Crowbar Smile _ Short Film _ The Big Script _ Iris

  • 3 months ago
Crowbar Smile _ Short Film _ The Big Script _ Iris
00:00I'm going to play a little bit of this song.
00:03playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:06playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:09playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:12playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:15playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:18playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:21playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:24playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:27playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:30playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:33playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:36playing in fast-paced rock rhythm
00:39A beautiful animal
00:42Giving me a mouthful
00:46You wipe right this stone
00:53Want you see me
00:56Want you to see me
01:00Want you to see me
01:05Want you to see me
01:23Sorry, sorry, I...
01:25No, it's all good. I was just thinking I should grab my stuff.
01:28Brought you a drink.
01:30Thank you.
01:32But I do have some ulterior motives.
01:35I was hoping you could handle some things inside for me as well.
01:39Inside what?
01:40I mean, like, like, like, inside what?
01:45I don't think I'm a mom.
01:46No, like, feed the cat, water the inside plants.
01:50I'm going out of town for a couple of days at a conference in San Francisco.
01:54Yeah, know whatever you need.
01:55Are you going to present the paper that you're writing?
01:59Yeah, I am.
02:00Oh, and I took your suggestion on the title.
02:03Impossibility is much better than modality. It's a lot more relatable.
02:07Glad to hear I could help.
02:09Not that I could be a philosophy professor or anything.
02:11I mean, who knows what UCLA will hold for you.
02:13You're a bright kid.
02:14You've always got more options than you think you do.
02:18Isn't your birthday coming up?
02:20Two days ago. Kept it low key.
02:28My ride's almost here. I'm going to go change.
02:32I'll take care of everything. Thanks for that.
02:37Happy birthday, Nate.
02:38Maybe we should do something to celebrate?
02:40I'm back Sunday.
02:48Who's a sexy unicorn?
02:50Perfect, but unattainable.
02:52I swear. I mean, she opened the door.
02:54I just have to figure out how to walk through.
02:56Come make unicorn babies with me, Nate.
02:58Come on. I mean, you guys have made fun of me forever for waiting for the perfect first time.
03:02And now that I actually have a chance with this unbelievably perfect woman,
03:06you're not helping.
03:08What do I do?
03:09Well, remember Sex Ed with Mrs. Downey in fifth grade with the vagina?
03:13What do I do?
03:14Well, remember Sex Ed with Mrs. Downey in fifth grade with the vagina puppet?
03:18Come on.
03:21You know, the more I say it, the more I don't know which is right.
03:23Stop. I mean...
03:24Porn, Nate.
03:26Study up. Watch a ton of it. Okay? A whole ton of it.
03:30Also, sit-ups.
03:32Gotta do a lot of those. It's all in the core.
03:34Who has the most experience in sex?
03:36It's quality, not quantity.
03:38Oh, really?
03:39What, are we talking about German Exchange Girl now?
03:41Is there any other word in the English language sexier than bicurious?
03:44You're an idiot.
03:46How does appreciating a wide spectrum of human sexuality make me an idiot?
03:50It's not just the sex part. I really think that it could be more than that.
03:55I really think we have a connection.
03:56You're such a girl wanting love and sex and a big package with a bow.
04:01No, a woman like this, I need to bring back A-game.
04:04I just have to figure out how to be enough in 48 hours.
04:08Just don't put too much thought into it. Just get your passport stamped. Okay?
04:12You little sh...
04:13Dad, I told you last time. You do it again and you get what you deserve.
04:18You think you're fast?
04:24That little half-smile thing you do.
04:26The other side of your mouth goes up like a crowbar.
04:28Usually means there's something you don't want to say.
04:31Look, if you really want to have some kind of love connection with this woman,
04:35then you're not going to get it from dubious sex tips mouth on off the web.
04:39I mean, it's going to come from you just being yourself.
04:42Yeah, but I mean, myself as a nervous, inexperienced guy
04:45who can't believe he's getting a shot at this perfect woman.
04:48You're not going to convince her you're Brad Pitt, so lay it out.
04:50I am a nervous, inexperienced guy who can't believe I'm getting a chance with a perfect woman like you.
04:56If she goes for it, at least she'll like you for who you really are.
04:59Isn't that what you want?
05:02And if all else fails...
05:06Vagina bomb.
05:10Stop it!
05:27I'm going to take that yoga class.
05:29The naked yoga class.
05:33Bye, Nate.
05:35Bye, Miss Gilbert.
05:38Let's do this.
05:39Hey, um...
05:40Come on.
05:41Dad, I don't know if I feel like practicing today.
05:43Seriously, come on.
05:45So what do you, uh, what do you think of Linda, huh?
05:49I don't know. She's nice, I guess.
05:52What about that ass?
05:53Am I right?
05:54Dad, she was my English teacher.
05:56In sixth grade.
05:57I do not get where you got this puritanical crap from.
06:02Alright, listen. I really like...
06:05I like her.
06:07Well, that's nice, Dad.
06:08I'm sorry.
06:10Um, can I ask you a question?
06:13Is the perfect woman the one who makes you want to be a perfect man?
06:19Uh, well.
06:21Who knows what the perfect woman is, you know?
06:26The perfect woman is the one that you have not met yet.
06:30Alright, let's go.
06:31Shooting drill. Let's do it.
06:35Come on.
06:38Come on.
06:39Give it to me.
06:40I see it.
06:41Take the shot.
06:43Dad, I...
06:45I think I'm just gonna take a run today.
06:48What? No. No.
06:51Where are you going?
06:53Get back here!
06:54Hey! Take the goddamn shot!
08:40I remember you said that they were your favorite flowers.
08:44What are you doing here?
08:46I'm welcoming you home.
08:50I'm sorry. I thought you said...
08:54No, I didn't necessarily mean the minute I got back.
08:58But, uh...
09:00It's... It's okay.
09:03Uh, if you want a drink.
09:08Yeah, sure.
09:12Scratch on the rocks?
09:17Single malt, single grain, blended.
09:23Oh, um...
09:26To be honest, I haven't had a scratch before, but...
09:29I just thought it sounded like a cool thing to say.
09:32I'm gonna have some tea.
09:33Would you like a cup?
09:38How was your trip?
09:40It was fine.
09:42Did you kill it with your paper?
09:47It's, uh...
09:48It's sweet that you're interested in my work.
09:51I really am.
09:59I've been doing some reading.
10:01Brushing up on the fundamentals.
10:03Plato's Symposium.
10:07Yeah, and how the whole philosophy of love was started by, um...
10:11A woman named Dee something, um...
10:14Dee Atima?
10:17Philosopher, priestess?
10:21Did you read what she said about young people in love?
10:26You know, I might have fallen asleep before I got to that part.
10:30She said that young people should first be taught to love one beautiful body,
10:36which will lead to an appreciation of beauty in all bodies.
10:42She said that?
10:45Eventually, one transcends the physical
10:51and learns to appreciate the beauty of the soul.
10:59one experiences pure virtue
11:04and gains immortality
11:06in the love of the gods.
11:10And this,
11:12Plato argues, is the importance
11:17of physical love.
11:41Oh, it's on the timer.
11:43Leave it on?
11:48You're so beautiful.
11:51You're beautiful and smart and funny and amazing and...
11:56I've imagined this moment all summer.
12:02Have you ever seen hawks have sex?
12:06They meet in the sky, join together while they're flying and...
12:11tumble down together like nothing else matters.
12:14Like there's no ground beneath them.
12:18That's how I feel with you.
12:29What's wrong?
12:34I'm sorry.
12:36Why are you sorry?
12:37I just... I... I...
12:39I can't do this.
12:41What did I do wrong?
12:43Absolutely nothing.
12:45So what is it?
12:48It's just this, this, this means, uh,
12:51this means more to you than...
12:53But what about Plato's Symposium?
12:55The priestess, the beauty of the soul.
13:07You just wanted this to be sex?
13:12I can do that.
13:13No, you can't.
13:15It doesn't have to mean anything to me, honestly.
13:17How can it not mean something to you?
13:18It's who you are.
13:20I can be different.
13:21Why would you, why would you want to?
13:23You are a great kid.
13:25You're a great young man.
13:27I'm old enough.
13:28This isn't about being too young.
13:35You just thought I was some lawn boy?
13:38No, I'm sorry, this was just...
13:40This was supposed to be a fun thing.
13:44This wasn't supposed to be a relationship.
13:47It couldn't be a relationship?
14:06I think you should leave now.
14:40Your advice was terrible.
14:42At least you put yourself out there.
14:44You took a risk.
14:46You went for the perfect experience.
14:48It's better than never trying.
14:49Trust me, I'm nowhere near that brave.
14:51What do you mean?
14:53So, you know, German exchange girl?
14:57I actually...
14:59I actually...
15:01I actually...
15:03I actually...
15:05I actually...
15:07I actually...
15:09I actually...
15:11I actually...
15:13I actually...
15:15I never full on slept with her.
15:18She wanted to, but...
15:20She wanted to, but...
15:22something just wasn't right.
15:24something just wasn't right.
15:26I just kinda freaked out and broke up with her.
15:29I just kinda freaked out and broke up with her.
15:31I'm sorry.
15:32I'm sorry.
15:34Why didn't you tell me?
15:36I teased you so much
15:37like her but I think I'm just maybe not into girls so you're uh not by then
15:45sounds so uncool but I'm pretty sure I'm straight too bad
15:52it's being by double-draws of finding the perfect person except there's no
15:57such thing as perfect so I guess neither of us are ever gonna have sex nope
16:03dude although you know someone once told me that there are always more options
16:12than you think there are what's that supposed to mean nothing I guess
16:33want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see
17:03want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to
17:33see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see, want you to see
