Noah Howard - album The Black Ark 1973 (1981)

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The album was recorded in New York in 1969 and was published in 1973. The work is a tour of the world in four songs: the second song is "Ole negro" with harsh expressive timbral embroideries, with modal-Hispanic references of the piano, the right continuation of the opening inaugurated with "Domiambra". The land of Rising Sun will also be a focus during the trip of "Mount Fuji" with his quiet theme in the Japanese tradition, which then flows into a very free dark ride to crossover into Chinese tradition. The last stage of the musical tour is with "Queen Anne" with decidedly more introspective tones after the storming sounds of the previous songs.

Noah Howard - alto saxophone.
Earl Cross - trumpet.
Arthur Doyle - tenor saxophone.
Leslie Waldron - piano.
Norris Jones - bass.
Juma Sultan - congas.
Raymand "Mohammad Ali" Patterson - drums.

Ole negro.
Mount Fuji.
Queen Anne.
