Who Is J.D. Vance- Why Trump Nominated Him for VP - WSJ

  • 2 months ago
Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance is now on the 2024 ballot as former President Donald Trump's running mate and vice president pick. The best-selling author of “Hillbilly Elegy” and a former Never Trumper in 2016, Vance has had a meteoric rise in the Republican Party.

WSJ's Molly Ball breaks down how Vance got the nomination, and what it means for the future of the GOP.
00:00J.D. Vance has had a meteoric rise in the Republican Party, from a best-selling author
00:05and never-Trumper in 2016,
00:07I'm a never-Trump guy. I never liked him.
00:10to winning a U.S. Senate seat at age 38. And now, he's former President Donald Trump's
00:16running mate.
00:17Elect Donald Trump in 2024. God bless you, sir.
00:20Vance is very much a creature of the new Republican Party that Trump has shaped in his image.
00:24By picking Vance, Trump is showing he's doubling down on this MAGA agenda. It's a full-throat
00:29populist, national conservative ticket.
00:33Here's why the Trump-Vance ticket is a big deal for the future of the MAGA movement and
00:38the GOP.
00:39J.D. Vance first catapulted to fame in 2016, after he published his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy.
00:47The book detailed his experience growing up poor in Rust Belt, Ohio, and making it to
00:51Yale Law School.
00:53It was a smash hit and became a Ron Howard-directed movie in 2020.
00:57I know I could have done better, but you've got to decide you want to be somebody or not.
01:06We're trying to paint this white nationalist movement as a movement primarily of poor and
01:11working class Americans, when the truth is that the alt-right is actually led by better
01:16educated and, frankly, pretty well-to-do people.
01:19In his initial foray into the public spotlight, Vance was very much anti-Trump. His book made
01:25clear that he was a conservative. Many people latched onto it as an explanation for Trump's
01:31sort of surprise success in the Republican Party and then in the election.
01:36When Vance launched his campaign for the Senate in 2021, his stance on Trump underwent a big shift.
01:42I obviously didn't fully appreciate the president's appeal in 2016.
01:45Yeah, he said some bad things about me, but that was before he knew me and then he fell in love.
01:50He even described himself to me in one interview as a flip-flop flipper on Trump, saying that
01:55he had similar policy views but was against Trump as a person, until he realized that
02:01Trump was advocating for the policies that he supported.
02:04While running for Senate, Vance was one of several pro-Trump candidates in the primary.
02:09But in one debate, Vance was the lone candidate to oppose a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over Ukraine.
02:15And that caught the eye of Trump's inner circle.
02:18But a no-fly zone, it sounds nice, like we ask the Russians not to fly planes over Ukraine.
02:23What it means in practice is American Marine Corps pilots, Air Force pilots and Navy pilots
02:28getting in dogfights with Russian jets, which the problem with that is it's not in our vital national interest.
02:35That impressed Donald Trump Jr. and he began advocating for Vance's candidacy, including with his father.
02:48Trump's unique brand of conservative politics has been reshaping the core tenets of the
02:53Republican Party since he was elected in 2016, like tighter borders and a retreat from the world stage.
03:00He's changed the GOP so much that the Republican National Committee recently revamped its platform
03:05to a new, stripped-down version, one that focuses more on Trump himself than on specific policy decisions.
03:12Trump has been changing all of those stances to the point where many older Republicans
03:17feel it's no longer recognizable.
03:19At the same time, a movement has arisen in Trump's image that believes in his policies
03:24and believes that the Republican Party should be reshaped in his image.
03:28Believers in this movement, referred to as the New Right or National Conservatives, take
03:33Trump's impulses and turn them into doctrine.
03:36Vance has become one of their leading voices.
03:39The American people, again, they need people who put the interests of their own citizens
03:44first, of our own citizens first, and that's what this entire movement is all about.
03:48And I think that's what the Trump presidency will be about if we give him another shot,
03:52as I expect that we will.
03:54When Trump selected Mike Pence to be his running mate, that was a pick very much intended to
03:58reassure Republican voters.
04:00Pence being a traditional conservative and evangelical Christian was someone who regular
04:05Republicans who saw Trump as sort of an Arivist in their party could look at Pence and say,
04:10all right, that's someone I can trust.
04:12Fast forward to 2024, it's clear that Trump no longer sees a need to share power with
04:17that wing of the Republican Party.
04:20Right after Trump's attempted assassination in July, Vance was one of the first Republicans
04:25to publicly cast blame at the Biden campaign for the shooting.
04:30As Republicans unite around the Trump-Vance ticket after the July 13th attack, Democrats
04:35remain in disarray following President Biden's disastrous debate performance in June.
04:41Biden has vowed to stay in the race despite continuing calls from fellow Democrats to
04:45step away from his place at the top of the ticket.
04:49I think there's a whole pool of voters there in the center of the electorate who really
04:52are not being spoken to by either candidate because of the way these tickets have shaped
04:57Senators Marco Rubio from Florida and Tim Scott from South Carolina were also contenders
05:01on Trump's VP shortlist.
05:04Both could have appealed more to minority voters, something that Trump has historically
05:08struggled with.
05:10Voting Vance allows Trump to shore up support among the white working class.
05:15Ohio is also part of the Rust Belt, and the most crucial states in this election are those
05:20Rust Belt states.
05:21That white working class vote is a vote that is also very crucial throughout those Rust
05:26Belt battlegrounds.
05:27There is a hope by some of Vance's backers and some on Trump's team that he could potentially
05:33galvanize those voters even more than Trump already does to juice Republican turnout in
05:38those states.
05:39What was the Russia collusion hoax?
05:41It was about destroying Donald Trump.
05:42This ridiculous New York fraud case, it's about destroying the guy's wealth before he
05:47reenters the Oval Office.
05:48It's good to see you, man.
05:50Thank you.
05:51He is really a bet on the future as well, a bet on the future of the Republican Party
05:55and a bet on the future of the populist conservative movement.
05:59Trump would never say he's anointing a successor, but Vance was decades younger than the other
06:04potential picks that were under consideration for vice president.
06:07And in choosing such a young person to be on the ticket with him, there's an unavoidable
06:12implication that Trump has sort of chosen an heir, chosen someone to take the mantle
06:16of that MAGA movement and go forward with it, whether it's as a future president himself
06:21or simply as someone who is poised to exert great influence in the Republican Party, continuing
06:27to shape it along those populist conservative lines for years or potentially decades to
