Kalani Ghost Hunter interview at Spud Bros' 70th anniversary celebrations

  • 3 months ago
The Lancashire Post speaks to world-famous American TikTok food reviewer Kalani Ghost Hunter, who is in Preston to try his first Spud Bros' jacket potato
00:00Great guys, so if you could just introduce yourselves and let me know who you are and why you're here in Preston today.
00:04I'm Kalani Ghost Hunter.
00:06I'm Pop.
00:08This is Pop.
00:09I'm Savannah, his wife.
00:10Lovely to meet you all. Welcome to Preston first of all. It's lovely to have you here.
00:13Just talk me through why you're here today because it's a very special day.
00:15So just give me a bit of background as to what brought you to Preston today.
00:18So we wanted to come to Preston today to be a part of the unveiling of the Spud Bros new tram
00:22and be a part of the day-to-day and give out some spuds.
00:25Try out some parched peas because we have not had any fresh parched peas yet.
00:29No, not yet.
00:30We've heard that that's a delicacy here.
00:32So we're going to give it a run and see how it goes.
00:35So just in terms of baked potatoes, it's a very British thing.
00:37It's not really an American thing.
00:39Our potatoes are different.
00:41Very different. Have you tried Spud Bros potatoes before?
00:43We have not had a Spud Bro potato.
00:45So that's part of our pilgrimage today is to come and finally experience a Spud Bro.
00:50We're here just for that.
00:53What are you anticipating because it's a uniquely British thing, but what in your mind does it involve?
00:58So we've had jacket potatoes before, but we've realised it's very topping heavy.
01:04And the toppings are a lot different than what an American would experience.
01:08So I think when you throw on beans, cheese, chilli, throw on onions, coleslaw,
01:14there's stuff in there that kind of gives you a different flavour balance
01:17that most Americans wouldn't experience.
01:20Well in America it's more of a side and here the way you guys do it, it's like the main dish.
01:24It's the thing, isn't it?
01:25Which is different, yeah.
01:26So what do you think about beans?
01:27Because that's a big thing where Americans are like, just beans, what are you doing?
01:29But beans here are huge.
01:30Everyone eats them all the time.
01:32So what's your take on beans?
01:33So I love beans.
01:35And I love beans and cheese.
01:37Cheesy Beano is one of my favourite things.
01:39And I think people in the US don't realise that the beans here are in a tomato sauce.
01:43Not a sweet sauce.
01:44And it's baked as well, so it's pre-cooked.
01:46It's not like a barbecue bean in the US that's really sweet.
01:50It's more kind of like ketchup.
01:53Ketchup and beans mixed with cheese.
01:55Sweet, savoury, butter, potato.
01:57It's got it all really, hasn't it?
01:58You can't go wrong with cheesy beans.
02:00So just talking about today, how much are you looking forward to it?
02:02I'm looking forward to it.
02:03I know I've got a lot of people here that have already kind of cornered me.
02:05And they've been excited to meet me.
02:07And I brought my dad all the way from the US.
02:09It's his first time.
02:10He didn't even have a passport.
02:11Oh, amazing.
02:12Until I said, you know, we're going to take him to the UK.
02:14First trip to Preston.
02:15So it's his first trip to the UK, first trip to Preston.
02:18And he's getting to experience it all with us.
02:21Well I hope you all have a lovely day.
02:22Thanks so much for coming.
02:23Enjoy it.
02:24When we rate the food, I get the task of giving 10.
02:29Which is perfect.
02:30Do you know what?
02:31After you've had your baked potato, I'll come to you and you can give a rating.
02:33Yes, yes.
02:37If I can't get it in the US, if it tastes real good,
02:42if it's something that I'm willing to spend my hard-earned money on,
02:46then it's onalicious, as we say in Hawaii.
02:49It's a 10.
02:51I love the shirt as well.
02:52Yes, yes.
02:53Thank you very much, guys.
