Omg e Lega Serie A presentano studio su attenzione pubblicità durante eventi calcistici

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - La Sala Assemblee della Lega Serie A a Milano ha fatto da cornice alla conferenza stampa 'Quando la comunicazione fa goal. L’attenzione ai messaggi pubblicitari nello sport più amato d’Italia’, organizzata da Omnicom Media Group (Omg) e Lega Serie A per il lancio del primo studio che misura l’attenzione agli stimoli pubblicitari inseriti nel mondo del calcio. L’indagine è parte del primo studio in Europa che ha integrato machine learning, AI e neuroscienze per misurare l’attenzione agli stimoli pubblicitari ‘Beyond Visual Attention’, di Omg.


00:00It's not a mystery that Italians love football, but with what modality and with how much dedication do they follow it?
00:10What is the level of attention to advertising stimuli?
00:13To reveal it to the study promoted by Omnicom Media Group and Lega Serie A,
00:17whose results were illustrated in the press conference
00:20when La Comunicazione scored the attention to advertising messages in the most beloved sport in Italy,
00:25held at the Milanese headquarters of the highest Italian football category.
00:29The investigation is part of the largest project of Omnicom Media Group, Beyond Visual Attention,
00:34the first study in Europe that has integrated machine learning, AI and neuroscience
00:38to measure the attention to advertising stimuli.
00:41We focus on how we can really bring to success
00:45the marketing and communication projects of our customers.
00:50We can only do this if the communication we bring to people is truly effective.
00:58One of the fundamental elements of the effectiveness of communication is attention.
01:04And in 2024, given the Europeans, there could not be a better opportunity
01:08to deepen attention in the context of sport and particularly football.
01:15Football is in fact a sport that represents a universal language,
01:19transversal to generations and the media of fruition.
01:22For these reasons, football is also a very effective ecosystem to invest in communication.
01:27The research comes from the need to demonstrate to the market, to investors,
01:32how football is in fact a media comparable to television.
01:36And what the research shows perfectly is that the level of constant attention
01:42over time, during fruition, is particularly high.
01:45And so, in a way, a system of tools is being built that media centers, companies,
01:51will be able to use to somehow support the logic of investment.
01:56To lead the study, which involved a champion of 4,000 senior Italians,
02:00was ANALECT, the Intelligence and Data Analytics division of Omnicom Media Group.
02:05Here are the main results.
02:07Consider that about 34 million Italians follow football,
02:11that is to say 69% of the senior population.
02:15All generations follow football.
02:18Each generation obviously has peculiar means, elective means,
02:23for which television dominates with 82% of people who follow football on television.
02:29But we have a large population that follows football on the radio,
02:34reads the newspapers and follows it through social media.
