17th July 2024

  • 3 months ago


01:52Morning, Peter. Porridge?
01:55Not too sloppy, just how you like it?
01:57What about Bobby?
01:59He can have whatever.
02:01Just get him to come in, will you?
02:08So, you going to call Cindy, say sorry?
02:13No, I think we're done.
02:15Is this not a slight overreaction, Ian?
02:18It's for the best.
02:20You could try telling your face that.
02:33You OK?
02:35My girlfriend's ghosting me.
02:41Does she know why you're here?
02:43George said he'd explain.
02:45Well, then she'll understand, Bob.
02:48You can't leave things like this with Jane.
02:51Why don't we go for a little walk? Give Anna time to cool off.
03:06That's him there.
03:08Recognise him?
03:12No, it's OK.
03:14And they're sure he didn't...
03:16No. No, no, he really didn't.
03:21But we need to go to the police.
03:23They're the ones that can do toxicology, get evidence.
03:31But you did for the mugging.
03:34We're all just trying to help you, Anna.
03:36I mean, Fred, he's going through CCTV now.
03:38I just want to forget about all this.
03:42Bit of a late one, eh?
03:44Well, while you're nursing your hangovers,
03:46let me tell you about the Cotswolds.
03:55Have some balls. Ring her.
04:00She ran you after 25 years.
04:03How hard can 12 hours be?
04:07You know, it was two years ago this week she called me.
04:10Obviously, I can remember exactly where I was.
04:13Down in Cornwall, this beautiful little cafe overlooking the sea.
04:18Phone rings. Answer it.
04:21I nearly fall off my chair.
04:23Spat out my chai latte.
04:26You? Chai latte?
04:31I was just, you know, trying something different.
04:37I was lost.
04:40I think she saved me.
04:43Maybe that's all I needed her for.
04:46I tell you, being back with her properly, she's hard work.
04:49You know, I can see Lucy in her.
04:53Two peas.
04:56Always said that.
04:58Stubborn as a mule.
05:00And those crazy scary eyes when she got angry.
05:05I miss her so much.
05:21Oh, don't tell me. Your morning's been as bad as mine.
05:24I'm meeting Louis' teacher.
05:26Just to get to the bottom of all his school issues.
05:29Oh, it's good though, innit?
05:30Yeah, yeah, it's great.
05:31I've got my job trial tomorrow and a hundred other things I need to do.
05:34Where's Peter when you actually need him?
05:48Just call me when you get this, George.
05:52Are you off to have a lip?
05:55Are you all right?
06:11..it's up to your high standards.
06:15So, um...
06:18..you seeing anyone?
06:20I mean, even casually?
06:22No, no, no. Not that it's any of your business anyway.
06:26No, I told you, after us...
06:31..I just wanted to be on my own.
06:35It wasn't easy leaving.
06:38But once I got here...
06:40..I just needed time to be...
06:43..be different.
06:46Not the person I was back there.
06:48We didn't mean what you said last night.
06:52Do you think they're OK?
06:54They've been gone a while.
07:02You brought so much into our lives.
07:08I married you twice.
07:11You were an amazing wife.
07:13An amazing mum to Bobby.
07:15No, he can't even let me in the army.
07:17He knows how much you care.
07:20I'm sorry.
07:23I always knew this might happen.
07:26You've been the amazing one.
07:28Not freezing me out.
07:30Supporting me in trying to build any kind of relationship with Bobby.
07:35You're a good, good man.
07:56Sorry, my...
07:58..my head's in a bit of a mess.
08:01Are you sure you want to run?
08:05There's a theme developing here.
08:08Us in here.
08:10You the straw.
08:12Slightly more closed this time.
08:17It's over now.
08:20Ian's done the right thing for both of us.
08:30I can do what I want now.
08:38It's just a row.
08:39I don't need you trying to side with Ian or stopping me from leaving.
08:45That's what he's hoping my dad would do.
08:53Where are you even planning on going to?
08:57There's a lot to lose, ain't there?
09:00Everyone you care about is here.
09:04I'm on my own.
09:05It ain't fun.
09:09Well, it could be, but...
09:15Family's the one, right?
09:19Just be careful about what you throw in the way.
09:35I'm sorry.
09:37The love of your life literally just left.
09:39Love of my life? He drives me round the bend.
09:42You just want to hurt her, Ian. That's what all this was about.
09:45You love her, like crazy. You always have.
09:49And it's like you said yourself.
09:52She's your saviour.
09:55You're just as lost today as you were two years ago.
09:59You need her.
10:01I can't have her, though, can I?
10:04Not really.
10:06Kate, she makes me happy.
10:10First time since Lucy.
10:14I'm always wondering if I'm enough for her.
10:20You've got to believe you are, Ian. Otherwise, what's left?
10:24You've got to believe you are, Ian. Otherwise, what's left?
10:33I'm an idiot.
10:35You said it.
10:37I need to go and find Bobby.
10:43You know she won't go to the police?
10:45She won't tell Dad. I mean, where's her boyfriend?
10:48I mean, I do know where he is, but I'm just...
10:50Oh, come on, G, it's good that he's not seen it online.
10:53Yeah, and it's not like he's not trying. Look, he's desperate to know what's going on.
10:58Look, let me talk to her, yeah? Come on, I left her.
11:01Yeah, but I'm the one that was shoving shots down her face.
11:04She only had one. Let me try.
11:08For Bob.
11:14When I heard Dad was talking to her again, I just...
11:17I just remembered.
11:20The pain.
11:22The lies.
11:27And I looked past that, Bob, and she was a great mum.
11:31To all of us.
11:33To you.
11:51Every single day...
11:54I have thought about when I'd see you again.
11:58Yesterday, it wasn't quite how I imagined it.
12:02I'm still so happy, though.
12:05That you're here.
12:08That you're here with me.
12:11That you're here with me.
12:14That you're here with me.
12:16That you're here.
12:18That you're here with me.
12:21Even if you still can't understand me or...
12:27Look me in the eye.
12:31I hurt you.
12:35I attacked you like I attacked Lucy.
12:38I hit you with a hockey stick.
12:41I put you in a wheelchair.
12:43I don't know how you can look me in the eye.
12:47Because you're my son.
12:50You're not an evil person. You're kind.
12:55That's why I did what I did that night.
12:59So many people suffered.
13:02Because of our lies.
13:05Well, I know that now.
13:13In that moment...
13:16I just wanted you to be okay.
13:19I wanted to protect you.
13:25Don't try and forgive me.
13:29Don't try and forgive me.
13:33If you can't.
13:40There's just a hump.
13:43There's so much noise in my head.
13:46And I can't...
13:47You're my new faith.
13:51Listen to it.
13:53Really hard.
13:55Really hard.
14:01Don't forgive me.
14:05If you can't.
14:08But Bobby, please.
14:12Please try.
14:14Try to start to forgive yourself.
14:19Because that's what's making you unhappy.
14:22That's what's dragging you down.
14:25I'm sorry.
14:46We got bananas.
14:48We got grapes.
14:54Whatever, they look cute.
14:55Your sister got you a greasy sarnie,
14:57but I bought after everything that you've been through.
15:01You need some nutrients.
15:05Listen, I feel like it goes without saying,
15:08but if you want to talk about it,
15:10then I'm here to listen.
15:18Maybe I did smile at him.
15:20I smile at most people.
15:24And maybe I weren't keeping an eye on my drink.
15:28Like, all the time.
15:31And I didn't eat much yesterday.
15:35And that shot really went to my head.
15:41I think I remember leaving youse.
15:47But I...
15:49I think I just felt sick.
15:53And he seemed like he wanted to help.
16:00Stop blaming yourself.
16:03You've done nothing wrong.
16:05And if you want to go to the police,
16:07then I'll be right there behind you.
16:10And if you don't...
16:15We got kumquats.
16:22I'm sorry about, you know...
16:26Well, if it helped give you clarity.
16:36Thanks for letting us kip.
16:40Your dad tells me you're back with Lauren.
16:43Look after her.
16:45And Louis.
16:49I just want you all to be happy.
16:53You too.
17:02I was going to post it, but, you know,
17:05the price of stamps and all that.
17:08It's for your big birthday.
17:23The verse of Ayatollah Kursi?
17:25The most powerful one.
17:27How do you know that?
17:30I'll explain another time.
17:34Thank you, Jane.
17:37Can I, um...
17:40Can I see you again?
17:53Come on.
18:14How did you get on at the school?
18:16Yeah, well, apparently Louis's got something called dyscalculia.
18:19It's why he's been hating maths
18:21and hating going to school.
18:23This what?
18:24It's like dyslexia, but with numbers.
18:27I know.
18:28Us bills have always been great with numbers.
18:30You know, years of work with cash, out in the stall, in here.
18:33Well, it is a real thing, Cathy.
18:34No, I'm not saying it ain't.
18:36Well, maybe if you bills had been great at being around,
18:39then we wouldn't have all missed it.
18:41Forget the coffee.
18:46Lainey did her best, but this needs some of your extra-strong detergent.
18:50Where's Cindy?
18:51I won't ask.
18:53It's the girls' clubs. They went on a big one last night.
18:56Anna couldn't keep anything down, apparently.
18:58And where were you last night?
19:01Well, Elaine may have mentioned it.
19:04She was the one who wanted me to drive Cindy.
19:07Yes, of course, she would say that with her mouth, but...
19:11Your fiancée is a good, good woman, George.
19:16Maybe you should do something to show her that you know that.
19:19Something added on the washing.
19:23Sweeter off, George.
19:26Come on, man.
19:28Sweeter off.
19:37Have you heard from your mum?
19:39She hasn't opened up the shop all day. It's been closed.
19:42Do you think she's gone?
19:50I actually have to go.
19:53Bye, guys.
19:55Yeah, I should probably go see Lauren.
20:07Where have you been?
20:09I went to see Lucy.
20:11Took some flowers.
20:15I only stayed because of Bobby, not...
20:17You embarrassed me, Ian.
20:20Do I make you happy?
20:24She said you were lonely.
20:27Why can't you tell me if you feel like that?
20:29I don't. I...
20:33All right, maybe...
20:36..before, when, you know, George and that, but...
20:40..but now?
20:42Cindy, I...
20:44I shouldn't have lied to you about Jane, OK?
20:49I need you, Cindy.
20:54I can't give up on us now.
21:00I lost you for 25 years.
21:04..can't give up on you now either.
21:16Start again, yeah?
21:18Open and honest.
21:23I know I messed up with George,
21:25but I need to be able to trust you, Ian.
21:28OK? Yeah.
21:33No more lies.
21:43I tried to kiss Jane this morning.
21:57I, er, heard you in the cafe earlier.
22:01Yeah, sorry.
22:03Well, I get loud when I get stressed.
22:06With Calcula, yeah?
22:08Yeah, one of Dave's mates are there.
22:10His parents live nearby, but they're cool.
22:13I can reach you if you want. I can chat it through.
22:17I'm a dean, it's on your own.
22:19Need a friend here, right?
22:21Give me your number...
22:23..and I'll ping it over.
22:25Yeah? OK.
22:29Here you go.
22:31Nice one. Dad!
22:33Hello, little man.
22:38You've been gone ages.
22:40Yeah, clearly.
22:44I, er, have actually got to go.
22:47Yeah, thank you.
22:52Why are you so embarrassed?
22:54It's not fair for you to ask me to walk in after two days.
22:56Exactly, you've been gone two days,
22:58and I've had to practically beg Jay for a job.
23:01I've had to find out on my own that our son might have dyscalculia or something.
23:05He what?
23:06Yeah. That's why he's been hanging in school.
23:09Oh, I'm sorry.
23:10Let's get some dinner later and we'll do some research.
23:14No, come on, you, let's go. You've got homework.
23:21The first thing I remember is waking up in the hospital.
23:27My friends had to fill me in.
23:31Thanks, Miss Knight.
23:33No, we can do the forensic testing.
23:35As I said, some drugs leave the system after 12 hours.
23:38But some may still show up.
23:41The main thing is that we have some record of it.
23:44Incidents are spiking these days, off the chart.
23:48I'll be right back.
23:55Here's your bill.
23:59I wouldn't be here if you hadn't just listened.
24:12I'm sure you can pop out and say that.
24:15It's fine. It can wait.
24:22Still no answer.
24:23Just keep trying.
24:25I'm going to see if I can find it.
24:27All right.
24:32White wine, please, George.
24:34You OK?
24:36Bobby said you were needing a talk.
24:38Yeah, we were until...
24:42Er, Tracy.
24:44White wine.
24:46So, I've been thinking.
24:48Oh, careful.
24:51The wedding.
24:53I've realised we've set a date, but we haven't got any guests.
24:57Where's this going?
24:59How about...
25:01I order some of those save-the-date things.
25:03Spread the word.
25:05I am going to marry you, Elaine Peacock.
25:09And you ain't going to back out now.
25:12Just one thing.
25:14Let me order them, because aesthetics are very important,
25:18and it needs to fit the brand.
25:28You did what?
25:29I mean, I get that you might have felt lonely,
25:32and like you couldn't talk to me,
25:34but to kiss her...
25:36I mean, is it tit-for-tat for George?
25:39Am I not enough?
25:41I just want my family, and to stop getting hurt.
25:46You do know you hurt him, too.
25:49Why do you both keep doing this to each other?
25:51There's clearly a lot of love there.
25:54It's like me and Lauren.
25:56She's not missing you about again, is she?
26:01It's hard.
26:03When there's so much to lose.
26:06When did you become such a wise young man?
26:10Forget about Jane.
26:12She's on her own in the Cotswolds.
26:15You've got all of us here.
26:19Thanks, love.
26:20All right.
26:29Hey, you.
26:31Yeah, I'm gone.
26:35No chance of any awkward reunion.
26:39OK, love.
26:42See you later.
26:43Oh, Masood.
26:46That silver band with the scripture.
26:49He loved it.
26:51Thank you.
27:15It was a moment of madness.
27:18I was angry.
27:20Cindy, I...
27:25I can't lose you again.
27:28I need you. It's...
27:30It's us.
27:33Look, we've got everything we ever wanted.
27:40We do.
27:54Right, ten minutes, then homework.
27:57Oh, well, it's not going to be funny about me being here, is it?
28:00Oh, don't start.
28:04Look, you've got my number now, so you can always call me.
28:08If you need that.
28:09Friendly, eh?