Top 30 Most Rewatched Star Wars Moments

  • 3 months ago
These moments have the high ground. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the “Star Wars” scenes that fans watch again and again.
00:00You were my brother, Anakin.
00:04I loved you.
00:05Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the Star Wars scenes that fans watch again and again.
00:12Use the Force, Luke.
00:18Let go.
00:20Number 30.
00:21Maul's Hallway Rampage.
00:23Star Wars The Clone Wars.
00:25Whenever a Force user goes on a rampage, it generally makes for some entertaining viewing.
00:29In the last few episodes of Star Wars The Clone Wars, ex-Darth Maul is captured after being defeated by Ahsoka Tano.
00:36However, when the clone troopers turn on her, Ahsoka decides to release the dark side user to create a distraction against overwhelming odds.
00:43You don't understand.
00:45I'm not here to team up with you.
00:47I need a diversion, and you're it.
00:51Now go cause some chaos.
00:52It's what you're good at.
00:54Maul then proceeds to tear his way through the ship.
00:57And we don't mean that metaphorically.
00:59He literally rips panels off the sides of a hallway.
01:02As Maul seethes, he uses the panels and the Force to cut down every clone that gets in his way.
01:08It is a terrifying yet incredibly badass sequence we can't help but love.
01:13Trooper, did you seal the doors?
01:15Trooper, if you read this, steal the door.
01:18We want to read your vector's approach.
01:20Number 29.
01:21Yoda vs. Emperor Palpatine.
01:23Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith.
01:26Any time we get to see Yoda in action is worth watching on repeat.
01:29And his battle against Darth Sidious?
01:31No exception is.
01:33The Jedi Master confronts the newly minted Emperor in his office.
01:36And after knocking out his guards with a wrist flick, he engages a cackling Palpatine in a duel.
01:42If so powerful you are, why leave?
01:48You will not stop me.
01:50Their fight rises to the Senate floor,
01:52with the duelists first fighting on Palpatine's platform before moving on to others.
01:57Sidious even uses the Senate seats as projectiles.
02:00There's definitely some symbolism in there somewhere.
02:03I am the Senate.
02:05Although the conclusion is a little unsatisfying,
02:08while it lasts, this is still a fantastic fight between two masters of the Force.
02:13Number 28.
02:14The Holdo Maneuver.
02:16Star Wars Episode VIII, The Last Jedi.
02:18To call The Last Jedi divisive is an understatement.
02:22And the Holdo Maneuver is one of the most controversial moments of the movie.
02:25But that's also why it's so rewatched.
02:28Godspeed, Rebels.
02:30With the First Order hot on their heels,
02:32Vice Admiral Holdo has everyone evacuate while she stays behind.
02:36Then, she powers up the hyperdrive and rams the First Order flagship.
02:41Fire on that cruiser!
02:43Her sacrifice certainly makes for some spectacular visuals.
02:46But there has been a lot of debate over whether this breaks Star Wars canon.
02:50And that's really what gets it a spot here.
02:53Number 27.
02:54Maul and Savage vs. Darth Sidious.
02:56Star Wars, The Clone Wars.
02:58So often in Star Wars, we see epic battles of good versus evil.
03:03It's honestly refreshing to see multiple villains fight each other like this.
03:07After Maul and his brother, Savage Opress, have taken over Mandalore,
03:10they're paid a visit by Maul's former master.
03:13How unfortunate that you are attempting to deceive me.
03:20The Sith Lord is none too happy with his apprentice doing so well and attacks them both.
03:25The ensuing fight is fantastic as Sidious is in his prime
03:29and completely handles the two other dark side users.
03:32He straight up kills Savage.
03:34And while Maul using the Darksaber II does improve his performance,
03:37ultimately, Sidious' mastery of the force proves too much.
03:41This grim battle has fans hoping for mercy every time we watch it.
03:45Have mercy.
03:50There is no mercy.
03:54Number 26.
03:55Boba Fett vs. Stormtroopers.
03:57The Mandalorian.
03:58For decades, fans have longed to see Boba Fett properly in action.
04:02In season 2 of The Mandalorian, our dreams came true.
04:06The bounty hunter returns, aiding Din Djarin when Grogu is abducted.
04:10After taking on Stormtroopers with nothing but a gaffy stick,
04:13Boba finally suits up.
04:20Watching the legendary mercenary shoot, punch and wreck the Imperial soldiers will never get old.
04:25He even uses the knee pad rocket launchers.
04:28Speaking of which, the coup de grace has to be Boba using the missile on his jetpack
04:32to take down the troop transports after he sends the troopers running.
04:36Now this is the way.
04:38Nice shot.
04:40I was aiming for the other one.
04:42Number 25.
04:43Luke removes Darth Vader's mask.
04:45Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi.
04:48Sometimes you have to look at something with your own eyes.
04:52As the battle on the second Death Star reaches its climax,
04:55Luke Skywalker is intent on getting his father Darth Vader out of harm's way.
04:59However, the Sith Lord is already in a bad way.
05:02As he lies dying on the ramp of a shuttle,
05:04Vader insists that Luke remove his mask so he can see his son with his own eyes.
05:16But in this case, it's him we and Luke see properly for the first time.
05:20It's Anakin Skywalker that Luke saved, not Darth Vader.
05:24An iconic end for one of the franchise's best characters.
05:35You were right.
05:37Number 24.
05:38Luthor's monologue, Andor.
05:40Arguably the best live-action Star Wars show,
05:43and somehow its most underrated,
05:45has several incredible speeches.
05:47There is one way out.
05:50Right now.
05:52The building is ours.
05:55While Keno Loy's speech from the same episode is also highly rewatched,
05:59Luthor's just hits different.
06:01I've given up all chance at inner peace.
06:03I made my mind a sunless space.
06:07I share my dreams with ghosts.
06:09Rebel spymaster Luthor Rayle meets Lonnie Young,
06:12his mole in Imperial security.
06:14When Lonnie expresses second thoughts now that he's a father,
06:17he asks Luthor what he sacrifices.
06:20Luthor launches into an impassioned speech on how he's given up his decency
06:23and every form of closeness to defeat the Empire.
06:26Now the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience
06:32or the light of gratitude.
06:35So what do I sacrifice?
06:40The evocative writing and Stellan Skarsgård's powerful performance
06:44make this simple scene impossible to forget.
06:54Lightsaber fights always draw fans back for more,
06:56and the first duel in the sequel trilogy continues this tradition.
07:04Stalked by Kylo Ren in a snowy forest on Starkiller Base,
07:07Finn and an unconscious Rey are attacked by the First Order's enforcer.
07:11Finn admirably steps up and uses the Skywalker lightsaber to defend Rey.
07:16That lightsaber, it belongs to me.
07:20Come get it!
07:21He does surprisingly well,
07:23but Kylo ultimately overwhelms and severely wounds him.
07:26Just when it seems like Kylo has the family lightsaber in his grasp,
07:30it flies past him into Rey's hand.
07:33They duel throughout the woods, and despite Rey's inexperience,
07:36she still manages to wound Kylo and give him a scar before they're separated.
07:40Featuring a beautifully atmospheric setting and underdog combatants,
07:44this fight never fails to awaken our excitement.
07:52Some of the most rewatched moments in Star Wars are the memes.
07:55Admiral Ackbar leads the Rebel fleet in the Battle of Andor.
07:58However, when their sensors are jammed and the Imperial fleet cuts off their retreat,
08:02Ackbar famously realizes, say it with us,
08:05It's a trap!
08:06the exclamation has become one of the franchise's most recognizable lines
08:09and one of its biggest memes.
08:11It's the perfect line for any time something bad is coming someone's way.
08:15It's simple and to the point.
08:17Plus, Ackbar's delivery is just so unique
08:19that it's impossible to say these three words any other way now.
08:22Move as close as you can, and engage those Star Destroyers in point-blank range.
08:26At that close range, we won't last long against those Star Destroyers.
08:30We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star.
08:38Sure, we've seen Yoda fight several times since this moment,
08:41but nothing will ever compare to the shock and awe everyone felt
08:45watching this little Jedi Master draw his lightsaber for the first time.
08:48Yoda arrives to save Obi-Wan and Anakin in the nick of time.
08:52After absorbing force lightning,
08:54he then engages his former apprentice Count Dooku in a lightsaber fight.
08:58Yoda's acrobatic style and command of the force is too much for Dooku,
09:02and the Sith Lord has to threaten the other Jedi to escape.
09:14Is Yoda bouncing around like a pinball ridiculous?
09:18But we'd be lying if we said it didn't entertain us every single time.
09:25Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope
09:27After his uncle buys a few new droids,
09:29Luke Skywalker inquires whether the Obi-Wan Kenobi in R2-D2's message
09:33might be related to Ben Kenobi.
09:35However, his uncle Owen discourages both that line of thought
09:38and Luke's desires to leave his home for the Academy.
09:41-"Where are you going?"
09:42-"Looks like I'm going nowhere. I have to go finish cleaning those droids."
09:45Frustrated, Luke goes outside and watches as the sun set over Tatooine.
09:50We hear John Williams' iconic score soar in the background,
09:53as he dreams of something more for his life.
10:05The imagery and the song make this scene absolutely iconic.
10:09Although this moment has been recreated in other parts of the franchise,
10:12we always prefer the original scene
10:14because it marks the calm moment before Luke's tremendous journey began.
10:19Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader
10:21Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope
10:24It's the first lightsaber fight in the whole franchise.
10:27Is it any wonder people keep returning to it?
10:29-"The circle is now complete.
10:31When I left you, I was but a learner.
10:33Now I am the master."
10:35-"Only a master of evil does."
10:41Obi-Wan Kenobi faces his old apprentice, now Darth Vader,
10:45in combat aboard the Death Star.
10:47After trading blows, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself and disappears,
10:51becoming one with the Force.
10:53-"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
10:59Although the passing of a mentor figure is a common trope of the hero's journey,
11:02the significance and appeal of Obi-Wan's demise
11:05goes beyond storytelling conventions.
11:11The history between the two characters
11:13is thoroughly explored throughout the rest of the franchise.
11:16The more you know about how the bond between the two was formed and broken,
11:20the more weight the scene carries.
11:23The Pod Race
11:24Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace
11:27To win freedom for young Anakin Skywalker,
11:30Qui-Gon Jinn bets that the boy will win a pod race.
11:33Although his pod is sabotaged and the odds are stacked against him,
11:36Anakin manages to get first place.
11:39The dangerous and high-speed contest
11:41makes for thrilling viewing no matter how many times you watch it.
11:44It has immersive sound design,
11:46constant action,
11:47and effects that have aged surprisingly well.
11:57Even if it does run a bit long,
11:59the pod race is a fantastic part of Star Wars,
12:02and a great concept in general.
12:04It's a chariot race in space.
12:06It's a chariot race in space. That's pretty wizard.
12:20After 20 years, Darth Maul's hope of having his revenge against Obi-Wan is renewed when he learns that the Jedi is still alive.
12:28Using young Ezra Bridger, he's able to lure the old Jedi out of hiding on Tatooine to challenge Kenobi to a duel.
12:36You have a purpose here. Perhaps you are protecting something.
12:42No. Protecting someone.
12:47The two men have both lost almost everything at this point.
12:50But while Kenobi is at peace, Maul is not.
12:54Their short standoff is reminiscent of the duels in the westerns and samurai movies that inspired Star Wars.
12:59When Maul is cut down, his demise is surprisingly moving.
13:06All the villain wants in the end is hope, and Obi-Wan gives him that.
13:11Full of callbacks, this beautiful scene marks the end of a great Star Wars villain.
13:16Tell me, is it the Chosen One?
13:21He is.
13:25He will avenge us.
13:35Anakin Skywalker's duel with Obi-Wan on the lava-rich Mustafar leaves the budding Sith Lord horribly burned.
13:45Fortunately for Anakin, the newly minted Emperor Palpatine finds him and rushes him to a medical facility.
13:52There, we watch as he's placed on a table that looks like something ripped out of Frankenstein and transformed into a full-on cyborg.
13:59And when that mask drops onto his burned visage and he takes those first iconic breaths, we get chills every time.
14:11As awesome as it is to revisit such a pivotal moment,
14:15most people probably rewatch the scene for that infamous and meme-worthy shot of Vader yelling,
14:31Yes, we know The Last Jedi was polarizing.
14:34But even if you dislike the movie as a whole, there are still a few enjoyable scenes worth revisiting.
14:40One of the best sequences to replay occurs when Rey finds herself at the mercy of Supreme Leader Snoke and Kylo Ren.
14:46In a surprising twist, Kylo cuts down Snoke.
14:50Then he shocks us again by joining forces with Rey to face off against Snoke's guards.
15:00The fight features a lot of unusual weapons and long takes that really let you appreciate all the awesome moves.
15:06It's also one of the few times a light-side and dark-side Force user team up, at least in live-action.
15:26When the Clone Wars began, viewers figured Anakin would lose his Padawan.
15:30But few people could have predicted how he would lose her.
15:33After being falsely accused of murder and ousted by the Jedi Order, Ahsoka is offered the chance to return.
15:39However, she declines.
15:41I'm sorry Master, but I'm not coming back.
15:45The farewell between Master and Apprentice is heartbreaking every time.
15:49And it's also worth coming back to because of how pivotal the moment is for the story overall.
15:54Not only is it an important step in Ahsoka's personal journey, it also helps inform Anakin's eventual fall to the dark side.
16:01I understand. More than you realize, I understand wanting to walk away from the Order.
16:11I know.
16:18Some of Yoda's finest scenes occur when he's training Luke on Dagobah.
16:22The little green mentor tasks Luke with lifting his X-Wing out of the swamp using the Force.
16:27When the young Jedi expresses doubt, Yoda encourages him with a simple phrase.
16:31Alright, I'll give it a try.
16:33No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
16:40He then goes on to explain how the Force holds the universe together.
16:44Although Luke still thinks it's impossible to lift the X-Wing, Yoda proves him wrong.
16:48This beautiful scene really encapsulates Yoda's best qualities and what the Force is all about.
16:54If you're considering re-watching this scene, there's no do not. Only do.
17:18When Ahsoka Tano refuses to join Maul, the two former apprentices square off during the battle for Mandalore.
17:25The tightly choreographed battle begins with a grounded exchange in the throne room.
17:33It then shifts to a high catwalk as Maul attempts to escape.
17:37But Ahsoka's clever maneuvering allows her to capture the former Sith Lord.
17:45While this fight is relatively new to longtime Star Wars fans,
17:49the atmosphere, spectacular choral music, and great dialogue made it an instant classic.
18:20The prequel trilogy is often criticized for how many scenes there are of people sitting around and talking.
18:25However, one of the most riveting scenes in all of Star Wars is a conversation between two people.
18:30While viewing a stunning space opera performance, Chancellor Palpatine talks with Anakin Skywalker.
18:36Their intense conversation begins with Palpatine playing on Anakin's doubts about the Jedi Council.
18:41The Chancellor then relates the tragedy of his former master, Darth Plagueis the Wise.
18:46Palpatine tells Anakin his master could prolong death and create life.
19:04The scene has so much masterful acting, great subtext, and subtle foreshadowing that it basically requires multiple viewings.
19:17Not from a Jedi.
19:24After Ezra and his fellow rebels gain access to a Sith temple, Darth Vader arrives on the scene, looking like a boss.
19:31He then delivers the most badass compliment-slash-threat of all time.
19:36I don't fear you.
19:37Then you will die braver than most.
19:42The scene gets even better when Ahsoka arrives to save the day.
19:45She expresses disbelief that Anakin and Vader could be the same person, and promises to avenge the man her master used to be.
19:52Revenge is not the Jedi way.
19:56I am no Jedi.
20:01Although Ahsoka is holding him off to save her friends, she also keeps fighting because she doesn't want to leave his side again.
20:07Their emotional clash hits hard every time.
20:10The music, the dialogue, the action, and the characters are all in fine form here.
20:16This is peak Star Wars.
20:29Pinned down by dark troopers and with no hope of escape, Din Djarin and his friends find themselves suddenly rescued by a Jedi.
20:36But not just any Jedi.
20:38Luke freaking Skywalker.
20:47The sequence of the hooded Luke demolishing the powerful droids as epic music plays gives us chills every time.
20:54No one thought we'd see Luke in live action again, much less in his prime.
20:58Are you a Jedi?
21:00I am.
21:01We love re-watching it just to confirm it actually happened.
21:04If this moment weren't so recent, it would probably rank higher.
21:08We're pretty sure it'll be revisited plenty in the years ahead.
21:17One of the most meme-worthy moments of the Star Wars franchise occurs during the final confrontation between Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous.
21:24The Jedi General drops in on Grievous and utters two famous words.
21:29Hello there.
21:31As a bonus, his short line is a callback to A New Hope.
21:37Hello there.
21:38Although the line has recurred in a variety of other media in the franchise, it's this particular moment that became a meme.
21:46If you ever meet a fellow Star Wars fan, be sure to greet them this way.
21:50Not doing so would just be uncivilized.
21:52So uncivilized.
21:54So uncivilized.
22:02The conclusion of Rogue One sees the Rebels acquire plans for the Death Star.
22:06But just as they receive them, their ship is boarded by Darth Vader.
22:10The Dark Lord of the Sith enters a corridor where a door has jammed and ignites his lightsaber.
22:19His ensuing rampage is like something out of a horror movie.
22:22It very well may be the most badass and terrifying Vader scene ever put to screen.
22:28We all knew the Sith Lord was capable of this, but seeing it is believing.
22:32And it's a sight many fans love to revisit.
22:35If you take any lesson from this list, it's this.
22:38If a Skywalker approaches you in a hallway, run.
22:52The Star Wars franchise is full of stories of people meeting terrible fates.
22:55One of the most tragic and unfair scenes occurred in Revenge of the Sith.
22:59With his identity outed and Anakin on his side,
23:02Palpatine orders his clone troopers to take the lives of every Jedi.
23:13Watching the Jedi get taken out by their own men is heartbreaking to see.
23:17It's equally sad to think about what became of the younglings.
23:22Order 66 is the moment where everything changes for the worse.
23:34As the Jedi fall, the Empire rises.
23:37This pivotal moment is definitely worth re-watching on its own.
23:41But it gets even darker once you know all the Jedi who lost their lives through other Star Wars media.
23:52Han Solo and company hope to find a safe harbor in Cloud City with Lando Calrissian.
23:56Unfortunately, the Empire got there first and struck a deal.
23:59Han is set to be frozen in carbonite and given to bounty hunter Boba Fett.
24:03While trying to comfort an angry Chewbacca,
24:05Han and Leia say their farewells with a kiss before she declares her true feelings.
24:13Harrison Ford's improvised reply is iconic.
24:16However, it's not the only memorable line in this scene.
24:20Vader manages to deliver a great line of his own.
24:33The unique location and fantastic dialogue make this a scene you love to re-watch.
24:44The Rebellion's first big battle with the Empire on screen is also one of their most successful.
24:49When the Rebels discover the Death Star is on its way to destroy them,
24:53they're forced to make a strategic assault on its weak point.
24:56With Vader right on Luke's tail,
24:58a last-minute save by Han allows Luke to make the shot that blows up the massive battle station.
25:04The effects during this scene were groundbreaking for the time.
25:08And regardless of whether you're watching the original or special editions,
25:12this is a spectacular action scene.
25:14The triumph we feel at the Death Star's destruction never goes away.
25:18You might say this scene is...
25:20That was one in a million.
25:21No, it's not.
25:22It's not.
25:23It's not.
25:24It's not.
25:25It's not.
25:26It's not.
25:27It's not.
25:28It's not.
25:29It's not.
25:30It's not.
25:31It's not.
25:32That was one in a million.
25:43This prequel duel is simply a work of art.
25:46Darth Maul confronts Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master Qui-Gon Jinn on Naboo.
25:50The ensuing fight is easily one of the greatest lightsaber duels in the franchise.
25:56All three combatants' blows fly fast and furious in a beautifully choreographed dance of blades.
26:05The battle takes a huge turn when Obi-Wan helplessly watches as Maul ends Qui-Gon's life.
26:17But Obi-Wan is soon able to avenge his master by severely wounding Maul.
26:26The emotional weight, killer moves, and absolutely godly music take this fight to a whole other level.
26:32This is what happens when Star Wars fires on all cylinders.
26:42After Anakin officially joins the dark side, Obi-Wan confronts him on the planet Mustafar.
26:47We're then treated to a lightsaber duel for the ages.
26:57The spectacle of both combatants leaping aboard floating debris on a river of lava is as amazing as the intense fight choreography.
27:05There's also a lot of emotional weight to the scene.
27:08Obi-Wan is forced to defeat his former friend and leave him behind.
27:27As much as the moment where Anakin lies defeated has been rewatched for the memes,
27:32the whole fight is so incredible that we couldn't claim to have the high ground if we didn't include the whole thing.
27:41Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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27:571. I Am Your Father – Star Wars Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
28:02If you search your feelings, you'll know this had to be our choice.
28:06While the entire first duel between Luke and Darth Vader is pretty beloved, one moment overshadows the whole fight.
28:12After injuring Luke, the villain corners him over a precipitous drop on Cloud City.
28:17Vader then asks the young Jedi to join him.
28:26And bring order to the galaxy.
28:28I'll never join you!
28:30Although Luke has many reasons to refuse, he mentions that the villain took his father's life.
28:35Then Vader drops a bombshell. He is Luke's father.
28:39No. I am your father.
28:47No. No.
28:50It's more than just an amazing twist.
28:53It could be argued that all of Star Wars hinges on this one moment.
28:57This scene is both iconic and crucial to the franchise.
29:01It's the moment every Star Wars fan has to rewatch.
29:05Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
29:10No! No!
29:14Is there a Star Wars moment you've rewatched that you wish you could have watched on our list?
29:18Say hello there with your favorites in the comments.
29:21General Kenobi!
29:26You are a bold one.
29:28Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other clips from WatchMojo.
29:32And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
