, I think she'd like that.
44:00Yeah? Yeah. I'll come find you.
44:05Unidentified male found face down in flood water in cardiac arrest.
44:08He's been intubated and ventilated.
44:10Initial rhythm was PEA.
44:12He's had 25 minutes of ALS.
44:14And we've given him six rounds of adrenaline.
44:16And he's been in sinus tachycardia since achieving ROSC, OK?
44:24How's it going out there?
44:26Yeah, looks like we're going to need a bigger boat now.
44:29What is that?
44:31An absolute waste of space.
44:33Have you finished?
44:35Yep. Look, I'm going to get into some dry scrubs
44:37and I've got to come help because there's no way I'm getting home in this.
44:40Your shift is over?
44:45I've got Cam here.
44:47He'd like to speak to you.
44:49Would you like that?
44:53Um, Cam?
44:57It'd be really beneficial to understand what happened
45:00when we got to the hospital.
45:03OK, of course.
45:05Well, we arrived at the hospital,
45:07and we were in the hospital for a week.
45:09OK, of course.
45:11Well, we arrived here,
45:13and Chloe was taken straight through to recess.
45:18We immediately connected her up to the monitors,
45:20and Dr Keogh used an ultrasound to try and identify her injuries.
45:27It was at that point that Chloe went into PEA,
45:31and that means that her heart wasn't working properly.
45:37It stopped beating.
45:43Dr Keogh then asked me to do compressions,
45:46and, I mean, if I'm being completely honest,
45:49I was scared.
45:51It's difficult with an infant.
45:53They're very small.
45:55But I got my two fingers like this,
45:57and I was very gentle.
46:01And I hesitated at first,
46:04but I just didn't want to make a mistake.
46:08Why did you wait?
46:10Her heart had stopped.
46:13No, it was just a couple of seconds.
46:15Dr Keogh talked me through all of it.
46:17Why wouldn't you help her?
46:19No, no, I was helping her.
46:21We performed CPR for over 30 minutes.
46:23She was so tiny.
46:25All she needed was for somebody to help her.
46:27Abigail, Abigail, listen to me.
46:29Can you look at me, please?
46:31CPR, yeah, it should be started
46:33as soon as possible,
46:35but a few seconds would not have changed...
46:37You keep on saying that like it makes sense!
46:39Like what happened makes sense!
46:41It doesn't make sense!
46:43And what, you want me to walk away
46:45and leave my life behind?
46:47Is that what you want me to do?
46:49And then what? And then what?
46:51Shall we stop there?
46:53Let Abigail have some time.
46:55I am so sorry.
46:57I'm so sorry.
47:09What did I say, hmm?
47:11Give her space.
47:13I was only trying to help.
47:15You haven't helped. You've made it worse.
47:17Why, why would you tell her that you hesitated?
47:19She's a grieving mother.
47:21I just wanted to be honest and...
47:23She didn't need your honesty.
47:25She needed comforting, and I told you,
47:27I said to you that your hesitation
47:29made no difference whatsoever to the outcome.
47:31Come, come, listen to me.
47:33When a baby dies,
47:35when you lose a baby,
47:37you feel hopeless, OK?
47:39That's totally natural.
47:41There are children that I've lost
47:43who live in my head forever,
47:45but you have to be aware.
47:47You have to stay aware.
47:49That's the parent's grief, not yours.
47:51OK, um, Siobhan, I understand,
47:53and listen, I'm really, really sorry,
47:55and I promise you it won't happen again.
47:57It won't, because I'm putting you on restricted duties.
47:59Shh, Siobhan, you said I didn't make a mistake.
48:01You said that.
48:03Not with your treatment with Abigail, OK?
48:05You made it all about you,
48:07and it wasn't.
48:09She needed closure.
48:11She needed to understand.
48:13She did not need your guilt!
48:15And honestly, Cam, seriously,
48:17think about whether the ED's right for you.
48:21You can go now.
48:29You can go now.