This Lake Looks Calm But Holds Dark Secrets

  • 4 months ago
A limnic eruption, or lake overturn, is a super rare natural disaster where a lake suddenly releases a huge bubble of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) from its depths. This gas cloud can suffocate wildlife, livestock, and even people nearby. It happens when volcanic activity or a landslide disturbs the deep, CO2-rich water, causing it to rapidly rise and release the gas. Recognizing an impending limnic eruption can be tricky, but signs might include unusual lake bubbling, dead fish, or a sudden change in the lake's color. And if you see it, you'd better stay away from it.

Preview photo credit:
Dan Keck / Flickr
Animation is created by Bright Side.

CC BY-SA 3.0
Edmund Fitzgerald: by Greenmars,,_1971,_3_of_4_(restored;_cropped).jpg
Rakshas Tal: by Axel Ebert/,
CC BY-SA 4.0
Monoun: by Prosper Mekem,
LS-MetOp-B: by Sasha1250,
RetbaLakeShore: by Jjm2311,
Animation is created by Bright Side.

Music by Epidemic Sound

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00:00 The tranquil-looking Lake Manoun in Cameroon is one real trickster.
00:05 At first, it may seem calm and peaceful, but this lake is like a fiery volcano waiting
00:11 to erupt at any moment.
00:14 And it doesn't even have the decency to give any warning signs.
00:18 Its last outburst was way back in 1984, which caused a bang that left everyone in awe.
00:25 It's like the lake's got a soda can mechanism down there, or in technical terms, it experiences
00:31 a limnic eruption.
00:34 This rare phenomenon happens when gas from deep under the water suddenly erupts.
00:40 Certain things have to happen prior for it to occur though.
00:43 There are some things you can look out for if you feel worried.
00:46 For starters, if the vegetation around a lake looks a bit flattened, it might have previously
00:52 experienced a limnic eruption.
00:55 That's because the water can pop up with a lot of pressure and overflow.
01:00 The water being a bit warmer all of a sudden can also mean you need to head to safety.
01:08 There's this lake in Kazakhstan that looks like a total disaster on the surface, with
01:13 empty tree trunks sticking out of the water.
01:16 Not cute.
01:18 But if you're feeling daring and want to take a swim, you'll be transported to a whole new
01:23 world.
01:24 That story goes back to the year 1911, when there was a landslide that filled the valley
01:30 with rainwater, completely submerging a local forest.
01:35 As mesmerizing as it might sound, it's no easy task to dive in.
01:40 The water is freezing, and all the algae, plants, and submerged trees make it a risky
01:46 obstacle course.
01:49 Have you heard about this scorching lake on the sunny Caribbean island of Dominica?
01:54 The water around the edges is at a sweltering 180 to 197 degrees Fahrenheit.
02:02 No wonder no one has the guts to measure the middle.
02:06 It's that hot.
02:07 Sure, the heat may go down once in a while, but who knows when those waters will start
02:12 boiling again.
02:14 Plus, this place is full of nasty gases like carbon dioxide.
02:20 Because of them, let's just say it doesn't exactly smell like roses.
02:24 More like rotten eggs.
02:26 So unless you want to end up looking like a boiled lobster, I suggest you stay away
02:31 from these waters.
02:34 If you're planning a trip to Tanzania, you might want to think twice before diving into
02:39 Natron Lake.
02:40 Sure, it's got a beautiful reddish hue, but that's thanks to some bacteria that
02:45 call this lake home.
02:47 And don't even get me started on the pH levels.
02:50 They're so high they might even strip the color off your swimsuit.
02:55 But hey, at least the flamingos like it there.
02:58 Those acid-loving birds are living their best lives in a group with 2.5 million of their
03:03 closest feathered friends.
03:06 How come these birds manage to thrive there, you might wonder.
03:09 Well, no predators means no stress, which equals easy breeding.
03:14 They also love feasting on that fancy bacteria which makes the water all pink.
03:21 You may think that Belize's Great Blue Hole is just calling out to you with its stunning
03:26 blue hues and close proximity to land.
03:30 But hold your flippers, because there's a catch.
03:32 Sure, it's about 900 feet across and 300 feet deep, but lurking beneath the surface
03:38 is a confusing pattern of tunnels filled with coral and wildlife.
03:44 It's like finding your way through a maze at a theme park, but with more fish.
03:49 And as if that wasn't tricky enough, the deeper you go, the fewer creatures you'll
03:53 encounter.
03:54 Why, you ask?
03:56 Well, it turns out that there's a sneaky layer of hydrogen sulfide that covers the
04:01 entire width of the hole, depriving any living creature of oxygen.
04:07 Imagine on heading to the Devil's Kettle Waterfall in Minnesota.
04:12 This one won't necessarily be dangerous for you, but you might end up losing some
04:16 of your stuff out there if you don't pay attention.
04:19 That's because this waterfall experiences a phenomenon that's a real head-scratcher
04:25 for geologists.
04:27 One part of the waterfall flows normally, while the other part disappears into a big
04:32 ol' hole.
04:33 And get this, not even ping pong balls can make it out.
04:38 Scientists decided to investigate, and they went all out, even using GPS trackers.
04:43 Initially, they couldn't figure it out until they realized that the hole acts like a giant
04:49 blender.
04:50 That water is getting spun around so hard, it's basically obliterating everything in
04:55 its path.
04:57 They finally measured the water volume and saw that it was still there, so it was supposed
05:02 to come back out somewhere.
05:04 The most likely explanation is that the water is probably re-emerging in the stream located
05:10 beneath the waterfall.
05:12 You've surely heard of the Bermuda Triangle.
05:16 I mean, that's old news.
05:18 But let me tell you about the Pacific's very own watery trap called the Devil's Sea.
05:24 It's like a game of hide and seek, but with ships.
05:27 They disappear and we can never find them again.
05:30 The Kaio-Maru No. 5 was on a mission to investigate a volcanic island, but the trip ended up being
05:37 just one way.
05:39 Add a dash of detective work to the subject and you'll find out the whole story about
05:44 the Devil's Sea is more myth and less fact, but it doesn't make it any less interesting.
05:51 If you're still interested in some mysterious ship disappearance, then Lake Superior is
05:56 the place you'll want to read about.
05:59 Even the most skilled scuba divers can't find a single piece of all those lost vessels.
06:05 The main character of this lake's story was a ship called the SS Edmund Fitzgerald, the
06:11 biggest one to sink in the Great Lakes.
06:15 To this day, people aren't sure why it sank.
06:20 So you're planning a little swim in one of the Great Lakes, huh?
06:24 Well, might want to steer clear of Lake Michigan, unless you're really into extreme water
06:28 sports.
06:30 This bad boy has a reputation for being the most dangerous of the bunch, thanks to some
06:35 sneaky undercurrents that like to snatch unsuspecting swimmers.
06:40 Make sure to watch out for those pesky piers and docks that only add to the lake's swimming
06:46 difficulty.
06:47 If you're feeling adventurous, you might want to skip the months of October or November.
06:53 This is when the temperatures start to drop and the currents get extra wild.
06:59 Tibet has its dangerous lake too, and at first glance, it's gorgeous.
07:04 But don't get too excited.
07:06 It's got a salt content so high that nothing can survive in it.
07:10 Some villagers around there actually consider it to be tainted with some sort of substance.
07:16 The cherry on top?
07:17 Other locals believe there's a selfish creature living in the lake who's hogging up all the
07:22 space for itself.
07:23 No wonder its nickname is "Darkness."
07:28 No list of dangerous waters is complete without Lake Victoria, the big kahuna of African lakes
07:34 and the third biggest in the whole wide world.
07:38 But beware, not all its waters are safe for us humans.
07:42 Some regions can be real troublemakers, because this lake has its own personal climate.
07:48 And what does that mean?
07:50 Mostly that you can't trust the weather here one bit.
07:54 You could be soaking up some sweet rays one second, and the next you're running from a
07:59 torrential downpour.
08:01 Unless you want to be caught swimming in a storm, steer clear of this moody lake.
08:07 You might have already seen pictures of Lake Hillier.
08:11 It's like a giant pool of grapefruit juice in Australia.
08:15 Scientists have been scratching their heads over it for centuries because they still can't
08:19 figure out with certainty why it's pink.
08:23 But here's the kicker, it's not the only one.
08:26 Yep, there's another pink lake out there called Lake Retba.
08:30 Both of these lakes have super high salt content, which is apparently a magnet for some fancy
08:36 microorganisms.
08:38 These little guys produce beta-carotene, you know, the substance that's in carrots.
08:43 And that's what gives these lakes their groovy colors.
08:47 Interested in swimming in this lake?
08:49 It's not technically dangerous because the water has such high amounts of salt in it.
08:54 There are no scary sea creatures to worry about.
08:57 But on the other hand, you'll need to make sure you don't accidentally take a sip.
09:02 Drinking highly salted water will make you dehydrate faster than a plant in the desert.
