I'll Fix Anthony

  • 2 months ago
by Judith Viorst
illustrated by Arnold Lobel
00:00I'll Fix Anthony by Judith Viest. Pictures by Arnold LeBel.
00:11To my mother and father, the ideal grandparents. My brother Anthony can read books now. But
00:19he won't ready any books to me. He plays checkers with Bruce from his school. But when I want
00:26to play he says go away or I'll clobber you. I let him wear my Snoopy sweatshirt. But he
00:34never lets me borrow his sword. Mother says deep down in his heart Anthony loves me. Anthony
00:41says deep down in his heart he thinks I stink. Mother says deep deep down in his heart where
00:48he doesn't even know it Anthony loves me. Anthony says deep deep down in his heart he
00:54still thinks I stink. When I'm six. I'll fix Anthony. When I'm six a dog will follow me home
01:03and she'll beg for me and roll over and lick my face. If Anthony tries to pet her. She'll give
01:10him a bite. When I'm six Anthony will have the German measles and my father will take me to a
01:16baseball game. Then Anthony will have the mumps and my mother will take me to the flower show.
01:23Then Anthony will have a virus. And my grandmother will take me to the movies. I won't have to save
01:31popcorn for Anthony unless I want to. When I'm six we'll have a skipping contest and I'll skip
01:38faster. Then we'll have a jumping contest and I'll jump higher. Then we'll do an aminaminamo
01:46and Anthony will be O.U.T. He'll be very M.A.D. When I'm six I'll read the New York Times. Anthony
01:55will still be reading ABC. Who are you voting for Anthony? I'll ask him. When I'm six I'll stand on
02:04my head. And my legs won't wobble. Anthony's legs will wobble a lot. If someone tickles me. I'll
02:13keep standing on my head. If someone pinches me. I'll keep standing on my head. If someone says
02:22give up or I'll clobber you. I'll keep standing on my head. Anthony will give up at tickles. When
02:30I'm six I'll know how to sharpen pencils. Here's how you do it Anthony, I'll say. When I'm six I'll
02:38float. But Anthony will sink to the bottom. I'll dive off the board. But Anthony will change his
02:46mind. I'll breathe in and out when I should. But Anthony will only go glug glug. When I'm six I'll
02:55eat things like carrots and potatoes and he'll eat things like jelly beans and root beer. I'll put
03:02his red sneakers on the top shelf and if he stands on a chair. He still won't be able to reach them.
03:08He'll tell me get down my sneakers and I'll tell him say please and if he doesn't say please he
03:15can't have his sneakers for a hundred years. When I'm six seven and four and ten and three inside my
03:22mind. Anthony will just add one and one and two. And he'll have to use his fingers. When I'm six
03:31we'll have a race and I'll be at the corner past the fire plug. The next time I'll give him a head
03:38start but it won't help. When I'm six friends will call me on the telephone. No one will call Anthony.
03:46I'll sleep at Charlie's house and Kida's and Diana's but Anthony will always sleep at home. See you
03:54later Anthony, I'll tell him. When I'm six I'll help people carry their groceries from the
04:00supermarket. And they'll say my you're strong. I don't think Anthony will be strong enough. When
04:09I'm six I'll be able to tell left and right. But Anthony will be all mixed up. I'll be able to tell
04:17time. But Anthony will be all mixed up. I'll be able to tell my street and my city and sometimes
04:25my zip code but Anthony will be all mixed up. If he ever gets lost I guess I'll have to go find him.
04:33When I'm six Anthony will still be falling of his bike. I'll ride by with no hands. Still falling
04:42off that bike. I'll ask Anthony. When I'm six I'll let Dr. Ross look down my throat with a stick. If
04:51he has to give me a shot I won't even holler. Try to be brave like your brother. Dr. Ross will tell
04:59Anthony. But Anthony won't. When I'm six my teeth will fall out and I'll put them under the bed and
05:06the tooth fairy will take them away and leave dimes. Anthony's teeth won't fall out. He'll wiggle and
05:14wiggle them. But they won't fall out. I might sell him one of my teeth. Teeth 25 cents. But I might
05:24not. When I'm six I'll go bingo all the time. Anthony won't even go bingo once. I'll win all
05:33the tic-tac-toes if I'm X and I'll win them all if I'm O. Too bad Anthony, I'll say. Anthony is
05:41chasing me out of the playroom. He says I stink. He says he is going to clobber me. I have to run
05:50now but I won't have to run when I'm six. When I'm six I'll fix Anthony. The end.