I Showed Love To Total Jerk - @LoveBuster456

  • 2 months ago
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I got into a heated argument with a man while standing in line at the airport. He was accompanied by his mistress, openly mocking passengers in economy class. I felt deeply offended by his behavior, but, ironically, he ended up sitting there as well.

I decided to publicly call him out on his actions, unaware that he would retaliate by planting a fake gun in my luggage. That cruel act had severe consequences, preventing me from reaching Mexico. The most heart-wrenching part of it all was that my trip wasn't a vacation... It was a journey to fulfill my late husband's final wish.

Little did I know that the plane I missed was a one-way flight…
00:00What's up, economy class?
00:02Good afternoon.
00:03Yeah, how you doing?
00:05Just a second.
00:06All right, you got it.
00:13I'm sorry, but your seats are in economy.
00:20Economy class? Me?
00:21This is a joke.
00:24What's up, economy class?
00:27Very funny.
00:32Why did you buy economy class?
00:34Because 13 is my lucky number.
00:38Then why am I 12A?
00:41To sit next to each other.
00:4312 and 13.
00:44I got this.
00:45Economy class, who got 13A?
00:4913A, anybody?
00:51I do.
00:53We're going to switch seats on the plane, all right?
00:55Oh, no.
00:56I'm so sorry.
00:57I'm sorry.
00:58I don't know, but 13 is my lucky number.
01:07You're kidding me, right?
01:11So, go to the end of the line, you poor thing.
01:16All right, grandma.
01:21Now, that old thing isn't flying anywhere.
01:27Mike, what are you up to?
01:30I have an idea.
01:40What's up, everybody?
01:45Any prohibited items?
01:48No, nothing.
01:57Ma'am, I'm taking your baggage for additional inspection.
02:01You stay here and wait until I get back.
02:05No, no, sir, please.
02:06I have five and ten minutes.
02:07Look, I...
02:08You'll take the next one.
02:10Sir, please.
02:11Talking about bad luck.
02:12Can you believe that?
02:13You're such a jerk, Michael.
02:14Oh, come on.
02:17At least I'm going to be sitting next to you, babe.
02:21I'm going to miss my flight because of you.
02:23Oh, please, stop being so dramatic.
02:25And anyway, who dresses up like a widow and goes to Mexico?
02:28What, you got to be drinking tequilas with the dead or something?
02:36I have to bury my husband.
02:39Wait a minute.
02:41Is that an urn?
02:44All right, well, bury him tomorrow.
02:46Is he going anywhere?
02:48Oh, come on, I'm joking.
02:49I'm going to tear you.
02:50Oh, hey, security.
02:52Hey, what is this?
02:54That's assault.
02:57You're coming with me.
02:58Exactly, get her out of here.
02:59Her and the ashes.
03:00And you too, sir.
03:02Listen, you two figure this out together.
03:03I have a flight to catch, all right?
03:04This is my last warning.
03:05No way.
03:06Wait a minute.
03:09Where are you going?
03:11I'm sorry, Michael.
03:12I'm flying to Mexico.
03:13I'm not your legal wife and I have no right and I don't want to either.
03:16You got to be kidding me, right?
03:18Wait a minute.
03:19Hey, babe, you got to help me out.
03:27Oh, if my husband was here, he would have smashed your face in.
03:31Oh, really?
03:32What a news flash.
03:33He's right here.
03:34Poor guy.
03:36You're such an idiot.
03:40First of all, this is harassment.
03:43And second of all, I'm the idiot?
03:44You're the one who tried to sneak the poor guy's ashes through Mexico like the cemetery
03:50wasn't enough for him.
03:51He asked me, okay?
03:53Oh, really?
03:55I mean, he asked me to scatter his ashes there.
04:00It was his favorite place.
04:02An underground lake of incredible beauty.
04:06It feels so good.
04:09No way.
04:11I was there at the same exact place with my wife.
04:15I even have a picture.
04:16Check this out.
04:21Oh, I see.
04:24So you decided to show this beauty not only to your wife, right?
04:29You know why?
04:30Because I want to live my life.
04:31I wanted to try something new.
04:32Who are you to judge, huh?
04:35Tell me why on earth can you did it with your wife?
04:37I've been married to her for 10 years.
04:39I see her every day.
04:40Like I told you, I wanted to do something new.
04:43Like, what did you expect me to do?
04:45Call her every time and ask her, how are you?
04:46Like, hey, honey, how are you?
04:48I miss you, honey.
04:49I love you too, honey.
04:50No, you hang up.
04:51No, you hang up.
04:52No, you hang up.
04:54Give me a break.
04:55What are you talking about?
04:56You heard me.
04:58Listen, I would kill for one phone call like that.
05:04Why are you even crying, huh?
05:06You're attractive.
05:07You'll find someone else.
05:08Live your life.
05:09Oh, like who?
05:11Someone like your mistress?
05:12Someone who will leave you at the first opportunity, right?
05:18You know what?
05:20Why on earth did I ever meet you?
05:23You know what?
05:25I've been wondering the same thing.
05:34Oh, my God.
05:44A lighter in the shape of a gun.
05:46That's funny.
05:49What are you laughing at?
05:51Yeah, I'm talking to you.
05:53I looked at the cameras.
05:58I wouldn't be so happy if I were you.
06:00You know, starting a fight in the airport.
06:03Just look at him. It's this idiot.
06:07Did you just call me an idiot?
06:10Who gave you the right to call me an idiot?
06:12Shut up!
06:16You're free.
06:19But neither of you are flying anywhere today.
06:27Have a nice flight. Bye.
06:31Ma'am, hi. Tell me, will the money for the ticket be refunded?
06:35No. Neither for you nor for your friend.
06:41Ma'am, I don't even know him.
06:43Okay, could you at least give me a discount?
06:46Miss, when's the next flight to Mexico?
06:48In just a second. I'll have a look.
06:49Thank you.
06:50You again.
06:52Well, tomorrow morning and there is one ticket left.
06:55Great, I'll take it.
06:56No, don't even think about it. It's mine.
06:59Oh, you're driving me crazy.
07:02I'm supposed to be mourning, I'm supposed to be sad and I'm furious.
07:07Instead of burying him, all I can think about is how to get drunk in a Mexican bar just to forget you.
07:13Well, could you hurry up, please?
07:15Like I said, I'll take it.
07:20You know what? I've accepted that God took my husband from me, but why?
07:25Why did he send me you?
07:34Here you go.
07:36Thank you.
07:38Miss, next time when you go to Mexico and get drunk in a bar,
07:44do me a favor and find yourself a man.
07:51At least for the night.
08:14Miss! Miss!
08:20Here we go again.
08:23And again, this horrific shock.
08:26Miss, I would love to take care of you, but I think it's best if you stay here.
08:30No, thank you.
08:31The airport is receiving hundreds of calls from relatives and friends.
08:35Unfortunately, no one survived the crash.
08:42We were supposed to be on that plane.
08:48But we are here.
09:01Are you okay?
09:03How do you feel?
09:05You're okay.
09:07And I'm here.
09:09I'm here with you.
09:13What kept you from boarding this plane?
09:20I love you so much.
09:22I love you too.
09:36I love you too.
