Luli and the Language of Tea

  • 2 months ago
by Andrea Wang
illustrated by Hyewon Yum
00:00English as a second language.
00:07Free childcare.
00:09For Debbie, the real Miss Hira Khan and for all the immigrants who helped build the U.S.
00:14and continue in countless important ways.
00:18I raise my teacup to you.
00:22To my ESL class friends in Livonia, Michigan.
00:28Lulai and the Language of Tea.
00:31By Andrea Wang.
00:33Pictures by Hi-One Yum.
00:35The playroom was quiet.
00:38Lulai couldn't speak English.
00:40Neither could the others.
00:42All around the room, children played alone.
00:46Last time, Lulai had played by herself too.
00:50Until she had an idea.
00:53She'd drawn it for Miss Hi-So Khan.
00:56This time, Lulai had a plan.
00:59From inside her backpack and onto the round table Lulai set a thermos.
01:04A canister.
01:06Stacks of cups.
01:08And a fat-bellied teapot.
01:11Out of the canister and into the teapot.
01:14Lulai dropped a small ball of tea leaves.
01:19Out of the thermos and over the tea leaves.
01:23Lulai poured steaming hot water.
01:27Lulai took a deep breath.
01:31She called in Chinese.
01:33All around the room, heads popped up.
01:38Asked Maxim in Russian.
01:42Francie said in Hindi.
01:46Nika said in Persian.
01:50Asked Kerem in Turkish.
01:53Asked Kada in Arabic.
01:57Valentina said in Spanish.
02:01Asked Garfret in German.
02:04Tishayla said in Swahili.
02:09Asked Pedro in Portuguese.
02:12The tea was ready.
02:14Lulai beamed.
02:16She was ready.
02:17Cha, she beckoned.
02:20All around the room.
02:22Everyone jointed together.
02:25Lulu poured the first cup and gave it to Maxim, who gave it to Francie, who gave it to Kerem,
02:31who gave it to Nika, who gave it to Kada, who gave it to Valentina, who gave it to Garfret,
02:38who gave it to Tishayla, who gave it to Pedro.
02:42All around the table.
02:45Children passed tea.
02:47Everyone had a full cup.
02:50Except Lulai.
02:51Pedro took Lulai's empty cup and passed it to Tishayla, who passed it to Garfret, who
02:57passed it to Valentina, who passed it to Kada, who passed it to Nika, who passed it to Kerem,
03:04who passed it to Francie, who passed it to Maxim, who passed it to Lulai.
03:10All around the table.
03:12Each child gave a little tea.
03:15Now everyone had a share.
03:17Hands curled around warm cups.
03:20Mouths curved into shy smiles.
03:24Lulai took another deep breath and pulled out one last surprise.
03:28She held up a box and spoke her new favorite word.
03:33In English.
03:36The playroom was no longer quiet.
03:39Lulai's teapot was empty.
03:42But her heart was full.