Room Movies (2015)

  • 2 months ago
ROOM tells the extraordinary story of Jack, a spirited 5-year-old who is looked after by his loving and devoted mother. Like any good mother, Ma dedicates herself to keeping Jack happy and safe, nurturing him with warmth and love and doing typical things like playing games and telling stories. Their life, however, is anything but typical--they are trapped--confined to a 10-by-10-foot space that Ma has euphemistically named Room. Ma has created a whole universe for Jack within Room, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that, even in this treacherous environment, Jack is able to live a complete and fulfilling life. But as Jack's curiosity about their situation grows, and Ma's resilience reaches its breaking point, they enact a risky plan to escape, ultimately bringing them face-to-face with what may turn out to be the scariest thing yet: the real world. —A24

00:00:30Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale,
00:00:57exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale,
00:01:22exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
00:01:38Once upon a time, before I came, you cried and cried and watched TV all day, until you were a zombie.
00:01:49But then I zoomed down from heaven through skylights into Rome
00:01:56And I was kicking you from the inside
00:01:59boom boom and
00:02:01Then I shot on to work with my eyes wide open and you cut the cord and said hello Jack
00:02:19I'm so old now. Such a big boy now. Yep
00:02:34Good morning plant
00:02:37Good morning egg snake
00:02:39Good morning rug. Good morning washrobe
00:02:43Good morning TV
00:02:46Good morning sink
00:02:49Morning toilet
00:02:51Okay, it's my birthday, I'm fine I get it
00:02:57Take your vitamin last one
00:03:09It's bad tooth hurting
00:03:12But you know, I never matter if you don't mind it doesn't matter
00:03:23Hey, do you know what we're gonna do today what
00:03:28We are going to bake a birthday cake a birthday cake
00:03:33Like in TV. Mm-hmm, but for real
00:03:37No way
00:03:49Know you are
00:03:58Okay TV off
00:04:05'm gonna grow and grow until I'm a giant. Look ma. I'm strong as Samson. Yeah, you are
00:04:11I'm going to be Jack the Giant giant killer first
00:04:14I skylight into space with my dog lucky and boy
00:04:19All the planets start with some stretch
00:04:31I like
00:04:46Like a frog back push up down
00:04:52Okay time for track this one, oh I meant this one did I say this one I meant this one
00:04:58But I actually meant I meant this one
00:05:02And but this one needs it, too
00:05:22Very good the batter the batter we're gonna have some butter to
00:05:37Don't you do some of that
00:05:59Have a cadaver now the candles we don't have any candles
00:06:07No instead of birthday cake for real that means candles on fire Jack
00:06:17It's okay without the candles it's still a birthday cake
00:06:21You should ask for candles for Sunday treat not dumb jeans
00:06:26I'm sorry, you know, I have to ask for stuff that we really need stuff that he can get easily
00:06:31Oh, Nick, it's anything by magic. Why don't we try your cake? No
00:06:38Check let's try a bite of it
00:06:55Next week on six
00:07:01Next year
00:07:08And Edmund tears free out of the bag
00:07:13Island of Monte Cristo
00:07:17Treasure his friend was telling him about
00:07:20He buys a big yacht
00:07:24And sails back to France
00:07:27And when he gets there he decides to buy the island and call himself the count
00:07:34And vows to take revenge on all the people that were mean to him
00:07:50Have my birthday cake tomorrow
00:07:54Just a bite
00:07:57We brush our teeth already one last story, please. Come on Jack. It's late. Let's go to bed
00:08:23One evening when the Sun went down and the jungle fire was burning
00:08:32Down the tracks came a hobo hiking and he said boys. I'm not turning
00:08:39I'm headed for a land. That's far away
00:08:43Beside the crystal fountain. Oh
00:08:47Come with me go and see the big rock candy mountain
00:08:56In the big rock candy mountain, there's a land that's clear and bright
00:09:25Got you
00:09:48Mm-hmm. You should have told me and I got him a present
00:09:56So, well, how old is he?
00:10:31There's room then our space with all the TV planets then heaven
00:10:43Plant is real but not trees
00:10:47Spiders are real and one time the mosquito that was sucking my blood
00:10:52But squirrels and dogs are just TV
00:10:56Except lucky he's my dog who might come someday
00:11:03Monsters are too big to be real and the sea
00:11:07TV persons are flat and made of colors
00:11:12But me and you are real
00:11:18Don't know if he's real
00:12:59What is it it's bad tooth
00:13:10Can I hold it
00:14:36He would have stolen our food
00:14:39I'm not hungry. You would have brought in germs bit us in our sleep
00:14:46Mouse is my friend
00:14:48And you splattered him dead. No, I didn't
00:14:53Are you tricking me? No Jack, I swear he is safe at home in the backyard with his mom
00:15:00What backyard?
00:15:02Mouse was in a yard and TV. Yeah, why don't you make a UFO out of this?
00:15:12Didn't tell him that goes my birthday because he's not our friend. He said he'd bring me a present
00:15:17I'm not supposed to be listening to that. You're supposed to be asleep. I never had a present. Well, he didn't mean it
00:15:24It might be my dog. Lucky Jack. We can't have a dog. There's not enough room space
00:15:29There's not enough space with the barking and the scratching
00:15:32Lucky won't scratch. He promised there is no lucky
00:15:36Yes, no, there's not you made him up in your head he's not real
00:15:50I'm sorry
00:15:56I'm sorry. You're right wasn't
00:16:24Where do we go when we're asleep
00:16:27Right here in room, but dreams
00:16:31Do we go to into TV for dreaming?
00:16:36Mm-hmm. We're never anywhere but here
00:18:11Guess they still can't hear us. Would you even louder? Okay
00:18:40Wow, it smells bad
00:19:13Just thinking is not your strong suit
00:19:18I know
00:19:22Yeah, don't you sit down
00:19:34So, how did he like his truck
00:19:42Yeah, I know boys
00:19:49The vitamins, uh, it's a waste of money there's nothing in
00:19:56If I had a better diet fuck here we go again, maybe if you could stop complaining and be a little grateful
00:20:04Thank you guys fucking teeth sometimes
00:20:09You just have no idea about the world of today
00:20:15Who pays the power bill who pays for everything yeah
00:20:19Mm-hmm. And how do you think I'm gonna be able to keep doing that?
00:20:30No, but what does that mean?
00:20:38Six months, I've been laid off six months
00:20:42Yeah, if you had to worry your little head what are you gonna do about it
00:20:50Are you looking for a job
00:21:01He's asleep, I don't think so
00:21:09Do you keep in the closet all day as well as all night
00:21:17What's the little freak up two heads or something? Hey, hey
00:21:26Hey, let's go to bed you want some candy you like candy, huh?
00:21:34Come to bed
00:21:44Didn't your mama ever teach you any manners young lady
00:23:50Don't touch him
00:23:55You ever touch me like that again ever grab me like that fucking kill you
00:24:01Yeah, don't you forget where you got
00:24:08I'm Jack
00:25:09I'm a dragon
00:25:22He cut the power
00:25:36For you see so many out of the way things had happened
00:25:41lately that
00:25:43Lately that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible
00:26:13Hey Jack, do you remember mouse? Yeah. Yeah. No worries
00:26:25Hmm I do
00:26:32He's on the other side of this wall
00:26:36What other side
00:26:38Jack there's two sides to everything. No, I didn't knock the guy
00:26:41Yeah, but not gone has eight sides, but a wall. Okay a
00:26:46Walls like this see and we're on the inside a mouse is on the outside
00:26:52Outer space no in the world. It's much closer than outer space. I
00:26:57Can't see the outside side. Listen. I know that I told you something else before but you were much younger
00:27:02I didn't think that you could understand but now you're so old. You're so smart. I know that you can get this
00:27:11Where do you think that old Nick gets our food from TV by magic there is no magic
00:27:17What you see on TV those are pictures of real things of real people it's real stuff
00:27:25Door is real for real. No, that's a drawing door. It is a drawing
00:27:31the other people
00:27:33Had faces like us
00:27:35Those are pictures of real things and all the other stuff you see on there. That's real, too
00:27:40That's real oceans real trees real cats
00:27:43Don't know what they all fit they just do they just fit they just fit out in the world
00:27:51Jack come on, you're so smart. I know that you've been wondering about this
00:27:58Can I have something else to eat
00:28:05There's a leaf do you see that where look I don't see a leaf when you see
00:28:14Kind of close it look
00:28:16You see that
00:28:18See don't go mom. That's not leaf. These are green
00:28:22Yeah on trees, but then they fall and they rot like salad in the fridge stuff. You said
00:28:27trees and dogs and cats and grass
00:28:31We can't see it from here because Skylar looks upwards instead of sideways. You're just tricking me. No, I'm not
00:28:37Liar liar pants on fire
00:28:39Jack I couldn't explain it before because you were too small. You were too small to understand. So I had to make up a story but
00:28:46But now I'm doing the opposite. Okay, I'm doing the opposite of lying. I am unlying because you're five now
00:28:52You're five and you're old enough to understand what the world is. You have to understand you have to understand
00:28:57We can't keep living like this. You need to help me. I wanna be four again
00:29:08Do you remember how
00:29:11Do you remember how Alice wasn't always in Wonderland?
00:29:14She fell down down down deep in a hole. Hey, well, I wasn't always in room. I'm like Alice
00:29:19I was a little girl named joy. Yeah
00:29:24And I lived in a house with my mom and my dad
00:29:27You would call them grandma and grandpa house house. It was in the world
00:29:32And there was a backyard and we had a hammock we would swing in the hammock movie ice cream TV house
00:29:38No, Jack a real house not TV. Are you even listening to me?
00:29:44When I was a little older when I was 17, I
00:29:47Was walking home. Where was I you were still up in heaven, but there was a guy he pretended that his dog was sick
00:29:53I old Nick we call him old Nick. I don't know what his real name is
00:29:57But he pretended his dog was sick
00:30:00Jack there wasn't a dog
00:30:03He was trying to trick me, okay
00:30:07There wasn't a dog old Nick stole me. I want a different story. No, this is the story that you get
00:30:16He put me in his garden shed here room is the shed
00:30:22He's locked the door. He's the only one that knows the code. You know the secret numbers that open the door
00:30:26He's the only one that knows and I've been locked in here for seven years. I've been in here for seven years. Do you understand?
00:30:35Jack the world is so big
00:30:38It's so big. You wouldn't even believe it and room is just one stinky part of it
00:32:36H snakes are a longest friend and fanciest
00:32:42Melted he spoons the best to eat with because he's a more blobby
00:32:47Labyrinth is the twistiest and she hides things so I don't know where they are
00:32:52Toilets the best I've disappearing poo
00:32:55Lamps the brightest except when the power's cut
00:33:00You're the best at reading and songs and lots except if you're having a gone day
00:33:06I'm the best at drawing and jumping and growing and nearly everything
00:35:14Turtles real
00:35:17Yeah, they're totally real I
00:35:20Had a turtle as a pet
00:35:22crocodiles and sharks
00:35:25Yeah, they're all real
00:35:37Sort of so these are real people but they're playing dress-up
00:35:44They're pretending that they're people from hundreds of years ago
00:35:57You're getting it
00:36:01I'm gonna kick him in the butt
00:36:10Let me tell you something
00:36:12You know one time I tried to kick old Nick in the butt. I
00:36:16I hid behind the door
00:36:19And I was holding the lid from the toilet tank. There used to be a lid on it. It was the heaviest thing in room
00:36:25When he came in I smashed it on his head
00:36:29But I messed up
00:36:31He shoved the door closed and he grabbed me by the wrist
00:36:36That's why it's sore now
00:36:39We could wait till he's asleep and kill him dead. Yeah, we could but
00:36:44Then what we'd run out of food and we don't know the code to the door. Hey, it's a crime when the grandpa could come
00:36:54Check they don't know where we are rooms not on any map
00:37:03Check listen to me. We've got a chance. We nearly missed it, but we've got our chance
00:37:10So you're gonna help me you're gonna help me trick old Nick I
00:37:20Don't get it
00:37:21I'm gonna make your face so hot
00:37:23That old Nick will have to take you to the hospital in his truck
00:37:26And then when you get there, you're gonna say to the doctors help police
00:37:29Maybe next year when I'm six tonight
00:37:33Has to be tonight told Nick that
00:37:38Because of the power cut you got so cold that you got a fever tomorrow, please. No, I'm your mom
00:37:43So sometimes I have to pick for the both of us
00:37:49It's okay, it's okay you gotta stay floppy. Okay, stay floppy and you're not gonna move or say a word you're too weak, okay
00:38:06There's gonna make you smell sick
00:38:08Good, that's good. Show me how
00:38:11Show me you're gonna pull the note out of your pocket. Show me the note. Come on. You're at the hospital
00:38:16Show me
00:38:19What's that Oh
00:38:23See got a bit of me all the time
00:38:33Okay, and you got your strong too, okay, I'm scared I know
00:39:32There you are, you know the drill not a peep till the door shut sorry
00:39:39Jack's sick. It was so cold
00:39:43Well, you brought that on yourself well, I couldn't keep him warm and now he's burning up
00:39:48Give him some of those painkillers. I tried but he just keeps puking them back up
00:40:07Stay still
00:40:11Jesus he's on fire
00:40:13Okay, I'll get him something stronger but he he's five he he's dehydrated he has a fever
00:40:22Okay, I'll get him some tomorrow night don't you need to take him to the ER right now
00:40:43No, not this time
00:41:32So you remember how
00:41:34Edmund pulls his friend out of the bag
00:41:36and hides him
00:41:38And then he gets in the bag and he lays in there really still until the guards come
00:41:48So that's what you're gonna do
00:41:54You see how that's even trickier than pretending to be sick because you're gonna
00:42:00Play dead
00:42:03Holding over I
00:42:06Don't want to be dead. You're just pretending to be dead. Hey stiff
00:42:10We're gonna roll you up and run so that old Nick won't see you won't see that. You're alive inside
00:42:18And and you're not gonna be wobbly and floppy this time you're gonna be real stiff like a like a robot
00:42:28And that's when you know that old Nick's driving that means he's busy and so it's time for you to roll
00:42:35I'm gonna be there in your head talking to you
00:42:45No, Nick's gonna come and he's gonna pick you up in the rock and he's gonna take you outside
00:42:50And he's gonna put you in his truck
00:42:53and he's gonna
00:42:55find a place to
00:42:57To lay you down
00:43:06I don't be okay though, because you're gonna wiggle out and you're gonna run away
00:43:17Like this, okay, there's too many turns that time will shorten the road
00:43:26Roll roll roll roll Jack roll. Come on
00:43:46Truck make a loud jump
00:43:52Jump when you hit the first stop sign when the truck rolls to a stop and you're gonna shout when you see somebody
00:43:59You say my ma is joy Newsome
00:44:02Oh somebody anybody it's the first person that you see and actually a live person
00:44:17Well for Nick on wraps me he won't
00:44:22You got bad tooth he's in here so I don't lose him
00:44:32And you're gonna love it
00:44:38The world
00:44:41My house with the hammock and grandma and grandpa and you
00:45:28What are you doing
00:45:31You got worse in the night
00:45:51Like I guess it must have been pretty serious you killed my baby, okay, take it easy. Okay. Let me have a look
00:46:01Are you sure am I sure
00:46:08Stay here, you know
00:46:18Somewhere nice it can't be here. I'll feel him
00:46:23Okay, somewhere with trees
00:46:26Tree sure. Yeah, I want you to swear to me. You won't even lay your filthy eyes on him
00:46:41It's about an hour until dark
00:49:19Track wiggle out jump run somebody
00:51:38Really sorry
00:51:44Sorry, is your little girl? Okay, it's under control
00:51:48Has she been some kind of accident? Would you like me to phone someone?
00:51:53I'll take care of it
00:51:55What you got there, honey
00:52:00Is that for me
00:52:03Why don't you just mind your own business
00:52:09Hey, whoa, hey
00:52:12Come here
00:52:22This boomer he's not gonna hurt you
00:52:41Hey, hey there, I'm officer Parker. You tell me your name. I
00:52:59You say that a little louder for me
00:53:20Do you have another name
00:53:31Can you tell me how old you are
00:53:35I'm five five. That's great. Okay
00:53:41Can you tell me where you live
00:53:46Why don't we call child services
00:53:51Do you have a mom Jack
00:53:57Okay, good does she have another name
00:54:07Um, where's my right now
00:54:12Oh what room Jack where's this room
00:54:19That guy with the truck is that your dad is that my boyfriend do you know him
00:54:25What's that Jack
00:54:32That's okay buddy, that's good. Thank you Jeff. That's good did real good. Okay
00:54:46Jack anything you recognize buddy Jack anything
00:54:51Your room Jack what's outside the room?
00:55:00The world you think the kids on something
00:55:04Okay, listen when you step out the door
00:55:07No, no, you don't
00:55:12My money's on some kind of cult the tooth the long hair is there daylight in your room?
00:55:18Okay, good. How many windows?
00:55:22Well, then how does the Sun come in
00:55:25Skylight, okay. Excellent. So you live in a house with a skylight?
00:55:34Yeah, it's get more out of him after he's had give it a second
00:55:40A shed Jack a shed. Okay. Good boy. It's a needle in a haystack. Hey, listen to me
00:55:46What made you jump out the truck Jack?
00:55:51Okay, what exactly did she say
00:55:56Jump when it slows down. All right. So what did you do? What did you do?
00:56:04The third time it got baked the third time of what Jack
00:56:10third slow
00:56:12Everything went sideways and then it stopped
00:56:18Got it, buddy. I got it
00:56:205409 call dispatch. Listen carefully. We have a rough location. All right
00:56:25South on Elm three stop signs past the junction with Beach look for a garden shed with a skylight
00:56:31Also check the most recent satellite images for a red pickup in the driveway 5409
00:57:01Okay, everything's gonna be okay Jack settle in
00:59:23Can we go to bed? Yeah, they'll take us somewhere to sleep soon
00:59:31No, but bed in my room
01:02:26Was waiting so long for you to wake up I fell asleep again
01:02:31Planet mm-hmm. Same one just a different spot
01:02:37This one is a
01:02:41Bedroom in a hospital
01:02:44Are we sick for real or pretend we're not sick or the opposite of sick?
01:02:50How long are we staying?
01:02:52not long
01:02:54Grandma sauce last night and she's gonna get us once they say we're okay and grandpa
01:03:00He was away for work, but he's on a plane coming back home I
01:03:05Went to bed before I'm sorry. Yeah, it was by accident
01:03:13Hello, yeah, just know
01:03:19Yeah, that would be great can you bring it in 20 minutes, okay, thank you
01:03:26Step out, okay
01:03:30Now that's waste we'll get you new ones for Sunday treat
01:03:41There will be so many treats and not just on Sunday
01:03:49Mom where's the bath?
01:03:54There's a shower it's splashy
01:04:00Jack come here
01:04:08Mom will he find us
01:04:13No, he will never find us
01:04:17There are no rules Jack we can do what we like
01:04:25No, you want to come in
01:04:37Now the doors ticking
01:04:38I don't know. I don't know
01:04:40I don't know
01:04:42I don't know
01:04:44I don't know
01:04:47Hey, it's okay
01:04:53So I hear we're all awake now, yeah
01:05:02Hi Jack
01:05:04How you doing
01:05:07My name is dr. Mattel
01:05:09And you were asleep when I showed up this morning
01:05:13You hungry do you want some breakfast? Yeah, you must be starved
01:05:21Check out what we got it's pancakes and fruit
01:05:30Let's check it out
01:05:36Pancakes it's really good
01:05:42You want to try it? It goes with syrup too. It's very sweet
01:05:49So I brought you some goodies
01:05:55Sunglasses, okay, that'll make you more comfortable if you need to go outside and
01:06:01Sunscreen that's for him mainly
01:06:03This is important. That's that's for Jack. Is that really necessary?
01:06:08there's a lot of germs in the air that he still needs to get used to and
01:06:12My colleague prescribed this for your pain for your wrist until they can get you set up for surgery
01:06:18And that's to help you sleep. Just take it if you need it. Okay. Thank you
01:06:24Come on Jack
01:06:26Let's try some pancake, huh?
01:06:28So have you had a chance to think about what we discussed this morning? Yeah, I thought I did think about it. Thank you, but I
01:06:36Really want to go home
01:06:39Okay, you know my view yeah
01:06:45I mean with everything you two have experienced and just to
01:06:51Assess Jack properly, but nothing happened to Jack
01:06:55Understand he's gonna be okay, right?
01:07:00The most important thing you did was get him out while he's still plastic
01:07:09What's that Jack he says that he's he's real he's not plastic when you got me there Jack
01:07:18You're real and you're very brave
01:07:24Let's talk about this later
01:07:39Oh Jack, thanks for saving our little girl
01:07:56I've been in the world 37 hours
01:08:00I've seen pancakes and the stairs and birds and windows and hundreds of cars
01:08:09And clouds and police and doctors and grandma and grandpa
01:08:15But ma says they don't live together in the hammock house anymore
01:08:21Grandma lives there with her friend Leo now and grandpa lives far away
01:08:26I'm sorry
01:08:32I've seen persons with different faces and bigness and spells talking all together
01:08:42The world's like all TV planets on at the same time, so I don't know which way to look and listen
01:08:52There's doors and more doors
01:08:56And behind all the doors
01:08:58There's another inside and another outside and things happen happen happen
01:09:04It never stops
01:09:10The world's always changing brightness and hotness and there's invisible germs floating everywhere
01:09:19When I was small I only knew small things but now I'm five I know everything
01:09:26I'm in the world
01:09:28I'm in the world
01:09:30I'm in the world
01:09:42Come on sweetie, just pick him up
01:09:56Don't worry, that'll get bored quickly.
01:10:01The back of the property is screened in pretty well,
01:10:03and we've taken care of where necessary.
01:10:05So if you keep the front drapes closed...
01:10:07We're home now.
01:10:08We'll be outside if you need anything.
01:10:10All right, thank you. Thank you so much.
01:10:12Your father's still talking to the lawyer.
01:10:14You want to take your shoes off?
01:10:16Are you okay?
01:10:19Let's check out downstairs.
01:10:24You can do it.
01:10:26All the way in.
01:10:28Oh, that's good.
01:10:30Come on.
01:10:31One step at a time.
01:10:35One more.
01:10:38Welcome home, honey.
01:10:40I'm very, very happy to see you.
01:10:42Me too.
01:10:44This is Leo.
01:10:45Hey there, sport.
01:10:46Leo's been our friend since your mom was little.
01:10:50It's okay, it's okay.
01:10:51Yeah, it's all right.
01:10:53It's okay, come on in.
01:10:59So, uh, what can I get you?
01:11:02Anyone hungry?
01:11:03We have everything.
01:11:04Yeah, people have been so kind.
01:11:06Um, hey, Jack.
01:11:08Would you like something to drink?
01:11:14Grandma asked you a question.
01:11:15Do you want something?
01:11:17You hungry?
01:11:21He would like some juice, please.
01:11:24Coming right up.
01:11:25Thank you.
01:11:26I'm fine.
01:11:29Hey, you know when your grandma asks you a question,
01:11:32you can answer her.
01:11:35You don't need to say everything to me, okay?
01:11:37You just need to answer her.
01:11:43What are those?
01:11:45Those are toys.
01:11:47Gifts for you.
01:11:49For people that are very happy that we go.
01:11:54What people?
01:11:59Just people.
01:12:16There's ice cream in the hammock.
01:12:21No, we'll get it later.
01:12:27What is that?
01:12:29Let me see that.
01:12:31Where did you get this?
01:12:33Just in case.
01:12:36Do you have a dog?
01:12:37Oh, it's Leo's dog, Seamus.
01:12:42He's on furlough at the moment.
01:12:43Made a pal of mine out of town.
01:12:45Living the country life.
01:12:46You know, people at the hospital said to avoid pets
01:12:49until your immunity's back up.
01:12:53The lawyer said they're expecting a plea,
01:12:55but we can't rule out a trial.
01:12:57He wanted to get into everything.
01:12:59I said not today.
01:13:01I made it clear there'd be no further contact,
01:13:03no statements to respect our family.
01:13:07Ah, sorry.
01:13:09I'm sorry.
01:13:12Can I get you a drink, Bob?
01:13:14Thank you.
01:13:16Scotch, if you have, whatever you have.
01:13:22Well, sweetie, is there anything you'd like?
01:13:26Or like to do?
01:13:30You got it.
01:13:32You got it.
01:13:35Come here.
01:13:53Oh, yeah.
01:13:57This is your mom's room, Jack.
01:14:04Maybe tomorrow we can cut that hair.
01:14:06What do you say, Jack?
01:14:14That's true.
01:14:17He says that's where his strong is.
01:14:25Um, maybe I'll just let you rest, huh?
01:14:29We'll see you downstairs?
01:14:30We'll be downstairs.
01:14:39It's really good, Nancy.
01:14:41Want to try some?
01:14:44It's apples.
01:14:45You like apples.
01:14:46How about some ice cream, Jack?
01:14:48Here you go.
01:14:50What do you say?
01:14:53Thank you.
01:14:54No, you can say it louder than that.
01:14:55Thank you.
01:14:56It's okay.
01:14:58Thank you for being polite.
01:15:21Ice cream hurts.
01:15:22You got a brain freeze there, Jack.
01:15:40I think I'll turn in.
01:15:44Is there something wrong?
01:15:49Why are you in such a hurry?
01:15:52It's been a big day.
01:15:55You haven't said one word to Jack.
01:16:03Um, we don't have to talk about this now.
01:16:11Yes, we do, Dad.
01:16:16Look at him.
01:16:35I'm sorry.
01:16:37I'm sorry.
01:16:38I can't.
01:16:41Put your spoon down.
01:16:43I'm going to bed.
01:16:45I'm going to bed.
01:16:46I'm going to bed.
01:16:47I'm going to bed.
01:16:48I'm going to bed.
01:16:49I'm going to bed.
01:16:50I'm going to bed.
01:16:51I'm going to bed.
01:16:52I'm going to bed.
01:16:53I'm going to bed.
01:16:54I'm going to bed.
01:16:55I'm going to bed.
01:16:56I'm going to bed.
01:16:57I'm going to bed.
01:16:58I'm going to bed.
01:16:59I'm going to bed.
01:17:00I'm going to bed.
01:17:01I'm going to bed.
01:17:02I'm going to bed.
01:17:03I'm going to bed.
01:17:04I'm going to bed.
01:17:05I'm going to bed.
01:17:06I'm going to bed.
01:17:07I'm going to bed.
01:17:08I'm going to bed.
01:17:09I'm going to bed.
01:17:10I'm going to bed.
01:17:11I'm going to bed.
01:17:15He had to go home for a while.
01:17:23Do you want to play with some of those toys?
01:17:25You know who that is?
01:17:43That's you.
01:17:44Yeah, that's me.
01:17:45And Stacey Benton.
01:17:46And Heather Noel.
01:17:47And Laura Sullivan.
01:17:49We were on a relay team.
01:17:50I was the anchor.
01:17:51I was really fast.
01:17:52We did track.
01:17:53Real track?
01:17:55On a field.
01:18:18You know what happened to them?
01:18:24They just lived their life, and nothing happened to them.
01:18:26I'll be right back.
01:18:28I'll be right back.
01:18:30I'll be right back.
01:18:56Jack, get away from the window.
01:19:09All right.
01:19:11So, the other thing that we need to discuss is some sort of media strategy.
01:19:17No, I'm...
01:19:18We're not ready for talking like that.
01:19:20Not yet.
01:19:24There's going to be expenses moving forward.
01:19:26And a primetime interview, just one primetime interview, means a lot.
01:19:30Come on.
01:19:46Ma, how long are we going to be here for?
01:19:49This is where we live now, Jack.
01:20:19As much information as I can give you.
01:20:47I'm sure Nancy knows more.
01:20:49I'll get her to call you when she gets here.
01:20:53Thanks again.
01:21:08Okay, so...
01:21:11What am I going to do now?
01:21:15I wonder if there's anybody around that would play with me or talk to me.
01:21:22I guess not.
01:21:26I'm pretty hungry.
01:21:28Oh, I know.
01:21:29I've got something in the kitchen, I think.
01:21:32Oh, yes.
01:21:33I've got something very tasty in the kitchen, I think.
01:21:38Let me see what's here.
01:21:52I didn't know you were up.
01:22:04Pretty good.
01:22:05Am I right?
01:22:11I like this kind, too.
01:22:13Kind of sweet, but pretty good.
01:22:24Do you really have a dog?
01:22:27I do.
01:22:29Named Seamus.
01:22:31He's very small.
01:22:34Not very smart.
01:22:37You should meet him sometime.
01:22:40He'll shake your hand.
01:22:47I had a dog once named Lucky, but he wasn't real.
01:22:53He lived in a room.
01:23:01So we got some fluffy clouds in the sky?
01:23:07Looks like a nice day.
01:23:09Which one of these guys is you?
01:23:13That guy?
01:23:16And who's this?
01:23:18What is that?
01:23:20It's a whale.
01:23:21This guy sees blood under the eyes, so he wants to go dive and help, too.
01:23:28That's okay.
01:23:29No, don't worry about it.
01:23:30Let her rest.
01:23:32I'm almost done here.
01:23:34Well, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this masterpiece turns out.
01:23:38Don't worry about it.
01:23:39Don't worry about it.
01:23:41That's perfect.
01:24:12I need your help.
01:24:13Will you check my backpack for something we can use to fix the wheel?
01:24:18Say, backpack in Spanish.
01:24:20Jack, can you go downstairs, please?
01:24:30Come here.
01:24:34You have all these toys.
01:24:36I don't want to.
01:24:38It would be so happy to have these, and you barely even touched them.
01:24:41Try your Lego.
01:24:43See these?
01:24:49Put these together like this.
01:24:51You see how I'm doing it?
01:24:53Try it.
01:25:03Is it fun?
01:25:08Can you say something?
01:25:14He needs to play with something real.
01:25:15I'm worried about him being on the phone.
01:25:18He's doing fine.
01:25:19Well, I don't give him my phone, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't give him yours.
01:25:23Okay, I won't.
01:25:27I just want him to connect with something.
01:25:36He's really doing fine.
01:25:39I don't know what's wrong with me.
01:25:43I'm supposed to be happy.
01:25:46You just need to rest, okay?
01:25:48No, I don't!
01:25:50I don't need to rest!
01:25:51That's what the doctor said.
01:25:53No, I don't!
01:25:55I don't need to rest!
01:25:56That's what the doctor said.
01:25:57That is not what the doctor said!
01:25:58You don't know what he said, because it was a confidential conversation, and you don't know what he said!
01:26:01All right, all right, all right!
01:26:03I feel like you're impossible to talk to right now.
01:26:04Well, sorry.
01:26:05No, you're not sorry!
01:26:07Yeah, I'm not sorry!
01:26:09You have no idea what's going on in my head!
01:26:11Yeah, well, try me!
01:26:13I have asked you.
01:26:14And then what?
01:26:15Then every time you look at me, that's all that you see?
01:26:17When I look at you, Joy, I will see my daughter.
01:26:21You don't need me.
01:26:23You've been doing just fine without me.
01:26:28How can you say that, huh?
01:26:31Do you think that you were the only one whose life was destroyed?
01:26:35Actually, that's exactly what I think.
01:26:36Yeah, how would you feel if somebody took Jack away from you?
01:26:39Oh, shut up!
01:26:40Go easy on me.
01:26:41Look at him!
01:26:42You should be thinking about him!
01:26:44Don't you tell me how to look after my son!
01:26:47I'm sorry that I'm not nice anymore.
01:26:50You know what?
01:26:51Maybe if your voice saying be nice hadn't been in my head,
01:26:55then maybe I wouldn't have helped the guy with the fucking sick dog!
01:27:03Stay there, Jack.
01:27:21Isabella, so what are we thinking for the walk and talk?
01:27:24And I want you to know that you guide this interview, okay?
01:27:29So what you feel comfortable with, you talk about it.
01:27:32When you don't, you just say, not comfortable,
01:27:34and we move on to another question.
01:27:37And I'm gonna, you know...
01:27:38My lawyer said that it's nice.
01:27:40You're good.
01:27:41Thank you.
01:27:46Did you hear that?
01:27:49Did you ever think you would see this house again?
01:27:53I hoped.
01:27:54You hoped?
01:28:03It's time to go downstairs, Jack.
01:28:05Remember what your mom said?
01:28:19It can get hot, can't it?
01:28:20Oh, yeah.
01:28:22The lights.
01:28:23The lights will get very warm.
01:28:24Just let me get this out of the way.
01:28:37Listening to you, I'm sure you must have felt at times as if...
01:28:43God had deserted you.
01:28:45In those very black moments...
01:28:49Did you consider taking your own life, just to escape?
01:28:53I'm getting the feeling my clients are...
01:28:54It's okay, I'm okay.
01:28:55Can you give her a minute, please?
01:28:58I'm fine.
01:28:59Can I just have a tissue?
01:29:00Of course.
01:29:01Can we get her a tissue, please?
01:29:03There you go.
01:29:04Do I have to talk about it?
01:29:05I'm sure.
01:29:07You don't have to apologize.
01:29:09Nobody's expecting you to be, you know, the pillar of strength.
01:29:14The pillar of strength.
01:29:15You can cry.
01:29:16You know, why don't we just go on to the next question?
01:29:19Would that be okay?
01:29:24Do you want to put your tissue maybe under your chair?
01:29:26Oh, yeah.
01:29:28There you go.
01:29:29I'm okay.
01:29:30I just don't want my nose to...
01:29:32Let's see.
01:29:36So, when Jack came along, was it different for you then?
01:29:43When Jack came, everything was different.
01:29:48He was so beautiful.
01:29:50And I just knew that I had to keep him safe.
01:29:58Of course.
01:29:59Of course.
01:30:02When he's older, will you tell Jack about his father?
01:30:08Jack's not his.
01:30:09He's not his?
01:30:11So, are you saying that there were other men?
01:30:19A father is a man who loves his child.
01:30:24Of course.
01:30:25That's so true in a very real sense, but the biological relationship...
01:30:31But that's not a relationship.
01:30:35Jack is nobody's.
01:30:37Jack is nobody's but mine.
01:30:49When he was born, did it ever occur to you to ask your captor to take Jack away?
01:30:59Well, to take him to a hospital, say, leave him there where he could be found.
01:31:04Why would I do that?
01:31:07So Jack could be free.
01:31:10Now, this is the ultimate sacrifice, and I understand that.
01:31:15But did you think about him having a normal childhood?
01:31:20But he had me.
01:31:22Of course he did.
01:31:25But was that the best thing for him?
01:31:28Was that the best thing for him?
01:31:58I love you.
01:33:05What's going on?
01:33:09Come here, come here.
01:33:11No, no, no.
01:34:32Come on.
01:34:37Phone's for you.
01:34:55Say hello.
01:35:00Are you there?
01:35:04What are you doing?
01:35:05Come back.
01:35:07I can't just yet.
01:35:09Come back now.
01:35:10I'll be there soon.
01:35:11I just have to be here just a little while longer.
01:35:13I pick.
01:35:14I pick for both of us.
01:35:15Jack, do it.
01:35:48There's so much of place in the world.
01:35:55There's less time because the time has to be spread extra thin over all the places, like butter.
01:36:05So all the persons say, hurry up.
01:36:08Let's get going.
01:36:10Pick up the pace.
01:36:11Finish up now.
01:36:23Ma was in a hurry to go blowing up the heaven, but she forgot me.
01:36:27Dumbo Ma.
01:36:31So the aliens threw her back down.
01:36:36And broke her.
01:37:23You good?
01:37:28Is that okay?
01:37:30Okay, cool.
01:37:31Thank you.
01:37:32It's light.
01:37:35All right.
01:37:37You been shopping?
01:37:39Yes, we have.
01:37:41We're making cupcakes.
01:37:43Oh, yum.
01:37:45Have a good day.
01:37:46See you.
01:37:47Okay, come on.
01:37:48Come on.
01:38:00You're really good at that.
01:38:02I did before in Rome.
01:38:06You did?
01:38:09What else did you do there?
01:38:11Lots of stuff.
01:38:13Sometimes I miss it.
01:38:16Wasn't it awfully small?
01:38:20It went every direction, all the way to the end.
01:38:23It never finished.
01:38:26And Ma was always there.
01:38:36But it was small in wardrobe.
01:38:40What did you do in wardrobe?
01:38:44When old Nick came.
01:38:48I want to see Ma.
01:38:51Yeah, I know.
01:38:53She's, um, she just needs to be on her own for a little while.
01:39:02Someone here would like to meet you.
01:39:04Oh, Jack.
01:39:06Here, let me get this for you.
01:39:08Come on.
01:39:09Let's go see.
01:39:22Meet Seamus.
01:39:24Would you like to pet him?
01:39:44There you go.
01:39:45Shake him again.
01:39:46Makes him feel good.
01:39:47Makes him feel good?
01:39:49Yep, makes him feel good.
01:39:50You should try that.
01:39:53He's moving.
01:40:13He's moving.
01:40:47I need the scissors.
01:40:49What for?
01:40:50For cutting my hair.
01:40:54Do you really want to do that?
01:40:56I want to send it to Ma.
01:40:59How come?
01:41:00She needs my strong more than me.
01:41:02So I want to send it to her.
01:41:04Or you could take it to her.
01:41:09I could help you if you'd like.
01:41:11I could help you if you'd like.
01:41:13Yes, please.
01:41:18Let's do this right.
01:41:20I have been wanting to cut that hair for a very long time.
01:41:23Come on.
01:41:25I used to cut your mother's hair all the time.
01:41:28And your grandpa's.
01:41:30I hope I still got it.
01:41:32Do you think this will work?
01:41:34Can my strong be her strong too?
01:41:36Oh, of course it can.
01:41:39We all help each other stay strong.
01:41:42No one is strong alone.
01:41:44You and your mom, you help each other through, don't you?
01:41:49You and me.
01:41:51You and Leo.
01:41:52You and me.
01:41:53We all have the same strong.
01:41:56I guess we do.
01:42:00All righty.
01:42:04Are you ready?
01:42:06Are you ready?
01:42:29What do you think?
01:42:38Oh, yeah.
01:42:41Can I get soap in my eyes?
01:42:43No, there's a towel right there if you need.
01:42:45And my mouth.
01:42:47And your mouth too.
01:42:49This is the best part.
01:42:53Does it feel good?
01:42:56Oh, good.
01:42:58Oh, good.
01:43:01Oh, let's see.
01:43:14I love you, Grandma.
01:43:21I love you too, Jack.
01:43:28I love you too.
01:44:04Keep trying.
01:44:05Keep trying.
01:44:28Keep trying.
01:44:52I'm sorry, Jack.
01:44:55It's okay.
01:44:58Don't do it again.
01:45:02I promise.
01:45:07Are you better now?
01:45:11Yeah, I'm starting to be.
01:45:30Hey, Jack.
01:45:39Grandma brought this to me.
01:45:44I knew that I could get better.
01:45:50You saved me.
01:45:52Don't do it again.
01:45:56Can I?
01:46:01There's no more left, sorry.
01:46:18I'm not a good enough Ma.
01:46:31I am.
01:46:37I am.
01:46:42I'm not going to play with Aaron now.
01:46:45He's my friend.
01:47:00When I was four, I didn't even know about the world.
01:47:04And now me and Ma are going to live in it forever and ever until we're dead.
01:47:11This is a street in a city in a country called America on the Earth.
01:47:17That's a blue and green planet, always spinning.
01:47:21So I don't know why we don't fall off.
01:47:24Then there's outer space.
01:47:27Nobody knows where is heaven.
01:47:29Let's go.
01:47:31Hurry up.
01:47:33Grab on.
01:47:35Grab on.
01:47:37I don't need to.
01:47:39Grab on.
01:47:43Ma and I have decided that because we don't know what we like, we get to try everything.
01:47:54There are so many things out here.
01:47:58And sometimes it's scary.
01:48:00But that's okay.
01:48:03Because it's still just you and me.
01:48:07You and me.
01:48:13Can we go back to Rome?
01:48:19Just for a visit.
01:48:29Watch your step.
01:48:37Watch your step.
01:49:37Is this real?
01:49:43Has it gotten shrinked?
01:49:46Where is everything?
01:49:49Taken for evidence.
01:49:52Proof that we were here.
01:50:08It's because doors open.
01:50:16It can't really be a room if doors open.
01:50:21Do you want me to close it?
01:50:26I don't want you to close it.
01:50:28I don't want you to close it.
01:50:30I don't want you to close it.
01:50:32I don't want you to close it.
01:50:35Do you want me to close it?
01:50:46Jack, can we go?
01:50:53Bye, plant.
01:50:57Bye, chair number one.
01:51:00Bye, chair number two.
01:51:03Bye, table.
01:51:07Bye, wardrobe.
01:51:12Bye, sink.
01:51:21Bye-bye, skylight.
01:51:25And I'll say bye-bye to room.
01:55:02THE END
01:55:32© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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