Chaturmas Kab Se Hai 2024 | चातुर्मास व्रत माहात्म्य | चातुर्मास व्रत कैसे करें | चातुर्मास के नियम

  • 2 months ago
Chaturmas Kab Se Hai 2024 | चातुर्मास व्रत माहात्म्य | चातुर्मास व्रत कैसे करें | चातुर्मास के नियम @Mere Krishna

चातुर्मास 17 जुलाई, 2024, बुधवार, देवशयनी एकादशी से प्रारंभ होकर 12 नवंबर 2024, मंगलवार, देवप्रबोधनी एकादशी को समाप्त होगा।

#chaturmas #चातुर्मास #चौमासा #नारायण #narayan #narayana
00:00In today's video, we are going to give you complete information about the importance of Chaturmasa Vrat and when Chaturmasa will start and when it will end, and what we should do in Chaturmasa.
00:15So let's start today's video.
00:18The four months of Chaturmasa are very sacred.
00:22In Chaturmasa, no auspicious activities like marriage, entering the house, etc. are done.
00:28Because Lord Narayana goes to the netherworld in these four months.
00:34This time, Chaturmasa starts from 17th July 2024, Wednesday, Dev Shaini Ekadashi and ends on 12th November 2024, Tuesday, Dev Uthani Ekadashi.
00:49If you want to please Lord Lakshmi Narayana Ji, then you should recite Shri Vishnu Sahasranaam every day for the entire four months.
00:58You can do this recitation any time of the day.
01:02If you are not able to recite Shri Vishnu Sahasranaam, then chant Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaye Mantra for 21 times daily.
01:11Or chant Om Namo Narayanaye Ashtakshara Mantra for 21 times daily.
01:17By following these rules in Chaturmasa, you will feel a change in your life.
01:23Now we are going to tell you the importance of Chaturmasa Vrat.
01:27Shri Krishna said that this Rajan is also called Dev Shaini Ekadashi.
01:36Chaturmasa Vrat starts from this Ekadashi.
01:40Yudhishthir said, O Lord, how should we do the Shayan Vrat of Lord Vishnu and also the Chaturmasa Vrat?
01:49Shri Krishna said, O King, now I will tell you the importance of Shayan Vrat and Chaturmasa Vrat of Lord Vishnu.
01:56You listen attentively.
01:59When Sun comes in Karka Rashi, then we do Shayan for Lord Vishnu.
02:04And when it comes in Tula Rashi, then we wake up Lord Vishnu.
02:08This procedure is followed even after the arrival of Adhik Masa.
02:12Apart from this, we should neither do Shayan nor wake up Lord Vishnu in the next month.
02:18The Ekadashi of Ashara Masa should be done according to the Vrat.
02:22On that day, we should make an idol of Lord Vishnu made of four-legged gold and follow the rules of Chaturmasa Vrat.
02:30We should wear the idol of Lord Vishnu and make Shayan on a beautiful white bed.
02:36And perform Shodashopchad Poojan of Lord Vishnu with Dhoop, Deep, Navidya etc.
02:41Take bath with Panchamrit etc. and say,
02:44O Rishikesh, I worship you along with Devi Lakshmi.
02:49Until you do Shayan of Chaturmasa, keep this Vrat of mine free.
02:54In this way, by praising Lord Vishnu, a person should follow the rules of Datun etc. with a pure heart.
03:01There are five times to take the Vrat of Lord Vishnu.
03:06This Vrat is done from Devshayani Ekadashi.
03:09Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Poornamasi i.e. Poornima, Ashtami and Karki Sankranti is the start of the Vrat.
03:18And Kartik Shukla Dwadashi is the end of the Vrat.
03:22By doing the Vrat, all sins are destroyed.
03:26Those who do this Vrat every year, they go to heaven by sitting on a divine plane like the sun.
03:34In this Vrat, the childhood age of Guru and Shukra is not restricted.
03:39If the sun comes in the part of Dhanurashi, then this date is considered complete.
03:45Those who perform this Vrat with purity by being pure, they get rid of all sins.
03:53Mass without Sankranti i.e. Mal Mass, Adhik Mass is restricted in Devata and Pitra Karma.
04:00Now let's see the different results of this.
04:02Those who sweep the temple daily, wash with water, scrub with cow dung, paint the temples, they get Brahmin yoni for 7 births.
04:14Those who bathe the God in milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugarcane in the month of Chatur,
04:21and give land, gold, etc. to the Brahmins, they go to heaven and enjoy Indra Sukh.
04:30Those who worship God with sun, fire, nevidya and flowers by making the idol of Vishnu,
04:38they go to Indra Lok and enjoy Akshay Sukh.
04:41Those who worship God with tulsi, or donate gold tulsi to the Brahmins,
04:47they sit in the golden plane and attain Param Gati.
04:51Those who worship God with the sun and lamp of Google, they get many types of wealth,
04:58and they become rich for lifetimes.
05:03Those who circumambulate the Peepal tree and worship Lord Vishnu in the month of Chatur,
05:10they attain Vishnu Lok.
05:12Those who offer lamps to the Gods and Brahmins in the evening,
05:16and worship Lord Vishnu, they sit in the beautiful plane and are served by the Apsaras.
05:23Those who take the holy feet of God, they get rid of all their troubles.
05:28Those who chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times in the Nityaprati temple,
05:34they also get rid of all their sins.
05:37Those who meditate and chant Gayatri, they make the God Vyas happy.
05:43In the Udyapanas of Gayatri Mantra, the book of Shastra is donated.
05:47Those who read or listen to the Puranas and Dharam Shastra,
05:51and donate clothes and gold to the Brahmins,
05:55they are generous, rich, knowledgeable, and venerable.
05:59Those who remember Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva,
06:03or donate his gold statue,
06:06also pray,
06:08O Shiva, you have killed a demon called Tripura.
06:12Eradicate my sins and give me good qualities.
06:16They get rid of sins and become rich and virtuous.
06:20Those who give alms to the Sun after their daily work,
06:24and donate gold, red clothes, and cow at the end of the fast,
06:29they get health, full life, fame, wealth, and strength.
06:34Those who chant the Gayatri Mantra in the month of Chatur,
06:39and donate at the end,
06:41all their sins are destroyed and they get a healthy body,
06:45and they get good children.
06:47Those who pray with food,
06:50and at the end, fill their stomachs with ghee and donate clothes,
06:54they become rich and enjoy like Brahma,
06:58and their enemies are destroyed.
07:01Those who worship the Peepal,
07:03and donate clothes with gold at the end,
07:06they get rid of all sins and become devotees of the Lord.
07:10And those who worship Tulsi,
07:14and donate to the Brahmins for Lord Vishnu,
07:18they go to Vishnu Lok.
07:20Those who offer Durva at the end of the month of Chatur,
07:24and donate Durva of gold at the end,
07:30they also go to Vaikuntha Lok.
07:33And those who give alms and praise like this,
07:36O Durva, the way you have spread branches on this earth,
07:41in the same way, give me also a child.
07:44In this way, praise and donate the Durva of gold to the Brahmins.
07:48Those who do this, get rid of all sins,
07:52and at the end, they get heaven.
07:55Those who go to the temple of Lord Vishnu and Shiva,
07:59and do Jagran and Shiv Gaan,
08:01they also get heaven.
08:03Those who give the bell with the best sound in the month of Chatur,
08:08they should pray,
08:10O Lord, O Lord of the Universe,
08:13You are the destroyer of sins.
08:15You destroy the sins that have arisen
08:18because of my deeds and the sins that are not worthy of doing.
08:23At the end of the fast,
08:25those who donate cows or one calf,
08:29those who donate clothes,
08:31or those who worship Brahmins all the time,
08:34they become rich.
08:36Their life becomes successful.
08:38In addition, they get rid of all sins.
08:41Those who feed the Brahmins in the month of Chatur,
08:44their age and wealth increase.
08:47Those who make the sun of gold and donate it to the Brahmins,
08:51their fruit is equal to 100 yagyas.
08:55Those who donate Lord Shiva's Prasannath, silver or copper,
08:59they get a son with faith.
09:02Those who fill the vessel of honey-based silver or copper bowl with jaggery
09:07and donate sesame, gold and shoes,
09:11they attain Lord Shiva.
09:13Those who worship Brahmins in the month of Chatur,
09:17donate other clothes,
09:19and at the end of the fast, donate a bed.
09:22They become rich by attaining Akshaya Sukha.
09:25Those who donate Gopi Chandan in the monsoon season,
09:28they attain Bhoga and Moksha.
09:31Those who worship the sun and Lord Ganesha,
09:34they attain Uttam Gati.
09:36Those who pray to the Lord in the month of Chatur,
09:39donate sugar,
09:41and do Udyapan,
09:43i.e. the method of Udyapan is,
09:45they fill the vessel of sugar in the 4-minute or 8-minute copper bowl,
09:50and give it to the priest along with clothes, fruits and donations.
09:54All their sins are destroyed.
09:56And they attain the son of Yashaswi.
09:59O son of Kunti,
10:00those who fast in the month of Chatur,
10:03are good in Gandharva Vidya,
10:05and are loved by women.
10:07Those who donate fruits,
10:09roots, branches, etc. in the month of Chatur,
10:12they are Sukhi and Raj Yogi.
10:15Those who donate Sont,
10:17chilies, peepal,
10:19clothes and donations in this fast every day,
10:22and at the end donate Sont of gold,
10:24chilies, etc.,
10:26they live for 100 years and go to heaven.
10:29Those who donate pearls to the intelligent Brahmin,
10:32they attain Kirti.
10:34Those who donate Tambul in this fast,
10:37or leave eating betel leaves,
10:40and donate red clothes at the end,
10:43they become beautiful,
10:48and those who speak beautiful words.
10:50The gods are pleased with the donation of Tambul,
10:53and give infinite wealth.
10:55Those who donate turmeric to please Lakshmi ji and Parvati ji in this fast,
11:01and at the end put turmeric in a silver vessel,
11:05they enjoy happiness with their husbands and wives,
11:10and are fortunate to receive infinite wealth and good children.
11:15Along with this, they are worshipped by the gods.
11:18Those who worship Lord Shiva and Parvati ji,
11:21Brahmins, women and men,
11:24and donate food, clothes and gold,
11:27and make a golden statue of Lord Shiva in the Udyapan,
11:31donate bulls,
11:33and feed the hungry,
11:35they get wealth and Kirti.
11:38They enjoy happiness in this world and attain salvation at the end.
11:42Those who donate fruits,
11:44and donate gold at the end,
11:46all their wishes come true,
11:49and have a good child.
11:51From the fruit donation, the fruit of Nandan forest is obtained.
11:54Those who donate flowers in this fast,
11:57they get happiness in this world and Gandharva position in the other world.
12:01Those who donate curd to Brahmins every day for the happiness of God,
12:05and at the end donate earth or gold,
12:08they attain wealth in this world and go to Vishnu world at the end.
12:13Those who donate cows and calves along with clothes and jewellery,
12:18they attain knowledge and go to Brahma world,
12:21and enjoy a lot of happiness with their ancestors.
12:24Those who fast in the month of Chatur,
12:28and at the end feed cows and Brahmins,
12:32they get rid of all sins and go to Brahma world.
12:36And those who donate clothes, bulls,
12:40and fruits,
12:43they go to Vishnu world.
12:45Those who eat banana leaves or Palash leaves,
12:50donate bowls and clothes,
12:53and do not eat oil,
12:55they get rid of all their sins.
12:58Those who fast in the month of Payo,
13:00and at the end donate milk cow,
13:03they go to Vishnu world.
13:05Due to the effect of the fast in the month of Chatur,
13:07those who do Brahma ghati,
13:08those who do Surapan,
13:10those who do Bal ghati,
13:11those who do Asate bhashan,
13:13those who do Sri ghati,
13:14those who disturb in any fast,
13:16those who do Agamya gaman,
13:18those who disturb in the fast of widow,
13:20those who do Bhog with Brahmins and Chandalini,
13:23all these sins get rid of in the month of Chatur.
13:27At the end of the month of Chatur,
13:29those who donate cow and calf,
13:31with 64 palkasa bowls,
13:33and clothes and ornaments,
13:35they get rid of all their sins.
13:37Those who clean the earth with cow dung,
13:39and remember God and eat,
13:42and donate the soil,
13:44they are the king of the religious people.
13:47And their children are also good.
13:49They are not afraid of any enemy.
13:51And at the end, they go to heaven.
13:54By donating cow,
13:55they get delicious food.
13:57Those who do the fast in the month of Chatur,
13:59those who do nitya prati,
14:01and at the end,
14:02those who feed the Brahmins,
14:03they get Shiva loka.
14:05Those who eat at one time,
14:07and at the end,
14:08those who stay without food,
14:10and those who feed the hungry,
14:12those who worship God with devotion,
14:15those who sleep on the earth,
14:17and those who do not urinate,
14:19they become Yashastri, Lakshmivan,
14:21and go to heaven.
14:23Those who eat all family members' rice,
14:25and those who do not apply oil,
14:28and at the end,
14:29those who fill the bowl with oil,
14:31and donate,
14:32or those who do not eat shak,
14:34at the end,
14:35those who fill the silver bowl with clothes,
14:37or fill it with 10 types of shak,
14:39and give it to the Vedpathi Brahmins,
14:42they all go to Shiva loka and attain Kirti.
14:45Those who follow the rule of leaving wheat,
14:48and at the end of the fast,
14:49those who make gold wheat and donate it,
14:51and those who keep the senses in the fast,
14:54they get the result of Ashwamedha Yagya.
14:57Those who give up shak in shravan,
14:59curd in rice,
15:01milk in ashwin,
15:02and lentils in kartik,
15:04they remain healthy and healthy.
15:07Those who give up sweet, sour, and bitter food,
15:10they get rid of all the bad qualities.
15:13Those who remember God,
15:15and those who give up flowers,
15:18they go to heaven.
15:20Those who do Chandrayan,
15:22and those who eat only milk,
15:25they attain Brahma loka,
15:27and their progeny lives till death.
15:30The day God rises,
15:32on that day,
15:33Brahmins should donate clothes and food.
15:36All these donations should be given to the right person.
15:39Those who donate to the right person,
15:41and those who take it,
15:42both are hell-bound.
15:43In this way,
15:44the importance of Chaturmasa Vrat ended.
15:47Jai Shri Krishna, Radhe Radhe,
15:49Jai Shri Lakshmi Narayan.
