Frasier Season 2 Episode 16 The Show Where Sa M Shows Up

  • 2 months ago
Frasier Season 2 Episode 16 The Show Where Sa M Shows Up
00:00well that's our show for today don't forget Bob Bulldog brisco's up next and
00:05oh yes this is KACL cash call week $5,000 if you answer your phone with the
00:14phrase that pays so when your phone rings don't say hello say well blow me
00:19down KCL's talk of the town talk the talk is yellow whatever why should I'm
00:40here interviewing for a job the Mariners need a pitching coach and they gave me a
00:45call oh I mean that's great but this is all right you're off the air oh yeah
00:54that's fine I gotta go your messages are on my desk whoa who is this I I'm Sam
01:04Malone I was a buddy of Frazier's in Boston this is a Ross Doyle so this is
01:10the Sam Malone you've always talked about the one who has no respect for
01:13women and treats them like dirt anyone to show you around Seattle well you
01:22know tell you the truth I'm all right with the city but I get real lost in my
01:26hotel room just look at the two of you face-to-face
01:32I imagine wild animals all over the Northwest are lifting their heads
01:36alerted to the scent if you need me company give me a call here's my number
01:44oh thanks that's a snazzy card yes close in the dark so do I so how's everybody
01:56a cheering yeah oh wow well let's see you know that Rebecca finally married
02:03a plumber yeah it's ironic isn't it you know she spent all her energy trying to
02:09land some rich guy she ends up with an ordinary plumber well yeah an ordinary
02:13plumber struck gold he's got a patent on some low-flow toilet thing he's rich
02:19beyond her wildest dream well heck I'm happy for her well don't be he dumped
02:25her she's back bar working at Cheers again no she just back bar hey you know
02:38here's some good news uh Woody and Kelly they had a they had a baby boy oh that
02:44is wonderful is he no he's smart
02:56genetics takes a holiday huh so Sam you want to continue this over some lunch
03:02yeah I'd like that so Norm and Cliff still holding up the bar
03:06well Norm is but uh Cliff hasn't been in for a while yeah evidently he read this
03:11article about flesh eating bacteria and he hasn't left his mom's house since you
03:18know there's a good side to that though because a lot of people haven't been
03:22around for a while it's starting to come back to the bar
03:31hey daft Sam was a major league ballplayer put out the good China oh yes
03:38and while you're at it don't forget the limo's between as far as I'm concerned
03:46Sam Malone's the most important person ever to set foot in this apartment I
03:51don't understand this American obsession with sports figures and also
03:55superficial yeah it's not like to do anything real important like sit on a
04:00throne or christened ship I'm supposed to ask Maris to spend an evening with a
04:10baseball player why don't I just ask her to rub my shoulders oh wow look at
04:22this man you got quite a babe magnet here
04:27I'm Marty Crane I'm one of your biggest fans yeah I was at the Kingdom the night
04:36you gave up four consecutive home runs I'll bet you remember that don't you
04:43actually I don't you see I was doing my drinking phase did I I hit anybody did I
04:50hurt them no hey well that was a good game
04:56hey Sam this is my chair you want to sit in it oh yeah well maybe later
05:04I'll keep it warm oh Sam this is my brother dr. Niles Craig pleasure to meet
05:12you oh yeah you too Wow and this is freaky he looks just just like you did
05:19when I met you what happened huh
05:26wasn't exactly a health club you were running there this is strange I gotta
05:34tell you see I didn't I didn't know he had a brother pressure I don't mind
05:43telling you I'm a little offended that all the time you spent swapping bone
05:47mower with the beer not set you never once mentioned you had a brother you
05:52know truth is I bet he said something it's just that when Frazier gets going
05:56you kind of have to tune him out but slogan for his radio show dr. Frazier
06:02Crane when he gets going you have to tune him out
06:06hey what did he tell you about me Sam the father the old cop he told me you
06:14were dead yeah well we had had an argument called me a stuffed shirt and
06:22hung up on me I was mad you're a cop you told me he was a research scientist
06:31you weren't dead what did it matter
06:40oh oh yeah yeah this is Sam alone Sam this is definitely moon dance physical
06:48well it's a pleasure to meet you yeah yeah boy I've always been a sucker for
06:55the English accent no matter what you say it always sounds so so classy and
07:01sophisticated oh let me get that for it pretty lady like you shouldn't spend her
07:13whole evening in the kitchen is it my imagination or is Sam flirting with
07:27Daphne well of course he's flirting with three flirts with everybody you can't
07:32help but he's a sexual compulsive but he's getting help for it in the support
07:36group did he miss a meeting
07:52hello you'd like to speak to Sam well who's calling please
08:01Sheila um yes well um he's not here right now but I'm expecting him soon no
08:11number two oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I was mistaken he was here but he left
08:24well yes I'll give him the message thank you I'm sorry Sam I'm a little out of
08:30practice so who's Sheila hmm it's just the woman I'm supposed to marry marry
08:44when oh boy um yesterday yesterday yeah I don't want to talk about it
08:56but Sam fresh please oh wow hey something sure smells yummy here oh wait
09:05a second I think it's me
09:16come on Sam one more all right I see uh 1949 Yankees initials V are big rashy
09:26oh great he's amazing all I have to do is give him the city the date and the
09:32initials gets it every time that's very similar to a game Frazier and I play I'll
09:38go first 1962 Prague Philharmonic viola section initials Cm
09:44Chancellor Mick Levick no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry
09:52was first viola the year before but by 62 he developed rosin poisoning and was
09:57no longer able to plug
10:05well I'm off to bed thanks Sam the chairs all yours
10:15oh yeah night all good night dad I'll be turning into pleasant dreams well I
10:35guess I'd better be getting back to my Maris and clock strikes 12 and she
10:39hasn't felt my kiss upon her forehead she gets nervous Sam it's been a
10:43pleasure meeting you yeah yeah you too hey listen you want to really put a
10:48smile on Maris's face let me tell you what she did exactly where am I supposed
10:57to find whipped cream and a car battery at this hour
11:02you got neighbors don't you
11:12well sir now that everybody's gone there was something I wanted to bring up I
11:19just what what is it what is it oh yes yes I remember what the hell do you
11:23mean you were about to get married all right I met this girl six months ago and
11:33we were supposed to get married and yesterday I was standing in this church
11:39facing this minister and I hear him say will you take this woman to be your wife
11:46and I said who me next thing you know I'm running down the aisle I didn't
11:55stop running till I got here so you're not in Seattle because of the Mariners
11:59believe me no ballplayers in Seattle because of the Mariners
12:07come let's have a seat here start this thing from the very beginning now who
12:15is this woman gosh she's a terrific person she's smart she's funny she's
12:21horny I mean she's just the kind of chick you want to stick up on a pedestal
12:26you know Sam it's always amazed me how you can elevate and demean in the same
12:35what forget it well how do you think she found me here I mean well it's my guess
12:44Sam that you left a lot of clues as to where you were because basically you
12:48wanted her to find you I have a feeling that you actually want to marry this
12:57girl yeah I don't look Sam all that happened was he panicked it's it's
13:03perfectly natural you know the wedding ceremony represents the end of your old
13:10life tell you man she's one in a million you know for most guys that's
13:18just an expression I have a feeling that you are you are finally ready for a
13:30commitment like this I think you ought to get on that phone and call her what
13:35would I say to her though well just tell her you panicked and ran it tell her the
13:40truth I mean after all honesty is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship
13:48you know it's time I stepped up to the plate and stopped acting like a kid
13:56absolutely she's the only question now is will she still take you back
14:10she actually forgave him yes yes more than that she's on her way here in the
14:19plane right now they're gonna get married in Hawaii same old story love
14:24triumphs over Ross don't be a sore loser will you please look I invited them here
14:31on their way in from the airport I remember my wedding day standing at the
14:35altar feeling faint shaking sweating Maris was so distraught thinking I might
14:41have cold feet never forget how relieved she was to learn it was just a congenital
14:45heart murmur that would plague me for the rest of my life
14:49hey everybody oh here she is the future mrs. Sam Malone well Sheila this is
14:59Frazier hello Frazier it's nice to finally meet you Sheila likewise this is
15:05and Niles congratulations thank you well you want to sit down I'll get us some
15:11coffee or something you know actually Sam it was sort of a long flight I was
15:15hoping maybe to go back to the hotel and freshen up well all right yeah whatever
15:20uh hey will you join us for dinner about 8 o'clock sure right right great all
15:26right uh well I guess we're off to fresh Apple oh my god she was cute but
15:38she's not an oh my god no no not that oh my god oh my god I slept with that woman
15:46three months ago you slept with her yes on what desert island with no
15:56hope of rescue was this I was in Boston long weekend feeling a little depressed
16:08so I took solace in the arms of a beautiful and remarkably welcoming young
16:17woman at a hotel bar and that was she no Niles I told you that for absolutely no
16:23reason whatsoever of course it was she to see the way she ran out of here the
16:29minute she saw me oh yes the trademark of all your bedmates
16:37three months ago didn't Sam say they've been together for six months well it
16:45looks like this horse race is on again have you no scruples whatsoever you're
16:56the one who slept with your friend's fiance surely you have to tell Sam about
17:02this Oh what and ruin our relationship as well as theirs what I've got to do is
17:07actually I've got to speak to her first you're her side of this story I mean
17:11after all there are hundreds of reasons why people have affairs Ross want to get a start
17:16up there's got to be some explanation maybe they stop seeing each other for a couple of
17:25weeks maybe Sam cheated on her and she was just doing it to get even with him maybe she
17:30just found me completely irresistible oh yeah that's it
17:33hello Frasier oh Sheila good to see you again Sam you are one lucky guy he stopped getting
17:55our plane tickets oh good look you have some explaining to do young lady okay wine no thank
18:03you look first of all I know this is an excuse what I did but I had no idea that you were a
18:12friend of Sam's I'm a sexual compulsive that's how Sam and I met in group look that night I
18:26spent with you I guess I just kind of fell off the wagon but it was terrible I felt awful
18:33afterwards it ended up being a kind of a turning point for me that's how it is with addiction
18:41before you get better you have to hit rock-bottom yes well I'm glad I could be down there for you
18:56it's a pleasure I'm human I made a mistake can you understand that oh of course I can
19:10understand Sheila and I sympathize I've had many patients that share your affliction although to
19:17date you're the only one I've met that can hit the emergency button of an elevator with a stiletto
19:21heel I want you to know that I love Sam and I'm gonna do everything I can to make this marriage
19:31work well you certainly do seem sincere about this I think in all good conscience I can support this
19:39marriage but I want you to know if you start to feel yourself slipping here's my number so I can
19:50help you as a psychiatrist oh and I think it's probably best if we don't tell Sam about the two
20:02of us agreed it's not that I have a guilty conscience or anything
20:13got a little charlie horse Sam did you get the ticket Sam yeah I did they're uh they're right
20:23here so happy by this time tomorrow will be mr. and mrs. Sam I want to talk to you about that um
20:36Frazier said something the other day that really stuck in my mind well that's a first what did I
20:45say you know that thing about honesty being something of something it was pro-honesty
20:53being the cornerstone of a good relationship right yeah well that really stuck in my mind
21:04tell you truth I haven't really been honest with you Sheila what do you mean this isn't what when
21:15we get married I want us to have a clean slate sweetheart you know boy I hope you can I hope
21:23you can forgive me for this but a few months ago I had a slip actually it was two slips but they
21:32happened simultaneously so I'm coming was this after you were engaged actually it was that night
21:45I'm so sorry listen it has not happened since and I swear to God it will not happen again Sam I
21:59forgive you you do actually I'm relieved because I have something that I need to confess to you
22:06you're not the only one I think it's time you guys had a little privacy no no Frazier you're
22:17responsible for getting us this far now we have no secrets all right who well that that's what
22:29makes it so tough it was someone from Cheers but you know I just remember I parked in the loading
22:36zone Sam I slept with Paul Paul short ball fat Paul say it was good no all right that I understand
22:56that you were giving Paul a break or something you know I can forgive that this is what this is
23:04all about isn't it forgiveness yes okay okay you told one you told what that's great you're all
23:10leaving Stephen let's go eat there was someone else what are we still on this
23:17it doesn't matter I don't care it doesn't matter who it is yes yes it does matter Sam I think this
23:33one is really embarrassing I was lonely I was desperate I just been to the eye doctor and my
23:42pupils were dilated Oh Sheila for God's sake oh look I'll tell him what she's trying to say it was
23:51Cliff Cliff you you slept with Cliff
24:09no that's it weddings off
24:15free tree you gotta help me you've got to talk to him I slept with a woman who slept with Cliff
24:30oh boy long flight home well I know it was painful Sam but you made the right decision
24:55you're just using Cliff as the excuse both know there were more compelling reasons for you to
25:02back Atlas no it was Cliff
25:08you know Sam to put this thing aside once and for all I realize you're probably the only friend
25:21I have that is a tough one to swallow but you know the important thing is that you proved
25:42yourself you're ready for a commitment even if Sheila wasn't the one yeah I suppose
25:49now the way we're both in the same boat yeah what do you mean well you know we've tried we
26:01failed but we'll try again we're looking for a meaningful relationship yeah you know that's it
26:11that's the word they're meaningful we're gonna find it though buddy I tell you that we will
26:21you know stewardesses usually hang out at that airport bar
26:25hey baby I hear the blues a-calling tossed salads and scrambled eggs
26:41mercy and maybe I seem a bit confused well maybe but I got you baked
26:50but I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs they're calling again
