90 Day Fiance UK S03E10 (2024)

  • 2 months ago
00:00I've never believed in love at first sight until I met the love of my life and turkey
00:06He would fit right in a new castle
00:10If you'd said to me last year, I'd be in a relationship with a girl from Thailand not a chance I
00:18Can't believe that Sprite is actually in love with me
00:26Love Johan so much that my heart could burst. They're fiddly aren't they? I've never ever done this before I
00:35Promise to care for you for the rest my life
00:41Why you have to do like nothing I do make Sprite happy I can do it spy just leave me
00:50Will be Muslim one day I might not I was talking not you
00:57Didn't you know you're seeing anybody I don't know who she is you want me to leave now, yeah, I'm done
01:01Yeah, you stuff and go please me
01:04Don't disrespect me
01:08I am not only just media for visa. I've been questioning Ali's reasons for coming to the UK all week
01:17It's just hit me like a ton of right
01:21It's painful
01:23Love this big. Are you happy? No, okay. I
01:29Don't understand women at all. I
01:33Don't want to watch that it's weird
01:38Please it's a big drinking culture in England
01:43We will sign love
01:46They were trying to be romantic, but you just you just kill it if I stand here any longer I'm gonna piss me pants
01:54What guess what?
01:57No, Johan, you are joking. I don't understand why someone would do that to me
02:03Don't oh
02:05My god, he stood up. I think personally. Yeah, I started for a visa a
02:10Lot of Nicholas conscience come from her previous relationship with a Turkish man
02:14I just don't want you to get hurt. It was five minutes of the whole day. You're just only mine. That's my my point
02:23They want to get married so that you can live here
02:27I'm not sure John and me this trip. We have so many ups and down every time you leave is like my heart breaks
02:34I know
02:39Night I have a little bit problem with the Tony he drink and drink a lot and I don't want to stay with him
02:48Did you remember what you say to me and make me feel angry? Okay newie. I am NOT having this conversation on camera. I'm done
02:57Hey stuff and go please no
03:02What about if we get married sooner
03:05Losing a loved one changes your outlook on everything
03:09It's not important to have all that big stuff. I just want to be his wife now
03:14So who's gonna be paying obviously?
03:16I'm gonna pick up a lot of it doesn't do this every other week
03:19My mom does have her concerns about Johan and the other women that he might have been out with over there
03:44I'm really excited now. I just want to get out there and
03:50Just get this done. I was always a little bit scared of getting married
03:55But here I am
03:58Rocking it. This is it now
04:07That's me already in 15 with my wedding dress and ready to get married see you on the other side
04:42Are you doing
04:45Sprites been back in Thailand for a few months. How was your day, baby?
04:50Yeah, my day is good. What did you do?
04:54I'm just in my room. Did you work today? No, but I
05:07And silence
05:13This silence is deafening so you're not gonna ask me anything
05:19You're not gonna ask me anything
05:21Yeah, I just feel like sometimes right like I ask you a lot of questions
05:26But like you never asked me anything and not true or I'll ask you a question and I'll be like
05:32Mm-hmm. Yes
05:34That's good. I don't know how I'm supposed to make a conversation from that. So you asked me question
05:40You see that's the that's the problem is you just want me to ask you questions
05:49I think sometimes when we talk to each other
05:52He's just like to fight so a little bit hard to communicate
05:57Maybe sometimes I fight with you because we talk the most when we fight
06:13It's not nice when your partner says that there's nothing going on in your life and your life just seems boring to them
06:18Why are you you know forcing yourself to be in this relationship? If you don't like my life, we should just stop talking so much
06:27Okay, fine, well, let's do that then
06:31I think that I need to come to the UK this time
06:34I want to sort everything out in front of his face and this is the right time to do it. Okay
06:46These phone calls do make me think of how long we can actually keep doing this for I know I don't want to lose
06:52Sprite he's coming back to England soon, and I feel like we need to be in the same place
06:58To save this relationship
07:14You know I've since I've seen you
07:17I'm doing all right
07:19I'm meeting up with my sister Lisa today, and I want to talk to her about all the problems that I've been having
07:24How are things going with you and Sprite?
07:27There's sometimes problems where we're on the phone call and we don't have anything to talk about and then he'll get upset with me for
07:33Not like having anything to talk about but nothing's really happening, and I don't know what to talk about
07:39So currently you have too much time to talk to him too much like
07:43We'll talk like three four hours a day
07:45and we'll finish talking about everything in like an hour an hour and a half and then it will just be like
07:52Silence and then he'll be like why don't you ever talk to me about anything?
07:55I think it's almost like we're at a dead end because
07:58He wants me to ask him questions, and I want him to ask me questions
08:03Have you ever communicated that this is how you feel to him?
08:06Yeah, I've told him and he said that he's the one that likes to tell the stories and not ask about stories
08:13That's all I want to know is why can't he ask me the questions because I want to see if he cares
08:17Enough to find out how my day was
08:20Why do you need someone to ask you?
08:23To see if they care you should know that they care
08:26Maybe he doesn't I feel like it's a situation that needs to be discussed in person
08:31There is a lot of things that you and Sprite need to sort out when he comes over
08:51Haven't seen my dress yet. I'll be no
08:54Secret surprise yeah, I'm back in the Dominican Republic so me and Johan can get married. Are you ready?
09:03I'm good. I think so you think so yeah, it's not long now
09:08Are you nervous?
09:11A little bit are you yeah?
09:15It's the day before the wedding, and I think the nerves are starting to kick in
09:21Your heart your heart's beating fast. Yeah, oh
09:25I don't know this make me nervous
09:33I'm really excited, but I hope that everything goes to plan
09:39Because I don't know much about what's going on Johan has organized everything for the wedding
09:44I just hope it works out you stay here, and I'll stay with my mum. Yeah, and I cry I will miss you though
09:52My mum is here for the wedding, and I want to keep things a little bit traditional, so I'm gonna stay in her room tonight
10:03You seem very nervous Johan, okay
10:06I'm not nervous
10:19You okay
10:22I'm busy packing up the stuff to go to my mum's room, and I noticed Johan's acting really strange
10:42Hoping it's not second thoughts you seem a bit
10:46You sure
10:50Try to organize things yeah, is that what you're stressing
10:56No, I want to belong there tomorrow
11:01Yeah, be nice to have everyone there, I'm gonna go to my mom's now
11:07Yeah, I want to take a shower and sleep
11:09Okay, and I will see you tomorrow
11:13Don't be late. No you don't be late
11:16See you later
11:24Do some see you tomorrow miss you already
11:39Do right
11:41He's breaking it. I do Charlotte. Please say that she bow. I can't take you serious. I like it. I
11:47It's better. Oh my god. He's so nervous mom. Oh
11:51He's gonna be nervous in a
11:54But why?
11:55I'd be nervous married
12:00Don't know what himself in for do they know what if he don't turn up do you really think he won't turn up
12:05No, he won't if you don't turn up then. I said
12:09I'm feeling really
12:11Anxious I'm churning up inside. I'm gonna be really really hard now
12:16Do you really want to do it?
12:20promise promise I
12:22Wouldn't be doing it otherwise no, but I got our shoe. You know I got our shoe be fine
12:32You silly tar
12:36We kind of off I
12:39Never really see an emotional side to my mum, but it's nice that she cares
12:43We still got to come home with you. I know you are
12:49Yeah, but it's
12:51It's hard when it's your daughter you feel
12:54All of it, I just want her to be happy and I want her to have a nice life
13:01But it's just seems to be
13:04Not the norm
13:06You promise you stay home with me
13:09I'm coming home. I've always had you around me and
13:14Now you're gonna be someone's wife
13:17Selfish I suppose
13:19If it doesn't change anything come still your daughter
13:26I just hope it's you're doing the right thing and he's good guy. Yeah, he better do because he'll have me to answer to
13:35Think she's absolutely crazy. I mean to do this
13:39I mean she must have a lot of guts because I wouldn't do it and I've married three times
13:44The main thing is as long as me and Johanna together, and we're happy
13:48That's it
13:57Don't start off again, please
14:05I didn't even think she liked me that much
14:40Back from Turkey now for three or four weeks. I just had his English test today. So
14:46Another thing that I've paid for again. Hopefully he's passed it. Where's he been?
14:52Exile the exile English exam what happened?
15:03How can I explain like
15:15Are you talking
15:17This English tests like it's really important without this. We can't apply for his visa
15:21He just needs to pass it
15:25That was 120 quid
15:32How hard can it be to say hello I can say this this and this okay. Thank you. Goodbye
15:51You're lying or not
16:01I knew he'd passed a little fever. If you might try to trick us watching him always
16:15Are you happy
16:17I'm excited to come to the UK now. I'm excited to come to you. Oh
16:27We've waited like nearly two year now
16:30For this. Yeah
16:32I'm super excited to have Ali here just means like less stress
16:37So we can just live life and be happy and be us
16:42My dream is coming on the plane. I'm flying
16:46And I come there yeah, they're leaving every morning
16:53Like it's exciting because it's happening
17:02And now we can do the visa
17:05We just need to get all the paperwork sorted get it all done and then it's coming to England
17:35Wanted London to be perfect so to see my dream shattered due to a silly argument just broke my heart
17:43Certain things were said that shouldn't have been I should have respected Nui and
17:48Realized she's not a big drinker. Like I am and maybe we should have went home when she requests
17:56The end of the day we love each other. It's time to move on
18:00So first of all, I just like to
18:03Say sorry for what happened at the weekend
18:08And I think
18:10Since I've met you
18:12My life has been flipped upside down the London boy, you know the champagne the nightclubs dressing nice
18:20yeah has been me for many years and
18:24You know, I've now become a family man
18:29So I think one of the reasons we argued the other night is cause
18:35You know, I'm scared because my life for many years
18:39Has been
18:41London life. I know you love me a lot
18:45Sometimes I misunderstand you many things. I'm so sorry
18:50The trip that we've had in London has been very very important
18:55We've had some serious conversations where we're gonna reside. Is it gonna be the UK or is it gonna be Thailand?
19:02So what do you think about London?
19:05I like London, but that is your world
19:09I just feel scared as I have nothing need to do like job or work and also my daughter as well
19:16Yeah, I don't want to move to UK. I
19:22I want to stay in Thailand
19:25Your life I think will always be in Thailand, right?
19:32Yeah, so
19:39I must move to Thailand
19:42I'm gonna give all this up
19:46If you want me to oh
19:49To be honest, I actually don't mind that
19:53That's a win-win for me, you know
19:55Just make me like super and super happy. It's like
19:59This is the good news for me, thank you so much for shooting your lies to move to Thailand today
20:06I have like the good news
20:08Is the good news in my life?
20:11Maybe I'm
20:14So happy
20:16You know for me moving to Thailand. It's really hot. The beaches are beautiful. The people are really nice
20:22I'm may struggle
20:25But maybe for an hour
20:27There's a real love this is
20:30It's real
20:32I'm very happy everything he
20:36He do for me. You are more than my boyfriend. You are like my family
20:44At the end of the day, I'm just a boy that's in love with a girl
20:48Now I am an island boy in love with an island girl
20:53In love with an island girl, should we say thank you from up to Thailand. I love you, baby
21:26Don't know where to put all of this stuff
21:29There's no space anymore
21:32Today Sprite's arriving from Thailand and the house is a mess
21:35I need to sort this out before Sprite gets you because if he sees it like this, I'm dead
21:41Where do people normally put their potatoes? I
21:44Don't know where I'm supposed to put my potatoes
21:48There's food in there maybe put them in there what just right like about your house
22:01I don't know. What does he like? He's never told me what he likes
22:07So I think he doesn't really like anything. There's a lot riding on this trip
22:13I want everything to be perfect because
22:15I want everything to be perfect because I want to propose to Sprite and no things aren't perfect with Sprite
22:21but I've decided to propose to him because the only way that he can come and live with me in England is
22:26If we do get engaged, I just got to make sure everything is right for him
22:32I've bought like a few little like decorations
22:36They are not colorful. They are plain and white because Sprite doesn't like colorful things
22:40That can live on the dining room table cuz dining room tables lonely
22:44So I've got these other pieces and to be honest, I'm not too sure where to put them
22:55The bathroom is a little bit messy, I'm not gonna lie, but I'm not gonna bother cleaning up the fishes can go there
23:04That's quite nice
23:07I think I need to clean the bedroom up a little bit before Sprite comes
23:21He hates birds really
23:24He's so scared of birds. He might find it funny or he might just you know
23:30Get pissed off at me. I don't know. I need to hurry up
23:41Think I need to really hurry up I need to go now. I
23:46Left it a little bit last minute to leave the house. I might make it to the airport just on time
23:56We've just got on the motorway I'm going literally 15 miles an hour shit, I've just hit traffic
24:02I was already cutting it quite fine. You know with timing. I don't want Sprite waiting at the airport for me
24:08I want this trip to be perfect. And if I'm not in time to pick Sprite up, it's not a good start
24:20Fucking twat idiot
24:39So are you feeling now Charlotte
24:42Don't know really
24:43It feels weird. I'm gonna cry. Oh, yeah. No, it's the morning of our wedding and it's absolute chaos
24:51Not only has my mum come out for the wedding, but my sister Sarah's here alongside my good pal Matt
24:57How are you feeling mum? Yeah, I'm fine
25:00Just open that jeeper turn up
25:04Johan has changed who's picking us up. We were supposed to be having a taxi take us
25:11But now his uncle's taken us. I don't like changing plans at the last minute
25:17So the last time then I'm gonna ask you do you want to do this? Yeah. Sure. Yeah
25:25Yeah, do you want to go check with him? I don't think my mum really expected me to marry Johan, but here we are
25:32Right, we're in. We're in. All right. Can I just stand still?
25:37Sugar plum fairy
25:45Hi mum! Mum!
25:47You look absolutely gorgeous mum
25:49Putting my wedding dress on
25:51I feel like a princess
25:53Love you Charlotte
25:55Absolutely love you
25:57Charlotte looks absolutely stunning. I can't believe she's getting married today
26:06I know you think I'm going on but I'm gonna ask you one last time. Are you sure this is what you want to do?
26:12I'm sure
26:17Mum keeps asking me. Am I sure? Bloody hell. Yes, I am. Are you?
26:23Don't you look nice?
26:30Right we need to get out of here. Yeah, cause his uncle's here
26:38So I'm ready, my friends and family are ready. We need to get up to the reception and get to this wedding venue
26:48Thank you
26:52I hope he turns up yet
26:57Oh, the bus is here
26:59Sweaty top lip
27:01I'm on the train going to reception with my dress on
27:06I'm feeling like royalty
27:17Thank you
27:25Then I'll get to reception
27:27No uncle
27:28Well they should be here now but they're six minutes late and I don't like late
27:32You don't like late?
27:33Don't make me have a bitch fit
27:35Are you nervous yet?
27:37No, I just want to get there
27:40You sure?
27:46I'm getting nervous for you
27:49He needs to hurry up
27:53I'm hot, I'm bothered, I'm trying to hold this together
27:57I don't want anyone to know that I am getting pissed off
28:01Did he say ten o'clock or did he say half past ten?
28:06Yeah, your uncle's not here yet
28:10Are you ready?
28:11Yes, I'm ready
28:14OK, so you're going to meet me in a minute
28:19But Johan, we haven't got a lot of time
28:22Yeah, I know, but it's going to be
28:24Hurry up then
28:26OK, baby
28:27Be quick
28:29What's going on?
28:31He was like, don't worry, he'll be there
28:33We're going to be late
28:35I'm boiling hot, Matt's trying to cool me down
28:37Mum looks like she's sucking a sour sweet
28:39For God's sake, where the hell is he?
28:42But if we don't leave soon, we're going to be late
28:45Will they see him still marry you?
28:47I don't know
28:48Right, well, what's the time now?
28:50Eleven past
28:51What time have we got to be there?
28:53We've got to give him until twenty past
28:57If he's not here by twenty past, I'm leaving
29:00To go back to England
29:02Tell him if he's not here by twenty past, I'm taking him home
29:05Yeah, call your boys up
29:07Oh, I'll do it, I'll get him on the phone
29:09Don't leave my girl waiting
29:13Are you ready?
29:16OK, my office is just up from here
29:18How long?
29:19Five minutes
29:20No, you said that five minutes ago
29:22You promise?
29:24I promise
29:26Hold on, hold on
29:30Johan, this is not funny
29:33This is really not funny
29:37But why isn't he here?
29:40So, how long?
29:42You're talking to mumma now, how long?
29:45He's nearly at the lobby
29:47He better be
29:50At this point, all I want to do
29:53is just take Charlotte out of that wedding dress
29:56and take her home
29:58She doesn't deserve this
30:00What did he say to you?
30:02He said, oh God, he didn't know you were ready
30:05I told him ten o'clock
30:07If Johan's uncle doesn't turn up soon
30:09and we miss our appointment
30:11me and Johan are over
30:32His flight was really delayed
30:34which I think was good
30:36because I was delayed myself
30:40Oh, he's messaged me
30:42Hi, hi, I'm here
30:46My heart!
30:48I know when I see him walk out
30:50I'm going to think he's the sexiest guy ever
30:55Nervous now
30:57I don't want anything to go wrong
30:59Very nervous
31:01It says bags arriving
31:03I am looking where people's bags are coming from
31:07Oh, it's from Doha
31:09So not Spice Flight
31:22My favourite coat
31:24Look at you, you look so cute
31:26I'm very happy
31:28I didn't get you flowers
31:30but I got you a coat
31:32I know we've had issues
31:34but right now he's here, he's in front of me
31:37so I'm just going to put everything to the side
31:39and enjoy this time with him
31:41So huge
31:43Do you like it?
31:45It's like too big, I think
31:47I like it because it's warm
31:49Where's the door?
31:51I came to UK to spend time with Johan
31:53and we can try to sort things out
31:56but if he really wants me to stay in UK in the future
31:59I'm not going to be with him anymore
32:02I don't know
32:20I'm just really hoping
32:22he doesn't find too much wrong with the place this time
32:25So I cleaned up for you
32:29What do you think?
32:31I have to take off my shoes
32:33Your socks?
32:35Okay, let's check
32:38What's wrong?
32:42I've passed the cleaning test
32:44Let's see what he thinks about my interior decorating skills
32:47I have...
32:49From where?
32:51To make the table look cute
32:53You like to spend money on stupid things
32:56Because I want the place to look cute
32:59And then let's look at the kitchen
33:01Don't worry about all of that
33:03because it's my stuff for work
33:05Let me go to see the rest of the house
33:08I'll make you a hot chocolate
33:11Sprite is a really, really tough critic
33:13so I hope he likes what I've done upstairs for him
33:16The floor is clean
33:25Why he bought this kind of stuff?
33:29What is this?
33:31So fucking stupid
33:36John, why it's so dirty?
33:39I tried cleaning
33:41John, what the fuck is this?
33:43You like to spend money on stupid things
33:48He's coming downstairs
33:52Should I hide?
33:57What the fuck is this?
34:01This is the fish for the bathroom
34:03This is the bird for the bedroom
34:06But you don't like it
34:08When you go to work, I'm gonna throw it away
34:10Especially this one
34:12It's cute!
34:14So bad
34:15I can never win with Sprite
34:17I think I just need to leave all the decorating and interior designing to him
34:20I give up
34:22I just stop complaining
34:24You are here now
34:28Event, we're fighting a lot
34:30I really love John
34:32I feel like I have to speak something to John about my issue and everything
34:36But I don't want to ruin the moment
34:39It's nice to be back
34:41Really nice
34:55When you move here, this is what we'll be doing
34:58Just sitting, chilling, watching telly
35:01With your mother-in-law
35:03We're hoping Ali will be in the UK in, like, three months
35:07It means everything, having Ali here and being together
35:11And just living life
35:13Babe, do you want some popcorn?
35:16No, thank you
35:19We're gonna put on mine and Mam's favourite programme
35:25I hope I get to see some willies this week
35:29Oh, look at his ball sack
35:32Oh my God, I hope he's better sober than that
35:35Yeah, I hope he is
35:37I hope he's better sober than that
35:40I hope he's better sober than that
35:43I hope he's better sober than that
35:45I hope he's better sober than that
35:48I'm looking forward to welcoming Ali into the family
35:51I am very much
35:52And he seems genuine
35:54And he's a lovely lad
35:55Genuine, not genuine?
35:58I don't know, is it genuine or genuine?
36:00Potato, potater
36:02Exactly that
36:06Babe, you OK?
36:12Mummy, I just reached the ceiling and my cementer is naked
36:16Oh my God!
36:21I'm putting his on a sex ban
36:24Ali has to stay in my flat with me
36:28On a sex ban
36:30Right, well you're on a snoring ban then
36:32I don't know how you would dare have sex in somebody else's house
36:35How would you dare snore like a tractor?
36:40I bet you any money when you come over, Ali
36:42You'll start watching these programmes
36:45Don't worry, he's done for me, Mummy
36:47Which one would you choose, Ali?
36:53He's just...
36:55He's choking
36:57I'm going to choose maximum size, man
37:00Maximum size, yes
37:02You go, son
37:04Oh my God
37:06I can't believe there's people as great as Ali who's like this
37:10Ali is my world, like
37:12I just love him so much
37:14I would literally do anything for him
37:16and I know he would do anything for me
37:18Love to me is
37:20being able to
37:22have trust with somebody
37:24but they're also your best friend
37:27Are you looking forward to coming over?
37:29Yeah, you excited?
37:31Very excited
37:32You'll not be excited when she tells you what she's got for you to do
37:36Yes, lots of jobs for you to do, Ali
37:38He's not going to love them all
37:40What about my decorating, my painting?
37:43Do the garden
37:45You've got the fence to do
37:47Waiting makes it very hard
37:49but the future for me and Ali, I'm hoping that
37:51we just live our life together
37:53and get everything that we want
37:55House, car, maybe his kids
37:57Can't decide on that one yet
37:59but just live a normal, happy life
38:01Babe, do you want to watch the next episode?
38:03Please just stay away from me
38:05I'll never ever watch The Relative Gallery again
38:07Right, babe, we're going now
38:12Bye, darling
38:18How are we going to get up?
38:22I can't get up without you
38:24Well, I can't get up without you
38:28What are you doing with the popcorn?
38:30Which way are you going?
38:32What are you doing?
38:34Get out, man
38:41Get out!
39:01The journey we've had so far
39:03is going to come to a climax very soon
39:06I have one more trick up my sleeve,
39:08one more surprise for Nui
39:12So tonight is the night I'm going to propose
39:20Most important thing
39:24I've never felt these nerves before
39:27I've been in many difficult situations in my life
39:30However, I've not been trained for this one
39:33so hopefully it runs well
39:35and she says yes
39:54Nui's looking wonderful, she's absolutely beautiful
39:57She's definitely the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with
40:01I'm looking at the London Eye
40:03But I'm just, yeah, I'm nervous
40:05I'm waffling, actually, so...
40:08Our relationship is very hard, very, very hard
40:12I just hope in Thailand we'll be better
40:16and to be happy
40:18Please, baby, it's cold in here
40:20Yep, air-con
40:25When I come to London, I talk Tony, Tony
40:28I would like to go to the London Eye
40:31So when he take me, he surprise me
40:36It's so special for me
40:39Look at all the people
40:41It looks nice down there
40:43Yeah, people look too small, like an elephant, just a little bit
40:48Thank you, baby
40:50You're welcome
40:51I dream, right? Now I dream
40:53No, it's...
40:54Not dream
40:55I feel I dream
40:56This is a nice way to see London, actually
40:58It's very nice
41:00Let me get you more champagne
41:01Please enjoy the view
41:04Thank you
41:06This is the moment I've been preparing for
41:09and I felt myself getting emotional
41:12Oh, baby, so amazing
41:16I'm hot, I'm sweating
41:18Things are going through my head
41:20I'm very nervous
41:22This is it, it's now or never
41:26You know I love you
41:28So I have one question for you
41:31Don't make me cry again, okay?
41:33I'm not gonna make you cry
41:36But, baby
41:45Will you marry me?
41:47Do you know?
41:57So exciting
41:58Does it fit?
42:01It's perfect
42:09She's now my fiance
42:11Show London your ring
42:14King, look, look, Charles, look
42:19I'm still in shock
42:21You know, I've been planning this for a long, long time
42:25I will take care of you
42:27I will be a good wife for you
42:29I feel her love, and I feel her love is genuine
42:33and how she treats me when I'm in Thailand is like a king
42:36Yeah, she deserves the ring
42:38She's earned it
42:40Madame, fiance
42:43Let's go, my queen
42:49I compare my love for Tony and Nui
42:53It's the same Thai food
42:56Like Tom Yum
42:58Sour, spicy, hot
43:01Salty, sweet and sour
43:03Everything is the same
43:07Tony is my British boyfriend
43:10Number one, and the last one to me
43:13Only one
43:22Good job
43:27I'm your brother
43:31A complete new chapter in my life
43:33is about to begin
43:35A new adventure, a new story
43:38I can't quite believe it
43:40Hopefully, it's going to be a fairy tale
43:43Yeah, this is it
44:12I've been waiting 30 minutes
44:14I didn't want to wait at all
44:16Is this wedding actually going to happen?
44:19I've got a feeling this might be him
44:21Is this him?
44:22Is this Johan's uncle?
44:24Well, I don't know, because I don't even know what he looks like
44:27Yeah, it is
44:29He's here, Johan must be there
44:32Yeah, let's go, quickly
44:36Is it Dominican time?
44:37Yeah, but it's not great for English time
44:40You're going to have to learn a few lessons then, aren't you?
44:44Look, we're on our way now, so
44:47Let's just get there
44:49I am seething inside
44:52When I imagined myself on the way to my wedding
44:55this was not it
44:56I've been in better funeral cars than this
44:59There it is, there
45:01That mustard building
45:03looks like a prison
45:05This isn't quite what I expected
45:08but we're here now
45:12God, it's warm, isn't it?
45:14I just want to get indoors now
45:16I just want to get this done
45:19The venue looks like a doll office
45:22Nothing wedding-y at all
45:24It is horrific
45:30Guess what?
45:32No Johan
45:33No? Where are...
45:36You are joking
45:38Hurry up
45:39You need to hurry up, because I'll go home
45:43How long?
45:45I'll go home?
45:46I'll go home?
45:47Because you're supposed to be here
45:50OK, well, hurry up
45:51All right?
45:53Where is he then?
45:55Where's Johan?
45:56Where is he?
45:58Oh, my God
45:59He's stood her up
46:02How embarrassing, though
46:04All I can say, Charlotte, you've got a lot of bollocks on the island
46:08I'd have been gone
46:09I'd have been gone
46:10I wouldn't have hung around
46:11If I miss this appointment, I'm going to go mad
46:14I wouldn't have slept
46:15He shouldn't do this to you
46:16I know
46:19Where is he, anyway?
46:20He's here
46:24I'll talk about it later
46:26Because I'll end up losing my temper
46:27Right now, I want to get hold of Johan and shake him
46:31I am so annoyed
46:34This is, like, the biggest day of our life
46:36And he can't even get there on time
46:38Oh, he's going to hear it from me, I tell you
46:42What even is time, do you know?
46:45Do you know what will happen next, don't you?
46:47Have we missed our fucking space?
46:4911 o'clock
46:52Have we missed our appointment?
46:54Well, I don't know, because no-one's telling me anything
46:57There won't be a wedding in a minute
46:59I'll go fucking mad at him
47:00How long do you give someone?
47:02What shall I do?
47:03It causes bad feeling, now, for...
47:05It's a ruin of day for you, isn't it?
47:07If he don't turn up and we miss the appointment,
47:10then he's fucked, isn't he?
47:12I'm feeling really disappointed in Johan
47:15I've trusted him to get this right and to be on time
47:18But to make it worse, my family and friends have to see me like this
47:23What's the time?
47:24Double o'clock
47:26What, it's 11?
47:31Supposed to be here at a quarter to
47:33You all right?
47:34Yeah, I'm all right
47:35Yeah, I'm all right
47:39I just don't like you getting stressed out
47:42Well, I won't forgive him for this, I'm telling you now
47:46Right now, I'm seething with Johan
47:50I am absolutely seething to think that he can do this to my daughter
47:55I'll lose my temper
47:57Well, if you want to go, we'll call a taxi
48:00It's gone 11 now
48:02If I've missed this appointment, then he's missed the opportunity of us
48:06because I'm just going to go back to my room without Johan
48:15You've got some bad news to tell you
48:17Sorry, I don't know fucking...
48:26First time I leave my country and, yeah, it's a scared thing
48:29Are you all right?
48:31This is, like, British culture
48:33If you don't order an alcoholic drink, people can get a bit weird with you
48:40This is my fault, nothing to do with Jamie
48:43How was that, love?
48:44I don't know, a bit spooked on you
48:46This is a nightmare
48:49I'm going to propose to her
49:01I'm going to propose to her