After one night stand,RuthlessCEO is too Obsessive of his Secretary andforced her to be his wife-full

  • 2 months ago
After one night stand,RuthlessCEO is too Obsessive of his Secretary andforced her to be his wife-full


00:00:00Hello friends, welcome back to my youtube channel. Today I am going to explain this drama in hindi which is very interesting.
00:00:06Let's listen to this story.
00:00:08In the starting of the film, we see our female lead Lin.
00:00:11She is in a hotel in a bad condition.
00:00:13And a pervert guy is following her.
00:00:15And that pervert guy says, where are you going beauty?
00:00:18So then our heroine goes to a hotel room to save herself.
00:00:22As she was watching the pervert guy, a guy turns her around.
00:00:25If there is no one else, the main lead of this drama is Mr. Zain.
00:00:29She looks at Mr. Zain and asks, who are you?
00:00:32Mr. Zain was also given drugs.
00:00:34And our heroine Lin was also given drugs.
00:00:36So what were they doing together?
00:00:38Our heroine can't see Mr. Zain's face.
00:00:42And neither can Mr. Zain see Lin's face.
00:00:44After this, they go to bed and spend a romantic night.
00:00:47Our heroine wakes up and doesn't see Mr. Zain's face.
00:00:52So when she goes home, she sees that her dad, brother, step-mom are taking her out of the house.
00:00:57Lin is an adopted child in their family.
00:01:00Her dad also kicks her and tells her to go where you came from.
00:01:04He takes her to the old woman.
00:01:06The cat says, we had a deal anyway.
00:01:08Mr. Liu called, I won't pay a penny.
00:01:11Anyway, your brother's wedding was a gift.
00:01:13They were going to pay for the wedding.
00:01:15So you take this old woman and get out of here.
00:01:18Lin grabs her dad's bag and says, please let your grandmother stay here.
00:01:23I will work very hard to make money.
00:01:26Lin's mother throws her bag and says, it was such a good deal to earn money.
00:01:31But you gave it up.
00:01:32Because of which only the money went.
00:01:34Take your stuff and get out of here.
00:01:36Her brother says, you are my sister anyway.
00:01:39I won't be able to get married because of you.
00:01:41Lin's grandmother says, I raised you with great difficulty because of your father.
00:01:46What happened to your mind?
00:01:47I am your mother.
00:01:48Lin's father says, you should blame yourself anyway.
00:01:52If you had money, you could have lived a good lifestyle.
00:01:55Anyway, it's better to raise you than to raise me.
00:01:58The cat kicks her.
00:02:00Her grandmother is crying a lot.
00:02:03Lin says, if we are leaving this house, then from now on, we will have no relationship with this house.
00:02:11Now I will come to take revenge.
00:02:13Her brother says, you will take revenge from me.
00:02:16I will take revenge from you.
00:02:17Because of you, I lost my hand.
00:02:20Lin's grandmother goes.
00:02:22Her grandmother was going.
00:02:23That's when her illness started getting worse.
00:02:25She becomes unconscious on the way.
00:02:27Lin says, please wake up.
00:02:29Is there anyone?
00:02:30Please help.
00:02:31Then the next scene shows us the scene of the hospital.
00:02:33Where Lin's grandmother is admitted.
00:02:35And Lin's grandmother is talking to Lin.
00:02:38My poor girl, please forgive me.
00:02:40But it's too late.
00:02:41At this point, Lin says, please don't talk like this.
00:02:44Please take care of your body.
00:02:46Take care of yourself.
00:02:47Anyway, I know my condition.
00:02:50My grandmother doesn't have much time.
00:02:52Her grandmother says, I'm just worried about you.
00:02:55Because there is no one for you except me.
00:02:57I want you to find a warm house for yourself.
00:03:00I mean, find a husband for yourself.
00:03:02You get married.
00:03:03Protect you.
00:03:04Take care of you.
00:03:05At this point, Lin says, please don't talk like this.
00:03:08You are going to live another 100 years.
00:03:10Lin's grandmother says, Mr. Zain is a trustworthy person.
00:03:14He will definitely take care of you.
00:03:16If you marry him.
00:03:18Because Lin's grandmother and Mr. Zain's grandmother are very good best friends.
00:03:22Lin's grandmother agrees with her grandmother.
00:03:26After coming out of the ward, she sees a necklace.
00:03:28She takes the necklace of the person with whom she spent the night.
00:03:31Lin says, no matter who you are, it doesn't matter.
00:03:35I just don't want to worry my grandmother.
00:03:38Lin calls Mr. Zain's grandmother and says thank you.
00:03:41Because she was the one who placed Lin and Lin's grandmother to stay.
00:03:46She says, if your grandmother has time, I want to marry her.
00:03:52Please tell me the timing.
00:03:53I will come to the Civil Bureau office at that time.
00:03:55Next day, Lin goes and takes the marriage certificate.
00:03:58As soon as she was about to go to see the photo, Mr. Zain's brother takes the marriage certificate from his hand.
00:04:03That is, Mr. Zain has a younger brother to marry.
00:04:07Mr. Zain's brother says that his brother is busy, so I came to take the certificate on behalf of him.
00:04:12Anyway, this certificate is real.
00:04:13Mr. Zain's brother says that I will give the certificate to my brother.
00:04:16And he gives him the address of the place where he is going to live.
00:04:19He also tells Lin the password.
00:04:20He says that I will contact you later.
00:04:23He forgets and leaves.
00:04:24Lin says that I married the man I never met.
00:04:27Anyway, this is his marriage.
00:04:29The elders have decided.
00:04:30That's why he must be very busy.
00:04:33Lin says that it's good.
00:04:34I got a place to live.
00:04:35That's enough.
00:04:36At that time, Lin goes to the mall.
00:04:38She gets a call.
00:04:39She says that we have hired you in our company.
00:04:42Your interview has been passed.
00:04:44Join us.
00:04:45After hearing this, Lin is happy.
00:04:46Otherwise, she goes to the company to work.
00:04:49After a few years, it is shown that Zain came back to China from abroad.
00:04:53Everyone says that hello Mr. Zain.
00:04:55She looks at Mr. Zain and says that why does Mr. Zain look so familiar?
00:04:59Lin remembers the moment she spent that night.
00:05:02Then Mr. Zain also looks at her and says that why does this woman look so familiar?
00:05:06Mr. Zain goes to Mr. Zain and says that hello Mr. Zain.
00:05:10My name is Lin.
00:05:11I work in the secretary department.
00:05:13Your manager says that sir, she works very well.
00:05:16She will not give you a chance to complain even once.
00:05:19She works very efficiently and is also talented.
00:05:21Regarding this, Mr. Zain says that you will work as a personal assistant to Mr. Zain.
00:05:27Mr. Zain leaves.
00:05:28After hearing this, Lin is very happy.
00:05:30The manager says that I found out that you are very talented.
00:05:33So vote for Mr. Zain as soon as possible.
00:05:36He leaves and congratulates Lin.
00:05:38Lin's friend congratulates her for the promotion.
00:05:41The colleague says that your ability is very good.
00:05:44Don't forget us at the party.
00:05:46The colleague says that it has only been a month since she joined.
00:05:50What is her work ability?
00:05:52I don't think she has any great work ability.
00:05:54She is a seducer.
00:05:55She came to seduce.
00:05:56Lin says that are you doubting Mr. Zain's vision?
00:06:01The colleague says that what nonsense are you talking about?
00:06:04She says that I am going.
00:06:06On the other hand, her assistant comes to Mr. Zain.
00:06:10He says that the woman we have been looking for for a month has not been found yet.
00:06:14There was no brilliant camera on the floor where she was.
00:06:18We are trying.
00:06:19Mr. Zain says that it is almost done.
00:06:21You have been trying for a month.
00:06:23She goes to report to us.
00:06:25She says that it has only been a month.
00:06:27Mr. Zain says that there is no need to look at that woman.
00:06:30Leave her.
00:06:31Report the work.
00:06:32Mr. Zain's assistant says that an old lady was born from the server.
00:06:36She is married.
00:06:37You have to go to the old house with your wife.
00:06:40Mr. Zain says that what is her name?
00:06:42Lin's assistant says yes.
00:06:44Mr. Zain remembers that his grandmother said that you have to marry her within two days.
00:06:49Otherwise, I will die.
00:06:51Mr. Zain says that his marriage has been decided only by his grandmother.
00:06:55I have not decided.
00:06:56I have nothing to do with that girl.
00:06:58First of all, I apologize to her.
00:07:00He sends her a message.
00:07:01He shows her some name.
00:07:02He remembers about his friend Lin.
00:07:04His ID card.
00:07:05He says that why did I feel so familiar?
00:07:07Seeing my assistant, I call him.
00:07:11When he calls, his phone starts ringing.
00:07:14Everyone turns to him.
00:07:15After this, Lin goes inside and says that Mr. Zain, this is me.
00:07:19I wanted to give you some information.
00:07:21Your meeting with Mr. Liu is at 10.30 pm.
00:07:24Mr. Zain says that you keep this on the table.
00:07:26Our event file is kept on the table.
00:07:28Lin says that I feel like the same person I spent the night with a month ago.
00:07:34I feel very familiar.
00:07:35Is he the same man?
00:07:36Then Lin was about to show the necklace to Mr. Zain.
00:07:39Mr. Zain says that what do you think?
00:07:41If you want to meet a girl, what should you give her?
00:07:44On this, Lin says that you are going to meet a client.
00:07:47Mr. Zain says that this is my wife.
00:07:49Lin thinks that Mr. Zain is already married.
00:07:52He loves his wife a lot.
00:07:53He is not the same man with whom I spent the night.
00:07:56I didn't say much in front of Mr. Zain.
00:07:58Lin says that Mr. Zain, anyway girls like jewelry.
00:08:01Mr. Zain, I think you have a lot of feelings for your wife.
00:08:05You should make your wife a flower.
00:08:07Or you should go to the film together.
00:08:09Or you should eat in the restaurant.
00:08:11Mr. Zain says that you are right.
00:08:12You are above me.
00:08:13You prepare everything.
00:08:14Lin says that this person leaves.
00:08:16After leaving, Mr. Zain says to Lin.
00:08:18Mr. Zain hates a person who approaches him and has an alternative motive.
00:08:24Don't destroy your future.
00:08:26On this, Lin says that I will remember this.
00:08:29Mr. Zain says that I just have to double my salary.
00:08:32They leave.
00:08:33In the next scene, they see Mr. Zain.
00:08:35Mr. Zain took his sister to the same house.
00:08:38Mr. Zain calls her to stay.
00:08:41She says who are you?
00:08:42Mr. Zain thinks that he doesn't even know my name.
00:08:45Mr. Zain says that my name is Mr. Zain.
00:08:47On this, Lin picks up his phone.
00:08:51She says who are you?
00:08:52Mr. Zain says that I don't know who you are.
00:08:54She says baby.
00:08:55After hearing this, Mr. Zain cuts the phone.
00:08:57He throws the phone away in anger.
00:08:58Mr. Zain says that I have already married him.
00:09:01The brother of the other town says that this house is very big.
00:09:05Baby's sister's house.
00:09:06So from now on, this is our house.
00:09:07Lin comes there.
00:09:08She sees them romancing.
00:09:10She gets angry.
00:09:11She takes a book and throws it away.
00:09:12She says that I told you to leave my house.
00:09:15Why didn't you leave my house?
00:09:16Get out of here.
00:09:17Lin's brother says that your house is our house.
00:09:20How can you live alone in such a big house?
00:09:23The three of us will live together.
00:09:25Lin says that I have rented the house.
00:09:27And yes, you threw me out of your house.
00:09:29That's when our relationship was over.
00:09:31You get out of my house.
00:09:33Lin's brother says that my parents raised you.
00:09:36Can't you do that?
00:09:37Lin's brother's girlfriend says that you have a lot of money.
00:09:41That's why you have such a big house.
00:09:43And anyway, we will live in such a bad house.
00:09:45How will you live in such a good house alone?
00:09:47So the three of us will live in this house.
00:09:49That's when her boyfriend says that you choose the biggest room anyway.
00:09:53We will live in that.
00:09:54Lin's brother says that sister, pack up.
00:09:56We are going to come here.
00:09:57On this point, Lin gets angry.
00:09:58She breaks the vase.
00:09:59She says that if you don't leave my house, I will call the police.
00:10:03Lin's brother says that you are crazy.
00:10:05Wait, we will tell mom and dad now.
00:10:06He says and leaves the house.
00:10:08Lin gets a grandmother call.
00:10:10She says that your brother and everyone else got your address.
00:10:13That's why you hide yourself.
00:10:15It's because of me.
00:10:16Forgive me.
00:10:17Lin says that grandmother, take care of yourself.
00:10:19I am fine here.
00:10:20Then the grandmother says that how is your husband?
00:10:22On this point, she says that grandmother, we are both fine.
00:10:24She opens the phone and cuts it.
00:10:26Then Lin says that anyway, it's been a month since we got married.
00:10:29And until now, Mr. Zain has not even contacted me.
00:10:31Lin thinks that grandmother, Mr. Zain is the right person.
00:10:33In the next scene, we see that Mr. Zain goes to play sports.
00:10:37Mr. Zain's assistant and personal assistant are also there.
00:10:40Mr. Zain is playing with Mr. Liu.
00:10:42Our heroine is talking to Mr. Zain's assistant.
00:10:45Mr. Zain is playing a game.
00:10:46When Mr. Zain comes back, Lin gives him a bottle of water.
00:10:49That's when Director Liu, who is a thug, catches our heroine.
00:10:53He is misbehaving.
00:10:54Liu remembers that he is the same thug who was following him to misbehave that night.
00:10:58Then Director Liu says that I am very sorry that I left you that night.
00:11:03At that time, Mr. Zain says that our heroine hits Director Liu's feet and runs away from there.
00:11:08Mr. Zain says that how dare you touch my person.
00:11:12Then Director Liu says that Mr. Zain, how can I touch you?
00:11:15I don't have that much courage.
00:11:16Director Liu says that Mr. Zain, anyway, your personal assistant is more beautiful than my personal assistant.
00:11:22If you get rid of it, you can give it to me.
00:11:25Then Lin says that Director Liu, how can you insult a woman?
00:11:28It's very wrong.
00:11:30Director Liu starts insulting her more.
00:11:32Then Mr. Liu comes to him and beats him well.
00:11:36Mr. Zain says that how dare you shout at my person.
00:11:40Apologize to him.
00:11:41Director Liu says that please forgive me.
00:11:43I was very wrong.
00:11:44Director Liu says that please forgive me.
00:11:46I won't do anything like this next time.
00:11:47At this time, Mr. Zain says that there is no need next time.
00:11:50I will finish everything with you right now.
00:11:53I will never do it again.
00:11:54He was taking him away.
00:11:56Director Liu just keeps falling.
00:11:58Director Liu thinks that Mr. Zain is defending me.
00:12:00After this, Lin says that Mr. Zain, thank you.
00:12:02You helped me today.
00:12:03Because of you, there may be losses in the company.
00:12:06I don't care.
00:12:07At this time, Mr. Zain says that whoever insults the employee, I will not leave him.
00:12:11Mr. Zain says that remember.
00:12:13If I ask you something like this in the future, you will have to fight back.
00:12:16At this time, you don't have to do anything.
00:12:18You fight back with him.
00:12:20Then Lin says that thank you, Mr. Zain.
00:12:22I will do this.
00:12:23Director Liu says that I am very jealous of Mr. Zain.
00:12:26Because he has got a husband like Mr. Zain.
00:12:29He will protect him.
00:12:30Then Mr. Zain thinks that it is possible that I misunderstood about my wife last time.
00:12:36Because I chose a grandmother, so I must have chosen a better one.
00:12:38We should talk once.
00:12:40After this, our hero says that I am going to buy a gift for my wife.
00:12:44You come with me to the mall.
00:12:45And you help me with the gift for my wife.
00:12:48Then Mr. Zain says that let's go to the mall.
00:12:51Then they go to the mall.
00:12:52Then they go to the mall.
00:12:53The staff there says that Mr. Zain, Mrs. Zain.
00:12:56Welcome back.
00:12:57Then our hero says that you are misunderstanding.
00:12:59This is my boss.
00:13:00I am his employee.
00:13:01Personal assistant.
00:13:02The staff says that please forgive me.
00:13:04I made a mistake.
00:13:05Then to show the jewelry, she takes them inside the store.
00:13:08Then Mr. Zain also goes.
00:13:09Then our hero says that this bag is very good.
00:13:11The design of this bag is good.
00:13:12The color of this bag is good.
00:13:13Then they do a lot of shopping.
00:13:15And its price is 2 million.
00:13:16They say that I did so much shopping for 2 million.
00:13:19Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:20Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:21Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:22Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:23Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:24Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:25Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:26Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:27Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:28Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
00:13:29Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
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01:20:03Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:04Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:05Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:06Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:07Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:08Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:09Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:10Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:11Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:12Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:13Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:14Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:15Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:16Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:17Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:18Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:19Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:20Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:21Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:22Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:23Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:24Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:25Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:26Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:27Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:28Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:29Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:30Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:31Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:32Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:33Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:34Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:35Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:36Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:37Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:38Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:39Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:40Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:41Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:42Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:43Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:44Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:45Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:46Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:47Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:48Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:49Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:50Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:51Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:52Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:53Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:54Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:55Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:56Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:57Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:58Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:20:59Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:00Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:01Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:02Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:03Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:04Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:05Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:06Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:07Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:08Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:09Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:10Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:11Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:12Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:13Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:14Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:15Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:16Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:17Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:18Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:19Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:20Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:21Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
01:21:22Mr. Zain has a lot of jewelry.
