• last year
French security expert Mathilde Foubert says Parisians need not worry about their safety at the forthcoming Olympics and jokes with CGTN’s Ken Browne that the city’s population could win a gold medal for complaining!


00:00What is the kind of security rollout looking out? Are people feeling like they're going to be safe? Are they going to be... Are people worried?
00:09People are quite worried but I think that this is not what they are most worried of.
00:14Honestly, we have many policemen, officers that are walking around the streets of the cities much more than usual for the Olympics
00:23and it shows us how good the security will be and we are very confident in our security forces.
00:30Tell me, now people might say that Parisians are complaining but that complaining is a bit of a national sport here in France.
00:37Can you say that? Is that fair?
00:39Yes, honestly, it's our national sport.
00:42If only there was a gold medal for that, right?
00:44Oh, we would win every day. We should do Olympics for that.
