Till Death Do Us Part - Femme Fatales

  • 3 months ago
Six hours before her wedding, a woman wakes up next to a dead male stripper at her bachelorette party with no memory of how he got there.
01:30Baby once you get here
03:12Aloha I see you've met Rachel worth
03:17Can you believe it's a wedding day
03:20Certainly not a very auspicious start a bride needs something borrowed something blue, but certainly not something dead
03:27I guess the silver lining in all of this is the corpse is not the man. She's planning to marry
03:34But with her ceremony on a private beach near Waikiki looming in six hours
03:40She best fix this little hiccup that's threatening her big day
03:43Otherwise they could very well be a whole new meaning to the phrase till death do us part
04:26Can't hear there's no reception and the music's too loud
04:30Listen my bachelor party still going on, but I promise don't worry
04:41You made our training last night
06:47Please tell me we still get to have sex like that after a marriage
06:51We better and it's a husband's duty to please
06:58Can't believe by this time tomorrow mr.. And mrs.. Can I go home finally?
07:03I thought we're gonna have to get you new business cards made up cam Englehart corporate attorney commitment code
07:09I'll answer tonight. I'm all yours
07:13Just remember we agreed
07:15One lap dance. Yeah about that. How about one lap dance on a BJ
07:22I'm a lawyer. I negotiate
07:25It's also tacky. Oh
07:27I hope they don't get a stripper. I just want to sit by the pool and relax and miss you
07:38So I really have to go do this whole bachelorette party yes, my sister's gone all out you have to go
07:45Which is why I told him where to find you
07:57Maximum time, but if you just stop molesting my bro, okay
08:09Hi, this is Rachel worth I'm one of the women staying at your vacation rental
08:15There's a problem that I really need to talk to you about so if you get this message, please call me back
08:22here at the house
08:24Thank you, okay, call me back
08:36Fire pit over there
08:39We get to use it yeah
08:45The jacuzzi in the pools temperature you can adjust this up
08:48Staffing peas in the pool just let you know is that gonna be a problem
08:59The beach is a quarter mile that way and the bars fully stopped all the best liquor
09:05I'm a soft entering, but that's really good. This is a great porn house. Are you shot here?
09:11Anyway, that's about it. So if you need anything else call me on this
09:15Thank you so much, I'm gonna get out of your hair now don't do anything. I wouldn't do now exactly
09:21What might that be oh?
09:24My god, I love
09:27Congratulations on your nuptial. Thank you so much enjoy ladies here to Rachel's marriage to Kim
09:34Good time
09:42What what the fuck is it with her and trampolines trance love trance honey, that's good right
09:52Are you nervous?
09:54about tomorrow
09:55No, are you kidding? I love that man. I still don't understand why of all the women in the world
10:00He chose me to settle down
10:02Not that I'm complaining mind you that was so much fun
10:12I for one will never allow myself to get tied down. We all know you're the one that loves to do the tying down, sweetie
10:18I've seen your collection of whips and ballgays bunnies and rabbits and stripper hills and tutus tutus
10:26It's not like I was in a rush to get married, but when I met Cam I just knew
10:37Is she gonna be okay? Yeah, she'll be fine. It's ancient history
11:25Daphne yeah, Daphne. Come on, honey. Wake up
11:28Where's my hat? You must have fallen asleep out here Daphne. Come on, honey. Wake up
11:36Daphne what happened last night? I remember having drinks by the pool and then everything after that is a complete blank
11:42Oh, we had a pretty good time. That's what happened. You know, we're sharing Kim are they're not my rooms. No
11:49Okay. I need you to get up and come with me. Okay?
11:54Daphne Daphne, okay
11:57Okay, I'm coming
12:07Jesus what is he doing here? Who is he the stripper? Don't you remember?
12:27I think he's dead. Yes
12:32Did you do did you two know Rachel I
12:37Don't think so gosh
12:40Well on his neck. It looks like he was strangled strangled. Somebody came in here and killed him
12:46So you remember him showing up last night? Of course. I remember him
12:52He was a surprise, but you were already pretty wasted by then
12:59Hey, where are you going so fast?
13:03What's with the outfit I thought you were coming dressed as a policeman
13:08Yeah, the girls at the last party got a little too excited and by too excited
13:12I meant they ripped my uniform because I couldn't wait to suck my dick
13:14But uh, I'd improvise I wonder what kind of damage we can do this uniform. Yeah, we should get started. I'm hourly
14:43Can't recall any of it what happened after we finished
14:49And I thought he left after the fight with Sharon
14:56All right, Rachel, come on now it's time for bed you can do it you see my hat
15:03Nobody's here really
15:12No, thanks
15:16Yeah, but from here looks like it's time to learn the word Botox
15:56Watch out for Sharon. She caught her last boyfriend cheating took a crowbar to his head
16:00She's now starting to remember his name. The dude's got no memory of dating that bitch
16:08Thanks, Sharon
16:10We all know what she's capable of remember what she did to poor Jason. Hey, hey, hey back with the coffee
16:16It's going hangover cures for all
16:22Is that who I think it is he's dead Kim
16:28How we don't know?
16:31Well, did you call the police? No
16:35Not yet
16:36Well, why we have to call them right now. No, wait
16:40Let's just take a beat. What if they arrest us? Nobody's gonna get arrested. I mean look at him
16:46He probably pumped himself full of so many steroids as a heart finally gave out. I don't think this is drug-related
16:52whoever killed him
16:54Could have used this
17:00I mean, how did he get here? I don't know. She can't remember if she had sex with him or not
17:06You had sex with this line back. No, no, I
17:11Would you stop saying that I can't believe this. We really have to call the police, please. Just wait
17:18Just give me a second to think
17:20I'm going to do my wedding day. What if Graham finds out? It's not a question of if he finds out darling. He's going to find out
17:26Whose phone is this?
17:29Mine, I've been looking for it everywhere
17:36Oh God
17:38Yep, you fucked him
18:10Feel like they're doing that show stomp inside my head. Hey Sharon
18:16Did you do it do what?
18:21The stripper
18:25No, I didn't do him
18:28Not for lack of trying. Hey, hey, hey
18:31Did you kill him?
18:36Yeah, he's here it's pretty stiff and I'm not talking about his cocky what
18:42You think I did this giving your history, is it any surprise our minds went there Daphne heard you threatened to kill him last night
18:49I wasn't serious
18:51Jesus guys, how could you think that I would do something like this?
18:55Somebody strangled him and put him in Rachel's bed and you are the only one that had a problem with him
19:00So you found him here in Rachel's bed
19:19Don't remember having sex with him and maybe I don't remember killing him either. No, that's ridiculous. You couldn't hurt anyone
19:28But I could my own BFFs, thanks for the support what about Daphne
19:37We all know that you're still in love with cam ever since you two hooked up at burning man
19:40I bet you would just love to spoil Rachel's big day by killing some innocent guy get real
19:47Daphne and I worked that out ages ago, which is why she's one of my bridesmaids the past is the past
19:53Okay, we really should call the cops the longer that we wait the worse that this is gonna look for us
19:58I mean they can determine the time of death
20:02And they're gonna wonder why did we wait so long I think we should get rid of the body
20:07Of course you do we could put it behind some bushes at a deserted park or in a dumpster in an alley
20:15We'll just say that he came he did his thing and he left
20:17He could have been killed on his way home by a mother or something. No
20:22We'll get caught
20:24Do you not watch CSI which one?
20:29Look people that do stupid things they always get caught so first I was a killer and now I'm stupid
20:36It's my wedding day. I don't want to go to jail. Maybe we should consider it. You are all not thinking clearly
20:45Hello the owner is anyone home she's coming in
20:51Ladies are you in there?
20:54Is everything all right in there
20:59Yeah, you're just helping Rachel get ready. You know how hard it is to squeeze a porter into her wedding dress
21:04She's a stress eater. She put on a few pounds in the last couple of days
21:08But anyways, we couldn't get the garbage disposal to work, but we fixed it
21:17So everything is fine, I'm so sorry that you came over here all the way from nothing
21:27My veil, yes, but I
21:33Hope he doesn't see someone he shouldn't
21:46What are you doing here you sounded worried earlier, I want to make sure you weren't having pre-wedding jitters
21:51Took me six shots of espresso to sober up before I go
22:06What the fuck is that I know I know
22:18We have to postpone the wedding
22:24No, can we have no choice we're doing it just as we planned today
22:33Why because I have to be married by the time I'm 30
22:40When my grandmother died she left me a 10 million dollar trust fund, but there was a catch
22:46She stipulated that I have to be married by my 30th birthday, or I don't get the money
22:51Why would she do something like that?
22:54Grandma's around long enough to see me go through my
22:57wild period
22:59Let's just say she didn't exactly approve
23:01Maybe she wanted me to settle down and make something on myself, which I did
23:07After she was gone
23:09But there's still that clause in the will that I need to adhere to
23:12Tell me I was going to I just I didn't want you to think that I was marrying you just so I can get my
23:18hands on the money
23:21I'm marrying you because I love you Rachel
23:27Okay, that's really sweet, but what I want to know is what happens to the money if you don't get married
23:43Oh my god, it was you you hired the stripper
23:48And you made my first drink
23:50He spiked it, which is why I
23:53Was so out of it and can't remember anything and someone would have had to record it
24:02Made moans to make it look like it was actually happening like I was awake, and I was enjoying it
24:09And you were gonna email it to cam
24:13So we'd call off the wedding and you would be next in line for the trust fund
24:24Did you really murder this poor guy poor guy
24:28Poor guy. Oh, come on. Can't get off your high fucking horse poor guy. He was just some sleazy stripper
24:36Anyways, it was his own fault. No one was supposed to get hurt
24:42But the bastard got greedy that was shit, this is great a cock right here, I'm a fucking pro, baby
24:48He demanded half of the money
24:52Threatened to expose me to you and Rachel five million dollars, and then that was it
24:58I think I deserve a little tip on I don't think you do it all sometimes. It's nice to tip
25:02I'm talking one million dollars more on top of that. So I just agreed to shut him up
25:08Come on I wasn't just gonna hand over five million dollars to some lame-ass cock jock fireman
25:15So I made him the same special cocktail that I made Rachel
25:20And I kept him busy until it took effect
25:54I could handle this problem once and for all
26:01It turned out to be a much better plan than I anticipated
26:05Because cheating is one thing
26:07By accidentally killing a trick during a sex game gone wrong
26:12the night before your wedding well
26:14There's just no way the cam was ever gonna say I do
26:20Not to her. No wonder you wanted to call the cops
26:24You knew it looked bad for me. I did what I had to do. I mean we're talking ten million dollars
26:34It's not fair
26:37Okay, I was the good girl. I went to Nana's house every Sunday. I
26:42Remembered her birthday. He did it. I
26:45Was the one that got straight A's I was the good girl
26:49But the bitch left it all to him
26:53Thought he could change
26:56But it wasn't the money that changed him Rachel
27:00It was you
27:03Your little Fredericks of Hollywood number it's a pretty strong No
27:11Worst made of honor
27:28So, I guess I won't be giving you my toast Kim, this is serious you killed someone I
27:36But I also know what kind of man you are Kim and
27:40You'll spend most of that ten million dollars on the best doctors and lawyers to get me off
27:48I'll see you again
27:54Oh when we you saved me some cake
27:58You know how I love
28:01I'll come visit you. Okay, I'll get you the cake
28:30It's been said it's bad luck for a bride and groom to see each other before the wedding
28:35Although after the day they've had I don't blame Rachel or count for throwing caution to the wind
28:41As for lessons learned, it's an age-old question for woman
28:45Do you marry?
28:51Lucky that for Rachel where today she doesn't have to choose
29:01It's dark in here
29:16If I want to find if I want to make it
