• 8 months ago
Menteri ESDM memastikan, revisi peraturan presiden no 191 tentang penyaluran bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi, hingga saat ini masih berjalan ditempat. Hal ini disebutkan pemerintah, faktor pendapatan menjadi hal yang membuat perpres ini molor.


00:00 The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and Minerals
00:02 has ensured that the President's Regulation No. 191
00:06 on the distribution of subsidized oil and gas
00:10 is still in place.
00:12 The government says
00:14 the income factor is a problem
00:16 that makes the press too slow.
00:18 The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and Minerals, Arivinda Shriv,
00:21 said that the income problem
00:24 is still a problem due to the delay
00:26 in the Government's Regulation No. 191
00:30 on subsidized oil and gas.
00:33 Arivinda has ensured that
00:35 the government continues to speed up the press' revisions
00:38 to speed up the distribution of subsidized oil and gas
00:41 to the target.
00:42 So there are categories of subsidized oil and gas distribution
00:44 such as solar and also pertalite
00:46 for the type of vehicle.
00:48 What can be enjoyed as a subsidy?
00:54 It's June, right?
00:56 After June, sir.
00:58 The point of Regulation No. 191
01:00 is to regulate.
01:02 Now it's not regulated.
01:04 Those who can still use it,
01:08 they should take the rights.
01:11 [Music]
