• 2 months ago
Hitungan mundur manual Nursamran Subandi saja salah tentang waktu prediksi masuknya sianida, seharusnya 16:20 WIB, malah jadi 16:39 WIB, inilah potret buruk bagaimana hancurnya scientific crime investigation yang selalu didengungkan kapolri Listyo Sigit Prabowo! Entah Nursamran Subandi ini berkomplot atau tidak dalam merekayasa kasus ini, biarkanlah itu keluar dari mulut Tito Karnavian dan Krishna Murti.

Video CCTV yang telah direkayasa diputar di persidangan dan diberikan kepada sejumla ahli: psikolog Antonia Ratih Anjayani dan Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, kriminolog Ronny Nitibaskara, psikiater Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti, toksikolog Nursamran Subandi dan I Made Agus Gelgel, dan kepada ahli huku pidana Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej.

Keenam jaksa penipu Ardito Muwardi, Shandy Handika, Sugih Carvallo, Hari Wibowo, Wahyu Oktaviandi, dan Maylany Wuwung berkomplot dengan sesama penipu perekayasa video CCTV Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar (Ketua Asosiasi Forensik Digital Indonesia AFDI 2015-2019) dan Christopher Hariman Rianto yang diorkestrasi oleh Krishna Murti dan Tito Karnavian.

Isi flashdisk di tangan jaksa sendiri berubah waktu demi waktu tetapi mereka seolah tidak peduli dengan keutuhan (integritas) data yang ada di dalamnya. Sesi tanya-jawab dengan kedua ahli forensik digital penipu tersebut dirancang agar rekayasa yang mereka rencanakan berhasil menggiring publik dan hakim untuk memutuskan perkara sesuai dengan rekayasa mereka. Dan mereka berhasil.

Ahli IT gadungan Roy Suryo juga dalam beberapa wawancara TV menipu publik bahwa video CCTV yang ditampilkan di persidangan asli dan tidak direkayasa.

Video CCTV rekayasa tersebutpun menjadi pertimbangan hakim Binsar Gultom, Partahi Tulus Hutapea, dan Kisworo dalam memutuskan perkara.

Diharapkan para istri pelaku rekayasa Tri Suswati (istri Tito Karnavian), Nany Ariany Utama (istri Krishna Murti), INGRID CHAIYANLI (istri Christopher Hariman Rianto), Riri Ananingdyah Wibisono (istri Shandy Handika), dan lainnya untuk mendesak para suaminya untuk mengaku salah telah merekayasa video CCTV di kafe Olivier kasus Jessica Wongso. Karena sebagai sesama perempuan, seharusnya mereka memahami perasaan perempuan yang menjadi korban rekayasa para suami mereka.

Begitu juga keluarga Edi Darmawan Salihin: Made Sandy Salihin, Tiara Agnesia, Ni Ketut Sianti,
Arief Soemarko, dan lainnya agar mencari kebenaran kematian Mirna Salihin, berdasarkan bukti
ilmiah bahwa Jessica Kumala Wongso adalah korban rekayasa.

Begitu pula dengan para istri hakim Binsar Gultom, Sri Misgianti, agar menyadarkan suaminya bahwa keputusannya didasarkan video CCTV yang sudah direkayasa Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar dan Christopher Hariman Rianto.



00:00Horas, Valige Akademi is here from beautiful Tepian and Utoba.
00:15Even though we are now focusing on making amateur documentaries,
00:22to be remembered, to be learned by the coming generation
00:27that there was a brutal, barbaric rebellion
00:32by police officers who were paid by the people
00:38in Polda Metro Jaya in 2016.
00:44So we documented it. Who knows,
00:46Netflix or other producers
00:52want to document this in another film
00:58to track or document
01:04how brutal the police in Polda Metro Jaya in 2016
01:12by manipulating digital evidence
01:15including Jessica Wong So, a four-month-old rat cell by Krishnamurti
01:23and Tito Karnavian with CCTV video evidence.
01:29And in court, the treacherous officers used the CCTV video.
01:38The officers also used the experts.
01:42All of this is a result of the miscarriage of justice in Indonesia,
01:49the most miscarriage in the world.
01:52So my conclusion after reading all of this,
01:58examining all of their brutality and brutality,
02:03especially these four, Tito Karnavian, Krishnamurti,
02:08Muhammad Nualazar, and Christopher Hariman Rianto
02:13without any intention of manipulating digital evidence,
02:18I conclude that this is not a recreation of Oknum or a glimpse of Oknum,
02:28but it has been structured, instituted, and organized
02:33by Tito Karnavian.
02:37Because if Jessica Kumalawangso failed,
02:44she would have failed to become the Kapolri in 2016.
02:50So it became her good name,
02:56she took her good name, this traitor, this trash general, Tito Karnavian.
03:03So whatever she does to manipulate digital evidence,
03:08don't let it be disclosed at that time.
03:14So her name will be ruined, but it will still be ruined.
03:17Even though it's been eight years,
03:18the corruption of Tito Karnavian, Krishnamurti, and the other traitors will still be revealed.
03:27Muhammad Nualazar and Christopher Hariman Rianto.
03:31We will document their profiles one by one
03:35so that we can fully understand
03:39how these people's treachery happened in this Republic.
03:45We have reported to several commissions,
03:49the National Police Commission, the Prosecution Commission,
03:52and the Judicial Commission, all of them are in power.
03:58If we have reported Tito Karnavian,
04:02he will be accused of being blind and mute.
04:06Hopefully it will happen in the real world,
04:10they are really blind, mute, and mute.
04:12The Prosecution Commission, the Judicial Commission,
04:16the National Police Commission,
04:19the Supreme Court, the Supreme Prosecutor,
04:22the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice,
04:25all of them will be accused of being blind and mute.
04:28Because we reported that Tito Karnavian is the central figure,
04:32and they are afraid with the 37,000 testimonies until now,
04:37there is no response, especially the Capolri.
04:40Capolri Listio Sigit Prabowo
04:44is not fit to be the General Secretary
04:50if only Tito Karnavian and Krishnamurti
04:55are not willing to be the General Secretary.
04:57He chooses to be blind, mute,
05:01that means he chooses to be on the side of the people's traitors,
05:07he chooses to be on the side of the people
05:10who manipulate the digital evidence.
05:13Listio Sigit Prabowo better be silent,
05:17mute, on the side of these traitors
05:20than on the side of the people who demand justice.
05:24That is the mentality of Listio Sigit Prabowo
05:30whose term of office is only two or three months,
05:34but he is not used to defend the people,
05:38but more on the side of these traitors.
05:43I don't know why he is afraid,
05:45has he ever done the same thing?
05:50The people in Ketayorang
05:51lock each other up with their own crimes.
05:55Is it like that?
05:56So that he is not brave enough to act.
05:58Let nature not punish them later.
06:03Until now, I have never stopped thinking
06:08about how a state institution,
06:11Polda Metro Cahaya 2016,
06:13had 700 people at that time.
06:18It was able to produce an official product
06:21in the form of a CCTV video of Rekayasa
06:25which was sent directly by Krishnamurti,
06:27the official product.
06:29How is it possible that there are hundreds of people there,
06:32under Titok Karnavian there is the name of Waka Polda,
06:36I don't know what his name is,
06:38I didn't search at that time.
06:40Then under it there is the monitoring part,
06:44the elements of monitoring,
06:46I don't know what it is,
06:47all kinds of departments,
06:48of course there is monitoring.
06:49He did a lot of things
06:52to place the suspect with the evidence of Rekayasa.
06:56Try to imagine,
06:57what kind of things like that?
07:00He did a lot of things to place Jessica as a suspect,
07:06but the evidence of Rekayasa
07:08is that no one understands
07:09when it is all messed up.
07:11The result is the murder of Mohd. Makhnoa Lazar,
07:15Christopher Hariman Rianto, and his team
07:17in covering it up.
07:19Even though my children can distinguish it,
07:21it's all messed up.
07:22It doesn't make sense that it's all messed up
07:24in a cafe that is quite expensive,
07:28in a fancy place,
07:30in a mall in Central Jakarta.
07:32This is amazing, this conspiracy.
07:36There is Waka Polda, there is Waka Polda,
07:38there is the element of monitoring,
07:40there is Gelar Perkara,
07:42there is the director of the Supreme Court,
07:44who is this, Krishnamurti,
07:46there is a representative of the Supreme Court,
07:50Ferdi Sambo, and there are others.
07:53How can they betray the people,
07:57these people who are paid every cent
08:01from the people's sweat.
08:02How can this be?
08:03This is already a betrayal of the NKRI.
08:06They are similar to the communists.
08:10They are paid by the people,
08:12every cent is their salary,
08:14incentives, loans.
08:16That is precisely betraying their work.
08:19This is amazing, and this is silenced by
08:22Listio Sigit Prabowo.
08:26Even though I have been cursing,
08:28the NKRI is still silent.
08:30If it's not true, prove it to me.
08:32Just catch me,
08:33suspect me.
08:34Just like that, Listio Sigit Prabowo.
08:37Let us test in court.
08:40Even so, the attitude of a general
08:43is to choose to silence.
08:45Silence means you are on the side of these
08:48traitors, these people's traitors.
08:50Not on the side of the people.
08:52Where is your statement
08:54to protect the people?
08:56Where is your statement
08:58that says, if I cut your head off,
09:00or whatever it is,
09:02in your style.
09:04Or where is your statement
09:06that criticizes Polri as a friend of Polri?
09:08Where is it?
09:10It's all empty talk.
09:12What's the point of
09:14a general's empty talk?
09:16Just throw it in the trash can.
09:18If it's not true,
09:20I need proof that I
09:22gave to Mr. President.
09:24I gave it three times.
09:28I just need to be suspected.
09:30I came alone to be imprisoned.
09:32That's the mentality.
09:36Test me.
09:38I came alone.
09:40Test me.
09:42Mr. Listio Sigit Prabowo.
09:44We will prove
09:46that I came alone.
09:48That's all.
09:50I don't want to talk.
09:52I'm ready to come to Jakarta.
09:54I'm ready to be arrested.
09:56But you have to apologize
09:58if in court I prove
10:00the truth of that science.
10:02That's all.
10:04That's our fight.
10:08Am I
10:10a traitor to the people?
10:12If they are right,
10:14then I am a traitor to the people.
10:16It's normal to be hated
10:18by hundreds of millions of people.
10:24The current situation
10:26should never happen
10:28if each
10:30institution does
10:32its job
10:34according to its SOP.
10:36What is that? Protecting the people.
10:38Giving justice to the people.
10:40Those three layers.
10:42Collecting evidence.
10:46That's done.
10:48Suspecting, arresting.
10:50That's done by the police.
10:54The evidence should be done
10:56by the police.
11:00And witnessing
11:02is done by the judge.
11:04It should be
11:06if the police is dirty,
11:08if the prosecution
11:10is clean,
11:12then the evidence will never
11:14be presented in court.
11:18Even so,
11:20if the police is dirty,
11:22Pulau Mitra Jaya 2016 is dirty,
11:24the prosecution
11:26is dirty,
11:28but if the judge is clean,
11:30using manners,
11:34what is it called,
11:36impartiality in the middle,
11:38without impartiality,
11:40then he will get
11:42a complete understanding.
11:44Rejecting the evidence that has been
11:48It should be if they
11:50work according to their SOP,
11:52without impartiality,
11:54without being invited
11:56to be a high judge,
11:58a great judge,
12:00then they should reject it.
12:02Not accepting it plainly.
12:04CCTV video,
12:06they usually put it together.
12:08But what happened is
12:10they rejected it plainly.
12:12It's a mistake.
12:14Three layers in the judicial system.
12:16Three layers that should
12:18be able to
12:20balance each other,
12:22be able to test each other.
12:24But this is the misjudgment that happened.
12:28at the police station,
12:30Pulau Mitra Jaya produced
12:32the official product,
12:34PAP and Rekayasa CCTV.
12:38it was not tested, but rather
12:42Ardi Tomuardi, Sandian Dika,
12:44Sugi Garvalo, Haribo, Wahyu
12:46Oktav Yandi and Mailani,
12:48Wulung and others that I don't know.
12:52not testing
12:54or screening the evidence.
12:56The CCTV video that has been leaked.
12:58They even conspired
13:00to change the place list.
13:02In a short time,
13:04the contents of the CCTV folder
13:067, sometimes 2, sometimes 4.
13:08CCTV 9,
13:10sometimes 2, sometimes 3.
13:12CCTV 3, sometimes 2,
13:14sometimes 3.
13:16The number of folders, sometimes 10, sometimes 13.
13:18That's just
13:20a few times that we observed
13:22because the monitor screen was caught
13:24by the TV.
13:26For other times,
13:28it is very likely to experience changes too.
13:30That's their conspiracy.
13:32Even though the digital evidence
13:34must be guarded with sacredness,
13:38tightly and very carefully.
13:40But they do whatever they want.
13:42That's their sign.
13:44They joined the Rekayasa conspiracy.
13:47Let's take a look at the structure
13:49of the MetroJaya folder.
13:51This is a special type A.
13:53A special type A means
13:55the capital city.
13:57How is it possible?
13:59The official product is
14:01the CCTV video of Rekayasa
14:03from Muhammad Nur,
14:05Al-Azhar and Christopher.
14:07If it is not structured,
14:09organized and
14:13this Rekayasa
14:15folder is like a carnavian.
14:17I don't know what the folder is.
14:19Underneath it, there is a monitoring element.
14:21Monitoring, investigation,
14:23and so on.
14:25How can it be here?
14:27That's the question.
14:29It should be studied.
14:31Analyzed and investigated
14:33by Listio Sigit Prabowo,
14:35the folder that chose Bungkam,
14:37Banci Pengecut.
14:39You should investigate
14:41whoever is involved
14:43starting from Kapolda, Wakapolda,
14:45Irwas, and so on.
14:47The monitoring element
14:49must be involved. If not,
14:51it's impossible to get through.
14:53It means
14:55it's a big mess.
15:01Underneath it, there is
15:03a rescribum.
15:05At that time,
15:07the director was
15:09Krishnamurti and Firdis Sambu.
15:13The two of them.
15:15Then, there is
15:17another monitoring element.
15:19Above, underneath Kapolda,
15:21there is a monitoring element. Underneath
15:23the rescribum, there is also a monitoring element.
15:25So, there are layers.
15:27That should be the monitoring element.
15:29If they do their job, it's impossible
15:31for the work of
15:33Maknoa Lazar to pass
15:35if they don't
15:37conspire together
15:39for this Rekayasa case.
15:41Tito Karnavian became
15:43the chief of police in June 2016.
15:47It should be Rekayasa.
15:49CCTV video of Rekayasa
15:51so that his good name is not
15:53erased. Jessica's suspicion
15:55was not failed.
15:57Her good name was erased.
15:59She failed to become the chief of police at that time.
16:07and Firdis Sambu, there is a monitoring element.
16:09Bakwa Siddiq
16:11and Bakbinobsnal
16:13are the new monitoring elements.
16:15Among them,
16:17these are the experts
16:19for this Rekayasa case.
16:21Mohd. Maknoa Lazar
16:23and Christopher Harimariato.
16:25So, there is a monitoring element.
16:27So, it's not only them who are responsible.
16:29Who was in charge of this case?
16:31Listio Sigit Prabowo, Bakwa Siddiq,
16:33and Bakbinobsnal.
16:35There is no SESETS.
16:37Who are the people in this structure?
16:41There is no internet.
16:43You should investigate it.
16:45Why is it there?
16:47They didn't do their job
16:49and joined in the conspiracy.
16:51That structural status.
16:53Pulda Metro Jaya
16:55started from Kapulda until the implementation unit
16:57all conspired
16:59to produce Rekayasa products.
17:01You chose to be silent.
17:03What is Kapolri?
17:05Kapolri is a fraudster.
17:07A fraudster.
17:09They just want to be a part of Kapolri.
17:11There is no answer.
17:13There is no zero.
17:17The structure of the directorate
17:19includes the tasks and functions
17:21related to
17:23the investigation and investigation.
17:25The task of the director
17:27and the deputy director.
17:29Identification for the interest of the investigation
17:31and public service.
17:33As well as handling it.
17:35As well as studying the effectiveness.
17:37That's the task.
17:39Mr. Krishnamurti
17:41and Mr. Firdis Ambo.
17:43Below that,
17:45there is a supervisor.
17:49Supervisory of the investigation
17:51and investigation of treason
17:53committed by the subject
17:55to the detrescribum, etc.
17:59Ms. Binsobnal
18:01studied and studied
18:03the effectiveness of the tasks
18:05of the investigation and investigation.
18:07Collect and process data
18:09as well as providing information and documentation
18:11on the activities of the detrescribum, etc.
18:15That's why I told
18:17Mr. Listio Sigit Prabowo.
18:21In the beginning, I respected
18:23your request.
18:25I thought you were not
18:27on their side.
18:29I waited for a long time
18:31to create
18:33Dumas Presisi 1.
18:35I was still hoping.
18:37Dumas Presisi 2. I was still hoping.
18:39Until Dumas Presisi 3 on June 10, 2016.
18:41You were silent.
18:43Even the website of
18:45Dumas Presisi Polrigo.id
18:47has been shut down.
18:49You were proud
18:51to launch
18:53in 2021 or 2020
18:55Dumas Presisi
18:57the trash that you
18:59said was protesting
19:01Polri is a friend of Polri.
19:03Show me your statement first.
19:05Don't just say it's empty as Kapolri.
19:07Check it all,
19:09starting from Kapolda, Wakapolda,
19:11the inspector,
19:13the director of the detrescribum,
19:15the representative of the inspector again.
19:17How can that be?
19:19The product is CCTV Rekayasa.
19:21There are rumors
19:25CCTV Rekayasa video.
19:27What kind of thing is that?
19:33You only have 2-3 months left.
19:35Your power.
19:39The rest is
19:41for ordinary people or ordinary police
19:43before retirement.
19:45Who else asked you
19:47to finish this?
19:49It's no use being upset with you.
19:51While you hold this position,
19:53while the power
19:55is still given to the people
19:57through the president. Do your job.
19:59Don't be a president little by little.
20:01What is your job as Kapolri?
20:03Little by little we have to report the president.
20:07You have to do your main job.
20:09That's it.
20:11You don't have to be a president little by little.
20:13In fact, you are promoted
20:15to be Kapolri with the main job.
20:19entrusted to you.
20:23Just like my statement earlier.
20:25Even if the poll
20:27in MitroJay 2016 is dirty,
20:29they should have the power to filter.
20:31The power to analyze, the power to report,
20:33the power to report, the power to log,
20:35the power to filter, the minimum.
20:37To screen the evidence.
20:39How can it be a conflict?
20:41This is the 6th fraud.
20:43It's proven.
20:45Placedisk containing digital evidence
20:47that is very sensitive to change.
20:49Even 1 bit has changed.
20:51That's why it needs a hash analysis
20:53so that it doesn't change.
20:55It has to be sacralized.
20:57Instead, they change it without being told
20:59to the court, to the judge,
21:01to the prosecutor.
21:03They change it everywhere.
21:05This is the dirtiness
21:07of the last 6 frauds.
21:09It's not worth it for people like this
21:11to still hold,
21:13still have a job
21:15in court with a stupid mentality
21:17like this.
21:19This is no longer the truth
21:21of the 6th fraud.
21:25whatever they do for their job,
21:27Jessica Wong Sok's case is proven.
21:31Even so,
21:33next, even if
21:35fraud and dirty police
21:37have a conflict, it should be
21:39the power to analyze,
21:41the power to report,
21:43the power to neutralize.
21:45The judge can
21:47penetrate their corruption
21:49by rejecting the digital evidence.
21:51I have even mentioned
21:53the fraud.
21:55And they included it in
21:57their decision.
21:59But they always
22:01side with
22:03those frauds.
22:05These three judges,
22:07Kisworo, Bin Sargun, Tumpartai,
22:09Tulusu, Tapea.
22:11You are the most responsible
22:15for causing
22:17a wrong decision, a wrong trial.
22:19Don't you
22:21wash your hands, you three.
22:23I have reminded you,
22:25when it should be
22:27penetrated diametrically,
22:29why do you ask
22:31other independent experts in your kitchen?
22:33Don't be naked.
22:37You are the last bastion
22:39of justice.
22:41The last pillar
22:43for the people
22:45to get justice.
22:47Even though
22:49the police are dirty,
22:51if you are clean, it won't happen.
22:53This is the thing,
22:55this wrong trial.
22:57But what do you choose?
22:59You choose to side with those frauds.
23:03Bin Sargun, Tumpartai,
23:05Tulusu, Tapea, Batak people
23:07are embarrassing.
23:09The top of the wrong trial
23:11is actually two judges from Batak.
23:15This is it, brothers.
23:17This is the diagram of the wrong trial.
23:19Along with the experts
23:21who are used by using
23:23CCTV videos of Rekayasa,
23:25BAP Rekayasa,
23:35criminal law experts, and others
23:37to add
23:39the narrative of Rekayasa
23:41to succeed
23:43the wrong trial.
23:45This is it.
23:47Three layers, or three layers
23:49of our judicial system.
23:51If one of them
23:53is dirty,
23:55it won't result in
23:57a wrong trial.
23:59If it's only the police,
24:01the dirty one should be able to
24:03screen, but both of them are dirty.
24:05Add more
24:11even though it has been created
24:13with a good balance.
24:15This wrong trial
24:17is extraordinary.
24:19It's up to you to take responsibility
24:21for your own sins,
24:23both in this world
24:25and in the hereafter.
24:27Okay, viewers.
24:29That's all for now.
24:31See you in our next video
24:33on the beautiful side of Denetoba.
