islamic motivation story

  • 2 months ago
Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.
00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:14Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Imran,
00:18And certainly, the first House of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
00:22which was designated for the people, is in Mecca,
00:26which is blessed and guided for the whole world.
00:30Dear friends, do you know,
00:32how and when did Allah Almighty create the House of Ka'bah first in the world?
00:38Is it true that Allah Almighty created the House of Ka'bah?
00:43And who was the first to build the House of Ka'bah?
00:47And who were the first to perform Hajj and Tawaf of the House of Ka'bah?
00:53And how many centuries old is the current building of the House of Ka'bah today?
00:58And how many times has the House of Ka'bah been built so far?
01:03And what is the full history of the House of Ka'bah?
01:06Dear friends, we will tell you the answers to all these questions in light of the Qur'an and Hadith in today's video.
01:13Therefore, I request you to watch this video till the end.
01:18Dear friends, the House of Ka'bah is such a sacred place,
01:23which every Muslim yearns to see,
01:26and which every Muslim yearns to perform Tawaf.
01:30Dear friends, the current building of the House of Ka'bah is 404 years old.
01:35The House of Ka'bah has been built 10 times so far.
01:39Dear friends, the first building of the House of Ka'bah was built 2000 years before the creation of Prophet Adam.
01:47And the first building of the House of Ka'bah was built by the angels.
01:51As it is written in the Tafsir-e-Qurtubi,
01:53that when the angels said to Allah the Almighty,
01:56that man will cause disorder in the earth after creation,
02:00and there will be a lot of bloodshed,
02:02on which Allah the Almighty said,
02:04that whatever I know, you do not know.
02:07The angels began to believe that Allah the Almighty was angry with us.
02:11At that time, to please Allah the Almighty,
02:14they began to perform Tawaf under the Throne of Allah the Almighty.
02:17And they began to glorify Allah the Almighty.
02:20Then Allah the Almighty bestowed mercy on them.
02:23And He built a beautiful and beautiful house under His Throne,
02:28which was built on the four pillars of Zaburjad.
02:31And this house was known as Bait-ul-Ma'mur among the angels.
02:35As Allah the Almighty mentions Bait-ul-Ma'mur in Surah At-Tur.
02:41Dear friends, Bait-ul-Ma'mur is the Ka'bah of the angels.
02:44And it is in the seventh heaven,
02:46in front of the Throne,
02:47just above the Ka'bah.
02:49Among the angels,
02:50Bait-ul-Ma'mur has the same sanctity
02:52as the Ka'bah of Mu'ajma on the earth.
02:55It is the Ka'bah of the heavens.
02:57And every day 70,000 angels perform its Tawaf
03:01and give attendance for prayer.
03:03The angel who performs Tawaf once in Bait-ul-Ma'mur
03:06or performs prayer,
03:08after that he never gets a chance again.
03:11In fact, every day,
03:13new 70,000 angels give attendance in Bait-ul-Ma'mur
03:16and worship Allah the Almighty.
03:19It is the Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim Sharif
03:22that Prophet Muhammad PBUH
03:24was also shown Bait-ul-Ma'mur.
03:26Dear friends,
03:27first of all Allah the Almighty
03:29made the Ka'bah for the angels,
03:31which is called Bait-ul-Ma'mur.
03:33After that Allah the Almighty
03:35commanded the angels
03:36to make the Ka'bah of Bait-ul-Ma'mur on the earth
03:40so that just as angels perform Tawaf of Bait-ul-Ma'mur,
03:43similarly, my servants on the earth
03:45should perform Tawaf of that Ka'bah
03:47and worship me.
03:50the angels,
03:51following the commandment of Allah the Almighty,
03:53first of all,
03:54they built the Bait-ul-Ma'mur on the earth
03:56and started its Tawaf.
03:58And the angels
03:59did the Hajj of the Ka'bah first.
04:01Dear friends,
04:02the second building of the Ka'bah
04:04took place
04:05when Allah the Almighty
04:07descended on the earth
04:09after creating Adam.
04:11In this way,
04:12when Adam came to the earth from Paradise,
04:15then Adam the Almighty
04:17said to Allah the Almighty,
04:19O Lord of the worlds,
04:20I can neither hear the glorification of angels
04:22nor can I see any place of worship
04:24as I used to see the Bait-ul-Ma'mur in the sky,
04:29around which angels used to perform Tawaf.
04:33After hearing this complaint of Adam,
04:35Allah the Almighty said to Adam,
04:38Go to the place where I tell you the sign,
04:41make a Ka'bah there
04:42and perform Tawaf around it
04:44and turn towards it and perform Salah.
04:47Allah the Almighty sent Hazrat Jibreel
04:50with him for the leadership of Hazrat Adam.
04:55Hazrat Jibreel,
04:56following the commandment of Allah the Almighty,
04:58went with Hazrat Adam
05:00and brought them to the place
05:02from where the earth was formed.
05:04That is,
05:05the place where the first layer of the earth was formed
05:08and then the same layer spread
05:10and the whole earth was formed.
05:12At that place,
05:13Hazrat Jibreel
05:14laid his wings on the ground
05:16and laid the foundations of the Ka'bah
05:18up to the seven lands.
05:20The foundations on which the angels
05:22filled with the help of the stones of the five mountains
05:24and built walls all around those foundations.
05:27In those five mountains,
05:28some were in Lebanon,
05:29some were in Tours,
05:30some were in Joud-e-Hira, etc.
05:32In this way,
05:33Hazrat Jibreel,
05:35Hazrat Adam
05:37and Hazrat Amma Hawar
05:39also participated in the second construction.
05:41Hazrat Amma Hawar
05:43brought the earth
05:45and Hazrat Adam
05:46built the Ka'bah.
05:48When the construction of the Ka'bah was completed,
05:51then Allah the Almighty
05:53commanded Hazrat Adam
05:55to perform Tawaf
05:56and said
05:57that you are the first human
05:59and this is the first house.
06:01Then Hazrat Adam
06:02would turn towards the Ka'bah
06:03and perform Tawaf
06:05and would be busy in the worship of Allah the Almighty.
06:08The third construction of the Ka'bah.
06:10Dear friends,
06:11after the construction of Adam,
06:12with time,
06:13the walls of the Ka'bah also began to weaken.
06:15So the son of Hazrat Adam,
06:17Hazrat Shees
06:19built the Ka'bah for the second time
06:21with earth and stone.
06:23While some commentators say
06:25that Hazrat Shees
06:27only worked on the construction of the Ka'bah
06:29and did not build it.
06:31Dear friends,
06:32now let's talk about
06:33the fourth construction of the Ka'bah.
06:35The fourth construction of the Ka'bah
06:37took place when Allah the Almighty
06:39sent the torment of a storm
06:41on the people of Hazrat Nuh.
06:43In the storm of Nuh,
06:44the building of the Ka'bah disappeared
06:46and according to some narrations,
06:48the building of the Ka'bah was taken away
06:50and this place remained
06:51like a tall and red pillar.
06:53After this storm,
06:54when Hazrat Ibrahim came to this world,
06:56Allah the Almighty
06:58ordered Hazrat Ibrahim
07:00to build the Ka'bah.
07:02How did Hazrat Ibrahim
07:04build the Ka'bah for the fourth time?
07:06The background of this incident
07:08is as follows.
07:10According to the command of Allah the Almighty,
07:12Hazrat Ibrahim
07:14left his wife,
07:16Hazrat Bibi Hajra
07:18and his beloved son,
07:20Hazrat Ismail
07:22and left them in the middle of the mountains
07:24where there was no sign
07:26of human settlement
07:28and there was no building of the Ka'bah.
07:30Instead of the Ka'bah,
07:32there was only a red pillar.
07:34At that time, Hazrat Ibrahim
07:36left his wife and children
07:38and according to the command of Allah the Almighty,
07:40he traveled to Mecca for the first time.
07:42After this, when the second time
07:44Hazrat Ibrahim came to Mecca from Palestine
07:46to meet his family,
07:48then the incident of the sacrifice
07:50of Hazrat Ibrahim was presented.
07:52And the third time
07:54when Hazrat Ibrahim came to Mecca,
07:56Hazrat Ismail got married
07:58and at that time
08:00Hazrat Hajra had passed away.
08:02The fourth time
08:04when Hazrat Ibrahim came to Mecca,
08:06he did not meet
08:08his son,
08:10Hazrat Ismail.
08:12Then the fifth time
08:14when Hazrat Ibrahim came to Mecca,
08:16then Allah the Almighty
08:18commanded Hazrat Ibrahim
08:20to build the House of Allah.
08:22Hazrat Ibrahim
08:24said to Hazrat Ismail
08:26that my son Allah the Almighty
08:28has commanded me
08:30to build this house.
08:32So Hazrat Ismail said
08:34that do it,
08:36I am present to serve.
08:38According to one narration,
08:40Hazrat Ibrahim
08:42marked the foundations
08:44of the Ka'bah.
08:46And Hazrat Ismail
08:48started the work of construction.
08:50When the excavation began,
08:52the ancient foundations began to appear
08:54on which Hazrat Adam
08:56had built Baitullah Sharif.
08:58After the foundations of
09:00Hazrat Adam were revealed,
09:02the construction of the Ka'bah began.
09:04Hazrat Ibrahim
09:06in his old age,
09:08as a worker and
09:10Hazrat Ismail as a laborer
09:12began to build the Ka'bah.
09:14From these five mountains,
09:16Hazrat Jibreel
09:18used to bring stones
09:20and Hazrat Ibrahim
09:22used to put them in the Ka'bah.
09:24Then from the mark of
09:26Hazrat Jibreel
09:28two stones were found
09:30from the well of Jabal-e-Abul Kabees.
09:32Hazrat Ibrahim
09:34brought those stones.
09:36One stone was
09:40and the other stone
09:42was Hajr-e-Aswad.
09:44Dear friends,
09:48is that famous stone
09:50on which Hazrat Ibrahim
09:52raised the walls of the Ka'bah.
09:54As the walls of the Ka'bah
09:56were raised,
10:00these stones
10:02were also raised in the air.
10:04Dear friends,
10:06Prophet Kareem
10:08said that
10:10according to another narration,
10:12Prophet Kareem
10:14said that
10:18and Maqam-e-Ibrahim
10:20are two of the Yakoots of Paradise.
10:22Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
10:24extinguished the light of their light.
10:26If Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
10:28had not extinguished the light of their light,
10:30they would have made everyone bright
10:32from east to west.
10:34The fifth and sixth building of the Ka'bah,
10:36the fifth time,
10:38was built by the tribe of Jorham.
10:40The person who did this work
10:42from the tribe of Jorham,
10:44his name was Hars bin Madad-e-Asgar.
10:46The seventh building of the Ka'bah,
10:48the seventh building of the Ka'bah,
10:50the Prophet of the end of times,
10:52one of the pure descendants
10:54of Hazrat Muhammad-e-Mustafa
10:56sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wa sallam,
10:58whose name was
11:00Hazrat-e-Kusa bin-Kilab,
11:02he built the ninth building
11:04of the Ka'bah
11:06the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:08the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:10the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:12the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:14the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:16the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:18the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:20the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:22the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:24the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:26the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:28the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:30the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:32the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:34but due to the lack of capital at that time,
11:36the Hateem-e-Ka'bah was not included
11:38in the construction of the Quraish
11:40the ninth building of the Ka'bah
11:42was built when
11:44the walls of the Ka'bah were destroyed
11:46due to the encirclement of the Yazidi army
11:48so Hazrat-e-Abdullah bin Zubair
11:50included the Hateem-e-Ka'bah
11:52which was not included in the construction
11:54of the Quraish
11:56and on the basis of Ibrahim
11:58he built the Ka'bah in a new way
12:00the tenth building of the Ka'bah
12:02the tenth building of the Ka'bah
12:04was built by Abdul Malik bin Marwan's
12:06deputy Hajjaj bin Yusuf
12:08who was a cruel ruler
12:10he built the Ka'bah again in 74 Hijri
12:12according to the construction of the Quraish
12:14after this period
12:16when Caliph Harun sat on the Masjid
12:18he decided to destroy the Ka'bah
12:20and according to the construction of
12:22Hazrat-e-Abdullah bin Zubair
12:24he wanted to build the Ka'bah
12:26but Imam Abu Yusuf
12:28said that
12:30if this was the way
12:32then every ruler
12:34will demolish the Ka'bah
12:36and build a new one
12:38and in this way
12:40the greatness of the Ka'bah will decrease
12:42then in 1040 Hijri
12:44the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
12:46Murad bin Ahmad Khan
12:48the King of Constantinople
12:50apart from the Hajra-e-Aswad building
12:52the whole building was built
12:54according to the construction of the Hajjaj
12:56this construction was completed
12:58he put the stone of marble
13:00inside the Ka'bah
13:02and made a very beautiful roof
13:04and the outer walls of the Ka'bah
13:06were chiseled
13:08and a very beautiful and silky
13:10black curtain was put on the Ka'bah
13:12on which the Kalima-e-Tayyiba was written
13:14and in golden words
13:16the name of the Sultan was also written
13:18in this way after the construction
13:20of the Ottoman Empire
13:22Shah Fahad bin Abdul Aziz
13:24in 1417
13:26started the renovation of the Baitullah Sharif
13:28therefore in this way
13:30the current building of the Ka'bah
13:32is more or less 404 years old
13:34because this building was built in 1040 Hijri
13:36and now it is 1444 Hijri
13:38I pray to Allah
13:40that may Allah
13:42grant us to visit the Baitullah Sharif
13:44again and again
13:46and grant us the happiness of Hajj-e-Baitullah