Sport, Cervini (Omnicom Media Group): “Attenzione verso calcio va oltre i 90 minuti della partita”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo scoperto che l’attenzione agli eventi calcistici va oltre i 90 canonici minuti della partita. Perché c'è un prima, un durante e un dopo e, soprattutto, la partita non si esaurisce nella sola visione in televisione, si ha infatti un ampio utilizzo dello smartphone, dei social media e anche di app, radio, post, podcast che con completano la costellazione del Mondo Calcio”. Sono le parole di Stefano Cervini, chief Intelligence and Data analytics officer di Omnicom Media Group, a margine della conferenza stampa 'Quando la comunicazione fa goal. L’attenzione ai messaggi pubblicitari nello sport più amato d’Italia’, organizzata da Omnicom Media Group (Omg) e Lega Serie A presso la sede milanese della massima categoria calcistica italiana, per il lancio del primo studio che misura l’attenzione agli stimoli pubblicitari inseriti nel mondo del calcio. L’indagine è parte del più ampio progetto Beyond Visual Attention di Omg, il primo studio in Europa che ha integrato machine learning, AI e neuroscienze per misurare l’attenzione agli stimoli pubblicitari.


00:00What is the value of football in the life of Italians?
00:04The research of Beyond Visual Attention,
00:07when the communication fails,
00:10brings to our attention the value of football
00:13in the life of Italians.
00:15Consider that about 34 million Italians
00:18follow football,
00:19that is to say 69% of the adult population.
00:23It is an extremely high figure,
00:26very shocking,
00:27and consider that it is transversal to the age groups.
00:31All generations follow football.
00:34Each generation, of course,
00:36has peculiar means, elective means,
00:39so television is the master
00:41with 82% of people
00:43who follow football on television,
00:45but we have a large population
00:48that follows football on the radio,
00:50reads the newspapers
00:51and follows it through social media.
00:54It is important to remember
00:56that the game goes beyond
00:59the classic 90 minutes of the game,
01:03because there is a before,
01:05a during and a after.
01:07And above all,
01:08the game does not take place
01:10in the only television vision,
01:12because we have a lot of use
01:15of smartphones,
01:16social media
01:17and also apps,
01:22that complete the constellation of the football world.
01:27So it is an extremely strong content,
01:32the most followed content
01:34that maximizes the attention
01:36obviously on the football target.
01:39This research offers interesting insights
01:41also for investment companies,
01:44because we have discovered
01:46that the game does not last only 90 minutes
01:50and does not only take place
01:52in the television vision.
01:54We have a before,
01:56a during and a after
01:57that is also made up
01:59of many other points of contact
02:01with the consumer.
02:03The smartphone,
02:04social media,
02:09So an ecosystem of points of contact
02:12through which companies
02:14can maintain high engagement
02:16towards their consumers.
