Hollyoaks 18th July 2024
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00I want to trust you, I really do.
00:02But we started this marriage, what do you need from me?
00:06And we're still married.
00:08And I'll never leave you again.
00:14Whatever has happened to Scott?
00:22Jeremy Blake has got something to do with it.
00:26She's breathing but we need to check her over urgently.
00:28Lauren, I'm so scared, my little girl.
00:30Don't worry, everything's going to be alright, I promise you.
00:32I'm going to stay here.
00:33Clearly I'm going to be the one driving.
00:55I'm so sorry.
00:56I'm so sorry.
00:57I'm so sorry.
00:58I'm so sorry.
00:59I'm so sorry.
01:00I'm so sorry.
01:01I'm so sorry.
01:02I'm so sorry.
01:03I'm so sorry.
01:04I'm so sorry.
01:05I'm so sorry.
01:06I'm so sorry.
01:07I'm so sorry.
01:08I'm so sorry.
01:09I'm so sorry.
01:10I'm so sorry.
01:11I'm so sorry.
01:12I'm so sorry.
01:13I'm so sorry.
01:14I'm so sorry.
01:15I'm so sorry.
01:16I'm so sorry.
01:17I'm so sorry.
01:18I'm so sorry.
01:19I'm so sorry.
01:20I'm so sorry.
01:21I'm so sorry.
01:22I'm so sorry.
01:23I'm so sorry.
01:25I'm so sorry.
01:28I'd like to ask you a few questions about the disappearance of Scott Drinkwell.
01:34I'm so sorry.
01:35I'm so sorry.
01:36I'm so sorry.
01:37I'm so sorry.
01:38I'm so sorry.
01:39I'm so sorry.
01:41The tests have come back.
01:43Freddie has secondary drowning.
01:45We're doing everything we can.
01:47I'm so sorry.
01:48I'm so sorry.
01:49I'm so sorry.
01:50I'm so sorry.
01:51I'm so sorry.
01:52I'm so sorry.
01:53It all points to you! Dillie found your shirt and it had blood stains on it!
02:17I just cut myself gardening in my potting shed.
02:19Where Maxine found Scott's phone?
02:22What were you doing snooping around in my shed?
02:23Looking for my best friend who's been missing for the last two days.
02:27He's supposed to be moving to Spain today and there is no way he'd have left without saying goodbye to me.
02:31And why would you think I have anything to do with this?
02:32Because his phone was in your shed!
02:35Okay, okay. Were you in the shed with Scott?
02:39Oh, ridiculous.
02:40My potting shed is a very private place. It's where I go to meditate. I would never take a stranger there.
02:44A stranger?
02:45Yeah, a stranger.
02:46Oh, Leah Barnes heard you ripping into Scott and no-one's seen him since, so...
02:49I don't know where Scott is!
02:51Tell me what you've done to him!
02:53Maxine, Scott's been in touch on a mate's phone. He wants to video call us. He says he's got some news.
02:58He seems really excited.
03:06Grace, wait. Listen, I just want to see Freddie.
03:09You brought him in. Were you with him the whole day?
03:12No. Had he been swimming?
03:14I don't know. Maybe he took Lexi swimming.
03:16Can you find out?
03:17No. I'd really rather not. I don't want to worry Lexi more than she already is.
03:20I have told her that he's going to wake up and be just fine.
03:23The more information we have... I mean, he must have struggled in water.
03:29Does he have any enemies? Could he have been in a fight?
03:33There are abrasions to the temple and...
03:35What are you? A doctor or the old Bill?
03:38Maybe I should inform the police.
03:40Listen, if there is somebody out there trying to hurt Freddie, I will deal with them in my own way.
03:51Do you not get it? He's using your babies to get back with you.
03:55Please keep your voice down. The babies are sleeping.
03:58I'm absolutely shattered because that was a very, very traumatic birth.
04:02What's he doing here? He helped with the labour.
04:04Why was he with you in the first place?
04:06I am here, you know.
04:07Yeah, well, you shouldn't be.
04:09Congratulations, Warren, on becoming a dad again. Thanks, Jan Paul. Really appreciate that.
04:14Felix's baby was struggling. She nearly didn't make it.
04:18She nearly didn't make it. Warren saved her life.
04:21Yeah, and he took hunters. Don't you forget it.
04:33You will never be welcome here.
04:40We should have parted ways in the hospital.
04:43Hey, I am going to be in those kids' lives whether your family likes it or not.
04:52I've got something that needs resolving at the club.
04:56See you.
05:02You go to sleep. I'll look after the babies.
05:06But before you do, please tell me you're not getting back with Warren.
05:14Roses are red. Tom's feeling blue.
05:17Because we've got paid work despite me and Audrey.
05:20Peeny for your thoughts, Tom.
05:21Which idiot hired you fraudsters?
05:23This idiot.
05:25Liberty. I've been warning everyone to steer clear.
05:28They were illegally selling cans.
05:30I had to put a close down to their entire operation.
05:33The police intervened. It was carnage.
05:35Tom, they marked out the prices on a few cans of pop,
05:38put it in a kids' packing pool, which you then fell into and felt embarrassed.
05:41So piggy.
05:42And I had to find staff at short notice because me and Sienna are getting the love boat ready to sell.
05:46I've asked Freddy, but he's nowhere to be seen, so what was I supposed to do?
05:49Right, lads, I am off.
05:51Please don't prove him right.
05:54Right, and I'll be here with the popcorn when Liberty realises her mistake.
05:58Oh, blow me neck. Just wet my plants.
06:01Sold myself.
06:14I told Lexi that you're going to wake up and you're going to be just fine,
06:18so you'd better do that, all right?
06:20Grace Black.
06:23How was the nick?
06:24Wall to wall full of crumpet.
06:26Sounds like my idea of heaven.
06:28And yours.
06:30So give us a hug, then.
06:33It was all stupid little playthings.
06:35It was all stupid little playthings.
06:37It was all stupid little playthings.
06:39It was all stupid little playmates that put him in here.
06:42Yeah, well, they clearly didn't do a good enough job, did they?
06:44Because he's still breathing.
06:46Or cystic breathing.
06:48Well, we can soon change that.
06:50Don't even think about him.
06:52He tried to shoot me.
06:53Why would he do that?
06:54Oh, come on, Grace, we both know that Freddy is blue.
06:56Freddy Roscoe is Freddy Roscoe. He would have been a child when blue was first on the scene.
07:00Yeah, well, maybe he fancies himself as a bit of a copycat.
07:03Back off.
07:06You just need to keep watching over your shoulder.
07:09And you need to keep watching over yours.
07:12And Curtis.
07:14And what's his daughter called?
07:16Little Waxy.
07:19I saw you walking out of here this morning with your two little bundles of joy.
07:23Lucky, eh?
07:25Being locked in a room with no medical assistance must have been really scary.
07:30That was you.
07:32One of them could have died.
07:35You threatened mine.
07:37I threatened yours.
07:40Yeah, well, it's no fun killing him in that state.
07:43I'll wait till he's back on his feet.
07:47If he ever recovers.
07:57How did it happen?
08:01Hola, chicas!
08:03Where have you been? I thought you were dead.
08:05Oh, I know. And listen, I am so, so sorry, but you're not going to believe this.
08:09I'm about five hours away from Barcelona.
08:12I'm on Cruz. And it's fabulous, eh? Ice cold ozzy mozzy, the first of many.
08:17But we were supposed to be going together today.
08:19Did you want to speak to Scott as well? Like, finding out why your phone was in his potting shed?
08:25Hey, Scott.
08:26Hey. So that's where I left it.
08:29Listen, the other night, it was incredible.
08:32I thought you two were arguing.
08:34Yeah. And it kind of got heated.
08:38Can we please not...?
08:40Yeah, of course. Because you're embarrassed of us, I get it.
08:44No! No, absolutely not. It's just, well, I'm a private person and I don't feel comfortable talking in front of a crowd.
08:51I am so sorry for everything.
08:54I guess I let my imagination run away with me, but I should never have accused you.
09:00It's OK. At least everything's cleared up now.
09:03Well, I'll leave you to it. You take care, handsome.
09:07Hasta luego.
09:11Scott, how could you go without me?
09:13I know, and I feel absolutely terrible, OK?
09:16But I got a last-minute offer that I couldn't refuse.
09:18A big Anita Tinkle gig with some huge names that I can't legally say out loud because of the massive NDA that I signed.
09:23Needless to say, I was incredible. Ovs.
09:26And now they've just dropped us off at the port near our Sinead's.
09:28Wait, so that's it? No proper goodbye?
09:33What will Minnie and I do without you?
09:35Babe, wherever I am in the world, I'll always be here for you and Minnie.
09:40Scott, I'm happy for you and everything, it's...
09:42Hey, hey, hey, hey, listen, I've just had tears from Vicky and Tony and Auntie Di as well.
09:47Look, I know it's bittersweet, OK, but...
09:50Well, all my friends and family, you've...
09:54Sorry, I said I wouldn't cry, but...
09:57You've given us the confidence to move on, fly the nest and do things for me now.
10:03So am I still coming with you? I can't fly on my own.
10:06Listen, don't worry, babe, I've spoken to the airport and I've sorted your assistance.
10:10And with some of the money I've made, I've even upgraded you to first class,
10:13so you are going to be travelling in style.
10:15I'm going to meet you at the airport.
10:17Our Sinead's already made your room up, so us three amigos are going to have a ball.
10:21Wait, hang on, can I just rewind on this for just a second?
10:25You and Jeremy potting in the potting shed?
10:29I know, it was quite a big send-off.
10:34I've got people asking for my photo, it's so showbiz.
10:37I'm going to have to love you and leave you, ladies.
10:39Oh, we love you. Bye.
10:43Oh, Max, I love you too, so much.
10:46And Freya, I'm going to see you tonight, all right?
10:49We love you. Bye. Bye.
10:56Listen, let me get this right.
10:58Freddie came to find Lexi's toy unicorn,
11:02then ten minutes later you would collapse.
11:04You're telling me it's delayed drowning. Why?
11:07I don't know.
11:09But you must know.
11:11Maybe he went swimming.
11:13Now, don't be funny with me, all right?
11:15Look, I just want to speak to him.
11:18What happens if I can't? What happens if he never wakes up?
11:21Did you put my brother in there, yeah?
11:23I saved him, all right?
11:27So you do know what happened?
11:29Just don't get involved.
11:31Grace, you've only just got out of prison, what are you playing at?
11:36And then I did hear why you got granted early release.
11:42Yeah, my condition.
11:45How bad is the condition?
11:47It's too sensitive to talk about.
11:50Right, well, I'm really...
11:52I'm sorry to hear that, OK?
11:55But right now, Freddie's life is hanging in the balance, OK?
11:59So who did this and why?
12:01I just want to sit with him.
12:03Was it Warren Fox?
12:05Is that why he was there?
12:08Look, Grace, Lexi was inconsolable last night.
12:11She's only just met her dad and now he might not be part of her future.
12:16Whatever dangerous game you're getting into, just stop it.
12:19Promise me that.
12:41I can't believe this is our last time hanging out.
12:45I never even got to say goodbye to Scott.
12:48It's just like a quick phone call.
12:52And now you're leaving me too.
12:54Yeah, but you can come and visit.
12:56It's like two hours on a plane.
12:58Come on, then. What are your hopes and dreams for Spain?
13:01Right, I want to learn Spanish as quick as possible
13:04so that I can flirt with all the Spanish boys and gals.
13:07I want to get into Spanish nightclubs,
13:09drink Spanish cervezas
13:11and get Spanish hangovers.
13:13Go to Spanish college under the supervision of Scott and Archanaise.
13:17Who you are going to love, by the way,
13:19but you need to make sure you keep it in out of trouble.
13:21Oh, trust me, after the time I've had in this village,
13:23I am so ready for a life without drama.
13:27But while I'm still here, I just...
13:29I want to thank you both for not being annoyed with me
13:32for what my dad did to Ro.
13:34You're not responsible for your dad's actions.
13:36Luckily, Ro knows himself so well
13:38that you just pushed back on everything that was being said to him.
13:41Listen, enough of all the talk.
13:44Right, you are part of Scott's family,
13:46which also means that you are now part of ours.
13:48Anyway, shouldn't you be getting going?
13:50You might miss your flight.
13:52Oh, so this is really it, then?
13:54And I haven't even finished packing.
13:56Oh, I don't know whether to be scared or excited.
13:58Come on, it's a two-hour flight.
14:01Do you want to help packing, though?
14:03I heard that, like, thong bikinis are packing or something.
14:06Tony, in Spain, what do they call an itchy butthole?
14:11Itchy butthole, yo.
14:15Is that really the last thing anyone's going to say to me in this village?
14:18Are you letting that be my send-off?
14:20No. No.
14:22OK, we're all going to miss you very much, obviously.
14:28But you're going to do amazing.
14:31I'm so proud of you.
14:33You are the baby's dad and that is it.
14:35And there is no way I would get back with you
14:37if the future of the human race depended on it.
14:41That's the reason I bought it.
14:43I'm a good liar.
14:45You're a good woman.
14:47The way you handled yesterday, you're a warrior.
14:51That's because I had you by my side.
14:53Do you have any idea how much I love you?
14:55Well, you did buy me a house and a big house.
14:59Do you have any idea how much I love you?
15:01Well, you did buy me a house and a business
15:04and I can't wait to scream it from the rooftops.
15:06Yeah, well, my name is Dirk, with your lot.
15:08So maybe keep it to yourself for a while.
15:10Yes, I get to keep you to myself too.
15:13No, thank you.
15:15Thank you for stepping in for Felix.
15:17Well, they come as a pair, don't they?
15:19But we do need to think of a name for him.
15:22So, for Felix's little girl, I was thinking...
15:25Maria Carmela.
15:28Is that what you wanted?
15:30Well, it's what I want and it's in memory of Carmel, so...
15:33Well, I was thinking of calling our girl Kater.
15:36No, she's going to be called Maria Gabriela.
15:40Yeah, after Gabriel.
15:42And what's with all the Marias?
15:44Well, it's a good, strong Catholic girl name.
15:48And how long have you been a good, strong Catholic girl?
15:51Oi, I squished these two out yesterday.
15:53My body is a wreck and these are about to explode.
15:56I'm going to name the girls
15:58and they are going to be the most entitled princesses ever
16:01and get everything that we never had.
16:05Well, hello, Maria Carmela
16:08and hello, Maria Gabriela.
16:11Classy ads.
16:14Oi, John-Paul.
16:16I thought you'd met me at school.
16:18I'm on my lunch break. I wanted to go and see Mercedes.
16:20I felt bad.
16:22I barely paid the babies any attention. I was too focused on Warren.
16:25I thought our Mercedes had crashed but she insisted on going for...
16:28fresh air.
16:30She said them two weren't together.
16:33Yeah, well, she was clearly lying, wasn't she?
16:36Look, we have to do everything in our power to stop this from happening.
16:39All right?
16:46Maria's off to the airport now.
16:49Come on.
16:51Hey, listen, I know it's sad.
16:53You've got to meet Leevon and...
16:55well, we all know what a fantastic relationship you've got with Scott,
16:57but it's going to be OK.
16:59He was just the best.
17:03He taught me so much.
17:05Never gave up on me.
17:07Hey, he only left cos he's confident you're being taken care of.
17:09I mean, you've got your dad and your brother now.
17:14I'm just going to miss him so much.
17:16I know. And he's going to miss you too.
17:19You know you are a credit to him
17:21and anyone would be proud to have you as a daughter.
17:23You know, you're always thinking of other people,
17:25never yourself, no fuss.
17:27You're just lovely.
17:29Oh, yeah? Unlike?
17:31Unlike what?
17:33Or who?
17:35Sorry, can we talk about that later?
17:39I'm sorry.
17:41I could have done more.
17:43Yeah, it's disappointing, I know.
17:45I could have sold twice as much.
17:47We were right here with the ladies as well.
17:49If only they knew.
17:51Well, you two handsome charmers have certainly got what it takes.
17:53Selling romance and love.
17:55Well, any occasion for flowers, really.
17:57Including sorry.
18:01Flowers are a really good way to say sorry, you know.
18:03You owe these to a huge bunch.
18:05One half wonders.
18:09Is 50 OK for the day?
18:11Yep, of course.
18:13Please come back any time I need cover.
18:15Yeah, thank you for having faith in us, Liberty.
18:17You know,
18:19some people brought us off as degenerates, but...
18:21What do you mean?
18:25One step closer to Cornwall.
18:29You are completely overreacting.
18:31Well, by the way,
18:33you're gushing over Vicky being the perfect daughter.
18:35Right, I was trying to cheer her up,
18:37and by the way, I wasn't gushing over her.
18:39Do you know what? Give me a break.
18:41You give her a break?
18:43Yes, he's making up all about him at the moment,
18:45but I am trying to be as supportive as I can,
18:47just because I'm not up all night
18:49as much as you searched in the internet
18:51on teen transition and puberty blogs.
18:53There's TV appointments at the end of the week.
18:55I want to be ahead of the game, know everything I can.
18:57Tony, this is going to be a long and drawn-out process.
18:59We've got plenty of time.
19:01Yeah, you want it to be drawn-out, Diane.
19:03He's not going to change his mind, you know.
19:05Please, can we just stop being at each other over this?
19:07Right, it might take me
19:09a little bit more time than you
19:11to get my head fully around it,
19:13but I'll be at that appointment with Ro, OK?
19:15Holding his hand.
19:47Warren said you were back. Where is he?
19:49I don't keep a tracker on him.
19:51Well, can you give him a message for me and tell him to muzzle his dogs
19:53or I'll have them put down,
19:55including this little pretty boy.
19:57Yeah, I enjoyed watching Freddie do backstroke.
20:01Why are you so hell-bent in thinking Freddie is blue?
20:03And if he is, would you admit it?
20:05When he recovers,
20:07what do you think he's going to do to you all, hmm?
20:09You, Warren, Sophie,
20:11Sebastian, Joel.
20:13Congratulations on that, being a great granny, by the way.
20:15Are you referring to Joel
20:17and his baby who died?
20:19What? Oh, that would be gallus.
20:21I'm just trying to strike a deal.
20:23You drop the payback and I will tell my husband
20:25not to come after you and yours.
20:29You think you can threaten me.
20:31There's a reason I've avoided prison
20:33and have built a vast network
20:35of connections.
20:37I'm always two steps ahead.
20:39Sierra of the premises.
20:41I can see myself out, thanks.
20:51So tell me, Grace,
20:53how does it feel standing in the club you used to own
20:55but with no fixed abode
20:57and more than likely going to be a widow
20:59very soon?
21:01You see,
21:03even if Freddie isn't blue,
21:05he's still trash
21:07that needs taking out.
21:09He's a dead man either way.
21:45What's that there?
21:47Mummy's here.
22:43Has to live east of school.