• last year
"Hukumat Sunni Ittehad Council Ki tarjunam na bane," Hamid Raza
00:00The head of Sunn-e-Tihad council, Hamid Rehsa, has said that the government should not become the translator of Sunn-e-Tihad council.
00:07He stood in the Supreme Court and said that these seats are the property of Bani PTI.
00:11There is no justice from the election tribunal. We should go towards the new election.
00:17After the Iraqis went to Pakistan for justice, now you have a parliament of Pakistan for justice.
00:24Sunn-e-Tihad council has its own Iraqis, that is why you have a parliament of Pakistan.
00:28This is the decision of the full court, the decision of the full bench.
00:30This has to be implemented.
00:32The government should not become the translator of SIC.
00:35SIC can do its own translation.
00:38When SIC stood in the Supreme Court and said that these seats are the property of Imran Khan.
00:42We have to go towards Imran Khan.
00:44Imran Khan has made the policy.
00:46No one should object to that.
00:48Pakistan has given justice to SIC and PTI.
00:53In any case, it belongs to Mr. Khan.
00:56Mr. Khan's objection was also his.
00:58It has reached him.
01:01The government should not become the translator of SIC.
01:03I will do it myself.
01:05If you are fresh with me, we want to go towards the Iraqis election.
01:10The level of rigging that has been done,
01:12either we are seeing justice from the tribunal,
01:15or we are seeing justice from the candidates,
01:18then we can contribute.
01:20But we are not seeing that.
01:22I think once and for all, we have to go towards the election.
