Here's Why This Forest Looks Like AI Made It

  • 2 months ago
There's this super weird forest in Uruguay that looks just like a giant fingerprint from above. It's called the "Bosque de Ombúes" and is made up of trees arranged in a spiral pattern, which is what gives it that unique fingerprint look. No one’s exactly sure why it was planted this way, but it definitely makes for an incredible sight. It's a cool mix of nature and mystery that you won’t find anywhere else. So here's your chance to check out this and other unique forests on Earth!

Narendra_17 / Reddit
Similar_Advertising / Reddit
Some_unknown_guy / Reddit
fattyfoods / Reddit
Molech999 / Reddit
AntiBulls*** / Reddit
And1mixtape9 / Reddit
SanFran_Sierras / Reddit
pkroos / Reddit
taykaybo / Reddit
places-to-visit / Reddit
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00:00As with many other crazy Internet discoveries, it all kick-started on Reddit with a wild
00:05post about wicked forest designs.
00:08Just take a gander on Google Earth and hit up the History tool to watch epic transformations
00:13from barren valleys to densely populated areas teeming with lush green tree plantations.
00:19Currently, Uruguay has approximately 2.7 million acres of artificial forests.
00:25To put that into perspective, it would take you around 15-20 minutes to walk across one
00:30acre, depending on how fast your pace is.
00:33You could spend a lifetime just walking around those artificial Uruguayan forests.
00:39But how did they emerge, and how did they reach this scale?
00:42So there's this process called afforestation, where trees are planted in previously non-forested
00:49This initiative was implemented as part of a larger plan to increase the country's
00:54forest cover, resulting in Uruguay now exporting an impressive $2 billion worth of wood pulp
01:01Despite native forests only covering 5% of the country, these artificial forests occupy
01:06a significant 6%.
01:09Another cool thing about these forests is that they have special trees that originally
01:13couldn't be found in Uruguay.
01:15It was decided to plant eucalyptus trees there, as they show impressive results in terms of
01:20how fast they grow.
01:21A tree can get through a whole cycle, from a little plant to one ready to be harvested
01:26in as little as 10 years.
01:28Yeah, not as impressive as bamboo that grows a couple of feet a day, but still faster than
01:33a common Uruguay tree called the Tree of Heaven, which takes about 25 years to get full size.
01:39By the way, it's considered pretty fast too.
01:43This funky forest in Japan is literally turning heads.
01:47In the Miyazaki Prefecture, there's a group of Japanese cedar trees that are causing a
01:51buzz with their unique concentric circles reaching toward the sky.
01:56A recent aerial photo captured these crop circles, and now everyone is scratching their
02:00heads trying to figure out how they came to be.
02:04But fear not, there's no extraterrestrial invasion involved.
02:08It turns out, this cool formation was actually a carefully planned project from almost half
02:13a century ago.
02:15Back in 1973, researchers planted these trees in specific radial increments to create these
02:21mesmerizing circles.
02:22I mean, 50 years ago, Google Earth was nowhere around.
02:26But looking at that forest, you might think that the Japanese have been preparing to boast
02:30their forest on the Internet for half a century.
02:33Now, what's even more fascinating is how the trees grew in a curved shape, spreading
02:38out in an unexpected way.
02:40Originally meant to be harvested after 5 years, there's now talk of preserving this circular
02:45forest because of all the newfound interest.
02:48Now, look at this portal in the forest.
02:52There's no way it could've emerged naturally, right?
02:55If your first guess was that it was a piece of contemporary art, you were right.
03:00So this portal is located in Southern Estonia, and it was created by Finnish artist, uh,
03:05this guy.
03:06This portal is far from being his only creation.
03:09He's had other crazy projects too.
03:12Like he once sailed to Estonia in a boat made of bark.
03:15He also chopped down a forest plot, sorted all the materials for months, and then made
03:20an installation the same size as the original plot.
03:23There was even a time when he cut a line in ice with a chainsaw and ended up in a freezing
03:29This guy definitely knows how to surprise people.
03:32Most of his works are nature-related, so you probably shouldn't be surprised that this
03:37forest portal is yet another creation of his.
03:40What do you think the artist wanted to convey through this portal?
03:42Let us know in the comments!
03:46Trees are something that are definitionally straight, right?
03:50Not as long as you're in the crooked forest in Poland.
03:53Near the ground, the trees there bend sharply to the north, then magically straighten back
03:57up after a little detour of 3 to 9 feet.
04:01It's like they're doing the limbo, but with trees.
04:04The mystery of how these trees ended up swerving like they're on a roller coaster is still
04:10Something humans might've intervened to create some funky furniture or boat-building material,
04:15while others blame it on a wild snowstorm.
04:17Nobody knows for sure.
04:19Regardless of how they got this way, the crooked forest is a hot spot for tourists and nature
04:25If you ever come to Poland, make sure to visit this nature's wonder.
04:30Welcome to the Goblin Forest, a magical section of East Egmont that will make you feel like
04:35you've stepped into a fairy tale.
04:37This enchanting forest, also known as the Kamahi Walk, is famous for the abundance of
04:42gnarly Kamahi trees that give the whole place an eerie yet stunning vibe.
04:47As you hike through the Goblin Forest, you'll be surprised by lush greenery, moss-covered
04:52trees, and falling rays of sun that create a truly enchanting atmosphere.
04:57It's a photographer's dream come true!
04:59But while you might not find real goblins or mythical creatures in the forest, you will
05:06still encounter a variety of native bird species.
05:09Bird watchers will be in heaven spotting all the feathered friends flitting about.
05:14And all that alliteration.
05:15Plus, if you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of glowworms lighting up the trails.
05:21With a network of well-maintained hiking trails suitable for all fitness levels, the Goblin
05:26Forest is the perfect destination for adventurers looking for a magical experience in nature.
05:32So grab your hiking boots and get ready to explore this enchanted forest of wonders!
05:38Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica is not your typical forest adventure.
05:43Think of high-flying suspension bridges and trails above the treetops.
05:47On foggy days, you can wander through misty clouds for a mystical vibe.
05:52This nature reserve is called a cloud forest, and it's a real scientific definition.
05:57Cloud forests differ from your average ones in several aspects.
06:00First, they're usually evergreen forests that are like tropical oases, with a constant
06:06veil of low-level clouds covering the canopy.
06:09The next thing that's different is moss.
06:11It's so abundant there that these places are sometimes even nicknamed mossy forests.
06:16Going back to Monteverde Cloud Forest, however, it's more impressive if you visit it on
06:21a foggy day.
06:22But even on clear days, the views of the lush greenery are absolutely stunning.
06:28If a regular forest sounds a bit boring to you, our planet has something more fun to
06:34How about an underwater forest?
06:36Whether you're a local Oregonian or just passing through, Clear Lake is definitely
06:41a dive spot you've gotta check out.
06:43True to its name, Clear Lake lives up to its reputation.
06:47With crystal-clear waters boasting up to 100 feet of visibility, it's like swimming
06:51in a massive pool.
06:53But brace yourself, because it's a chilly 38 degrees Fahrenheit all year round.
06:58Nah, I wouldn't venture in there.
07:00It's more adapted for penguins, I guess.
07:02Well, never mind.
07:03This lake is special because of its history.
07:06It was formed over 3,000 years ago by volcanic activity that redirected a river, preserving
07:12ancient trees that you can still see standing tall underwater today.
07:17There's this section known as Underwater Forest where you can see ancient trees deep
07:23An underwater forest walk sounds fancy, doesn't it?
07:27And in Madagascar, there's not a forest, but an avenue of trees.
07:31But the trees are so majestic, this avenue can rival with the coolest actual forest.
07:37I'm talking about these awesome gigantic baobab trees.
07:41Picture this, an 850-foot stretch of road lined with 20 to 25 massive baobabs, towering
07:48at about 100 feet tall.
07:50In terms of height, it's as if this alley was packed with many Rio's Christ the Redeemer
07:56Even a 6-foot guy would feel insecure there.
07:59And if you venture just 4 miles away, you'll find the Baobab Amurru, two baobabs that grew
08:04twisted together like a love story.
08:07Legend has it that they represent an impossible love between two young villagers who dreamt
08:11of a life together.
08:13Now they stand there, intertwined for eternity.
08:21That's it for today!
08:22So hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your
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