مسلسل جودا أكبر الجزء 2 الحلقة 14

  • 2 months ago
01:00I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't
01:30know what to do with my life, I don't know.
01:56You live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live
02:26in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in
02:56love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love, you live in love
03:26I will do everything I can without torturing myself
03:32You will tell the king everything that happened to you, won't you, Judah?
03:43I will not die, because my brother Sojamal took him from me, I promise
03:47No matter what happens, I will not tell the king, I will not tell him anything
03:51Attention! His Majesty the Emperor of India, Jalal al-Din Muhammad will greet you
04:12You look very relaxed today, it's obvious that you are very happy
04:16All this is because I saw your majesty
04:18Go ahead, relax
04:26I want to ask you something, King Judah
04:30Where were you yesterday?
04:33Yesterday I came to see you in your room here, but I didn't find you in the whole palace
04:38Tell me, where were you, Judah?
04:41I... where would I be?
04:45Yesterday I felt very depressed, honestly, I wanted to pray for everyone I love
04:49At this late hour?
04:50Yes, because I couldn't go during the day, so I felt that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I went to pray, that's all
04:56Okay, no problem
05:00I told you before, this is not easy and you will get more tired than before
05:04It's hard to be responsible for everyone, Judah
05:06You are very sensitive and the responsibilities on you are increasing
05:09That's why I'm afraid that this will annoy you and I don't want that
05:13I know that you are doing your best for everyone to be comfortable here
05:16But you can't take it easy, I know, we would like to take a break and play chess
05:21I want to apologize to your majesty, last night I couldn't sleep well
05:25I felt a little tired, I really apologize to you
05:28Because I won't be able to play, I'm sorry
05:30Next time, no problem
05:33Ami, you can rest now
05:43I hope the queen forgives me
05:45I can't tell you the truth right now
05:57Peace be upon you
05:59Welcome, Ami
06:00Your majesty, I want to talk to you about a very important matter
06:04But in private
06:06You can go now, we will meet another time
06:18What's wrong Ami, you look very worried
06:21That's right my son, I'm worried and I'm very busy
06:25But your majesty, honestly I don't know if I should tell you what's going on or not
06:33My heart is telling me what I have to tell you because you might think that I'm crossing my limits
06:38But I told myself that it's not right to hide from you
06:43I know, I'm your prime minister and I have to tell you everything
06:46Besides, my emotions don't let me forget that I'm at your mother's position and I don't want the water to flow from under you
06:52There's no need for introductions
06:55Jalal, I'll tell you what I see
06:58I can see that you and Queen Jouda are closer to each other
07:01Believe me, I'm very happy about this
07:04I'm the last one who might think that I'm bothering you
07:07Or lie to you about anything, but I'm sorry I can't keep quiet
07:11Ami, please try to understand what's going on
07:13Honestly, I'm very afraid that you'll be upset about what I'm about to tell you
07:18Jalal, I wanted to tell you that Queen Jouda left the palace last night alone
07:24I know that!
07:25She told me that she left yesterday because she wanted to pray
07:29But she was supposed to tell you why she left so late
07:33Yes, she told me
07:34She told me that she couldn't sleep and that she wanted to pray
07:42I didn't mean that she left to pray
07:44Just because she left alone, Queen Jouda can't leave alone at this late hour
07:48And you know the dangers that are coming from all sides
07:51And you have to be careful
07:56I don't doubt Queen Jouda's purity
07:58I can't doubt her morals, Jalal. Believe me, I didn't mean it
08:01I followed the Queen to ensure her safety
08:03She shouldn't be harmed
08:06I'm afraid of Queen Jouda, and you know that, Jalal
08:09Jalal, the one you saw yesterday
08:12Jalal, the Queen left the palace just to…
08:15To meet another man in this area
08:25Queen Jouda is the wife of the King of the Mongol Empire, which means she's a queen
08:29And she can see anyone, wherever they are, at any time
08:31Which means there's nothing stopping her, and I don't doubt her at all
08:35She has a pure heart and high morals, and it's impossible for her to be wrong about you
08:38I know that, but there's something I want to know from you, Jalal
08:42Queen Jouda told you that…
08:45She left to pray
08:47Or to meet another man in that area
08:55I'm sorry
08:58I'm so ashamed of you, Jalal, because…
09:00I touched the Queen yesterday, but I was so afraid of her
09:06I should have told you that this was going to happen
09:08But I had an excuse, believe me
09:10In the morning, Queen Jouda received a rose
09:14And the message she received from the man you saw was wrapped in the rose, so we wouldn't notice
09:20My respect, Jalal
09:25As if a leaf had fallen from the sky
09:40I read what was written in it
09:44I read that Queen Jouda goes to pray in that area
09:48And there you'll find that man who asked us to see her
09:53I don't know what he wanted from Queen Jouda
09:58Don't be upset with me, Jalal, but I have to tell you this
10:01That man said that…
10:03Don't forget the moments we spent with Ameer
10:05Really, my son, I'm so upset because I'm telling you this
10:11But I thought that you care about me more than anything
10:15I know that what I'm telling you is very dangerous
10:21Jalal, I'm afraid of you and Queen Jouda
10:24And I don't want to talk about your wife like this
10:28I know, Jouda, but believe me, I was very surprised
10:34It was obvious that they were getting closer to each other, forgive me, Jalal
10:40I want you to think carefully before you act, Jalal
10:45My mission was completed quickly, and now the big explosion is going to happen
10:50Queen Jouda, you saw how King Jalal fell, but you didn't see what he does when he gets mad at someone
10:58Thank you, Ameer
11:00Jalal, I have a small request, my son
11:04Be careful, this is a sensitive and very dangerous subject
11:07Don't doubt Jouda's words in front of someone like that
11:10I want you to keep this a secret between you and me
11:15And no one else should know about it
11:19Don't worry, no one will know
11:21I take your leave, Jalal
11:24Peace be upon you
11:41What's this?
11:43Where are you going?
11:46I'm going to serve the king
11:48I've been resting for a long time, and I have to get up for my duty
11:51No, there's no need, you're not going anywhere
11:54The king told you to stay resting and lying down until he asks you to
11:57Come on, rest
11:58You, what are you doing?
12:00Stay resting
12:01I'm very well now, let me go
12:07Listen, I know very well that you're very worried about the king and you're afraid of him
12:12But the king is very strong, he can protect himself
12:15Everyone is afraid of him and they hold him accountable
12:17But in this situation, the most important thing is to take care of your health and rest
12:21And take care of me too
12:22I'm very sorry
12:24I know I put you in a big problem, but I served him the most important thing
12:28Do you know how much I love him and I'm afraid of him?
12:30I don't want you to be like his father
12:32And I dedicated all my life just to serve the king and protect the empire
12:36You also know that I love the king more than you do
12:41I raised him when he was young and I was his mother
12:43And of course I don't want him to have any problems
12:46But in order for you to take good care of him, you have to be in good health too
12:50That's what I'm telling you
12:52Now I'm in very good health, you know the king
12:55He will be very happy when he sees me standing on the bed and helping him with everything
12:59He will be happy when he sees me
13:00That way he will be sure that I'm fine
13:02And the two of us will be happy because we're standing next to each other like before
13:06Make sure I'm fine
13:07And don't forget our dear son
13:09He's also like us, loyal to the empire
13:12Believe me, I'm very happy
13:14Because he's my only son and my life partner too
13:16Loyal to the empire
13:18That's what I wanted to tell you
13:20Our only son is a young man, we can rely on him for anything
13:23Now that you're older, you should rest
13:33I know very well what the king's nature is, Judah
13:36It's impossible to do something wrong
13:38There must be a convincing reason for this
13:40And I'm sure he will tell me everything at the right time
13:43I'm very worried about her
13:45But it's not right for her to go alone because my enemies are many and spread out
13:48I'm afraid of her
13:49And I have to make sure she stays well and no one gets hurt
13:54Oh God
13:57Do you know why I'm doing all this?
14:01I have to tell the king about everything that's happening but I can't do it now
14:04Because Jamal's wife asked me to do this
14:09And I want to know who this person is
14:11Who's planning this conspiracy
14:14And he wants to kill my husband even though he's living with us in the palace and no one feels anything
14:19Benazir came from outside the palace but he's with us in the palace
14:23I have to find out who he is as soon as possible
14:59Where are you Jamal's wife?
15:12Brother, what happened to your leg?
15:14It's nothing Judah, I'm fine
15:16What happened?
15:17It's nothing Judah, I'm going to find out who killed us
15:21And who made a deal with Abul Malik to kill the king
15:24Honestly, my sister's soldiers saw me and...
15:26And then what happened?
15:27They started to suspect me and they were trying to catch me
15:31I had to kill them and I got hurt, but don't worry
15:34The wound isn't deep, I treated it quickly
15:38We can't stay here for long, let's go
15:41Someone might come and see us, come
16:04This is great, I want to see how the king will deal with him if he takes the land
16:09And finally it will be over Judah
16:18What happened?
16:20Jalal, are you hurt?
16:26Of course you saw everything, didn't you?
16:28You saw the queen Judah, and she's going to see another man?
16:34No, she went on her own and the world was...
16:36Yes mom, but this doesn't prove that Judah is doing something wrong
16:39Yes, I understand now
16:41You mean this is because of Abul Malik?
16:44Yes, I understand now
16:45You mean this is because of me?
16:47I told you not to talk to the queen Judah, is that right?
16:50No, it's not like that mom
16:52But if I talk to the queen Judah, she'll start to think that I'm suspecting her and chasing her
16:57And I don't want this to happen and she'll misunderstand me
16:59And then she'll be upset and we won't have a misunderstanding
17:02Sometimes people misunderstand things, so we shouldn't suspect
17:07Then maybe the queen Judah went to see someone close to her or someone she knows
17:13Well done, Judah
17:15I don't know what you did to Jalal to make him trust you so easily
17:20But I wouldn't be Maha Manga if I didn't make Jalal suspect you in every move you make and show you tomorrow
17:27What you're saying is right, and it could be like that
17:30Then I know Judah is smart and educated, and you have the right to suspect him
17:35But Jalal, you're the emperor, and you know how many enemies you have
17:39And you know that many of them haven't shown up yet, and we don't know what they might do
17:43And I think it's dangerous for the queen Judah to go alone at night and meet other men without anyone being with her
17:49This is definitely not right
17:51This is if we want to clear things up
17:52But if the queen Judah is going to meet someone close to us, she should invite them to the palace
17:57Because this is the right place for the queen to meet all the people
18:00And this way there's no danger to her and we'll be safe too
18:03I know you're worried and I care about your opinion, and I'm going to talk to her about this
18:07But not now, I'll talk to her when the right time comes
18:10This is how you're making a mistake
18:12You have to understand, my son, this is a very sensitive matter
18:14And as long as you and the queen have gotten close to each other lately, you have to tell her
18:18And the sooner you do, the better
18:22I also want to warn you that whenever you talk to her about this, try to choose your words wisely
18:27Okay, mother, I understand
18:30Your Highness, I'm sorry to bother you, but a spy has brought news for you
18:34The king and I are talking about something more important than anything else
18:37Go and see him later
18:38I apologize, but he says it's a very important matter
18:42Let him come
18:43As you wish
18:47Peace be upon you, Your Highness
18:49Respectfully, Prime Minister
18:53Open your eyes wide, I want to enter at the right time
18:56Open your eyes wide, I want to enter at the right time
18:59And I'm going to calm you down because you interrupted our conversation
19:01But you're arguing that you have very important news
19:04And you're saying, as I told you and explained to you
19:07Don't mess up, okay?
19:09I'm at your command
19:11Moussa Raif
19:12Yes, Your Highness
19:16Tell me what this very important matter is
19:18And tell me it won't be delayed at all
19:20Don't bother me, but King Soujaman managed to get out of Agra
19:26And they saw him outside Bad Hawar, outside the castle
19:28How can this happen?
19:31They said we're looking for him here
19:33And he's there
19:34And the news is certain?
19:35Without a doubt
19:36Get back to work
19:37Respectfully, respectfully
19:39I swear I don't understand what's going on
19:42He's running away with all these strict security measures
19:45How can this happen?
19:46But this is the truth, there are many in Agra who helped Soujaman
19:49And they're still helping him
19:50And for this reason, Your Highness
19:52I think and take care of the smallest things that happen in the palace
19:55Now I understand you, my mother
19:57It's necessary to take action regarding what happened, and quickly
20:01I have to talk to the king, Judah, today, the day before tomorrow
20:04And answer all my questions
20:06Your Highness, I think he remembers the story in front of him
20:08And it's better if she tells you everything later
20:11And so I think she won't misunderstand you
20:13And she'll be honest with you
20:15And she won't be upset at all
20:16And so you'll understand the matter well
20:21Poor Judah, poor
20:23You won't have an answer to any of the questions I asked him
20:37What's with this breakfast?
20:39Don't you know I don't like vegetables and fruits?
20:41And you brought all this?
20:42Don't you want to buy me something nice one day?
20:44Your Highness
20:45Not a word of understanding?
20:47I don't know what's going on in this palace
20:50Oh God
20:51I really miss Hoshiar, no one understands him
20:57Go get me something with meat
20:59Why are you standing? Go!
21:04Oh God, what's with this breakfast?
21:08My respect, Your Highness
21:11I'm sure you remember me, don't you?
21:16You know Hoshiar, I don't remember anyone else here
21:19Because no one cares about me here like you
21:21And no one understands me
21:23And I've never been hit
21:25Like you used to hit me, Your Highness
21:29Hoshiar, I'm confused
21:30Let's forget about this and tell me what's going on here
21:34Tell me what's going on with Queen Judah
21:36Right now, Queen Judah
21:39She's not interested in her forbidden subject
21:41And it's been a few days since she greeted anyone
21:44Not a queen, not even a servant
21:46And she's not even going out to look around
21:48And I heard that soon Queen Judah
21:50Won't be able to give the forbidden palace enough time
21:53No, that's not what happened
21:55Then why did you tell me?
21:56Because she has to go out every night, that's why
21:59And who's with the king?
22:00No, she's going on her own
22:02Whatever she wants, I don't care
22:05The only thing I care about is Queen Judah's presence with King Jalal
22:09I thought this would make you happy
22:13Because it's only been a few days since you saw the king
22:15And he's going to meet her
22:18Yesterday, the king went to Queen Judah's private room
22:22But she wasn't there
22:25He was very upset and took care of himself and came back
22:29This news is mind-blowing, Hoshiar
22:31All I want is for Queen Judah to stay away from the king's eyes
22:35Because the king will be mine and mine alone
22:40Yes, mine and mine alone
22:49Who could this person be, Tara?
22:51How am I going to tell the king?
22:53I'm sure he'll ask me who I met
22:55I won't be able to hide it from him or lie to him
22:58Even though he's my brother-in-law, Jamal, who forbade me to tell the truth
23:02Welcome, King Jalal
23:06I've never seen you with these birds before
23:09Because I don't like to see birds in cages
23:15Let's go
23:16Let's go
23:17Let's go
23:18Let's go
23:19Let's go
23:20Let's go
23:21Let's go
23:22Let's go
23:23Let's go
23:24Let's go
23:25Let's go
23:26Let's go
23:27Let's go
23:28Let's go
23:29Let's go
23:30Let's go
23:33But what can I do?
23:35Queen Ruksaar insisted, she said she wanted to give them to me
23:38And to be honest, I couldn't say no
23:40Wait, I'll solve your problem
24:01Queen Ruksaar
24:04Queen Ruksaar, you have a very kind heart
24:10You're sensitive and caring
24:12And I see that in most of your actions
24:17There's something about you that doesn't tell me what's going on
24:23Ruksaar, I want you to think of me as a friend
24:26Don't they say that if a person shares a friend's worries, he'll feel better and less worried?
24:33So tell me what's going on
24:37You can't make such a mistake
24:39He'll get mad if you go and meet the prince and Jamal
24:42And he'll think you're betraying him
24:44Then what will you say to the king?
24:46Tell me
24:47The king is starting to understand
24:48It's a small story like this
24:51He trusts you again
24:53This is how it will end
24:57Now I'm sure my orders to punish Jamal's wife weren't wrong
25:02But promise me, no matter what, you won't tell the king
25:05That you saw me and we talked
25:07Promise me on this, my sister
25:14No, it's nothing
25:15I'm fine, Your Majesty
25:17It's nothing to worry about
25:19There's definitely something you're hiding from me, Judah
25:23I'm going, I'll see you later
25:26Take care of yourself
25:51I know, Judah, that you're not hiding anything from me
25:54And if you did, there must be a reason for that
25:57But as your husband, it's my right to know everything that's going on with you
26:00And as your wife, it's my duty to be careful
26:03And to be here in the palace safe and sound, and not to cause you any harm
26:10I made a big mistake, my dear
26:15It's very annoying
26:18Do you know who I lied to about the king?
26:22And I couldn't answer the question he asked me
26:25He insisted he wanted to know what was bothering me
26:28And what was making me think
26:30And he asked me to share his worries
26:32And I wanted to do that from the bottom of my heart
26:35But the promise I made to my husband Jamal
26:39Made me lie to my husband Jalal and not tell him the truth
26:44Oh God, what am I going to do now?
26:46I'm not the one who's doubting the king, Judah
26:50But I know I couldn't win his trust
26:52And that's why he's not telling me anything
26:57I'm not going to stay behind you
26:59Until I know what's making you so worried and stressed
27:04I have to know what it is, because you care about me, Judah
27:07I still don't understand why my brother asked me
27:11And made me make a promise like this
27:15Things are getting worse
27:18I don't know why
27:20I feel like I'm making a mistake
27:22And this feeling is bothering me
27:25Don't worry about it
27:27Everything will be fine
27:29And soon you'll see that you're over this
27:36Respect me, your highness
27:38Respect me
27:40Your highness
27:46Why did you come all the way here? You should have asked me
27:49I think you should go back to your room and rest
27:52I apologize, your highness
27:54I'm fine, and I'm glad to see you
27:56I mean, I'm in good health today
27:58And if you tell me to go back or rest
28:00You'll be punishing me, your highness
28:02But no one can force you to do anything if you don't want me to
28:06I'm sorry, your highness
28:07But it looks like you're really here now
28:11I wish life would stop with me one day, like you
28:14But that's not happening
28:15If I can help you with anything, I'm ready
28:18I want you to do something for me
28:20Order, your highness
28:21Okay, listen
28:23Come to my place tonight
28:25Yes, your highness
28:27Excuse me
28:38I want to hold you responsible after I've thought about this a lot
28:42Because honestly, this is my business
28:45And I don't want any creature in the world to know about it
28:49Your highness, your words are orders and I'm ready to carry them out
28:52There's a cave I want you to tell me who's the person sitting in
28:55And the cave I'm telling you about is located behind Jerusalem
28:59Yes, your highness
29:00I'll get you all the information as soon as I can
29:03Respect me
29:08Forgive me, your highness
29:10I'm not doubting you at all
29:12But I'm afraid of you and I don't want you to expose yourself to danger
29:16Or that someone might think of hurting you
29:38The King of Judah
29:57Where is the King of Judah going?
29:59And why is he going in that direction?
30:07Respect me
30:08Respect me, your highness
30:10As you wish
30:16I want to take your clothes
30:38The King of Judah
30:42What is Judah doing here and why did she come at this time?
30:47Is this how we told you to work?
30:50Is this how you protect the Emperor, Jalal?
30:53Look, if you continue like this
30:55I can assure you that you will lose your job
30:57The King has been subjected to attempted murder for a while
31:00And you let the prisoner go
31:01I'm starting to doubt that you didn't leave this mission
31:04You're so stupid and thoughtless
31:06Forgive me, your highness
31:07We can't disobey the King's orders
31:09And we can't even suggest anything to him
31:11We're just here to obey his orders
31:13That's not important
31:15What's important is that you're here to protect the King
31:20And that's one of my responsibilities
31:21At least you should have told me
31:24This is the last time
31:26If you repeat something like this again
31:29Then I will kill your bride one by one
31:36The King of Judah
32:01Judah, who are you waiting for?
32:07This is Judah
32:09How are you? I'm fine
32:11I'm fine
32:19What's wrong? Why did you ask me to come?
32:21Come with me, you'll know
32:24How can I know what they're talking about?
32:31Judah, I can't keep seeing you in the same place
32:34I'm afraid someone will see you
32:36And I'm sure you'll have problems
32:38And I don't want to be the reason for this
32:40Don't be afraid of me, brother
32:41I'm not afraid of you
32:43I know what you're going through
32:45And it's not easy for you to leave the palace to come see me
32:47That's why I made a decision
32:49After this day
32:51I don't want to see you and I want to go
32:53I'm glad you're going and that's better
32:55That's safer for you
32:57Because you're here, brother
32:59There's a danger for you, believe me
33:02What do you want from me?
33:04I'm worried about you, Judah
33:06And for my own sake
33:08I won't leave until I know
33:10Who's the person who wants to kill the king
33:12And who's behind him
33:13And that's more important to me now
33:15As for you
33:17I can't trust you with such things
33:19And I asked you to come and see you now
33:21To tell you that there's a man with my father
33:23He's one of the king's relatives
33:25He's trying to kill him
33:27And I just know it, I'm telling you
33:30And that's why you need to stay alert
33:32And you need to know who wants to kill the king
33:34Keep your eyes open
33:36And keep an eye on everyone around him
33:38And like I told you, he's very close to him
33:47Listen to what I'm going to say, Judah
33:50I was thinking
33:52That your marriage to the king won't make you happy
33:54But my thinking wasn't right
33:56Because what I saw with my own eyes
33:58Was that the king cares about you
34:00And he respects you a lot
34:02And I admit that I was very wrong
34:04And it didn't turn out the way I expected
34:06He's not just a good person
34:08He's also a good husband
34:11I'm very happy for you, Judah
34:13And now I'm going to take you to a safe place
34:16No, no
34:18There's no need, don't worry about me
34:21Take care of yourself
34:23Promise me that you'll stay well
34:28I promise
34:48Who is this man?
34:50And why is Judah meeting him in secret?
34:52And why is she hiding from me?
34:54It's simple, this time he managed to escape
34:56I just don't know who he is
35:10Queen Judah?
35:12Why did you come here?
35:14Tell me, did you just come or did you go somewhere else?
35:18To be honest, I just came, I was praying
35:21Queen Judah, you're the special queen
35:24And you can travel anywhere
35:26There are no restrictions on your travels, of course
35:28Even though you're the special queen, you're also smart
35:32You know that it's not wise at all to go out alone at night
35:35Without any servants or protection from the soldiers
35:38And you know that the area is dangerous at this time
35:41Enemies are keeping an eye on the Magol Empire
35:44Your life could be in danger
35:48Unless you have a problem with danger
35:50You're right
35:52I apologize for going out at night
35:54No problem, but keep that in mind next time
35:57Take any servant or protection from the soldiers with you, at least for you
36:02If you want to go tell someone else
36:04You can tell me
36:06I'll take care of your safety
36:11God protect you
36:14You think you're smart and no one knows where you're going
36:20But I'm going to surprise you a lot in the coming days, Queen Judah
36:24And I'm going to make you regret it
36:37What happened to you?
36:39Did you meet your brother, Soujammal?
36:41Yes, I met him and died
36:43But now I can't see him
36:45Why? What happened to you?
36:47Because I'm starting to fear
36:50I'm doing a lot to protect the king, but I don't want to tell him anything
36:54What should I tell him? Where is he going?
36:56That the queen of the Magol Empire herself is going to meet the person she considers a criminal
37:01Who thinks he tried to kill him
37:04I can't tell him, I can't hide from him anymore
37:08And also, I came from outside and saw Maham Anga, my aunt
37:12And I had to lie to her too
37:14Don't doubt where you're going
37:16No, I told her I had a trip and told her I was going to pray a little at home
37:21But I found out it was a lie
37:26Queen Judah thought I believed her stupid argument
37:31She told me she went to pray
37:35You don't know that we have a sign
37:38Where are you going at night to meet a stranger that I saw yesterday
37:43Queen Judah doesn't know you well
37:46And she doesn't know how smart you are
37:48And she doesn't know that if someone in the kingdom takes even a small breath
37:52You'll know when, where and why
37:54Queen Judah is making the same mistake again
37:57She's lying to Jalal every day
37:59And a lie will lead her to the end
38:01And most of the road is blocked
38:03And also, I'm going to ring the iron now
38:06He's my guardian and tell him what I saw
38:15Oh God
38:17There's no need to torture me
38:19What happened, my queen? Your smile is on your face
38:22It's much worse than before
38:24Why? It's not even worse, Risham, after what I saw
38:26Yesterday I thought Jalal didn't give any importance to the matter and didn't believe me
38:30But look at him now
38:31Pay attention to him
38:32Queen Judah came first and then Jalal came later
38:35This means he wants to make sure
38:37And Jalal is increasing his doubts about Judah because
38:40He followed him at night
38:43So now the queen knows everything?
38:45Emperor Jalal still doesn't know
38:47That you're meeting your brother
38:49And the best thing is that he doesn't know right now
38:51I'm very comfortable because you won't be able to meet me
38:54That's best for you, Judah
38:56But I'm not comfortable to die
38:59And I won't rest until I know who that person is
39:02Who lives in this palace
39:04And is threatening the life of King Jalal by killing him
39:08My brother Sojamal heard him and he's talking
39:10He's planning with Abul Mali
39:12But he couldn't see his face
39:14How am I going to give King Jalal the missing information?
39:17Be patient, Judah
39:19Prince Sojamal will try to find him
39:21And when he finds the criminal, he'll tell you to tell the king about him
39:25Stay calm for a while, please
39:27And the trouble, Maham Anga saw you today
39:30She's a bad woman
39:32And she'll be watching you every day, my love
39:35And I imagine that she'll cause you problems
39:38Now it's my turn to do what I want, Risham
39:43Jalal's face is red, which means he saw Judah with the unknown person
39:46And Queen Judah will definitely lie to him if he asks her where she was at night
39:51Jalal will do his best to know the whole game
39:54And Queen Judah will keep lying to him
39:57But I know Queen Judah's game and where she wants to go
40:01But of course I won't say anything because he won't let me in
40:04I'll let Queen Judah confess everything to him
40:07Of course, after the time is up
40:25Who could this person be?
40:27And why is Judah meeting him in secret?
40:29And why isn't he telling me what happened to him?
40:31Is it possible that she's under pressure?
40:33Or is she a victim of a dangerous game?
40:40Your Majesty
40:42Your Majesty
40:44We searched that old palace according to your orders
40:47And we didn't find Judah
40:49And we didn't find Judah
40:51We searched that old palace according to your orders
40:54And we didn't find Judah
40:56And we didn't find Judah
40:58Sometimes someone sleeps in the middle of the night
41:01And he didn't come yesterday
41:03There was no one near him, and we didn't notice anything
41:07Your Majesty
41:09Your Majesty
41:11There was no one in the palace last night
41:13I know there was no one there because the person was meeting Judah in the forest
41:21Thank you very much, Adga
41:23This is what I wanted to know, and you can leave
41:26Excuse me, Your Majesty
41:28But it seems to me that you are very worried
41:31If you would like to share with me what is bothering you
41:34Maybe I can help you in this way
41:42Adga, there are things in a person's life that he has to face without any help
41:46If he was a beggar or an emperor
41:50He can't share his privacy with anyone
41:52As you wish, Your Majesty
41:54Please allow me to leave
42:49Stay here, I'm going to get food for King Jalal
42:56Your Majesty
43:19Your Majesty
43:49Your Majesty
44:03You look tired, Judah
44:06As if you are as usual
44:09Did you sleep well or what?
44:11I woke up at night and thought a lot about King Jalal
44:14Your Majesty
44:16I think your life is still in danger and you are not aware of it
44:19I know, Your Majesty
44:20Your brother, Sojamal, attacked me recently and tried to kill me to become a hermit
44:25Your Majesty, you don't understand me
44:27There is someone in this palace who is in danger of losing his life
44:30Benazir was killed and Abul Malik escaped from prison
44:32Who else is in danger of losing his life and they want to kill me?
44:35But your enemies haven't achieved their main goal yet
44:37Your Majesty, do you mean that the danger is from inside the palace?
44:41Someone will come from inside
44:44And he is very close to me
44:46Yes, there is someone from inside the palace
44:50But he is…
44:51King Judah
44:53The emperor is always in danger from his relatives, even more than strangers
44:59You mean you are not surprised at all?
45:01This is a matter of great danger, Your Majesty
45:03Because I am used to danger, King Judah
45:05And I consider that the relatives whom I give my complete trust to
45:08at the first chance I give them, they will beat me on my back
45:11Thank you very much for my warning
45:24I heard that anyone who keeps the slaves will be judged
45:27This is politics, brother
45:29We don't know what will change and what will happen tomorrow
45:32Yes, but this is the king's will
45:34And the slaves are at ease
45:36He can change his mind tomorrow
45:38But the important thing is that the king is making a decision for the country's benefit
45:42I don't think the king will change easily
45:44Can someone else judge us?
45:46Don't talk with all this confidence, man
45:47The king was attacked before
45:49The throne is very dangerous
45:51And most of the people whom the king gave them confidence
45:53They want to take the throne from him
45:55But who can kill the king?
45:57Until now they can't know
45:59But for sure someone gave the king a lot of confidence
46:02I know this
46:03Someone who is trusted by the king
46:05But he is a traitor
46:06I need to know who he is
46:07That's enough
46:08I need to know him in any way
46:12Your highness
46:15Do you remember who your highness is?
46:22I want to know from you
46:23The decisions you made in the last few days here
46:25Did you implement them in the palace of Harim or not?
46:28I gave orders for some changes in Harim
46:31Did you implement them?
46:32Your highness
46:33Most of the decisions you made were implemented
46:35And we are working on the rest now
46:39Your highness, there are some jewels that came today from Sambal
46:42And you have to decide now
46:44How do you want to distribute them in Harim
46:46Choose what you want, your highness
46:48And distribute the rest of the pieces to the queens of the palace
46:51I don't want to talk about this at all
46:54And at the same time I
46:56I can't decide anything
46:57But your highness
46:59Harim is under your command
47:01And you have to make decisions regarding everything
47:06I am independent from my responsibilities in the palace of Harim
47:11As of tomorrow morning
47:13The decisions will be made from what I want
47:15I will be the new head of the palace
47:17And I will have the records ready to be handed over to the council
47:20Yes, your highness
47:30What did you do, Judah?
47:31All the queens and servants in the palace chose you
47:33And your appointment was from the emperor himself
47:37Why do you want to leave the palace of Harim?
47:41Because lately my personal problems have increased a lot
47:45Because I can't give enough time to Harim and myself
47:49As you can see
47:51Lately I haven't been doing my job properly
47:54And then for my job
47:56I did what I had to do
47:58Now it is my priority to find out
48:00Who is the one who raped the king
48:02And tried to kill him while he was still with us in the palace
48:04Moti, go tell my mother
48:06And the other queens to meet in the big hall of Harim
48:09We need to have an urgent meeting
48:11And also
48:12Tell the king to attend the meeting
48:14Tell him that it is an urgent meeting for Harim
48:17Yes, your highness
