Girl didn’t know that her one-night stand was the CEO After being abandoned by the scumbag, she

  • 4 months ago
Girl didnt know that her onenight stand was the CEO After being abandoned by the scumbag she
00:04Thanks to the evil witch, this magical poison will bring Olivia to her downfall.
00:31Wait until the rogues come for you my sweet sister, we'll see how you try to run then.
00:50What's happening? I need to get out of here.
01:01Who are you? Let me go. Sleep with me and I'll give you a billion dollars.
01:18Who are you? What have you done? Good, you're awake. I don't understand, I'm confused.
01:25I don't want your money, I'm not a prostitute. Do you know who I am? I don't care who you are.
01:35Maybe you know when you're pretending. You want more than a billion. I don't even know what
01:40you're talking about. Look, whatever happened between us must have been a mistake. Exactly,
01:46it was a mistake. You thought I was gonna let you be my Luna? No, this was a one-night stand.
01:52We don't ever need to see each other again.
02:01Where have you been Olivia? I haven't seen you since yesterday. Did you see my texts and calls?
02:09Oh no, what have I done? How did this happen? What am I going to tell Ethan? Olivia, are you there?
02:17What's wrong? Are you hiding something from me? It's just that I haven't been feeling well since
02:22last night. I went to bed early. I must have put my phone on do not disturb. Where are you? I'll
02:27come meet you. Are you kidding me Olivia? I'm not in the U.S. I left for Mexico this morning. That's
02:33why I wanted you to meet me before my flight. Are you on drugs or something? You know what Olivia,
02:39I can't waste my time with you anymore. I'm done. No Ethan, calm down. Let's just, let's talk when
02:44you're back in town. I don't want anything to do with you. I never want to see you again. We're
02:49done Olivia. I wish you and your boyfriend all the best. Your boyfriend? What's going on? How does my
02:56boyfriend know about last night? Ethan, let's just... Wow, I can't believe you slept with someone that isn't
03:03your mate. Look at all this hickey. What are you doing? Stop it. Did she drug me last night? Why is
03:10she taking pictures of me? Hey, give me your phone.
03:20What did you just do?
03:25Dad, what did she do to my phone? Kill her.
03:30After what she's done, she deserves to die. Look at all those hickeys. By the code of the werewolf
03:35council, no one should sleep with anyone other than their mate and she slept with a total stranger.
03:41Dad, please, I can explain. I'm sure that I was drugged and what happened last night was a mistake.
03:46Please, I'm begging you, don't kill me. Please. You know you have broken the code and for this offense,
03:51there is no other punishment but death. You must be executed for disrespecting the mate bond.
03:58Please, dad, I'm begging you. I want to live, please.
04:03I'm begging you. I will let you live, but under one condition. Find the man who did this to you
04:08and marry him. If after one month you fail to do this, I will sentence you to death.
04:15Thank you, dad. I promise you I'll find a way. Good. I expect nothing less of you.
04:28New moon pack group. Familiar territory. Our pack's alpha, a masked man, founded it. Perhaps
04:47a stranger from last night isn't the owner, but a high-ranking official capable of writing such
04:52a hefty check. I must track down the stranger. Can you just listen to me?
04:59Get out of here before I pass the training. Pestering us with this check for a week?
05:03Leave now. But I only want to know the name of who wrote the check. Can't you understand
05:08why it's so crucial for me to find him? Look, look, here's your company name right here.
05:12So you're saying that you gave yourself to someone who wrote this check to you.
05:15Now your life is in danger and you can't accept the consequences.
05:22How dare you slap me? One month ago our alpha had a one-night stand with a woman.
05:30Paparazzi found out and publicized the affair. And now we have tons of women coming here claiming
05:35they have a connection with our alpha, just like you. Wait, did you just say our alpha?
05:40Do you mean Alpha Mateo? I can see right through your lies. And you know why? Because Alpha Mateo
05:45has been hiding his face since he was born. And you just told me the man you slept with
05:49was handsome. But you don't understand. I'm not looking for Alpha Mateo. I'm looking for one of
05:53your senior executives. Enough. You've wreaked havoc in this office. You've slapped me. Get out
06:00before I call security. You're just someone who broke the code of the Wellwolf Council.
06:04What is going on here? Mrs. Cathy, she's just somebody who came in here claiming that somebody
06:10from our company. She's just somebody who broke the code of the Wellwolf Council. She tore my
06:15check and threw it in my face, ma'am. You're fired. How dare you speak about other women like
06:24that? We don't need people like that working here. Just get out. What's going on?
06:36Where am I? How did I get here?
06:51Who are you? Do I know you? I see you don't recognize me. We met briefly before you
06:57collapsed. Let me introduce myself. My name is Cathy. I'm Alpha Mateo's mother.
07:04Dear, do you know why you were in a coma? No. What happened to my body? Nothing serious. You're just
07:13pregnant. What? I know this is a very challenging time for you, but I believe I have a solution to
07:23your situation. Mary Alpha Mateo? How can I? My child's father is a stranger from the hotel room
07:30I met a month ago. I have to find him. What should I do? After a month,
07:35dad will kill me and my child will be in danger. I agree.
07:47Son, you need to marry the girl of my choice right away. If you don't, you'll find me dead within days.
07:55You wouldn't believe what my mother wants me to do. She wants me to marry some girl of her
07:59choice and she wants me to do it immediately. What are you thinking? I'm thinking I'm not gonna let her
08:03have her way. What do you need me to do? Write me up a prenuptial agreement as soon as possible.
08:10Certainly, Alpha Mateo. I'll take care of the arrangements.
08:14Shouldn't you be thinking about letting her win? This girl might have fooled my mother, but not me.
08:23Hello, Mr. Olivia. I'm Jack, Alpha Mateo's beta. Hi, Beta Jack. Alpha Mateo's seventh and prenuptial
08:29agreements. Please read and sign it. Get ready. Wedding ceremony's in three days.
08:48Oh my dear sweet Luna, you look stunning. The Alpha won't be able to take his eyes off of you.
08:54I've never seen anyone look as pretty as you. Thank you so much. Your work is truly fantastic.
09:01I owe my looks to you. Get out. I need to talk to my sister. Do you even know who you slept with
09:10that night? A rogue werewolf. I sent him to your hotel room that night to ruin your life.
09:17I drugged you too. Do you still think you deserve Alpha Mateo?
09:23How dare you? You'll pay for this. I'm not scared of you. How could you do this to me? You're my
09:31fucking sister. You should be scared. Leave now. I'll expose your secret. This is because of you.
09:40If you hadn't drugged me, none of this would have happened. I hate you.
09:44Do you think I care? Just shut up or I'll make things worse.
09:52Why are you punishing me, Moon Goddess? Where do I go with this child? Why do I lose my life?
10:01Olivia, I'm sorry for everything. I can't lose you. Please come back to me.
10:18What? I'm here, just downstairs.
10:21Come meet me in half an hour and we'll go somewhere far away from here. Start a new life together.
10:26Hello, are you there?
10:31All right, let me just get out of this dress and I'll sneak out.
10:34Thank you for taking me back.
10:36No, thank you for getting me out of this mess. Wait for me.
10:41I'll wait for you, my love.
10:48Miss Olivia, what's happened? Where's your dress?
10:52Where are you going?
10:54I had to go to the bathroom, so I changed. I didn't want to get it dirty.
10:59I see. Well, hurry and get back into your dress. Don't miss your ceremony.
11:04Not at all.
