I Accidently Hired a Billionaire Husband Part 2

  • 2 months ago
I Accidently Hired a Billionaire Husband Part 2


00:00Okay, scouts on her. No more remote gigs.
00:07Thank you.
00:08I'm gonna go check out the bathrooms.
00:10Please do.
00:15Oh my god! There's two sinks! Two sinks! This is so luxurious!
00:26Sir, I don't understand. Why not just tell her you're a billionaire?
00:29Sir, I don't understand. Why not just tell her you're a billionaire?
00:32I mean, and this place is too small. Let me get the realtor on the line.
00:35No, no, Ben, you don't understand.
00:37I've been in houses that are plenty big, grown up in them.
00:42But I've never had the chance to have breakfast with my family.
00:46And besides, this place isn't small. I mean, it has two sinks.
00:51Two sinks!
00:53And besides, this place isn't small. I mean, it has two sinks.
00:57Two sinks! It's luxurious. So luxurious.
01:03I'm starting to sound like her.
01:07Congratulations, sir. You're finally falling for someone after all these years.
01:12I am not. I just, I want to help her out.
01:15Of course, sir.
01:17Don't you have anything better to do?
01:21Go check on that photo I gave you.
01:23And let me know immediately if you find anything.
01:25Oh my god! I just got an interview with the Green Hotel.
01:29It's this super luxurious hotel and it has benefits, it pays well.
01:34This house is my lucky charm.
01:36Wait, wait.
01:42I've learned a mysterious ritual that allows me to see events happening in other timelines through my mind.
01:50The Green Hotel, right?
01:54The job is yours.
01:58Okay. Thank you for your prophecy.
02:02You're very welcome.
02:11Hello. I'm here for the interview.
02:14I'm very honored to have the opportunity to...
02:18Sorry. You're not what we're looking for.
02:22This is a luxury hotel, serving high-end clients.
02:26And our staff must exude elegance.
02:29You? Your clothes? Those glasses?
02:34You don't belong here.
02:36Excuse me.
02:49Get out.
02:55You're hired.
02:59It baffles me how you convinced DMC, our most prestigious client, to inquire about such a menial role.
03:07However, employment at our establishment is not a stroll in the park.
03:12Now, if you can't handle it, I suggest you quit sooner rather than later.
03:15Sir, I've had many hard jobs. I won't quit.
03:18Very well.
03:20Your task for the day is to ensure that the lobby floor is immaculate as a dining table.
03:25Later, clean all the bathrooms until they sparkle like a diamond.
03:29Expect my inspection before 5 o'clock.
03:32Got it.
03:51Sir, I've worked overtime five days this week, and it's my birthday on Friday.
03:57I was wondering, could I have the day off?
04:00Let me check the schedule.
04:03This week we have Timothy, a celebrity, lined up for a performance.
04:07So, it's going to be slain.
04:09And it's my birthday party this Friday, and I need you working for me.
04:15I want her welcoming my guests in this very beautiful reception outfit I've made especially to entertain them.
04:22Of course, Miss Tyler. You're our esteemed guest.
04:26We will fill all your boxes.
04:29How unfortunate for you to share a birthday with me.
04:33I'll guess that you just have to work at my birthday party on your birthday.
04:38And you know, by the way, Timothy, I hired him to sing for me.
04:43So, you'll hear him, but just so you know, it's for me and not you.
04:48Can you go and pick up the uniform I have in my car? It's a big, fluffy one.
04:53I really want this beautiful lady to try it on.
04:57I've made it specially for you.
05:01What a cute little puppy!
05:04Oh my god, but you have to look sweet like a real one too.
05:08You cannot look serious. Smile. With teeth. Stay there.
05:14There you go. Now bark. Can you bark, puppy?
05:18Just do it. Our main goal is to cater to the client's needs.
05:21Yes. Cater to my needs.
05:25Woof! Woof!
05:28I work my tail off to provide for my family.
05:31So if you're trying to do this to get me to quit, you're barking up the wrong tree.
05:35Whoa. Don't for a second think that you will avoid me just because you landed this job.
05:41I will never forget what you did to me.
05:44Humiliate me once, and I'll make sure you'll pay for it for the rest of your life.
05:51See you Friday, bitch.
06:02I can't see where I'm going. Okay, okay.
06:10Oh my god. It's beautiful.
06:14A friend of mine invested in a fashion company.
06:17He wants you to wear their debut dress on Friday and visit the fanciest hotel.
06:22He wants to see how the dress does without any marketing.
06:25I mean, it's beautiful. They want me to wear it?
06:29Yeah. And he'll pay you a modeling fee. 500 for the night.
06:34Am I dreaming to wear this dress and get paid for it?
06:38Um, what night did they say again?
06:42Friday. I work Friday.
06:46That's too bad.
06:52Emma, you have the day off on Friday.
06:55Really? What about Tyler's birthday party?
06:58I've thought about it. You deserve some rest on your birthday.
07:07So, got the day off on Friday?
07:11Can I try it on?
07:15Oh my gosh. It's gorgeous. It's gorgeous. I love it. I love it. I love it.
07:22You're so lovely.
07:23Poppy, Poppy, I need more wine for me and my friend.
07:28There you are.
07:31Can I get you anything else?
07:33I did not ask for you.
07:35Where's that... Emma?
07:38I want her in this costume and I want her in this dress.
07:42Emma, I want her in this costume and I want her right now.
07:46Who is that lady?
07:56She's gorgeous.
07:57Oh my, she's stunning.
08:04Take off that dress right now and put back your dog costume.
08:12Today's your birthday. Swallow that slide.
08:15But today is also my birthday.
08:18If you don't want to be laughed at, I suggest you go back to your seat now.
08:30Today's your birthday. Swallow that slide.
08:33But today is also my birthday.
08:36If you don't want to be laughed at, I suggest you go back to your seat now.
08:41What do you think you are and how dare you talk to me like that?
08:45You're absolutely nobody. Nobody cares about you.
08:49Emma, that dress looks beautiful on you.
08:54That dress looks beautiful on you.
09:02Timothy! Timothy's gonna sing for me.
09:05Could give me a thrill
09:07For all your faults
09:09I love you still
09:11It had to be you
09:13Wonderful you
09:16It had to be you
09:25Happy birthday, beautiful.
09:31You got it all wrong.
09:33You all have it wrong.
09:35You are making a huge mistake.
09:37This is my birthday party. I paid for everything.
09:39I paid for you to come and sing at my birthday party.
09:42The food, the drinks, everything.
09:45You all have it wrong.
09:47You are making a huge mistake.
09:49This is my birthday party.
09:51I paid for him to come perform for me.
09:54I paid for the food, for the drinks.
09:56This is not fair. She doesn't deserve this.
09:59You're nothing but a low, tiny, little waitress.
10:02No matter how fancy your dress is.
10:05Tell them I'm wrong.
10:07She didn't. Trust me.
10:12You're not wrong.
10:14I do work here.
10:16But I'm not just some lowly leader.
10:20I do my best when I work here, or anywhere for that matter.
10:24But tonight, I am a guest.
10:27Just like you, enjoying my own time.
10:31No, you're not.
10:33This is my birthday party that you just ruined.
10:36It is my pleasure to celebrate the birthday of the beautiful and kind,
10:40Miss Emma Ryder.
10:42I was going to celebrate someone else's birthday as well,
10:44but now that I've seen how rude she is,
10:47I'm going to cancel that.
10:49Get her out, or I'll complain to your boss,
10:51and I will never be a patron in this hotel ever again.
10:55Our boss has just informed me that you're no longer welcome here.
11:01Our boss has just informed me that you're no longer welcome here.
11:05Oh, allow me to introduce you to our new owner.
11:09This gentleman acquired our establishment two days ago.
11:13Give her her money back.
11:15The new boss would like to say happy birthday
11:18to the beautiful Emma Ryder.
11:20Everyone's food is on the house.
11:26Happy birthday, Emma Ryder.
11:28Happy birthday to you.
11:30Happy birthday, dear Emma.
11:36Happy birthday to you.
11:49In other words, I love you.
12:01Oh, God.
12:11I should probably go change out of this.
12:13I mean, it's so expensive.
12:15I don't want anything to happen to it.
12:17Can you actually keep it on?
12:20It looks so good on you.
12:22I know, but it's so expensive,
12:24and I have to return it to a friend.
12:27Well, I was actually thinking I should buy it for you.
12:32Oliver, we don't need expensive things.
12:36Like my grandma used to always say,
12:39don't marry rich because life is much simpler
12:42and much happier when you're with someone humble.
12:45Lucky for us, neither of us are rich.
12:49Definitely not.
12:52Oh, but do help me with this fancy expensive zipper.
12:56Yeah, yeah, I got it.
13:02That was too long.
13:03It's okay.
13:05It's okay.
13:16You're biting your lips.
13:30You're biting your lips.
13:45You're biting your lips.
14:46I'm sorry.
14:47That was my fault.
14:49You know how zippers can be,
14:51especially, you know, expensive zippers.
14:53I know we had a contract.
14:56Have a contract.
14:58I was thinking we could revise that contract
15:01and give one a chance.
15:06What's wrong?
15:07No, no, I just, I, I, I, I, I can't.
15:10I can't be in love.
15:11I just can't.
15:12I can't.
15:31Anna, what's wrong?
15:33No, no, no.
15:34He's back.
15:35He's back.
15:36Hey, hey, it's okay.
15:38He's back.
15:39Hey, hey, it's okay.
15:41It's all right.
15:44Just breathe.
15:55I heard you screaming.
15:57You had that nightmare again, didn't you?
16:01Did you see his face this time?
16:05He turned around,
16:07but his face was covered in blood.
16:10Oh, you poor dear.
16:12You haven't had that dream in a long time.
16:15Every time I start to like someone,
16:18I see him again,
16:20and then I get this headache.
16:23I don't know who he is or where he comes from.
16:28Maybe God just doesn't want me to fall in love.
16:32God never promised anyone a perfect life,
16:35but he would never take away anyone's hope
16:40to love and be loved.
16:49Good morning.
16:51Good morning.
16:53I always love the breakfast conversations and the hugs.
16:57Oh, come here, dear.
16:59Everyone needs a nice warm hug.
17:30So, did you sign the documents?
17:33Oh, yeah.
17:35Ben, what does it mean when a girl gets a headache
17:39every time the word love is brought up?
17:42Maybe she's had her heart broken.
17:44What should I do then?
17:47Just be gentle.
17:49No pressure.
17:51What if she's in a bad mood?
17:54Well, then surprise her.
17:56Figure out what makes her happy and help her get it.
18:03Something funny?
18:05Mr. Gere, you're asking me for advice.
18:08You, asking me. This never happens.
18:11Ever since you started sitting at that desk,
18:13you've never needed anything from anyone.
18:16Now, you're asking me for advice.
18:20From anyone.
18:23Now, you're asking me.
18:31Really? I've never asked you before?
18:34I think you're falling for her.
18:37I think you're falling for her.
18:39I am not in love with her.
18:41She hired me.
18:43This is for her grandma.
18:45She's sick, I told you that.
18:47Why am I even explaining this to you?
18:49How is that design agency at our group been performing?
18:52Really well, with the manager Rene's experience.
18:55Why the sudden interest in a small company?
18:58They're hiring poster designers, right?
19:00No. Rene never mentioned it.
19:03I heard they're hiring poster designers.
19:08Yes, they are.
19:10And you know my style? All I care about is talent.
19:13No diploma or professional experience needed.
19:15Right. Brand new style. I got you.
19:18I got you.
19:31You're gonna get a new job.
19:35My God.
19:37They haven't hired in ages.
19:39And it says they're not concerned with academic background nor professional experience.
19:43They're just interested in exceptional work.
19:46I mean, it feels like the position was made for me.
19:49Feels like it was made for you.
19:52Here. What do you think?
19:58Emma, this...
