From perfectly timed character breaks to unforgettable catchphrases, these comedy moments have become part of pop culture history. Join us as we celebrate the most memorable line deliveries that turned good sketches into legendary ones, featuring beloved cast members across multiple eras of this iconic show.
00:00Thanks, very
00:03Welcome to Miss Mojo and today
00:05We're counting down our picks for the most perfectly delivered quotes from SNL sketches lines so iconic
00:12They elevated the entire skit to legendary status
00:20Number 10 miss Colleen Rafferty's close encounters these sketches became famous mainly because Kate McKinnon needed little effort to break
00:30Especially Ryan Gosling the moment she opens her mouth the whole tone shifts. There was one gray alien by a door just kind of
00:41I think he was the lookout
00:45Look at one of my worst Wednesday night
00:50While her scene partners share these dreamy otherworldly alien experiences
00:55She brings us crashing right back down to earth with her very different tales
01:00She delivers every line with a perfect balance of disbelief and eerie calm
01:05Almost as if she's describing a stroll in the park. So my taco and my choco are out
01:11And one guy this one guy peeks around the back
01:14He starts pointing in my butt like whoa, how'd we miss this?
01:21Interesting and how would you describe their demeanor?
01:24Shoppers storming a Walmart on Black Friday
01:28But what really makes these sketches brilliant is how she physically throws herself into her strange stories never missing a beat
01:35Her commitment is so on point that it seems almost too easy to crack up the others
01:41One guy one guy he tried to wear it like a hat
01:45He had it draped over his nose like a Viking helmet number 9 Abraham H Parnassus the oil baron
01:53Sometimes the sketch is so wild you can't help but wish you'd been a fly on the wall behind the scenes
01:59Now, what does an oil baron do?
02:02the answer
02:11Adam Driver's delivery is Abraham H Parnassus the oil baron is one of those moments
02:16He fully delves into the absurdity of the character while grounding it with real weight
02:21He delivers his lines with such serious commitment
02:24Especially with phrases like look at your father boy and crush your enemies that we're still quoting them to this day
02:30Oil is not for the weak
02:33It is the Earth's milk and only the strong can drink it
02:38Milk and only the strong may suckle at mother's teat
02:43You hear me boy
02:45Only the strong look at me boy. Look at your father
02:49The humor may be dark and a little uncomfortable, but also totally unforgettable
02:54Just when we thought it couldn't get more unhinged driver pulls out the visual aid and suddenly a legend is born
03:02And now you return her to Earth
03:05Naked and defeated
03:07I have licked you with your pickings
03:11I crushed you into the ground
03:13number 8
03:15Celebrity Jeopardy
03:16Daryl Hammond's Sean Connery has got to be one of the most memorable characters from recent SNL history
03:23He is totally outrageous and crass no filter
03:26Constantly says something offensive and turns every conversation with Will Ferrell's Alex Trebek into a full-blown roast
03:33What is yellow?
03:36In correct, are you sure I made some yesterday spelled your name on a snowbank, of course
03:43It was your mother's handwriting
03:45It's not just about his crude jokes or funny reading mix-ups though
03:50Hammond's Connery is so full of confidence that it makes everything feel hilariously chaotic. This is the sound a doggy makes
03:59Mr. Connery
04:03No, well, that's the sound your mother made last night
04:08He's practically overflowing with cockiness pairing that with Farrell's frustrated Trebek makes it even better
04:14Plus when you throw in Norm McDonald's Burt Reynolds, you get pure comedy gold every time talk about a powerhouse of a trio
04:23number 7
04:24Never mind weekend update has always been a goldmine for some of SNL's most iconic and quotable moments
04:31We could have picked John Belushi's catchphrase, but no
04:35We're going with something else. Emily Lutella played by Gilda Radner would pop in to share her take on a news story
04:48She'd get super passionate about an issue, but there's just one problem
04:53It turns out that she'd completely misread it. That's when the update host would step in to set her straight
05:02Violence on television not violins violence
05:11Well few of us like to admit when we're wrong
05:14Emily's typical sweet retractions made swallowing that bitter pill just that little bit easier for the rest of us
05:21Not a steak a state
05:29Never mind
05:32Number six Debbie Downer
05:35You know a character is iconic when it reportedly helped popularize the term to describe people who bring down the mood
05:51While Rachel Dratch played the character multiple times her first appearance stands out the most
05:57After all what better place to introduce the most miserable person on earth than at the happiest place on earth
06:04Roy isn't doing as well as they first thought
06:08What who's Roy
06:11Roy of Siegfried and Roy
06:14He was attacked by his own tiger and suffered devastating injuries
06:18Debbie's lines are delivered with the driest most deadpan expression as if she's completely unaware of how
06:25Uncomfortable she's making everyone around her. She'll chime in with the most depressing doom-and-gloom statements often at the worst possible moments
06:34The extreme close-ups and the wah-wahs make it even funnier. It's a miracle. She didn't break her co-stars more often
06:41When you went about about feline AIDS
06:44It's the number one killer of domestic cats
06:50I can't do it
06:52I can't do it
06:54I can't do it
06:56I can't do it
06:58I can't do it
07:00I can't do it
07:02I can't do it
07:04Number five this place has everything this sketch has everything
07:10Stefan was weekend updates go-to City Correspondent whose ideas for fun things to do in New York
07:16Usually sounded like something out of a fever dream. You're looking for madness in March
07:21Oh, I know just the spot New York's hottest club is
07:29The character had many quirks from how he'd start his responses to his colorful descriptions
07:34Bill Hader who played Stefan was pretty much known for almost always breaking character
07:40Usually because writer John Mulaney would sneak in last-minute changes to the script to catch him off-guard
07:45You can lose yourself on the dance floor surrounded by 12 dancing jupiters
07:50jupiters Jewish cupids
07:54Cool I just want you to meet someone nice and settle down. Yeah
07:59Hader would often cover his face to hide his laughter though that didn't always work out
08:04It's no surprise. He became a fan favorite audiences always love it when he makes a comeback
08:10Needless to say this place has everything skunks k-fobs cookie crisp
08:15Dan Cortez
08:21Number four party on
08:23The Wayne's World sketches became a breakout SNL bit spurring two movies releasing merch and topping the list on Saturday Night Live
08:32101 most unforgettable moments
08:41It also gave us some memorable lines that we still incorporate into everyday conversation
08:47In the presence of an idol drop to your knees and declare
08:56Celebrating a win why not throw out a swing
09:00However, we'd say one of their best catchphrases was party on the delivery is almost effortlessly cool yet
09:07Completely dorky, but it works for practically every occasion
09:11Are you even a Wayne's World fan if you don't greet your buddies with your best Wayne or Garth style party on?
09:17Party on Wayne party on Garth
09:21Number three two wild and crazy guys
09:24Two wild and crazy guys was golden in the late 70s with Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd
09:29Playing the over-the-top thick accented and utterly clueless best drunk brothers
09:35There's no other pair of Czech brothers who cruise and swing so successfully in tight slacks
09:42We are two wild and crazy guys
09:46They strut around in tacky tight-fitting clothes convinced that their exaggerated swinging bachelor lifestyle is
09:54Irresistible to American foxes what makes this sketch so funny is their absolute confidence despite being totally out of touch
10:02Let's catch some rays
10:05You and what army
10:07Their delivery is loud exaggerated and packed with ridiculous phrases like calling themselves
10:13Two wild and crazy guys with big theatrical gestures
10:18They mingle American slang miss social cues and assume they're the life of the party
10:23Even when everyone else is baffled by them get ready to take a hike because we are
10:29Two wild and crazy guys
10:31Number two in a van down by the river Matt Foley is probably everything you wouldn't want in a motivational speaker
10:38But somehow he gets the job done in his own bizarre way through the big game
10:44Then he threw back his shot of whiskey
10:47Then he threw up
10:49Then he got thrown out of the house, and then he moved into his own little house
10:55He's a little bit of a weirdo
10:57He's a little bit of a weirdo
11:05With his loud voice and over-the-top movements every line hits hard
11:09He loves to share stories from his own life urging everyone to learn from his mistakes
11:14So they don't end up living where remind us
11:23This impression is about more than just his voice
11:26It's a wild performance filled with dramatic gestures and he often crashes through furniture for effect
11:32And if you think about challenging Matt be prepared for one big
11:42Chris Farley really threw in everything including the kitchen sink. Well if he hadn't crashed into it first
11:50Before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions. Well, isn't that special?
11:56She may not have been talking to us, but church ladies delivery made us feel judged
12:06Sweaty balls, no one can resist a sweaty ball. Well, there's no beating my balls
12:12They're made from a secret sweaty family recipe
12:17No one can resist my sweaty balls
12:20Bye-bye, the airline staff smarmy dismissive tone is the defining aspect of this sketch
12:26Excuse me. Could you tell bye-bye? I'm sorry. What what part didn't you understand the book or the bike? Bye-bye
12:33Lay off me. I'm starving the most relatable level of hanger
12:38Sydney can you leave some for us?
12:48More cowbell, we've got a fever. The only cure is guess what? I got a fever
12:56And the only prescription is more cowbell
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13:16Number one I can see Russia from my house
13:20Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impression has to be one of the best ever and no not just because of their uncanny likeness
13:27I believe global warming is caused by man, and I believe it's just God hugging us closer
13:37I don't agree with the bush doctrine
13:43The real Palin's
13:45Interesting public appearances basically handed SNL writers material on a silver platter
13:50But perhaps the most unforgettable moment isn't a direct quote at least we hope not
13:57Faze Palin and Amy Poehler's Hillary Clinton come together over the one thing they can actually agree on
14:03Sexism and politics. I invite the media to be vigilant for sexist behavior
14:08Although it is never sexist to question female politicians credentials
14:13Please ask this one about dinosaurs
14:16Poehler's Clinton stays composed trying to make her points. Well, Palin is there too
14:22And when Clinton lays out her thoughts on foreign diplomacy
14:26Palin chimes in with her take on foreign affairs. It's so earnest so unexpected and somehow
14:34Exactly what you would expect
14:35I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy
14:41And I can see Russia from my house
14:46Which SNL quote made the sketch for you let us know in the comments
15:04Do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms
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