La vie secrète des objets ordinaires que vous utilisez chaque jour

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Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé quels secrets cachés se trouvent derrière les choses simples que vous utilisez tous les jours ? De l'histoire du simple trombone à la science derrière votre stylo préféré, les objets du quotidien ont des histoires fascinantes à raconter. Saviez-vous que le design de la fermeture éclair moderne a révolutionné la mode ? Ou que le célèbre Post-it Note était en réalité un heureux accident ? Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir ces anecdotes intrigantes et plus encore, montrant comment même les objets les plus simples ont une histoire riche et surprenante. Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound

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00:00:00In the United States, the black stripes on yellow school buses are not a decorative element.
00:00:05They are actually metal rails placed along the sides and at the back of the bus to protect its rather thin walls.
00:00:12In the event of a collision, they absorb most of the shock.
00:00:16These friction rails are also positioned at strategic locations.
00:00:19The lowest is at the level of the bus floor.
00:00:22The one in the middle corresponds to the bottom of the seats,
00:00:25and the one at the top corresponds either to the top of the seats or to the bottom of the window.
00:00:29Your ceiling fan can rotate in both directions for a very particular reason.
00:00:34One is for summer, the other for winter.
00:00:37When it is hot, the ceiling fans must rotate in the opposite direction of the needles of a watch.
00:00:42Thus, they draw the hot air up and push the cold air down.
00:00:46In winter, the rotation in the direction of the needles of a watch moves the hot air down and raises the cold air.
00:00:52As soon as you notice that the blue of your toothbrush is starting to fade, it is a sign that it is time to replace it.
00:00:59You can adjust your stapler so that it only temporarily staples the documents together.
00:01:03To do this, you have to rotate the stapling area.
00:01:06Most staplers have two stapling options.
00:01:09One is standard, while the other folds the staples in the other direction, moving them away from the center.
00:01:15Later, when you no longer need them, you can easily remove them by hand.
00:01:19Many people use a knife to remove the stems from the strawberries, but this wastes a small edible part of the fruit.
00:01:26Instead of a knife, use an ordinary straw.
00:01:29Insert one end of the straw at the bottom of the strawberry and gently push it up.
00:01:34If everything goes as planned, the straw will remove the stem.
00:01:38The small hole below the staples allows you to evacuate the water from the lock in case of rain.
00:01:42It prevents the object from rusting and scratching.
00:01:44You can also use this hole to oil the lock hinges so that they do not get stuck.
00:01:49If a lock does not have this small hole, you must use it only inside.
00:01:53It is not recommended to place dirty plates, covered with mashed potatoes or any other residue of glucide, near the ends of the lower drawer of your dishwasher.
00:02:03Several studies have shown that these plates are better washed when you put them in the center of the rack.
00:02:08The strange marks on the bottom of a toothpaste tube have nothing to do with the ingredients.
00:02:13They are actually there for the factory robots.
00:02:15Not that they brush their teeth too, but these colored squares mark the line where the tube must be cut and folded.
00:02:22Most cotton disks have two different textures on each of their faces.
00:02:26One is firmer and more absorbent.
00:02:29It is supposed to be used with nail polish solvent.
00:02:32The other side is much thinner and softer and is used to remove makeup from the face and eyes.
00:02:38Do not take off the post-it from the bottom.
00:02:40This will create a fold in the paper and the note will not stick well afterwards.
00:02:44Grab it on the side and it will stay stuck longer.
00:02:48When driving at night, you can be blinded by the headlights of the car following you.
00:02:53If you have a manual rearview mirror, find the tab below and tilt it.
00:02:57The rearview mirror has a reflective material behind its glass.
00:03:01By tilting the tab, you will change the angle of this material, which will dim the lights.
00:03:06The process is even simpler if you have an electronic rearview mirror, since you just have to activate the night mode.
00:03:13The bath foam relieves stress, cleanses the skin and keeps the water warm.
00:03:18The foam is composed of tiny air bubbles that form an insulating layer on the surface of the water, preventing heat from escaping.
00:03:25Let's say you are reading a book.
00:03:27You then decide to take a break and you realize that you do not have a bookmark.
00:03:31Do you have to crown the page?
00:03:33A bookmark is not necessary. This is what the cover is for, if there is one.
00:03:37Apparently, providing you with information about the book and its author is not its only function.
00:03:42Your stomach growls and suddenly a peanut butter sandwich seems to be a great idea.
00:03:47You open a jar and you see that there is a lot of oil on top.
00:03:51Burk! It's time to train the muscles of your arms and stir vigorously.
00:03:55But if you store your peanut butter jar upside down, the oil will move to the bottom and the solid part will stay on top.
00:04:03The main function of the drawer under your oven is not to store all these pans and all these pans.
00:04:08You are supposed to use this space to keep your food warm while you prepare something else in the oven.
00:04:14If you have no place to put a toothpick after using it,
00:04:17break the flat end at the level of the first groove and put it on the table.
00:04:21Now you can place the used part of your toothpick on the broken part so that it does not touch the table.
00:04:27The correct way to break a piece of a Toblerone chocolate bar is to push the pointed side down.
00:04:33Or just bite into it, but don't do that in public.
00:04:38Most extensions are known to unhook at the slightest traction.
00:04:42We tighten them and they will stay hooked even if you pull on them without wanting to.
00:04:46The knot can be tightened again, but nothing will unhook.
00:04:50The small groove below the cups allows the fresh air to pass underneath.
00:04:54This prevents the cups from cracking when a hot drink is poured into them.
00:04:58And when you place the cups upside down in the dishwasher,
00:05:01the grooves prevent water from accumulating in this double bottom.
00:05:05Anti-adhesive pans have a special coating and that's what makes them so great.
00:05:10But if you use metal utensils when you cook in such a pan, you risk scratching the coating.
00:05:16And once you've done it, your pan is broken.
00:05:19The food will begin to stick to its surface and will end up burnt or cooked unevenly.
00:05:25If you have always peeled bananas starting with the stem, try to do it the other way around.
00:05:30Pinch the bottom of the banana and pull.
00:05:33This way you won't have to deal with the wires and other small pieces to remove.
00:05:36In fact, this is the approach used by monkeys.
00:05:39But you wouldn't want to contradict monkeys, would you?
00:05:42Most of the caps of the small tubes are hollow on top and have a small tip inside.
00:05:47Their function is to pierce the aluminum hopper that seals the tube.
00:05:51The tube glue fits perfectly into this hole and the tip is designed to pierce the hopper.
00:05:56No need to get angry by trying to remove the tiny aluminum seal with your fingers.
00:06:01The more detergent you use, the cleaner your laundry is, isn't it?
00:06:05Not exactly. If you add too much detergent, you can damage your clothes.
00:06:09It will produce too much foam and your clothes won't rub against each other.
00:06:13But that's exactly what makes them clean.
00:06:16Excess foam can also prevent your laundry from rinsing properly.
00:06:20The pages of books are often printed on large sheets of paper rather than on small individual sheets.
00:06:26If there isn't enough content to fill these sheets, they remain blank pages.
00:06:30Publishers often print the word note or leave other signs on these pages.
00:06:34So the reader doesn't think it's a printing error.
00:06:37The stripes on the side of the road are supposed to wake up sleepy drivers who are starting to suffocate.
00:06:44When your tires drift on these stripes, the noise and vibrations work like an alarm.
00:06:49It's crazy to think that making a mess with a tube of mascara will make more product come out of the tube.
00:06:55In reality, it will only damage your mascara.
00:06:58By moving the tube, you make air enter the tube.
00:07:01It not only produces lumps, but also dries the mascara.
00:07:05The 1 cm hole you can see in the elevator doors is actually a lock hole.
00:07:10If the doors are locked, an operator can manually open them by inserting a special key into this hole.
00:07:16The same tool is used when an elevator needs maintenance control.
00:07:21The bubbles in your soda push the straw up when they balance the buoyancy with the mass of the straw.
00:07:27But you can prevent your straw from going back into your soda can by making it go through the hole of the metal opening tab.
00:07:33Ah, all this science behind a simple can.
00:07:37These squares of fabric that go with new clothes are made so that you can test your cleaning products on them first.
00:07:43This way, you won't damage your article from the first wash.
00:07:47The round part of the soles under the cap of a soda bottle prevents the bubbles from escaping.
00:07:52Without it, your soda would become flat in no time.
00:07:55Probably even before you buy it.
00:07:58The retractable blade cutter is supposed to last much longer than most people think.
00:08:03The blade of the cutter is made up of narrow and parallel sections.
00:08:07When the tool is worn out, it breaks the worn section with the tip underneath.
00:08:11And there you go, you have a brand new cutting blade.
00:08:14But don't forget to put on a pair of gloves and safety glasses before you do.
00:08:21Today, I'm going to show you things you've never seen before and tell you things you didn't know.
00:08:26Wow, all of this in one video? What luck!
00:08:30For example, these drinking fountain stations in fast food.
00:08:33We all think they're great, but have you ever wondered where all this soda came from?
00:08:39Come, I'll take you behind the scenes.
00:08:41In fact, we come across a pile of boxes with tubes.
00:08:45So when the drink is exhausted, the employees change boxes and reconnect the tube.
00:08:50Well, let's take a look at some other places where we're not normally supposed to be.
00:08:55Here, for example, is what you'll see if you open the screen of a Mac.
00:09:00And here's what's hidden behind the dryers of a washing machine.
00:09:03Today, 4 out of 5 households in the United States have a laundry dryer.
00:09:07But they weren't as widely accessible when they appeared in the 1950s,
00:09:12because they were far too expensive for the average consumer.
00:09:16Grocery shopping is a common practice,
00:09:18and we've all spent a million times in front of refrigerators for dairy products.
00:09:22But have you ever wondered what was behind it?
00:09:25It turns out that it's just shelves,
00:09:27and that the store employees stack the products on the other side.
00:09:30It's quite logical, but I never imagined things like that.
00:09:34This photo shows what's behind the elevator buttons.
00:09:37Obviously, a hell of a lot of cables.
00:09:40The buttons are all connected to a computer that manages the elevator.
00:09:43How does the computer expand where the cabin is?
00:09:46There are several possible systems,
00:09:49but the most common is a long, vertical ribbon in the gait,
00:09:52with a series of holes.
00:09:55A sensor counts the right number of holes that have passed,
00:09:58and that's how the location is determined.
00:10:01Well, there are also two or three common things that we all know,
00:10:04but whose usefulness remains a great mystery to most people.
00:10:08So let me share these secrets with you.
00:10:11These metallic rivets on jeans have been around since the very beginning.
00:10:15Jacob Davies, the mythical man who made the first pair of jeans,
00:10:18added leather rivets to places where pants are more likely to tear.
00:10:23Today, they have a more decorative and distinctive purpose,
00:10:26since they are a traditional attribute of classic jeans.
00:10:30I bet you know that there are additional holes on some shoes.
00:10:34No, it's not for perspiration or ventilation.
00:10:37These are holes for laces, just like the other holes you use.
00:10:40But they are there to fix your shoe around the ankle
00:10:43to prevent your foot from moving inside.
00:10:45It's particularly useful if you're hiking,
00:10:47and you're going up and down hills and trails.
00:10:51Have you noticed these half-belts that many coats and jackets have on the back?
00:10:56It turns out that they appeared for the first time on military jackets,
00:10:59so that the additional fabric can be gathered in the back
00:11:02and that the person is not crowded while working.
00:11:06Today, these belts are only added because of style and tradition.
00:11:10Most of the clothes you buy are delivered with a small piece of fabric or a button,
00:11:14or both.
00:11:15These elements are not useless.
00:11:17The buttons, of course, can be used to replace what is lost.
00:11:22The pieces of fabric are useful for two things.
00:11:24You can make a hole, but the main goal is to provide you with a sample of the fabric
00:11:29so that you can use it to test different washing products on it
00:11:32and see what happens.
00:11:35Now, the pompoms on wool hats.
00:11:38Did you know that sailors wore hats with pompoms in the 18th century
00:11:42to protect their heads in case they hit them accidentally?
00:11:46The people of the street wore them in Scotland
00:11:48and the color of the pompom indicated the social status of the person.
00:11:51People started wearing pompoms again with these pretty decorative objects during the Great Depression.
00:11:56They are made from recycled thread.
00:11:58It was therefore a good way to decorate your coat.
00:12:01You may have noticed that some sidewalks have small plaques with bumps.
00:12:06Most people don't pay much attention to it,
00:12:09but they are very important for visually impaired people.
00:12:12They indicate a slope, which then leads to a pedestrian crossing.
00:12:16In addition, several motifs indicate various elements.
00:12:19Did you notice that the icon of a gas tank on the dashboard of cars has a small arrow next to it?
00:12:25Well, this arrow is useful.
00:12:27It indicates the side of the car where the gas tank is located.
00:12:31Very useful for distracted people who constantly wonder which side they are on.
00:12:35And also for those who drive rental cars from time to time.
00:12:39The answer is right in front of you.
00:12:42If you don't find the arrow on your dashboard,
00:12:44then the gas pipe on the icon indicates the side in place.
00:12:48At the back of many makeup and hygiene products,
00:12:51you can find this symbol with a marking like 6M, 12M and 24M.
00:12:57This is the number of months this product can be used before you have to throw it away.
00:13:02You may know that whistles work perfectly even if they don't have this little ball inside.
00:13:07And yet they do.
00:13:08But then why?
00:13:10Even if the whistle produces a sound without the ball,
00:13:12it is quite neutral and we don't notice it enough.
00:13:16When the whistle contains a ball,
00:13:18it starts to move at each blow.
00:13:21This creates different heights and makes the noise more noticeable.
00:13:26It's not for nothing either,
00:13:27that the lollipop sticks have these square holes at their ends.
00:13:31When the candy is placed on the stick,
00:13:33part of the stick enters the hole,
00:13:35thus fixing the candy part.
00:13:37In this way, the candy ball or any other shape
00:13:40has less chance of detaching from the stick.
00:13:42Because yes, it's terrible when it happens.
00:13:44The bands to be measured have this metal cap at the end.
00:13:47Most people know that you can use it
00:13:49to stick it on the side of the surface you are measuring.
00:13:52But that's not the only cool thing about it.
00:13:55Look, there is also a small slit.
00:13:57This slit can be used to hook it to a nail.
00:14:00Once again to free your hands and continue to measure.
00:14:03The bottom of the end of the ribbon has a striated edge.
00:14:06It will help you to make a mark if you don't have a marking tool with you.
00:14:10Have you ever wondered why the blade of the ribbon is curved?
00:14:13Well, it allows you to keep it tilted when deployed.
00:14:17Look at the blade more closely.
00:14:18In addition to the numbers and marks,
00:14:20there are also black lozenges.
00:14:23These are present every 48.8 cm.
00:14:26And they are useful to the workers of the building
00:14:28to space out the engineering beams.
00:14:30They can also be useful if you want to suspend something heavy, for example.
00:14:34The diamond will mark the exact center of a lozenge
00:14:37which is placed 40 cm from each other.
00:14:41And you can drill something in this center
00:14:43to make sure that what you hang is well fixed.
00:14:47Most coins have stripes.
00:14:49And this is the heritage of the old days.
00:14:52You see, at the time, all coins were linked to a silver standard.
00:14:55The amount of silver used in a piece
00:14:57was proportional to the value of the piece.
00:15:01So, the more money there was in the manufacture of the piece,
00:15:04the more it had value.
00:15:06Hi-ho, silver!
00:15:07Do you remember the lonely ranger?
00:15:09Money was the name of his horse.
00:15:11But forget it.
00:15:12Anyway, all coins contained precious metal
00:15:16and some people started to refuse a little money.
00:15:20This was not seen on a single piece.
00:15:22But if we did it on several,
00:15:24people could recover a good part of the precious metal.
00:15:27So, to avoid frauds,
00:15:28the edges were equipped with security crests.
00:15:31So, if someone tried to rob them,
00:15:33the stripes would disappear.
00:15:35And no one wanted to accept this piece anymore.
00:15:39Today, as no one makes coins in silver,
00:15:41the coins simply symbolize value.
00:15:43But the stripes are, in a way, a cultural heritage.
00:15:46And finally, a typical plastic bottle of milk
00:15:49often has inverted circles on one or more of its sides.
00:15:53These are not circles of extraterrestrial culture.
00:15:55This reinforcement is there to make the pot more resistant
00:15:58and prevent it from erupting in case the pot fell to the ground.
00:16:02The reinforcement gives a little more space to the liquid to expand.
00:16:06In addition, as the expiration date approaches,
00:16:08the microbes present in the milk begin to expel gases.
00:16:11As they are more likely to be trapped inside,
00:16:14the pressure in the pot increases.
00:16:16The reinforcement takes care of the expansion
00:16:18and prevents the pitcher from exploding.
00:16:20And the cows are obviously delighted
00:16:22that their hard work is not wasted.
00:16:27If you ever find yourself stuck in the trunk of your car one day,
00:16:31stay calm.
00:16:32All cars are supposed to be equipped with an emergency lock
00:16:35that allows you to open the trunk from the inside if necessary,
00:16:38which is very unlikely.
00:16:40These locks are so well designed that they can be opened by anyone,
00:16:43regardless of their age.
00:16:45In addition, the handles are designed to be bright in the dark.
00:16:49You can even pull them with your mouth
00:16:51if there is not enough room to use your hands.
00:16:53And this, no matter how you end up in this trunk.
00:16:56Change of subject.
00:16:58If you work with wire and a needle,
00:17:00do not forget that it is not necessary
00:17:02to insert the needle directly into the coil.
00:17:04You risk losing it,
00:17:06not to mention that you could easily prick yourself
00:17:08and hurt your finger.
00:17:10Nowadays, many sewing kits
00:17:12have a place reserved for needle storage.
00:17:15It is located at the bottom of the wire coil.
00:17:18Just take it out.
00:17:20It is even possible to store several needles at the same time.
00:17:23The disposable pens have a little secret.
00:17:26Have you ever noticed that on some of them
00:17:29there is a small hole in the plastic part?
00:17:31It is actually a basic ventilation system.
00:17:34It is supposed to allow the ink to reach the tip of the pen easily.
00:17:38OK, I know it's a super common reflex,
00:17:41but it is not really necessary to shake the dispensers of spices
00:17:44to get the product out.
00:17:46You don't believe me? You're not the only one.
00:17:49So go get your favorite salt or pepper bottle in your closet.
00:17:52If it has one of these removable plastic caps,
00:17:55it is perfect for this experiment.
00:17:57Instead of shaking the bottle,
00:17:59try to hold it by the plastic cap
00:18:01while it is upside down.
00:18:03Slowly rotate the bottle from one side to the other
00:18:06and you will see that the condiment will flow
00:18:09without you having to shake the bottle
00:18:11and mess up your kitchen.
00:18:13In the same order of ideas,
00:18:15most salt dispensers and pepper dispensers
00:18:17have strips at the bottom of the upside-down part.
00:18:19In case the seasoning gets stuck inside,
00:18:22place the bottom of the salt dispenser
00:18:24against the bottom of the pepper dispenser
00:18:26and make small circles so that the crepes
00:18:28stick to each other.
00:18:30The condiment should now flow easily
00:18:32without you having to open the bottle.
00:18:35When it is cold,
00:18:36it often happens that you wear so many layers of clothing
00:18:39that you no longer feel the straps of your handbag
00:18:41or your backpack on your shoulders.
00:18:43Not to mention the speed with which it slides.
00:18:46Some jackets have an integrated solution
00:18:48to remedy this problem,
00:18:50in the form of a small strap on the shoulder
00:18:52with a hook or a button.
00:18:54It is designed to open and close easily
00:18:57so that you can keep your handbag in place permanently.
00:19:00Most of the time,
00:19:02a peeler is only used to remove the skin of potatoes,
00:19:04carrots or cucumbers.
00:19:06But you can also use your vegetable peeler
00:19:08to cut thin slices of onion.
00:19:11Just cut the onion into four vertically
00:19:13and then start slicing it.
00:19:15This can also prevent you from crying with your onion.
00:19:20Most people don't pay attention to this,
00:19:22but if you ever look closely at your toothpaste tube,
00:19:25you will certainly see small colored lines,
00:19:28whether they are dots or squares.
00:19:30Colors can vary.
00:19:32They can be black, green, red or even blue.
00:19:35These colored dots are actually intended
00:19:37to help the toothpaste assembly machines.
00:19:40They allow you to know where and when
00:19:42these machines have to cut the toothpaste tubes
00:19:45and fold them to pack them.
00:19:47Look at your shoes.
00:19:49If there is an element that seems a little strange to you,
00:19:51know that it is always there for a good reason.
00:19:54Most manufacturers do not add
00:19:56additional elements to the shoes just for fun.
00:19:58It would be a waste of time and money,
00:20:00you can imagine.
00:20:02On winter shoes, for example,
00:20:04there is often a small loop at the top and back.
00:20:06It is there to help you put them on,
00:20:08because you can adjust it quickly by pulling on it.
00:20:11In addition, it also allows you to suspend the soles somewhere,
00:20:14probably to dry them,
00:20:16because most of these little boots
00:20:18are designed to be worn during the coldest and humidest months.
00:20:21I admit that it has already happened to me at least once
00:20:24to accumulate the layers of clothes to avoid having to put everything in my suitcase.
00:20:28But this becomes problematic when it comes to sitting.
00:20:31What do you do with your coat or jacket?
00:20:33The next time you take the plane,
00:20:35look closer at the seat in front of you.
00:20:38The hook that holds the tablet upright
00:20:40can be used as a hook for your jacket.
00:20:42As long as you don't need to have a meal during the flight,
00:20:45you can use it.
00:20:47Most mascaras last between 3 and 6 months,
00:20:50depending on the manufacturer.
00:20:52But you can speed up this process if you don't pay attention.
00:20:55By continuously pumping the mascara brush
00:20:58to try to distribute more products,
00:21:00you fill the tube with air.
00:21:02The mascara then dries much faster
00:21:04and it damages faster
00:21:06and no longer fulfills its mission as before.
00:21:08There is a simple way to check
00:21:10if your mascara is still good enough to be used.
00:21:13If you don't hear a little plop when you take out the brush,
00:21:16you may need to buy a new one.
00:21:19I know that we live in an era of devices connected by Bluetooth.
00:21:23But for a sound of better quality,
00:21:25it is always recommended to use headphones
00:21:27that connect via audio jacks.
00:21:29Do you remember noticing black stripes on these jacks?
00:21:32They are not there just to hold them
00:21:34when you plug them into your phone or laptop.
00:21:37Made in a special insulating material,
00:21:40these strips are intended to protect the wires
00:21:42during the transmission of sound.
00:21:44Depending on the number of strips,
00:21:46you can guess which end goes where.
00:21:48An empty space under a cup of noodles
00:21:51does not mean that the company that produced them
00:21:53wanted to scam you by depriving you of a complete portion.
00:21:56No, no.
00:21:57It's a way to protect the noodles during their transport.
00:22:00It also facilitates the circulation of hot water
00:22:03that is poured on the noodles before they are tasted.
00:22:07This V-neck collar was originally designed
00:22:09to meet several objectives.
00:22:11First of all, it is a way to extend the life of the garment
00:22:14that will keep its shape over the years.
00:22:17It also serves to pass the head through the sweater
00:22:20in case it needs to be pulled.
00:22:22In this way, it ensures a better grip around the neck.
00:22:26Finally, it helps to absorb sweat
00:22:28if you wear the jacket during a workout session.
00:22:31It is no longer a common practice,
00:22:33but you may one day come across a jacket
00:22:35with an additional mysterious pocket on the right side.
00:22:39It turns out that this pocket was once used by men
00:22:42to easily access their train tickets,
00:22:44because most of them went to work every day.
00:22:48It allowed them to keep their jacket buttoned
00:22:50while benefiting from a pocket.
00:22:52Today, it is no longer a useless decoration.
00:22:55Speaking of things that we no longer use today,
00:22:58or at least not in their initial purpose,
00:23:00did you know that Pledo was originally a cleaning product?
00:23:04In the 1920s,
00:23:06industrialists needed a product
00:23:08that would help them clean the upholstered area
00:23:10around the coal ovens.
00:23:12The recipe for what we know today as Pledo
00:23:15was thus invented.
00:23:17It was made only in white
00:23:19and was supposed to clean the wallpaper
00:23:21by being rolled back and forth on the dirt.
00:23:23It was only later, in the 1940s,
00:23:26that new products intended to clean the wallpaper
00:23:29were born,
00:23:30and that Pledo was redirected to another sector of the market.
00:23:34Although I still enjoy eating a good piece of toasted bread
00:23:37for breakfast,
00:23:38isn't it boring to have to clean the breadcrumbs?
00:23:41Well, not anymore,
00:23:42because I recently discovered that breadcrumbs
00:23:44are equipped with a slide or a panel at the bottom
00:23:47that allows you to easily get rid
00:23:49of all these annoying crumbs.
00:23:51It was a time when video games
00:23:53could only be used by inserting cartridges
00:23:55into the console of your choice.
00:23:57However, these small objects gave a lot of headaches
00:23:59to many doctors.
00:24:01People, especially the youngest,
00:24:03began to end up in the hospital
00:24:05after swallowing small game cartridges.
00:24:07Nintendo, the company that manufactures
00:24:09the majority of these devices,
00:24:11had to find a creative solution
00:24:13to avoid these accidents.
00:24:15This is why, nowadays,
00:24:17Nintendo Switch cartridges
00:24:19are slowly replaced by special chemical products
00:24:21that leave a really unpleasant bitter taste
00:24:23in the mouth.
00:24:25Clearly, I do not recommend you
00:24:27to try and taste for yourself.
00:24:29Have you ever wondered
00:24:31what these additional holes
00:24:33at the top of your sports shoes are for?
00:24:35They are designed so that you can attach
00:24:37the shoes in several different ways.
00:24:39It is useful when you want to compensate
00:24:41for things like a bad stroke,
00:24:43or even a damaged toe.
00:24:45In addition, you can modify the look
00:24:47as you wish.
00:24:49Many people use
00:24:51the cover of their books
00:24:53as a page marker.
00:24:55This is not a problem.
00:24:57Thanks to it, you will not have to frame your pages.
00:24:59But the first goal of a cover
00:25:01is to protect the book
00:25:03from external damage.
00:25:05For example, if you spill fruit juice
00:25:07or drop food on your book
00:25:09while you read it.
00:25:11The tic-tac box has this little groove
00:25:13on the top
00:25:15where you can put the tic-tac box
00:25:17at the same time.
00:25:19Even if, let's be honest,
00:25:21no one does that.
00:25:23Most of us spill a lot of it at once.
00:25:25Then we put all these tic-tac boxes
00:25:27in excess.
00:25:29These little rubber tips
00:25:31that you see between the tire tread
00:25:33are there for your safety.
00:25:35They tell you what is the minimum height
00:25:37of your tread.
00:25:39If the tips and edges are equal,
00:25:41it is time for you to go
00:25:43What about this black grid
00:25:45on the microwave window?
00:25:47This is what we call a Faraday cage.
00:25:49It is there to prevent
00:25:51microwaves from escaping
00:25:53and to turn the whole room
00:25:55into an oven.
00:25:57If microwaves escape,
00:25:59your meal will not be able
00:26:01to cook properly either.
00:26:03Indeed, this cage is not there
00:26:05to prevent you from seeing your meal
00:26:07while it is cooking,
00:26:09but so that the electromagnetic energy
00:26:11from the microwave can escape.
00:26:13And why not a screwdriver
00:26:15compatible with a wrench?
00:26:17Grab your screwdriver
00:26:19with the end of your wrench
00:26:21to increase its torsion force.
00:26:23This is why the head of your screwdriver
00:26:25is designed as it is.
00:26:27When you have weird angles,
00:26:29you can use this strategy.
00:26:31You've probably heard this myth.
00:26:33The blue side of the rubber
00:26:35can erase the pencil.
00:26:37It's wrong.
00:26:39The blue side can also remove
00:26:41these traces that may remain
00:26:43after using the pink rubber.
00:26:45Have you ever wondered
00:26:47why oranges in supermarkets
00:26:49are most often in red mesh bags?
00:26:51It's a tip for the fruits
00:26:53to have a brighter color,
00:26:55which encourages you to buy them.
00:26:57A bonus tip,
00:26:59do not throw away this mesh bag.
00:27:01Tie it to have enough to cook your pans
00:27:03and clean your sink,
00:27:05your kitchen appliances,
00:27:37You may have noticed that there were sometimes small cracks on the top of the toothpicks.
00:27:43It's more hygienic because when you break it, you can press the toothpick on it and it won't touch anything else.
00:27:51Another security device that you will find in your car this time is a strap on your rearview mirror.
00:27:57With it, you can change the position of the mirror so as not to be blinded if there is a car behind you driving in the headlights.
00:28:05This little strap helps you to control the blinding of the lights coming from the rear.
00:28:09This function appeared in the 1930s, but it was only at the beginning of the 1970s that it became a standard equipment for most cars and other trucks.
00:28:19Do you see this little hole on your iPhone?
00:28:21Right next to the rear-facing camera?
00:28:23It's a microphone.
00:28:25And it's there so that your phone can record the sound when you rotate your camera.
00:28:30Some cables have a thick cylinder at the end of the cord.
00:28:34It's called a ferrite core.
00:28:37It's a magnetic iron oxide that stops electromagnetic interferences at high frequencies.
00:28:43You see, for example, this annoying static noise you get if you bring your phone too close to a speaker.
00:28:49It interferes with your call.
00:28:51That's why cable cords with large cylinders are rather useful because they prevent this kind of thing.
00:28:57Do you know why almost all luggage bags and backpacks have two zippers?
00:29:02It's much more practical and easier to open it that way.
00:29:05But that's not all.
00:29:07You can also lock these two sliding zippers together so that the things inside your bags are safe.
00:29:13You know how public places' toilets, like shopping malls, have these large spaces at the bottom of the door?
00:29:19It's mainly for better air circulation.
00:29:23This type of door also allows you to clean the toilets more easily or check if they are occupied when you wait.
00:29:29Apart from that, if you are stuck inside and the lock is broken, you still have a way to escape.
00:29:35You can just crawl out.
00:29:38Have you ever noticed these plastic tips on the cutters?
00:29:42The blade is also curved, which indicates that you can renew it several times, always with sharp edges.
00:29:50You can separate these pieces of blade thanks to these plastic tips.
00:29:53Then you just have to move the sliding part to push this new blade forward.
00:29:58If you have already taken a moment to examine a lambda supermarket cart, especially its foldable section,
00:30:04you have probably noticed these metal loops that protrude.
00:30:08They are designed to protect the items you carry in your cart.
00:30:12You can use them to hang bags containing soft items,
00:30:16such as bread, which you do not want to accidentally crush, with heavier products,
00:30:20or things more easily breakable, such as eggs.
00:30:24Many coffee cups are equipped with curved notches on their bottom.
00:30:27When you wash your cups, place them against the drawer of your dishwasher.
00:30:31This way, water will not accumulate inside and your favorite cup will be completely dry when you take it out of here.
00:30:39If you are a fan of McFlurry, you have probably already noticed that there was a square hole in the handle of their spoon.
00:30:45It is there so that you can attach it to this special machine, which mixes the ice cream with your favorite toppings.
00:30:52The machine has a bar that slides into this square-shaped spoon and gently stirs it.
00:30:58And you are given this spoon to minimize damage during the process.
00:31:02Pretty cool, isn't it?
00:31:05An ordinary can of milk usually has a boss on the side.
00:31:09Some may see a choice of random design, but this boss fulfills several objectives.
00:31:14One of them is to inflate if there is an accumulation of gas.
00:31:17This happens when your milk has turned.
00:31:20Thus, you do not even need to taste it to check.
00:31:23In addition, the boss is there so that the bottle does not explode if you drop it accidentally.
00:31:27It allows a space of expansion, which takes in the sudden pressure that occurs when you drop the bottle.
00:31:36It is obviously important to take care of your teeth, and it is easy to guess how to use it.
00:31:41But it is also great in the kitchen.
00:31:44Because it is a very precise cake cutter.
00:31:47Much more effective than an ordinary knife.
00:31:52Most kitchen scissors have a keyhole opening right here in the center, where the blades and handles meet.
00:31:58This is something you can use to trim difficult herbs like thyme or rosemary.
00:32:03Thanks to this opening, you do not need to remove the leaves by hand.
00:32:07But you can tear them all in one move.
00:32:11A large part of yoghurt or flan skins are provided with an aluminum foil lid.
00:32:16And in most cases, you can use this lid as a disposable spoon.
00:32:21Just take it off, and after a few simple folds, you will have a small spoon perfect for your 4 hours.
00:32:30You are trying on a jean, a dress or a jacket, and you are about to put your hand in your pocket,
00:32:35when suddenly, you realize that it is impossible.
00:32:38There is no pocket at all.
00:32:41But why sew pockets in which you can not put anything?
00:32:44You can now pick up your iPhone on the floor.
00:32:49Well, the reason is very simple.
00:32:51Adding pockets on some clothes could damage the cut that was initially given to them.
00:32:56They can deform them in the warehouse or on the detailer's showcase.
00:33:02The solution? Get rid of the pockets in the key places.
00:33:06In addition, fake pockets cost much less, and they do not distance themselves.
00:33:11This curious practice dates back to the 17th century.
00:33:14At that time, pockets were removable.
00:33:17They were like small bags, and women, for example, could pass them from one outfit to another.
00:33:22Unfortunately, it was also very practical for pickpockets.
00:33:26Nothing easier than taking hold of his pockets.
00:33:30Then the clothes have evolved.
00:33:32And we started to sew thin pockets instead of these detachable bags.
00:33:37We thought it embellished the silhouette.
00:33:41But soon, narrower skirts appeared.
00:33:44And the pockets went to the trap.
00:33:47People started using handbags instead.
00:33:50Today, most pockets are real.
00:33:52But the fakes have not completely disappeared.
00:33:55So how do we make sure that our clothes have a pocket,
00:33:57and that we will not find a simple hole by putting our hand in it?
00:34:01First, take a look at the seam along the edge of the pocket,
00:34:05where it is supposed to open.
00:34:07If you see a single loose thread, cut a piece and start pulling gently.
00:34:12If the pocket is real, the thread will come out easily.
00:34:16But if the seam does not move, it is very likely that it is a fake pocket.
00:34:22In this case, drop it.
00:34:26Now let's see what other everyday objects have a little secret.
00:34:30For example, these lines on certain varieties of crisps.
00:34:34They help to distribute spices and seasonings.
00:34:38Basically, all these substances that give taste to your crisps are retained between these lines.
00:34:44And then, they make them more crispy.
00:34:48The overlays are filled with a semi-transparent fluorescent ink,
00:34:52which shines under low light.
00:34:55Yellow and light green are the most popular,
00:34:57because they allow you to see the text when you make a black and white photocopy.
00:35:02The photocopiers do not detect these colors, and the page remains clear.
00:35:08In the past, there was a problem with jeans.
00:35:12Workers and miners, who were the first to wear them,
00:35:15often mistreated them during their work.
00:35:18And the seams did not resist and tore.
00:35:22Tiny metal rivets were therefore added to reinforce this popular garment.
00:35:28Most metal zippers lock automatically.
00:35:31That's why you should not leave the zipper pointed up.
00:35:34When you bring it down, it locks, in a way.
00:35:37This is thanks to small grooves hidden under the zipper.
00:35:43Now let's talk about these horizontal lines on plastic bottles.
00:35:47It is thanks to them that the bottles stand up.
00:35:49Some bottles are made of flexible plastic.
00:35:52Without these lines, they would deform.
00:35:54They would be all wrinkled and could even break.
00:35:57The bath foam is not only used to have fun or to perfume the water.
00:36:00It is also used to regulate the temperature.
00:36:02The bubbles retain the heat and you can enjoy your bath longer.
00:36:06With or without plastic ducks.
00:36:10Have you noticed this layer of transparent liquid in the gel-inked pens?
00:36:14This is what is called the follow-up liquid or the stop liquid.
00:36:17The gel of these pens contains dissolved pigment particles in a polymer solution.
00:36:22The gel must be thick enough to hold the particles in suspension.
00:36:26But also fluid enough to flow first on the ball, then on the paper.
00:36:31The stop liquid prevents the gel from evaporating or flowing.
00:36:37Without this transparent fluid, your gel-inked pen would not write.
00:36:41The fluid is fixed and does not dissolve with the gel.
00:36:45It does not move backwards and does not flow out of the pen.
00:36:50The holes at the bottom of your headphones allow the air to circulate and pass through the speakers.
00:36:55This increases the low frequencies, which improves the quality of the low sounds.
00:36:59And the sound quality in general is improved.
00:37:03Some plastic milk containers have holes on the side.
00:37:07It is that they do not stop hitting each other.
00:37:11These holes have several functions.
00:37:14First of all, when the milk stops, it usually causes a swelling and an increase in pressure inside the container.
00:37:22This is when the hole is useful.
00:37:25It inflates and prevents the container from bursting.
00:37:27In addition, if you decide to freeze your milk, it will spread like any other liquid.
00:37:32And this hole will swell and your bottle of milk will remain intact in your freezer.
00:37:37A good thing!
00:37:40Airplanes' wings have rounded edges and this is very important for safety.
00:37:45This avoids accidents.
00:37:47The weak points are generally located in the corners.
00:37:50If the plane's wings were square or rectangular, they would therefore have four weak points.
00:37:55With the pressure, it could be catastrophic.
00:37:59If you look closely at the air cables of the railways, you will see that they zigzag instead of running in a straight line.
00:38:06All railways have pantographs on their roofs.
00:38:11The upper part of the pantograph gradually sweats at the contact of the cable.
00:38:16In the end, it must be replaced.
00:38:19For it to sweat uniformly, the cables do not follow a straight line, but in a zigzag.
00:38:24The railway advances and its pantograph sweats more slowly.
00:38:29You may have already wondered why some gas cans have two holes with caps, a large one and a smaller one.
00:38:36Before, I thought that the small hole was used to pour the liquid into a small container.
00:38:40But I was wrong.
00:38:42And it's very rare.
00:38:44In reality, you have to uncap it before pouring your gas through the large hole.
00:38:49You will avoid it from sticking and spreading on the ground by accident.
00:38:53Most of the buttons of a shirt are vertical.
00:38:57But those at the top, and sometimes at the bottom, are horizontal.
00:39:01The reason is simple.
00:39:03These two buttons slide more often than the others.
00:39:06Fortunately, the manufacturers have found a solution to prevent these buttons from sliding.
00:39:10Horizontal buttons.
00:39:12What ingenuity!
00:39:14The buttons are less often found in this type of buttons.
00:39:17The sugar or salt sachets are easier to open than you think.
00:39:20It is not necessary to tear one of the ends.
00:39:23The right method is to tear them in the middle.
00:39:27Some boots have loops at the top of the heel.
00:39:30They are used to put your shoes on more easily.
00:39:33You just have to pull on the loop while you push your heel into the boot.
00:39:37You can also use these loops to hang your shoes when they are dirty or when you want to dry them after washing.
00:39:44You can also pass your laces through the loop if you want to hang your shoes.
00:39:48When you are in a plane, you may notice a small triangle above your seat.
00:39:53These triangles indicate to the on-board staff the best places to check the flights of the plane through the canopy.
00:39:58You are never too safe.
00:40:00If your shoes are really too slippery, you just need to take some sandpaper and rub it on your soles.
00:40:06They will hang better and you can wear them when it rains.
00:40:10But be careful not to sand them too much.
00:40:13Your feet could get dirty.
00:40:15If you drill a few holes in the bottom of your bin, it will be easier for you to place and take out your bags.
00:40:20The air will circulate better and you won't hold them anymore.
00:40:24You will usually find silica gel in your bags, shoes and many other things you buy.
00:40:30This gel absorbs excess humidity.
00:40:32Don't throw away your bags.
00:40:34Every time your shoes are wet, put a few of them inside.
00:40:38If your shoes are wet, put a few of them inside.
00:40:41Every time your shoes are wet, put a few of them inside.
00:40:46Thermoses were not invented to keep your coffee hot.
00:40:50They were designed by a Scottish scientist who wanted to keep his chemical products at a stable temperature.
00:40:56So he took two bottles, put the smallest inside the largest and removed the air between the two.
00:41:02But it's still convenient for picnics.
00:41:06If you see it in the street, you think that a fire mouth is about one meter high.
00:41:11But the real size of this device, used to supply water to firefighters around the world, is twice as large.
00:41:17If we count the rest of the fire mouth that is hidden underground.
00:41:21Most of the time, they are red.
00:41:23And it's not just a matter of urban design.
00:41:25First of all, they must be bright and easily identifiable, so that firefighters can locate them quickly if necessary.
00:41:31In the USA, the choice of color depends on the amount of water that the fire mouth can contain.
00:41:35It can sometimes vary depending on the place, but here is the logic.
00:41:38A red fire mouth can project 1,890 liters of water per minute.
00:41:43While an orange one, at least 3,780 liters.
00:41:47Green ones can pour 5,680 liters of water per minute.
00:41:51And the biggest, blue ones, can generally provide more than 5,680 liters.
00:41:57Hi, bowling fans!
00:41:59It doesn't bother you that your bowling ball is cracking?
00:42:01It turns out that most of them can be damaged due to poor storage or temperature peaks.
00:42:05Now, let's be honest.
00:42:07Since it is already a little broken, you are not curious to know what is inside your bowling ball?
00:42:11Because I am.
00:42:13Let's take a look.
00:42:15The inner core of the ball is mainly composed of metallic powder oxides, such as calcium oxide or iron.
00:42:20They are mixed with resin and a catalyst to harden the whole thing.
00:42:24Thus, the shape of the bulb that you now see inside the ball is in fact its heaviest part.
00:42:29It also influences the way the bowling ball turns when it crosses the track.
00:42:32The same goes for paint bombs.
00:42:34When you shake it, it makes a strange noise.
00:42:37But what is this thing inside?
00:42:39It is a small weight, which is supposed to keep the paint mixture in place and keep its shape.
00:42:44It is generally made of plastic, metal or ceramic.
00:42:47It is mainly used as a whip to ensure that the paint is well mixed before applying it to the surface of your choice.
00:42:54Have you ever wondered how the bottles of soda kept this sparkling and refreshing for so long?
00:42:58Well, they have a small plastic seal attached to the lid.
00:43:01It is installed here to prevent the gas from escaping and the drink from becoming flat.
00:43:06Even if you shake it in your bag all day long.
00:43:10Speaking of things that are used when it is very hot.
00:43:13Wait, wait, don't put on your cap yet.
00:43:16Look at it for a moment and you will notice that there is a small button at the top.
00:43:20It is used for something or it is just there to look pretty.
00:43:23Some claim that at the time when people wore hats,
00:43:25this button was used for something.
00:43:28As it is above the cap, where all the pieces of fabric meet,
00:43:31the upper button helps to keep the crown of the cap in one piece.
00:43:35Today, thanks to recent projects in the field of fabric design and patterns,
00:43:39this button has rather become an aesthetic element.
00:43:42It is used to cover the part where all the pieces of fabric meet.
00:43:45Your cap may not have a button, but don't you think it is cooler with it?
00:43:50Cotton discs are also used to cover the cap.
00:43:53Cotton discs have two sides.
00:43:56And if you take the time to look at them carefully, you will see that they have different textures.
00:44:00In case you are wondering why, the side with the texture is used to put on the makeup
00:44:04and the flat side is used to remove it.
00:44:08Book lovers, this is for you.
00:44:11The jackets that come with many books with rigid covers are not only intended to embellish the book.
00:44:15They can also serve as bookmarks.
00:44:17Just fold the pages you have already read under the inside of the jacket.
00:44:20And that's it.
00:44:22The next time you take your favorite shirt, take a look at the buttonhole at the top.
00:44:27It must be sewn horizontally, while all the others are vertical.
00:44:31It turns out that the city shirt was designed this way
00:44:34since the first and last button are the first to unbutton during the day.
00:44:38They therefore modified the direction of the buttonhole
00:44:41so that the shirt stays well adjusted before you are ready to remove it.
00:44:46Nowadays, we have so many different versions of this incredible dessert
00:44:50that you can imagine that we could have lived without it.
00:44:53You can find almost everywhere different types of chocolate chip cookies,
00:44:56in ice cream or even in cakes.
00:44:58But this famous cookie only came to life in 1930.
00:45:01The story goes that a woman named Ruth Grave Wakefield
00:45:05was preparing chocolate cookies while waiting for her guests to arrive.
00:45:08Very quickly, she realized that she no longer had pastry chocolate,
00:45:12an essential ingredient to prepare classic biscuits.
00:45:15To remedy this situation, she bought a half-sweet chocolate bar
00:45:17by thinking that it would end up evenly distributed in the dough
00:45:21given the heat of the oven.
00:45:23Things did not necessarily go as she had planned.
00:45:25But that's good, because that's how she invented this modern dessert
00:45:28that we can no longer do without.
00:45:32And speaking of popular snacks,
00:45:34chips are even younger than chocolate chip cookies.
00:45:37At least from a historical point of view.
00:45:39There are many stories that try to explain how they were invented.
00:45:43One of them is the following.
00:45:44A chef named George Crum, based in New York,
00:45:47created the chips in 1953.
00:45:50He wanted to try a new cooking method
00:45:53when one of his customers was full of his fries.
00:45:56He said they were too thick and a little soft.
00:46:00Crum then imagined finely chopped potatoes and fries
00:46:03until they were brown.
00:46:05People loved this dish
00:46:07and welcomed this very first batch of chips to Bresouvert.
00:46:12Ice cream, anyone?
00:46:14In fact, in 1904, at the Saint Louis Universal Exhibition,
00:46:18an ice cream vendor ran out of cups to serve his specialty.
00:46:21So he made a cone-shaped waffle
00:46:24and the rest now belongs to history.
00:46:27Okay, I admit it,
00:46:29similar products to chewing gum have existed since Ancient Greece.
00:46:32So this discovery is not particularly revolutionary.
00:46:35But the chewing gum we buy today
00:46:37appeared at the end of the 1800s.
00:46:39An American inventor named Thomas Adams
00:46:41wanted to mix different chemical products
00:46:44to create synthetic rubber.
00:46:46He tried and failed to exploit the properties of gum
00:46:49for his experiment,
00:46:51but he ended up creating this delicious snack.
00:46:53Today, we still use gum
00:46:55to produce a certain number of chewing gums.
00:46:57In the 1800s, a man named Jean-Baptiste Joly
00:47:00worked in the textile industry
00:47:02as a fabric manufacturer.
00:47:04The discovery of the following invention,
00:47:06which we use a lot nowadays,
00:47:08has a little to do with him
00:47:10The story goes that the woman accidentally
00:47:13threw a kerosene lamp on a tablecloth.
00:47:15Instead of getting angry when seeing the damaged fabric,
00:47:18Joly noticed that the substance
00:47:20had actually cleaned the fabric.
00:47:22You already understood.
00:47:24Yes, this is how the very first pressing was born.
00:47:27A very clean accident,
00:47:29if I may say so.
00:47:32Now, I love this one.
00:47:34Did you know that matches were originally called
00:47:36friction lights?
00:47:37In any case, this is the name their inventor,
00:47:39a chemist named John Walker,
00:47:41gave them in 1826.
00:47:43One day, he scratched a chemical product
00:47:45coated stick on his chimney by pure chance,
00:47:48and realized that it was igniting
00:47:50and creating sparks.
00:47:52Originally made of cardboard,
00:47:54they were then made from
00:47:56wooden rods and glass paper.
00:47:59In the 1940s,
00:48:01a man named Harry Coover
00:48:03came across a chemical formula
00:48:05that seemed to adhere to everything it touched.
00:48:07However, the scientist of the time
00:48:09did not think much about the question,
00:48:11because the formula did not seem to have
00:48:13many applications at the time.
00:48:15It was only in 1951 that he thought
00:48:17a little more about the formula
00:48:19and decided to reuse it,
00:48:21with another researcher,
00:48:23Distman Kodak, named Fred Joyner.
00:48:25They used a complete name,
00:48:27adhesive composition based on
00:48:29cyanacrylate, methyl,
00:48:31but you must know it under the shorter version,
00:48:35It has so much use in terms of security
00:48:37that in 1903,
00:48:39a scientist named Edouard Bénédictus
00:48:41dropped a bottle by accident.
00:48:43Looking down,
00:48:45he was amazed to see that the bottle
00:48:47had slightly melted,
00:48:49but had retained its shape.
00:48:51He expected it to break into a thousand pieces.
00:48:53Intrigued by this unknown peculiarity until then,
00:48:55he pondered the question
00:48:57and discovered that what kept the glass in place
00:48:59was a substance, nitrate of cellulose,
00:49:01which covered the inside of the glass.
00:49:03This is how humanity discovered
00:49:05the glass of security.
00:49:07Crackers are holes
00:49:09to prevent them from cracking
00:49:11and breaking during cooking.
00:49:13Without these holes,
00:49:15steam would accumulate in the dough
00:49:17until it burst.
00:49:19If you look at the capsule of a soda bottle,
00:49:21you will notice that there is a plastic disc inside.
00:49:23It is used to seal the liquid and gases
00:49:25so that the drink remains sparkling.
00:49:27The long neck of the bottle is designed
00:49:29to encourage you to hold it there.
00:49:31In this way,
00:49:33the heat of your hand will only heat
00:49:35this part of the bottle
00:49:37and not the other.
00:49:39It is difficult to see the dishes
00:49:41when they are in the microwave oven
00:49:43because of this black satin gray on the glass.
00:49:45But if it is there,
00:49:47it is to prevent the harmful waves
00:49:49from escaping.
00:49:51Acting like a shield of Faraday,
00:49:53it serves to protect you
00:49:55while ensuring adequate cooking of the food.
00:49:57Some products,
00:49:59such as chips packets,
00:50:01contain up to 43% nitrogen.
00:50:03One might think that we are sold
00:50:05to a half-filled bag of air
00:50:07so that the contact with the chips
00:50:09would induce a reaction
00:50:11that would quickly make them rust.
00:50:13This phenomenon, called oxidation,
00:50:15bears its name.
00:50:17Nitrogen, on the other hand,
00:50:19is an inert gas that keeps food
00:50:21and prevents it from getting damaged
00:50:23during transport.
00:50:25Chips packed in an air cushion
00:50:27remain crispy
00:50:29and do not risk turning into crumbs.
00:50:31Donuts are hollowed
00:50:33so that the outside and the inside
00:50:35cook uniformly.
00:50:37This is why they are so crispy.
00:50:39Marks on paper sheets
00:50:41are not used to write
00:50:43the dates or the numbering lists.
00:50:45They were originally added
00:50:47to fulfill a protection function.
00:50:49At the time,
00:50:51rats were a real problem in houses
00:50:53and paper was one of their main favorites.
00:50:55Marks were used
00:50:57as a security device.
00:50:59Rats would rather nibble on the white paper
00:51:01which encoded the part
00:51:03intended for writing.
00:51:05This hole in the stem of your saucer
00:51:07is used to prevent ingestion.
00:51:09It is used to hold the donut in place.
00:51:11The water-filled confectionery
00:51:13enters the hollow of the stem
00:51:15and, once solidified,
00:51:17holds the saucer in place.
00:51:19In this process,
00:51:21it would be more fragile
00:51:23and would come off easily.
00:51:25Vacuum cleaners have a lot of accessories
00:51:27but do we really know
00:51:29what this long brush is for?
00:51:31It is useful for dust removal
00:51:33and its shape is perfectly adapted
00:51:35for cleaning frames, curtains
00:51:37and a plastic belt.
00:51:39Not only does a cedar belt
00:51:41allow you to adjust the shape of clothes
00:51:43but it also repels mites
00:51:45and other insects.
00:51:47Salt is not only useful in the kitchen.
00:51:49It can get rid of strong odors.
00:51:51Rubbing salt on your fingers
00:51:53after chopping garlic
00:51:55should get rid of the smell
00:51:57and it also works for shoes.
00:51:59The breadcrumbs have a secret drawer
00:52:01in the bottom
00:52:03that can be removed
00:52:04with a small piece of bread.
00:52:06If you can't get chocolate out of the box,
00:52:08look at these little holes next to it.
00:52:10They are there to help you.
00:52:12If you press one of these holes,
00:52:14the chocolate will come out easily.
00:52:16When you drink a sip of coffee
00:52:18in a cup with a lid,
00:52:20the pressure in the cup decreases
00:52:22and the air tries to enter.
00:52:24The little hole on the lid
00:52:26allows the air to circulate
00:52:28and the drink can flow smoothly
00:52:30through the main opening.
00:52:32And it's not over.
00:52:34They are used to inform
00:52:36the staff and customers
00:52:38about the contents of the cups
00:52:40in order to differentiate them.
00:52:42There is a legend
00:52:44about each little refill.
00:52:46You just have to look at which one is filled
00:52:48to know what it corresponds to.
00:52:50The numbers on the fruit labels
00:52:52give us information
00:52:54about how they were grown.
00:52:56If there are four numbers,
00:52:58the first one is a 4 or a 3,
00:53:00the fruit was treated with pesticides.
00:53:02If there are five numbers,
00:53:04the first one is an 8,
00:53:06it has undergone genetic modifications.
00:53:08When you are on your way to your car
00:53:10after you have finished
00:53:12and packed all your shopping,
00:53:14remember to use the hooks
00:53:16on the cart to hang the bags.
00:53:18This way, the most fragile items
00:53:20like bread, eggs,
00:53:22or fruits and vegetables
00:53:24will not be crushed
00:53:26by the heavier products.
00:53:28If you have no one with you
00:53:30to help you hold your tape measure
00:53:32when you try to measure something,
00:53:34you just have to unroll it.
00:53:36The McFlurry square spoon
00:53:38is designed to easily mix
00:53:40the fillings with the ice.
00:53:42It hooks directly to a machine
00:53:44and starts spinning.
00:53:46The external hooks
00:53:48suck quickly because of the rain.
00:53:50You see this little hole down there?
00:53:52It is used to pour engine oil.
00:53:54This trick allows you
00:53:56to lubricate the mechanism
00:53:58and the key should spin again
00:54:02You've been hitting the bottom
00:54:04but nothing comes out?
00:54:06Here's a little trick.
00:54:08Put the bottle diagonally
00:54:10and tap it towards the middle of the neck.
00:54:12In many fast foods,
00:54:14customers have small paper cups
00:54:16folded to serve ketchup or mustard.
00:54:18Ready for the scoop?
00:54:20These little ramekins
00:54:22are actually supposed to unfold
00:54:24to become real little paper plates
00:54:26that can hold a lot more sauce.
00:54:28The little hole on the handle
00:54:30of the pans or pans
00:54:32is not only used to hang them
00:54:34but also as a utensil
00:54:36that you can use in this hollow.
00:54:38It will be held above the preparation
00:54:40that is being cooked
00:54:42and will prevent splinters.
00:54:44The colored hairs of a toothbrush
00:54:46are there to tell us
00:54:48when it is necessary to change them.
00:54:50If you notice that these hairs
00:54:52are considerably pale,
00:54:54change your toothbrush
00:54:56or just your head depending on the case.
00:54:58The upper hole of the sink
00:55:00has many functions.
00:55:02First, it prevents water from overflowing
00:55:04by allowing the air to escape
00:55:06while the water is flowing.
00:55:08Most of the metal shutters
00:55:10have a hidden locking system
00:55:12that can save you from awkward moments
00:55:14like an open bracket.
00:55:16Don't let the strap go up.
00:55:18If you lower the strap,
00:55:20the closure locks automatically.
00:55:22All thanks to these little notches
00:55:24placed under the tongue.
00:55:26Fermented milk produces gases
00:55:28like most fermented foods.
00:55:30Some plastic milk cans
00:55:32have a concave part on one side.
00:55:34This part of the bottle will inflate
00:55:36and the concave shape becomes convex.
00:55:38The same thing will happen
00:55:40if you put the can in the freezer.
00:55:42The solidified milk takes up more space
00:55:44than the liquid form.
00:55:46The foam bath is not only made
00:55:48to have fun and feel good.
00:55:50It also regulates the temperature.
00:55:52The bubbles keep the water warm
00:55:54and you can enjoy your bath longer.
00:55:56However, it only works
00:55:58for acrylic baths,
00:56:00those made of metal
00:56:02that quickly lose heat in all cases.
00:56:04These mugs have small grooves
00:56:06on the bottom.
00:56:08This is designed for dishwashers.
00:56:10They allow water to flow
00:56:12and thus avoid getting everywhere
00:56:14when you get out of the dishwasher.
00:56:16These grooves help to circulate the air
00:56:18so that the cup does not crack
00:56:20even if the tea is boiling.
00:56:22The small tips in the cream tube caps
00:56:24are also useful.
00:56:26Most of the tubes
00:56:28are sealed with aluminum.
00:56:30It is impossible to pierce
00:56:32without saying goodbye to your nails.
00:56:34The escalator brushes
00:56:36are not used to clean and polish
00:56:38your shoes by the way.
00:56:40Applying wax on a moving escalator
00:56:42can be complex.
00:56:44These brushes are there
00:56:46for safety reasons
00:56:48by preventing users
00:56:50from approaching the edge of the steps.
00:56:52They reduce the risk
00:56:54that the bottom of a long coat
00:56:56or ripped pants
00:56:58get stuck between the steps.
00:57:00All tic-tac boxes are designed
00:57:02to make only one tic-tac come out at a time.
00:57:04If you open it,
00:57:06you will see that there is only one tic-tac in the lid.
00:57:08If you shake the box
00:57:10until it is full
00:57:12you do not know how to eat tic-tac.
00:57:14Originally, the pompom on the caps
00:57:16was not just a fashion accessory.
00:57:18It prevented sailors
00:57:20from hitting their heads
00:57:22on the ceiling,
00:57:24typically very low, of ships.
00:57:26The cylinder at the end of a cable
00:57:28is placed there
00:57:30and seems totally useless.
00:57:32In fact, it is a ferrite pearl
00:57:34to reduce electromagnetic interference.
00:57:36The electric wires
00:57:38act as involuntary antennas
00:57:40and diffuse the emitted energy.
00:57:42There is a reason
00:57:44why the tray inside the microwave
00:57:46is circular.
00:57:48A circular object
00:57:50evenly distributes heat
00:57:52unlike rectangular or square objects.
00:57:54When you place containers
00:57:56with these shapes inside,
00:57:58the energy is concentrated on the corners
00:58:00instead of being evenly distributed
00:58:02like in a round container.
00:58:04The temperature gauge
00:58:06of a bread grill
00:58:08is generally used
00:58:10to determine the degree of cooking of the tarts.
00:58:12But the other, more specific use
00:58:14of the gauge
00:58:16is that of different types of bread.
00:58:18White and sweet breads
00:58:20heat up much faster
00:58:22than brown and rye breads,
00:58:24which are heavier.
00:58:26The older the bread,
00:58:28the more time it will need
00:58:30in the bread grill
00:58:32to get the golden result
00:58:34you probably think
00:58:36that the goal is to cool the oven
00:58:38after use.
00:58:40In fact,
00:58:42its goal is to focus
00:58:44on the cooking of the top of the dish
00:58:46and ensure a crispy layer.
00:58:48By controlling the accumulation of heat
00:58:50and steam
00:58:52by releasing it through the slightly open door,
00:58:54you get the desired result
00:58:56without cooking the whole dish
00:58:58until it is crispy.
00:59:00You have probably noticed
00:59:02that your dishwasher
00:59:04must be oriented towards the center
00:59:06and not all in the same direction.
00:59:08The types of food on the plates
00:59:10will also determine
00:59:12their location in the drawers.
00:59:14As the center of the machine
00:59:16receives the strongest gel,
00:59:18the glucid-based stains
00:59:20from tomatoes and potatoes
00:59:22must be placed in this place.
00:59:24The detergent is more concentrated
00:59:26on the outside during cleaning,
00:59:28which creates a cascade-shaped cleaning.
00:59:30This is why protein-based stains
00:59:32such as those of eggs, for example,
00:59:34must be placed in this place.
00:59:36The ceiling fans
00:59:38push the fresh air down
00:59:40when it is hot,
00:59:42making the room circulate.
00:59:44But they can serve you
00:59:46just as effectively in winter
00:59:48if you engage the switch on the side
00:59:50or if you use the pull.
00:59:52So if you want to save money
00:59:54on heating
00:59:56and try to heat your room quickly
00:59:58on a cold day,
01:00:00put the fan in motion.
01:00:02It will push the air up
01:00:04and you will always have post-it notes
01:00:06instead of these new sophisticated applications
01:00:08on all imaginable devices.
01:00:10Welcome to the club!
01:00:12Whatever you use,
01:00:14they always end up falling.
01:00:16If you have already encountered this problem,
01:00:18it is because you took them off
01:00:20from the bottom to the top.
01:00:22It is this way of doing things
01:00:24that causes the roll-over.
01:00:26By taking them off on the side,
01:00:28you make sure they stay flat
01:00:30and ready to remind you of your daily tasks.
01:00:32Did you know that the open boxes
01:00:34have become commonplace?
01:00:36So how was it possible
01:00:38to open a can box before?
01:00:40There are a few alternative methods
01:00:42in case you have missed
01:00:44your faithful open box.
01:00:46All you need is a metal spoon.
01:00:48Place the box on the work surface,
01:00:50hold it firmly
01:00:52and hold the spoon head well.
01:00:54Press and rub vigorously
01:00:56the edge of the lid of the box
01:00:58on a small surface.
01:01:00This takes time,
01:01:02but by rubbing,
01:01:04you get the idea.
01:01:06Once the hole is wide enough
01:01:08to pass the tip of the spoon,
01:01:10put the lever on the lid
01:01:12and keep rubbing the edges
01:01:14until you can finally
01:01:16access the meal it contains.
01:01:18You have won!
01:01:20Most toilets depend on
01:01:22the pressure of the water
01:01:24and the gravity to function.
01:01:26A power failure will not affect them.
01:01:28But if yours need electricity
01:01:30to function,
01:01:32you should worry about their use
01:01:34and not about pulling the flush.
01:01:36As the mechanism of the flush
01:01:38always works,
01:01:40open the toilet tank,
01:01:42pour a few liters
01:01:44and you can flush
01:01:46everything you need.
01:01:48The plugs in the shower pipes
01:01:50occur over a long period.
01:01:52It is inevitable.
01:01:54We lose 50 to 100 hairs a day
01:01:56and many of them
01:01:58try to fit in our shower pipes.
01:02:00The hair is the main source
01:02:02of obstruction,
01:02:04a good thing
01:02:06is to use your vacuum cleaner
01:02:08and put the tip in the hole
01:02:10after removing the grid.
01:02:12Use a damp cloth
01:02:14around the tip
01:02:16making sure that the air
01:02:18cannot escape.
01:02:20The vacuum cleaner
01:02:22will be able to vacuum
01:02:24things that obstruct
01:02:26much more easily.
01:02:28You will thus avoid the
01:02:30plumber's costs
01:02:32who use this technique themselves.
01:02:34The vacuum cleaner
01:02:36is firm and stable
01:02:38and it continues to burn
01:02:40more slowly
01:02:42for a longer period.
01:02:44The empty space between
01:02:46the windows of the oven door
01:02:48is there for a good reason.
01:02:50You can slide a brush
01:02:52to clean the window
01:02:54of the oven door.
01:02:56It is easy to access
01:02:58this space from the bottom
01:03:00of the door.
01:03:02Open the lower part
01:03:04of the door
01:03:06to get a good distance
01:03:08before the bumper
01:03:10makes a notch on the wall.
01:03:12Stretching a rope
01:03:14with a tennis ball
01:03:16from the ceiling
01:03:18at a good distance
01:03:20will help you learn
01:03:22the best distance to respect
01:03:24to park compared to the wall.
01:03:26We have all been told
01:03:28to unlock a lock
01:03:30with WD-40 or lubricant.
01:03:32Yes, we all know
01:03:34how to insert it into the lock.
01:03:36Keep doing it
01:03:38until the lock hole
01:03:40is well lubricated
01:03:42and the key works.
01:03:44The pliers are likely
01:03:46to damage the taps
01:03:48and shower heads
01:03:50when you use them
01:03:52to repair them
01:03:54and they are also
01:03:56difficult to grab.
01:03:58Take two pieces
01:04:00of the end of an old
01:04:02watering pipe
01:04:04or a used rubber
01:04:06for different things
01:04:08in the house.
01:04:10When you have enough
01:04:12to tighten or loosen
01:04:14a screw with a screwdriver,
01:04:16try using a simple rubber
01:04:18by placing a piece
01:04:20in the handle of the screwdriver
01:04:22and it will have
01:04:24a much better grip.
01:04:26Moving cement blocks
01:04:28is not harmless
01:04:30to the lower back.
01:04:32Even with a wheelbarrow,
01:04:34you can easily
01:04:36break a block.
01:04:38Try lifting the edge
01:04:40of the first pipe
01:04:42with a lever
01:04:44then push and move it
01:04:46by gradually moving
01:04:48the three pipes
01:04:50to the desired place.
01:04:52Just make sure
01:04:54you don't do it
01:04:56in a slope.
01:04:58The first time you
01:05:00plant a nail
01:05:02can be a great success
01:05:04when you work
01:05:06with a circular saw
01:05:08to make sure
01:05:10the marks are not erased.
01:05:12They will also be
01:05:14easier to see
01:05:16under the water.
01:05:18Checking the pipes
01:05:20on the roof
01:05:22and determining
01:05:24when they need
01:05:26to be cleaned
01:05:28can take a long time.
01:05:30Using tape,
01:05:32attach a mirror
01:05:34to the pipes
01:05:36to ensure
01:05:38extra security.
01:05:40Liquid cement products
01:05:42usually come in
01:05:44huge tubes
01:05:46so you can never
01:05:48use them all at once.
01:05:50The hard tips
01:05:52create nozzles.
01:05:54Take a used lime nozzle
01:05:56and drill it
01:05:58to make a lid
01:06:00that covers the liquid cement.
01:06:02It is now ready
01:06:04to be used.
01:06:06You can use it
01:06:08in many ways
01:06:10but do you know
01:06:12that brass door handles
01:06:14are really useful
01:06:16in addition to being elegant
01:06:18and shiny?
01:06:20As it is a copper alloy,
01:06:22brass has antimicrobial properties.
01:06:24This means
01:06:26it can help
01:06:28eliminate germs
01:06:30and harmful bacteria
01:06:32sometimes in less than 2 hours.
01:06:34Speaking of beautiful polyvalent objects,
01:06:36most screwdrivers
01:06:38have a little secret.
01:06:40They can sometimes
01:06:42slide into a key
01:06:44to create more torque
01:06:46when torqued
01:06:48and are useful
01:06:50in hard-to-reach places.
01:06:52The buttons on women's shirts
01:06:54are for the left-handed
01:06:56and have nothing to do with fashion.
01:06:58This practice dates back
01:07:00to the time
01:07:02when women helped
01:07:04to put buttons on men's shirts.
01:07:06The fact that buttons are placed
01:07:08in this way
01:07:10is a sign of wealth.
01:07:12It is easy to imagine
01:07:14why this practice has persisted
01:07:16even though most people
01:07:18dress themselves nowadays.
01:07:20The next time you receive
01:07:22a package in your mail,
01:07:24take a look at the cutter.
01:07:26If it has diagonal lines
01:07:28on the blade,
01:07:30you will benefit
01:07:32from a small design advantage.
01:07:34With the cutter,
01:07:36the upper segment of the next line
01:07:38can break
01:07:40to get a new super-cutting edge.
01:07:42To do this,
01:07:44look at the small hole
01:07:46at the base of the tool,
01:07:48sometimes called the blade breaker.
01:07:50The people who came up
01:07:52with this brilliant invention
01:07:54are engineers
01:07:56who were inspired
01:07:58by the way chocolate bars
01:08:00are divided.
01:08:02Wait a minute!
01:08:04Chocolate bars
01:08:06absorb moisture
01:08:08from their environment
01:08:10so that you can keep
01:08:12these bags for other occasions.
01:08:14If you need to dry your phone
01:08:16or another electrical object,
01:08:18you can put it in a container
01:08:20next to silicon gel
01:08:22to reduce damage.
01:08:24No need to be a mechanic
01:08:26to know when the tires
01:08:28of a standard car
01:08:30must be replaced
01:08:32because they are equipped
01:08:34with a special coating.
01:08:36This is the sign
01:08:38that you must contact
01:08:40your local car service
01:08:42because it is very likely
01:08:44that the tires have lost
01:08:46most of their traction
01:08:48and that they are no longer
01:08:50safe for driving.
01:08:52The upper corners of a car's windshield
01:08:54have textured black dots
01:08:56integrated at the edge of the glass.
01:08:58This detail is not there
01:09:00for design reasons.
01:09:02It is a coated coating,
01:09:04designed to hide
01:09:06and create a rough surface
01:09:08for the glue used
01:09:10to put the windshield in place.
01:09:12Every time you hit the road,
01:09:14check if there is a small bar
01:09:16under the rearview mirror of your car.
01:09:18I bet you didn't know
01:09:20it was there to help
01:09:22the rearview mirror
01:09:24switch from day vision
01:09:26to night vision.
01:09:28It uses a prismatic glass technology
01:09:30to blur the reflection
01:09:32and reduce the glow
01:09:34of the rearview mirror.
01:09:36It became the norm
01:09:38in the 1970s.
01:09:40When you are in the car,
01:09:42take a look at the headrests
01:09:44because you probably don't know
01:09:46that they have a hidden function.
01:09:48Of course, they can be adjusted
01:09:50to suit all sizes of passengers
01:09:52so that they benefit
01:09:54from adequate support
01:09:56for their head and neck.
01:09:58The hidden feature
01:10:00is that they are detachable
01:10:02and have two very solid metal bars.
01:10:04So, you are driving around
01:10:06and you suddenly run out of gas.
01:10:08What I am about to describe
01:10:10is more like a joke
01:10:12than a real situation
01:10:14likely to occur.
01:10:16But what happens
01:10:18if you are in such a hurry
01:10:20that you accidentally leave
01:10:22with the gasoline gun
01:10:24still in the tank?
01:10:26Well, the guns were designed
01:10:28to avoid any risk,
01:10:30rest assured.
01:10:32They have a separation device
01:10:34that is designed
01:10:36to be worn exclusively
01:10:38by basketball players.
01:10:40Baskets have quickly become
01:10:42one of the most fashionable items
01:10:44just like jeans
01:10:46and leather jackets.
01:10:48If you take a closer look,
01:10:50you will see that they have
01:10:52two additional holes
01:10:54on the side
01:10:56that look like shoe laces.
01:10:58They are designed
01:11:00not only to provide
01:11:02additional ventilation
01:11:04but also to keep
01:11:06the air inside.
01:11:08So, you always thought
01:11:10that the baskets
01:11:12are attached to an end
01:11:14in order to keep them together
01:11:16until you are ready
01:11:18to start your meal.
01:11:20This may not be quite true.
01:11:22If you take a closer look,
01:11:24you will see that these wooden tools
01:11:26have a square-shaped end.
01:11:28The baskets made in this way
01:11:30come from an old Japanese
01:11:32traditional design
01:11:34that can be reused
01:11:36since they will not touch the table
01:11:38or any other surface.
01:11:40Women's bikes have a special design
01:11:42that surprisingly has a historical
01:11:44and fashionable function.
01:11:46The lower frame is largely
01:11:48intended to compensate
01:11:50for the generally smaller size
01:11:52of women compared to
01:11:54that of a normal man.
01:11:56If this is the case for the handlebars
01:11:58and the saddle,
01:12:00the general frame is lower
01:12:02for an additional reason.
01:12:04This is why we designed
01:12:06a bike with a lower frame
01:12:08that is perfect for women
01:12:10and their needs of the time.
01:12:12The fact that the toothpaste
01:12:14is multicolored is not only
01:12:16a nice advantage to make
01:12:18dental hygiene more fun.
01:12:20There is a secret explanation
01:12:22related to each of the colors
01:12:24dating back to the 1970s.
01:12:26At that time, people were
01:12:28increasingly interested
01:12:30in their oral dental health
01:12:32and were therefore looking for
01:12:34an alternative.
01:12:36The company was the first
01:12:38to add a mouthwash
01:12:40to its toothpaste,
01:12:42that is, the blue strip.
01:12:44It then added the red strip
01:12:46intended to contain ingredients
01:12:48that help you take care
01:12:50of your gums.
01:12:52Speaking of toothpaste,
01:12:54check the cap the next time
01:12:56you open a new tube
01:12:58and you may have a little surprise.
01:13:00There is a kind of pointed cone
01:13:02inside the cap
01:13:04that can transfer germs
01:13:06or other bacteria
01:13:08into the product itself.
01:13:10As for the articles
01:13:12to be placed on the counter
01:13:14of the bathroom,
01:13:16toothbrushes are equipped
01:13:18with a very practical accessory
01:13:20hidden in the hairs.
01:13:22In addition to giving the toothbrush
01:13:24a cooler look,
01:13:26they also have a practical purpose.
01:13:28Most toothbrushes
01:13:30are equipped with a pattern
01:13:32of blue hairs
01:13:34that must be replaced
01:13:36every three to four months,
01:13:38but this gives a good reminder
01:13:40in case you forget.
01:13:42Do you still like to play
01:13:44with Legos?
01:13:46I don't judge you,
01:13:48it's an excellent hobby
01:13:50for all ages.
01:13:52Note that there is a hole
01:13:54on the top of the Legos' heads.
01:13:56This is a safety device
01:13:58designed by Legos
01:14:00to avoid the risk
01:14:02of suffocation.
01:14:04It seems to circulate freely
01:14:06through the piece
01:14:08until it can be removed
01:14:12We are now used to
01:14:14all kinds of modern bulbs,
01:14:16some in tubular form,
01:14:18others in diamond form
01:14:20and others still completely twisted.
01:14:24bulbs were round
01:14:26and this initial shape
01:14:28was useful in itself.
01:14:30It was mainly linked
01:14:32to the fact that glass bulbs
01:14:34had to be at the same distance
01:14:36from each surface
01:14:38of the glass sphere.
01:14:40The easiest way
01:14:42to achieve this
01:14:44was to make the glass
01:14:46in the shape of a globe.
01:14:48Have you ever
01:14:50vibrated in your room
01:14:52listening to some
01:14:54of your favourite songs
01:14:56and admiring
01:14:58the bass of your speaker
01:15:00while it was
01:15:01almost always black?
01:15:03Some of you
01:15:05are probably screaming
01:15:07right now
01:15:09to say that their speakers
01:15:11are green, red
01:15:13or any other colour of the rainbow.
01:15:15First of all,
01:15:17we said almost always
01:15:19and then,
01:15:21if you look closely
01:15:23at the beautiful design
01:15:25of your music player
01:15:27in bright colours,
01:15:29you will see that
01:15:31when it is amplified,
01:15:33it sends a charge
01:15:35through the diaphragm
01:15:37and these black particles
01:15:39are pushed up.
01:15:41The carbon particles
01:15:43that bounce
01:15:45and touch the upper membrane
01:15:47of the diaphragm
01:15:49are responsible
01:15:51for the creation
01:15:53of some of the distinct sounds
01:15:55of our speakers
01:15:57that we love so much.
01:15:59Speakers manufacturers
01:16:01often use black speakers.
01:16:03Another practical reason
01:16:05for which speakers
01:16:07are most often black
01:16:09is that it is a colour
01:16:11that fits easily
01:16:13with many types of decor.
01:16:15Walls, furniture and clothes
01:16:17are often raised
01:16:19when they are combined
01:16:21with this colour.
01:16:23This is why it is so widespread.
01:16:25According to several studies,
01:16:27listening to music
01:16:29has been ranked
01:16:31among the best
01:16:33in the world.
01:16:35On your TV,
01:16:37your laptop
01:16:39and your phone,
01:16:41you can't escape them.
01:16:43But let's see
01:16:45how it all started.
01:16:47Their origins
01:16:49lie in radio
01:16:51and telephone technology.
01:16:53The first type of speaker
01:16:55was developed
01:16:57by Johann Philipp Reisz
01:16:59in 1861.
01:17:01Alexander Graham Bell,
01:17:03the inventor of the telephone,
01:17:05decided to try
01:17:07to produce an improved version
01:17:09of Reisz's speaker.
01:17:11Basically, Bell and other inventors
01:17:13were trying to make
01:17:15an electrodynamic speaker.
01:17:17In 1877,
01:17:19it still did not exist
01:17:21but thanks to the desire
01:17:23of inventors from all over the world
01:17:25to change this,
01:17:27research has confirmed
01:17:29that it was quite possible
01:17:31to create a speaker
01:17:33to reach this conclusion.
01:17:35Next question.
01:17:37Why are there magnets
01:17:39in loudspeakers?
01:17:41Nowadays, all loudspeakers
01:17:43are powered by an electric current,
01:17:45which the inventors
01:17:47we mentioned
01:17:49would never have considered
01:17:51as acquired.
01:17:53When this electric current
01:17:55changes, it produces
01:17:57a magnetic field.
01:17:59To move the speaker panel,
01:18:01the stronger the magnet,
01:18:03the stronger the speaker.
01:18:05Another American inventor
01:18:07named Thomas Edison
01:18:09had filed a patent
01:18:11in the United Kingdom
01:18:13for a system using compressed air
01:18:15in an amplification mechanism.
01:18:17The first commercial electric loudspeaker
01:18:19was born in 1924.
01:18:21The sound quality produced
01:18:23by this loudspeaker
01:18:25was good enough for cinema.
01:18:27It took nearly 20 years
01:18:29to witness the next breakthrough
01:18:31in loudspeakers.
01:18:33This happened
01:18:35with the arrival of the Duplex Driver
01:18:37in 1943.
01:18:39It offered greater clarity
01:18:41and better coherence
01:18:43in high volumes,
01:18:45which was important
01:18:47in cinemas.
01:18:49This is why it was nicknamed
01:18:51the voice of cinema.
01:18:53The Duplex Driver
01:18:55was immediately tested
01:18:57by the Academy of Arts
01:18:59and Sciences of Cinema
01:19:01and the film industry
01:19:03seemed to make a lot of effort
01:19:05for its acoustics,
01:19:07just like the rooms
01:19:09in which we see the films.
01:19:11You may have noticed
01:19:13that these rooms
01:19:15are often thick curtains
01:19:17on the walls.
01:19:19These are soundproof
01:19:21or acoustic curtains
01:19:23and they are much thicker
01:19:25than standard curtains
01:19:27which are made of
01:19:29heavier and tighter fabrics
01:19:31which creates
01:19:33a much better sound experience.
01:19:35It is for the same reason
01:19:37that the curtains are so thick
01:19:39in cinemas.
01:19:41They help to trap sound
01:19:43by providing isolation
01:19:45from a practical point of view.
01:19:47This curtain is also there
01:19:49to prevent footsteps
01:19:51during the projection of films.
01:19:53This concept of sound trap
01:19:55is also the reason
01:19:57why putting a phone in a cup
01:19:59will make the sound appear louder.
01:20:01In all directions,
01:20:03when the speaker vibrates
01:20:05to create sound waves,
01:20:07an equal amount of energy
01:20:09goes from the front and the back.
01:20:11By placing a speaker
01:20:13in a form of speaker,
01:20:15we can redirect some of the energy
01:20:17coming from the back of the speaker
01:20:19and project it forward.
01:20:21By placing the speaker in a cup,
01:20:23you redirect the sound more effectively.
01:20:25It only travels in one direction
01:20:27which makes it sound louder
01:20:29than what you would hear
01:20:31in a cup.
01:20:33Why does your phone
01:20:35generate a noise
01:20:37in your speaker?
01:20:39This can happen
01:20:41when the two gadgets
01:20:43are close to each other
01:20:45and your phone
01:20:47is trying to send
01:20:49and receive data.
01:20:51The transfer of information
01:20:53produces electromagnetic disturbances
01:20:55in the environment of the speakers.
01:20:57This creates noise
01:20:59in the audio
01:21:01and vice versa.
01:21:03This eliminates
01:21:05what we call electromagnetic
01:21:09Research conducted in the United States
01:21:11showed that on average
01:21:1374% of people
01:21:15had at least two pairs of headphones
01:21:17or two audio headphones.
01:21:1946% of them mentioned
01:21:21that they used their headphones
01:21:23or headphones
01:21:25more than two hours a day.
01:21:27Some choose their headphones
01:21:29or headphones
01:21:31because finding the right gadget
01:21:33is important because many people
01:21:35are ready to spend
01:21:37more than a hundred euros on it.
01:21:39Headphones and other headphones
01:21:41have become real fashion accessories.
01:21:43This is why well-known personalities
01:21:45try to have an impact
01:21:47on this industry
01:21:49as if it were the fashion one.
01:21:51Music maniacs Dr. Dre and Jimmy Yovine
01:21:53got the idea of the now world-famous
01:21:55brand Beats by Dre.
01:21:57They were walking along the Pacific Ocean
01:21:59one day in 2006
01:22:01because they had received an offer
01:22:03from a major brand in this field.
01:22:05After a few discussions,
01:22:07they decided that they wanted to do
01:22:09something they were more passionate about
01:22:11and decided to sell their headphones.
01:22:13The idea of the duo
01:22:15turned into a brand bought by Apple
01:22:17in 2014 for $3 billion.
01:22:19It was the biggest transaction
01:22:21in the history of Apple
01:22:23and Beats by Dre controlled
01:22:2570% of the headphone market
01:22:27at the time of the signing.
01:22:29This operation allowed Apple
01:22:31to use their famous wireless headphones,
01:22:33the Airpods,
01:22:35to comfort the company in this position.
01:22:37But how do these wireless headphones
01:22:39that many of us own
01:22:41actually work?
01:22:43They actually depend on internal batteries
01:22:45to have enough power
01:22:47to stay wireless.
01:22:49Most of the time,
01:22:51they have built-in rechargeable batteries
01:22:53but sometimes they still work
01:22:55thanks to AA or AAA batteries.
01:22:57They receive wireless signals
01:22:58through a device called an audio device.
01:23:00Whether it's your phone
01:23:02or your laptop,
01:23:04these signals are coded by the device
01:23:06and are transmitted most often
01:23:08by radio frequencies
01:23:10or infrared supports.
01:23:12The headphones receive the signal
01:23:14and decode it into audio
01:23:16and you can enjoy your music
01:23:18in all freedom.
01:23:20The construction site workers
01:23:22are usually dressed in orange
01:23:24because this color is visible
01:23:26even in bad weather.
01:23:28This is to warn people.
01:23:30It's no surprise that many
01:23:32security vests and warning cones
01:23:34are also orange.
01:23:36The stop sign has an eight-sided shape
01:23:38to help drivers recognize it easily
01:23:40even if they see it from behind.
01:23:42And when the signs were not yet reflective,
01:23:44the octagonal shape prevented drivers
01:23:46from confusing the stop sign
01:23:48with any other at night.
01:23:50The rugged strips on the sides of the road
01:23:52are placed there to warn drivers
01:23:54who get stuck behind the wheel.
01:23:56When the tires pass over these strips,
01:23:58there are magnetic locks
01:24:00on the fuel pumps
01:24:02in the service stations
01:24:04in case someone leaves
01:24:06with the gasoline gun
01:24:08still attached to his tank.
01:24:10In this case, the lock automatically
01:24:12detaches the hose.
01:24:14The gasoline forms a rainbow
01:24:16in a puddle of water
01:24:18because it cannot mix with water.
01:24:20It forms a thin membrane above.
01:24:22When the light reflects on it
01:24:24and on the water at the same time,
01:24:26you get a rainbow.
01:24:28You can easily fill it
01:24:30and distribute the liquid evenly.
01:24:32Gasoline cans often have a second hole
01:24:34that must also be opened
01:24:36before pouring the liquid.
01:24:38Air passage will prevent it from overflowing
01:24:40and therefore from wasting it.
01:24:42Most gasoline cans
01:24:44have two holes with caps,
01:24:46one larger and one smaller.
01:24:48You are supposed to open the smallest hole
01:24:50before pouring the liquid
01:24:52by the largest one.
01:24:54This will prevent the liquid from sticking
01:24:56and spreading on your clothes
01:24:58or on the tip of a lipstick cap.
01:25:00Most tubes are usually sealed
01:25:02with a plastic film
01:25:04or an aluminum foil
01:25:06and opening it with your nails
01:25:08is not the best idea.
01:25:10The tip on the cap
01:25:12allows you to easily open
01:25:14even the most tightly sealed tube.
01:25:16You can use most screwdrivers
01:25:18with a wrench
01:25:20to create more torque.
01:25:22Just place the wrench
01:25:24on the screwdriver handle.
01:25:26This way, you will need
01:25:28a screwdriver to open the cap.
01:25:30The cameras are installed
01:25:32in shops, banks and hospitals
01:25:34to monitor everything.
01:25:36If something happens,
01:25:38you can call the police or the ambulance.
01:25:40The camera helps to resolve a lot of cases.
01:25:42So why are there no cameras
01:25:44in planes?
01:25:46The crew keeps order in the plane
01:25:48but they can't do anything
01:25:50if something serious happens.
01:25:52In addition, there is nowhere
01:25:54to hide in a plane.
01:25:56During the flight,
01:25:58if the cameras are useless,
01:26:00why spend money on them?
01:26:02Water is very easy to clean
01:26:04because it has triangular molecules
01:26:06composed of an oxygen atom
01:26:08and two hydrogen atoms
01:26:10hence the H2O.
01:26:12These molecules have slightly different charges
01:26:14on their opposite sides
01:26:16a bit like magnets.
01:26:18This is why water easily attaches
01:26:20to other molecules
01:26:22including those that make up saline.
01:26:24Many individual houses
01:26:26have triangular roofs
01:26:28to protect them from the wind.
01:26:30If all these things pile up
01:26:32on the roof of your house,
01:26:34one day they could collapse.
01:26:36When a storm approaches,
01:26:38the clouds seem to become dark.
01:26:40But this is only an illusion.
01:26:42The thin clouds of a sunny day
01:26:44easily let the light pass.
01:26:46They also diffuse all the colors
01:26:48of the light spectrum.
01:26:50This makes us perceive the clouds
01:26:52as being white.
01:26:54The thicker the clouds are
01:26:56and contain droplets of water,
01:26:58such as in bronze
01:27:00or in some copper alloys.
01:27:02These metals have an anti-germ effect.
01:27:04The bacteria spread
01:27:06much more slowly on them.
01:27:08They also get rid of the microbes
01:27:10quite quickly, in a few hours.
01:27:12But this does not mean
01:27:14that you should not wash your hands.
01:27:16Diamonds have symmetrical shapes
01:27:18to show you their brilliance.
01:27:20At first, these precious stones
01:27:22are not so beautiful.
01:27:24They go through several stages of size
01:27:26and then become elegant pieces.
01:27:28They are slightly pointed.
01:27:30It is in this shape
01:27:32that diamonds shine the most.
01:27:34Why are there two holes
01:27:36in an electric socket?
01:27:38The left hole is negatively charged,
01:27:40the right hole is positively charged,
01:27:42and the space below is the ground.
01:27:44Electricity must flow through the circuit.
01:27:46The current passes through the positive hole,
01:27:48through the charger of your phone,
01:27:50for example,
01:27:52then passes through the negative hole.
01:27:54Have you ever wondered
01:27:56what your jeans pocket was for?
01:27:58You have seen the effect.
01:28:00Today, no one wears
01:28:02this kind of watch anymore,
01:28:04but the pocket has remained.
01:28:06And you can slip small objects
01:28:08like a ring in it.
01:28:10In London, there are poles
01:28:12that look a bit like air lamps,
01:28:14but they do not have bulbs.
01:28:16Their official name is
01:28:18Smoking Pipe,
01:28:20and they belong to history today.
01:28:22But they were very useful
01:28:24in the 19th century.
01:28:26These hollow poles
01:28:28can be used
01:28:30as a kitchen chisel.
01:28:32Most kitchen chisels
01:28:34have metallic teeth
01:28:36resembling clamps
01:28:38in the middle between the handles.
01:28:40They can help you break nuts,
01:28:42crab shells,
01:28:44and other hard products.
01:28:46You can also use them
01:28:48to open jars and bottles
01:28:50or remove the stems of herbs.
01:28:52Leather often looks dull to the eye
01:28:54because it is covered
01:28:56with tiny scratches and scratches.
01:28:58The scratches are more uniform.
01:29:00This is why leather
01:29:02has a brighter shade.
01:29:04The liners are filled
01:29:06with a special semi-transparent
01:29:08fluorescent ink
01:29:10that can shine in low light.
01:29:12Yellow and light green shades
01:29:14are the most popular
01:29:16because they do not prevent
01:29:18you from seeing the text
01:29:20after a black and white photocopy.
01:29:22Photocopiers perceive
01:29:24yellow and light green marks
01:29:26as very pale
01:29:28and not as bright.
01:29:30The blue part
01:29:32indicates the south pole
01:29:34and the red part
01:29:36the north pole.
01:29:38The two poles work simultaneously
01:29:40and increase the attraction.
01:29:42The 1 cm diameter hole
01:29:44in the doors of an elevator
01:29:46is a lock.
01:29:48If the doors are locked,
01:29:50an operator can manually
01:29:52open them by inserting
01:29:54a special key into the hole.
01:29:56As for the tiny holes
01:29:58they are extremely solid.
01:30:00They can withstand
01:30:02the difference in air pressure
01:30:04during take-off and landing.
01:30:06The inner window,
01:30:08which is the closest to you,
01:30:10is made of less expensive material.
01:30:12It avoids any potential damage
01:30:14to the window.
01:30:16The hole itself
01:30:18is in the central window.
01:30:20It not only balances the pressure
01:30:22but also prevents
01:30:24the window from jamming.
01:30:26The mechanical stairs brushes
01:30:28the yellow or orange sun
01:30:30because the atmosphere
01:30:32of our planet
01:30:34scatters colors like blue,
01:30:36green and purple.
01:30:38This is also why the sun
01:30:40looks warmer at sunrise
01:30:42and sunset.
01:30:44If you go to a store
01:30:46to buy oranges,
01:30:48you will surely find them
01:30:50in a red net.
01:30:52It is pure marketing
01:30:54and this color is not
01:30:56a random choice.
01:30:58It is impossible to buy them.
01:31:00Lemons are usually sold
01:31:02in green net nets
01:31:04for the same reason.
01:31:06If they were wrapped in red,
01:31:08they would look more orange.
01:31:10Green goes better with yellow
01:31:12and makes the color of lemons
01:31:14stand out more.
01:31:16Mattress manufacturers
01:31:18produce a limited number
01:31:20of different mattresses
01:31:22and the only way
01:31:24to make them different
01:31:26is to invent
01:31:28different patterns
01:31:30with different qualities.
01:31:32So when you buy,
01:31:34don't worry about the pattern.
01:31:36Almost all hotels
01:31:38have white bed sheets.
01:31:40They choose this color
01:31:42to show how high
01:31:44their standards of cleanliness
01:31:48The whiter the sheets,
01:31:50the more high-end the hotel looks.
01:31:52It is much easier
01:31:54to see the dirt
01:31:56and stains on white laundry.
01:31:58So let's take a coffee break.
01:32:00You enter the nearest café,
01:32:02you place your order
01:32:04and you realize
01:32:06that you really need to go to the toilet.
01:32:08They are normal public toilets
01:32:10with several cabins.
01:32:12When you choose yours,
01:32:14the one in the middle,
01:32:16you go inside
01:32:18and your mind starts to wonder
01:32:20why the hell do the doors
01:32:22of the toilets have a space
01:32:24of 1.5 cm between the door and the lock?
01:32:26And why the hell
01:32:28do the doors of the public toilets
01:32:30have so much space?
01:32:32Well, my friend,
01:32:34there is not only one specific reason
01:32:36why the doors of public toilets
01:32:38have so much space,
01:32:40but rather several.
01:32:42Public toilets are designed
01:32:44so that people spend
01:32:46as little time as possible.
01:32:48You are not supposed to feel
01:32:50comfortable or at home.
01:32:52The design must therefore reflect
01:32:54this goal.
01:32:56Here is the reason for the spaces.
01:32:59Then there is the question of price.
01:33:01The manufacture of personalized doors
01:33:03can represent a heavy burden
01:33:05for people who build public toilets.
01:33:07This implies knowing the exact measurements
01:33:09so that the doors always correspond
01:33:11to the format of the cabins
01:33:13in which they are supposed to be installed.
01:33:15However, all public toilet spaces
01:33:17do not necessarily have the same size.
01:33:19They can vary,
01:33:21even if this variation is weak
01:33:23and often imperceptible.
01:33:25These interstices therefore contribute
01:33:26to reduce error margins
01:33:28and make production more profitable
01:33:30for the people who finance them.
01:33:32If a door is wider
01:33:34or narrower than it should be,
01:33:36this space regularizes the differences
01:33:38and allows them to be installed anyway.
01:33:40There is also the case
01:33:42of air circulation.
01:33:44The last thing you want to do
01:33:46in a public toilet room
01:33:48is to imprison the smells,
01:33:50isn't it?
01:33:52So you need a little space
01:33:54under and between the doors
01:33:56so that people outside
01:33:58can see if someone inside the cabin
01:34:00doesn't feel well
01:34:02and may need help.
01:34:04And what about this additional hole
01:34:06in the upper part of the sink?
01:34:08It has a name,
01:34:10the overflow hole.
01:34:12It is designed to prevent the sink from overflowing.
01:34:14So, if someone forgets
01:34:16and leaves the tap open for too long
01:34:18or if the sink is blocked
01:34:20and the water cannot flow
01:34:22through the main evacuation hole,
01:34:24the overflow hole comes to the rescue.
01:34:26This is done before the floor
01:34:28of the bathroom is flooded.
01:34:30Have you ever noticed
01:34:32how pleasant the process
01:34:34of closing a car door can be?
01:34:36Automobile manufacturers
01:34:38devote a lot of time
01:34:40to designing these sounds.
01:34:42Studies have shown
01:34:44that they create a sense of quality
01:34:46in the buyer.
01:34:48It all starts with the basic material.
01:34:50While older cars were made
01:34:52with heavier materials,
01:34:54the doors of current cars
01:34:56were made with lighter materials.
01:34:58Automobile manufacturers
01:35:00employ sound engineers
01:35:02to ensure that there is the exact amount
01:35:04of foam, carpet and tin
01:35:06in the composition of a car
01:35:08in order to produce
01:35:10the most comforting sound possible.
01:35:12And what about these little dots
01:35:14on the top of the front window of your car?
01:35:16The pattern of these little black dots
01:35:18minimizes the distractions for your eyes.
01:35:20This black part,
01:35:22also called the frieze,
01:35:24is normally warmer
01:35:26and is not made
01:35:28to suspend stuffed dots
01:35:30or pleasant odors on the nose.
01:35:32It is actually a switch
01:35:34that allows you to adjust
01:35:36the position of the rearview mirror
01:35:38according to the time of day.
01:35:40Push it in one direction
01:35:42and it is the daytime driving mode.
01:35:44In the other direction,
01:35:46you are ready to drive safely at night
01:35:48because it reduces the dazzling
01:35:50caused by the headlights of the cars
01:35:52that follow you.
01:35:54The next time you go to the supermarket,
01:35:56look for a well-kept key that can help you.
01:35:58If you have your house keys on you,
01:36:00look if the head of the key is rounded.
01:36:02If you find one,
01:36:04try to use it to unlock the cart.
01:36:06It should fit perfectly
01:36:08and prevent you from having to carry coins.
01:36:10Because, to be honest,
01:36:12who has them nowadays?
01:36:14Let's move on to the elevators.
01:36:16If you want to use them
01:36:18by going directly where you want,
01:36:20try this trick.
01:36:22Most elevators have a secret combination
01:36:24of buttons that you can use
01:36:26directly to the one of your choice.
01:36:28It can work
01:36:30especially the days when you pressed the 13
01:36:32but when you wanted to press the 33.
01:36:34In most elevators,
01:36:36it works if you simultaneously press
01:36:38the close door button
01:36:40and your floor number.
01:36:42This should allow you to reach your floor
01:36:44without stopping.
01:36:46Some elevators ask you to press
01:36:48the selected floor numbers twice
01:36:50because a double press often cancels
01:36:52the previously made request.
01:36:54Other elevators ask you
01:36:56to press the floor numbers twice
01:36:58that you want to cancel.
01:37:00However, to avoid any problem,
01:37:02it is preferable not to cancel the floors
01:37:04of other people in the elevator.
01:37:06They won't take it well.
01:37:08Keep in mind that some elevators
01:37:10may not have this function.
01:37:12For honey lovers,
01:37:14raise your hand!
01:37:16If your honey pot is golden and crystallized,
01:37:18remember that it is a good sign.
01:37:20Crystallized honey means
01:37:22that it has not been pasteurized
01:37:24which means a better quality of the product
01:37:26and the natural ingredient of honey,
01:37:28also known as glucose,
01:37:30will crystallize it.
01:37:32Now, try to get the best out of it.
01:37:34To add texture to your oatmeal
01:37:36or toast,
01:37:38add a layer of crystallized honey
01:37:40and enjoy the sweetness of nature.
01:37:42And if you don't like crystallized honey,
01:37:44put it in the microwave for a minute or two.
01:37:46Ah, winter and autumn,
01:37:48you know what that means,
01:37:50don't you?
01:37:52But there is nothing more annoying
01:37:54than wearing your beautiful wool sweater
01:37:56I don't want to make a fuss,
01:37:58but don't you want to talk about
01:38:00the hell of scratching sweaters?
01:38:02To prevent this from happening again,
01:38:04here is the secret.
01:38:06Put your sweater upside down
01:38:08and soak it in cold water.
01:38:10Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar
01:38:12and let it soak for a while.
01:38:14Then empty the water.
01:38:16Now, while the sweater is still wet,
01:38:18apply a generous amount of aftershave
01:38:20on the fibers of the wool.
01:38:22After letting it soak in the aftershave
01:38:24for about 30 minutes,
01:38:26dry it flat on a towel.
01:38:28And that's it!
01:38:30No more scratching sweater!
01:38:32In all the fast food restaurants you go to,
01:38:34you will find small paper cups
01:38:36that you can fill with ketchup,
01:38:38mustard or barbecue sauce.
01:38:40But if you eat chicken nuggets
01:38:42or if you try to dip your hamburger
01:38:44in the cup,
01:38:46there is always a little sauce
01:38:48that seems impossible to reach.
01:38:50Next time, try to unfold the cup.
01:38:52It will turn into a small paper plate
01:38:54and this way,
01:38:56it will be easier to pierce at the start.
01:38:58The padlocks used in outdoor environments
01:39:00must be cleaned and lubricated
01:39:02every 3 months.
01:39:04Regular lubrication
01:39:06will help prevent the padlocks from freezing
01:39:08in the cold.
01:39:10Look for the tiny hole
01:39:12on the bottom of the padlock.
01:39:14Pour oil into it
01:39:16and there you go, it opens again.
01:39:18One thing we often forget
01:39:20is the tip on the cap of a cream.
01:39:22These pointed surfaces
01:39:24were designed to help us
01:39:26keep the padlock open
01:39:28and pierce the tip with its own tip
01:39:30and there you go.
01:39:32After a long day of work,
01:39:34all you really need
01:39:36is a foam bath.
01:39:38You open the hot water
01:39:40and let it flow for a few minutes.
01:39:42You can even light a candle
01:39:44and pour some essential oils into the water.
01:39:46Then you add the liquid soap.
01:39:48You stir the water
01:39:50until the entire surface of the bathtub
01:39:52is filled with bubbles
01:39:54and you enter the bath.
01:39:56Their role is to preserve
01:39:58the temperature of the water
01:40:00so that you can enjoy
01:40:02hot water for a longer time.
01:40:04Do you have sweaty feet?
01:40:06Strange question, I know.
01:40:08But if you are one of these people,
01:40:10here is some good news.
01:40:12Everything is not lost.
01:40:14Try to put a tea bag in your shoes
01:40:16and put them in a dry place
01:40:18for a while.
01:40:20The tea bags will absorb
01:40:22the moisture and smell
01:40:24of the soles of your shoes.
01:40:26If you learned something new today,
01:40:28don't hesitate to tell us
01:40:30in the comments below.
01:40:57More than 40 billion Oreos
01:40:59are made each year.
01:41:01It is the best-selling
01:41:03industrial biscuit in the world.
01:41:05The geometric drawing
01:41:07stamped on these biscuits
01:41:09has the Nabisco logo,
01:41:11symbol of American quality,
01:41:13surrounding the word Oreo.
01:41:15William Tierney created
01:41:17the design of this chocolate biscuit
01:41:19as we know it today
01:41:21in 1952.
01:41:23If you use reusable bottles,
01:41:24you probably know
01:41:26that they sometimes tend to smell bad.
01:41:28Even if you only use them
01:41:30to put ordinary water in them,
01:41:32they still end up smelling.
01:41:34But it is not the water itself
01:41:36that releases this smell.
01:41:38It is the microorganisms it contains.
01:41:40If you drink water in a bottle,
01:41:42the particles of your saliva
01:41:44and sweat remain inside.
01:41:46These bacteria begin to accumulate
01:41:48in the bottle,
01:41:50which generates this smell.
01:41:52If you choose reusable bottles,
01:41:54the bacteria do not accumulate.
01:41:56After washing it,
01:41:58let it dry completely
01:42:00before reusing it.
01:42:02There are not only jeans that are blue.
01:42:04Police uniforms are too.
01:42:06The first policemen
01:42:08dressed like this
01:42:10appeared in London in the 19th century.
01:42:12They received this blue uniform
01:42:14to contrast with the red and white uniform
01:42:16that the military already wore.
01:42:18Two decades later,
01:42:20such police forces
01:42:22were adopted in the United States
01:42:24because this color
01:42:26turned out to be very effective.
01:42:28They blend into a nocturnal environment
01:42:30and the policemen can observe
01:42:32what is happening without being noticed.
01:42:34In addition, the spots are not too visible
01:42:36on dark fabrics.
01:42:38And then everyone knows
01:42:40that the policemen wear blue
01:42:42and that they are recognized
01:42:44by this single color.
01:42:46So why mess all this up?
01:42:48Baby carrots are tiny
01:42:50and unlike ordinary carrots,
01:42:52they are wet,
01:42:54but baby carrots
01:42:56are not special carrots.
01:42:58They are made from ordinary carrots
01:43:00by removing the skin
01:43:02and the outer layers
01:43:04and then rolling them
01:43:06to make them look prettier.
01:43:08The problem is that they can no longer
01:43:10retain moisture.
01:43:12A normal carrot retains
01:43:14a certain amount of water in it
01:43:16thanks to the layers that imprison it.
01:43:18Once cut,
01:43:20the mini carrots dry easily.
01:43:22This is why they are generally
01:43:24not so popular anymore.
01:43:26Jacob Davis,
01:43:28the man who made the first pair of jeans,
01:43:30added leather rivets
01:43:32to the places where the pants
01:43:34are most likely to tear,
01:43:36namely the strap and the pockets
01:43:38to make them more resistant.
01:43:40Today, the rivets
01:43:42are more of a decorative function
01:43:44because they are a traditional feature
01:43:46of blue jeans.
01:43:48Another peculiarity of these pants
01:43:50is the presence of these small pockets
01:43:52that apparently serve no purpose.
01:43:54While jeans were particularly
01:43:56loved by cowboys,
01:43:58this small pocket was specially designed
01:44:00to store a watch.
01:44:02In addition, at the time,
01:44:04a jean had only four pockets.
01:44:06This tiny pocket,
01:44:08the watch pocket,
01:44:10two large pockets at the front
01:44:12and one pocket at the back.
01:44:14Car headrests are a matter of comfort
01:44:16and removable headrests
01:44:18are a matter of safety.
01:44:20If you remove a headrest,
01:44:22you will see two solid metal bars.
01:44:24You can use these bars
01:44:26to break the glass and escape.
01:44:28These little red spots
01:44:30that you sometimes see
01:44:32after breaking an egg
01:44:34are not worrisome.
01:44:36These tiny blood stains
01:44:38can be caused by the rupture
01:44:40of a small blood vessel
01:44:42in the hen when she laid her egg.
01:44:44Eggs with these blood stains
01:44:46can be consumed without danger,
01:44:48but they can also be removed
01:44:50if it bothers you.
01:44:52This will not affect the taste of the egg.
01:44:54There is also a teddy bear
01:44:56standing on its hind legs
01:44:58and about to devour this yodeler over there.
01:45:00No, I'm kidding.
01:45:02This is explained by the fact
01:45:04that bears were very present
01:45:06on the side of Bern,
01:45:08one of the largest cities in Switzerland,
01:45:10where its founder created
01:45:12the famous chocolate triangle snack.
01:45:14Toblerone also relies on a word game
01:45:16between the creator's family name,
01:45:18Theodore Tobler,
01:45:20and the Italian word torone,
01:45:22which designates a nougat with honey
01:45:24during transport.
01:45:26This technique is called
01:45:28intermediate suspension.
01:45:30Not only are the nougats better protected
01:45:32in their polystyrene goblets,
01:45:34but they also soften more quickly
01:45:36and more uniformly.
01:45:38You probably thought that this hole
01:45:40in the body of the ball pen
01:45:42had no reason to be,
01:45:44and yet there is one.
01:45:46It is an aeration system
01:45:48that allows the ink to flow more easily.
01:45:50In this way,
01:45:52an equal air pressure
01:45:54can flow more easily into the tip.
01:45:56It is not a coincidence
01:45:58that soy sauce bottles
01:46:00have two beakers.
01:46:02The sauce is very liquid
01:46:04and flows out of the bottle
01:46:06quite quickly as soon as it is turned over.
01:46:08Most Asian cuisine lovers
01:46:10will admit having spilled it
01:46:12at least once in their lives.
01:46:14This is why, nowadays,
01:46:16restaurants prefer to serve
01:46:18soy sauce in special bottles
01:46:20with two beakers.
01:46:22This design allows you to control
01:46:24the flow of the sauce
01:46:26while you pour it.
01:46:28If you press your finger hard on it,
01:46:30the sauce will automatically stop flowing.
01:46:32And if you remove it,
01:46:34it will flow again.
01:46:36Now I challenge you
01:46:38to get your fingers in your nose.
01:46:40You have probably noticed
01:46:42that the seats of trains and buses
01:46:44were covered with fabric
01:46:46with a bizarro pattern.
01:46:48Do you know why?
01:46:50These patterns are used
01:46:52to cover dirt and stains
01:46:54on the seats.
01:46:56In addition, these patterns
01:46:58are generally so ugly
01:47:00that no one wants to look at them
01:47:02long enough to reveal anything.
01:47:04So yes, the pattern is there
01:47:06to make you look away
01:47:08and, if you look at it,
01:47:10to make it less visible.
01:47:12No bus will ever have
01:47:14a single white seat.
01:47:16This is guaranteed.
01:47:18The metal tab of the soda cans
01:47:20can be turned over
01:47:22and you can slip a straw
01:47:24into one of them.
01:47:26You remember, right?
01:47:28It could be very pointy
01:47:30and easily pose a threat
01:47:32to the people in charge
01:47:34of sorting the garbage.
01:47:36Now you can insert your straw
01:47:38directly into one of them.
01:47:40This also means
01:47:42that you can produce bubbles
01:47:44and make all your friends
01:47:46laugh like a three-year-old.
01:47:48Sometimes, when you buy clothes,
01:47:50you receive a plastic bag
01:47:52containing an extra button
01:47:54that can be used
01:47:56to test the effects
01:47:58of various detergents
01:48:00on certain surfaces.
01:48:02It is also practical
01:48:04to test the washing cycles
01:48:06of your machine
01:48:08before using them
01:48:10to wash the entire garment.
01:48:12The mechanical stairs
01:48:14are equipped with these
01:48:16hard-haired black brushes
01:48:18for the same reason
01:48:20that some of them
01:48:22have yellow lines
01:48:24on the stairs.
01:48:26This brush is a small barrier
01:48:28that avoids this.
01:48:30It also allows you
01:48:32to catch plushies
01:48:34and prevent other small objects
01:48:36from falling into the interstices.
01:48:38The dishes containers
01:48:40that are most often
01:48:42associated with Chinese restaurants
01:48:44are designed not only
01:48:46to bring dishes home
01:48:48but also to store them
01:48:50in the refrigerator.
01:48:52They can also be used
01:48:54to store oysters.
01:48:56They were patented in 1894
01:48:58to transport freshly shelled oysters
01:49:00and were known
01:49:02overseas as Oyster Pails.
01:49:04They were then adapted
01:49:06to serve as water containers
01:49:08for food.
01:49:10Have you ever wondered
01:49:12why the coins had
01:49:14these small stripes on the edge?
01:49:16It is a vestige
01:49:18of the time
01:49:20when they were much more valuable.
01:49:21These stripes
01:49:23were created
01:49:25to make it much easier
01:49:27to distinguish the coins
01:49:29that had been altered.
01:49:31It is no longer necessary today
01:49:33but the coins still have this style.
01:49:35All crackers and some biscuits
01:49:37have small holes in the middle
01:49:39to ensure that the final product
01:49:41will have the right texture.
01:49:43These tiny holes
01:49:45allow the steam to escape
01:49:47so that the biscuits do not break.
01:49:49If you did not prick the dough,
01:49:51it would be rather strange.
01:49:53Dogs like to walk around
01:49:55before going to bed
01:49:57because they inherited
01:49:59this behavior from their ancestors.
01:50:01At the time,
01:50:03there were no well-fed baskets
01:50:05for the doggies
01:50:07and most of them
01:50:09had to repel the tall grass
01:50:11to create a small corner
01:50:13to crawl.
01:50:15In addition,
01:50:17these movements
01:50:19made all the animals
01:50:21look like dogs.
01:50:23This behavior
01:50:25was often associated
01:50:27with the American police
01:50:29because in the 1950s
01:50:31the donut shops
01:50:33were one of the rare places
01:50:35to stay open late at night.
01:50:37It was the ideal place
01:50:39for the police
01:50:41who wanted to nibble a piece
01:50:43or even take care of the paper
01:50:45during their night shift.
01:50:47If your jean is blue on the outside
01:50:49and white on the inside,
01:50:51it indicates the amount of dye
01:50:53necessary for each garment.
01:50:55It is not as if they were gold-plated.
01:50:57Landing gear tires
01:50:59do not burst
01:51:01because they are designed
01:51:03for a load 4 to 5 times higher
01:51:05than those they undergo
01:51:07during landing.
01:51:09The wheel itself can break
01:51:11but the tire does not burst.
01:51:13This little trick
01:51:15based on behavioral psychology
01:51:17can help you choose
01:51:19the fastest line at the airport.
01:51:21Most people are right-handed
01:51:23and intuitively choose
01:51:25the right side.
01:51:27Your skin usually becomes
01:51:29a little dry during the flight.
01:51:31This is due to the low humidity
01:51:33in the cabin.
01:51:35Bring a good moisturizing cream
01:51:37with you to keep your skin hydrated on board.
01:51:39Did you know that the pilot
01:51:41and co-pilot of an airplane
01:51:43always eat different meals
01:51:45before a flight?
01:51:47In this way,
01:51:49if one of them has food poisoning,
01:51:51he or she will have to eat
01:51:53a different meal.
01:51:55Airplane tablets
01:51:57are one of the dirtiest surfaces
01:51:59in the cabin.
01:52:01So make sure you wash your hands
01:52:03frequently and clean the tablet
01:52:05with an antibacterial cloth
01:52:07to get rid of all the bacteria
01:52:09that are piling up.
01:52:11If you are sitting on a seat
01:52:13next to the corridor,
01:52:15you can have more space
01:52:17to stretch your legs.
01:52:19Just press the button
01:52:21and you are ready to go.
01:52:23This is one of the reasons
01:52:25why the light in the cabin
01:52:27is dimmed.
01:52:29Passengers must get used
01:52:31to the darkness
01:52:33in case of an emergency landing
01:52:35at night.
01:52:37In this way,
01:52:39their eyes will already be used
01:52:41to the absence of light,
01:52:43which will facilitate the evacuation.
01:52:45The flight attendants
01:52:47ask you to lift the windows
01:52:49so that they can see
01:52:51the sun's rays
01:52:53and prevent the plane from overheating.
01:52:55Another good reason
01:52:57is that white paint is cheaper.
01:52:59In addition,
01:53:01workers and engineers
01:53:03can easily notice any damage
01:53:05on a white surface.
01:53:07It is preferable to avoid
01:53:09taking important decisions
01:53:11during a flight.
01:53:13Your brain does not receive
01:53:15enough oxygen at such a height
01:53:17and this negatively affects
01:53:19its functioning.
01:53:21It is not thanks to the candy itself,
01:53:23but thanks to the deglutition process.
01:53:25Bathing also helps.
01:53:27As for chewing gum,
01:53:29it also helps to get rid
01:53:31of this bad breath
01:53:33caused by the rarefied air
01:53:35at high altitudes
01:53:37that removes the humidity
01:53:39from your body.
01:53:41The dry air can give you the impression
01:53:43that you are getting cold.
01:53:45The cabin air dries your nose
01:53:47and your throat
01:53:49as if you had the symptoms
01:53:51of a cold.
01:53:53Making coffee and tea on board
01:53:55is not always very clean.
01:53:57Many companies
01:53:59use very good water filters today,
01:54:01but it is better to ask for bottled water
01:54:03if you are thirsty.
01:54:05This small triangle on the plane's wall
01:54:07above your seat
01:54:09means a lot for the flight attendants.
01:54:11These triangles mark the windows
01:54:13through which you can see
01:54:15the flashing lights.
01:54:17This indicates the retraction
01:54:19of the landing brakes
01:54:21towards the window
01:54:23to check what is going on.
01:54:25And for the passengers,
01:54:27this is simply the best place
01:54:29for photos
01:54:31as you can see the wings perfectly.
01:54:33The seats in the middle of the cabin
01:54:35above the wings
01:54:37are the best if you have trouble getting on board.
01:54:39This area is more balanced
01:54:41and shakes less during turbulence.
01:54:43If you tend to be nervous
01:54:45during the flight,
01:54:47do a little physical exercise
01:54:49just before getting on the plane.
01:54:51This will help your body
01:54:53release endorphins,
01:54:55the hormones of happiness.
01:54:57In addition, this physical activity
01:54:59compensates for the hours
01:55:01you spend sitting without moving.
01:55:03Turbines are placed under the wings
01:55:05because it makes the maintenance
01:55:07of the engines less expensive,
01:55:09faster and easier.
01:55:11Previously, they were placed
01:55:13at the level of the tail.
01:55:15This required expensive equipment
01:55:17and much more time to repair them.
01:55:19When we started to install
01:55:21the air-conditioning system,
01:55:23you see the burner system
01:55:25installed under the balloon,
01:55:27also called an envelope,
01:55:29it heats the air inside
01:55:31which makes the aircraft go up.
01:55:33Turbulences on a plane
01:55:35are this same hot air
01:55:37but created by nature.
01:55:39When the air warms up,
01:55:41it makes a plane go up.
01:55:43When it gets colder,
01:55:45the plane goes down
01:55:47and the passengers feel
01:55:49like they are doing roller coasters.
01:55:51The air is so light
01:55:53that the passengers don't feel it.
01:55:55Do you know that planes can fly
01:55:57even after a failure of an engine?
01:55:59Pilots can handle such an emergency
01:56:01and land the plane safely.
01:56:03Passengers can feel
01:56:05a slight inclination during the flight
01:56:07but in most cases
01:56:09they don't even know
01:56:11that the plane is flying
01:56:13with just one engine.
01:56:15Your eyes receive oxygen
01:56:17directly from the air.
01:56:19They are not driven by blood.
01:56:21They help you keep your eyes moist.
01:56:24It is forbidden to carry
01:56:26large volumes of liquid on board
01:56:28because some dangerous substances
01:56:30can easily be dissolved in water.
01:56:32If a plane has to sink,
01:56:34its wings become lifeboats.
01:56:36Empty fuel tanks
01:56:38also help the planes to float.
01:56:40In fact, it can take 10 to 60 hours
01:56:42before the plane sinks.
01:56:44It all depends on the model,
01:56:46the weather conditions
01:56:48and the pilot's skills.
01:56:49These smiling air hostesses
01:56:51that you meet when you enter the cabin
01:56:53usually hide their hands behind their backs.
01:56:55They count the people
01:56:57who enter the plane
01:56:59to make sure that all the passengers are on board.
01:57:01Despite what people say
01:57:03about the food in the planes,
01:57:05it is actually not so bad.
01:57:07The problem is your sense of taste
01:57:09which is no longer as efficient
01:57:11because the cabin air makes your mouth dry.
01:57:13It also fades your smell.
01:57:15This is why airlines
01:57:17add a lot of spices and salt
01:57:19to your food.
01:57:21Is it true that your hair grows faster
01:57:23during a flight?
01:57:25Not really.
01:57:27Scientists have not been able to prove it.
01:57:29This myth appeared in the first part
01:57:31of the 20th century
01:57:33when some passengers noticed
01:57:35that their beards had grown more
01:57:37during a flight.
01:57:39It is normal for people to have a headache
01:57:41during a flight,
01:57:43especially just after take-off.
01:57:45You climb to a higher altitude
01:57:47than Mount Everest
01:57:49and the safety belts
01:57:51are placed above your belly
01:57:53to prevent you from being thrown
01:57:55against the ceiling
01:57:57in case of turbulence.
01:57:59When this happens,
01:58:01the plane starts to move from top to bottom
01:58:03and your belt holds you firmly.
01:58:05Conversely, the safety belts in cars
01:58:07protect people from horizontal collisions.
01:58:09The planes have a special protection
01:58:11against lightning.
01:58:13Even if it strikes,
01:58:15passengers will not feel it.
01:58:17The planes are covered
01:58:19by a protective layer
01:58:21that does not allow it
01:58:23to penetrate inside the plane.
01:58:25The electronics
01:58:27and fuel tanks
01:58:29also have an additional protection.
01:58:31Plane seats are uncomfortable
01:58:33because airlines
01:58:35try to fit as many passengers
01:58:37as possible in a plane.
01:58:39This is why there is so little space
01:58:41between the seats.
01:58:43Two additional rows
01:58:45means 12 more passengers.
01:58:47In addition,
01:58:49a plane seat costs
01:58:53And by the way,
01:58:55your seat has a waterproof coating.
01:58:57This is necessary
01:58:59to prevent a fire from spreading
01:59:01in case of an accident.
01:59:03Airport employees
01:59:05carry unrequited luggage
01:59:07to special centers.
01:59:09If the owner does not show up
01:59:11within three months,
01:59:13the luggage is sold
01:59:15in specialized stores.
01:59:17In the past,
01:59:19the plane's electronics
01:59:21were insulated.
01:59:23Oxygen masks fall
01:59:25not only during strong turbulence,
01:59:27but also when air pressure
01:59:29inside the cabin
01:59:31changes radically.
01:59:33Passengers are not at risk
01:59:35if they wear oxygen masks.
01:59:37But in such cases,
01:59:39they are considered an emergency
01:59:41and pilots do their best
01:59:43to quickly descend
01:59:45to a safe altitude
01:59:47so that passengers
01:59:49do not fall behind
01:59:51the most famous paintings in the world.
01:59:53We are talking about works
01:59:55by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo
01:59:57or Picasso.
01:59:59Don't forget your magnifying glass
02:00:01because your adventure
02:00:03is about to begin.
02:00:05The first city on your list
02:00:07is Rome.
02:00:09After tasting delicious pasta,
02:00:11you head to the Sistine Chapel
02:00:13which houses the most famous ceiling
02:00:15in the world.
02:00:17Have you ever heard
02:00:19about a complex platform system
02:00:21that allows you to paint standing up?
02:00:23You are admiring
02:00:25the creation of Adam
02:00:27who is the fresco in the middle.
02:00:29The Italian artist was known
02:00:31for his precise knowledge
02:00:33of human anatomy.
02:00:35Art experts say
02:00:37that the right part of the painting
02:00:39is an anatomically correct representation
02:00:41of an enlarged brain.
02:00:43To verify it,
02:00:45you try to superimpose
02:00:47an image of the organ
02:00:49and the pituitary gland
02:00:51are all there.
02:00:53Even the floating thing
02:00:55in the shape of a green scarf
02:00:57seems to correspond
02:00:59to the vertebral artery.
02:01:01Some researchers think
02:01:03that this is the way
02:01:05Michelangelo painted
02:01:07knowledge and wisdom
02:01:09but you need a night's sleep
02:01:11to get a definitive idea.
02:01:13The next day,
02:01:15you catch a train
02:01:17and arrive in Florence.
02:01:19This is the David of Michelangelo.
02:01:21This David is a marvel
02:01:23of marble 5 meters high.
02:01:25It has been sculpted
02:01:27for about 3 years.
02:01:29The mystery around it
02:01:31is to discover
02:01:33the true expression of the statue.
02:01:35By looking at it from below,
02:01:37you can tell
02:01:39that its face is serene and peaceful.
02:01:41But art historians
02:01:43say that this work
02:01:45has been widely misunderstood.
02:01:49the veins of his arms are sagging.
02:01:51He doesn't look so relaxed
02:01:53after all, does he?
02:01:55Michelangelo's idea
02:01:57was to represent David
02:01:59just before a major confrontation.
02:02:01So maybe he wasn't
02:02:03as serene as that.
02:02:05Italy is so rich in works of art
02:02:07that you can't leave right away.
02:02:09You are still in Florence
02:02:11and you are now visiting
02:02:13the famous Gallery des Offices.
02:02:15Many famous paintings
02:02:17are housed in this museum.
02:02:19For example,
02:02:21Botticelli's painting.
02:02:23This work of art
02:02:25was shrouded in mystery
02:02:27from the start.
02:02:29Experts don't know
02:02:31the exact year it was commissioned.
02:02:33It remained without a title
02:02:35for years
02:02:37until the painter
02:02:39Giorgio Vasari
02:02:41finally found a name for it.
02:02:45when critics and the public
02:02:47admire this painting,
02:02:49they do so with
02:02:51almost photographic precision.
02:02:53And in the whole painting,
02:02:55these plant figures
02:02:57are repeated more than 200 times.
02:03:01These days of visit
02:03:03were well filled, weren't they?
02:03:05Are you ready to continue?
02:03:07You jump in a plane
02:03:09and arrive in Paris,
02:03:11the city of lights,
02:03:13love and the famous Joconde.
02:03:15You cross the Louvre Museum
02:03:17and arrive in front of
02:03:19the famous Joconde.
02:03:21Solid arguments have been put forward
02:03:23to say that the Joconde
02:03:25could be a self-portrait of the painter himself.
02:03:27Historians have carefully compared
02:03:29his face to that of Mona Lisa
02:03:31and they are surprisingly similar.
02:03:33And then there is the theory
02:03:35of the smile in the corner.
02:03:37The dentist and art expert
02:03:39Joseph Bartofsky claims
02:03:41to have discovered the secret
02:03:43of Mona Lisa's rictus.
02:03:45He says that her tight facial expression
02:03:47is the typical indication
02:03:49that she is a painter.
02:03:51In 2010,
02:03:53the Italian Committee for Cultural Heritage
02:03:55also discovered a collection
02:03:57of hidden symbols in the painting.
02:03:59These are only visible
02:04:01with high-tech magnifying glasses,
02:04:03but they revealed that Leonardo da Vinci
02:04:05had inscribed an LV
02:04:07inside the right eye of Mona Lisa.
02:04:09Experts think
02:04:11this is the painter's signature,
02:04:13but the other symbols,
02:04:15a CE in the left eye
02:04:17and a 72 in the arch
02:04:19make a lot of discoveries at once.
02:04:21Of course,
02:04:23at the end of your visit,
02:04:25don't forget to test
02:04:27if his eyes really follow you.
02:04:29Now you're going to Amsterdam
02:04:31to visit the Rijksmuseum.
02:04:33You came to see a specific painting
02:04:35by Rembrandt
02:04:37that hides a mysterious story.
02:04:39The Night Round
02:04:41is one of the most famous paintings
02:04:43by the Flemish painter,
02:04:45but experts say
02:04:47that the name of the painting
02:04:49means a group of people
02:04:51ready to embark on a mission.
02:04:53Rembrandt's technique
02:04:55is called the clair-obscure
02:04:57and highlights the contrast
02:04:59between shadow and light.
02:05:01Until 1947,
02:05:03art critics thought
02:05:05that the painter was painting
02:05:07a night scene,
02:05:09but when the painting was removed
02:05:11from a thick layer of dust,
02:05:13it became clear
02:05:15that the scene was taking place
02:05:17in the middle of the day
02:05:19and in the middle of the night.
02:05:21During your stay in Amsterdam,
02:05:23you also visit a museum
02:05:25dedicated to the art of Vincent van Gogh.
02:05:27Did you know that he painted
02:05:29more than 900 paintings
02:05:31during a period of only 10 years?
02:05:35the Van Gogh Museum
02:05:37houses the largest collection
02:05:39of ground-turning paintings
02:05:41you'll probably see in your life.
02:05:43In fact,
02:05:45almost all of Van Gogh's paintings
02:05:47feature dominant yellow tones.
02:05:49Van Gogh's diamond
02:05:51changed his perception of colours,
02:05:53making him see more yellow
02:05:55around him.
02:05:57Well, our journey continues.
02:05:59The next stop on your list
02:06:01is the United Kingdom,
02:06:03heading to the National Gallery.
02:06:05You could spend hours
02:06:07admiring the painting
02:06:09Les époux Arnolfini
02:06:11by Jan van Eyck
02:06:13and not see anything out of the ordinary.
02:06:15At first glance,
02:06:17a couple hold hands
02:06:19with another person in the room.
02:06:21Art experts say
02:06:23that the male figure in the painting
02:06:25raised his hands
02:06:27to greet the two people
02:06:29seen in the mirror
02:06:31and that one of the characters
02:06:33is Van Eyck himself.
02:06:35And it's not the only filigree
02:06:37the painter left behind.
02:06:39Above the mirror,
02:06:41you'll see his flamboyant signature
02:06:43Jan van Eyck et Attissi, 1434.
02:06:45Speaking of painters
02:06:47who leave traces of their own presence,
02:06:49let's take a look
02:06:51at one of his famous paintings,
02:06:55This one is a bit hard to spot.
02:06:57In the half-full carafe,
02:06:59in the lower left corner of the painting,
02:07:01there's a tiny self-portrait
02:07:03of the painter himself
02:07:05hidden in the liquid.
02:07:07To see the image clearly,
02:07:09you need a sophisticated technology
02:07:11or at least a very effective magnifying glass.
02:07:13But he's right there,
02:07:15a male character,
02:07:17alias Caravaggio,
02:07:19painted for the first time in 1922,
02:07:21more than 300 years
02:07:23after the painting was finished.
02:07:25But it was ignored
02:07:27due to its poor preservation.
02:07:29To conclude your journey,
02:07:31you fly across the Atlantic
02:07:33to Chicago.
02:07:35The huge collection of the Art Institute
02:07:37houses a well-known painting
02:07:39by Pablo Picasso,
02:07:41the old guitarist.
02:07:43The secret of this painting
02:07:45is so well hidden
02:07:46and so sophisticated.
02:07:48But the results are worth it.
02:07:50The findings show
02:07:52that Picasso painted the old guitarist
02:07:54on top of another unfinished painting.
02:07:56You can clearly see
02:07:58the contours and shapes
02:08:00of a half-drawn female figure
02:08:02that Picasso abandoned
02:08:04in the middle of his work.
02:08:06The emerging artists of the time
02:08:08often used this way
02:08:10to save money
02:08:12because paintings were expensive.
02:08:14And that's it for this world tour
02:08:16of the world of Sherlock Holmes.
02:08:18Have you ever taken a moment
02:08:20to think about the exciting secrets
02:08:22of today's everyday life
02:08:24on planet Earth?
02:08:26We're talking about small doors
02:08:28in washing machines
02:08:30and small holes in plane windows.
02:08:32If you have no idea
02:08:34of what we're talking about,
02:08:36let yourself be surprised
02:08:38and you'll discover a lot of things.
02:08:40You see this drawer
02:08:42under your oven?
02:08:44Maybe you've ignored it
02:08:46because it's used
02:08:48to store pans and pans.
02:08:50Well, even if it can actually
02:08:52serve as a storage space,
02:08:54it's not its only function.
02:08:56The best way to use this drawer
02:08:58is to keep your meal warm
02:09:00while you wait to serve it.
02:09:02Great, isn't it?
02:09:04Speaking of secret spaces,
02:09:06did you notice that most washing machines
02:09:08also had small folding doors at the bottom?
02:09:10These doors actually serve
02:09:12as evacuation hatches.
02:09:14This is where all the stuff
02:09:16you need is stored.
02:09:18It's a kind of collector
02:09:20for small intruders.
02:09:22It prevents them from reaching
02:09:24the evacuation hatches
02:09:26and locking them.
02:09:28This saves hundreds of euros
02:09:30in repair each month.
02:09:32Now, who hasn't had the hard task
02:09:34of measuring the exact amount
02:09:36of leather spaghetti per person?
02:09:38Here's the solution.
02:09:40The hole in the middle
02:09:42of the leather.
02:09:44It's there to measure
02:09:46the amount of spaghetti per person.
02:09:48On a similar subject,
02:09:50have you ever wondered
02:09:52why the pen caps had a hole?
02:09:54You may have thought
02:09:56it was a technical feature
02:09:58used to regulate air pressure.
02:10:00But in reality,
02:10:02this hole has a much simpler
02:10:04and more important function.
02:10:06Reduce the risk of suffocation.
02:10:08Many people like to bite
02:10:10their pen caps
02:10:12and this tiny hole
02:10:14prevents them from suffocating
02:10:16in their throats.
02:10:18For cooking lovers,
02:10:20there's a secret
02:10:22hidden under your nose
02:10:24that can change your life.
02:10:26Think of the pan.
02:10:28Now, think of their handles.
02:10:30Yes, they also have a hole.
02:10:32And it turns out
02:10:34this hole was designed
02:10:36to house the spoon
02:10:38you use to cook.
02:10:40And instead of spilling sauce
02:10:42all over the kitchen,
02:10:44you can put the spoon
02:10:46in your pocket.
02:10:48Most door handles
02:10:50are made of brass
02:10:52because this material
02:10:54makes them naturally antibacterial.
02:10:56Unlike plastic,
02:10:58brass door handles
02:11:00are somehow magical.
02:11:02They can disinfect
02:11:04without you cleaning them.
02:11:06Have you ever noticed
02:11:08that under a meter
02:11:10there was a small hole?
02:11:12You can find it in the metal part
02:11:14on which you have to pull
02:11:16a nail to hold it
02:11:18while you measure.
02:11:20As for the margins of your notebook,
02:11:22they were invented
02:11:24to protect the pages from rotting.
02:11:26No, they didn't copy people's answers
02:11:28during math exams,
02:11:30but it was a time
02:11:32when people had to live
02:11:34with rats and mice
02:11:36who often rotted the paper.
02:11:38So, to prevent information
02:11:40from getting lost,
02:11:42we created margins.
02:11:44This way,
02:11:46through expression,
02:11:48you can digest information.
02:11:50And what about these tiny holes
02:11:52at the bottom of the plane's windows?
02:11:54They have an extremely important function,
02:11:56to regulate the air pressure
02:11:58inside the cabin.
02:12:00In other words,
02:12:02they help planes fly high in the sky.
02:12:04Pretty important, isn't it?
02:12:06In fact,
02:12:08a plane's tablets
02:12:10are the most germ-infected places
02:12:12in the entire cabin.
02:12:14Studies have shown
02:12:16that they are like
02:12:18toilet water.
02:12:20And now,
02:12:22what would you say
02:12:24to cut a commercial plane in half
02:12:26and see what's inside?
02:12:28Well, it would look more or less like this.
02:12:30Rows of seats at the top
02:12:32and everything that should be at the bottom.
02:12:34We're talking about passengers' luggage,
02:12:36emergency supplies,
02:12:38wing system parts,
02:12:40and so on.
02:12:42Well, let's move on to bowling balls,
02:12:44even if the transition is a bit brutal.
02:12:46If you cut a professional ball in half,
02:12:48you'll see a familiar shape.
02:12:50Take a good look.
02:12:52Can you see it?
02:12:54Doesn't it look like Simpa's logo?
02:12:58professional bowling balls
02:13:00are different from your local bowling ball.
02:13:02That's because they are designed
02:13:04to make more precise movements.
02:13:06They actually have
02:13:08a very complex engineering inside.
02:13:10They are designed to help
02:13:12pros make more strikes.
02:13:14The weight of professional balls
02:13:16is more or less the same
02:13:18when they move on the bowling alley.
02:13:20So it's harder for them
02:13:22to get stuck in the gutters
02:13:24next to the alley.
02:13:26Speaking of bowling balls,
02:13:28let's take a look inside
02:13:30a baseball bat.
02:13:32To make it light and aerodynamic,
02:13:34the manufacturers use
02:13:36several different layers.
02:13:38Starting from the core,
02:13:40we have a black rubber-wrapped
02:13:44Then there's a layer of red rubber
02:13:46with a very visible white layer
02:13:48and this beautiful red seam
02:13:50on the side that unites it all.
02:13:52If you had a X-ray vision
02:13:54and you managed to look
02:13:56inside a human bone,
02:13:58what attracts the most attention
02:14:00is this structure
02:14:02that looks like a spider web
02:14:04in the center of the bone.
02:14:06In fact, it's a very condensed
02:14:08and complex structure of nerves
02:14:10that you have inside your bones.
02:14:12Now, a riddle.
02:14:14What is round,
02:14:16as in the Gutenheim Museum of New York?
02:14:19It's the one that's almost
02:14:21completely made of ramps.
02:14:23If you answered a shell
02:14:25of a nautile,
02:14:27you guessed right.
02:14:29A nautile is a shell
02:14:31that you can find
02:14:33in several souvenir shops
02:14:35near the beach.
02:14:37It's comprised of two layers,
02:14:39one outside with a matte white
02:14:41and one inside with a iridescent white.
02:14:44And if you had to divide it in two,
02:14:46excellent for healing and also for hydration.
02:14:49But if you managed to look inside an aloe leaf,
02:14:52the image you would see would be as satisfying as relaxing.
02:14:56Who has never dreamed of a pool filled with jam?
02:15:01There seems to be nothing more banal than a toothpaste tube,
02:15:04but you would change your mind if you cut a tube that contains several colors.
02:15:08There have been speculations that the inside of such a tube
02:15:12may be divided by barriers so that the strips do not mix.
02:15:16But if you cut it in half, you will see that it has only one inner space.
02:15:21It turns out that a complex science is hidden behind the manufacture of toothpaste.
02:15:25According to a specialist,
02:15:27it is necessary to ensure that all stripes have the same physical properties.
02:15:31In this way, colors are naturally prevented from mixing with each other.
02:15:35That's why if you cut a tube,
02:15:37you will see something that looks like several slices of pizza of different colors.
02:15:42Now, if you open your closet, you will find at least a few wooden belts.
02:15:47They are generally made of cedar wood, which is a natural repulsive against mites.
02:15:52For some people, the eyeliner is an essential part of everyday life.
02:15:57But did you know that in ancient Egypt,
02:16:00men and women wore glue to protect their eyes from the sun's glow?
02:16:06Normally, we use headrests to, well, rest our heads, right?
02:16:12Not only.
02:16:13It turns out that the headrests can be easily removed from the seats
02:16:17and used to break the car windows in case of emergency.
02:16:21Very few people know the following trick.
02:16:24You probably place your straw in the width, like most of us.
02:16:28But straws have the function of absorbing the dirt from the soles of your shoes
02:16:32before you enter your home.
02:16:34Because it works as it is supposed to,
02:16:36the best way to place a straw is in the length.
02:16:40This way, you will take more steps on the straw before entering your home.
02:16:45And finally, you probably passed the vacuum cleaner in the wrong way,
02:16:49and we can prove it.
02:16:51Most people are content to vacuum the floors and carpets in one direction
02:16:55or to move the front brush back and forth several times,
02:16:58thinking that they have eliminated all the dust.
02:17:01But according to cleaning professionals,
02:17:03the best way to vacuum is in a row.
02:17:06First, you move forward with the brush until you reach the end of the row.
02:17:11Then you sweep the carpet and you go back down along the same row
02:17:15by picking up the dust that was not collected during the first sweeping.
02:17:19Or, if you don't want to disturb the dust,
02:17:21you can be content to sweep the room with a simple glance.
02:17:27You go to the supermarket to buy some small items.
02:17:30The cash register goes much faster
02:17:32than when you have to wait for people to unload their huge cart.
02:17:36But this noisy voice that comes from the machine,
02:17:38which keeps ordering, cuts you off.
02:17:41I have good news for you.
02:17:43You can turn it off.
02:17:44Look closer at the screen.
02:17:45You will probably see a volume button at the bottom.
02:17:48Use your finger to cut this painful voice too weird for good.
02:17:53All machines do not have this hidden option,
02:17:55but it's really worth checking.
02:17:58Normally, the sunflower oil bottles have a weird plug inside.
02:18:03Most people remove the top part and throw it away.
02:18:07But there is actually a better way to use it.
02:18:09Turn the detached part inwards and put it in the bottle cap.
02:18:14This will make an excellent distributor
02:18:16and you will never pour too much oil into your salad.
02:18:20Do you want a picnic with your friends in nature?
02:18:23Forget your classic meal basket.
02:18:25We were all wrong.
02:18:26In fact, it's not a basket, but a bucket.
02:18:29Yes, it is much better to put your picnic stuff in several buckets.
02:18:33This will allow you to evenly distribute the weight between all the guests.
02:18:37When you have found a nice place for your picnic
02:18:40and you have taken out all your stuff,
02:18:42turn the buckets over and use them as a stool.
02:18:46When the meal is over,
02:18:48place the buckets side by side to gain space on the way back.
02:18:53Your toasts are starting to burn,
02:18:54but you don't have a kitchen tweezers on hand?
02:18:57Take two identical forks,
02:18:58put them together and tie them tightly with an elastic.
02:19:02And there you go, your tweezers are ready.
02:19:05Have you ever wondered what this double bottom
02:19:07under the Nutella lid was for?
02:19:10There is only one way to find out.
02:19:12Here is a brand new pot of Nutella.
02:19:15Let's remove the white circle from the cardboard
02:19:17and stick the aluminum foil.
02:19:20There should be a small knife to cut the golden aluminum foil.
02:19:24Now you know how to have access to your favorite cutie
02:19:28without hurting your hands.
02:19:30Don't throw the glass pot away once you've finished eating Nutella.
02:19:33It can turn into a candle holder or a lantern.
02:19:36Wash it, paint it on your back,
02:19:39add decorations or letters,
02:19:41glue a nice rope around the edge of the pot,
02:19:44place a candle or a bright candle inside the glass pot.
02:19:48No one will ever guess it was a Nutella jar.
02:19:51It will be our secret.
02:19:53Have you ever wondered why Ritz cookies have teeth on the edge?
02:19:57You can use them as a cheese knife
02:19:59and soft products like cucumbers, ham, etc.
02:20:04Just turn the cracker as if it were a tiny pizza knife and press.
02:20:10Now all the ingredients fit perfectly on your cracker.
02:20:13Enjoy your snack!
02:20:15You also have one of those old baking trays that you never use
02:20:18but still hesitate to throw away.
02:20:20Good news!
02:20:21You can recycle it and make a beautiful frame for a painting or a photo.
02:20:25There are two ways to proceed.
02:20:27Grease the surface of your tray and fix the image at the bottom.
02:20:31In this case, the frame will stick to the front.
02:20:34You can also turn the tray upside down
02:20:36and the edges will hide at the back.
02:20:38Hang this achievement on a wall or place it on a shelf.
02:20:42And do not hesitate to use metal paint to give your frame a suitable color.
02:20:48An old cutting board can make an excellent frame for a mirror.
02:20:53Use double-sided tape to attach a mirror to the surface of your board.
02:20:58Make sure the mirror is well glued.
02:21:01You can now hang it on the wall using the handle of the board
02:21:05or place it on a cupboard and trim it to the wall.
02:21:08Do not forget to wash and dry the cutting board before starting this DIY.
02:21:13We do not want the mirror to smell like fish, do we?
02:21:16Another great power of a cutting board is to keep the wires without knots.
02:21:22Wrap a few light garlands around an old wooden cutting board
02:21:26and put it in your cupboard.
02:21:28During the upcoming holidays, they will still be completely untangled.
02:21:32A hairdryer can make an excellent mini vacuum cleaner
02:21:35when you need to do an emergency cleaning.
02:21:38Cut a plastic bottle and dry it.
02:21:41Put a layer of fabric on the fan of your dryer.
02:21:44Then place the fan on the bottom of the plastic bottle.
02:21:49Attach the bottle to the dryer using a shelf.
02:21:52Turn it on and hop!
02:21:54You are ready to clean up the mess.
02:21:57You can use an old gas cooker grid to hang your interior plants.
02:22:03Attach it to the wall using screws or nails.
02:22:06Now you are ready to hang flower pots, electrical garlands
02:22:10and other decorative elements.
02:22:13If the color of your cooker grid does not match your interior,
02:22:17you can always fix it by using bomb paint.
02:22:21Chinese chopsticks and wooden ice sticks
02:22:24can also turn into a beautiful panel that will decorate your interior.
02:22:30Glue the edges together to create a grid.
02:22:33You can also compose your name or any other word you want with the chopsticks.
02:22:38Then wrap the grid with the light garlands and enjoy your decoration.
02:22:44Do not throw away your frozen aluminum foil.
02:22:47It can help you illuminate the day.
02:22:49Make identical aluminum foil balls and glue them on a glass.
02:22:53A mirror frame or even a book
02:22:56and your life will immediately become more glamorous.
02:22:59If you need to sharpen your used scissors,
02:23:02take aluminum foil and crush it into a ball.
02:23:05Sharpen the edges of the scissors directly on this aluminum foil ball.
02:23:09To speed up your ironing,
02:23:11place pieces of aluminum foil under your ironing board
02:23:14and put the coating back on.
02:23:16The aluminum foil will reflect the heat.
02:23:19The iron to be ironed will be warmer and will work much faster.
02:23:23If you have trouble organizing all your jewelry and you lose from time to time,
02:23:28your favorite articles use a sponge to store them.
02:23:31Just make a few notches and place your little treasures inside these notches.
02:23:36They will hold firmly in the sponge and will not fall or mix.
02:23:42You can also use a sponge to create an organizer for your jewelry.
02:23:48Find a nice box, cut your sponge into pieces of the same size
02:23:51and place them inside the box.
02:23:54Use glue or tape to fix the sponge to the box
02:23:58and enjoy your new jewelry screen.
02:24:01You can easily make chocolate-covered strawberries at home.
02:24:04Take a plastic syringe.
02:24:06Fill it with chocolate paste, remove the leaves from the strawberry
02:24:10and push the syringe into the hole where the leaf usually comes out.
02:24:15Press the chocolate into the fruit and it's ready.
02:24:18You can use the same technique when you prepare eclairs, apples
02:24:22or when you want to leave a chocolate note on crepes
02:24:25to surprise your partner in the morning.
02:24:28Wooden pantyhose with metal clamps can be useful
02:24:31when it comes to hanging curtains or a wallpaper for your photo shoot.
02:24:36If you need to hang curtains but you don't have a special hook,
02:24:40place several pantyhose clamps along the length of the curtains
02:24:43and hang this structure at one end.
02:24:46In general, when we chop onions or fresh garlic,
02:24:49our fingers end up feeling bad for a while.
02:24:52This is no longer a fatality.
02:24:54Just rub a little lemon on your hands before touching the food you smell
02:24:58and they will feel the fresh lemon once you have finished.
02:25:01You can also use a green lemon or a red grapefruit instead of lemon.
02:25:07An old metal tea pot serves as a mini shelf for the little things in your kitchen.
02:25:12Put double-sided tape on the pot and glue it in the upper corner of your closet.
02:25:17You can use shoe bags like a linen bag or to store underwear,
02:25:20apart from other clothes.
02:25:22When you travel from summer to winter or vice versa,
02:25:25you will have to separate your warm clothes from summer clothes.
02:25:28Shoe bags will help you solve this problem.
02:25:32There is nothing better than a slice of grilled bread with butter for breakfast,
02:25:36except for sundaes with melted caramel.
02:25:39If you find it difficult to spread your cold butter on your bread,
02:25:42here's an idea.
02:25:43Use a cheese grater.
02:25:45But on the other hand, the amount of butter you need is reminiscent.
02:25:49This way, the amount of butter needed will soften
02:25:53and it will be easier to spread.
02:25:55But still, the melted caramel!
02:25:58There are different shapes and sizes of dried pasta for a reason.
02:26:02Each type of pasta goes perfectly with a certain type of sauce.
02:26:07Conchiglioni, for example, are perfect with a denser and thicker sauce.
02:26:12Why? Because the sauce enters the shells
02:26:15and makes the dish easier to serve.
02:26:18The stripes on the surface of the pasta hold the sauce.
02:26:24If you ever burn your biscuits,
02:26:26and damn it!
02:26:27You can get them back with your favorite cheese grater.
02:26:30Just grate the burnt parts once the biscuits have been removed from the baking tray.
02:26:34But be careful, wait until they have cooled down.
02:26:38If ever, by removing the burnt part, you dilute them a little,
02:26:41just dip them in melted chocolate.
02:26:44Once the chocolate hardens, you will have perfect biscuits.
02:26:47But let's be honest,
02:26:49does the shape of the biscuit really matter when tasting?
02:26:53I say that, I say nothing.
02:26:57If you make sandwiches with a lot of ingredients,
02:27:00but you don't want the bread to soften,
02:27:02there is a technique to prevent this from happening.
02:27:05Take the tomatoes or cucumbers you want to put in your sandwich
02:27:09and place them between two paper towels for 5 minutes.
02:27:12There you go, you can put them in the bread.
02:27:14Make sure to spread the butter, cheese or sauces like mayo or ketchup first on the bread.
02:27:20This will kind of seal the bread and prevent it from softening.
02:27:25Some people think you have to remove this little white filament
02:27:28that is next to the egg yolk before cooking it.
02:27:31I'm here to tell you that these filaments are called chalazes.
02:27:35And there is no need to get rid of it.
02:27:37They are there to hold the yolk in place, in the center of the egg.
02:27:41Chalazes have no impact on the consistency and taste of your food.
02:27:45It's up to you to see if you want to remove them or not.
02:27:49Have you ever noticed that the bricks of the juice have two tabs on the sides?
02:27:53They are actually handles.
02:27:56The manufacturers designed these bricks in this way
02:27:59so that we can handle them more easily, without crushing them and getting the juice out.
02:28:06No need to be a star chef to know that you can use white sugar or brown sugar in all your recipes.
02:28:12Have you ever wondered what the difference was between the two?
02:28:16It turns out that the only thing that differentiates them is the production mode.
02:28:20We add a small amount of molasses to the chalazes.
02:28:25Molasses is a kind of syrup obtained during the transformation of the sugar cane.
02:28:30This is what is removed during refining.
02:28:32This is how white sugar is produced.
02:28:35But if a certain amount of molasses remains in the final product,
02:28:38we get chalazes, which has a more pronounced taste and a darker color.
02:28:43It's a good thing.
02:28:46You can put a lot of things in your dishwasher.
02:28:48Not just plates and cutlery.
02:28:50For example, you can wash your kitchen gloves in silicone,
02:28:53the pommels of some household appliances, such as those in your oven or your hob.
02:28:58Some sponges and other reusable towels can also be washed in the dishwasher.
02:29:04Speaking of household products for the kitchen, you can do a lot of things with the dishwasher.
02:29:09You can clean your garden furniture, for example,
02:29:12add a little dishwasher liquid to hot water
02:29:14and use this mixture to rub all your garden furniture with a piece of fabric.
02:29:19Rinse them with your watering hose.
02:29:23You can also use your dishwasher to remove the grease stains from your clothes.
02:29:27The stains of pasta sauce, salad seasoning.
02:29:30Hey, we all happen to miss our mouth.
02:29:33Put a little dishwasher liquid on the stain and rinse with water.
02:29:37For light clothes, it is better to use non-colored liquid.
02:29:41For the most tenacious tasks, let the dishwasher act for a few minutes,
02:29:44then put the clothes in the machine as usual.
02:29:47And maybe buy yourself a bottle too.
02:29:49If you still haven't found a technique that suits you to organize your wardrobe
02:29:53and that you are overwhelmed by piles of clothes,
02:29:55there is a simple trick that might work.
02:29:58It's the one-of-a-kind technique.
02:30:03For each garment you buy, you have to get rid of an old garment.
02:30:08You will regularly unclog your wardrobe.
02:30:11To find things more easily, good luck,
02:30:14leave the clothes you use most often at the level of your eyes.
02:30:18You can find them more easily and take them out of the wardrobe quickly.
02:30:21Clothes that you use less often, such as evening clothes, for example,
02:30:25can be stored under or above the level of your eyes.
02:30:30The old boxes can be very useful.
02:30:33If you stick very powerful magnets inside,
02:30:36they can serve as magnet containers.
02:30:39You can store a lot of objects in there, such as kitchen pliers,
02:30:42ice spoons or even cutlery.
02:30:46You can place them on any metallic surface,
02:30:49such as the door of your fridge.
02:30:51They will go very well with the rest of your magnets.
02:30:54At the bottom of your laundry, you have an essential tool
02:30:57to pick up animal hair.
02:30:59It even works better than adhesive rollers.
02:31:01These are wipes for dry clothes.
02:31:04Just one of these wipes and a little elbow grease and you're done.
02:31:07No more hair everywhere.
02:31:09It works on all surfaces,
02:31:11but it's particularly effective on cluttered furniture.
02:31:14If you don't want your doors to squeak
02:31:16every time you enter a room,
02:31:18take a soap and rub it directly on the hinges.
02:31:22It only works for a short time,
02:31:24but it will work until you go to a DIY store.
02:31:28To buy lubricant, for example.
02:31:31You may have noticed that in some elevators
02:31:33there is a star next to this or that floor.
02:31:36And no, it's not made to indicate the floor of my office.
02:31:40It is used to indicate the closest exit.
02:31:43And it is not always on the first floor.
02:31:45It is rather on the floor closest to the street.
02:31:49Have you ever wondered why the stop signs are red?
02:31:53Some time ago, there were no specific colors.
02:31:57Before 1920, there was not even a standard shape.
02:32:01In 1922, someone had the idea to impose the octagon.
02:32:05But at first, these signs were yellow.
02:32:08The red faded too quickly because of the exposure to the sun.
02:32:12Yellow was the best option.
02:32:15It was only 30 years later
02:32:17that the more resistant enamel paint was invented.
02:32:20That's when the color of the stop signs became red.
02:32:24After all, it's the best color
02:32:26if you want something to be easily spotted.
02:32:30Did you know that there is a type of rosette
02:32:32that is taller than a man?
02:32:34According to the Guinness Book of Records,
02:32:36the tallest rosette that has ever existed
02:32:39is located in Vienna.
02:32:41And it measures more than 8.5 meters high.
02:32:44Yes, this rosette dared.
02:32:47Like our digital footprints, which are unique,
02:32:50there are no tigers with the same stripes.
02:32:54That's how people who work with these big felines
02:32:56distinguish them from each other.
02:32:59I bet you didn't know that the Maison Blanche
02:33:02has its own florist in the basement.
02:33:05This business takes care of the ornaments
02:33:07for all the events organized at the Maison Blanche.
02:33:11We know that pizza has become
02:33:13a staple food of American cuisine
02:33:15despite its Italian origins.
02:33:18This dish is so appreciated
02:33:20that Americans buy 350 pieces of pizza every second.
02:33:26Personally, I don't think I eat enough of it.
02:33:29To meet the incredible demand,
02:33:31about 17% of all restaurants in the United States
02:33:34are pizzerias.
02:33:37There is a technique to make lemonade
02:33:40without the lemon seeds in your glass.
02:33:43Cut the fruit in half
02:33:44and try to squeeze it with kitchen tweezers.
02:33:47The pointed part of half the lemon
02:33:49must be placed down.
02:33:51The juice will flow,
02:33:52but the seeds will remain in the lemon.
02:33:54Mmm, lemonade.
02:33:56It's good with pizza.
02:33:59Have you ever wondered
02:34:00what these extra holes are for
02:34:02at the top of your sports shoes?
02:34:04They are designed so that you can attach
02:34:06the shoes in several different ways.
02:34:08It's useful when you want to compensate
02:34:10for things like a bad stroke
02:34:12or even a damaged toe.
02:34:15In addition, you can modify the look of your shoes
02:34:17as you wish.
02:34:20Many people use the cover of their books
02:34:23as a page marker.
02:34:24This is not a problem.
02:34:26Thanks to it, you will not have to frame your pages.
02:34:28But the first objective of a cover
02:34:30is to protect the book
02:34:31against external damage.
02:34:33For example, if you spill fruit juice
02:34:35or if you drop food on your book
02:34:37while you read it.
02:34:40The tic-tac box has this little groove on top
02:34:43so that you can distribute
02:34:44a single tic-tac at a time.
02:34:46Even if, let's be honest,
02:34:47nobody does that.
02:34:49Most of us spill a lot of it at once,
02:34:52and then we put all these tic-tacs in excess.
02:34:57These little rubber tips
02:34:58that you see between the tire tread
02:35:00are there for your safety.
02:35:02They tell you what is the minimum height
02:35:03of your tread.
02:35:05If the tips and edges are equal,
02:35:07it's time for you to go as fast as you can
02:35:09to a tire store.
02:35:11But if the wear witnesses still have a margin
02:35:13compared to the edges,
02:35:14you can ride quietly.
02:35:17What about this black grid
02:35:18on the microwave glass?
02:35:20This is what we call a Faraday cage.
02:35:23And it's there to prevent microwaves
02:35:24from escaping
02:35:25and to turn the whole room into an oven.
02:35:29If microwaves escape,
02:35:30your meal won't be able to cook properly either.
02:35:33Indeed, this cage is not there
02:35:34to prevent you from seeing your meal
02:35:35while it's cooking,
02:35:37but so that the electromagnetic energy
02:35:39stays inside.
02:35:42And why not a screwdriver
02:35:43compatible with a wrench?
02:35:45Grip your screwdriver
02:35:46with the end of your wrench
02:35:48to increase its torsion force.
02:35:50That's why the head of your screwdriver
02:35:51is designed as it is.
02:35:53When you have weird angles,
02:35:54you can use this strategy.
02:35:57You've probably heard this myth before.
02:35:59The blue side of the eraser
02:36:00can erase the pencil.
02:36:02It's false.
02:36:03Its purpose is also to erase the pencil.
02:36:05But in case you write something
02:36:06on a more robust paper.
02:36:09The blue side can also remove these traces
02:36:10that may remain
02:36:11after using the pink eraser.
02:36:15You've already wondered
02:36:16why oranges in supermarkets
02:36:17are most often
02:36:18in red mesh bags.
02:36:20It's a tip
02:36:21so that the fruits have a brighter color,
02:36:22which encourages you to buy them.
02:36:25A bonus tip,
02:36:26don't throw away this mesh bag.
02:36:27Tie it up
02:36:28to have enough to cook your pans
02:36:29and clean your sink,
02:36:31your kitchen appliances
02:36:32and your dishes.
02:36:36You can see that golf balls
02:36:37don't have a perfectly round shape.
02:36:39Their surface is covered
02:36:40by many small sockets,
02:36:42which golf balls
02:36:43haven't always had.
02:36:44At some point,
02:36:45experienced golfers
02:36:46began to notice
02:36:47that with time,
02:36:48the old balls
02:36:49with imperfections,
02:36:50such as notches and bumps,
02:36:52could fly further.
02:36:55These roughnesses
02:36:56create turbulence in the air
02:36:57around the golf ball,
02:36:59which ends up reducing its drag.
02:37:01Manufacturers therefore began
02:37:02to produce balls
02:37:03with sockets
02:37:04so that they can go
02:37:05further and faster.
02:37:09You may have noticed
02:37:10that there were sometimes
02:37:11small cracks
02:37:12on the top of the toothpicks.
02:37:13It's more hygienic
02:37:14because when you break it,
02:37:15you can press the toothpick
02:37:16on it
02:37:17and it won't touch anything else.
02:37:21Another safety device
02:37:23that you will find
02:37:24in your car this time
02:37:25is a strap
02:37:26on your rearview mirror.
02:37:28With it,
02:37:29you can change the position
02:37:30of the mirror
02:37:31so as not to be blind
02:37:32if there is a car behind you
02:37:33driving in the headlights.
02:37:35This small strap
02:37:36helps you control
02:37:37the glow of the lights
02:37:38coming from the rear.
02:37:39This function appeared
02:37:40in the 1930s,
02:37:41but it was only
02:37:42at the beginning of the 1970s
02:37:43that it became
02:37:44a standard equipment
02:37:45for most cars
02:37:46and other trucks.
02:37:49Do you see this little hole
02:37:50on your iPhone
02:37:51just next to the rear-facing
02:37:53It's a microphone.
02:37:55And it's there
02:37:56so that your phone
02:37:57can record the sound
02:37:58when you rotate your camera.
02:38:01Some cables
02:38:02have a thick cylinder
02:38:03towards the end of the cord.
02:38:05This is called
02:38:06a ferrite core.
02:38:08It's a magnetic iron oxide
02:38:10that stops electromagnetic
02:38:12at high frequencies.
02:38:14Do you see, for example,
02:38:15this annoying static noise
02:38:16you get
02:38:17if you bring your phone
02:38:18too close
02:38:19to a speaker?
02:38:20It interferes
02:38:21with your call.
02:38:22This is why
02:38:23cable cords
02:38:24with large cylinders
02:38:25are rather useful
02:38:26because they prevent
02:38:27this kind of thing.
02:38:29Do you know why
02:38:30almost all luggage bags
02:38:31and backpacks
02:38:32have two lightning zippers?
02:38:33It's much more practical
02:38:34and easier
02:38:35to open it this way.
02:38:36But that's not all.
02:38:38You can also lock
02:38:39these two sliding zippers
02:38:41so that the stuff
02:38:42inside your bags
02:38:43is safe.
02:38:44You know,
02:38:45just like public toilets
02:38:46and shopping centres
02:38:47have these large spaces
02:38:48at the bottom of the door,
02:38:50it's mainly
02:38:51for better air circulation.
02:38:53This type of door
02:38:54also makes it easier
02:38:55to clean the toilets
02:38:56or check
02:38:57if they're occupied
02:38:58when you wait.
02:39:00Apart from that,
02:39:01if you're stuck inside
02:39:02and the lock is broken,
02:39:04there's always a way
02:39:05to escape.
02:39:06You can simply
02:39:07crawl out.
02:39:09Have you ever noticed
02:39:10the plastic tips
02:39:11on the cutters?
02:39:13The blade
02:39:14also has a notch,
02:39:15which means
02:39:16that you can
02:39:17renew it several times,
02:39:18always with sharp edges.
02:39:20You can separate
02:39:21these pieces of blade
02:39:22with these plastic tips.
02:39:24all you have to do
02:39:25is move the sliding part
02:39:26to push this new blade
02:39:28If you've ever taken a moment
02:39:29to look at
02:39:30a Lambda supermarket box,
02:39:32especially its foldable section,
02:39:34you've probably noticed
02:39:35these metal loops
02:39:36that protrude.
02:39:37They're designed
02:39:38to protect the items
02:39:39that you carry
02:39:40in your trunk.
02:39:41You can use them
02:39:42to hang bags
02:39:43containing soft items,
02:39:45like bread
02:39:46that you don't want
02:39:47to accidentally crush
02:39:48with heavier products
02:39:49or things that are
02:39:50easier to break,
02:39:51like eggs.
02:39:53Many coffee cups
02:39:54have curved notches
02:39:55on the bottom.
02:39:56When you wash your cups,
02:39:57place them against
02:39:58the drawer
02:39:59of your dishwasher.
02:40:00This way,
02:40:01the water won't
02:40:02accumulate inside
02:40:03and your favorite cup
02:40:04will be completely dry
02:40:05when you take it out of here.
02:40:09If you're a fan
02:40:10of McFlurry,
02:40:11you've probably noticed
02:40:12that there was
02:40:13a square hole
02:40:14in the handle
02:40:15of their spoon.
02:40:16It's there
02:40:17so you can attach it
02:40:18to this special machine
02:40:19that mixes
02:40:20the ice cream
02:40:21with your favorite toppings.
02:40:22The machine
02:40:23has a bar
02:40:24that slides
02:40:25into this square-shaped
02:40:27and carefully
02:40:28stirs it.
02:40:29And they give you
02:40:30this spoon
02:40:31to minimize
02:40:32the damage
02:40:33during the process.
02:40:34Pretty cool,
02:40:35isn't it?
02:40:36An ordinary can
02:40:37usually has
02:40:38a nozzle on the side.
02:40:39Some of you
02:40:40may see
02:40:41a random design choice,
02:40:42but this nozzle
02:40:43fulfills several objectives.
02:40:44One of them
02:40:45is to inflate
02:40:46if there's
02:40:47an accumulation of gas.
02:40:48This happens
02:40:49when your milk
02:40:50has turned.
02:40:51This way,
02:40:52you don't even need
02:40:53to taste it
02:40:54to check.
02:40:55In addition,
02:40:56the nozzle is there
02:40:57so that the bottle
02:40:58doesn't explode
02:40:59if you drop it
02:41:01It allows
02:41:02an expansion space
02:41:03that takes in
02:41:04the sudden pressure
02:41:05that happens
02:41:06when you drop it.
02:41:07This is
02:41:08the dental floss.
02:41:09It's important
02:41:10to take care
02:41:11of your teeth,
02:41:12and it's easy
02:41:13to guess
02:41:14how to use it.
02:41:15But it's also
02:41:16great in the kitchen
02:41:17because it's
02:41:18a very precise
02:41:19cake cutter.
02:41:20Much more effective
02:41:21than an ordinary knife.
02:41:22Most kitchen scissors
02:41:23have a key opening
02:41:24right here
02:41:25in the middle
02:41:26where the blades
02:41:27and handles
02:41:29It's something
02:41:30you can use
02:41:31to remove
02:41:32difficult herbs
02:41:33like thyme
02:41:34or rosemary.
02:41:35In addition,
02:41:36you don't need
02:41:37to remove the leaves
02:41:38by hand.
02:41:39But you can
02:41:40remove them
02:41:41in one move.
02:41:42A large part
02:41:43of the yoghurt
02:41:44or flan skins
02:41:45are provided
02:41:46with an aluminum
02:41:47paper lid.
02:41:48And in most cases,
02:41:49you can use
02:41:50this lid
02:41:51as a disposable spoon.
02:41:52You just need
02:41:53to take it off
02:41:54and after a few
02:41:55simple folds,
02:41:56you'll have
02:41:57a small,
02:41:58perfect spoon
02:41:59for your 4 hours.
02:42:00More than 40 billion
02:42:01Oreo biscuits
02:42:02are made
02:42:03every year.
02:42:04They are
02:42:05the most popular
02:42:06industrial biscuits
02:42:07in the world.
02:42:08The geometric pattern
02:42:09on these biscuits
02:42:10is the Nabisco logo,
02:42:11a symbol
02:42:12of European quality
02:42:13that includes
02:42:14the word
02:42:16It was in 1952
02:42:17that William Turnier
02:42:18created the chocolate biscuit
02:42:20we know today.
02:42:21Wireless headphones
02:42:22could soon
02:42:23belong to the past
02:42:24because of
02:42:25wireless technology.
02:42:26But if you still have some,
02:42:27you may have noticed
02:42:28the rings
02:42:29on the headphones.
02:42:30One ring
02:42:31symbolizes a mono sound,
02:42:32two rings
02:42:33symbolize a stereo sound
02:42:34and three rings
02:42:35mean you have
02:42:36a stereo sound
02:42:37and an integrated microphone.
02:42:38The iconic rings
02:42:43and lime green
02:42:44of the Fruit Loops
02:42:46hide a secret.
02:42:47They don't represent
02:42:48different fruit flavors.
02:42:49All these rings
02:42:50have the same
02:42:51fruit flavors
02:42:52mixed together.
02:42:53The colors are
02:42:54just there
02:42:55to make it pretty.
02:42:56The E
02:42:57on the Dell logo
02:42:58is tilted
02:42:59because the founder
02:43:00Michael Dell
02:43:01wanted his technology
02:43:02to be more
02:43:04The E
02:43:05on the Dell logo
02:43:06is tilted
02:43:07because the founder
02:43:08Michael Dell
02:43:09wanted his technology
02:43:10to be more advanced.
02:43:11The E
02:43:12on the Dell logo
02:43:13is tilted
02:43:14because the founder
02:43:15Michael Dell
02:43:16wanted his technology
02:43:17to be more advanced.
02:43:18The E
02:43:19on the Dell logo
02:43:20is tilted
02:43:21because the founder
02:43:22Michael Dell
02:43:23wanted his technology
02:43:24to be more advanced.
02:43:25The E
02:43:26on the Dell logo
02:43:27is tilted
02:43:28because the founder
02:43:29Michael Dell
02:43:30wanted his technology
02:43:31to be more advanced.
02:43:32The E
02:43:33on the Dell logo
02:43:34is tilted
02:43:35because the founder
02:43:36Michael Dell
02:43:37wanted his technology
02:43:38to be more advanced.
02:43:39The E
02:43:40on the Dell logo
02:43:41is tilted
02:43:42because the founder
02:43:43Michael Dell
02:43:44wanted his technology
02:43:45to be more advanced.
02:43:46The E
02:43:47on the Dell logo
02:43:48is tilted
02:43:49because the founder
02:43:50Michael Dell
02:43:51wanted his technology
02:43:52to be more advanced.
02:43:53The E
02:43:54on the Dell logo
02:43:55is tilted
02:43:56because the founder
02:43:57Michael Dell
02:43:58wanted his technology
02:43:59to be more advanced.
02:44:00The E
02:44:01on the Dell logo
02:44:02is tilted
02:44:03because the founder
02:44:04Michael Dell
02:44:05wanted his technology
02:44:06to be more advanced.
02:44:07The E
02:44:08on the Dell logo
02:44:09is tilted
02:44:10because the founder
02:44:11Michael Dell
02:44:12wanted his technology
02:44:13to be more advanced.
02:44:14The E
02:44:15on the Dell logo
02:44:16is tilted
02:44:17because the founder
02:44:18Michael Dell
02:44:19wanted his technology
02:44:20to be more advanced.
02:44:21The E
02:44:22on the Dell logo
02:44:23is tilted
02:44:24because the founder
02:44:25Michael Dell
02:44:26wanted his technology
02:44:27to be more advanced.
02:44:28The E
02:44:29on the Dell logo
02:44:30is tilted
02:44:31because the founder
02:44:32Michael Dell
02:44:33wanted his technology
02:44:34to be more advanced.
02:44:35The E
02:44:36on the Dell logo
02:44:37is tilted
02:44:38because the founder
02:44:39Michael Dell
02:44:40wanted his technology
02:44:41to be more advanced.
02:44:42The E
02:44:43on the Dell logo
02:44:44is tilted
02:44:45because the founder
02:44:46Michael Dell
02:44:47wanted his technology
02:44:48to be more advanced.
02:44:49The E
02:44:50on the Dell logo
02:44:51is tilted
02:44:52because the founder
02:44:53Michael Dell
02:44:54wanted his technology
02:44:55to be more advanced.
02:44:56The E
02:44:57on the Dell logo
02:44:58is tilted
02:44:59because the founder
02:45:00Michael Dell
02:45:01wanted his technology
02:45:02to be more advanced.
02:45:03The E
02:45:04on the Dell logo
02:45:05is tilted
02:45:06because the founder
02:45:07Michael Dell
02:45:08wanted his technology
02:45:09to be more advanced.
02:45:10The E
02:45:11on the Dell logo
02:45:12is tilted
02:45:13because the founder
02:45:14Michael Dell
02:45:15wanted his technology
02:45:16to be more advanced.
02:45:17The E
02:45:18on the Dell logo
02:45:19is tilted
02:45:20because the founder
02:45:21Michael Dell
02:45:22wanted his technology
02:45:23to be more advanced.
02:45:24The E
02:45:25on the Dell logo
02:45:26is tilted
02:45:27because the founder
02:45:28Michael Dell
02:45:29wanted his technology
02:45:30to be more advanced.
02:45:31The E
02:45:32on the Dell logo
02:45:33is tilted
02:45:34because the founder
02:45:35Michael Dell
02:45:36wanted his technology
02:45:37to be more advanced.
02:45:38The E
02:45:39on the Dell logo
02:45:40is tilted
02:45:41because the founder
02:45:42Michael Dell
02:45:43wanted his technology
02:45:44to be more advanced.
02:45:45The E
02:45:46on the Dell logo
02:45:47is tilted
02:45:48because the founder
02:45:49Michael Dell
02:45:50wanted his technology
02:45:51to be more advanced.
02:45:52The E
02:45:53on the Dell logo
02:45:54is tilted
02:45:55because the founder
02:45:56Michael Dell
02:45:57wanted his technology
02:45:58to be more advanced.
02:45:59The E
02:46:00on the Dell logo
02:46:01is tilted
02:46:02because the founder
02:46:03Michael Dell
02:46:04wanted his technology
02:46:05to be more advanced.
02:46:06The E
02:46:07on the Dell logo
02:46:08is tilted
02:46:09because the founder
02:46:10Michael Dell
02:46:11wanted his technology
02:46:12to be more advanced.
02:46:13The E
02:46:14on the Dell logo
02:46:15is tilted
02:46:16because the founder
02:46:17Michael Dell
02:46:18wanted his technology
02:46:19to be more advanced.
02:46:20The E
02:46:21on the Dell logo
02:46:22is tilted
02:46:23because the founder
02:46:24Michael Dell
02:46:25wanted his technology
02:46:26to be more advanced.
02:46:27The E
02:46:28on the Dell logo
02:46:29is tilted
02:46:30because the founder
02:46:31Michael Dell
02:46:32wanted his technology
02:46:33to be more advanced.
02:46:34The E
02:46:35on the Dell logo
02:46:36is tilted
02:46:37because the founder
02:46:38Michael Dell
02:46:39wanted his technology
02:46:40to be more advanced.
02:46:41The E
02:46:42on the Dell logo
02:46:43is tilted
02:46:44because the founder
02:46:45Michael Dell
02:46:46wanted his technology
02:46:47to be more advanced.
02:46:48The E
02:46:49on the Dell logo
02:46:50is tilted
02:46:51because the founder
02:46:52Michael Dell
02:46:53wanted his technology
02:46:54to be more advanced.
02:46:55The E
02:46:56on the Dell logo
02:46:57is tilted
02:46:58because the founder
02:46:59Michael Dell
02:47:00wanted his technology
02:47:01to be more advanced.
02:47:02The E
02:47:03on the Dell logo
02:47:04is tilted
02:47:05because the founder
02:47:06Michael Dell
02:47:07wanted his technology
02:47:08to be more advanced.
02:47:09The E
02:47:10on the Dell logo
02:47:11is tilted
02:47:12because the founder
02:47:13Michael Dell
02:47:14wanted his technology
02:47:15to be more advanced.
02:47:16The E
02:47:17on the Dell logo
02:47:18is tilted
02:47:19because the founder
02:47:20Michael Dell
02:47:21wanted his technology
02:47:22to be more advanced.
02:47:23The E
02:47:24on the Dell logo
02:47:25is tilted
02:47:26because the founder
02:47:27Michael Dell
02:47:28wanted his technology
02:47:29to be more advanced.
02:47:30The E
02:47:31on the Dell logo
02:47:32is tilted
02:47:33because the founder
02:47:34Michael Dell
02:47:35wanted his technology
02:47:36to be more advanced.
02:47:37The E
02:47:38on the Dell logo
02:47:39is tilted
02:47:40because the founder
02:47:41Michael Dell
02:47:42wanted his technology
02:47:43to be more advanced.
02:47:44The E
02:47:45on the Dell logo
02:47:46is tilted
02:47:47because the founder
02:47:48Michael Dell
02:47:49wanted his technology
02:47:50to be more advanced.
02:47:51The E
02:47:52on the Dell logo
02:47:53is tilted
02:47:54because the founder
02:47:55Michael Dell
02:47:56wanted his technology
02:47:57to be more advanced.
02:47:58The E
02:47:59on the Dell logo
02:48:00is tilted
02:48:01because the founder
02:48:02Michael Dell
02:48:03wanted his technology
02:48:04to be more advanced.
02:48:05The E
02:48:06on the Dell logo
02:48:07is tilted
02:48:08because the founder
02:48:09Michael Dell
02:48:10wanted his technology
02:48:11to be more advanced.
02:48:12The E
02:48:13on the Dell logo
02:48:14is tilted
02:48:15because the founder
02:48:16Michael Dell
02:48:17wanted his technology
02:48:18to be more advanced.
02:48:19The E
02:48:20on the Dell logo
02:48:21is tilted
02:48:22because the founder
02:48:23Michael Dell
02:48:24wanted his technology
02:48:25to be more advanced.
02:48:26The E
02:48:27on the Dell logo
02:48:28is tilted
02:48:29because the founder
02:48:30Michael Dell
02:48:31wanted his technology
02:48:32to be more advanced.
02:48:33The E
02:48:34on the Dell logo
02:48:35is tilted
02:48:36because the founder
02:48:37Michael Dell
02:48:38wanted his technology
02:48:39to be more advanced.
02:48:40The E
02:48:41on the Dell logo
02:48:42is tilted
02:48:43because the founder
02:48:44Michael Dell
02:48:45wanted his technology
02:48:46to be more advanced.
02:48:47The E
02:48:48on the Dell logo
02:48:49is tilted
02:48:50because the founder
02:48:51Michael Dell
02:48:52wanted his technology
02:48:53to be more advanced.
02:48:54The E
02:48:55on the Dell logo
02:48:56is tilted
02:48:57because the founder
02:48:58Michael Dell
02:48:59wanted his technology
02:49:00to be more advanced.
02:49:01The E
02:49:02on the Dell logo
02:49:03is tilted
02:49:04because the founder
02:49:05Michael Dell
02:49:06wanted his technology
02:49:07to be more advanced.
02:49:08The E
02:49:09on the Dell logo
02:49:10is tilted
02:49:11because the founder
02:49:12Michael Dell
02:49:13wanted his technology
02:49:14to be more advanced.
02:49:15The E
02:49:16on the Dell logo
02:49:17is tilted
02:49:18because the founder
02:49:19Michael Dell
02:49:20wanted his technology
02:49:21to be more advanced.
02:49:22The E
02:49:23on the Dell logo
02:49:24is tilted
02:49:25because the founder
02:49:26Michael Dell
02:49:27wanted his technology
02:49:28to be more advanced.
02:49:29The E
02:49:30on the Dell logo
02:49:31is tilted
02:49:32because the founder
02:49:33Michael Dell
02:49:34wanted his technology
02:49:35to be more advanced.
02:49:36The E
02:49:37on the Dell logo
02:49:38is tilted
02:49:39because the founder
02:49:40Michael Dell
02:49:41wanted his technology
02:49:42to be more advanced.
02:49:43The E
02:49:44on the Dell logo
02:49:45is tilted
02:49:46because the founder
02:49:47Michael Dell
02:49:48wanted his technology
02:49:49to be more advanced.
02:49:50The E
02:49:51on the Dell logo
02:49:52is tilted
02:49:53because the founder
02:49:54Michael Dell
02:49:55wanted his technology
02:49:56to be more advanced.
02:49:57The E
02:49:58on the Dell logo
02:49:59is tilted
02:50:00because the founder
02:50:01Michael Dell
02:50:02wanted his technology
02:50:03to be more advanced.
02:50:04The E
02:50:05on the Dell logo
02:50:06is tilted
02:50:07because the founder
02:50:08Michael Dell
02:50:09wanted his technology
02:50:10to be more advanced.
02:50:11The E
02:50:12on the Dell logo
02:50:13is tilted
02:50:14because the founder
02:50:15Michael Dell
02:50:16wanted his technology
02:50:17to be more advanced.
02:50:18The E
02:50:19on the Dell logo
02:50:20is tilted
02:50:21because the founder
02:50:22Michael Dell
02:50:23wanted his technology
02:50:24to be more advanced.
02:50:25The E
02:50:26on the Dell logo
02:50:27is tilted
02:50:28because the founder
02:50:29Michael Dell
02:50:30wanted his technology
02:50:31to be more advanced.
02:50:32The E
02:50:33on the Dell logo
02:50:34is tilted
02:50:35because the founder
02:50:36Michael Dell
02:50:37wanted his technology
02:50:38to be more advanced.
02:50:39The E
02:50:40on the Dell logo
02:50:41is tilted
02:50:42because the founder
02:50:43Michael Dell
02:50:44wanted his technology
02:50:45to be more advanced.
02:50:46these are lips,
02:50:47a whirlwind,
02:50:48a fish,
02:50:50a bee,
02:50:52a bag,
02:50:53a transformation,
02:50:55a DNA extract,
02:50:56palm trees,
02:50:57a heart,
02:50:58and the recycling symbol.
02:50:59These are to represent
02:51:00the company's values
02:51:01and products.
02:51:03Hair pins
02:51:04are designed
02:51:05to hold the zig-zag part
02:51:06in place
02:51:07on your scalp
02:51:08and not the flat part.
02:51:10This creates a better grip
02:51:11on your hair and skin
02:51:12and so the pin
02:51:13stays in place
02:51:14for longer.
02:51:15Mesdames et messieurs, veuillez accueillir notre invité spécial d'aujourd'hui, le sac à ordures.
02:51:21Des inventeurs canadiens ont créé cet article ménager irremplaçable, il y a environ 70 ans.
02:51:26Aujourd'hui, il existe dans une grande variété de formes, de couleurs et de tailles.
02:51:31Et si tu penses qu'il ne peut servir qu'à une seule chose, j'ai une grande surprise pour toi.
02:51:35Il peut également t'empêcher de recevoir des communications indésirées.
02:51:38Mais nous y reviendrons plus tard.
02:51:40Et si je te disais que tu as mal utilisé tes sacs poubelles toute ta vie,
02:51:44si tu les regardes de plus près, tu remarqueras probablement que la couture est à l'envers.
02:51:48Et ce n'est pas par accident.
02:51:50En fait, tu n'es pas censé secouer le sac pour l'ouvrir.
02:51:53Il faut placer le sac sur une poubelle, comme un chapeau,
02:51:56puis pousser le milieu du sac vers la poubelle.
02:51:58Ne t'inquiète pas, tu n'es pas la seule personne qui ne le savait pas.
02:52:01Cette astuce époustouflante est devenue virale en ligne et a été vue des millions de fois.
02:52:06Imagine que tu dois teindre tes cheveux, peindre des murs ou mouler un mug en argile sur le champ.
02:52:11Mais tu n'as pas de combinaison de protections sous la main.
02:52:14Eh bien, voici une bonne nouvelle.
02:52:16Tu peux en fabriquer une à partir d'un sac en plastique en moins d'une minute.
02:52:20Il suffit de trouver un sac assez large pour s'adapter à ton torse.
02:52:23Découpe un trou au fond du sac pour ta tête et deux trous pour les bras sur les côtés.
02:52:27Voilà! N'hésite pas à fabriquer un chapeau avec un autre sac en plastique pour protéger tes cheveux.
02:52:33Une fois le travail terminé, tu peux laver ce costume fait main et le réutiliser.
02:52:37Notre prochaine astuce est pour ceux qui n'aiment pas gaspiller d'argent.
02:52:41Tu peux utiliser un vrai sac en plastique au lieu d'un imperméable, qui ressemble à un sac en plastique de toute façon.
02:52:46Il suffit de faire une découpe ronde pour ton visage et tu es prêt à partir.
02:52:50Tu peux le réutiliser autant de fois que tu veux.
02:52:53Tu peux utiliser une bouteille en plastique pour créer un distributeur de sacs d'ordure.
02:52:57Prends une grande bouteille. Il peut s'agir d'une bouteille de soda ou de gel douche.
02:53:02Ce qui compte, c'est sa forme. Elle doit être droite pour que tu puisses facilement y ranger des sacs.
02:53:06Lève la bouteille, sèche-la et coupe le goulot et le fond.
02:53:10Retourne-la à l'envers. Voilà, ton distributeur de sacs est prêt.
02:53:14Tu peux utiliser ton imagination pour peindre et décorer ton projet de bricolage avec des autocollants et des lettres à ton goût.
02:53:21Lorsque le motif est prêt, fixe-le à l'arrière de la bouteille et colle ce support au mur de ta cuisine ou à l'une des portes de l'armoire.
02:53:28Imagine que tu planifies depuis longtemps un week-end de randonnée de rêve.
02:53:32Mais lorsque tu arrives sur place, il se met à pleuvoir.
02:53:35Ne te précipite pas pour rentrer chez toi.
02:53:37Les sacs en plastique te seront très utiles si tu dois poser tes vêtements ou ton équipement sur l'herbe mouillée.
02:53:42Tu peux également fabriquer une housse de sac de couchage d'urgence en utilisant un grand sac poubelle.
02:53:47Après la pluie, il servira de jolis matelas à poser sous ton sac de couchage,
02:53:51pour le protéger de l'humidité et fournir une couche supplémentaire en vue d'une sieste confortable.
02:53:56Il suffit de remplir le sac avec des feuilles et de la paille qui traînent sur le sol et le tour est joué.
02:54:02Un grand sac poubelle peut être ton meilleur ami quand tu fais du camping sauvage avec des potes.
02:54:06Tu peux le transformer en une douche artisanale temporaire, des toilettes ou même un vestiaire fait à partir d'un seul sac.
02:54:13Il suffit de l'accrocher à un arbre et personne ne pourra te voir.
02:54:17Si tu veux aller te balader sous la pluie avec ta paire de chaussures préférées qui se mouillent facilement,
02:54:21voici une astuce facile pour garder tes chaussettes au sec.
02:54:24Mets des sacs en plastique sur tes chaussettes,
02:54:26rentre les bords des sacs à l'intérieur de celle-ci ou de ton pantalon,
02:54:30puis enfile tes chaussures.
02:54:32Il y a cependant un inconvénient évident.
02:54:34Les pieds peuvent glisser à l'intérieur des chaussures, alors fais très attention.
02:54:38Ces chaussettes en plastique sont également très pratiques
02:54:41quand tu essayes d'enfiler des jeans serrés dans lesquels tes pieds restent généralement coincés.
02:54:45Ton sac s'est-il déjà déchiré au pire moment ?
02:54:48Un sac en plastique avec des poignées peut devenir un sac à dos d'urgence.
02:54:51Il suffit de placer tes affaires à l'intérieur du sac,
02:54:54de passer tes mains dans les poignées et te voilà prêt à partir.
02:54:58Un sac poubelle est également un bon matériau pour les couvertures de livres.
02:55:01Tu peux réutiliser des sacs multicolores pour créer un motif unique pour tes livres préférés.
02:55:06Tu déménages dans une nouvelle maison et tu emballes toutes tes affaires.
02:55:09Soudain, tu es à court de carton.
02:55:11Cela te semble familier ? Pas de problème !
02:55:14Prends un paquet de grands sacs poubelles et emballe les affaires restantes.
02:55:17Contrairement aux boîtes, cet emballage protégera tes biens de la pluie ou de la neige.
02:55:21Les sacs poubelles sont particulièrement idéaux pour emballer les couvertures,
02:55:25les oreillers et les jouets en peluche.
02:55:27Si tu as besoin de faire un emballage sous vide pour tes vêtements ou tes jouets en peluche,
02:55:31il suffit de mettre les affaires dans un sac poubelle,
02:55:33de placer le tube de ton aspirateur à l'intérieur du sac,
02:55:36puis de le mettre en marche.
02:55:38L'aspirateur éliminera tout l'air excédentaire du sac
02:55:41et tu gagneras de la place dans ta valise ou ton grenier.
02:55:44Quelqu'un de vraiment spécial t'a invité à la maison pour préparer un dîner romantique.
02:55:48Enfin, tu veux montrer tous tes extraordinaires talents de cuisinier.
02:55:52Mais cette personne n'a pas de tablier et tu ne veux pas abîmer ta jolie tenue.
02:55:56Pas de panique, fabrique un tablier de secours en utilisant un grand sac poubelle.
02:56:00Cela surprendra encore plus cette personne si spéciale.
02:56:03En parlant de tenues élégantes, connais-tu la robe sac poubelle ?
02:56:07De temps en temps, des célébrités et des marques de mode célèbres
02:56:10choquent le public avec des tenues ressemblant à des sacs poubelles.
02:56:13Certains d'entre eux fabriquent même des tenues en utilisant des sacs poubelles comme tissu.
02:56:17C'est une option populaire pour les jeunes artistes
02:56:19qui ne peuvent pas se permettre d'acheter et d'utiliser des tissus coûteux.
02:56:22Les sacs poubelles sont très flexibles,
02:56:24ce qui en fait un matériau utile afin de créer des patrons pour de futures tenues.
02:56:28Lorsqu'il s'agit de sacs poubelles, les possibilités de système des sont presque infinies.
02:56:32Les gens utilisent des sacs pour fabriquer des abat-jours,
02:56:35des housses pour vêtements, des petits sacs à cosmétiques,
02:56:38des organisateurs de maquillage, etc.
02:56:40Certains en font même des paniers, des sacs et des tapis de sol.
02:56:43Il est assez facile de fabriquer un tapis fait maison.
02:56:46Il faut couper plusieurs sacs en bandes égales et tisser une longue tresse à partir de ces bandes.
02:56:51Tors ensuite cette tresse en spirale et attache ou colle chaque couche ensemble.
02:56:55Pour éviter que toute cette construction ne se casse,
02:56:57tu peux coudre ton tapis à la machine à coudre, du milieu vers le bord,
02:57:01comme si tu dessinais une étoile.
02:57:03Cette tresse en plastique peut également servir de lacet de secours,
02:57:06de corde ou de ruban fait main pour décorer des cadeaux et des fleurs.
02:57:10La réalisation de films est un autre domaine où les sacs poubelles peuvent être de véritables stars.
02:57:15Si tu filmes en intérieur et que la lumière du soleil est trop vive,
02:57:18tu peux mettre des sacs poubelles blancs sur toutes les fenêtres pour diffuser la lumière
02:57:22ou pour régler la balance des blancs.
02:57:24Les sacs poubelles noirs résistants à la lumière
02:57:26peuvent te servir de rideau d'ombrage pour éliminer complètement la lumière du soleil dans la pièce.
02:57:30N'hésite pas à utiliser un sac blanc pour créer une boule de lumière diffuse.
02:57:34Gonfle le sac comme un ballon et place-le à côté d'une lampe.
02:57:37Mais veille à utiliser une lampe LED pour qu'il ne chauffe pas trop.
02:57:40Tout le monde sait que toucher un sac en plastique avec un fer à repasser chaud
02:57:44est une mauvaise idée car il va fondre.
02:57:46Mais cela nous permet de créer des formes uniques à partir de ce matériau coloré et abordable.
02:57:51Tu veux faire un vase design unique en son genre ?
02:57:53Prends un bol et recouvre-le de papier en le serrant bien.
02:57:56Enroule ensuite les bandes de sac plastique correspondantes autour du bol.
02:57:59Place ensuite une autre couche de papier sur le dessus
02:58:02et repasse doucement sur toute la surface du bol.
02:58:05Voilà ! Le plastique a fondu et tu as un nouveau vase élégant et écologique.
02:58:09Les sacs poubelles peuvent produire des effets sonores très cools.
02:58:12Si tu vis dans un désert où il ne pleut jamais
02:58:14et que tu as besoin de recréer ce son relaxant,
02:58:16utilise un sac en plastique.
02:58:18Il est toujours préférable d'assumer les choses comme un adulte.
02:58:21Mais si cela ne fonctionne pas pour toi,
02:58:23voici une solution rapide.
02:58:25La prochaine fois qu'une personne barbante te téléphone,
02:58:28ne te donne pas la peine de chercher des excuses pour ne pas lui parler maintenant.
02:58:31Prends simplement un sac poubelle et frotte-le contre ton portable en criant
02:58:35« Allô ? Allô ? J'entends rien. Allô ? »
02:58:38Voici le moment des confidences.
02:58:40As-tu déjà utilisé cette astuce ?
