Devuélveme La Vida Capítulo 60 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Devuélveme La Vida Capítulo 60 Completo HD
00:00What are we going to do without me?
00:04I don't know.
00:06I don't know what I'm going to do without you, Lucy.
00:13At least you have a motivation, you have an illusion in there, but...
00:19But I...
00:23I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:25I don't...
00:27I don't know if I want to go back to Victoria.
00:31I don't want to stay here.
00:35I think the one who's going to end up packing her bags
00:38and trying to start a new life in the United States is going to be me.
00:43No, you can't do that.
00:45Tina would never have wanted you to leave the magazine,
00:48much less your life.
00:52It's her legacy, Sara.
00:55She fought and tried so hard to leave it where she left it.
01:01And I think the best way to honor her
01:06is not to let her project die.
01:12Would you be willing to work with me?
01:15Yes, yes, of course.
01:17That's what I want most.
01:20Let's work together for that dream of the three of us.
01:29I don't even know where to start.
01:33I don't know.
01:36I can think of a story.
01:40Tino, right now,
01:42is becoming the country's first heart donor.
01:47And I think that story deserves to be told.
01:54For his memory.
02:00Let's do it.
02:03Let's do it.
02:05Let's do it.
02:35Right now, Mariana's life depends more on you than on me.
02:38We want proof.
02:40To know where she is and that she's okay.
02:42I assure you that she is perfectly fine.
02:45Of course, I have to admit that I saw her a little upset,
02:49sad, but above all, above all, very weak.
02:53Happy bastard.
02:55Mr. Azcárate, please, control yourself.
02:58And that offer is not forever.
03:00Otherwise, you will not know where Mariana is.
03:03We have no choice, Mr. Alfredo.
03:05You have to sign.
03:38Joaquín, look for me.
03:42Please, look for me.
03:46You've always been very strong.
03:48Don't give up.
03:50Now more than ever, it's worth coming back.
03:54Let's go.
03:59This is the story of a heart that was born
04:01to beat with all the strength in this world.
04:04A heart that never gave up,
04:06not even when its owner had to sacrifice his life.
04:12Tino came to this world to fight,
04:14but also to make history, to be a pioneer.
04:17Today, this young man who gave his life
04:19to save his brother's,
04:21also did the miracle of giving his heart
04:23so that his mother would live.
04:32In that house.
04:53This way.
05:02Benítez, you'd better not be playing with authority
05:05because you're doing it wrong.
05:06No, no, no, no, Commander.
05:08I assure you, I left her here.
05:10What's more, she must be close because she was tied up.
05:13Edina, comb the area immediately.
05:15As you wish, Commander.
05:17Benítez, where is my daughter?
05:20It's true, Alfredo.
05:22She's not here.
05:24She's not here.
05:26She's not here.
05:28She's not here.
05:30It's true, Alfredo.
05:31I left her here.
05:33Let's go find her, let's go find her.
05:40I don't believe you.
05:42You're wasting my time.
05:53Where is she?
05:54Where is she?
05:55Calm down, Mr. Mosquera.
05:57Commander, Mariana is not here.
05:59We should go look for the house.
06:01We're wasting time, please.
06:07Patrol agents.
06:09We're wasting time, please.
06:28How does it feel to have Tina's heart inside?
06:31It must feel different.
06:35I think it's worth talking about that in the article.
06:38Don't you think?
06:43I don't know how she can think of publishing the magazine
06:46right now.
06:49Because it's a tribute.
06:53Her story deserves to be told.
06:55And you should tell it because you grew up with him.
06:58I don't know if I'm capable.
07:04I feel that nothing you say will be fair.
07:10Joey, Tina deserves it.
07:14Her life is not just the story of a heart transplant.
07:17It's the life of a person who overcame herself.
07:22The story of a person who gave absolutely everything
07:24for the people she loved.
07:26And that deserves to be told.
07:29It had to be me, Sara.
07:38Joey, don't say that.
07:43He's the one who should be alive.
07:46He deserved it.
07:53I didn't have to get involved in this.
07:57I didn't have to get involved between you two.
08:01It was easier to leave you alone.
08:06For me to leave and not come back.
08:16That love was for you two.
08:22And I hurt you.
08:27It wasn't your fault.
08:31It was my dad's fault.
08:37He shot them and...
08:44How am I supposed to live with that?
08:47My dad was the one who ended this family's happiness.
08:53This has nothing to do with Benitez.
08:56Nothing, Sara.
08:58Look, I'm sure that you, like Tina,
09:04would give your life for your loved ones.
09:11Would you do the same?
09:15Do you really believe that?
09:19I'm sure.
09:22I'm sure.
09:52No, no, no.
10:22I'm sure.
11:00Not yet.
11:03I'm sure that Benitez was here.
11:06I saw him kill him in the office.
11:11I'm sure.
11:14I'm sure.
11:17I'm sure.
11:19I'm sure.
11:52We have to do our job.
11:54Calm down.
12:02Do you think Marina is alive?
12:06Do you think Joaquin is right?
12:09I don't know.
12:11I've always had a lot of hope,
12:13but honestly, at this point, I don't want to get my hopes up.
12:18In this family, all that happens is misfortune.
12:21And I'd like to believe that this will all end at some point.
12:25I also hope that one day we can have a little bit of happiness
12:31and peace in this family.
12:47Yes, this is her.
12:51Thank you for calling.
12:52See you later.
12:57They just called from the hospital.
12:59Primitiva went out to see the operation.
13:01She's in her room and should be awake in a few hours.
13:03Finally, some good news.
13:14Where is she?
13:15Where is she, you idiot?
13:17What are you doing?
13:18I'm going to tell you where she is!
13:20Where is she, you idiot?
13:22Let go of me!
13:23Let go of me!
13:25You want to kill me?
13:26Let go of me, Commander!
13:29I want to see my lawyer right now!
13:31This isn't what we agreed on.
13:33Shut up or I'll shut him up.
13:35Get him in.
13:36I killed her.
13:37She's dead.
13:39Let go of me, you idiot!
13:41I killed her, you idiot!
13:42Let go of me!
13:43I killed her!
13:45If you want to know where I buried her,
13:47you'll have to take me to the U.S.
13:50If you don't, you'll never find her.
13:53Shut him up!
13:54I killed her, you idiot!
13:55What's wrong with you?
13:57Do you want me to bury you too?
13:59Don't mess with me anymore!
14:00I killed her!
14:03I won!
14:37No, no!
14:43No, no, no, no.
14:46No, no, no!
14:50Get him, get him!
15:59Son of a bitch.
16:08Son of a bitch.
16:16Get him.
16:18Hold on, hold on.
16:20Mariana, my daughter.
16:28Are you okay?
16:29Get him.
16:50Everything went well.
16:52Tino did the primitive miracle.
16:55He's taking care of us from where he is.
16:59And I have more good news for you.
17:02Mariana is alive.
17:04She showed up and they caught Tino's killer.
17:07The primitive justice was done.
17:10Mariana is alive.
17:13The primitive justice was done.
17:19That's why you have to get well.
17:22Because you deserve to meet your grandson.
17:26This baby is on its way.
17:33My loves.
17:36I'm so happy to be here.
17:39I'll think of you as what helped me resist.
17:42It wouldn't have been fair for life to separate us again.
17:46Justice was finally done.
17:48And all thanks to Joaquin.
17:51He saved my daughter.
17:53We did it, Mr. Alfredo.
17:58And now what's going to happen to my dad?
18:01He'll have to pay for what he did.
18:04How can we be sure he'll pay for what he did
18:07and buy everyone off like he always does?
18:09Because he doesn't have money to buy anyone off anymore.
18:37I'm so glad I can finally see you, Benitez.
18:39It's a pleasure.
18:41I heard an important guest was coming.
18:44I didn't expect it to be such a pleasant surprise.
18:47You were surprised?
18:50I'm not surprised.
18:52We weren't expecting you.
18:55All I wanted was to see you.
18:57I couldn't imagine you being this happy.
19:00I know Benitez is good to you.
19:02I don't mean that in a bad way,
19:05I didn't expect such a pleasant surprise.
19:08Get out.
19:10Arrogant, rude.
19:12You don't change, Benitez, do you?
19:14How did you follow the glass?
19:17You shouldn't be like that with people who welcome you.
19:20You know what I've learned after so many years in here?
19:24That sooner or later, all sins are paid.
20:24I don't know if there's a punishment
20:25that can be compared to the damage he did to us.
20:31Sara, I wanted to apologize.
20:35Because I also played along with your dad.
20:38If you hadn't been so obsessed with being a mom,
20:41you might be with your mom right now.
20:43No, Mom, it's not your fault.
20:46If we really want to get over...
20:52we have to start by stopping feeling bad
20:55about things we can't change anymore.
21:00Do you know how proud I am of you?
21:03Of the woman you've become?
21:06I'm following in your footsteps.
21:15I've already accepted the fact that I'll have to live
21:20knowing that my dad is a monster.
21:24But if there's one thing he did right,
21:27it was choosing the best mom for me.
21:30And giving me a family.
21:33I'm still very sad to know
21:34that Tino isn't here with us because of you.
21:38Tino isn't here,
21:41and no one will ever fill that void.
21:44But at least he left gifts for everyone.
21:49A heart for Primitiva.
21:51A magazine for me.
21:53A baby for Lucy.
21:55Lucy is pregnant?
21:58From whom?
22:03I'll tell you later. I'll explain later.
22:07So Joaquin is going to be a grandpa?
22:10Joaquin is going to be a grandpa.
22:12You deserve to be happy. You two, finally.
22:16We all deserve to be happy.
22:19And thinking about it, I understand, Mom,
22:22that the tragedies end when we decide to end them.
22:26And that's the moment.
22:29I want you to know that you are the best decision
22:34I've ever made in my life.
22:52Let go. Let go of me.
22:56What? No.
22:58No, listen to me, listen to me, listen to me.
23:00What do you want?
23:02What do you want? I'll get you out of here.
23:04I have more money than that idiot Mosquera.
23:07Let's talk about something else.
23:10Let's talk about something else.
23:31I'm not an idiot, Jorge.
23:33Listen to me.
23:37I can take you to a club.
23:39Don't be stupid.
23:41Tell me what you want.
23:43What do you need?
23:46I'll get you out of here.
23:49What do you want? Money?
23:52Don't be stupid. Don't be stupid.
23:56I'll give you whatever you need.
23:59Whatever you ask for, okay?
24:01Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want.
24:04Listen to me, Benitez.
24:06Take advantage of the moments of darkness, silence,
24:09and the company of those little animals
24:12so you can think about everything you did.
24:16I guarantee you that I will make sure
24:19that you don't leave there again for the rest of your life.
24:23What? No.
24:24Jorge, no, you idiot. Don't lock me up here.
24:27Jorge, no, no. Jorge, no.
24:29Get me out of here.
24:33What are you doing? What are you doing?
24:34Jorge, get me out of here.
24:36No, no!
24:39I'm going to get out of here and I'm going to kill you all!
24:42Get me out!
24:46Get me out of here!
24:49Can anyone hear me?
24:51I'm going to kill you all!
25:06Get me out of here.
25:08Get me out of here.
25:27So he's definitely leaving.
25:30Yes, for a while.
25:33I need him.
25:35I think going to the city will help me heal what still hurts.
25:41And forget what I don't want to remember.
25:44You should do the same.
25:46Take advantage of the moment.
25:49Go far away from here, even if it's just for a while.
25:55I don't know.
25:57But I'm going to miss you a lot.
26:00I miss you too.
26:03And take care of yourself, little brother.
26:08You and I are not brothers.
26:11It's not going to happen.
26:17Can I give you a hug?
26:28Thank you.
26:35You were and will always be the love of my life, Sara.
28:18You're so beautiful. Hello, cutie.
28:49I told you how funny, how smart, how handsome he was.
28:55Well, yes, like 50 times.
28:59But it's worth knowing that you had a father,
29:01that you have a wonderful father,
29:05who came to change our lives.
29:11Someone should tell him that he has a godmother who is going to raise him badly.
29:16What are you doing here?
29:17No, I didn't think I'd see you so soon.
29:20I followed your advice and left.
29:23You're not the only one who travels, Miss Scarlet.
29:26When did you come back?
29:29Not long ago.
29:32I wanted to meet my nephew and surprise him.
29:37Well, then I'll introduce you.
29:40Tino, this is your uncle, Joey.
29:46I don't know how this works,
29:51but I feel like I love him.
29:52That's right.
29:55Can I steal it?
29:56No, because Lucy will kill you and so will I.
29:59Let's see what you brought him.
30:01So cute.
30:02For the man of the house.
30:04Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes or no?
30:10Hey, you look very changed.
30:13Thank you.
30:15I feel good, calm, and now better than ever.
30:21No? No?
30:23I'm glad.
30:24And you?
30:27I feel alive, very excited, and that's a lot.
30:32Don't you think?
30:36Can I ask you a favor?
30:43Sign it.
30:44Don't be stupid, Joey.
30:47If this part of my life, no one could tell it better than you.
30:54When I met Tino and Joey,
30:58they were restless children and a little bit of thieves.
31:02Not to say that much.
31:05They were two survivors.
31:07I was lucky to have known them forever.
31:15When I read this,
31:18I felt that I was born to love you, Sara.
31:22We were children.
31:24Well, I don't know.
31:26But since that day I knew that I would always want to be close to you.
31:29But since that day I knew that I would always want to be close to you.
31:36And everything that has happened since that day is incredible, isn't it?
31:42And it's also amazing how a decision can change everything.
31:48Who would have thought how this story would end?
32:00How does it end?
32:05I don't know, but children like happy endings.
32:11I agree with him.
32:13Every good story deserves a happy ending.
32:23And what God has united, that man will never separate it.
32:26With the grace that God gives me, I declare you husband and wife.
32:31You can be my girlfriend.
32:56Thank you.
33:03I didn't expect to find you here.
33:08Well, they invited me and I thought it would be a good time to come and say hello.
33:17It's always good to celebrate love between two people.
33:21The union.
33:22And apparently, peace finally came to these lands.
33:28And who invited you?
33:30Because I saw the list and your name wasn't there.
33:33I invited her.
33:37Don't you think we're too old to keep wasting time with pride and pointless fights?
33:44Life gave us a second chance to be here and you should take advantage of it.
33:48As Ophelia says, you have to celebrate when two people love each other and are willing to give everything.
34:19I wanted to meet you to give you this correspondence that comes directly from the city of Bogota.
34:25From Bogota?
34:31Dear fellow journalists,
34:33we consider the main article of your magazine,
34:37La Rueda, titled Tino Domínguez, Hero's Heart.
34:40Written and photographed with talent and emotion,
34:43in this impeccable piece, around the story of an abandoned couple.
34:47Stories and characters that speak of exclusion, racism, drug trafficking,
34:52and the conflicts of the field in our country are linked.
34:55This, without ceasing to speak, through the struggle of interracial couples
35:00and the advances of medical science,
35:02of how that same country refuses to lose hope.
35:05This jury, moved by precision and poetry,
35:08combined in the text and the images,
35:11has decided to award the great award to the report of the year.
35:17From the 11th prize to independent journalism.
35:21Soon our logistics team will contact you
35:25to remember the details of your trip to Bogota
35:28to the award ceremony.
35:30I'm sure Tino would be very proud to know
35:34that his legacy is in the hands of the best.
35:37I want to tell you that this award, more than a recognition,
35:41is a gift to all of us,
35:44to all of you,
35:46to all of you,
35:48to all of you,
35:50to all of you,
35:52to all of you,
35:54to all of you,
35:56to all of you,
35:57to all of you.
35:59I want to tell you that this award, more than a recognition,
36:02is accompanied by financial support
36:06so that the magazine can be distributed nationally.
36:10Let's toast.
36:12When I arrived in this country, I never imagined that I would find such a large family
36:16that would support me to become the professional I am now.
36:19Tino founded this magazine with the purpose of giving voice to the most relegated
36:23and I want to support so that all that works
36:25and that dream comes true.
36:27Oh, my love.
36:34I would also like to say a few words.
36:39I would like so much that Tino was not on the cover of that magazine
36:43and that he was here with all of us
36:46celebrating this award.
36:48And even if he is not here today,
36:50his legacy is there,
36:52his energy is there,
36:53his energy and his blood.
36:56But he is here
36:58and he feels very proud of all of you.
37:02Thank you, cousin.
37:07Well, let's toast to Tino,
37:10because thanks to him we are here today as the great family we are.
37:30We asked you to come because we wanted to tell you that...
37:34This is yours.
37:36That's right. From now on, the victory is yours.
37:40What do you mean? But why, Mom?
37:42Yes, why?
37:44You are going to give us responsibility now that you are doing so well.
37:47Well, precisely for that, because we have already worked too hard.
37:51And we deserve a break.
37:53Or not?
37:55Well, I agree, I love it, yes.
37:59But I just got here.
38:01I'm a little lost with all this.
38:04And I have a magazine in Cali too.
38:06Well, I don't know how they're going to do it,
38:08but they're going to have to agree.
38:10Excuse me.
38:12Excuse me.
38:15What just happened?
38:17I can't live here again.
38:19I have a life in Cali.
38:20I have a job, I have a magazine.
38:22And besides, Tino is a baby,
38:24and I want to be with Luz and him to watch him grow.
38:27Well, I also have a life, but I think we can try.
38:32Do you really want me to leave everything I've built
38:36to go back to living in the hacienda?
38:39I didn't say that.
38:41I'm not telling you to leave everything behind,
38:44but we can try.
38:46We can organize somehow
38:47I don't know.
38:49Two days a week, maybe?
38:52No, no, I don't know.
38:54I don't know.
38:56What are you afraid of?
38:58Me? Nothing.
39:00I think you are.
39:03Is it because of the memories?
39:05Or because I'm close to you?
39:09Sal, have you already forgotten me?
39:12You know that
39:13forgetting things has never been very strong.
39:17Instead, I never proposed it to me.
39:19On the contrary.
39:21All this time that I was away,
39:23I clung to the memories and the life we built together.
39:28Why are you doing this to me now?
39:30Like this?
39:32When we haven't heard from each other for months?
39:34Sara, because you wanted some time,
39:36and I wanted to respect you.
39:39But I left knowing that you were going to leave.
39:42But I left knowing what I always knew.
39:45I love you.
39:47And that's never going to change.
39:50Sara, I think our love is good.
39:53It's like these lands.
39:55It belongs to us,
39:57but it needs us both to grow.
40:06All the time we were away,
40:09I made a life.
40:11Without you.
40:14But you were always there for her.
40:20And I, I don't know,
40:22I talked to you,
40:24I asked you for advice.
40:26I fought with you too.
40:30Well, you've always been very open-minded.
40:32Why don't you?
40:33Sara, I love you.
40:35I love you.
40:37And I want us to grow.
40:39Not just this business and these lands,
40:41but a life.
40:43A great love.
40:45Because we deserve it.
40:49And you,
40:51give me hope.
40:53Because I love you.
40:55I love you.
40:57I love you.
40:59I love you.
41:01I love you.
41:03I love you.
41:21You'll finally be able to rest in peace, my love.
41:25Because I know that all these years
41:28you've been there
41:30taking care of us.
41:34I'll always miss you.
41:37But I want you to know
41:39that our family is finally united.
41:47What's up, Brazilian?
41:50Mr. Alfredo.
41:54I came to bring you this.
41:59I think you need a new one.
42:04Thank you very much.
42:06You don't have to.
42:08Besides, I like old things.
42:12Listen to me, Brazilian.
42:18Ofelia tells me
42:22that it's time for me to retire.
42:26And for the first time,
42:28I'm going to listen to a woman.
42:29Victoria and Bucaro
42:31will be in the hands of the boys
42:34and they need an administrator.
42:39That administrator has to be you.
42:45A simple peasant
42:47and also black.
42:53your family,
42:55we're all the land.
42:57And that's why we've made a decision.
43:01We're going to give you
43:03a good piece of the land
43:05so you can take advantage of it.
43:07The grandchildren already know.
43:11I appreciate it,
43:13but I don't need so much.
43:17let's not get into that.
43:19Take it
43:21as your retirement.
43:22I propose something better.
43:25Those lands you want to give me,
43:27don't give them only to me,
43:29but to everyone
43:31who has worked on it.
43:34If you want it that way,
43:36it will be that way.
43:52Let's go.
44:06Do you know what's the most beautiful thing about these lands?
44:14That you gave us the opportunity to love them.
44:22I love you.
44:52I love you.
45:22I love you.
