Beneath the Surface (2022)

  • 7 months ago
00:00:00 (dramatic music)
00:00:02 (dramatic music)
00:00:05 (dramatic music)
00:00:08 (dramatic music)
00:00:11 (dramatic music)
00:00:14 (dramatic music)
00:00:17 - Dad!
00:00:35 She's coming!
00:00:38 Dad?
00:00:41 Dad!
00:00:43 (dramatic music)
00:00:45 Dad!
00:00:48 Dad, she's coming!
00:00:52 Dad, no!
00:00:55 (coughing)
00:00:58 Are you okay?
00:01:01 Dad!
00:01:03 Dad!
00:01:06 Dad!
00:01:06 Are you okay?
00:01:07 Are you okay?
00:01:11 Mom, are you okay?
00:01:13 Where's Dad?
00:01:14 - I don't know.
00:01:15 - Dad!
00:01:16 Dad!
00:01:18 Dad!
00:01:18 - Where's the boat going?
00:01:22 - I don't know.
00:01:23 Dad!
00:01:25 Dad!
00:01:27 Dad!
00:01:30 (coughing)
00:01:35 - You're okay.
00:01:37 You're okay.
00:01:39 Keep calm.
00:01:40 Keep calm.
00:01:41 Keep calm.
00:01:42 It's okay.
00:01:42 It's okay.
00:01:43 You're okay.
00:01:44 You're okay.
00:01:45 You're okay.
00:01:46 You're okay.
00:01:47 You're okay.
00:01:47 - No, why would they leave us?
00:01:50 - It's gonna be fine.
00:01:52 It's gonna be fine.
00:01:52 Just calm down.
00:01:53 Just calm down.
00:01:54 Just calm down.
00:01:55 Don't worry.
00:02:03 It's gonna be fine.
00:02:03 It's gonna be fine.
00:02:06 Just keep calm.
00:02:11 It's gonna be okay.
00:02:12 I promise.
00:02:13 It's gonna be okay.
00:02:14 It's okay.
00:02:15 Just keep calm.
00:02:16 I know we've been through this.
00:02:17 I know we're done.
00:02:18 All right?
00:02:18 Just keep calm.
00:02:20 Just keep calm.
00:02:21 - Max.
00:02:31 - I'm sorry.
00:02:32 - There's a table there.
00:02:34 - Where?
00:02:36 - On there.
00:02:37 (ominous music)
00:02:40 - It's okay.
00:02:47 It's okay.
00:02:49 Just keep calm.
00:02:50 It's gonna be fine.
00:02:52 (dramatic music)
00:02:54 (screaming)
00:02:58 (screaming)
00:03:03 (dramatic music)
00:03:05 (screaming)
00:03:08 (dramatic music)
00:03:13 (screaming)
00:03:22 (dramatic music)
00:03:25 (ominous music)
00:03:27 - Lexie.
00:03:38 Lex.
00:03:42 - Yeah.
00:03:43 - How did you sleep?
00:03:46 Any better?
00:03:47 - Same as always.
00:03:48 - Well, I'm going into town if you wanna come.
00:03:53 - You should get out more.
00:03:55 Come on.
00:03:56 A little bit of retail therapy might help.
00:03:59 - No, it's okay.
00:04:01 Thanks though.
00:04:04 - Okay.
00:04:06 Well, I will see you later.
00:04:08 (phone ringing)
00:04:22 - Hello?
00:04:22 - Good afternoon.
00:04:23 Is Mr. McKenna there, please?
00:04:25 Hello?
00:04:28 I'm calling from Hampton Hi-Fi.
00:04:32 A while back, Mr. McKenna expressed an interest
00:04:34 in a new range of speakers.
00:04:36 (glass shattering)
00:04:39 (dramatic music)
00:04:47 (dramatic music)
00:04:50 (screaming)
00:05:02 (dramatic music)
00:05:04 (knocking)
00:05:12 (dramatic music)
00:05:15 - You feeling any better about things?
00:05:21 - I have better days.
00:05:26 I'm just tired all the time.
00:05:29 - And what about the job?
00:05:31 Have you thought about anything you could do?
00:05:34 Et voila.
00:05:38 Now that's better, isn't it?
00:05:39 Thanks.
00:05:42 Pretty good, if I do say so myself.
00:05:45 Okay, I have got a brand.
00:05:48 So?
00:05:56 Well, now that your nails are looking all glamorous,
00:06:02 I was thinking...
00:06:03 - No.
00:06:07 - Do you wanna go to a party with me tonight?
00:06:08 Oh, come on.
00:06:10 Lex, it's just a few people.
00:06:11 You know, some food, some drinks,
00:06:14 maybe Cards Against Humanity.
00:06:16 You love that.
00:06:17 Come on, go drive.
00:06:20 And then if you really are really not enjoying it,
00:06:23 I can just bring you home.
00:06:25 - Oh, I don't know, I just...
00:06:27 - Please?
00:06:31 Please, Lexie.
00:06:35 Just try it.
00:06:37 For me?
00:06:40 I just want the old you back.
00:06:42 You know, that fun, outgoing Lexie.
00:06:44 I know she's in there somewhere.
00:06:46 Please?
00:06:49 Please?
00:06:52 Okay.
00:06:56 - No, I don't wanna.
00:06:57 - Okay, so I will pick you up at eight
00:07:01 and you'll be dressed and ready, yes?
00:07:04 No lounge wear, okay?
00:07:07 Eight o'clock.
00:07:08 I'll see you later.
00:07:09 - Bye.
00:07:10 - Bye.
00:07:11 (sighs)
00:07:13 (sighs)
00:07:19 (car engine rumbling)
00:07:29 (car door slams)
00:07:35 (door opens)
00:07:37 (door closes)
00:07:44 (door closes)
00:07:49 - Miss McKenna, I know this has been
00:07:56 extremely traumatic for you.
00:07:57 Please, in your own time,
00:08:04 tell us what you remember from that night.
00:08:06 - I remember us all being on the boat,
00:08:14 five of us.
00:08:16 It was early evening.
00:08:22 We just opened a bottle of champagne and we all had some.
00:08:28 - Were you celebrating?
00:08:29 - No, not exactly.
00:08:32 It was hot.
00:08:35 And we'd been playing around in the sun all day.
00:08:37 It all went to my head.
00:08:41 - The alcohol, you mean?
00:08:42 - No.
00:08:47 And then it was dark.
00:08:51 I vaguely remembered dancing with my dad
00:08:57 and my sister.
00:09:01 - Your sister, Chloe?
00:09:02 (snaps)
00:09:04 - Um.
00:09:08 And then,
00:09:12 then,
00:09:15 I was dancing, I think.
00:09:21 I tripped up.
00:09:27 I lost my balance.
00:09:28 And then I fell.
00:09:30 - You fell?
00:09:31 - Yeah.
00:09:31 - How did you fall?
00:09:32 - I fell.
00:09:33 - How did you fall?
00:09:34 - I fell.
00:09:35 - How did you fall?
00:09:36 - I fell.
00:09:36 - How did you fall?
00:09:37 - I fell.
00:09:38 - How did you fall?
00:09:39 - I fell.
00:09:40 - How did you fall?
00:09:41 - I fell.
00:09:41 - How did you fall?
00:09:42 - I fell.
00:09:43 - How did you fall?
00:09:44 - I fell.
00:09:45 - How did you fall?
00:09:46 - I fell.
00:09:47 - How did you fall?
00:09:47 - I fell.
00:09:48 - How did you fall?
00:09:49 - I fell.
00:09:50 - How did you fall?
00:09:51 - I fell.
00:09:52 - How did you fall?
00:09:52 - I fell.
00:09:53 - How did you fall?
00:09:54 - I fell.
00:09:56 I grabbed on to him to stop myself falling.
00:09:59 I took him into the water with me.
00:10:07 - It's all right.
00:10:14 It's okay.
00:10:15 It wasn't your fault.
00:10:18 (somber music)
00:10:20 - Miss McKenna, I appreciate
00:10:32 this is extremely difficult for you,
00:10:34 but you really are helping us to piece together
00:10:37 the events from that night.
00:10:40 So then, you, all of you, yourself,
00:10:43 your father and sister,
00:10:46 you all fell into the water.
00:10:49 And again, on your own time,
00:10:53 tell us what happened from then on.
00:10:58 (screaming)
00:11:06 - Shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:11:08 Shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:11:10 Shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:11:11 Shh, shh, shh.
00:11:12 - All right?
00:11:14 It's all right.
00:11:14 You're okay.
00:11:16 You're okay.
00:11:17 You're okay.
00:11:22 You're okay.
00:11:23 Breathe.
00:11:24 (breathing heavily)
00:11:25 Okay.
00:11:26 I am out.
00:11:27 Okay.
00:11:28 I'm gonna go have a look.
00:11:30 It's fine.
00:11:31 It's fine.
00:11:32 You're fine.
00:11:32 Yes.
00:11:33 I'm gonna go under.
00:11:35 I'll be right back.
00:11:36 Hold on, I promise.
00:11:39 You'll be fine.
00:11:40 Just stay.
00:11:41 Stay here.
00:11:42 Breathe.
00:11:43 Okay.
00:11:44 Yeah?
00:11:45 I'll be right back.
00:11:46 I promise.
00:11:47 Okay?
00:11:47 - Okay.
00:11:48 Okay.
00:11:49 - Stay still.
00:11:50 - Okay.
00:11:51 (breathing heavily)
00:11:54 (dramatic music)
00:12:07 (water splashing)
00:12:10 (dramatic music)
00:12:12 (water splashing)
00:12:22 - Chloe?
00:12:32 Chloe?
00:12:36 (dramatic music)
00:12:38 Chloe!
00:12:42 Chloe?
00:12:45 (dramatic music)
00:12:48 I thought I lost you.
00:12:52 (dramatic music)
00:12:55 Is this bad?
00:13:04 (dramatic music)
00:13:06 (water splashing)
00:13:12 (dramatic music)
00:13:17 (Chloe screaming)
00:13:30 (water dripping)
00:13:33 (dramatic music)
00:13:59 (dramatic music)
00:14:01 - I'm so excited that you're here.
00:14:20 And you look stunning.
00:14:21 You're gonna turn into a cat.
00:14:23 (chattering)
00:14:26 - So this was a small prank?
00:14:28 - Yeah.
00:14:29 Smallish.
00:14:30 (chattering)
00:14:33 Lex, come on.
00:14:40 Look, it's all people you know.
00:14:42 They're no vandals or freaks.
00:14:44 Is that me?
00:14:45 Come on.
00:14:47 - I can't.
00:14:48 - Please.
00:14:50 Just for a few.
00:14:52 Please.
00:14:53 (chattering)
00:14:56 - It's so nice to just crawl in.
00:14:59 (chattering)
00:15:01 (Chloe crying)
00:15:09 (dramatic music)
00:15:17 (dramatic music)
00:15:20 (dramatic music)
00:15:23 (dramatic music)
00:15:26 (crickets chirping)
00:15:51 (crickets chirping)
00:15:54 - Hey, gorgeous.
00:16:04 How you doing?
00:16:12 Sorry, did I wake you?
00:16:16 - I'm okay.
00:16:19 Almost through another day.
00:16:21 - Come here.
00:16:23 That's not the attitude.
00:16:24 - It's not getting any easier.
00:16:28 I still can't sleep.
00:16:29 - Are you having nightmares?
00:16:31 Yeah, you were thrashing around a lot last night.
00:16:36 Did you get your nails done?
00:16:42 - Yeah, Amy did them.
00:16:43 Tried to drag me to a party.
00:16:46 - Tried.
00:16:50 - Yeah, well, maybe next time, eh?
00:16:55 Hey, I know something that would cheer you up.
00:17:01 Ross Chinese.
00:17:03 Come on, you're always in the mood for a Chinese.
00:17:06 Yeah.
00:17:10 (knocking)
00:17:18 - Hi.
00:17:19 - Hi, Amy.
00:17:20 You all right?
00:17:22 - I'm good, you?
00:17:23 - Yeah, not too bad.
00:17:24 Can't complain.
00:17:26 Life goes on.
00:17:27 - Yeah.
00:17:28 - Does she know you're coming?
00:17:33 - No, I don't bother texting her anymore.
00:17:34 I know she's more likely to say no.
00:17:36 - Yeah, makes sense.
00:17:37 - I mean, I hope you don't mind me just turning up.
00:17:39 I hate to intrude.
00:17:41 - Oh, no, no, not at all.
00:17:42 I mean, it looks like she's here for the long haul,
00:17:44 so it's her house as much as mine.
00:17:46 - I suppose it is.
00:17:48 - Well, anyway, I'm off out for a prescription,
00:17:51 so she was in the lounge.
00:17:54 - Thanks.
00:17:55 - Hi.
00:18:02 Not disturbing anything, am I?
00:18:04 What's that, daytime quiz shows?
00:18:09 Hmm?
00:18:11 Have you learnt much?
00:18:12 - Figs contain dead wasps.
00:18:16 - That's disgusting.
00:18:18 Where did your nails go?
00:18:21 You scratched them all off.
00:18:26 - I'm sorry.
00:18:28 - No, it's okay.
00:18:31 They're your nails.
00:18:33 You do what you like with them.
00:18:34 Just glad I didn't go to the trouble of waxing you.
00:18:40 Look, there it is.
00:18:41 There is that winning smile of yours.
00:18:44 (sighs)
00:18:46 Lex, listen.
00:18:52 Babe, look at me.
00:18:56 I've been thinking, and I've seen you
00:19:06 over the past couple of months,
00:19:07 and I don't think you're getting any better.
00:19:11 And after last night, look,
00:19:14 I really think it would be a good idea
00:19:16 if you spoke to someone.
00:19:20 Got some therapy.
00:19:24 - I don't know.
00:19:28 - I've done some research,
00:19:31 and I found out that the NHS,
00:19:34 they offer counselling for people with dementia.
00:19:37 - Oh, I see.
00:19:38 - Yes.
00:19:39 They offer counselling for people with PTSD.
00:19:42 I think that's what you have, Lex.
00:19:44 I know it's soldiers that often get it,
00:19:46 but your symptoms are the same.
00:19:48 I really think you should speak to someone.
00:19:51 Right, do you remember Jason?
00:19:53 Yeah, the guy who was in the car crash when his friends died?
00:19:56 I heard he had counselling, and it really helped him, Lexie.
00:20:00 I'll even drive you to the sessions.
00:20:02 I just, I really think you should consider it.
00:20:05 - Baby, you need to speak to someone.
00:20:09 Please.
00:20:11 Look, I'll pass you on the details, okay?
00:20:17 Please.
00:20:22 So I'm thinking about seeing a shrink.
00:20:28 - Really?
00:20:30 What's the shrink?
00:20:31 - I don't know.
00:20:32 - Really?
00:20:34 What's made you decide that?
00:20:36 - Amy suggested it.
00:20:38 I had to wait ages for them to even get back to me about my physio,
00:20:41 and then it was six months before there was an appointment.
00:20:44 They really weren't very good.
00:20:46 - Yeah, all they're gonna do is just tell you what you want to hear,
00:20:50 feed you these little white lies that just make you feel better,
00:20:53 but I think they can't change the past.
00:20:56 They can't change what's happened, Lex.
00:20:59 They'll probably just put you on more medication.
00:21:02 - Hey, but it's your choice.
00:21:06 If you want to go for it, we are right behind you.
00:21:08 But, in my opinion, the greatest healer is time.
00:21:14 [music]
00:21:16 - I'm sorry.
00:21:41 I'm so sorry.
00:21:43 [music]
00:21:46 [snoring]
00:21:48 [music]
00:21:56 [music]
00:21:58 - Hello, welcome to the Oaks.
00:22:21 Our working hours are 9 to 5, Monday to Friday.
00:22:25 Please call back then, or leave a message,
00:22:27 and we'll try to get back to you soon.
00:22:30 - Hey.
00:22:46 [music]
00:22:51 [music]
00:22:54 [music]
00:22:56 [music]
00:23:10 [music]
00:23:12 [music]
00:23:24 [music]
00:23:33 [music]
00:23:35 [knocking]
00:23:48 - Come in.
00:23:50 Hi.
00:23:52 Lex?
00:23:53 Yeah.
00:23:54 Please, take a seat.
00:23:58 [footsteps]
00:24:00 [door squeaks]
00:24:05 You don't like the door being shut.
00:24:09 Don't worry, it's quite common.
00:24:11 I'll just leave it ajar.
00:24:13 That way you won't feel like you're being closed in.
00:24:16 That's better, isn't it?
00:24:19 Yeah, thanks.
00:24:25 So...
00:24:27 Thank you for coming to see me.
00:24:30 My name is Francesca, but you can call me Fran.
00:24:34 And you are Lex?
00:24:37 Yeah, or Lexie, whichever.
00:24:39 Short for Alexandra.
00:24:42 Yeah.
00:24:43 There was a boy in my first year called Alex,
00:24:47 so I was Lexie since then.
00:24:49 So now we know each other's names.
00:24:54 I'd like you to perhaps tell me a little bit about you.
00:24:57 Maybe a bit about your family.
00:25:00 Okay.
00:25:03 We moved to the US when I was pretty young.
00:25:08 I...
00:25:10 Well, my dad got a job.
00:25:12 We were there years.
00:25:15 I mean, we grew up there.
00:25:17 Long story short, we came back.
00:25:19 My mom never really felt at home there, you know?
00:25:23 And then she...
00:25:25 Okay.
00:25:33 I know it's hard.
00:25:35 But it's good to talk.
00:25:38 My mom died about three years ago.
00:25:45 From a brain tumour. It was very sudden.
00:25:49 And...
00:25:51 You just think those things happen to other people.
00:25:54 It was such a shock.
00:25:56 I'm sorry.
00:25:59 Dad stayed so strong.
00:26:02 I don't know how he did it.
00:26:04 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:26:06 I'm so proud of you two today.
00:26:33 I'm proud of you.
00:26:35 You're both so strong.
00:26:40 And that's what we've got to be now.
00:26:46 Strong. For each other.
00:26:48 Become better people.
00:26:52 Because that's what we are. We're good people.
00:26:55 We will get through.
00:26:57 I swear.
00:27:00 (SIGHS)
00:27:02 It's gonna be hard for all of us.
00:27:07 But we'll go stronger through.
00:27:11 He was the most selfless person I've ever known.
00:27:14 He always put us first.
00:27:16 I wish I could have met him.
00:27:20 Shall we take a quick break?
00:27:27 Fancy a cuppa?
00:27:29 How about a biscuit?
00:27:32 I bet you're a chocolate-born kind of girl.
00:27:40 Custard cream. Ooh.
00:27:43 My own personal favourite.
00:27:45 So we have a bit more time.
00:27:48 I'd like to move on to the events of the day, if that's all right.
00:27:52 You don't have to go into too much detail.
00:27:55 Maybe just a bit about who you were with, where you were, that sort of thing.
00:28:01 We were in South Africa on our first family vacation since Dad remarried.
00:28:07 What was her name? Vicky.
00:28:10 Dad actually wanted to go to the Caribbean.
00:28:14 Vicky wanted South Africa, that's why we went there.
00:28:17 And where did you want to go?
00:28:20 Oh, I don't know.
00:28:22 Maybe the Caribbean, I didn't mind it. I wasn't paying.
00:28:26 Vicky insisted that my boyfriend came too.
00:28:29 Your boyfriend?
00:28:31 Yeah. Isaac.
00:28:33 We'd been together about six months at the time.
00:28:37 Dad really liked him.
00:28:40 The five of you, then.
00:28:42 One day we chartered a boat, a small cruiser, nothing too fancy.
00:28:48 Isaac has a licence, so he took us out.
00:28:52 It was such a beautiful day.
00:28:54 We played around in one of those inflatable boats off the side.
00:29:01 Had a few drinks.
00:29:20 Lex.
00:29:21 Lex!
00:29:23 Was it really that bad?
00:29:26 Yeah, well I'm sure it's going to be difficult to start with.
00:29:31 You did have a pretty traumatic event happen to you, so...
00:29:33 I know, I was there.
00:29:35 I'm sorry.
00:29:41 Just...
00:29:44 You've just got to stick at it. Don't let the first session put you off.
00:29:47 They're only trying to help.
00:29:50 Come on. Let's go.
00:29:52 You're gone a long time.
00:30:15 Did you go nowhere nice?
00:30:16 For a picnic.
00:30:19 A picnic?
00:30:20 On your own?
00:30:22 No, with Amy. She had the day off.
00:30:25 A little bit chilly for a picnic, isn't it?
00:30:27 It's, er...
00:30:30 She brought hot chocolate, so...
00:30:32 It was OK.
00:30:34 Always takes the edge off.
00:30:37 Can I have some wine?
00:30:38 I thought you couldn't have it with your medication.
00:30:40 I stopped taking it.
00:30:41 But didn't the doctor say to carry on for a longer?
00:30:44 I did. For two months.
00:30:47 (GULPS)
00:30:48 Are you going to pour one for me and Isaac?
00:30:56 Yeah. Sorry.
00:30:58 There he is.
00:31:01 Drink your wine.
00:31:04 Seems that I am.
00:31:06 Whoa, go easy.
00:31:08 You know the effect it can have on you.
00:31:11 Thanks, Vicks. It looks delicious.
00:31:13 You're welcome. How was your day?
00:31:16 Oh, yeah, really good, actually.
00:31:18 I had a meet with a new client.
00:31:20 They weren't sure the deal was going to go through,
00:31:22 but I went in, cranked up the old charm and job done.
00:31:25 Well done.
00:31:27 Knew you had it in you.
00:31:29 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:33 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:35 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:37 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:39 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:41 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:43 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:45 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:47 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:49 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:51 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:53 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:55 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:57 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:31:59 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:01 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:03 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:05 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:07 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:09 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:11 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:13 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:15 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:17 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:19 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:21 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:23 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:25 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:27 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:29 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:31 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:33 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:35 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:37 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:39 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:41 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:43 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:45 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:47 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:49 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:51 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:53 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:55 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:57 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:32:59 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:01 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:03 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:05 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:07 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:09 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:11 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:13 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:15 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:17 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:19 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:21 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:23 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:25 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:27 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:29 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:31 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:33 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:35 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:37 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:39 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:41 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:43 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:45 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:47 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:33:49 I remember those days.
00:33:51 So, you were all having fun on the boat?
00:33:59 Yeah.
00:34:01 Dad likes to have a party.
00:34:05 [Music]
00:34:15 [Music]
00:34:25 [Music]
00:34:35 [Music]
00:34:45 [Music]
00:34:55 [Music]
00:35:05 [Music]
00:35:13 [Music]
00:35:23 [Music]
00:35:33 [Music]
00:35:43 [Music]
00:35:53 [Music]
00:35:59 Bex, listen. Look at me.
00:36:03 I can see that you blame yourself.
00:36:09 Sometimes things just happen.
00:36:11 There's no reason for it.
00:36:13 The universe is just a series of random events.
00:36:19 [Music]
00:36:23 It was all my fault.
00:36:25 [Music]
00:36:29 It was my fault we fell in the water.
00:36:33 It's my fault. It's my fault they're dead.
00:36:35 Please, don't think like that.
00:36:39 You're here.
00:36:41 You survived.
00:36:43 Sometimes I wish I didn't.
00:36:47 [Music]
00:37:01 Okay?
00:37:03 Thanks.
00:37:04 Anytime.
00:37:05 Don't give up now.
00:37:07 I'm sure you're making progress, even if it doesn't seem like it.
00:37:11 Okay?
00:37:13 [Music]
00:37:17 Amy.
00:37:19 Jesus.
00:37:21 Not quite.
00:37:23 What are you up to?
00:37:25 Oh, nothing much. Just a bit of gardening. I had the afternoon off.
00:37:29 How was your picnic the other week?
00:37:33 A picnic?
00:37:35 Yeah, like I said, you went on a picnic last week.
00:37:39 Oh, oh, sorry, the picnic. Um, yeah, it was good, thanks.
00:37:45 [Music]
00:37:47 Where'd you go?
00:37:49 Just somewhere local, a park.
00:37:53 What did you eat?
00:37:55 Um, sandwiches, nibbles, you know, picnic things.
00:37:59 What kind of sandwiches?
00:38:01 Look, I'm really sorry. I've got to head off, so I'll catch you later, okay?
00:38:05 Okay.
00:38:07 Bye.
00:38:09 [Music]
00:38:14 Miss McKenna, I'm going to show you a couple of photographs.
00:38:19 This is the dinghy the Coast Guard found you clinging to.
00:38:25 Do you recognise this dinghy?
00:38:27 Yeah, it's from the boat.
00:38:31 And you and the other people on board were playing in this inflatable during the day.
00:38:37 [Music]
00:38:41 [Music]
00:38:45 [Music]
00:38:49 [Music]
00:38:53 [Music]
00:38:57 [Music]
00:39:01 [Music]
00:39:05 [Music]
00:39:09 [Music]
00:39:13 [Music]
00:39:17 [Music]
00:39:21 Do you recall how the dinghy came to be in the water at night?
00:39:27 I think Isaac or Vicky threw it in to help.
00:39:33 [Music]
00:39:37 [Music]
00:39:41 [Music]
00:39:45 [Music]
00:39:49 [Music]
00:39:53 [Music]
00:39:57 [Music]
00:40:01 [Music]
00:40:05 [Music]
00:40:07 [Music]
00:40:13 Hey babe, look, I'm really sorry. I've got to cover a shift at work today, so I can't drive you in.
00:40:18 Maybe see if Vicky can?
00:40:21 Look, I've got to go. I'll catch up to you later. Mwah!
00:40:25 You know if you've got health problems you can talk to me about it, you know?
00:40:40 Whatever it is, I've probably had it myself, or at least had experience talking to people about it.
00:40:47 Come on, I'm all ears.
00:40:49 It's nothing, I'm fine. It's just a check-up.
00:40:52 For what?
00:40:54 A scan. It's nothing.
00:40:57 Alright, well, you know where I am if you need me.
00:41:01 Thanks.
00:41:03 You're not pregnant, are you?
00:41:05 Oh God, no, definitely not.
00:41:08 Good.
00:41:11 [Music]
00:41:15 There may be another reason why you reach for the alcohol, though.
00:41:24 It's common for people who've suffered a traumatic experience, like you did,
00:41:30 for them to try and recreate that experience in order to prove to themselves that they can stay in control.
00:41:37 It's a form of catharsis.
00:41:40 Now, it's possible that you have reached for the alcohol to try and prove to yourself that you can stay in control.
00:41:48 And that maybe there was another element that meant that it wasn't your fault, like you've so far believed.
00:41:56 What? So you think there's something more to it?
00:41:59 I'm suggesting there might be another reason why you've started drinking again.
00:42:04 You told me you could handle your drink in the past.
00:42:09 You told me that it was a hot day and you were expending plenty of energy swimming, having fun in the dinghy.
00:42:20 It's possible that you were lightheaded, dehydrated, thirsty.
00:42:26 You had a couple of glasses of champagne.
00:42:29 The bubbles make the blood absorb the alcohol more quickly.
00:42:34 I don't know if it was me, I'd be more than a little lightheaded.
00:42:38 Possibly, but I still never black out like that.
00:42:42 Even when I'm really wasted, I remember everything.
00:42:46 Even when I don't want to, it's kind of annoying.
00:42:49 Well, it's the first time for everything.
00:42:54 It happens to most drinkers eventually, although there is usually a combination of things which make you black out.
00:43:02 There was something in my drink.
00:43:11 You think your drink may have been spiked?
00:43:15 Really?
00:43:16 Well, that is a strong statement. I mean, do you have any reason to think that anyone would try and drug you?
00:43:24 No. Dad would never. Chloe wouldn't. Not even as a joke. Isaac would have no need to. We were actually having sex back then and...
00:43:33 Vicky, would you have any reason to believe that Vicky would?
00:43:38 No.
00:43:39 Okay, well, let's go over it again with that in mind.
00:43:45 [Sighs]
00:43:48 [Suspenseful music]
00:43:51 [Screams]
00:44:15 [Door opens]
00:44:17 Where have you been? I was waiting for you.
00:44:20 I'm sorry, I needed a walk.
00:44:21 Well, you could have answered your phone!
00:44:23 [Suspenseful music]
00:44:25 What's going on here?
00:44:32 What's going on?
00:44:34 [Baby crying]
00:44:36 Where's the phone?
00:44:38 It's opening!
00:44:40 Help!
00:44:41 Help!
00:44:43 [Suspenseful music]
00:44:45 Help!
00:44:48 Help! Get us out!
00:44:50 [Suspenseful music]
00:44:52 [Screams]
00:44:54 [Suspenseful music]
00:44:56 [Screams]
00:44:58 [Suspenseful music]
00:45:00 [Screams]
00:45:02 [Screams]
00:45:04 [Screams]
00:45:06 [Suspenseful music]
00:45:08 Wine, Lexi?
00:45:10 No, thanks.
00:45:12 I'm probably good out there. You were snoring a bit last night.
00:45:15 Yeah, you had a good old crack at that gym.
00:45:18 I'm celebrating.
00:45:20 You know that night in South Africa?
00:45:26 You mean...
00:45:30 The night my dad and Chloe were killed?
00:45:32 Yeah.
00:45:36 Can you remind me what happened exactly?
00:45:41 I just want to clarify a few things.
00:45:43 I know I was drinking a lot and...
00:45:45 I need to remind myself that it was an accident.
00:45:49 Okay.
00:45:53 And...
00:45:54 Yeah, we hide the yacht.
00:45:57 Whose idea was that?
00:46:00 I think it was your dad's.
00:46:03 Oh yeah, he knew I could say what...
00:46:05 Yeah.
00:46:10 So what happened?
00:46:12 Then we sailed out off the coast to the shallow waters and dropped anchor.
00:46:17 Okay. How far out?
00:46:19 Not far. Half a mile.
00:46:22 Then we dropped the dinghy.
00:46:26 Played around in it a bit and so on.
00:46:29 So you got in it?
00:46:32 Yeah, I was in the dinghy with you at some point.
00:46:35 Okay.
00:46:39 When did we start drinking?
00:46:41 Five, six?
00:46:45 Yeah.
00:46:47 And we were drinking what?
00:46:52 Champagne?
00:46:55 Oh no, sparkling wine. Local stuff. It was quite good.
00:46:59 Yeah, dad poured that, right?
00:47:02 Yep.
00:47:06 And then?
00:47:08 We played a few games, you know, card games and so on.
00:47:13 Who won?
00:47:16 We all won.
00:47:19 Yeah, I mean, we weren't exactly keeping track, so...
00:47:22 And we were all drinking?
00:47:25 Yeah.
00:47:27 Okay, so after the first glass of champagne, who gave me the next one?
00:47:35 I don't know. It was quite a long time ago.
00:47:39 Lex, what's this about, huh?
00:47:47 I'm struggling to come to terms with it and I just want the details.
00:47:52 Yeah, but we've told you all of this before. Nothing's changed.
00:47:54 I know. I just...
00:47:56 I can't understand some things, like...
00:48:00 How did we end up in the water?
00:48:02 You tripped.
00:48:04 Lexie, we've been over this. You tripped.
00:48:06 You were very drunk.
00:48:08 Yeah, very drunk. More drunk than I have ever seen you.
00:48:12 We were all dancing around, having fun and...
00:48:15 You tripped.
00:48:17 You grabbed onto your dad and Chloe and tried to use them to save yourself,
00:48:22 but just ended up dragging them in with you.
00:48:25 You were there. You saw.
00:48:28 Yeah, well, I was below deck with Vicky.
00:48:33 You just said we were all dancing.
00:48:35 We were.
00:48:37 Yeah, we were.
00:48:39 I mean, you know how parties are. People go off in different directions, different rooms and...
00:48:44 The music was really loud on the deck.
00:48:46 Yeah, so we went below for a chat.
00:48:49 What were you talking about?
00:48:50 It was about the plans for the next few days.
00:48:54 Oh, yeah, we were going to go up Table Mountain and stuff.
00:48:57 If you were below deck, how did you know that I tripped?
00:49:00 Well, you told the police.
00:49:02 If I don't remember, how did I tell them that?
00:49:05 You suffered a very traumatic experience.
00:49:11 And in a lot of trauma cases, you might remember straight after,
00:49:17 but then after that, you're going to forget.
00:49:19 Probably what happened, you told the police and now you've forgotten.
00:49:23 And you were drinking.
00:49:25 Like, drinking affects the memory.
00:49:30 I mean, you can blank it out all you like and we can go over the details again and again if you want, but...
00:49:36 It's not going to change what happened and it's just...
00:49:41 It's not going to change the fact that it is your fault.
00:49:48 Nothing we can say is ever going to change that.
00:49:53 And that's just something that you're going to have to live with for the rest of your life.
00:49:59 It's...
00:50:00 Hey.
00:50:26 Hey.
00:50:27 You okay?
00:50:31 Do you care?
00:50:33 Sorry I was a bit harsh earlier.
00:50:38 You know, you've got to be cool to be kind and all that.
00:50:41 Hey, so...
00:50:44 You got drunk.
00:50:46 Everyone gets trashed occasionally, especially at your age, and bad shit happens when you drink.
00:50:54 And yes, this was very bad shit, but...
00:50:58 You've got to come to terms with the fact that...
00:51:03 This was your fault.
00:51:07 And nothing we can ever say will change that.
00:51:11 Anyway, I...
00:51:16 What's that?
00:51:17 Is that a scar?
00:51:19 Yeah, and...
00:51:23 How did you get it? I don't remember it.
00:51:26 Oh, just a work do. I think it was a cheese board or something.
00:51:33 At least it cut you some.
00:51:34 Yeah, well, I mean, I was drunk. I don't exactly remember it, so...
00:51:39 Drinking does affect the memory.
00:51:41 Anyway, um...
00:51:47 Like I was saying, I've got to head to work.
00:51:52 It's this fucking deal with Japan, and it's so annoying, but...
00:51:56 I've just got to go to the office and finalise a few things, so...
00:52:01 I might be there till the early hours, or I might just...
00:52:06 Stay there.
00:52:08 Anyway, um...
00:52:11 Maybe these will maybe...
00:52:14 Help you sleep.
00:52:17 You've been having trouble, so...
00:52:20 I'll be back.
00:52:21 Take them.
00:52:29 [♪♪♪]
00:52:32 [♪♪♪]
00:52:46 [♪♪♪]
00:52:52 [♪♪♪]
00:52:55 [♪♪♪]
00:53:09 [♪♪♪]
00:53:12 [GASPING]
00:53:26 [GROANING]
00:53:29 [CAT MEOWS]
00:53:43 [GROANING]
00:53:49 [GROANING]
00:53:52 Lex, Lex, wake.
00:54:11 Lex, wake!
00:54:16 Look, things haven't been the same since...
00:54:19 You haven't been the same, and this just kind of happened.
00:54:22 Oh, it just happened?
00:54:25 You won't fucking touch me, is she why?
00:54:28 What other lies have you been feeding me?
00:54:32 Lex, please just calm down.
00:54:34 -Put the knife down. -I hate you!
00:54:36 Put the knife down.
00:54:37 I hate you!
00:54:40 Yeah, just...
00:54:45 Fuck you!
00:54:46 I fucking hate you!
00:54:49 Don't...
00:54:54 -Get, get, get out. -Lex...
00:54:56 -Get out! -Okay.
00:54:58 Okay.
00:54:59 Okay?
00:55:01 [GIGGLING]
00:55:03 [GASPING]
00:55:09 [DOOR OPENS]
00:55:14 [GASPS]
00:55:16 [COUGHS]
00:55:17 [COUGHS]
00:55:20 [GASPS]
00:55:22 [GASPS]
00:55:25 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:55:28 [GUN COCKS]
00:55:41 [GUN COCKS]
00:55:42 Morning.
00:55:55 What are you still doing here?
00:55:59 I live here.
00:56:00 Not anymore. Get the fuck out of my house.
00:56:03 But it's my house, Lexie.
00:56:09 Realistically, I could ask you to move out.
00:56:12 I mean, you've been living here for these past few months
00:56:14 without paying any rent.
00:56:16 But no, I've been good to you.
00:56:20 Extremely patient.
00:56:22 Paid your way while you've been out of work.
00:56:25 Cooked for you, cleaned for you.
00:56:27 Put up with your moods.
00:56:29 -Acted like a mother to you. -You're sick.
00:56:32 My mother could never do that to me.
00:56:35 Oh, sweetie.
00:56:36 That relationship died months ago.
00:56:38 You didn't really think he was gonna stay with you
00:56:40 while you were in this state, did you?
00:56:42 It was inevitable.
00:56:44 We were just waiting for the right moment to tell you.
00:56:47 You didn't just tell me. You showed me.
00:56:49 Well, we thought you'd be asleep.
00:56:52 Asleep? That's your excuse?
00:56:54 [SIGHS]
00:57:00 [♪♪♪]
00:57:06 Hi, this is Amy Watkin.
00:57:11 Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
00:57:14 [♪♪♪]
00:57:25 [♪♪♪]
00:57:27 -Relax. -Sorry.
00:57:41 Have you got a few minutes? I really need to talk to you.
00:57:43 I'm sorry, I'm with a client and I'm--
00:57:46 Please, just five minutes.
00:57:48 No, no, it's fine. I'll wait outside.
00:57:52 -Really? -It's fine.
00:57:54 I'm so sorry. Thank you.
00:57:56 -Lex, this is the most-- -Oh, Jesus.
00:57:59 They fucking did it.
00:58:02 Becky and Isaac, I'm sure they had something to do with it.
00:58:05 What? The attack?
00:58:09 I've been piecing it all together, and the more I think about it,
00:58:12 the more it just fits.
00:58:14 And I caught-- I caught them.
00:58:21 I caught them.
00:58:22 Oh, my God.
00:58:23 Okay.
00:58:28 Before you make any assumptions or go around accusing anybody,
00:58:34 let's go over the facts.
00:58:37 Right.
00:58:42 The police.
00:58:44 They ruled out anything suspicious, didn't they?
00:58:47 Yeah.
00:58:49 Then you need to be absolutely sure.
00:58:51 Let's go through it again.
00:58:55 So, Miss McKenna, and I hate to ask this,
00:59:07 but is there any reason you can think of as to why this might not have been an accident?
00:59:12 Not an accident.
00:59:16 Yes, any reason you believe that maybe somebody in your party
00:59:20 wanted to see you, your father, and your sister end up in the water?
00:59:24 No, no way.
00:59:27 Okay, so, as far as your opinion goes,
00:59:31 the events were usual. There was nothing suspicious.
00:59:35 No, I don't think so.
00:59:37 Is there a chance that your drinks might have been spiked?
00:59:45 Spiked?
00:59:46 Why?
00:59:47 You tell us. We don't know the people involved.
00:59:51 They'd have a much better idea than we would.
00:59:53 Vicky, for example.
01:00:00 You said she's your father's second wife.
01:00:04 Yeah.
01:00:05 And what are your feelings towards her?
01:00:09 Any hostility between you?
01:00:12 I don't know.
01:00:13 I mean, it's weird. I mean, my mom died,
01:00:21 and she'd been there my whole life.
01:00:23 I mean, I guess I thought it was a little soon for Dad to remarry,
01:00:32 but he was happy. It wasn't my place to question that.
01:00:39 [♪♪♪]
01:00:42 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:00:43 [♪♪♪]
01:00:51 [♪♪♪]
01:00:53 [♪♪♪]
01:01:03 [♪♪♪]
01:01:05 [KNOCKING]
01:01:25 [DOOR CREAKS]
01:01:31 [♪♪♪]
01:01:33 [DOOR OPENS]
01:01:36 [♪♪♪]
01:01:40 [♪♪♪]
01:01:47 [♪♪♪]
01:01:49 [♪♪♪]
01:02:07 [♪♪♪]
01:02:09 You got someone?
01:02:28 Get out of my way.
01:02:30 How was counseling?
01:02:32 [GRUNTS]
01:02:35 [SCREAMS]
01:02:36 [GRUNTS]
01:02:43 You're gonna be a good girl.
01:02:45 I'll take you.
01:02:47 [SCREAMS]
01:02:49 [COUGHS]
01:02:50 [SOBS]
01:02:55 There you go. Swallowed.
01:03:00 Go on, get down, yeah?
01:03:04 Swallow.
01:03:05 [SOBS]
01:03:08 Now sleep.
01:03:14 [♪♪♪]
01:03:33 [♪♪♪]
01:03:36 [♪♪♪]
01:03:39 [♪♪♪]
01:04:07 [SIGHS]
01:04:08 [♪♪♪]
01:04:26 [♪♪♪]
01:04:28 [GRUNTS]
01:04:40 [GASPS]
01:04:43 [GASPS]
01:04:54 [♪♪♪]
01:04:56 [GASPS]
01:05:03 [GASPS]
01:05:14 [GASPS]
01:05:19 [♪♪♪]
01:05:21 [♪♪♪]
01:05:32 [GASPS]
01:05:49 [GASPS]
01:05:50 [♪♪♪]
01:05:58 [♪♪♪]
01:06:06 [♪♪♪]
01:06:08 [♪♪♪]
01:06:11 [♪♪♪]
01:06:14 [♪♪♪]
01:06:17 [♪♪♪]
01:06:19 [♪♪♪]
01:06:45 [♪♪♪]
01:06:47 [GASPS]
01:07:08 [GASPS]
01:07:09 [♪♪♪]
01:07:45 [GASPS]
01:07:47 Oh, fuck.
01:07:50 Okay.
01:07:58 [SIGHS]
01:08:21 Looking for these?
01:08:25 [♪♪♪]
01:08:27 Give me those.
01:08:30 [♪♪♪]
01:08:49 [♪♪♪]
01:08:51 Feel familiar?
01:09:07 It's going through your mind, isn't it?
01:09:11 Feeling lucky?
01:09:15 Probably not a good idea to go into the water.
01:09:19 Could be anything in there.
01:09:21 Crocodiles.
01:09:26 Maybe a piranha.
01:09:28 It's amazing what you can get off the dark web these days.
01:09:31 Oh, and in case you forgot, what we do with the wine and drugs,
01:09:39 it's your sister's birthday today.
01:09:46 Yeah, she would have been 20...
01:09:48 if she hadn't.
01:09:50 Weird things, birthdays, aren't they?
01:09:55 People celebrate as if you've made some massive achievement,
01:09:59 when all you've really done is just gone another year surviving.
01:10:03 I mean, hardly an achievement, isn't it?
01:10:07 Maybe it is.
01:10:14 Anyway, um...
01:10:16 I thought I'd pay a little, uh, tribute...
01:10:21 to your sister.
01:10:23 So I've put together some scenes from her last birthday.
01:10:29 No images.
01:10:31 Just sound.
01:10:33 But I'm sure you won't struggle to put the pictures in.
01:10:38 That's the great thing about memories, isn't it?
01:10:43 You can replay them over and over and over again.
01:10:47 Good luck.
01:11:01 Good luck.
01:11:03 [♪♪♪]
01:11:05 [CRYING]
01:11:23 [GROANING]
01:11:25 [SCREAMING]
01:11:41 [SCREAMING]
01:11:46 [SCREAMING]
01:11:48 [SCREAMING]
01:11:49 It's okay.
01:12:00 It's okay. It's just a pool.
01:12:02 You love swimming.
01:12:04 There's nothing in there.
01:12:10 There's nothing in there. There's nothing in there that can hurt Jimmy's life.
01:12:16 It's just...
01:12:22 water.
01:12:31 [♪♪♪]
01:12:33 [GASPING]
01:13:00 [GASPING]
01:13:01 [GASPING]
01:13:04 [GASPING]
01:13:10 [GASPING]
01:13:14 [SIGHS]
01:13:16 [♪♪♪]
01:13:19 [♪♪♪]
01:13:21 [♪♪♪]
01:13:23 [♪♪♪]
01:13:26 [SIGHS]
01:13:27 [SIGHS]
01:13:40 [♪♪♪]
01:13:42 [DOOR OPENS]
01:13:44 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:13:46 [DOOR OPENS]
01:13:55 [GIGGLING]
01:13:59 [GIGGLING]
01:14:01 Oh, yeah. Dad, your turn. Go.
01:14:03 [GIGGLING]
01:14:05 Oh, God, stop!
01:14:10 Smile!
01:14:13 Happy Christmas!
01:14:14 [♪♪♪]
01:14:17 Okay, okay, same one.
01:14:23 And...
01:14:25 [GASPS]
01:14:34 [GIGGLING]
01:14:38 Merry Christmas!
01:14:50 [♪♪♪]
01:14:53 [♪♪♪]
01:14:55 [DOOR OPENS]
01:15:17 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:15:19 Fuck. Okay.
01:15:22 [♪♪♪]
01:15:24 [GRUNTS]
01:15:28 [GRUNTS]
01:15:33 Oh, come on!
01:15:35 [GRUNTS]
01:15:38 [♪♪♪]
01:15:42 [CLICKS]
01:16:10 Don't get in here!
01:16:11 Then come out!
01:16:14 Come on, tell me what the fuck is going on!
01:16:17 [GRUNTS]
01:16:21 Come out, all right?
01:16:22 You're what?
01:16:24 Break up with me?
01:16:26 You sure this house won't get out the house?
01:16:30 We've got a pretty good set-up in here.
01:16:39 Plenty of food, an en suite.
01:16:41 And of course your step-mom for entertainment.
01:16:44 So you'll never escape.
01:16:53 There are two ways out of this for you.
01:16:58 You can either slowly starve and freeze to death...
01:17:03 ...with only your memories to keep you company...
01:17:09 ...or you can take the easy way out.
01:17:11 You have a knife.
01:17:14 There's an assortment of pills in the kitchen.
01:17:18 And we left you a nice bottle of wine...
01:17:22 a farewell present.
01:17:25 The choice is yours.
01:17:29 [♪♪♪]
01:17:32 [♪♪♪]
01:17:34 [DOOR OPENS]
01:17:40 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:17:54 [DOOR OPENS]
01:17:57 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:17:59 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:18:00 [♪♪♪]
01:18:03 [♪♪♪]
01:18:24 [♪♪♪]
01:18:26 [COUGHING]
01:18:46 [COUGHING]
01:18:47 [COUGHING]
01:19:08 [COUGHING]
01:19:09 [♪♪♪]
01:19:37 [♪♪♪]
01:19:39 [♪♪♪]
01:19:53 [♪♪♪]
01:19:55 [COUGHING]
01:20:17 [COUGHING]
01:20:20 [COUGHING]
01:20:23 [COUGHING]
01:20:25 [COUGHING]
01:20:27 [COUGHING]
01:20:29 [COUGHING]
01:20:31 [GROANING]
01:21:00 Has she done it?
01:21:01 We'll find out soon enough.
01:21:06 [GASPS]
01:21:26 [GASPS]
01:21:27 What's the matter?
01:21:35 Not what you expected?
01:21:37 Surely after all the fun you've had, you should know the reality.
01:21:42 Is it what our eyes always see?
01:21:44 Don't...
01:21:47 How does it feel?
01:21:51 To lose control of your planet at the last moment?
01:21:55 God, that must be frustrating.
01:21:57 Plans. I don't know.
01:21:59 Please.
01:22:01 All I've had from you was lie after lie after lie.
01:22:04 This time, you're gonna tell me the truth.
01:22:07 If you want me to call for help so you don't bleed out on my floor,
01:22:10 you're gonna tell me what exactly happened that night.
01:22:13 I wanna know all of it.
01:22:15 We hired a yacht,
01:22:20 took it out into the shallow ends off of the coast,
01:22:23 got Hal in the dinghy, snorkelled,
01:22:26 enjoyed the sun...
01:22:28 and drank a beer on board.
01:22:36 I remember that.
01:22:39 Go on.
01:22:41 And I must find your drinks.
01:22:44 All three of you.
01:22:47 And wait until you eventually pass out.
01:22:52 I did trip over,
01:22:54 but it was over Chloe, wasn't it?
01:22:56 Yeah.
01:22:59 Yeah.
01:23:00 Yeah.
01:23:02 [♪♪♪]
01:23:06 [♪♪♪]
01:23:10 [♪♪♪]
01:23:13 [♪♪♪]
01:23:16 [♪♪♪]
01:23:21 [♪♪♪]
01:23:26 [♪♪♪]
01:23:32 [♪♪♪]
01:23:41 [♪♪♪]
01:23:44 [♪♪♪]
01:23:51 [♪♪♪]
01:23:58 [♪♪♪]
01:24:10 [♪♪♪]
01:24:13 And then?
01:24:22 We went out deeper into the ocean,
01:24:31 to some area known for being infested with great whites.
01:24:38 We threw you out to sea...
01:24:40 and left you for the sharks.
01:24:46 That's how you cut your hand, isn't it?
01:24:49 Yeah.
01:24:50 You got the scar 'cause you were trying to attract them.
01:24:54 Yeah.
01:24:55 And we slashed the dinghy and threw it out
01:24:57 to make it look like an accident.
01:24:59 Like you'd drunkenly gone out in it.
01:25:02 Well, that backfired.
01:25:06 It ended up saving my life.
01:25:08 And you know, for most of the last year,
01:25:11 I've been wishing it hadn't.
01:25:13 But, oh, my God, am I happy to be alive.
01:25:16 I'm gonna spend my life watching you
01:25:20 to spend the rest of yours running in prison.
01:25:23 Don't you dare!
01:25:24 Wait!
01:25:25 Wait, I had nothing to do with this.
01:25:28 This is all...
01:25:29 I've done it!
01:25:30 Lexie, just don't do it.
01:25:32 I know how this might look.
01:25:34 It looks like you're an accomplice to murder.
01:25:37 I had nothing to do with this.
01:25:40 This was all on you.
01:25:43 You fucking roped me into this.
01:25:47 You've got to hang on here.
01:25:49 Let him finish.
01:25:50 This happened way before I met you, Lex.
01:25:54 I was a...
01:25:56 I am a gardener.
01:26:02 Growing lawns and cutting trees,
01:26:05 nothing but glamourise.
01:26:07 One of the guys whose lawn I mowed
01:26:13 was an old guy.
01:26:15 Mr Randall.
01:26:20 One day he was feeling really poorly,
01:26:23 so he asked me to go to the pharmacy
01:26:25 and pick up his prescription.
01:26:27 So I did.
01:26:31 Vicky worked behind the counter at the pharmacy.
01:26:34 She asked so many questions and she was so flirty.
01:26:39 Said she hoped to see me again soon.
01:26:42 Next thing I knew, she turns up at Mr Randall's house
01:26:51 and tells me to get in the car for a chat.
01:26:54 That's where it all started.
01:26:56 A few weeks later,
01:26:59 Mr Randall was dead.
01:27:02 He left me some money in his will.
01:27:06 Fantastic story.
01:27:07 Wonderful imagination.
01:27:09 Oh, you're half-fucked.
01:27:11 Befriending old, vulnerable people
01:27:14 so you can fuck with their education.
01:27:16 I'm sorry.
01:27:19 I'm sorry.
01:27:22 I'm sorry.
01:27:23 Well, they were going to die soon anyway.
01:27:28 So it was you who laced the drains?
01:27:39 I'm sorry.
01:27:44 It was never meant to go this far.
01:27:46 It was never meant to...
01:27:47 It's a little bit late for that.
01:27:49 No!
01:27:50 You're finished.
01:28:17 No.
01:28:18 Get out of my room!
01:28:39 Shut up!
01:28:40 I... I see him.
01:28:42 You don't believe him, do you?
01:28:44 It was all his idea.
01:28:45 Oh, don't fire me!
01:28:46 I'm not lying to you, Lexi.
01:28:48 I never felt comfortable with you.
01:28:51 You knew Dad had life insurance.
01:28:53 With the three of us out of the way,
01:28:55 you'd have the money and your house all to yourself.
01:28:58 It wasn't about the money.
01:28:59 And what?
01:29:00 That Isaac came along and...
01:29:02 Maybe that wasn't a coincidence either.
01:29:04 And you planned a little family holiday together.
01:29:08 You were so insistent on South Africa.
01:29:12 More sharks are out of me. It makes sense.
01:29:14 It's the truth. It's the truth.
01:29:17 You know, Uncle, what I don't get?
01:29:19 You want to kill me, right?
01:29:22 I've been in this house with you for a year.
01:29:25 What took you so long?
01:29:27 Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
01:29:30 Let's make this nice and easy.
01:29:32 Okay?
01:29:33 What do you want?
01:29:35 What can I do to make all this go away?
01:29:40 I want my dad and my sister back.
01:29:43 Lexi, please.
01:29:49 Okay, there's something you can do.
01:30:02 I'm sorry.
01:30:04 I'm sorry.
01:30:07 Okay, there's something you can do.
01:30:10 Sign over the deed to the house.
01:30:16 I have my last session today with Fran.
01:30:31 Oh my gosh, that's amazing. Congratulations.
01:30:34 Thank you.
01:30:36 So, the house. Have you decided what you're doing with it?
01:30:40 No. I don't think I can let go of it.
01:30:43 You're not going to sell it?
01:30:45 No.
01:30:46 Lex, you'd make a mint.
01:30:48 I know, but it was dad's and grandpa's and it meant so much to them, so...
01:30:56 So, have you heard from Isaac or Vicky recently?
01:31:03 No.
01:31:04 And I don't think I will for a very long time.
01:31:10 But hey, brighter days ahead.
01:31:15 Shall we do a cheers?
01:31:17 Okay.
01:31:18 To a fresh start.
01:31:22 To a fresh start.
01:31:25 And more wine.
01:31:27 Always.
01:31:28 [Music]
01:31:31 [Music]
01:31:34 [Music]
01:31:36 [Music]
01:31:42 [Music]
01:32:01 [Music]
01:32:03 [Music]
01:32:13 [Music]
01:32:23 [Music]
01:32:25 [Music]
01:32:35 [Music]
01:32:45 [Music]
01:32:47 [Music]
01:32:57 [Music]
01:33:07 [Music]
01:33:09 [Music]
01:33:12 [Music]
01:33:14 [Music]
01:33:17 [BLANK_AUDIO]