Sejumlah Wilayah Kehabisan Pupuk Subsidi

  • 2 months ago
Realisasi penambahan alokasi pupuk subsidi sebesar 9,55 juta ton, ternyata masih terhambat oleh regulasi dan koordinasi antar kementerian dan lembaga. Hal ini menyebabkan, puluhan wilayah kabupaten sentra produksi pertanian khusus beras, mulai kehabisan pasokan pupuk subsidi.


00:00The realization of the additional allocation of subsidized fertilizer of 9.55 million tons
00:06is still hindered by the regulation and coordination between the ministries and institutions.
00:10This causes dozens of regions, regencies, agricultural production centers, especially rice,
00:16to run out of subsidized fertilizer.
00:22PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero manages the distribution of subsidized fertilizer.
00:27PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero Rahmat personally assessed
00:31the management of the distribution of subsidized fertilizer is too complicated and many regulations.
00:35For that, Rahmat stated that the regulation on the distribution of subsidized fertilizer
00:39is not only in the center, but also in the region.
00:43Even in the center, the program must go through 6-7 ministries.
00:47Rahmat explained the realization of the additional allocation of subsidized fertilizer of 9.55 million tons
00:52is still hindered by the regulation and coordination between the ministries and institutions.
00:56The distribution requires the Minister of Agriculture and the Governor's Decision Letter,
01:01where both things take quite a long time.
01:05The allocation, I'm sorry, this is not an allocation, but the contract is over, sir.
01:10So now the fee has not changed, sir, this will be added.
01:16Actually, the point I want to convey is, sir, to overcome this,
01:22this allocation is not a budget allocation from the Ministry of Finance,
01:27please allow it, sir.
01:29That's what we know now, it's been processed by the ministry.
01:37On the other hand, the government and Pupuk Indonesia cannot contact the budget that is not yet available.
01:42Because there are too many regulations, Rahmat said, it can cause regulatory costs,
01:46such as the cost of subsidized fertilizer with high cost.
01:50In addition, Pupuk Indonesia also violates the regulation of the compulsory stock of fertilizer in each regency.
01:55At least, Pupuk Indonesia must inject as much as 1.7 million tons of fertilizer per regency.
02:00This can cost as much as 9 trillion rupiah.
02:03Jakarta was covered by IDX Channel.
02:09The problem of running out of subsidized fertilizer stock is a problem
02:12because it can threaten agricultural productivity, especially food commodity in each area.
02:17The National Inflation Control Team announced that
02:19currently, as many as 120 regencies across Indonesia
02:23will run out of subsidized fertilizer stock this month.
02:30Bureaucracy obstacles make the distribution of national subsidized fertilizer
02:33threatens national rice production again.
02:35The National Inflation Control Team noted that
02:37as many as 120 regencies across Indonesia
02:40will run out of subsidized fertilizer stock this month due to the problem of bureaucracy.
02:45It is said that out of a total of 478 regencies in the city that received subsidized fertilizer allocation,
02:51as many as 120 regencies consisting of 32 regencies that have run out
02:55and 88 regencies that will run out this month.
02:59PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero mentioned that
03:01this is related to the fact that the budget has not been reduced by the Ministry of Finance
03:05due to the process of budget dilution that has not been completed.
03:08In addition, it is said that there is a bureaucracy obstacle in the Ministry of Agriculture
03:11which also makes the dilution recommendation obstructed.
03:14Meanwhile, based on the type,
03:16the subsidized fertilizer stock has run out in 12 regencies
03:20and as many as 71 other regencies will run out in July 2024.
03:25Meanwhile, for subsidized NPK fertilizer,
03:27the allocation has run out in 32 regencies
03:30and as many as 88 other regencies will run out in July 2024.
03:35Previously, the government has increased the quota of fertilizer subsidies from 4.77 tons
03:39to 9.55 million tons this year.
03:43From Jakarta Raharjupadmo, IDX Channel.
