The Traitors UK S01E06 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Previously on The Traitors.
00:04The players arrived here at this Scottish castle
00:07to play the game of a lifetime
00:09and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
00:14But hidden amongst them are The Traitors
00:16whose job is to secretly murder the others
00:19without getting caught.
00:21And if they make it to the end,
00:23they will take all the money.
00:26With the stakes getting higher...
00:28In there is my armoury.
00:30If you get a shield,
00:32you will have protection from murder tonight.
00:35..the surprises kept on coming.
00:37Ciaran and Amos did not leave the game.
00:40And with The Traitors coming under fire...
00:42Do you think it's Alyssa?
00:43She's the only one really that I am suspecting now.
00:46I'm voting Will.
00:47..the Faithfuls once again...
00:51..banished their own.
00:52I'm a Faithful.
00:54I've told you guys.
00:55I knew it.
00:56I voted Tom.
00:57That's a bit dodgy, guys.
00:58Oh, my God, Maddie.
01:00..leaving The Traitors to continue their killing spree.
01:03It's Faye, Matt or Andrea.
01:07This is The Traitors.
01:19We all agreed?
01:20Yeah. Yeah.
01:22We need to get rid of the people
01:24that are not going to be gone through management.
01:27Because that's the only way they can die is because of us.
01:30I think it's going to leave everybody...
01:33..confused as to why.
01:46Last night, The Traitors committed their fourth murder.
01:50This morning, only those who survived the night
01:53will make it to breakfast.
02:01I'm extremely happy to be back,
02:03but walking in on my own was daunting.
02:07I'm a solutions consultant
02:09and I can usually tell when someone is fibbing
02:13and I certainly don't dish out my trust willy-nilly.
02:17Good to be back.
02:19I'm ready to play and I'm ready to find who them traitors are.
02:23Hey, Kevin. Morning.
02:25You all right? Yeah, you? Yeah.
02:27Nice to see you. I know, relieved.
02:30Yeah. You all right? Yeah, yeah, I'm good.
02:33Oh, gosh, look, you've been put up at the top. I know.
02:44Oh, Tom's got crosses over his face, that's horrible.
02:47I know. Oh.
02:49If you ever split up with him, though, that would be a great picture.
02:57Come in, come in. Come in.
03:01Good morning.
03:03Look at those quads. Someone's been working out.
03:06Amos is an intelligent man
03:08and what we wanted to do is come back
03:10and try and look with a different mindset.
03:14I think you're on the money with Will.
03:16Oh, thank God. You need to try and get her.
03:18Thank you so much.
03:20Thank you.
03:21I've, like, come to the point
03:23where I'm just going to keep going for Will.
03:26I just think he's the traitor.
03:28I think, guys, the reason that I'm sat here right now
03:31is because I've got it right.
03:34That they would have wiped me out.
03:36Like, do you know?
03:38I feel like people are laughing about it.
03:41I don't mind, to be honest.
03:43Come in. Come in.
03:45Come in.
03:50Obviously, we're getting more and more tense
03:52as we go down because there are less...
03:54And we're not very good at picking traitors so far.
03:57100% failure.
03:58Alistair, I'm still not 100%.
04:00I went home last night picking myself for not voting for her.
04:08Practice is a little bit more difficult than other days.
04:11I felt a bit reserved this morning.
04:13I felt like I couldn't really be myself
04:15because I was so conscious of what people thought.
04:18And then I was like,
04:19but I can't be too quiet because it's suspicious.
04:22Come in!
04:33Of course...
04:35Of course he came back.
04:38I'll say hello to everyone in a bit.
04:40That's mental.
04:41He's so determined that I'm going to show you up.
04:43I'm trying to put her off scent as much as I can.
04:46I mean, I've got the shakes, man.
04:49And it's becoming really hard.
04:52Who's not here? Matt and Faye.
04:54Faye! Oh, God!
04:56They can't take Faye.
04:58Or Matt.
05:08I really don't want Faye to go, but I'm not going to lie,
05:11if Matt's not here, I'll be so sweaty.
05:13I can't imagine. Why? Why?
05:19Ah! Please, please, please, please, please.
05:22I don't even want to look. Do you just want to tell me?
05:25I was just, like, squeezing onto Faye
05:27because I just really didn't want Matt to not walk in.
05:33Come in, come in, come in.
05:39Good morning!
05:42Oh, shit.
05:45Hi, Faye. We're happy to see you.
05:48Matt's not here. Matt's not here.
05:50Matt's not here, no.
05:57Matt's clever in a lot of things.
05:59He plays such a good middle game.
06:01He's quiet, but he's very observant-minded.
06:03I think he's more sweater than we think, to be honest.
06:06Yeah. We all agreed on Matt? Yeah.
06:08Yeah. Rest in peace, Matt.
06:19Dear Matt, by the orders of the traitors,
06:22you have been murdered.
06:24Signed, the traitors.
06:27I am truly gutted because I wouldn't have ever wanted to leave.
06:30I'd love to know why they decided to murder me and get rid of me.
06:35But I think whoever you are, I think you're playing a phenomenal game.
06:38I really, really do think that you are absolutely killing it.
06:43But I can walk out of this whole situation
06:46knowing that I've been myself.
06:52You all right, mate? Yeah, it's good.
06:55He was, like, the other excitable poppy in the castle,
06:59so now he's gone, it's a bit like gutting.
07:01I think I just got a bit emotional,
07:03cos he was kind of like my best mate here.
07:13Good morning. Good morning.
07:15Good morning.
07:16Congratulations to everyone who's still here.
07:19So let me tell you my thinking.
07:21I wanted to bounce in here, maybe share a waffle,
07:25talk about our love of jumpers,
07:28but you've upset me because Matt has gone.
07:33Lovely, sweet Matt.
07:36So, traitors, you haven't got one.
07:42So I need you to have a think about what you're doing.
07:47You've lost eight.
07:49Soon you're going to go and take part in a mission
07:53and add more money to that prize fund.
07:56I need you to split into three teams
07:58and meet me in the front of the castle.
08:01And, Matt, you are coming with me.
08:03I will place him near where I keep my eggs.
08:06That's not code, that's real.
08:11How many in each team? Five. Two fives and one four.
08:14Shall we just go as we sat?
08:16Today we need to find a traitor.
08:18As a lawyer, I just don't like losing, and I don't intend to.
08:22My ego won't take it.
08:23If we don't find the traitors, they're just going to be
08:26laughing at us all the way to the bank.
08:39How are you feeling?
08:40I feel like nobody's listening to me.
08:43Let's have a go.
08:44Let's have a go. Get our minds off it a minute.
08:46That's a heavy cue.
08:49You OK? Yeah, I'm just...
08:51It's now that we've got to start suspecting her friends.
08:56I can't get Alyssa out of my head. Me neither.
08:59But why can't I get her out of my head?
09:03Because she's not played a good faithful game.
09:05I think it possibly could be Alyssa.
09:07She's very, like, on the fence.
09:09She's not kind of going here nor there.
09:11We need to get a really strong band of faithfuls together
09:15to take on all the traitors.
09:17And at the minute, she's just sitting back.
09:19And then everyone just laughed at Maddie when they said,
09:21Wolf. Do you know what it is with Wolf?
09:23I can see my... Cos I know I'm faithful.
09:25So I can see him fighting in the exact... His passion, yeah.
09:28It's like looking at my emotional reflection. Yeah.
09:30I think he would be the last person that I would suspect.
09:33I think we need to be questioning what people's incentives are.
09:36And my thinking is...
09:37..someone really wants that money.
09:39So I'm looking at Will, because I know he's going to get married.
09:42He's got two young children. He's got a mortgage.
09:46If I were him...
09:49..yeah, it would make sense.
09:52Hello. Hello.
09:54Are you playing? I never see people playing.
09:56We're just going to knock around.
09:58I was kind of in the hot seat yesterday,
10:00so I'm hoping today they'll just lay off,
10:02so I can just sit back, relax and enjoy what's going on.
10:04The traitors are trying to frame Alex, because...
10:07See, I think Alex is a faithful. I really do.
10:09But then she could be framing herself.
10:11Do you know what I mean?
10:12I'm increasingly convinced,
10:13but I'm also conscious she's so incredibly smart
10:15that she could double, triple play us easy.
10:18Maybe it is staring us in the face. Maybe it is.
10:21I'm kind of going for Alex at the moment
10:23and kind of planting a few seeds for her.
10:25Just cos, obviously, she said my name yesterday,
10:27so she's a bit of a threat.
10:30She's trying to get me in the conspiracy.
10:32He's told me to find the faithfuls first.
10:35And I said, I think I've found the faithfuls.
10:38See, he's put his hands up.
10:42How am I?
10:43I could tell you're so gutted.
10:45I am gutted, isn't I?
10:46No, no, no, I'm gutted, but I'm just so done with Maddie,
10:48like, I can't even laugh.
10:49Maddie's doing my head in.
10:50She's not really, like, working as a team any more,
10:52she's just got her head in the game.
10:54She's got her head in the game.
10:56She's got her head in.
10:57She's not really, like, working as a team any more,
10:59she's just constantly, like, wasting her votes on, like,
11:01me and Will and just pointing fingers.
11:03I sometimes think if people dismiss people's opinions
11:05because of where it's coming from... And laugh at them.'re probably... More suspect.
11:09Cos you don't know more than Maddie does.
11:11No-one knows more than Maddie does. Yeah.
11:13Every time someone faithful gets voted out,
11:15logically, Maddie becomes more right.
11:17The game we need to play isn't let's find the traitors,
11:20it's to find the other faithfuls.
11:22As a doctor, my skills lie in finding the truth,
11:26and so I think I'll be OK at this game.
11:28I think I'll be all right at spotting the traitors.
11:31The problem with Maddie is you keep on going to her winch hut
11:33and you keep on going, like, rabbit wars,
11:35and you go, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're,
11:37and it's, honestly, it's like getting personally attacked,
11:39and I swear to God... It's not personal, it's just a game.
11:41I know. I'm just saying who I think it is.
11:43Imagine someone kept on going to you,
11:45and then you do the look-off thing. Oh, my God!
11:47I do think you're a traitor.
11:48Oh, well, I think you're a traitor too.
11:50Let's stop now. I know that I'm a faithful.
11:52Oh, well, I know I'm a faithful too. Guys, guys, guys, guys.
11:54Yesterday, Tom got up there and said,
11:57I'm a faithful, and Meryl went,
11:59I knew it, but she was holding up Tom.
12:02So I was like, if you knew he was a faithful,
12:04why did you vote for him? Enter the frame.
12:06I'm going away. Sorry, I agree with what you're saying.
12:09No, no worries.
12:10How frustrating is it if someone keeps on going
12:12at you and at you and at you,
12:14and she's going at Wilf and Aaron,
12:16and no-one's ever pointed the finger at her?
12:18Everyone's thinking that Maddie's theory
12:20about Wilfred and Aaron is now true,
12:22cos no-one's listening to her.
12:38Here we go.
12:40Hello, hello, hello.
12:42Excellent outfit, Amos.
12:44Saying that out loud.
12:46Ooh, Claudia fancies you.
12:48Hello, gang.
12:51Today, we're going to play a little game of hide-and-seek.
12:55Oh, my God, yes.
12:57A bit harder than when you were little.
12:59Remember when you were four and you'd sort of
13:01possibly hide behind a curtain?
13:03This is definitely not that.
13:08You're already in teams, you have team colours.
13:11What I'd love from each team is two volunteers.
13:15Maybe somebody who likes a bit of alone time,
13:19a bit of me time.
13:21Maybe somebody who meditates.
13:24She just described me.
13:26I'll sit, I'll go. I don't mind doing it either.
13:29Do you two fancy running around? Yeah, yeah.
13:32OK, please could the volunteers please step forward?
13:35Go on, gals.
13:37Very well done.
13:39I put myself forward because I wanted to become
13:41a valid member of the team and compete straight away.
13:44I'm going to meet you at your hiding spot.
13:46I'll see you there.
13:48It was a natural thing for me to say, OK, I'll step up.
13:52OK, you are going to be the seekers.
13:56You will have to find your hidden teammates.
14:00For every single teammate you find, that's £1,500.
14:04It is a race.
14:06Whoever gets their teammates first,
14:08you win a pass to the armoury.
14:11And then somebody is in with a chance of finding a shield
14:15that will protect them from tonight's murder.
14:18In my hands are identical maps.
14:22You will all get one, but you will have different starting points
14:27and then you will have to find and follow the clues.
14:30Your teammates really, really need you to find them.
14:36It feels like we're proper deep in the woods.
14:39We're in the middle of the forest with the pixies and the fairies
14:43and the magic of the highlands.
14:45Oh, no.
14:47Oh, my God.
14:54Oh, my God, we'd better not be buried alive.
14:59As soon as I walked down and I could see the graves,
15:02I just knew what was coming.
15:05And I was like, well, I guess today's the day, RIP Ryan.
15:12OK, players, I mentioned hide-and-seek.
15:16You've got to admit, these are really, really good hiding places.
15:21Your fellow teammates have 45 minutes
15:26and hopefully they will find you.
15:29If you are underground and you absolutely can't take it,
15:33you say Haggis and your name and we will get you out immediately.
15:38But you will forfeit that £1,500.
15:43Teammates, please stand by your graves.
15:48You're going to be absolutely fine, nothing's going to happen.
15:51It's 45 minutes.
15:53I just don't want to do it.
15:55Like, it is genuinely one of my, like, worst fears.
15:59Ryan, no-one is going to hold it against you if you can't do it.
16:06I'll do it. I'll do it, Ryan.
16:08It's 45 minutes, it's money, it's a shield, I'll do it.
16:11How much does the shield mean to you?
16:13Everything. The shield is just one good night of sleep, finally.
16:19The time will start the second you're buried.
16:23Let's get you buried alive.
16:31Oh, God!
16:35Please close the coffin lids.
16:52You start hearing the chains being closed on top of your graves.
16:58And then they started shovelling dirt onto the coffin.
17:03OK, I'm buried, you can fucking stop now.
17:11That was it. It was complete darkness and complete silence.
17:1545 minutes starts now.
17:22Come on, Alyssa.
17:27Given a map, and then within that map we're basically told
17:30to look for a clue.
17:32I'm just going to run. We need to find a walkie-talkie and a shovel.
17:35There's a shovel, here are the shovels.
17:37We've got the shovels, kids.
17:39We've got the shovels.
17:41Hello, come in.
17:43Can you hear me? Is that Ryan? I can hear you, mate.
17:46We're buried alive.
17:48Oh, God. Oh, my God.
17:51I would never lie to be buried alive.
17:53It's one of my worst fears ever.
17:55We've got on the walkie-talkie, it says,
17:57Look under your pillow.
17:59I've got a pillow. I can see a light. I've got a light.
18:02Shine the light. I can feel my wall now.
18:04There's a sentence that says,
18:07Slow and steady wins the race, but not in this case.
18:11The hare and the turtle and the hare.
18:13So we need to go to Harewoods. I did it. Well done.
18:20Get on TV, they said.
18:22Be fun, they said.
18:25Ryan, you all right?
18:27Somebody's saying something.
18:29Don't worry, they'll come.
18:31Who's talking?
18:34Can you hear me?
18:39Testing, testing, one, two, three.
18:41Yes, yes, I'm Alex. I'm stuck in a grave.
18:44Oh, my God.
18:46I can give you a clue. OK, what's the clue?
18:49I'm in a grave.
18:51I feel like a troll.
18:53I'm in a watery grave.
18:55I feel like I'm a 12.
18:57I feel like I'm a 12. Why's a 12?
18:59A troll. A troll.
19:05There's a clue here.
19:07I might be old, but you'd be wrong to bark up at me.
19:10You're barking up the wrong tree, the tree house.
19:13Is it tree house? OK, tree house, OK.
19:16Personally, it was a tree house.
19:18OK, tree house, OK.
19:20Personally, it was a tough mission because we were running.
19:23Oh, come on. You guys go ahead.
19:25No, no, we can't. We're taking our time.
19:27What are we looking for here?
19:29There's a bridge here, there's a bridge here.
19:31It's not going to be the big bridge, small bridge.
19:33Grave, there's a grave, grave, grave, grave, grave, grave.
19:36They've not buried her up there.
19:38They've buried her. Stop.
19:40That's it? Yeah.
19:42What a legend. Oh, there's something.
19:44Dangerous structure, keep out.
19:46Hi, can you give us the clue again?
19:48I might be old, but you'd be wrong to bark up at me.
19:53Oh, sugar.
19:54The ancient tree.
19:56I'm sorry, guys, I thought it was the tree house.
19:59There's so many trees in Scotland.
20:02You have 30 minutes remaining.
20:07We've just seen three graves.
20:09Can you give us some kind of direction of what graves to dig up?
20:13There's a crest on the wall.
20:15It's got a stag on a red background.
20:17That's amazing, we've narrowed it down. Thanks, Ryan.
20:19I was trying to relay as much detail as I could,
20:22but obviously I was quite panicked in there.
20:24We'll listen!
20:30OK, so listen closely.
20:32From top left to bottom right, a three white star.
20:35This one, I think.
20:37Blue shield with two castles on it and stars.
20:40Got that, got that, got that. I've got the blue shield.
20:43There! Oh, my God!
20:45We got it, we got it.
20:48We need to be quick now, yeah.
20:50There, there, there. Another walkie-talkie.
20:52It's Meryl. Meryl, are you OK?
20:54Oh, I see you.
20:56Hello, this is Meryl.
20:58I am buried alive.
21:00Oh, for God's sake.
21:01I love you, but this is a different Meryl.
21:04I am buried alive.
21:06Can you hear me? I'm here!
21:09Don't worry, we are going to find you.
21:13Oh, my God!
21:23Got it, got it, got it!
21:25Oh, my God!
21:27Hannah, are you there? Can you hear me? Over.
21:29I'm buried alive.
21:31Can you give us a clue or multiple clues that you may have?
21:34So there's a sign in my coffin
21:36that says I'm sleeping with the fishes.
21:39Fishing hook, fishing hook.
21:46Come on.
21:48Let's go, let's go, let's go.
21:51Here, are you done?
21:53Oh, what's there? Look there, there, there, there.
21:56That's it, that's it.
21:59Hello, hello?
22:02I'm buried, I'm buried alive.
22:04I'm buried in the grave.
22:06I'm serious, I am buried alive.
22:08You need to get here quickly, I've been here for about half an hour.
22:11Amos, don't do that!
22:13Amos! Are you all right?
22:17Oh, no, the grave, my grave, my grave.
22:19Get on to Hannah again and ask her what it was.
22:21Basically, at the top of it, there's a dark line,
22:24it's got some squiggles across it.
22:26I've got it, I've got it, I've got it. Thank you, we've got it, thank you.
22:29What is that? A thistle? It's a Scottish thistle.
22:31Oh, it's got keys on it, it's got keys on it.
22:33Keys, keys, keys. It's a Scottish thistle.
22:35Where's the thistle? It's over the bridge.
22:37Come on, guys, we're doing good!
22:42There, there.
22:44That green shield with the three highland cows,
22:47it's like a drawing of just white...
22:49It's like someone's got a white pen and drew a cow,
22:51but it's not, like, the full cow.
22:53Sorry, just let her go on. The hair is, like, a little bit wavy.
22:56Yeah, yeah, yeah. Two dots for eyes.
22:58Then the horns, then his ear and then a nose.
23:00Right, shut up, we've got it!
23:05All right, fantastic, thank you. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
23:08Shall we pick Amanda up?
23:10Come on, run, run, run!
23:12Thistle, thistle, she's a thistle.
23:14Blue thistle, I'm right here.
23:16Blue, blue, blue!
23:17There's two blue thistles.
23:19Let's go!
23:24Listen, you have to get them out fast!
23:26The white team are coming now.
23:28Quick, quick, quick!
23:29Come on, guys.
23:31Come on!
23:33I'm in here!
23:34Hello! I'm here!
23:36Ten minutes left, just ten minutes.
23:41Look at this.
23:42Here we are, I've got it!
23:43Hurry up, cos I can hear a lot of noise next door.
23:47Come on!
23:48This is for £1,500 each person
23:52and the promise of a shield.
23:54Let's go. Well done.
23:56Pull, pull, pull.
23:59It's usually, like, a slidey.
24:01Yeah, it is.
24:02Guys, come here, help me open it.
24:04Help me grab the rope.
24:05Here, hold this.
24:06Hannah, Amanda, ready?
24:09Quickly, Hannah. That's it.
24:11Well done!
24:12Go back to that one, go back to that one.
24:14Hannah is out!
24:16That's £1,500.
24:18We've only got eight minutes remaining.
24:21How about if we prise it open with this at the end?
24:24Come on!
24:25Oh, my God, digging.
24:26I didn't realise they were literally under the ground,
24:29like, that deep.
24:30Come on, guys, you can do this!
24:32Come on, guys, you can do this!
24:38Blues, you are so close to doing it.
24:40That means you get to go to the armoury.
24:43Go to the armoury, guys!
24:46One, two, three.
24:48Keep your eyes closed, keep your eyes closed!
24:50Get out, just get out, get out!
24:52Alex, give me your hands.
24:54Yes, we did!
24:56You have won a pass to the armoury.
24:59Well done, guys.
25:00Mashed it.
25:01Well done.
25:02Once I got Alex out, Will and Alyssa,
25:04they were, like, struggling, so then I helped them out.
25:07I was just trying to be a team player.
25:09It's all about winning the money and the shield.
25:11No, Rose, we've got the Rose.
25:13We've got the Rose.
25:14We've got the Rose and a key, Kieran.
25:16Better hurry up as well,
25:17I don't know what time he's got to dig me out as well yet.
25:20It was becoming very intense because we had, I think,
25:23about three or four minutes left on the clock.
25:26Come on, Mer, get out quick, this is heavy.
25:28Come on, yes, you've got this!
25:30Close your eyes.
25:31You're going to pull, Theo, pull.
25:35Hold it, hold it, hold it.
25:39It's all over, I'm done now, I'm never doing this again.
25:42I want to get cremated when I die.
25:45The red team are coming.
25:47You've got three minutes left.
25:49Come on!
25:51Everyone banded together to help us dig the two out.
25:54Maddie, get that shovel over there.
25:56Give me the shovel, Maddie.
25:57It was nice to have everyone do something together for once.
26:00Come on, guys!
26:03One, two, three.
26:06Make sure you close your eyes.
26:07Help her!
26:09Come on, come on, voila!
26:13Come on, we've got to go and help the others, come on.
26:15Let's go, let's go, let's go.
26:16I don't think they're going to do it, time's running out.
26:19Come on!
26:20I was starting to panic a little bit
26:22because I know we were extremely tight for time
26:25and I was the last one to start getting dug out.
26:29Come on!
26:30Come on, come on!
26:31Come on, come on!
26:40Everyone is out.
26:42You have got the full £9,000.
26:47We won the full amount of money today.
26:49We're absolutely smashing these missions, we're on a roll.
26:53Everybody finished, everybody helped everybody.
26:55Again, you know, we are a good team.
26:57Through teamwork, you have managed to add £9,000 to the prize fund.
27:04Huge congratulations.
27:06Blue Group, you were absolutely outstanding.
27:09You have a pass to the armoury,
27:11so one of you will get a shield to protect yourself from murder tonight.
27:15Very well done.
27:17You deserve a big mug of tea and a slice of cake.
27:20I'll see you back at the castle.
27:22Well done.
27:25Well done.
27:26Well done.
27:27I feel like as the game is progressing, the missions are getting harder,
27:31but I feel safer being buried alive than I do being in the castle.
27:44Initiation complete.
27:46Yeah, well done, guys, we did it.
27:48Thank you, you're like my knight in shining armour.
27:52Tonight, the group will get another chance
27:54to banish the person they suspect of being a traitor.
27:57But first, it's a trip to the armoury
27:59for the winning team from today's mission,
28:02which gives them a chance to win a shield
28:04that will protect them from tonight's murder.
28:07So can we all agree before we go in
28:09that we're going to keep it a secret from each other?
28:12Yeah, and everyone else.
28:14Yeah, it's the only way to protect us all, I think.
28:17As selfish as this sounds, I do want the shield.
28:20In the armoury...
28:22And if we get the shield, we are then protected
28:24from these treacherous traitors trying to murder us off in our sleep.
28:31Bad karma.
28:43Oh, got it.
28:51So, I won the shield, which was quite ironic.
28:55This is brilliant.
29:05I'm not going to win this game.
29:07I'm not winning this game. I am.
29:09Because I think this game is no better than luck.
29:12I just want to suss out one and then I'll go,
29:14like, kill me, let me find me one.
29:16I think the problem is, Maddy, you're not going to win this game.
29:19I think the problem is, Maddy is clouding everyone's judgement
29:22by keeping going after Will.
29:24Um, I don't think she's got everything right.
29:27I think she might have got one.
29:29She definitely hasn't got me.
29:31I think she might have got one.
29:34It's getting harder because there's less people
29:37and obviously the new guys are able to look
29:39and not have any emotion towards it all.
29:41I think Maddy, the more she goes for me,
29:43I think the more other people might start listening to her.
29:50Are you 100% confident it's Will?
29:52Yeah, 100%. I think last night he did say,
29:54I feel gutted cos he's all right.
29:56Now that there's two new faces,
29:58I feel like I really hope they side with me.
30:01If he is a traitor, I'm going to retrain as a magician.
30:05Because I feel like that might be my calling.
30:09The others have had a lot more days than myself and Amos,
30:13so they've got a lot more facts and experiences
30:16to base their votes on.
30:19I've got to stop going on hunches and look at the facts.
30:28I know people are starting to think I'm a traitor.
30:30Who's going to vote for you?
30:32Well, Maddy's having a conversation with Kieran,
30:34like, pitching Kieran about me.
30:36I think Theo could.
30:38Every day we've got rid of people that are loud,
30:40people that are speaking their opinions and trying to find traitors.
30:43I've got rid of them and they're about to do the same thing
30:45if they get rid of me.
30:46Everybody's just questioning everything at the moment.
30:48They're constantly losing now, so they're all...
30:51Like, it's just everyone's going a bit mad.
30:54I just can't chance having my name come up more than once.
30:59Some people aren't totally convinced by listening more.
31:03I know, but I feel like we're getting rid of the same people all the time.
31:06Oh, well, the one that clearly we haven't been listening to is Maddy.
31:10I don't know what to do tonight.
31:13For me, it was between Ryan and Alyssa.
31:15In the moment, Alyssa convinced me because I just kind of felt sorry for her.
31:19But, like, is it just because she looks innocent
31:21and she puts on this cute front?
31:25I think they're onto both of us now.
31:27So that really makes me anxious.
31:44Tonight's roundtable is so important.
31:47We're going in blind. We don't really have much evidence.
31:50But we need to find the traitor.
31:52We can't afford to lose again.
31:54This is my first time. One of them has to go.
31:57So we've got to shake things up.
31:59We've got to find someone, and quickly.
32:03I've got a lot of decision-making to do today.
32:07Because it could be me tonight.
32:14If we don't get a traitor tonight, then...
32:18..I don't know.
32:19This is just the worst game ever.
32:23People have looked at me.
32:25They might still be looking at me.
32:27People are looking at Will.
32:29All I can do is stay calm and collected and just stay strong
32:33and hope that the other traitors will back me.
32:37Welcome back to the roundtable.
32:39And congratulations,
32:41because today you added £9,000 to the pot.
32:47That means your total currently stands
32:51at £56,700.
32:57I'll tell you what, you are absolutely brilliant at missions.
33:02You are absolutely brilliant at missions.
33:06At finding traitors, not so successful.
33:11Remember, at the end, if there are traitors still here,
33:16they take that entire pot of money.
33:21So maybe tonight you'll catch one.
33:24Maybe you won't.
33:27The floor is yours.
33:33I don't mind starting.
33:36The things I've been looking at is to say,
33:39who could physically be a traitor,
33:41because that is absolutely shattering, I think.
33:46So I have, it's true, I've tended to look at sort of the younger people.
33:50Sorry about this, younger people.
33:52But I have nothing else to base it on.
33:55So I am going to start, and I'm very sorry about this,
33:59to say it, I'm going to start with you, Alyssa,
34:01because you could be.
34:04It's not that you are, it's just that you could be.
34:07That's my take on it.
34:11I am a faithful horse.
34:13I'm looking for evidence, and I've kind of realised
34:16that I'm not going to find it literally in my face.
34:20Again, I'm probably clutching at straws,
34:22but I probably am going to go back to you, Alex.
34:25Well, obviously, Matt left.
34:27And Matt was looking at you.
34:29And then, in that, it looks like, you know,
34:31you took him out because he's a threat.
34:33But then it also looks like you could have been framed.
34:36So it could have been an easy frame,
34:38but from my thought process, it could be as though
34:41you're double bluffing, so that it looks like you've been framed,
34:44but in a way that protects yourself.
34:47But if I was a traitor, Alyssa, why would I put myself up for trial?
34:50And prior to being on trial, no-one suspected me.
34:53Why would I shoot myself in the foot like that?
34:55Why would I shoot myself in the foot like that?
34:57I wouldn't, and I think this actually makes me think,
34:59you're more of a traitor now, because that's how a traitor would think.
35:04Faye, what do you think?
35:07I'm going to say Ryan.
35:09You say, I'm not a confident person.
35:12That's the first thing you always come out with.
35:14That's not exactly what I said. Go on, finish.
35:16What he says and portrays, two different things,
35:19and he is more confident than he says he is.
35:23I think this is the trap that we've fallen into.
35:26Yes. And I do understand, it makes sense,
35:30but I think you're looking at Ryan's personality. Yeah.
35:33You need to start, who is your ally? Who is your 100%?
35:37There's something which everyone seems to have,
35:40which I think reunites the faithful, is the paranoia.
35:45You just can't mimic that. You can't mimic that.
35:48And that's how I've seen things.
35:51Walford, this probably means you're a traitor.
35:58The one thing that struck me out the most was kind of the dismiss
36:02that Maddie's suggestions were given.
36:04I think we need to actually give those thoughts credence.
36:09Maddie, I think that you're a traitor.
36:11I genuinely think that you're a traitor. You can think that,
36:13but I'm a faithful. OK, that's fine. I'm a faithful too,
36:15but you don't believe me. No.
36:17And I also think you know that Aaron and Will are both faithful.
36:20And I think that you keep on going down the rabbit hole
36:22to try and distract everyone else, so no-one's ever going to look at you.
36:25Can I just say, I feel like people should join me in voting for Will,
36:29in the sense of I'll put my career at the care home on the line.
36:32Yeah, but, Maddie, you're not actually, like,
36:34in the last couple of days, you haven't actually, like,
36:36contributed to looking for anyone else. No, because I'm so upset.
36:39You've constantly been looking at me and Will, and that's it, right?
36:41I know who the faithfuls are.
36:42Faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful.
36:45Faithful, faithful. Not sure.
36:48Traitor. Traitor.
36:51Faithful, traitor.
36:53Faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful.
36:56That's it.
36:58I'm going to just put it out there,
37:00I know the finger's been pointed at you, Wilfred,
37:02but you look very, very nervous tonight.
37:05Like, to the point, like... That's fine.'re struggling. I'm not struggling at all.
37:09I'm just going to be honest, I'm going to back Maddie,
37:11cos she backed me with Nicky. That's fine.
37:13Do what you've got to do, but I promise you, if I go up there,
37:16you're going to feel the same thing that you've felt
37:18since you've been here, and I promise that.
37:20I really respect that you are going out there
37:22and saying what you think, because we should all be able
37:25to have our opinions about what we think.
37:28At the moment, we're getting rid of faithfuls,
37:30we're getting rid of people that are strong, that are willing,
37:33that want to find traitors, and we always keep saying,
37:35let's do something different, so I'm going to do something different
37:38and go for someone that I don't think is loud and that's...
37:41So I'm going to go for Alyssa.
37:48Now the pink finger's been pointed at you,
37:50what you've started to do now is you've started to pipe up
37:53and start pointing fingers because you feel like the pressure's on you.
37:56I don't buy all of the acting stuff from yesterday.
37:58I did at the time, but the more I think about it,
38:00the more the whole, I'm only 21, I've not been around adults and stuff,
38:03I just genuinely... I'm going the other way.
38:05We've all made mistakes by going the one way,
38:07always looking at the people that it could be and could be.
38:10I'm going to try and do something different
38:12and I'm going to stick to my guns cos I'm sick of changing my mind.
38:17He's deflected.
38:22Hearing him accuse me...
38:26..made me so angry.
38:28It's the fact that he properly went against me is so hurtful.
38:35I knew today was a day that I had to do what I had to do.
38:38I'm getting out a traitor, I have to.
38:40I have to get a traitor.
38:42We have to find one for people to leave me alone.
38:45I am trying to get more involved because everyone keeps saying,
38:48you're too quiet, you need to play now and point the fingers.
38:51I've always been nervous to point the fingers cos it is nerve-wracking.
38:54So I am trying to be louder. You're playing the perfect game.
38:57I can't be quiet, but then I can't be loud.
38:59Why are you nervous about pointing fingers?
39:01Because I'm not 100% when I point it.
39:03But nobody is 100%.
39:05What would make you nervous about pointing fingers at traitors?
39:08Cos what's happened in the past, when they stand up there
39:11and they tell me they're faithful,
39:13and then the guilt of being like, OK, that's another one of us gone.
39:20Players, it's time to vote.
39:23Please write down who you think is a traitor.
39:48Are your votes locked in? Mm-hm.
39:52Meryl, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
39:59OK, I'm going to say you, Maddie.
40:02You keep on accusing everyone and... Not everyone.
40:05No, well, you keep on... For the most laughable reasons sometimes.
40:09And you don't... And you just go and go and go and go.
40:12And I also think the fact is no-one's ever questioned you
40:15and I think you would be the person that's right in front of us.
40:20Will, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
40:25Reason being is because I want to try something different.
40:28We tried the same thing, it doesn't work.
40:30I think we should be looking at the people
40:32that we don't normally look at too much.
40:34The people that are a bit quieter.
40:36The people that would play the perfect game.
40:38And I believe it's her, so...
40:42..that's mine.
40:43Thank you.
40:49Hannah, which name is on your slate and why?
40:52Alyssa, I've gone for you.
40:54I know I'm a faithful and I see my emotions
40:58in those that I trust.
41:00And I haven't quite seen them in you.
41:02Thank you.
41:03Ryan, who's on your slate and why?
41:07With a very heavy heart.
41:08I mean, you know how much I love you,
41:10but we need to try something new.
41:12I think that's out of the box.
41:14So that's why I've put your name down.
41:17Thank you.
41:20So that's three votes for Alyssa and one for Maddie.
41:24Faye, who's your vote for and why?
41:28I've gone for Ryan, like I said.
41:30I've got it wrong for the four evenings,
41:33so I'm just going with something totally different
41:35just to see if it's...
41:37I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
41:39You are, but it's OK.
41:41Kieran, your first vote in the game.
41:43Who do you believe is a traitor and why?
41:46I've gone for Will.
41:50If people are wrong about him,
41:52we need to shift things up and move it around the table.
41:55I like the guy a lot and I think he's got skills to stay in,
41:58but I just think we need to back off him if we're wrong,
42:00but I'm going to go with the hunch.
42:02We'll see.
42:03Thank you.
42:09Theo, what name is on your slate and why?
42:12I've gone with Will.
42:14Sorry, Will, it's horrible,
42:16but I want to back Maddie in something.
42:20We have no evidence and, Will, you do clutch with straws.
42:23I'm just... I just...
42:25I literally have no idea.
42:28I'm sorry.
42:30Thank you.
42:39Maddie, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
42:42I think it's Will.
42:44Because even now I feel like you're panicking a little bit.
42:49Of course I am.
42:50And I think it's because you're going to be rumbled.
42:52I don't want to go home.
42:54Thank you.
42:57So we have three votes for Alyssa, three for Will,
43:01one for Maddie and one for Ryan.
43:08Alyssa, what name is on your slate and why?
43:11If she says me, she's lying.
43:14Will's name is on my board.
43:17Taking even your word at face value,
43:19we need to turn the tide and look at people who we're not looking at,
43:23and I think we've massively overlooked yourself,
43:27and I do apologise for that.
43:29And, you know, I think you are a frontrunner in this game,
43:32but is that because you're pointing everyone in a certain direction?
43:36I haven't pointed at anyone.
43:37It's the first day I've ever pointed at anyone.
43:39That's not true.
43:40Yes, it is.
43:41Absolutely ridiculous.
43:44Amos, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
43:47This one really hurts,
43:49and I've tried to be as dispassionate as possible
43:52because I really love this guy.
43:54I've put Will through.
43:56We need to start looking at who we think is 100% faithful,
44:00and I was hoping for that from him, but I didn't get that.
44:06Andrea, who have you voted for?
44:09Andrea, who have you voted for and why?
44:11Alyssa, I voted for you because I think you're really smart.
44:15I think you're a very, very smart cookie.
44:18And you could... You could do it.
44:23Thank you.
44:27Alex, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
44:30Alyssa, I voted for you also.
44:33Hearing your train of thought,
44:36essentially your traitor tactics as to why it's me tonight
44:40when I know I'm faithful was enough to convince me
44:43that you are the traitor. I'm sorry.
44:45Thank you.
44:48So both Will and Alyssa have five votes each.
44:53Aaron, who have you voted for and why?
44:56I actually went for Ryan, simply for the fact that Andrea said earlier
44:59we need to start thinking outside the box,
45:01so I had to go with someone else.
45:07OK, to count up the votes, it is one for Maddie, two for Ryan,
45:14five for Alyssa and five for Will.
45:18So it is down to Amanda's vote.
45:21Either Will or Alyssa will be banished tonight.
45:37It's all come down to Amanda.
45:39I just hope she wouldn't have sided with Will.
45:42Amanda knows that I can play this game better than Alyssa.
45:46I think Amanda and me will work very, very well together.
45:52My fingers are crossed that she doesn't backstab.
45:56Amanda, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
46:07I went for Alyssa.
46:16I don't know if Alyssa is,
46:18but it's just the overdramatic things all the time.
46:22It was the thing about when you said,
46:24I don't know how to be around adults,
46:27and I just thought, well, you are an adult.
46:31So it was that for me.
46:34I love you to bits, but I'm sorry.
46:38It was a really hard decision.
46:40Obviously, because he didn't want to go out,
46:42so he's thrown it back to her.
46:44But I think out of the three of us, she would have been the weakest link.
46:48Alyssa, you have received the most votes.
46:50You are banished from the game. Please come and join me.
47:02Alyssa, before you leave the game forever,
47:05can you reveal, are you a faithful or are you a traitor?
47:14I would like to say thank you.
47:18And, you know, I've really learned a lot from every single one of you.
47:24I received the poison chalice.
47:29I am a traitor.
47:31Oh, my God! I'm so sorry.
47:34I am a traitor.
47:36Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry, Alyssa. Don't be sorry.
47:40Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry.
47:43I knew it.
47:45Don't be sorry, Alyssa.
47:47Don't be sorry.
47:50We had to do it. We had to do it.
47:52I'm sorry, mate. I'm sorry, mate.
47:54I'm sorry, mate.
47:58Oh, my God.
48:12Come here. Come on. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine.
48:16It still could be him. It still could be him, though.
48:21I feel bad, obviously, like, cos she's Alyssa and she's a nice girl.
48:32The only thing I am thinking is he did throw Alyssa under the bus.
48:38I don't know if he'll do that with me. I hope he won't.
48:42So there you have it.
48:44You have finally done it. Alyssa was a traitor.
48:49You caught one.
48:51A word of warning.
48:53The traitors will regroup.
48:57Thank you very much and good night.
49:00Well done, you lot.
49:02It's the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life.
49:05I've just got to keep remembering that it is just a game.
49:15Well done, you lot. Well done, mate.
49:17We've got one! We've got one! We've got one out!
49:20That has changed the whole turning point of the game now.
49:23I can die now, I don't care. My ego just went one.
49:25Cos that puts the people that were on the radar completely off.
49:28We're looking in the complete wrong direction.
49:30I need a drink. Oh, my God, I am thrilled!
49:33Well done.
49:35I can't believe it!
49:37Bittersweet, and I honestly feel so bad that she was crying at the end,
49:41but we actually got one!
49:44She played the role of the traitor really well.
49:47I believe she can leave this game with her head held high
49:50and be proud of, you know, how she did it.
49:52Amanda, we got one. We got one, yes.
49:55I know, so I'm not letting you down.
49:57No, you wouldn't have, never. You wouldn't have, never.
50:00You got a traitor. Yeah, yes.
50:02So, come on. Come on.
50:04I, of course, am the little heroine,
50:06because I done the casting vote and she was a traitor.
50:09So, oof, all come into my fold.
50:12I think this will now...
50:14Well, it's just up to a game.
50:19Will, I don't know how much more you can do to prove that you're a fan.
50:22I really don't.
50:23It's the passion he showed when he knew his defeat.
50:26You can't fake emotion to that level.
50:28The tears at the end, man, were just...
50:30I felt so, like, I just switched on someone,
50:33and I just... I know it's just the game, but it's hard.
50:36Oh, I'm sorry, Will. I'm sorry that I put you through that,
50:39even if it's right or wrong, but I'm sorry. It doesn't matter.
50:42I do have a lot of fight left in me,
50:44and I'm really going to try and persuade,
50:46but I have tried a lot of stuff and they're still like, meh.
50:50Will, I'm on your case, so case not closed.
51:04Goodnight, God bless. Goodnight. Well done, well done. I love you.
51:07I'll see you in a little bit. Well done.
51:10Hopefully see you tomorrow.
51:12I hope so too.
51:14I'm glad it's a win, and I just hope she's all right, bless her.
51:17Goodbye, mate. See you later. Take care.
51:30After four banishments and four murders,
51:33the faithful have finally struck back.
51:36Alyssa was revealed to be a traitor,
51:39and with everyone now departed,
51:42it's time for the remaining traitors to return to the castle and regroup.
51:49Doing a bad, bad thing.
51:55Brutal. Brutal.
52:01It was a really, really tough roundtable,
52:04but I knew I was going to be on the radar, and I don't want to go home.
52:07No. And the thing is, Alyssa is a target for many people
52:10just for the fact that she's no-one's 100%.
52:13No. And that makes it an issue.
52:15And you're the casted vote as well, so thank you as well.
52:18You're the stronger of the two anyway,
52:20and it's a game we are playing, and we're playing it to win.
52:23They needed a traitor.
52:25Sorry, Alyssa.
52:27That's what I think, but then they'll say...
52:29Wilfred, can I just tell you something? Yeah, go on.
52:31What is on the flag of Wales?
52:33A dragon.
52:35You've thrown me under the bus, have you?
52:37Oh, no, 100%. That's what I would be.
52:45In terms of voting off, we need to think about the winning team,
52:48cos I weren't on the winning team, so I can't remember who won it.
52:51I was on the winning team. Yeah, cool.
52:53And I've got the shield.
52:55I'm not ready, really!
52:57Come in.
53:00Good evening, traitor.
53:02Good evening.
53:04I bring you a choice.
53:06Oh! Oh, no.
53:08As per the rules of the game, and as I explained on day one,
53:12when a traitor is banished,
53:14you have the opportunity to recruit another traitor.
53:19You could murder, as usual,
53:21and somebody won't come down to breakfast.
53:25Or you could choose to seduce one of the faithful
53:29and let them join you as a traitor.
53:36What I have here is an anonymous invitation.
53:40All I need written down on it...
53:42Is a name. a name.
53:45They will have no idea who sent it.
53:50They will have the option to either accept or reject it.
53:54If you choose to seduce somebody,
53:57you will not murder somebody.
53:59Everyone will make it to breakfast.
54:02Do you understand your choices? I understand.
54:05Thank you. I'm going to leave this with you.
54:11OK. Thank you.
54:13Good luck. OK. Thank you.
54:15I'll be back for an answer soon. OK.
54:28Honestly, by looking at everyone, I just think they'll decline.
54:32I know it's lovely. I'd love to have another traitor, but...
54:35I think nobody's strong enough there.
54:37Nobody would put themselves forward for it now.
54:39Everybody I spoke to has gone,
54:40oh, my God, I just don't think I could be a traitor.
54:42But I don't know if that's just them saying it,
54:44trying to prove that they can't.
54:46But go through everybody. You say names and I say yes or no.
54:49Right, OK. Aaron.
54:51No. Then we've got Andrea.
54:53I should say no.
54:55No. Then we've got Maddy.
54:58No. Theo.
55:00No, definitely couldn't. He couldn't deal with it.
55:03Hannah. Maybe.
55:05Oh, I don't know. She's too...
55:07No, she's too... She's too spontaneous.
55:09No, no, no. She'd add too much.
55:11We need the calm collective.
55:18Alex would play a very good traitor.
55:21Do you know what I think?
55:23I think Alex would go, do you know what?
55:25My boyfriend's out, I'm here.
55:27100% she'd accept it. Do you reckon?
55:29But could you trust her?
55:31Yeah, 100%. I could.
55:33No, but would she throw any of us under the bus?
55:36No, no.
55:37Should we just go for the...
55:39And the worst comes to worst, no-one gets murdered.
55:41It is a bit lonely there, isn't it?
55:43Yeah, it's a bit too dark and dingy.
55:45Yeah, it's a bit... Yeah. Oh, my God.
55:47Let's go for it. Let's really twist things up.
55:50Dear Alex...
55:55..we wish to recruit you as a traitor
55:57because you are strong,
56:00assertive and charismatic.
56:03If you accept the invitation,
56:05you must join us immediately.
56:07Signed, The Traitors.
56:11Traitors. Do you have an answer for me?
56:14Yeah, we've decided not to kill you.
56:17Yep, we've decided not to kill.
56:19We've decided to check things up and seduce.
56:22OK, just so you know, I'm in. I'm joking.
56:27If they say yes, they'll be right here soon.
56:30Oh! Wait here, please.
56:36You know what she'll accept just to see who we are?
56:39I think so.
56:41I think we've made a dangerous decision
56:43because it could expose us.
56:45But if it pays off,
56:47then I think we'll be the strongest team
56:49and nobody will touch us.
56:55Next time on The Traitors...
56:57I'm going to kill you.
56:59I'm going to kill you.
57:01I'm going to kill you.
57:03Next time on The Traitors...
57:05We wish to recruit you as a traitor.
57:08They recruited!
57:10Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
57:12Come on!
57:14There is one person who has never been challenged.
57:17I just feel that I've been blindsided.
57:19It's exhausting!
57:20I'm trying my best. That's all I can do.
57:24They're back with three new episodes next week.
57:27Now, a stocking fuller from Radio 4
57:29discover what Christmas was like with Charles Dickens'
57:31You're Dead To Me on BBC Sense.
57:33And on a personal journey into her own sexuality,
57:36Cara Delevingne visits the biggest lesbian festival in the world.
57:39That's on BBC Three now.