Why Mosses Are Superheroes of the Plant World

  • 2 months ago
Mosses are like the unsung superheroes of the plant world. They can survive in extreme conditions, from deserts to the Arctic, making them incredibly resilient. Mosses help prevent soil erosion by holding the soil together with their tiny roots. They also absorb tons of carbon dioxide, helping to combat climate change. Plus, they create lush, green carpets that make forests and gardens look magical! Credit:
Luminous moss: DrTerraKhan, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Luminous_moss_in_Makkausu_Cave,_Rausu,_Hokkaido.JPG
Schistostega pennate: Stefan Gey, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Schistostega_pennata_Vorkeim.jpg
International-Fig620 / Reddit
BigSmellyIdiot69 / Reddit
archdukegordy / Reddit
GuitardedAndBroke / Reddit
MossPure_ / Reddit
dubhead_dena / Reddit
VelvetxForest / Reddit
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00:00Majestic trees and colorful flowers need to move over a bit, because the unsung hero of
00:05the plant world has emerged from the shadows – moss.
00:10The humble green carpet of nature is not to be underestimated.
00:14In a new study, scientists have finally cracked the moss code and revealed just how crucial
00:19these tiny botanical wonders are for ecosystems worldwide.
00:24Researchers scoured over a hundred sites across eight different ecosystems on a moss-hunting
00:29expedition that would make even Indiana Jones envious.
00:33Their findings revealed that moss cover an astonishing 3.6 million square miles, which
00:39is equivalent to the vastness of Canada, eh?
00:43What makes these mosses so unique?
00:46For starters, they don't have the fancy plumbing system that ordinary plants feature.
00:51Instead, these cheeky mosses survive by cleverly sipping water from the atmosphere.
00:57Think of moss as nature's own little water-absorbing sponges.
01:01Some mosses, particularly those found in the dry regions of Australia, have mastered the
01:06art of survival.
01:08When the going gets tough and water becomes scarce, they don't perish like other plants.
01:13Instead, these mosses curl up into a tight ball and enter a state of suspended animation.
01:19They go into the state similar to hibernation.
01:22Scientists have even studied mosses that have been chilling in a packet for a whopping
01:27They gave them a splash of water, and voila, they spring back to life, defying the laws
01:33of plant decomposition.
01:35But what about their impact on the environment, you ask?
01:39These green superheroes play a vital role in nutrient cycling, giving elements like
01:44nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic matter a serious boost.
01:49Their soils were compared to non-mossy soils in the study.
01:52And let's just say the mossy ones were way better.
01:55They very efficiently juggle nutrients and store away massive amounts of carbon, a pesky
02:00element that causes trouble when it overloads our atmosphere.
02:04But here's the moss icing on the cake.
02:07They're also great at keeping pesky pathogens in check.
02:11The scientists found that areas with moss had fewer potential plant diseases lurking
02:16in the soil.
02:17Now, let's talk about the landscaping skills of moss.
02:21These tangle-rooted plants are nature's soil engineers, holding everything together
02:25like a green construction crew.
02:28Their shallow roots create a stable surface for a large array of plant life to flourish,
02:33paving the way for complex ecosystems to thrive.
02:37When it comes to places where trees fear to tread, like deserts and tundras, mosses step
02:42up to the plate.
02:44These resilient organisms dominate these challenging environments, providing much-needed biodiversity
02:50and life where trees dare not venture.
02:53High-density mosses create lush mats and turfs that contribute to the richness of the soil
02:59and ecosystems in these seemingly inhospitable regions.
03:03There's one last trick up the moss's sleeve.
03:06After major disturbances, like volcanic eruptions that leave the land barren and desolate, guess
03:11who's the first to make a comeback?
03:14Alongside resilient cyanobacteria and algae, mosses quickly colonize the unlucky landscape,
03:21kick-starting the process of regeneration.
03:25Some mosses are total light superheroes too.
03:27That's because they can rapidly adapt to low-light conditions.
03:31They even have an audacity to grow in caves!
03:35One particular moss species is dubbed the Dragon's Gold.
03:39This moss knows how to put on a show, shining bright in a stunning emerald green.
03:44How does it manage to be so luminescent, you ask?
03:47Well, first off, we have the Protonyma, these amazing thread-like structures that sprout
03:52from a moss spore.
03:54Inside these little wonders, special cells gather together like a mossy team huddle,
03:59making sure they soak up every bit of light that's available.
04:03And if that wasn't enough, some lens-shaped cells participate too, giving the light a
04:07little focus.
04:09And shine they do!
04:11When light bounces off, it creates a mesmerizing green luminous glow.
04:15It's like having your own personal light show, courtesy of Mother Nature.
04:19It's so incredible that some people in Japan decided to make a natural monument dedicated
04:25to this plant.
04:27Mosses aren't just here to make caves look magical.
04:29They're also great homes for some pretty cool critters.
04:33Take the spotted turtles in Ontario, Canada, for example.
04:37When the weather hits with its frosty fury and temperatures drop to insane lows, these
04:42turtles cozy up under a type of moss called smagma.
04:46Thankfully, you don't have to travel to Canada to see these amazing mosses in action.
04:51You can also find them in the UK.
04:54Smagma mosses are like spongy carpets, covering the ground of heaths and marshes.
04:59One study focused on plant evolution also claims moss was the very first plant on Earth.
05:05Well, at least technically.
05:07Back in the day, Earth was like this bare, bald planet with no sign of those lush green
05:13lochs we're so accustomed to.
05:15No shrubbery, no trees, not even a smidgen of grass to break the monotony.
05:20Initially, scientists thought that the first plants to venture onto land out of the Earth's
05:25waters were a bunch of simpletons.
05:27However, this piece of research flips the script.
05:30It turns out those early pioneers were far from basic.
05:34They were actually pretty complex.
05:37As it turns out, amidst the barren expanse, these amazing plants, namely mosses, hornworts,
05:43and liverworts, emerged as the true pioneers of plant life on land.
05:48Now I know what you're thinking, but wait, aren't liverworts those slimy, squishy things
05:53I find in my garden after a rainstorm?
05:56Well, yes they are, but don't let their unassuming appearance fool you.
06:02While some consider moss to be a nuisance when it comes to their gardening preferences,
06:07it can actually be a fantastic addition to your outdoor oasis.
06:10The best part about having a mossy garden?
06:13You have complete control over how it looks.
06:16You can grow moss as a surface base, perch it on a ledge, or even attach it to rocks
06:21for that authentic rainforest vibe.
06:24You can also bring the mossy magic indoors by growing it in containers, terrariums, or
06:29on green walls.
06:32Before you embark on your moss-growing adventure, let's talk about the different types of
06:36moss you can use.
06:38We've got Acrocarpus moss, a type of moss that grows vertically and has these cute little
06:43stems that shoot out like floral fireworks.
06:46It's delicate, so be careful not to disturb it or step on it.
06:50On the other hand, there's also another type you can use at home called Pleurocarpus moss,
06:55which is more like a fern and spreads wider, like a cozy carpet.
06:59This one can handle a bit of foot traffic and external disruptions.
07:06Why choose moss over other types of plants?
07:09Well, first off, it's low-maintenance.
07:11Say goodbye to those endless hours spent watering and tending to your garden.
07:16It can survive for months without water, and even if it dries up, it usually bounces back
07:21on its own.
07:23Unlike other plants that guzzle up water and rely on fertilizers, moss is content with
07:27minimal moisture and doesn't need any chemicals to thrive.
07:32So not only will you be saving water, but you'll also be preventing harmful substances
07:37from seeping into the soil and wreaking havoc on Mother Nature.
07:41Moss is also a natural air purifier.
07:44When you grow moss indoors, it acts as a biofiltration system.
07:48It absorbs nasty particles, transforms them into clean air, and releases them back into
07:54your space.
07:56Now that you're convinced of the mossy wonders, let's talk about timing.
08:00The best moment to grow moss is in the early days of spring.
08:04That's when the sunbeams come in at a lower angle, and the ground is still moist from
08:08the winter rains and snow.
08:10For indoor moss growing, the choice is yours.
08:13Just make sure to provide your moss with some access to sunlight and water, and keep an
08:18eye on the temperature in your space.
08:20It might be a bit tricky depending on where your house is located or how much sunlight
08:25you have available.
08:27But don't worry, with a little bit of planning and effort, you can create the perfect cozy
08:32environment for your indoor moss to thrive.
08:35And let's not forget about the wonderful world of terrariums.
08:39If you want to create your own mossy miniature landscape, a terrarium is the way to go.
08:44All you need is a glass container, some pebbles, a dash of granulated charcoal, potting soil,
08:51and a piece of mossy carpet.
08:53And finally, remember to stay away from rolling stones.
08:57They gather no… well, you know.
08:59That's it for today, so hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like
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