When I Helped a Lost Child, I Found Out Her Single Mother Was My Old Crush

  • 2 months ago
When I Helped a Lost Child, I Found Out Her Single Mother Was My Old Crush
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Let's play!
00:02I'm next!
00:04Um, me too.
00:06My name is Kai Kimura.
00:08I'm a 24-year-old working as a teacher at Koiwa Kindergarten.
00:12Today, we're on a field trip to an indoor amusement park.
00:16Okay, okay. Let's take turns.
00:19You're so popular. I want to play with you too.
00:26She is my colleague, Uzami.
00:28She's beautiful, but rumors say that she often hangs out with men.
00:32Lately, there's been a lot of physical contact.
00:35Maybe it's just my imagination.
00:38Oh, it's almost time. Let's take attendance.
00:50Maria too!
00:52Maria? Huh?
00:56Uh, who's this?
00:59Wow, it's really Kai!
01:03Do you know her? Could it be?
01:06Is she the teacher's child?
01:08What? She's not my minion, is she?
01:12It's important to follow the order as the book says.
01:17No, it's not like that.
01:19We're connected by the thread of destiny, right?
01:24Mr. Kai!
01:26It's a misunderstanding!
01:29Realizing I couldn't just leave her alone, I entrusted the supervision to Ms. Uzami
01:34and decided to take this child to the Lost and Found Center.
01:38Are you Maria? It's dangerous to be away from your mom, you know?
01:43How do you know me?
01:45You're in the picture that Mom says is precious to her.
01:50Ah, there's Mom!
01:53Maria, where were you?
01:56Eh? Is she...
01:58You suddenly disappeared!
02:02But hey, I found Kai!
02:04What are you talking about?
02:07Look! It's Kai, right?
02:10What? Could it really be Kai?
02:15Alisa! Long time no see!
02:19It's no wonder she's surprised.
02:21She's Alisa, my childhood friend.
02:23One year older, whom I haven't seen in seven years.
02:27And she's my first love.
02:30Even though Alisa and I were in different grades, we were very close.
02:35Kai! This book was really interesting!
02:38Right? I knew you would like it.
02:41A love story unfolding alongside gripping battles, right?
02:45Exactly! Kai, you always know everything!
02:51I wish I could say it's because I like you.
02:54The beautiful and kind Alisa, liked by everyone, and me.
02:59A shorter and unreliable younger guy.
03:02It seemed imbalanced, and I couldn't work up the courage to confess.
03:06But someday, when I gain confidence, I'll confess my feelings to her!
03:10One day, harboring such thoughts...
03:13Eh? Marriage? You're gonna marry?
03:17Yeah. My dad found someone.
03:20He seems so happy that he's found a good one for me.
03:24He apparently is a young president and very kind.
03:27I see.
03:29But I... I...
03:35I'm happy for you, meeting such a wonderful person!
03:38I'll celebrate too, as your childhood friend!
03:43Thank you.
03:45Yeah. Congratulations, Alisa.
03:48A high-value guy like that suits her better than someone like me.
03:54Feeling pathetic for not being able to convey my feelings,
03:57I devoted myself to studying and successfully entered university.
04:01Overcoming my weaknesses one by one,
04:04eventually, I gained confidence in myself.
04:08In the next love, I'll express my feelings proactively!
04:12But then...
04:14Meeting Alisa before falling in love again...
04:17Hi! You've grown!
04:20I didn't recognize you at first.
04:22I had a growth spurt in my third year of high school.
04:25I see.
04:27Thank you for finding Maria.
04:29Did you by any chance come here with your wife or girlfriend?
04:35No, I don't have a wife or girlfriend.
04:38I work at a kindergarten, and I'm here as a supervisor.
04:42I see.
04:44Cute! That smile!
04:46Her smile after so long...
04:48It's too much.
04:50No, she's married!
04:52Hey, hey! Is Kai your destiny mom?
04:57W-What are you saying, Maria?
05:00Eh? But they said it in anime.
05:03If you have a picture of someone you like as a charm,
05:06then you'll become destined.
05:09Mom, you did that charm too, right?
05:12I didn't!
05:14I just kept it because it's precious.
05:17What are you making me say, Maria?
05:20Hey, hey! Let's play with Kai next time!
05:24I'm fine, but let me check with your mom and dad first.
05:28I don't have a dad, and mom said it's okay, right?
05:32Huh? She doesn't have a dad?
05:35If you are okay with it, I'd like to thank you for finding Maria.
05:39Thanks? It's not necessary.
05:42Kai, no?
05:44No, it's okay.
05:46Well then, let's play together next time. It's a promise.
05:52Looking forward to it, Maria.
05:54And thank you, Kai.
05:57No problem. I'm happy to see you after so long.
06:01You're still as kind as ever, Kai.
06:04After exchanging contact information, I returned to the kindergarten.
06:09A few days later, after exchanging messages with Alisa, we arranged to meet.
06:14It seemed Maria had taken a liking to me.
06:17Let's take a little break.
06:19Sure. Take your time.
06:22Sorry for Maria. She seems to be having a great time.
06:26As long as she's happy.
06:28She rarely gets the chance to play with an adult man, so I think she's thrilled.
06:34By the way, Maria mentioned she doesn't have a dad.
06:38Do you mind me asking what that means?
06:41Of course. If it's difficult to talk about, then...
06:45Thank you for being considerate. Actually...
06:49After getting married, Alisa and her husband led a normal married life for a while.
06:55However, it seems her husband became cold after Maria was born.
07:00Um, could you do a little more help with child care a bit?
07:04Huh? Isn't that the mother's job? I'm busy, you know.
07:08Although, she knew he was cheating behind her back.
07:12She endured it for the sake of her father, who introduced Maria and her husband.
07:17A year ago, Alisa's father witnessed her husband's affair and got extremely angry.
07:23It's my fault! I'm sorry for not noticing and causing you trouble, Alisa.
07:30She divorced her husband, and she moved back to her hometown six months ago.
07:35It must have been tough.
07:37I used to make excuses like, because he's Maria's father.
07:42But now looking back, I think it was better for Maria to be without such a father.
07:47But when I see Maria happily playing with you, Kai...
07:51I feel like she might be longing for a father's affection.
07:57If that's the case, I'll play with Maria.
08:01I'm a kindergarten teacher, and we're childhood friends, right?
08:05I regret not being able to help when you were struggling.
08:10Oh, of course, whether Maria wants to play with me is another matter.
08:15Huh? You'll play with me again?
08:18Yeah, if you're okay with it.
08:22Mom, you're happy too, right?
08:25Yeah, I'm really happy to be able to talk like we used to.
08:30I've grown too. I can do all sorts of chores and carry heavy things now.
08:35Oh, and I've learned to cook!
08:37I'll treat you to my special pancakes next time.
08:41P-pancakes? You can...
08:44Yeah, I live alone, so I cook every day.
08:48Thanks to that, I've lost a lot of weight.
08:51Every day? That kind of cooking?
08:54But for some reason, I'm always excluded from the kindergarten's cooking class.
09:00But don't worry, I've got some kid-friendly recipes up my sleeve!
09:04Yay! Pancakes!
09:07Can you make a bear shape?
09:09I can! I'll make it next time!
09:13And so, one week later, as promised, I went to Alisa's house to make pancakes.
09:18Today's better than usual!
09:20Mom! Mom!
09:23Kai, what's with that color?
09:26Huh? I added vegetables! I experimented with this recipe for a week.
09:31Vegetables? For that color? For a week?
09:35It's not only delicious, but also great for your stomach!
09:43Kai! It looks so delicious. Can you let me cook today, though?
09:50Uh, but...
09:52You did use our vegetables, right? Some were a bit old.
09:56I'm sorry for not noticing!
09:58Is that so?
10:01I see. If something happened to Maria and you, it wouldn't be good.
10:05For you too, right? Right, Mom?
10:08Yeah, yeah!
10:10Maria! Such a kind girl! Well then, please...
10:14Leave it to us!
10:16A short while later...
10:18Wow! It looks so delicious!
10:21Eat as much as you want!
10:23Mom? Does Kai always eat this kind of food? Is he okay?
10:29I was happy he made it, but I'm really worried about Kai.
10:34Mom, too.
10:36Hmm? What's wrong?
10:39Kai! If you ever get hungry, feel free to come over anytime!
10:44I want to have a meal with you, too! It tastes better when everyone eats together!
10:50Oh, thanks! She's still as kind as ever. Maria really resembles Alisa.
10:56From then on, I occasionally had meals at their place, splitting the cost of ingredients.
11:02I would do chores in return, play with Maria, and we spent time like a family.
11:07And before I knew it, a month had passed.
11:10On one Sunday afternoon...
11:12Watch me, okay?
11:15This park brings back memories, right? We used to play here a lot.
11:20Yeah, it does.
11:22I couldn't confess back then. Now, I could say I like you. Wait, what am I thinking?
11:29Next is over there!
11:32Ah! Wait, Maria!
11:35Alisa, watch out!
11:37Are you okay?
11:39Y-yeah, thanks.
11:42Acting like a child, it's embarrassing.
11:47I'm glad you're not hurt.
11:49Um, Kai, I, uh...
11:54Aww, are you two being lovey-dovey?
11:58N-no way!
12:00The following week, Maria talked me into joining a late-night video game tournament.
12:06Maria fell asleep, huh?
12:09She had so much fun.
12:11I'm not good at it. I can't compete, so thanks, Kai.
12:15I had fun, too.
12:17Plus, being able to spend time with you like the old days makes me happy.
12:23Because you're important to me, Alisa, I'll do anything I can for you.
12:27Alisa, I'll do anything I can for you.
12:30Though lately, it seems I'm the one getting meals made for me.
12:36Of course! Bring it on!
12:38In that case...
12:40Could you... become her... father?
12:47I've always thought about it.
12:49If Maria's father were someone like you, you would surely cherish Maria so much, right?
12:56Of course. Me too.
12:58Uh, Alisa, I...
13:01Ah... Mama, I want water.
13:07Oh, water!
13:09I-I can do it right away!
13:11Oh, thanks.
13:14Well then, see you.
13:16Good night, Kai.
13:18Good night. See you.
13:20What am I doing? I have to confess this time.
13:23If I decide that, first...
13:26On that Saturday of the week, I called them with a determination.
13:30First, have lunch together. And then...
13:34Oh? Isn't that Mr. Kai?
13:37Miss Uzami! Hello.
13:39What a coincidence. How about some tea together?
13:43Sorry, I have important plans today.
13:45Huh? Even though I'm inviting you?
13:48What kind of important plan? Kai?
13:52Alisa! Maria!
13:54Sorry, did we interrupt? Should we wait somewhere?
13:59No, not at all.
14:02Sorry, Miss Uzami. Well then.
14:05That's annoying, you know.
14:08Um, are you perhaps a guardian of the kids?
14:13Typical. A mom who mistakes the homeroom teacher for a potential partner.
14:18Mr. Kai is kind because of his personality, you know.
14:23W-wait, Miss Uzami! Please stop! She's...
14:30Don't be mean to my mom!
14:33Ma'am? Calling me that?
14:38I'm sorry. My child is...
14:41Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong!
14:45Calling someone like me ma'am? What kind of education are you providing?
14:49Wait, that's not how you say it! And besides, you...
14:53What? I'm just saying it out of kindness.
14:57I'm sorry.
14:59You said sorry again! I... I... I hate you!
15:04Oh, Maria.
15:06What's with that child? How rude.
15:09Miss Uzami, they have nothing to do with the school. They are important to me!
15:14Stop making hurtful remarks!
15:18Still a half-baked person.
15:21I need to chase after Maria too!
15:23Alisa, where are you now?
15:26I lost sight of her in the crowd. We're at the station now, but I can't find Maria anywhere!
15:31I'll be there right away!
15:34After reuniting and searching for 15 minutes...
15:38She's not here! Where could she have gone?
15:42Even though Maria tried to protect me, I just kept apologizing!
15:46I should have said something back!
15:48Always, always thinking about reading the atmosphere!
15:52I can't protect the most important thing!
15:57It's okay. We'll definitely find Maria.
16:00Because you are her mother!
16:02You tried to handle things peacefully to protect Maria, right?
16:06Back with your husband and just now!
16:08I'm sorry for being unreliable!
16:10But now, don't forget that I'm here too!
16:13Let's find her quickly!
16:17After that, we continued desperately searching, and then...
16:21There she is! Maria!
16:28I'm sorry.
16:30Mama keeps apologizing even though you tried to protect me.
16:34It's for me, right?
16:39Mom, you had the same expression as when you were with dad.
16:44For my sake, I don't want you to be patient anymore.
16:50Maria, don't worry.
16:52From now on, I won't make your mommy endure.
16:55I'll always make her smile.
16:58Yeah. Have I ever lied?
17:03Kai... Is that...
17:06Alisa, will you marry me?
17:09Actually, on that day, I wanted to confess to you in this park.
17:13But I had nothing and made excuses about wanting a future where you could be happy.
17:19I couldn't even convey my feelings.
17:22But I don't want to run away anymore.
17:24Alisa, I love you.
17:26I'll spend my whole life making you and Maria happy.
17:31I... At that time, I was going to confess too.
17:36I thought you only saw me as a childhood friend, so I gave up.
17:40But this time, I definitely don't want to give up.
17:44Because I have the same feelings as you.
17:49Kai, please take care of us.
17:55Kai is going to be my daddy!
17:57I'm happy!
17:59I... I'm happy too!
18:05Then, after a few days...
18:07Surprisingly, Ms. Uzami's inappropriate relationships with multiple parents were exposed.
18:13And she left the kindergarten.
18:15It seems her approaches to me were just actions to camouflage her true intentions.
18:21On the other hand, as for us...
18:23After going through various procedures, we are now living together as a family of three.
18:28Alisa's parents were overjoyed and blessed our union.
18:31Especially since I was the one with Alisa.
18:34My friends are in here!
18:36They were really nice kids.
18:38Yeah, all of them are good and cute!
18:42What about me? Am I cute too?
18:45You're the cutest in the world!
18:50That night...
18:51She sleeps well, huh?
18:54Hey, hey!
18:55Am I not cute?
18:57Huh? Is this about what we talked about earlier?
19:00Well, when I think about it...
19:03I feel like you've never told me I'm cute even once!
19:06Sorry, it's just that you're not just cute, you're beautiful!
19:11Mariya inherits that beauty and becomes even cuter!
19:15Oh, really?
19:17Then, shall we add one more cute girl to the family?
19:23Yes, please!
