Seine clean-up complete in time for Olympics

  • 3 months ago
The much-awaited Seine clean up cost France $1.5 billion and has resulted in the previously filthy river meeting minimum hygiene standards, allowing it to be used for Olympic events.

CGTN’s Ken Browne explains how they did it.



00:00Hi everyone, Ken Brown here in central Paris. I am on the River Seine where earlier today the
00:07Mayor and
00:09Hidalgo swam right here in the River Seine
00:12She was proving that the water quality is safe enough for Olympians
00:18We're going to have two Olympic events here the triathlon and the open water swimming event now only two weeks ago
00:27High levels of E. Coli was detected in the water
00:30It was ten times above the bacteria levels that are needed to swim
00:36So today very good news for Anne Hidalgo
00:40The French government has spent some 1.5 billion dollars on cleaning up the Seine and now
00:46Olympians will be able to swim in it next year
00:49They hope that Parisians and everybody who visits here will be too. Just watch out for the current
00:54I'm Ken Brown for CGTN in Paris
