Donald Trump on Monday picked Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate, elevating the ambitious Republican who transitioned from a critic to a staunch ally of the former President's agenda in recent years.
00:00Let the rest of the world help us fortunate, and let's rebuild the very first wall.
00:10Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for us to determine our nomineer for the office of
00:15Vice President of the United States, Senator J.D. Vance.
00:21The Vice Presidency is an office of sacred trust.
00:26The man who accepts this nomination accepts with it the awesome responsibility to give
00:33wise counsel to the President, to represent America abroad, to preside over the Senate,
00:41and to be ready to lead our nation at a moment's notice.
00:46J.D. Vance is such a man.
01:01J.D. is a living embodiment of the American dream.
01:05He came from humble beginnings, and even as his life took him to places he might have
01:10never imagined, he never forgot where he came from.
01:14Ohio values are in his blood.
01:23It is therefore my honor to nominate Ohio Senator J.D. Vance for the office of Vice
01:31President of the United States of America.
01:46Madam Chair, it is a great honor to move that J.D. Vance be nominated by acclamation by
01:55this Republican National Convention as its candidate for the office of Vice President
02:01of the United States of America.
02:10Without objection, the previous question is ordered.
02:13The question is on the motion that Senator J.D. Vance be nominated by acclamation.
02:18All those in favor, signify by saying aye.
02:24All those opposed, signify by saying no.
02:27In the opinion of the Chair, the ayes have it, and the motion is adopted.
02:31Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table.
02:46Delegates and alternates, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that Senator J.D. Vance
02:52has the overwhelming support of this convention to be the next Vice President of the United