Pres. Petro sanctions pension reform law

  • 2 months ago
Colombian President Gustavo Petro returned to the streets on Tuesday to sanction his pension reform law from the Plaza De Bolivar in Downtown Bogota. teleSUR
00:00Colombian President Gustavo Pedro returned to the streets on Tuesday to sanction his pension reform law from the Plaza de BolĂ­var in downtown Bogota.
00:09The reform is the only one of his social package that has been approved by Congress and intends to lift millions of senior citizens out of poverty.
00:18According to the head of state, the enactment of the law is the starting signal for measures
00:23such as the 225,000 pesos allowance for at least 500,000 elderly people in state of vulnerability.
00:32Several government officials and congressmen also pointed out that this will be a key moment for the first leftist administration in Colombia.
00:40Today, here, we are doing something important. It is not only a pension bonus.
00:55Today we are giving citizenship to the elderly, turning them into political subjects as we have to go back to the youth in Colombia,
01:05to turn them into thinking subjects, subjects with the power to decide things in Colombia.
01:12That is what is called constituent power. They are afraid of the world. They believe that I want to be re-elected.
01:20That's another lie. Here what we have to re-elect is good politics, good government, government in favor of the people, government of the people.
01:33During his address to the people gathered at the Plaza de BolĂ­var, Petro said the reform also sought to grant citizenship to elderly and reiterated he was not looking for re-election.
01:45I am a congressman to make the law. And what is the law for, if not for the most humble people?
01:54To favor all the people of Colombia, and not as it has been used, to favor a few, among whom is the congressman who approves it. That is called selfishness. That is called greed.
