The Traitors UK S01E11 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Previously on The Traitors.
00:04The players arrived here at this Scottish castle.
00:07To play the game of a lifetime and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
00:14But hidden amongst them are The Traitors, whose job is to secretly murder the others without getting caught.
00:21And if they make it to the end, they will take all the money.
00:26But with the finish line fast approaching, trust was broken between the two traitors, Will and Amanda.
00:33I'm not sure about Amanda. She dropped Theo like a piece of shit.
00:36Take a calculated risk and go for Amanda tonight.
00:39I don't understand how people can turn on someone that quick.
00:41Amanda. Amanda. Amanda.
00:43I'm really sorry Amanda, I put your name.
00:45Meaning the faithful finally banished the second traitor from the game.
00:49I am the traitor, guys.
00:53Shut the front door.
00:55But with Will riding solo, I decided to give him a proposition.
00:59You're going to choose a faithful and you'll give them an ultimatum.
01:04Either join you and become a traitor or get murdered.
01:08Who would you like to issue this ultimatum to?
01:14My mind's racing massively.
01:16It's a massive, massive twist of events.
01:56Something in it had a power
02:03Barely tear my eyes away
02:17Fucking knew it
02:20Hello Will
02:26I've got an old mate in for you
02:30So you either join me tonight as a traitor
02:34Or I murder you tonight
02:39The reason that I've chosen you is I just see something in you that is similar to me
02:46We've got two days left and I feel like between us we'd be able to take the money together
02:56I got blindsided and was still trying to absorb what is actually going on here with me
03:03I was very happy with playing the role of a faithful
03:06What my game plan was has all of a sudden abruptly changed
03:11I found this really really difficult even today
03:14Getting rid of Amanda, feeling really guilty but
03:17What's the point of going through all of the rubbish that I've gone through and had to make all of these horrible decisions
03:22If it's not going to be worth it in the end
03:25Do you accept?
03:30It's a huge crossroad
03:33I'm going to have to turn on people I like
03:35I'm trying to think if it's the right decision
03:40I have an opportunity here also for myself and for my family
03:46Being killed is not an option for me
03:52I accept Will
03:55Let's play
03:57Let's play, have some fun
03:59Ding ding
04:01I did it
04:02Ding ding
04:04I did not see that coming, it was basically comply or die
04:08It is a game and it is a competition and I'm now in the game trying to survive
04:14How's your new cloak?
04:16Fits really well thanks
04:19It's not going to be easy but if we're prepared to go to the end together it makes perfect sense
04:26Basically our first task as traitors together is to murder someone tonight
04:32Let the game continue
04:35Where do we go now then?
04:37So if you pick up your lantern, put up your hood and follow me
04:42I was so nervous, I was like I'm going to let this person in on my little secret
04:49I think everybody's scared to be a traitor, people are genuinely scared of having that responsibility
04:55But if you give me the chance I'll build the best traitor team and we'll win
05:00We're here to win, I'm not here to participate
05:02We're here to win
05:24Hello mate
05:27Is this where it all goes on?
05:29Yeah this is where we do our little scheming
05:35The main thing for us was like I wanted to take out people that were too strong
05:41So I've been trying to slowly get rid of people that I know the only way to get rid of them is like this and not vanishment
05:47It's not going to be easy but I'd rather be here than dead
05:52So thanks for that
05:54We don't want to murder people that are on the radar
05:57Andrea won't receive a single vote round that table at the moment
06:00No she won't ever
06:02The problem with Andrea is she throws these random theories at me
06:05Yeah no she does
06:07So Meryl, she's probably the one that won't get many votes as well
06:11So she's definitely a target person
06:15And then Maddie, she's on to me, she's just going to keep going and going
06:19So it does worry me a little bit sometimes
06:21So it's between Meryl, Andrea and Maddie
06:33So first murder, we agreed
06:37Yeah we agreed
06:39Participate in the first murder, it didn't feel good at all
06:43I had to be very careful, if you don't build alliances you won't survive
06:47I'm a serial killer, I've done this too many times
06:49So how does it feel first time murdering someone?
06:52Yeah it's hard but it's a tactical plan, it needs to be done
06:55I have an alliance but that individual has killed his fellow traitors
06:59It's a massive gamble
07:01And I hope I can trust Will
07:11After a successful recruitment last night, Kieran joined Will as a traitor and murdered in order to survive
07:19With only six players remaining, it will be the surviving four faithful who will join the traitors for breakfast
07:29I can't believe that I'm still here
07:40I can't even describe how happy I am to be here but at the same time petrified because there is nowhere to hide now at all
07:51Look at that, I've got actual goosebumps
07:55We managed to get two traitors banished
07:59Amanda and Alyssa
08:01So I think whoever the other traitor is, it has to be a man
08:05Do you trust Kieran 100%?
08:08Kieran I think at the moment is trustworthy and the thing is we've done really well as a group
08:13And I trust you and Kieran and Meryl
08:17I feel positive about having Kieran on my side
08:19I didn't trust Amanda but I'm going to trust him
08:21I need somebody like that with me in the final
08:23So we're sort of trying to keep our name off the radar with each other which is not easy
08:37Good morning
08:39It's the team, you alright?
08:41This morning was very different for me
08:43From being faithful and being good at it to being a traitor
08:47And trying not to change how I've been as a person when I come in here was quite hard to do
08:52We can run that round table tonight
08:53It's not if we want to, it's if we all agree on a person
08:57But I can't, until I see who comes through the door I'm not really sure
09:05Oh my god!
09:07I thought I was dead
09:09I thought I was dead
09:11First time that I've actually walked through the door on my own
09:13Which was really daunting because I thought I'd be murdered
09:16Aaron, Andrea and Meryl came
09:18That's so sad that one of those three has been murdered
09:21It's sad, let's be honest
09:23It's sad whoever got murdered
09:25Even Amanda last time
09:27She's an absolute genius
09:29I know, I love her still
09:33I'm sorry
09:35But she was like a mother to me in here
09:38She was like one of my best friends
09:41And that's maybe where I've gone wrong
09:43I should just be accusing people that I love the most
09:46I need to speak to Aaron today because I feel like
09:49I don't know now guys, it's always a question mark
09:51Are you wavering on the Aaron thing?
09:53Wavering, yeah
09:55This is so hard
09:57Because I swear to god if I get to that final tomorrow
09:59And there's a traitor in it, I don't
10:01I don't know if I'll recover
10:08Am I the last one?
10:10No wait, there's one more
10:12Who's left?
10:14Andrea and Meryl
10:16Oh shit
10:18This ain't going to be nice to deal with is it really?
10:21Jesus Christ
10:26This is the most morose breakfast I've ever been to
10:29I can't eat man
10:31I knew what was going to happen obviously
10:33And I knew it was going to impact people
10:35Who do you guys think it's going to be?
10:40Come in
10:41Come in
10:49Oh Andrea
10:51How are you?
10:53Good thank you, how are you?
10:55Alright, well then
10:57Shit be the last one innit
10:59Oh shit
11:12For me
11:14Andrea's the one
11:16It's the only play to play to be honest at this stage
11:18She could possibly win this if she stays in
11:22Because she's not going to get the votes around the table
11:24No, that's it, it pains me to say
11:26That's the best move to take
11:41In the order of the traitors
11:43You have been murdered
11:45Signed, the traitors
11:47Cross, cross, cross
11:49There we are, that's it
11:52I'd love to have got to the end
11:54For me, one of the big lessons in this is
11:56We can all have a go
11:58We won't all succeed
12:00But we can all have a go
12:02And if we try our best
12:04We will have personally, for each of us
12:06Have succeeded
12:09What a pleasure
12:11To have this chance
12:14At my age, to do this
12:17Thank you so much
12:19I've loved it
12:27That's sad
12:29I'm really worried about her now
12:32She's the only one I felt I can enjoy myself with
12:34And not have to think about the game
12:36I love Andrea so much
12:38And I made that decision
12:39I feel guilty
12:41If I show it too much on my face
12:43They're going to know
12:45You alright, Kieran?
12:47Oh, you look so sad
12:51You smell nice
12:55I'm sad, obviously
12:57That lady is an absolute gem
12:59And I think I've weakened my position
13:01With Andrea going
13:03It wasn't my decision, I went along with it
13:05I've now got to try and get back into another game plan
13:07Which is survival
13:09And I mean no one's
13:11Right, everyone raise your glass
13:13To an experience of a lifetime
13:15To Andrea
13:17And also
13:19To a living legend
13:21To a living legend
13:23Right, cheers
13:29Good morning everyone
13:31Good morning
13:33This is your penultimate breakfast
13:36So well done for making it here
13:39On getting a traitor out
13:42Amanda has left
13:45Here's the thing though
13:47The traitors fought back
13:49And Andrea has gone
13:51Aaron, do you want to help me
13:53Get her down?
14:02Thank you
14:06You all absolutely loved Andrea
14:09I know I did
14:11And she'll be sorely missed
14:14Now on to today's mission
14:17Where you're going to put even more money
14:19Into that prize fund
14:21I've got a little question for you
14:23You are the final six
14:25How much do you trust each other?
14:33I'll see you at the mission
14:49You alright mate?
14:51I thought you was dead at some point
14:55I think now
14:57Because I think it's not you
14:59But I'm just
15:01I'm so sorry
15:03I'm really sorry
15:05She's mugged us off
15:07And then I thought about you
15:09She's mugged us both off here
15:11And then I've mugged you off a lot of the time
15:13I think that's why we're still here
15:17I think it's Will and Meryl
15:19So we need to
15:21But I'm only going to say Will
15:23I don't think it's Will
15:25The only thing I can go off of
15:27Is just how upset he was that time
15:29And I think I felt that
15:31When I was going to get booted out
15:33I felt that
15:36I think it's got to be a guy
15:38It can't be three girls
15:40It's got to be two girls and a guy
15:42It's not Kieran I promise you
15:44How do you know?
15:46I can just feel it
15:48Yeah but they were under my radar
15:50They were my friends
15:52Even when she voted for me
15:54I still was backing her
15:56I was like she doesn't mean that
15:58You know?
16:00That's the sad bit
16:02Do you know what?
16:03I'm actually really happy right now
16:05Because I'm actually so surprised I'm here
16:07But there's a reason I'm still here
16:09And I don't know what it is
16:11In my mind it's because you're still here
16:13We've been blindsided
16:15A lot of the time
16:17The only reason you're here is because I'm Adi
16:19I know it's 100% Will
16:22I just think he's the traitor
16:24And no one else is listening to that
16:27I think it's Will guys
16:29No it's not, I promise you it's not
16:31I would bet my life on it
16:33But this is what we need to do
16:35We need to literally just think of reasons
16:37Why you think it is that person
16:39Not reasons why you don't think it is
16:41My tactic for today is to convince
16:43At least three people that it's Kieran
16:45And then get Kieran out
16:47Last night he went in on Amanda
16:49Like he knew it was her
16:51So I feel like he's got some insight knowledge
16:53And the person I think it is
16:55Right, which sounds like shit saying it
16:57But it's Kieran
16:59Some eyes are on Kieran
17:01It does worry me a little bit
17:03Regardless, if I was a traitor
17:05And I knocked Matt out
17:07Matt leaving would still upset me
17:09Regardless if I was a traitor or not
17:11I would still be upset about it
17:13I know I need to try and grill you
17:15But I don't think it's you
17:17Because the emotional, how you got upset
17:19I just know
17:21Screaming Will now
17:23It's not
17:25I promise you it's not him
17:27If it is I'm going to look like such an idiot
17:29I would say that Will is definitely
17:31Definitely, definitely a faithful
17:35God I need to talk to you
17:37I think it's Aaron Will
17:39We knew what we were doing yesterday
17:41You just spoke to Aaron
17:43Yeah, and I don't know
17:45If it's not him it's Kieran
17:47It's between them two at the minute
17:49It could be Kieran in the sense that
17:51He could kill all the traitors off
17:53No it won't be Kieran
17:55I think Kieran is the most wonderful human
17:57That he would never be a traitor
17:59Like he's got kids
18:01Yeah but he couldn't have lied about how Amos
18:03Could that not be somebody
18:05Wanting the money so badly
18:07And being like Amos is a good call
18:09Because no one's ever going to suspect me doing it
18:11So I need to get rid of Amos
18:13And then the guilt the next day
18:15Well it's another man and it's not me
18:17And I know it's not you
18:19All of the women are not thinking about each other
18:21Because they think it's a man
18:23They think it's Aaron or Kieran
18:25But I've tried to swerve them out of the way of Kieran
18:30Well we've got code red
18:31Who we've got code red
18:33Meryl and Hannah thinks it's you
18:35There wasn't much reasoning to it
18:37What do you think about Celsius mate
18:39Not anywhere else now
18:41Because if we both get through to tomorrow
18:43The likelihood of us winning is very very good
18:45So we both need to get through to tomorrow
18:47We're game on the deal then aren't we
18:49We're fine where we are
18:53I promise you I won't fuck you over at any point
18:55That's why I told you straight away
18:57We're talking a lot more than what
18:59Me and the other traitors did before
19:01There's a path here if we stick together
19:03If anyone crosses or turns on each other
19:05Then there's no path
19:07You've already done it to your other two traitors
19:09So you need to pack together on this one
19:11That's the facts of the matter
19:13I wouldn't do it
19:15Andrew last night was really hard for me
19:17And I've lost an alliance
19:19Fair play mate if we do it from the beginning
19:21You know how hard it's been
19:23I couldn't even imagine it
19:25To keep that poker face for 11 days
19:27Well done
19:29Game plan wise is survival at the moment
19:31I would very much like to get to the end
19:33Obviously I now have an alliance with Will
19:37Friends close, enemies closer
19:40It's very tactical now
19:47With suspicions running wild
19:49The players must come together
19:51For their penultimate mission
19:53This is one of their last opportunities
19:55To add money to the final prize pot
20:00Here we go
20:02Here we go
20:13Oh my god is that it
20:15Oh my god
20:22Oh my god
20:23Oh my god
20:25Oh there's actually things on it
20:28It's actually really fast
20:30Oh my god what are we going to do
20:33I am petrified
20:35Hello and welcome to another mission
20:41Isn't it lovely to be so close to the river
20:48Don't worry I'm not going to ask you to go in it
20:50I'm just going to ask you to cross it
20:51On that bridge
20:58There are sacks there
21:00With different amounts of money on them
21:02They range from 500 to 2000 pounds
21:06All you have to do to secure that money
21:09Is choose your bag
21:11And carry it across the bridge
21:13But there is
21:15A catch
21:17You will be blindfolded
21:21You said it
21:23And that is why this mission is about trust
21:26Because your fellow team mates
21:28Will be your eyes
21:30There is no trip to the armoury today
21:33Nobody is protected from murder
21:36Today is all about building up your prize fund
21:41If this mission is completed successfully
21:447000 pounds will be added to the prize fund
21:48That puts it way above 80,000
21:53I would now like you to think about
21:56And decide who is going to carry which bag
22:00I don't mind the medium large
22:02I'll do large
22:04Do you feel like you want to go for the smallest one
22:06I'll go for the 2K
22:08You want to go for the lowest one
22:10We had to balance on a really wobbly bridge
22:13We had to do this with our team mates
22:15Giving us instructions and guidance
22:18You know the ones who are kind of traitors
22:20Ok so you're all harnessed up
22:22Are you ready for this
22:24Remember it's about trust
22:26Listen to your team mates
22:28You each have to get across in 8 minutes
22:31For the money to count
22:33If you fall or if you drop the money
22:35It is not added to the prize fund
22:40Kieran you're up first
22:41The prize fund for 1000 pounds
22:43Good luck
22:49Mate I'm not confident about this at all
22:51I'm not going to make this
22:53Kieran's 8 minutes starts now
22:57Walking across the bridge over the river
22:59You need that clear direction
23:01But as soon as you put the blindfold on
23:03It changes everything
23:05Because you're slightly disorientated
23:07You're going to come in a couple of steps Kieran
23:09While you've got to go to the sides
23:12Keep going
23:14That's it you're coming to the end of it now
23:16Ok now pick your leg up
23:18Straight over
23:20That's it
23:22Keep your balance mate
23:24Oh no no no no
23:32He's got it
23:34He's well annoyed with himself
23:36I was quite disappointed
23:38Because I just couldn't do it
23:39I didn't want to lose that money
23:41He's obviously a massive bloke to the team
23:43So Hannah's up next
23:45She's going for the bag worth 1250
23:50Fuck me
23:52Alright come on that's it baby steps
23:54Just take it slow and easy that's it
23:56Hannah's 8 minutes has started
23:58Keep going
24:00Slightly to the right
24:02Jesus Christ
24:04Oh my god I'm going off
24:06You're on the bump right now
24:07Left left left
24:11She's gone
24:13So hard
24:15Oh fuck I'm so sorry
24:17Doesn't matter Hannah
24:19Well done Hannah
24:21How do you feel?
24:23I feel like a pig in a butcher's pen
24:25I did not do well at all
24:27I barely got even a quarter of the way
24:29Until I fell off
24:31I just didn't want a traitor looking at me
24:33And thinking she is useless
24:35Get rid of her
24:37She needs to get this bag
24:39Her 8 minutes
24:41Start now
24:43Go on Meryl
24:45Keep going where you are take your time
24:47Come on Meryl
24:49Keep going straight
24:51A little turf coming up but keep going
24:53Oh my gosh the bridge was so high up
24:55And it was scary and it was not sturdy
24:57Keep going straight Meryl
24:59I am terrified of heights
25:01But I feel like a lot is riding on the mission today
25:03So I do feel like in a sense I do have to prove myself
25:051 minute 30 seconds has gone
25:07Well done
25:09Next one perfect
25:11She's got over the first obstacle
25:13One more step
25:15You've got a grass patch
25:17Wait I'm going over it like this
25:19That's it perfect
25:21That's it brilliant
25:23And then keep going straight
25:25So you're coming up to another grass patch
25:27You're right foot is going to hit it now
25:29You get over it
25:31That's it
25:33Half her time has gone
25:37Last patch in front of you Meryl
25:39You've got to go over this one
25:48She's done so well
25:50Keep going straight forward
25:52She's doing so well
25:54That's the bag that's your bag
25:56Right now put your arm up to the left
26:01Well done
26:03It's so hard to like steady yourself on
26:05Like you have to keep your balance
26:07With your eyes closed
26:09Like being blindfolded
26:11Not being able to see is really really hard
26:13Go go go
26:15Step over
26:17You can hold on to it
26:19Put your hand down
26:21Well done
26:2330 seconds left Meryl
26:25You've got this
26:27Keep going Meryl
26:29Straight line to the finish
26:31Left Meryl
26:33She's going to fall
26:38Go on Meryl
26:40I managed to do it
26:42I was well chuffed
26:44Knowing that I was the first person that got the money
26:46It was amazing
26:48It was actually so so good
26:50Yeah I did it
26:52Well done darling
26:54Well done
26:56This is your first bit of money
26:58500 quid
27:00Maddie's about to go
27:02Hannah please will you go and join her
27:04And support her from up there
27:06Guys my legs are gone
27:08Don't worry you're fine Maddie
27:10Maddie's going for the 750 bag
27:12It's the furthest away
27:14Ready go right
27:16Throw your head
27:18Keep that line
27:20I think I'm going to piss
27:22You're doing a great job Maddie
27:24Your legs go like jelly
27:26Like I literally sort of just zoned out
27:28And I could hear Kieran being like
27:30To the right to the right to the left
27:32Keep your left leg where it is
27:34Oh my god my leg
27:36One more step forward with the right leg
27:38Keep going
27:40Lift the left leg up
27:42Keep going
27:44Your bag's on the left
27:46Sidestep to the left
27:48Sidestep to the left first
27:53Come on Maddie
27:55Well done
27:57Leg over Maddie
27:59Turn it off when it's left
28:01That's it
28:03Hold on lift your right leg over
28:05Right leg over
28:07I can't feel my legs
28:09Maddie keep going
28:11Same obstacle you just got over
28:13Yes Maddie yes
28:15You're fine
28:17Is someone shaking it
28:19I literally kept thinking someone was doing that with it
28:25Take your time
28:27Just a little bit more
28:31Well done Maddie
28:33Come on
28:38It's a lot of money
28:40I was really pleased that I did it
28:42I've never done anything like that before in my life
28:44Maddie well done
28:48Maddie well done
28:50You guys are smashing it
28:55Will is now going for £1500
28:57Go on Will
28:58Go on Will
29:00Come on
29:02Memorise the route Will
29:04Right slowly just slowly but surely
29:06Oh my days
29:08Slowly slowly
29:10Right now stop there
29:12Now walk forward again
29:14It's so wobbly look at it
29:16How are you feeling
29:18I'm feeling great
29:20Don't make me laugh
29:22So I went on there and I was really confident
29:24I was like yep I'm going to do it
29:26I've boxed for a long time
29:28I was really gassed
29:30But it was like mad wobbly
29:32And I was like oh my god this is actually harder
29:34That's it Will
29:36Bend your knees more bend your knees more
29:43I had to grab my bag
29:45Which was like miles away
29:47It felt like miles away
29:49And I grabbed it somehow
29:512 minutes 30 left come on
29:56Yes Will
29:58A little bit to the left
30:00A little bit to the left
30:05Oh shit
30:07It's ok it's ok
30:14I'm so upset
30:16I feel like I've disappointed myself
30:18Sorry guys
30:20No you did brilliantly
30:22Oh my god
30:24Oh no I hate heights as well
30:26Come on Aaron you can do this
30:28It's on the bridge
30:30And this is your final chance
30:32To raise money for the prize fund
30:34He's going for the 2,000 bag
30:36Take your time
30:38That's it
30:42Keep going straight Aaron
30:44Keep on going straight
30:46Stop there Aaron
30:48The bag is directly to the left
30:50That's it grab it
30:52Come on Aaron
30:58Aaron's bag was basically sat in the sack
31:00It was huge
31:02No you're doing great
31:04Go straight
31:06Just tell me I'm going to be alright
31:08You're going to be alright
31:10Lift up your right leg now
31:12That's it
31:14That's it
31:16Yes Aaron
31:18Baby steps and the boulders on your left
31:20You've got the boulders on your left
31:22He's got 2 and a half minutes
31:24Go a little bit to the right
31:26Yes that's it
31:28That's it
31:32He couldn't really hear very well
31:34So at points we were just screaming at him
31:36Left, left, left
31:38To the left
31:40To the left
31:42To the left
31:44To the left Aaron
31:46To the left
31:48Yes now straight
31:54That's it
31:56That's it
31:58Go on Aaron
32:00I won the most amount
32:02I was buzzing like I was so happy
32:04Here he comes look at him
32:06That mission was probably like my worst one
32:08Because I'm not really like too keen on heights
32:10That was so scary
32:12That was brilliant
32:14But you did it
32:16You absolutely did it
32:18Hats off to Aaron
32:20That's one of the reasons why I felt really guilty
32:21Because it was so hard in missions
32:23Aaron you've just won £2000
32:26So in total you have added to your prize fund
32:32Well done
32:34You all did brilliantly
32:36I'll be honest that was hard work
32:39I think the round table tonight will be harder
32:43So go back to the castle
32:45And then I'll see you in the scary room
32:48But well done on today
32:49Bye guys
32:51Well done
32:53I'm really not looking forward to the round table
32:55I convinced myself I'm a faithful winner at missions
32:57And having a laugh
32:59And then when we come back
33:01We've got to get the business done
33:03And do what we've got to do
33:05Right so we've got to make a decision
33:07Let's go for Aaron
33:09I think we'll go for Aaron
33:11Just because the other night we were so
33:13Yeah I think we've got short straw in this car
33:15I'm not going to lie
33:17Because all of them have been saying you two
33:19Will and Meryl have said that
33:22Maddie said that my name has been mentioned this morning
33:24By Will
33:26Which obviously I'm not impressed about
33:28In any way shape or form
33:30It's quite evident that Will's got his own game plan
33:32From the very beginning
33:34Bringing me on board was a pretty pointless exercise
33:36Are you trying to fuck me over?
33:38If us three go for Will
33:40That's three of the votes for Will
33:42It'll be an even split then
33:44I think going for Aaron is easier at the moment
33:46I think it's going to have to be Aaron
33:47It scares me a little
33:49It makes me like, because it can turn everyone against you
33:51Every single alarm bell in my body
33:53Is telling me it's a man
33:55And I know it's not me
33:57The person that's done this role
33:59Has been emerging it since day one mate
34:01If he's going to throw me under the bus
34:03I'm 100% going to throw him under the bus
34:05So let's see what happens tonight
34:07It seems to be going head to head
34:09The gloves are off now
34:11Tonight's going to be like
34:13A bit of a mad one
34:15Oh god
34:17I found that so hard
34:19Sorry guys
34:26What are you doing tonight Maddy?
34:28Don't waste it on Will's things Maddy
34:30No I'm going for Will
34:32I'm sorry the other two
34:34Because it's definitely him guys
34:36Shut the fuck up
34:38100% we've all seen the light
34:40Wait what?
34:42What do you mean?
34:44Have you just talked about this in your car?
34:47No both of them are like definite
34:49Kieran, Aaron and her
34:51We're all going to vote for Will
34:53Which just seems to come out of nowhere
34:55We don't understand why that's happened
34:57We need to go for one of them
34:59Either Aaron or Kieran
35:01We need to Maddy
35:03You're making a big mistake going for Will
35:05You're killing us all
35:07No honestly it's him
35:09I'd known it was Will from the beginning
35:11But I'm fed up of explaining that over and over again
35:13They're not listening to my theories anyway
35:15Right I'm going to go and see if I can find Will
35:17Because he needs to know before they're on the table
35:19I'm not letting him get into the round table
35:21The Faithfuls have been trying to survive this whole time
35:24That's not what we're worried about anymore
35:26I'm now so worried that tonight
35:28Somebody's going to stand on that banishing circle
35:30And say that they're a Faithful
35:32I'm so confident that Will was a Faithful
35:34It has to come down to Aaron or Kieran
35:36It has to
35:39Shit, shit, shit
35:41Why has Kieran turned?
35:46I was like fuck, I can't sit down
35:48Close the door, it's not good
35:50They're going for me?
35:52Yeah, all three of them
35:54I knew this would happen
35:56Why has Kieran changed this quickly?
35:58I don't trust him
36:00So I think let's get Aaron and all of us go for Kieran
36:03I don't know what to do
36:05We just need to make sure if we do try and go for Kieran tonight
36:07Maddy don't say anything
36:09Hang on
36:11I don't know why for a minute
36:13Maybe for it so we don't look at someone else
36:15Or he's doing it so we kill off each other
36:17I don't know
36:19Why has my name been mentioned today as well apparently?
36:22My name's been banged around today
36:24My name's been banged around today
36:26I'm not impressed
36:28He's got arm movements
36:30I'm confused
36:32Apparently my name's been mentioned and you've said it today
36:34I said your name today?
36:36To who?
36:38I don't know
36:40Aaron pulled me into the billiards room
36:42He just said I think it's Kieran
36:43Pulled me into the billiards room
36:45Someone's playing a silly game here
36:47He's pissing me off
36:49Someone's playing off again
36:51I'm not having it if I'm honest
36:53Someone's going simultaneously working the crowd
36:56What do you think?
36:58They're playing the game
37:00We're all dancing to their tune
37:02I had to go into self-preservation mode
37:04I just find it weird bringing me on board
37:06Trying to work as a team
37:08Trying to throw me under the bus
37:10I know what he's doing, it's a game plan
37:11We'll sail right through to the end and get a chance
37:13It's a good game plan, well done
37:15Maddy, you've got a well guilty face
37:17I just don't like it
37:19Neither do I
37:21There's someone in this thing that's a traitor
37:24They've immersed themselves in the role so good
37:26It's water off a duck's back to them
37:28And that's the scary thing
37:30Water off a duck's back
37:32I really like Kieran
37:34But he's not controlling his emotions very well
37:36I need water
37:38I think about how hard I've worked as well
37:39And I'm really worried about him outing me
37:41You mentioned my name
37:43I didn't
37:45Come on, see, better not, mate
37:47Yeah, I know, but it feels like you're just going to go for it
37:49No, I'm not, but you're the one who's mentioned my name today
37:53Aaron just told you he mentioned your name
37:55He literally just told you he mentioned your name
37:57And I went
37:59What are you thinking now? Seriously, what are you thinking?
38:01Because to be honest
38:03After I heard that you were going for Will Forsyth
38:05Why has he turned?
38:07Because someone's come up to me
38:09And I'm just saying
38:11We were fine
38:13He just admitted that he came to me and said your name
38:15And I came and told you
38:17Right, okay
38:19No, I didn't
38:21Aaron asked me
38:23That's what I'm fucked off about
38:25Did I not come and tell you straight?
38:29Don't fucking move
38:33Someone's playing a silly game, mate
38:35I was devastated, so simple as that
38:37Will's fully immersed in the role
38:39He is well and truly out for number one
38:41Without a shadow of a doubt
38:43So I'm just going to make it quite clear where I sit
38:53You all right, Aaron?
38:55Yeah, I'm just fucked off
38:59Everyone's turning on each other and it's pissing me off
39:01I just don't like people shouting at each other
39:03I don't like people talking about me when it's not me
39:05And it just fucks me off
39:07That's why I told you straight away
39:09I know, I know
39:11No, I know, but I'm not
39:13I think I just don't like it
39:15It's because when I went out there, Meryl were like
39:17Are you going to go for Aaron or Kieran?
39:19And I was like none
39:21It's bullshit
39:35Tensions are running high
39:37You could say it's all kicking off
39:39With so much money at stake
39:41The round table has never been more crucial
39:50100% have concerns about tonight
39:52I feel like my role at the moment is like a punching bag
39:55Like get in the round table and just get the finger pointed at me
39:57And I'm just like, guys, it is not me
40:01I think we've gone past the point now
40:03Where we were all very civilised last night
40:05And now I think people are smelling the final
40:07And I think people are going to want to fight
40:09No matter whether they're a traitor or a faithful
40:13I have no control
40:15At least I knew what I was doing before with Kieran
40:17And I really trusted him
40:19But he's not playing a good traitor in terms of his emotions
40:21So that's what I'm worried about as well
40:23I just can't plan it
40:25I'm struggling to be able to make the right decisions
40:27I don't trust anyone in there at the moment
40:29I just don't know if the alliance with Will is going to work
40:31And whether he's going to be loyal or not
40:33If I'm honest with you
40:35I'm now fighting two sides
40:37Not just one
40:43Welcome to the penultimate round table
40:48You have battled to get here
40:52And you have also fought so hard in those missions
40:56The prize fund currently stands at £81,050
41:04So what you've got to ask yourselves really
41:08Who is not being quite who they say they are?
41:15Who's not being completely honest?
41:20Who are you going to take through with you to the next phase?
41:26Listen to each other
41:28Fight for your place
41:30Who would like to begin?
41:38I'll go first
41:40So far there's two girls that have been tracers
41:43Which means that through logic
41:46The third one would probably have to be a guy
41:49So I was looking at Kieran and I was looking at Will in front of me
41:52To be honest with you
41:54After basically the last half an hour
41:56I'm thinking so much less that it's these two guys
41:58And now I'm going to have to start looking at absolutely everyone again
42:01But one thing I wanted to bring up straight away
42:03And I'm going to put the light on you, Meryl
42:07Earlier when you went outside
42:09Why did you go to Maddy and say directly to her
42:12Who are you going to pick tonight?
42:14Either Aaron or Kieran
42:16When through this whole process I've said to you
42:18Go with what you think, honest to yourself
42:20Not what everyone else wants you to do
42:22Regardless of Kieran, I thought you knew 100%
42:24That I was a faithful through and through
42:26So for you to go outside and then go
42:28Who are you going to pick tonight?
42:30Is it either going to be Kieran or Aaron?
42:32To me that just basically says
42:34You don't really care about who you think it is
42:35And I'd like to add to that as well
42:37Because for the first time you've said my name today
42:39And I'm really annoyed about it
42:41Because it's randomly thrown in, randomly
42:43There's no information around it
42:45And I feel as though it's changed
42:47The whole table has changed
42:49People have gone back and forth
42:51He's even thought me and I thought him today
42:53For some reason out of the blue
42:55When I know it's not the case
42:57No, I want to apologise for that
42:59I don't know for a fact about anything
43:01But I know Hannah's a faithful 100%
43:03And I know Will's a faithful for 100%
43:05Knowing that you weren't 100% faithful
43:07And then Kieran after with Amanda
43:09Like I did change
43:11I was instrumental in Amanda's execution
43:13Literally, I started that
43:15And lucky I had the buy in from other people
43:17And you did just follow suit though
43:19To be fair
43:21Because I did think we never looked at Amanda
43:23And Amanda was a traitor
43:25Without your help we would not have got that true
43:27But were you just doing that to get Amanda out
43:29As a traitor so then you'd only have one
43:31I don't know
43:33After speaking to Maddie
43:35I was quite confused
43:37Because I didn't think you were ever going for Will
43:39But it was a bit harsh
43:41I feel like it was like
43:43You didn't give me an option
43:45You said who are you going for out of these two
43:47And then I said no actually I'm going for Will
43:49Because I've thought that for years
43:51She didn't come up and go right
43:53Come on then
43:55No but I think you both were like
43:57Who do you think it is
43:59Because at the time we were like it's a man
44:01So it's not that Meryl has gone
44:03I think it's Kieran or Aaron
44:05We all talked about that
44:07We all said it's got to be a man
44:09You've always been saying to people
44:11It's Aaron or Will
44:15So why is that wrong for her to come over to you
44:17And do the same thing
44:19Because I'm not saying pick one
44:21I'm just saying that's who I think it is
44:23And I've done a 360 on Aaron
44:25Which I've said that
44:27But I generally do think it's you Will
44:29You're wrong and let me tell you
44:31I didn't mind you accusing me all the time
44:33Because I know who I am
44:35And actually accusing me
44:37Makes me feel actually
44:39They could get rid of me by accident
44:41And make a massive mistake
44:43Because of your tunnel vision
44:45I just think that there's something in me
44:47Maybe it's a hunch
44:49Maybe I've got it wrong
44:51But I literally have a gut feeling now
44:53You've got it so wrong
44:55We don't know though Han
44:57How do we know
44:59I've seen him literally on the brink of being voted out
45:01About to walk over there and seeing him leave
45:03And then that's when you know
45:05And Maddie I'm not going to lie
45:07That does annoy me the fact that you have portrayed it
45:09Because it's me and Hannah that were speaking to you
45:11It wasn't like I went straight up
45:13Is it you Maddie
45:15I feel like this is so unfair
45:17Because I feel like just because I've gone for you Will
45:19You're now turning it around
45:21Can I just say him getting upset
45:23It could be because he's about to tell people
45:25That he's a traitor
45:27Not at all
45:29You've said that I've twisted things in a sense
45:31You didn't give me an option
45:33You said pick one of these two
45:35I've never said that
45:37And now you're portraying it in a different light
45:39Which makes me think that you're a bit like twisting it all up
45:41I'm 100% faithful
45:43I've got nothing to hide
45:45I talk what I want to talk
45:47I say whatever I want because I don't want to trip myself up
45:49I'm not walking on eggshells
45:51I didn't actually think of you Kieran
45:53I was just doing it on the basis of judging every person
45:55Well I'm giving strong consideration for voting for you tonight
45:57I'll be honest with you
45:59Me too
46:01I don't want to be manipulated
46:03I've always had a question mark over you Meryl
46:05You've been slightly different the whole way
46:07You've put my name on your card like twice
46:09Yeah and there's something in that
46:11Okay that's fine but you said something in that with Wilf
46:13Yeah and I still genuinely think that
46:16And it's just sad that no one else sees it
46:19The time for talk is over
46:23I know this is hard
46:25Please write down the name of who you believe is a traitor
46:51Are the votes locked in?
46:55Thank you
46:57Meryl, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
47:00I'm going to say you and Maddie
47:02And it's only on the basis because I didn't
47:03The way it's been portrayed
47:05I did not say it like that
47:07But I feel like you're trying to get everyone against me
47:12If I say that
47:19Wil, who have you voted for and why?
47:22So I voted for Maddie
47:24The way you reacted earlier in terms of us shouting at each other
47:27And just a few other things
47:29Yeah, thank you
47:34Hannah, who have you voted for and why?
47:38Maddie, I voted for you
47:40That's alright
47:42I'm so sorry
47:44I saw things and people and I didn't see it in you tonight
47:47And I'm really, really sorry if I've made a mistake
47:51Thank you
47:57It's three for Maddie so far
47:59Kieran, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
48:02Meryl, I don't think it's Maddie at all
48:04And because of what's happened today
48:06I'm sure you've breached my trust
48:08And that's on the basis of that solely
48:18Maddie, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
48:20I went for Meryl
48:22Just because I saw you in a different light
48:25Thank you
48:30So that's three for Maddie
48:33Two for Meryl
48:35It is down to the final vote
48:42Aaron, who have you voted for and why?
48:45I think I've probably made a mistake
48:48But I've gone on like, just basically on tonight
49:00I'm not going for Maddie
49:02That's alright
49:09So Maddie, you have received the most votes
49:12Please come up here and join
49:14I feel like I've defended myself, but tonight
49:17And maybe I'd given up in that moment
49:20And then I feel like it just fell on me
49:23But what an experience
49:26Maddie, before you are banished from the castle forever
49:29Please reveal if you are a faithful or a traitor
49:37I feel like I should have left when there was free ground
49:41You know, my parents were gone
49:43I should have stayed
49:45I should have stayed
49:47I should have stayed
49:49I should have stayed
49:51I should have stayed
49:53I should have stayed
49:55I should have stayed
49:57I'm well up in my pocket
49:59But I think money comes and goes in life
50:03And I've learnt so much about hope and belief in yourself
50:08And like, people are more important than money, I think
50:20I am
50:26A faithful...
50:34Bye, darling. See you later.
50:39I can't believe we've done this. Oh, shit.
50:47Genuinely, whoever it is, you're so good at this.
50:50You are sick and you should be so proud of yourself.
50:58you have banished another faithful.
51:02I have a surprise for you.
51:06Meet me outside shortly.
51:26Oh, God, I'm scared. This is not good news.
51:30Guys, what the hell?
51:33Oh, my God, there's glasses of Prosecco.
51:36What's going on?
51:38So, we eventually heard some bagpipes, walked outside.
51:43We were all then stressing out.
51:45I was like, what's going on?
51:47I was like, what's going on?
51:49I was like, what's going on?
51:51I was like, what's going on?
51:53We were all then stressing out.
51:55So, it was nice, but, you know, like the traitors usually go,
51:58there's always a twist somewhere.
52:00I was actually proper shaking and I let me shake.
52:05Oh, well done.
52:10I still don't trust him. Oh, God.
52:12No-one really understood what the hell's going on here.
52:14I was just sitting there waiting for the penny to drop.
52:18Don't look so scared.
52:20It's quite odd.
52:22You have all played a blinder.
52:27You really deserve a great sleep.
52:30Nobody is going to get murdered tonight.
52:32Yes! Yes!
52:34Yes, let's go! Let's go!
52:37Thank God we can all have a good night's sleep.
52:40Let's go!
52:42I'll tell you why you need a good night's sleep.
52:46Tomorrow, you are going to face the mission to end all missions.
52:52Oh, God.
52:54Not only that, your evening has the highest stakes yet.
53:02There will be a round table tomorrow.
53:05And after that, you will decide when the game ends.
53:10Shit. Oh, my God.
53:12When you are confident that there are no remaining traitors,
53:17you just tell me and the game ends.
53:21Remember, if there is a traitor or traitors remaining,
53:26they take the entire prize fund, and it's a lot of money.
53:31It currently stands at £81,050.
53:37There is so much money that's at stake now.
53:40I want the Faithfuls to get there. I want us to win that money.
53:43And if a traitor comes in and takes it all,
53:46it's going to take a lot of getting over.
53:48So, I want you to toast yourselves
53:52because you are the traitors' finalists.
53:55Here's to you. Cheers!
53:57Cheers to you. Oh, my God.
54:00Cheers. Good night.
54:03Enjoy tonight.
54:05Someone is lying. I don't know if I trust anyone at the moment.
54:08There's still a traitor amongst us.
54:10Once we get this traitor out, then we get to walk away
54:13with money in my back pocket, get a deposit down on a house from Mum.
54:16So, it would just sort a lot of things out and I would just be so buzzing.
54:19Guys, if you're actually in here and you're a traitor,
54:21you know that money could actually change my life,
54:23so I really just don't want anyone to, like, fuck me over.
54:26I feel so shit, man.
54:28Like, but at the same time, like...
54:30If they were in my position, would they just walk away?
54:33I don't think they would. None of them.
54:36If I do win, which I will, I'm determined to win now,
54:39like, all I want to do is I want to pay off my wedding,
54:42I'm going to open a gym, dance studio,
54:44but counsel young people through sports and stuff
54:47and hopefully make their life a bit better.
54:56I don't know how someone can sit here and be a traitor.
54:59I'm not going to trust anyone after this game.
55:06OK, well, we know that there's going to be no murder tonight,
55:09so I'll see you all in the morning.
55:11I'm so close and the money and winning is in sight.
55:18Good night. See you later.
55:20To be in the final five is a miracle,
55:23especially my journey from the beginning.
55:25And I'm very proud that I've achieved that.
55:27To give a life-changing amount of money would mean a lot to my family.
55:31I'd do my kids proud. I'd be smiling.
55:34In a bit. I love you.
55:36I was happy to get to the second or third day
55:38and somehow I'm in the finals and I just can't believe it.
55:46I love you. I promise you, I won't go through.
55:49Oh, my God!
55:50I feel so, so grateful to get through to the final.
55:53My mind was on overdrive and then I was stressed
55:55because, obviously, we've got the mission,
55:57but I'm just going to give it my best shot.
56:00It's got to be worth something. I've got to do it, no matter what.
56:03I brought Kieran in yesterday.
56:05I was going to bro-code it all the way.
56:08But I see him today.
56:10Actually, I don't really trust him that much.
56:18I've got to do it. I've got to do it.
56:21I've got to do it. I've got to do it.
56:23I've got to do it. I've got to do it.
56:25I've got to do it. I've got to do it.
56:28I've got to think about the end game.
56:31If they get a traitor, it'll be better for me.
56:35If we get that traitor out, I convince all of them that I'm a faithful
56:38and then we end the game and I win.
56:41If I turn on him purposely, it's just horrible.
56:44So, could I betray him? I don't think I could.
56:47I've got, like, two minds, basically.
56:49I've got, like, a bad mind and a good mind.
56:52And I don't know what to go with.
56:57Next time on The Traitors...
56:59The Traitors final!
57:02I just can't let a tracer take all this down.
57:05It's the final.
57:10Come on!
57:13Who will walk away victorious?