Dancing with the Stars (Australia) S21 Episode 1

  • 2 months ago
Dancing with the Stars (Australia) S21 Episode 1


00:00:00I'm determined to be the best that I can be.
00:00:08I'm quite a competitive person, I will give it my all.
00:00:13My dance talent non-existent.
00:00:16Competing on Dancing with the Stars is something I never imagined I'd be doing.
00:00:20I've always wanted to be on Dancing with the Stars, I am as happy as a pig in mud.
00:00:26This is completely new to me, I'm exposing weaknesses that I never knew that I had.
00:00:32I'm a risk taker, I can't have a fear of failure.
00:00:37I would never have rated myself as a dancer, anything is truly possible.
00:00:43Dancing with the Stars, it's something that is going to challenge me big time.
00:00:50I've got a feeling that this is going to push me harder than I've ever gone before.
00:00:55There is some incredible history in this ballroom.
00:00:58Passes, beats, mastered on the football field.
00:01:01I count for nothing when it comes to dancing.
00:01:04This is the place where dance champions have been made.
00:01:25I've got all my responsibilities.
00:01:28Cause I got you, you got me.
00:01:31And I promise we made way back in the days to hold on to the night.
00:01:38I remember we said we would never regret staying up when we get high.
00:01:46When it feels this good, you gotta stay for a minute.
00:01:51Hold on and get lost in it.
00:01:54When it feels this good, you gotta stay for a minute.
00:01:58Hold on, hold on.
00:02:01When it feels this good.
00:02:03When it feels this good.
00:02:05When it feels this good.
00:02:07So good.
00:02:09When it feels this good.
00:02:11When it feels this good.
00:02:13When it feels this good.
00:02:15So good.
00:02:17When it feels this good.
00:02:21When it feels this good.
00:02:23When it feels this good.
00:02:25When it feels this good.
00:02:27When it feels this good.
00:02:29When it feels this good.
00:02:31When it feels this good.
00:02:33When it feels this good.
00:02:35When it feels this good.
00:02:37When it feels this good.
00:02:39When it feels this good.
00:02:41When it feels this good.
00:02:43When it feels this good.
00:02:45When it feels this good.
00:02:47When it feels this good.
00:02:49And I gotta say about you.
00:02:53So good.
00:02:55When it feels this good.
00:03:01So good.
00:03:03When it feels this good.
00:03:07When it feels this good.
00:03:09From the studios of Channel 7, this is Dancing With The Stars.
00:03:38Please welcome your host, Sonja Kruger.
00:04:03Oh, my goodness.
00:04:08Welcome to Dancing With The Stars 2024.
00:04:10And what a sensational start to this series.
00:04:13Give it up for our incredible pro dancers.
00:04:16And they were so good.
00:04:19And our amazing choreographer, Kelly Abbey.
00:04:25I'm super excited for this season for a number of reasons.
00:04:28First up, we have so many wonderful celebrities out back.
00:04:32Some are excited.
00:04:33Some are a bit nervous.
00:04:34Most of them are begging us to bring back Matt Preston
00:04:37so they know they won't be the first one voted out.
00:04:40And I'm also excited because I'm down here on the floor.
00:04:43And I've given the keys to the skybox to someone else.
00:04:49So without further ado, please welcome someone you know,
00:04:52someone I know, someone we all love.
00:04:55Come on out, my friend.
00:04:58That's very kind.
00:05:17Look, I just have to say, whatever you have had done,
00:05:22you look amazing.
00:05:24Whatever you have had done, you look unbelievable, Daryl.
00:05:29They must have lifted everything.
00:05:31Not everything, Sonia.
00:05:32Not everything.
00:05:33I'm joking.
00:05:34Of course, this is Chris Brown.
00:05:37Thank you.
00:05:38And I'm absolutely wrapped to have you here with me this season.
00:05:43Look, I'm not only wrapped to be here,
00:05:44but I'm even more wrapped to be standing in this exact spot right here.
00:05:48And to be honest, not out the back covered in sequins.
00:05:50Yeah, that's nerve-wracking.
00:05:51Although I have seen the way the wardrobe department are looking at me.
00:05:55And they're just thinking, real estate.
00:05:58But you know what?
00:06:01This competition, I can already tell, it is fierce.
00:06:03It is, right?
00:06:04It is.
00:06:05Yeah, you betcha.
00:06:07I mean, if you thought last year was tough,
00:06:09then hold on to your Cuban heels, Chris,
00:06:11because this year it's next level.
00:06:13There are more dance routines.
00:06:15Our couples will go head-to-head earlier in the competition
00:06:18and there will be tougher eliminations with no second chances.
00:06:22It might be time to keep going.
00:06:24Please welcome the judges.
00:06:29Helen Ritchie.
00:06:32Mark Wilson.
00:06:35Shana Burgess.
00:06:39And Craig Rebel-Hallwood.
00:06:49Oh, wow.
00:06:52This is too good.
00:06:55This is too good.
00:06:56Shana looks like Catwoman and Craig looks like Catwoman,
00:06:59for different reasons.
00:07:01Hot, hot, hot and hotter.
00:07:03Now, while the judges get comfortable,
00:07:05our couples have been putting in some pretty serious hours, Chris,
00:07:08training over the last five weeks.
00:07:10There's a lot of blisters, sore muscles, some injuries.
00:07:12That was just them moving stuff into my new dressing room,
00:07:15which, by the way, is huge and smells a little bit like Voltaren.
00:07:18I'm not sure why.
00:07:19I did wonder what that smell was.
00:07:21Now, the competition starts
00:07:23and there are quite a few nerves backstage, I've got to say,
00:07:25and I think a lot of that would be
00:07:27because they must impress these four legends of the ballroom.
00:07:34That's right.
00:07:35So, to start with, please be upstanding.
00:07:38Her Majesty has returned to her rightful throne and loyal subjects,
00:07:42put one's hands together for Her Royal Highness, Helen Ritchie.
00:08:01And Your Majesty, in honour of this great occasion,
00:08:06I present you with a large gift.
00:08:08I've kept the receipt.
00:08:10You've kept the receipt.
00:08:11If you don't like it, we can exchange it.
00:08:13Oh, you've made me cry.
00:08:16We're so glad to have you back, Helen.
00:08:18I'm glad to be back.
00:08:19We've missed you.
00:08:21We have, Helen.
00:08:24Sweet Helen.
00:08:25Darling Chris.
00:08:27Look, we know first nights can be hard.
00:08:31Do you have any advice for the couples at the back,
00:08:34those dancers nervous about their first night?
00:08:37Look, do you know what?
00:08:38They've put so many hours into doing this,
00:08:41and what they haven't fixed before they come out here,
00:08:43they have to forget about it and just get on with it
00:08:45and really try and show the love of dance and the enjoyment
00:08:49because that's really what it's all about.
00:08:51It's a beautiful thing.
00:08:52It's true.
00:08:55Now, we've welcomed Her Majesty.
00:08:57It's also time to meet the court jester.
00:08:59How are you, Craig?
00:09:02I'm absolutely gorgeous, darling.
00:09:05It's so wonderful to be sat next to another queen.
00:09:08How gorgeous.
00:09:10Loving it.
00:09:11It is so lovely to have you all back, especially you, Craig.
00:09:14And I particularly love this moment in the series
00:09:18because you haven't actually judged anyone yet,
00:09:21so everyone still likes you.
00:09:24Which is nice.
00:09:25So let's just enjoy this fleeting moment.
00:09:29Okay, cool.
00:09:30Let's not keep them waiting any longer.
00:09:33Please welcome...
00:09:34The Class of 2024...
00:09:36Our Dancing Stars!
00:09:42Singer Samantha Jade and her partner, Gustavo Vileo.
00:09:47Having away star, James Stewart, and his partner, Georgia Freeman.
00:09:52Olympic gold medallist, Nova Paris,
00:09:54and her partner, Craig Monley.
00:09:57From Better Homes and Gardens,
00:09:58it's Adam Doble and his partner, Jess Raffer.
00:10:02Model and designer, Nadia Bartel,
00:10:04and her partner, Liu Masuda.
00:10:07Cook and TV personality, Hayden Quinn,
00:10:09and his partner, Lily Cornish.
00:10:11Actor, Lisa McHugh, and her partner, Ian Waite.
00:10:15SAS Australia host, Ant Middleton,
00:10:17and his partner, Alex Vladimirov.
00:10:20Comedian, Nikki Osborne,
00:10:21and her partner, Arik Yugudkin.
00:10:24AFL legend, Shane Crawford,
00:10:25and his partner, Ashley Hunter.
00:10:28Cook and author, Julie Goodwin,
00:10:30and her partner, Andre Gourbideau.
00:10:33AFL champion, Ben Cousins,
00:10:34and his partner, Siobhan Power.
00:10:55What an incredible line-up.
00:10:57Don't they look amazing?
00:10:59Now, to start the competition,
00:11:00our 12 couples will be divided into two teams.
00:11:03Six couples will dance tonight
00:11:05and our remaining six couples will be dancing next week.
00:11:08So we're pitting them against each other right from the start.
00:11:11And throughout tonight's show,
00:11:13our non-competing team will be watching from the audience,
00:11:17sizing up the competition.
00:11:19But everyone is safe.
00:11:20No-one's going home tonight.
00:11:22Thank God for that.
00:11:23You know, first night and all.
00:11:24You mean the dancers?
00:11:25Oh, yes, yes, Chris.
00:11:26Only the dancers get voted off.
00:11:28We're as safe as anyone can be in entertainment.
00:11:32Shout-out to Channel 10.
00:11:34Now, as we mentioned earlier tonight,
00:11:37scores do still matter.
00:11:40Because they will be carried over to the scores
00:11:42for their next performance, which will be in two weeks' time.
00:11:45That's right.
00:11:46When there will most definitely be an elimination.
00:11:49So let's kick off the season in style
00:11:51with one of Australia's favourite actors,
00:11:53his four-time Gold Logie winner,
00:11:56Lisa McKeown.
00:12:04I'm Lisa McKeown.
00:12:05I'm an actor, and you probably know me best from Blue Heelers.
00:12:09The body of an Edward Malloy was found
00:12:11at the Mount Thomas station waiting room
00:12:13on 11 April 1946, and the case was never solved.
00:12:16I've got a little kind of collection of logies
00:12:19and I've been very, very lucky.
00:12:23I haven't been dancing enough, and I think that it's time.
00:12:27You know, if you don't use it, you lose it.
00:12:30I would like to introduce you to my secret weapon,
00:12:33Mr Ian Waite.
00:12:35This is my second year on Dancing With The Stars Australia.
00:12:39You're going to have to do that top button up, though,
00:12:41because I tell you what...
00:12:42If you've got it, you may as well flaunt it.
00:12:44I like him already.
00:12:52We do have a bit of a height difference.
00:12:54I'm already going onto my toes because you're six foot.
00:12:58She may have to stretch a little bit more to reach my height.
00:13:02Are you ready for your first dance?
00:13:04I am ready. What are we doing?
00:13:06It's the tango.
00:13:08The tango. OK.
00:13:11So let me set the scene. I find my lover.
00:13:15With another lover, I decide to leave him.
00:13:18He chases me, and then we have a reunion and a passionate dance.
00:13:24Open the head. Open the head.
00:13:27I'm kind of excited about the tango,
00:13:29because I think physically I'm at that point in my life
00:13:32where I actually need a really good physical challenge.
00:13:36Pivot, pivot, pivot, touch, tap, touch, tap.
00:13:39Pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot.
00:13:41Far out there hard.
00:13:43Pivots. It's a really vital element of the dance.
00:13:46It seems I'm lacking in the pivot department.
00:13:53See, I think you're stuck straight,
00:13:57rather than thinking over, over.
00:14:01In Lisa, we have a really, really good student,
00:14:04and she's even taking stuff home with her to do her homework.
00:14:07And she comes back in the next day and retains everything I teach her.
00:14:11Is technically being accurate more work? Definitely.
00:14:15Now reach back with the foot.
00:14:17But I think I like that a little lower.
00:14:19I like the technical side of things.
00:14:21Quick, quick, slow. Stay close. Yes.
00:14:24That was good. That was a good one. Feel that?
00:14:30Dancing the tango.
00:14:32Please welcome Lisa McKeown and her partner, Ian Waite.
00:14:45Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
00:15:15Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
00:15:45Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
00:16:15Is there nothing you can't do, my love?
00:16:18Oh, that was actually... I feel like I need to have a little moment now.
00:16:22You don't even look puffed. You're so composed and...
00:16:25He ripped me. He ripped my skirt. It was so passionate.
00:16:28What a way to start the series.
00:16:31I know.
00:16:33Now I'm ready to take my punishment, though.
00:16:35How is it that we have not had you on Dancing With The Stars before?
00:16:39Well, because Ian Waite... I had to wait for him.
00:16:44Yes. Very good.
00:16:46And he's on the Dancing Exchange programme, everybody.
00:16:50Ian's from London. It was sort of fruit-picking all this, wasn't it?
00:16:53Spending the rejects back there.
00:16:55Is that where Todd's gone? Yes.
00:16:57Oh, OK. All right. Let's see.
00:16:59Shall we see what the judges have to say?
00:17:01I know. It's my punishment. Here we go.
00:17:05That's not supposed to happen first time out.
00:17:08It was such a great performance with strength and energy.
00:17:13It's hard because then you give us nowhere to go
00:17:15because we've got these shows you've got to continue improving.
00:17:18So, great choreography, fall-away whisks,
00:17:21syncopated reverse turns.
00:17:23Like, for someone starting tango, having never done this before,
00:17:27it was a fabulous performance. Thank you.
00:17:30Well done.
00:17:32Well done. Shana.
00:17:34Lisa, that was, like, the most amazing way
00:17:37to open up this whole season of Dancing With The Stars.
00:17:40It's show one.
00:17:41I did not expect to see beautiful lines like you just gave me in that.
00:17:45Your top line was gorgeous.
00:17:47I can see how hard you worked on that.
00:17:49You were really sitting back in the pocket.
00:17:51Did you get a little bit nervous?
00:17:53Did you feel like the butterflies were shaking?
00:17:55About halfway through, I was thinking about the rehearsals.
00:17:58I saw it. I saw it.
00:17:59So, when you get in your head, just remember,
00:18:01connect back to your core so you can stay nice and strong and balanced.
00:18:05Ian, you're amazing. I love watching you dance.
00:18:08You're a phenomenal partner.
00:18:10This was, like, oh, my God, the bar.
00:18:13You just set it really freaking high.
00:18:20Well, that's what a tango should look like.
00:18:24Look, you obviously have a height difference,
00:18:27but plenty of couples have height differences and they make it work,
00:18:30and you certainly did.
00:18:32I thought you stayed in Ian's frame beautifully, Lisa.
00:18:35I thought your head position was good.
00:18:37I thought there was really a lot to like about it.
00:18:40It really was a tango.
00:18:42You can be very proud of yourself.
00:18:44Great for your first dance.
00:18:46Thank you.
00:18:47Can I just say, I have been so excited about meeting you, Helen.
00:18:50I've been such a fan of yours for many, many years.
00:18:52I've been a fan of yours for many years.
00:18:54It's a great honour. Thank you. Thank you.
00:18:58Well, the free arm literally has a mind of its own that needs sorting out.
00:19:02This one?
00:19:03Yeah, the one that's not doing anything.
00:19:06Their heads were so sharp,
00:19:07your head at times looked like it was actually going to snap off.
00:19:11So you have to give it a finish and let it remain there
00:19:14rather than recoil in horror, darling.
00:19:17The footwork, unfortunately, you missed quite a few heel leads,
00:19:21and I know Ian will not be happy with that.
00:19:24Transitions, I thought, looked a little bit lumpy.
00:19:26I've got to be honest, that's because there was too much power
00:19:29by both of you going into them.
00:19:32All that being said, darling,
00:19:34and I'm so pleased Australia doesn't boo me.
00:19:37Thank you so much.
00:19:39It was sharp, it was staccato, it had all the necessary aggression,
00:19:45and I absolutely love, love, love the storytelling.
00:19:52OK, I love a note. I really like a note.
00:19:55Love the notes.
00:19:56All the notes were good as far as I could see and hear.
00:19:59Why don't you guys head on up to Chris up in the skybox?
00:20:02And while you do that, we're going to take a quick look
00:20:04back at that amazing tango.
00:20:07And here they are in action.
00:20:10Four-time Gold Logie winner Lisa McKeown
00:20:13and her partner Ian Waitz.
00:20:18You were first up. Can you believe what you just did then?
00:20:20Do you know what? I'm sad that I won't be doing that dance again
00:20:22because it's so much fun. We've had such a ball doing it.
00:20:24I'm not, I'm not.
00:20:27I think it's so nice to, after doing it,
00:20:29we've been doing it for quite a few weeks now,
00:20:31so to kind of get it out of the way and actually do it is great.
00:20:35And it's so nice that we were on first
00:20:37because now we can chill out and have a drink.
00:20:40Ah, yay.
00:20:42Cheating on your dance partner in the very first dance of the season,
00:20:46where did the inspiration for this dance come from?
00:20:50Well, all I can say is I felt very butch throughout the whole thing.
00:20:57I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Did you feel the butchness?
00:20:59Oh, totally. I mean, it's pulsating through every,
00:21:03every mitochondria in this body of yours.
00:21:07I have to say, I do have to admit that I did have to tuck today.
00:21:12Yeah, I think we just drifted into a later time slot,
00:21:14but it is time for the judges' scores.
00:21:18Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have their scores.
00:21:22Craig Revel Horwood.
00:21:26Helen Ritchie.
00:21:30Shana Burgess.
00:21:35Mark Wilson.
00:21:42Wow, a score of 30. You've got to be happy with that.
00:21:45That's out of 40, though, so, you know, we've got a bit of a way to go.
00:21:48Are we happy with that?
00:21:50I'm very happy. First dance out, you know, two eights.
00:21:53You can't wish for anything more, so I'm really pleased.
00:21:55And I'm, yeah, I'm a little bit disappointed
00:21:58that I'm not the tallest man in the room.
00:22:02I am only five foot seven, but I do have very large heels on,
00:22:06so that explains that.
00:22:08But room to grow, like you, in the scores.
00:22:10Or I'm five foot seven.
00:22:12Back to you, Sonia.
00:22:14Thank you, Chris.
00:22:16Pulsating mitochondria is not something I was expecting to hear tonight.
00:22:20Now join us after the break to see if model Nadia Bartel
00:22:24can dance as well as she can strut a catwalk.
00:22:44Welcome back to Dancing With The Stars 2024.
00:22:48And look who I have spotted in the audience,
00:22:50none other than the 2023 winner of Dancing With The Stars,
00:22:54Mr Phil Burton.
00:22:58Sit down, enjoy the show.
00:23:00We've got a lot to get into, so let's keep things moving
00:23:03and take a look at how Nadia Bartel and Liu Masuda
00:23:06went at rehearsal this week.
00:23:11I'm Nadia Bartel and I'm a fashion designer
00:23:14and founder of clothing brand Henny.
00:23:16I'm Liu Masuda and this is my fourth season
00:23:20on Dancing With The Stars.
00:23:22I'm so excited to be paired with Nadia.
00:23:24I am competitive and I'm in it to win,
00:23:27but I want to have fun.
00:23:29So, fun, work hard, play hard.
00:23:34And we're going to snatch that mirror ball.
00:23:38So, our first dance is the cha-cha.
00:23:42OK, if I was to rate my dancing skills from one to ten,
00:23:46I'd probably give myself about a three.
00:23:48Maybe that's being kind as well.
00:23:50The cha-cha-cha.
00:23:52It is the hardest Latin American dance to learn.
00:23:55There's a lot of hip movements.
00:24:00You missed one step.
00:24:02I'm actually quite shocking at moving my hips.
00:24:04I'm not sure if it's because I birthed two big boys
00:24:07and my hips might be a little bit tight.
00:24:09I always forget.
00:24:12So, Nadia.
00:24:13Yeah, what's happened?
00:24:15I've been teaching dance classes.
00:24:16Have you?
00:24:17And because I yell.
00:24:20Liu's actually lost his voice,
00:24:23so I don't know how we're going to go about today
00:24:27because I have got so much to learn.
00:24:30Poor Nadia.
00:24:31She's got a teacher without a voice.
00:24:36So, we're just going to have to pull out all the cards.
00:24:40I thought I was looking OK.
00:24:43They're not straight.
00:24:46So, comparing this experience to my normal career life,
00:24:49I almost feel like it's going to be quite similar in a way
00:24:52that if I get it all wrong, I will keep going,
00:24:54I will fudge it and just act like I'm doing the right thing.
00:25:02That's not what dance is meant to look like.
00:25:04Oh, my God.
00:25:09Please welcome to the floor Nadia Bartel and Liu Masuda,
00:25:13dancing to Cha-Cha-Cha.
00:25:34I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true
00:25:40Oh, girl, I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh, mine
00:25:49That is what you are
00:25:53Honey, you're my golden star
00:25:57You make me make my wish come true
00:26:01If you let me treasure you
00:26:06If you let me treasure
00:26:12You are my treasure
00:26:15You are my treasure
00:26:17You are my treasure
00:26:19Yeah, you, you, you are
00:26:23That is what you are
00:26:26Honey, you're my golden star If you let me trust ya, oh, oh
00:26:53Nadia and Liu!
00:26:55Well, for a start, you guys both look incredible.
00:26:58How was it for you?
00:26:59It was good.
00:27:00I've never, obviously, danced on a stage before, or danced at all, but it was fun, lots of
00:27:08It looked like you were having fun, and the lift looked amazing.
00:27:11And Liu, again, no shirt for you.
00:27:14We never seem to have a budget, so is it cost of living crisis?
00:27:18What is it, Liu?
00:27:19Oh, I mean, I don't know.
00:27:20Ask the wardrobe team.
00:27:22I think they like it like that, Liu, just between us.
00:27:24Should we get the judges to come in?
00:27:28I absolutely loved you guys together.
00:27:30I think you have a really sweet, cute chemistry.
00:27:32It was really fun to watch you.
00:27:34And you know, Nadia, you are what this show is about.
00:27:36Someone coming out here that has never danced before, doing something that kind of scares
00:27:40you a little bit, to do this in front of the whole of Australia, and I really want to commend
00:27:45you for that.
00:27:46So well done.
00:27:48But something I'd love to see from you moving forward is some more dynamics.
00:27:52Like play with fast and slow, hitting something hard.
00:27:55I want to see you attack it, and then breathe a little away from it.
00:27:59You know, give me a little something other than just, like, a sexy strut.
00:28:04And you're good at it, girl.
00:28:05Like, you are fire at the strut, but we need a little something else.
00:28:08All right.
00:28:09Well done, you two.
00:28:10Thank you.
00:28:11Thank you, Charlotte.
00:28:13As judges, sometimes we forget how short a period of time you've had to learn.
00:28:18It's like four or five weeks.
00:28:20And then we expect you to come out here and perform it like you've been doing it for 20
00:28:26And you all do the most incredible job.
00:28:28In your case, Nadia, your transference of weight from foot to foot needs to be smoother,
00:28:33but it takes courage to come out here and perform.
00:28:36So thank you.
00:28:38It was out of time.
00:28:41It lacked dynamic, as Sian has said, darling.
00:28:44The hip and leg action was not there in the slightest, so it didn't look like a cha-cha.
00:28:51Shut up.
00:28:56Your weight was back.
00:28:57For me, it was very pedestrian, like you were just literally walking the streets and stomping.
00:29:02You did sell it with the hair flicks.
00:29:05That's a positive.
00:29:06You sold it.
00:29:08You have talent, and I want you to know that you can build on that.
00:29:11That's important.
00:29:12You have a natural timing that's good, and a beautiful look and feel for music.
00:29:19Great choreography.
00:29:21So I want you to really get back in the studio this week and stay focused on yourself and
00:29:26practise and practise and practise, because you can catch up and show what you're really
00:29:30made of.
00:29:31Thank you.
00:29:32Thank you, Mark.
00:29:33Did you get to take that on board, get back into the studio and practise?
00:29:37Really great feedback from the judges.
00:29:40You guys strut your way up to the skybox with Chris.
00:29:44He has a reputation for being very good with models, Chris.
00:29:49Model plays, that is.
00:29:50Here is that amazing cha-cha by Liu and Nadia.
00:30:01Nadia, Liu.
00:30:03How did it feel for you?
00:30:04It felt good.
00:30:06I wasn't nervous coming into it, but then once the music started and I was out there,
00:30:09I did feel quite nervous, and it kind of hit me all at once, but it was just such an incredible
00:30:14experience as well.
00:30:15And Liu, nice touch from you, choosing the hardest dance in the catalogue for the first
00:30:20Well, yeah.
00:30:21Cha-cha is one of the most difficult ones, but, you know, Nadia took it like a warrior,
00:30:27one step at a time, obviously.
00:30:30You know, when I first saw her in the studio, I thought, oh my God, how am I going to get
00:30:35her to do cha-cha?
00:30:36But she just did a cha-cha.
00:30:37Believe it or not, that's the truth.
00:30:38There you go.
00:30:39I thought it was incredible.
00:30:40Let's hear what the judges thought.
00:30:47Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have their scores.
00:30:51Craig Revel Horwood.
00:30:54Helen Ritchie.
00:30:56Shana Burgess.
00:30:59Mark Wilson.
00:31:01There we go.
00:31:02Look, it's a starting point that there is room to move on the leaderboard after that.
00:31:05Yeah, we can improve from there, I'm sure.
00:31:09Watch us next time.
00:31:11And look, I think the...
00:31:13And in the theme of you losing your voice too, Liu...
00:31:15Thank you, Chris.
00:31:16Thank you.
00:31:17Thank you.
00:31:18Thank you.
00:31:19Thank you.
00:31:20Thank you.
00:31:21Thank you.
00:31:22Thank you.
00:31:23Thank you.
00:31:24Thank you.
00:31:26Thank you, Chris.
00:31:27Thank you.
00:31:28I think we are in for a rollercoaster ride tonight.
00:31:30Still to come, Home and Away star James Stewart, Julie Goodwin and Ben Cousins.
00:31:37But next up, Ant Middleton finds himself out of his comfort zone and into the danger zone
00:31:44with his partner, Alex Gladimirov.
00:31:48Welcome back to Dancing with the Stars.
00:32:06Now, our next celebrity is packing some heavy artillery or maybe his pants are just too
00:32:13Next up, Ant Middleton goes on the dance floor with his partner, Alex Gladimirov.
00:32:21I'm Ant Middleton and you might know me best from SAS Australia.
00:32:25You are now buried in the desert.
00:32:28We will leave you in here until the very last moment.
00:32:33This is the first time I've stepped onto a dance floor.
00:32:37It will definitely show a different side to me.
00:32:40My name is Alex and this is my fifth season on Dancing with the Stars.
00:32:43Ant has got exactly what he needs to get ahead in this competition because he has the mindset.
00:32:50Instead of shining the spotlight in someone else's eyes, the spotlight is going to be
00:32:54shone on me.
00:33:00Alright, Ant, so our first dance is going to be the Paso Doble, the dance of the bull
00:33:05and the flamenco dancer.
00:33:07I don't know what you're talking about.
00:33:09I know nothing about dance, so I'm just going with the flow.
00:33:12Reach them out to the sides just diagonally.
00:33:14Ant has never danced before.
00:33:16He's had no musical training.
00:33:18And down, up.
00:33:20Let's just say it took us a few moments to understand the steps and the footwork.
00:33:27He's good though.
00:33:28Got you, got you.
00:33:29And is that the only steps you do all the way around?
00:33:31No, there's a lot of steps.
00:33:34I like to think that I can do more or less anything physically,
00:33:38but this is completely different.
00:33:47Foot was there, arm wasn't.
00:33:49You start making mistakes, you'll just do ten push-ups.
00:33:51And I'll be doing a lot of push-ups.
00:33:57And go.
00:33:59Ten more.
00:34:01Ten more.
00:34:03Three, two, one.
00:34:06Up, let's go.
00:34:07I'm going to throw myself 100% into this.
00:34:09That's what I do with absolutely everything.
00:34:11Oh, wow.
00:34:13Cape, this is my cape.
00:34:16This is it. This is my magic right here.
00:34:19Watch this magic trick.
00:34:27I've got to get the timing right with this cape.
00:34:29If I get it wrong and I end up wrapping it around my head,
00:34:33then we're not going to have a good finish to the dance.
00:34:37This first dance is manic, Alex.
00:34:39Is it too much?
00:34:45Dancing the Paso Doble with his partner Alex Vladimirov,
00:34:50it's Ant Middleton.
00:35:00Get your motor running.
00:35:04Get out on the highway.
00:35:08Looking for adventure.
00:35:11In whatever comes our way.
00:35:15Yeah, darling, go and make it happen.
00:35:19Take the world in a love embrace.
00:35:22Fire all of your guns at once and
00:35:26explode into space.
00:35:29Like a true dangerous child.
00:35:32We were born to be wild.
00:35:36We can climb so high.
00:35:38I never want to die.
00:35:43Born to be wild.
00:35:51Born to be wild.
00:36:27Ant Middleton.
00:36:33Wow, they loved it.
00:36:35I'm still dealing with this because to me you look like you've come
00:36:39straight from the village, people.
00:36:42You and Craig are on your way to a leather bar after the show,
00:36:44probably taking Chana with you.
00:36:46I'm here for it.
00:36:47Let's go.
00:36:48This is Australia's sexiest move.
00:36:49I'm ready.
00:36:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:36:51Let's do it.
00:36:52That was awesome.
00:36:55Thank you.
00:36:56Did you enjoy it?
00:36:58Absolutely loved it.
00:36:59It's hard work.
00:37:00It's consistent.
00:37:01There's no let up.
00:37:03A lot of energy.
00:37:04And as you can see, I'm out of breath.
00:37:05But loved it.
00:37:06And I've got the best partner here.
00:37:07I'm so proud of you.
00:37:10What is he like to teach Alex?
00:37:12Because he's used to calling the shots and ordering everybody around.
00:37:15So he actually looks quite conscientious to me.
00:37:17He got down, he did those push-ups.
00:37:19You could do that right now if you like.
00:37:21She's scary.
00:37:24Come on, give us ten.
00:37:25Come on.
00:37:34All right, Craig, it's your turn.
00:37:37Oh, darling, I gave that up long ago.
00:37:39Mark, forget it.
00:37:41Should we get some comments from the judges?
00:37:45Oh, careful, you'll give me a heart attack in a minute.
00:37:49I thought you really worked very hard.
00:37:51But look, you know, when you have, let's say, aggressive music
00:37:54and the dance is considered quite an aggressive dance,
00:37:58you really have to keep control of that.
00:38:01And you did leg it, I would say, around the room quite a lot.
00:38:05And also, it has a stillness about it, this dance.
00:38:09And you need to create this beautiful arc through your body.
00:38:13That's what the Passo Doble is about.
00:38:16But look, Ant, I think for your first dance, I thought you did great.
00:38:20But you do have some work to do.
00:38:22Thank you.
00:38:24Thank you, Helen.
00:38:28You should have stayed on the bike.
00:38:32I disagree.
00:38:33It did lack shaping, I've got to admit, and a Spanish there.
00:38:37And the jeté was a complete disaster.
00:38:39And a bit way too technical for you.
00:38:42It was messy, it was a little bit more like a punch-up in a bar.
00:38:45And you were wrestling with your partner.
00:38:49And I just thought of an action man on acid, darling, came to mind.
00:38:54But you know what, my darling, you gave it a go.
00:38:58And I would hate...
00:39:00I would really hate to get on the wrong side of you, darling.
00:39:05So I will accept your kind invitation to that leather club
00:39:09that Sonia was talking about.
00:39:11Deal, you have a deal.
00:39:13Thank you, Craig. Mark.
00:39:15Look, you dance like a dancing rhino because you're so powerful.
00:39:18Firing around the room.
00:39:20But you have some great assets.
00:39:22You're strong, very manly.
00:39:25You are very coordinated.
00:39:27So these are things that are going to help you
00:39:29as you go into the next few weeks.
00:39:30I think you have something,
00:39:32and it's something some of the other guys don't have.
00:39:34Well done.
00:39:36Thank you, Mark. Shana.
00:39:38Listen, there are things to work on.
00:39:40And you know what, I love that you charged it around the floor.
00:39:43I love that you had power.
00:39:44The only issue was it did leave you a little open
00:39:47to seeing that it was lacking that matador posture.
00:39:50You know, the hips forward, like butt under.
00:39:53You know, butt was back a little on this one.
00:39:55We need to get that butt under.
00:39:57But, dammit, you gave it everything that you've got.
00:39:59And I love that about you.
00:40:01Thank you, Shana.
00:40:03Did you enjoy it, Ant?
00:40:05Because we know you as this tough guy, right, on SIS,
00:40:08and it's sort of now you're on a ballroom in leather.
00:40:13Did you enjoy it?
00:40:15That's my new calling.
00:40:17I absolutely love it.
00:40:19I absolutely love it.
00:40:21I'm loving the experience.
00:40:22I'm loving learning a new skill set,
00:40:24and I'm loving the attention to detail.
00:40:26I love the fine-tuning it.
00:40:27And as the weeks go on and the days go on,
00:40:30hopefully I can make it better and better.
00:40:32Why don't you squeak your way up in those pads
00:40:34to Chris in the skybox
00:40:36while we take a look back at that powerful pas de deux play
00:40:40between Ant Middleton from SIS
00:40:43and his partner, Alex Vladimirov,
00:40:46putting everything into it.
00:40:52You are from SIS Australia.
00:40:54I feel like getting you out of the leather at the end of the night
00:40:56will be more SOS Australia.
00:40:58Were you happy with that?
00:41:00Did it feel good?
00:41:01Yeah, it felt really good.
00:41:03I really enjoyed it.
00:41:04At the end of the day, of course,
00:41:05there's stuff that I need to finesse and get right,
00:41:07but it's the whole experience.
00:41:08I'm just trying to live in the moment,
00:41:10and sometimes I live too much in the moment
00:41:12and get a bit overexcited,
00:41:14but I'm absolutely loving it.
00:41:16Yeah, that's great.
00:41:19And let's hope you're loving the judges' scores.
00:41:23The judges' scores are in...
00:41:42Well, there we go, 18.
00:41:44How do you feel about that?
00:41:45Listen, it's one more than I expected, so I'm happy.
00:41:49I expected a low score, and to be fair, probably lower than that,
00:41:53so I'm quite happy here.
00:41:54That's great.
00:41:55Alex, I've got to ask, you're a very experienced dancer.
00:41:58When Ant spins you with guns like that,
00:42:02do you fear for your life?
00:42:05I kept slipping in that lift we did where he whips me around
00:42:08because he's so strong, so I kept having to say,
00:42:10Les, you can fly me across the floor.
00:42:13So, yeah, just trying to stay calm.
00:42:16Well, you did that.
00:42:17I thought you did beautifully well.
00:42:18Now it is time for the halftime leaderboard.
00:42:20Let's have a look at where things stand.
00:42:22On top, Lisa and Ian with 30,
00:42:25followed by Ant and Alex in 18,
00:42:27and in third place, Nadia and Liu.
00:42:29Back to you, Sonia.
00:42:31Thank you, Chris.
00:42:32What an incredible night it has been so far.
00:42:34Be sure to come straight back
00:42:35because next we have a very special performance
00:42:38from two of our professional dancers,
00:42:40Lily Cornish and Gustavo Viglio.
00:42:43You do not want to miss it.
00:43:03Welcome back, everyone.
00:43:04What a night we are having.
00:43:06How are you finding things in the ballroom?
00:43:08What a vibe.
00:43:09This place is hot.
00:43:11It's heavy.
00:43:12I can see why you love it so much.
00:43:13I do love it.
00:43:14It's awesome.
00:43:15It is something.
00:43:16It kind of reminds me of that Year 12 formal
00:43:17where you're just hoping no-one asks you to dance.
00:43:21Well, we are here with the audience
00:43:24and our second team of celebrities.
00:43:27Don't they scrub up nicely?
00:43:30I see AFL royalty Shane Crawford.
00:43:34Hey, Shane.
00:43:35Hello, Sonia.
00:43:37Now, being on the show, look, we know it's hard for you.
00:43:39Anyone who knows Shane knows that he is incredibly shy.
00:43:43I just want you to have a look at Exhibit A.
00:44:07Crawford, it's probably fair to say you went hell for feather
00:44:13in that promo there.
00:44:15Are we going to see the real, you know, comfortable,
00:44:18out-of-your-shell Crawford some stage, do you think?
00:44:20Oh, look, now the pressure's on, I've got to bring it, don't I?
00:44:23So I've got to maybe get back to the drawing board
00:44:25and see what I can bring.
00:44:26That was just you at a shoot randomly doing your own thing.
00:44:29Well, there was no-one around.
00:44:30I thought this is my moment to get on those stairs and go.
00:44:34Now, Adam, we do need to address the elephant in the room.
00:44:39We were TV rivals for many, many years in the cutthroat,
00:44:43vicious world of Friday night lifestyle television.
00:44:46The lifestyle.
00:44:48It's hard to even look you in the eye.
00:44:50The fury is so deep.
00:44:53But I can't stay angry at you.
00:44:54Look at that smile.
00:44:55Come on, Chris, you can't do that.
00:44:57Show me some love, bro.
00:44:59Do we even need lights on the dance floor with that smile like that?
00:45:03You're adorable.
00:45:04How many teeth do you have?
00:45:06Hopefully the same amount as everyone else.
00:45:08You're gorgeous, Adam.
00:45:09We can't wait to see you perform.
00:45:11We love you, mate, we love you.
00:45:12Our celebrities for next week.
00:45:14Now, opening the show tonight,
00:45:16we saw an extraordinary performance by our pro dancers
00:45:19and I'm very excited to say that we are about to see a lot more.
00:45:23Oh, yes.
00:45:24Now, this competition features both ballroom and Latin dancers
00:45:27and tonight we are in for a treat
00:45:29because one of our sensational pro couples
00:45:31is about to perform a little Latin show dance for us.
00:45:34Ladies and gentlemen, a dance for you, the Cha-Cha-Cha.
00:45:37Please welcome to the floor Lily Cornish and Gustavo Emilio.
00:45:45HE LAUGHS
00:45:47Wow, I'm feeling good, man.
00:45:49Let me say this now.
00:45:51Here and now, let's get this straight.
00:45:55Look at you, baby, I made it great
00:45:58Because I made it Latin beat
00:46:02You know, child, I'm kind of hard to beat
00:46:08Yeah, baby
00:46:11I like it like that
00:46:13You've got to believe me when I tell you
00:46:15I said I like it like that
00:46:17Oh, girl, you are a man of great
00:46:19I like it like that
00:46:20I like it like that
00:46:22I said I like it like that
00:46:25Oh, yeah
00:46:36I said it once
00:46:38And I'll say it again
00:46:40You are a man
00:46:43Whoa, look out
00:46:45I'm coming on, man
00:46:48I like it, I like it,
00:46:50I like it like that
00:46:52I like it, I like it, I like it like that.
00:46:56I like it, I like it, I like it like that.
00:46:59I like it, I like it, I like it like that.
00:47:12They are superstars of the dance floor, Chris.
00:47:15I mean, they are champions.
00:47:17They've performed in Burn the Floor.
00:47:19Years of experience.
00:47:21They're incredible.
00:47:22Yeah, unbelievable, unbelievable.
00:47:24Years of experience, and I have about 37 minutes of experience
00:47:29in the dancing world.
00:47:30It's still early days.
00:47:32Look, there is plenty more to come,
00:47:33but up next, home and away heartthrob James Stewart.
00:47:36Look at me, I'm on Dancing With The Stars.
00:47:42I like it, I like it, I like it like that.
00:47:45I like it, I like it...
00:47:54Home and Away star James Stewart
00:47:56has been training super hard these past weeks
00:47:59to take on the role of a lifetime tonight with his partner, Georgia.
00:48:03So let's see how they went in rehearsal.
00:48:08I'm James Stewart, and you might know me best from Home and Away.
00:48:12I promise I'm always going to love you
00:48:14with the strength and understanding that you've taught me.
00:48:16Why did you run out on us?
00:48:18Why would you do anything that you do? I don't know.
00:48:22I'm really excited to be dancing with Georgia Rae
00:48:25because she looks like a beautiful dancer.
00:48:28I feel like I'm going to be a little bit of an elephant next to her.
00:48:34We've clearly got work to do.
00:48:38I ask for three things in this show.
00:48:40Hard work. Yep.
00:48:42Commitment. Yep.
00:48:43And take no prisoners.
00:48:48Yep, now snap it through. Catch.
00:48:50We've got cha-cha first. Cha-cha's difficult.
00:48:53Cha, cha, cha. Good.
00:48:55Cha-cha walk is everything in cha-cha.
00:48:58Sounds really easy. I'm just going to do a walk.
00:49:01It's not simple.
00:49:04You want to trace these pieces of paper as you walk.
00:49:07If you leave a piece of paper behind,
00:49:09it shows me you haven't got enough power.
00:49:11Plant, plant. Good.
00:49:13Two, three. Keep going.
00:49:18All about letting the head free up and just have fun with it.
00:49:22Why am I not getting it?
00:49:24Don't overthink this.
00:49:26I thought I had enough power to walk.
00:49:30I found muscles that I didn't think I had in my feet.
00:49:33Calves, thighs, buttocks.
00:49:37James is trying so, so hard.
00:49:41It's all about just getting his confidence
00:49:43in the timing and the footwork.
00:49:45And two and three and four.
00:49:47One. Perfect. Well done.
00:49:49So much better.
00:49:51You know, Georgia said this is the hardest cha-cha she's ever done.
00:49:54This is the first dance I've ever done.
00:50:01Please welcome to the floor
00:50:03James Stewart and Georgia Freeman,
00:50:06dancing the cha-cha-cha.
00:50:27When the rimba rhythm starts to play
00:50:31Dance with me, make me sway
00:50:35Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
00:50:40Swing me more
00:50:42Other dancers may be on the floor
00:50:46Tear down my eyes, we'll see only you
00:50:50Only you have the magic technique
00:50:54When we sway like the wind
00:50:58I can hear the sound of violins
00:51:01Long before it begins
00:51:06Make me feel as if you know how
00:51:10Swing me smooth, swing me more
00:51:16Like a flood bending in the breeze
00:51:19Bear with me, sway with ease
00:51:23When we dance, you have a way with me
00:51:27Stay with me, sway with me
00:51:43James and Georgia, how are you doing, my friend?
00:51:47Oh, you know, got a bit puffed.
00:51:51Well, while you get your breath back,
00:51:53how nice is it to have some of your castmates
00:51:55from Home and Away in the studio?
00:52:00You guys are such great support systems for each other, aren't you?
00:52:04Because we've had a lot of cast members.
00:52:06Emily was on the show recently.
00:52:08What's it like to have them here?
00:52:10Home and Away have such a big alumni on this show,
00:52:12there's like seven people.
00:52:14I'm happy to join.
00:52:15Were you happy today, Georgia, with James' performance?
00:52:19So, so happy.
00:52:20As I said in the package, all I ask for is commitment,
00:52:23hard work, and he has all of those things.
00:52:26So I hope it paid off.
00:52:28Well, let's see if it does,
00:52:29and we'll get some comments from the judges.
00:52:33Er, ironing board springs to mind, unfortunately.
00:52:37How?! Explain that to me.
00:52:38I've got floorboards at home, darling,
00:52:40that add more movement than that.
00:52:42Honestly, it was very, very stiff, very wooden.
00:52:46I thought the whole thing was just too aggressive
00:52:49and started to become a tango, bizarrely.
00:52:52But it was punchy, which I thought was brilliant.
00:52:56I loved the storytelling.
00:52:57And you know what? I really, really like you.
00:53:01I really do.
00:53:02Thank you very much.
00:53:06I thought you were fabulous, and I'll tell you why.
00:53:11Georgia, you are a tough taskmaster, and I like that.
00:53:15But what you started with
00:53:16was good, strong, basic feet and leg actions.
00:53:19Now, because of that,
00:53:20you had a calmness about the way you danced as a man.
00:53:24So it's strong, but you were not in her space.
00:53:27And you used wapacha timing,
00:53:29which, as someone who's just started,
00:53:31it just means that you're going to hold a beat.
00:53:33It goes two, three, four, you hold go, and one.
00:53:36That doesn't happen for people who just start.
00:53:38So I think you were very talented.
00:53:40Thank you very much.
00:53:41Good look out.
00:53:42Thank you very much.
00:53:43Did you know you were doing wapacha timing?
00:53:45Uh, no.
00:53:48I freaking loved it.
00:53:49James, that was like...
00:53:51Come on.
00:53:52So sometimes a cha-cha can look a little awkward
00:53:56on our male contestants,
00:53:57and I don't often say this,
00:53:59but that was a sexy cha-cha for that.
00:54:02Like, yes.
00:54:04I think you've got so much talent when it comes to dance.
00:54:07I don't even know if you needed the tricks,
00:54:09to be honest with you,
00:54:10because I wanted to just see you keep moving and grooving
00:54:13in your chemistry with each other,
00:54:14so give me more of that.
00:54:16Moving forward in your competition,
00:54:18I would love to see,
00:54:19when he's heading into lines and lunges,
00:54:21give me a bigger line.
00:54:23Like, something a little bolder and bigger.
00:54:25Because I think you got it, man.
00:54:27That was so good.
00:54:28Well done.
00:54:29Thank you.
00:54:30Thank you very much.
00:54:33Thank you, Shana.
00:54:35You are a bit of a sexy beast, actually.
00:54:37Oh, yeah.
00:54:41From the queen!
00:54:45Come on, darling.
00:54:46But I love you, George,
00:54:48but you did 60% of the work.
00:54:51James needs to do more.
00:54:52He's an easy mover, I would say,
00:54:54but there was too many lines, too many poses.
00:54:57I think you have a lot of ability,
00:54:59but you're going to have to push him.
00:55:01And you're good at that.
00:55:02Yes, she is.
00:55:03Oh, she is.
00:55:04Do you have a twin?
00:55:05I've got to ask you.
00:55:06Yes, I do have a twin.
00:55:07Is it a boy or a girl?
00:55:08It's a boy.
00:55:09Oh, God, don't bring him in.
00:55:10That would kill me.
00:55:12Helen, there's two of them.
00:55:14I'm not dead yet, Sonia.
00:55:21Oh, that was so good.
00:55:23I have nothing else to say.
00:55:24James, how about you?
00:55:25No, nothing else to say.
00:55:26My brother would be loving it.
00:55:28Well, I'm sure.
00:55:29Why don't you guys cha-cha your way on up to Christmas.
00:55:33And while we take a look back at that fabulous performance,
00:55:37there they are, James and Georgia,
00:55:40dancing the cha-cha-cha.
00:55:50How about that feedback?
00:55:52There was a certain calmness.
00:55:54Was it as comfortable out there for you?
00:55:56Yeah, it was a little bit.
00:55:58Well, no, look, it was hot, it was sweaty,
00:56:00but then after a while we just sort of fell into the work that we did
00:56:03and it was all just there, you know.
00:56:06The hot and sweaty was certainly noticed by Helen.
00:56:08I didn't realise my veterinary skills were going to come in so handy
00:56:11with someone on heat.
00:56:16Let's have the judges' scores, please.
00:56:18Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have their scores.
00:56:22Revel Horwood.
00:56:26Helen Ritchie.
00:56:30Shana Burgess.
00:56:33Mark Wilson.
00:56:41Wow, 25.
00:56:43That moves you into second place on the leaderboard.
00:56:45You've got to be happy.
00:56:46Yeah, that's a good start.
00:56:48That's great.
00:56:49That's all you've got to say?
00:56:50Yeah, only up from there.
00:56:51Back to you, Sonia.
00:56:52Thank you, Chris.
00:56:53Thank you.
00:56:54Still to come, Ben Cousins hits the dance floor,
00:56:57but coming up next is Australia's much-loved super cook,
00:57:01Julie Goodwin.
00:57:02This is Dancing With The Stars 2024.
00:57:06Now, Julie Goodwin is a superstar in the kitchen,
00:57:24but can she whip things up on a dance floor?
00:57:27Let's find out as she takes to the floor with her partner,
00:57:30Andre Gauvinon.
00:57:35I'm Julie Goodwin, and I'm a cook, an author, a mum, and a grandma.
00:57:39My normal world's a kitchen, so getting all dolled up and dancing
00:57:43is quite outside my wheelhouse.
00:57:45My name is Andre Gauvinon.
00:57:47I'm Russian.
00:57:48It's my first time Dancing With The Stars.
00:57:51I'm very happy I have my dance partner, Julie.
00:57:55We have so much fun together.
00:57:57She is a very fast learner.
00:57:59We will definitely win this contest.
00:58:02Okay, what he said.
00:58:14So what do we call all this then?
00:58:16Okay, well, it's for our first dance.
00:58:19Okay, rock and roll.
00:58:21It will be a jive.
00:58:22A one, a two, a three, a four, a five, a six, a seven.
00:58:27This is fast.
00:58:29But it's doable.
00:58:31Let's do it.
00:58:32Double, one, two.
00:58:33This is so fast.
00:58:35I just got my step goal.
00:58:37There's so many things to remember,
00:58:39and there's only so much that fits in this little brain,
00:58:42and half of it's taken up with what's for dinner.
00:58:50Now, unfortunately,
00:58:54unfortunately, we do have some sad news.
00:58:57Julie and Andre won't be dancing for us tonight
00:59:00as Julie has suffered an injury at a recent training session.
00:59:05So, Julie, tell us what happened.
00:59:07Well, I was jumping on poor Andre here,
00:59:10and, yes, something snapped,
00:59:13and fortunately it was my leg and not his back.
00:59:17It was my calf muscle, yeah.
00:59:19Well, I believe we actually had cameras at that rehearsal,
00:59:22so let's take a look.
00:59:27Thank you.
00:59:34Now we're in the hospital.
00:59:38If you point your toes down, does that hurt?
00:59:42Oh, yes.
00:59:47What's the injury?
00:59:48I think you've torn a calf muscle.
00:59:51We need you to stay off that calf
00:59:54so we can give you every opportunity to be dancing as quickly as possible.
00:59:59It's going to be all right.
01:00:00We're going to be all right.
01:00:04Bedazzle the moon boot and away we'll go.
01:00:12There is a lot of love in the room for you, Julie.
01:00:15Now, Helen, you're a former world champion dancer.
01:00:19There must have been times where you've had to push through
01:00:21with quite serious injuries and get back on the floor.
01:00:24Absolutely, yes, and I've been around a long time,
01:00:27so I've had plenty, I can assure you.
01:00:29And so has my husband.
01:00:30My husband, when we first went to the UK to live,
01:00:33we had an accident, ran into the back of somebody.
01:00:35When Rob got out of the car, he slipped and fell on his tailbone
01:00:39and crushed two vertebrae in his back.
01:00:41So for, I think, about two years,
01:00:43Rob danced with tape around his hips to support the spine,
01:00:47and then I think probably about ten years after that,
01:00:49I injured my right knee.
01:00:51So we just had to reorganise what we do, the choreography,
01:00:56and it still paid off.
01:00:58We still made the final of the British and the Worlds
01:01:00and all those sort of things.
01:01:02But you have to learn how to manage it.
01:01:04I know you are desperate to do the competition,
01:01:06and so are you, Andre.
01:01:07I know you very well and I love you,
01:01:10but you have to look after yourself.
01:01:13Great advice, Helen.
01:01:15You know, I was actually very seriously injured
01:01:18on Dancing With The Stars.
01:01:19I had to have, in fact, I had to have a host amputated.
01:01:23It was...
01:01:27You obviously healed up nicely.
01:01:31Well, Julie, rest up.
01:01:34We do look forward to seeing both you and Andre in the ballroom
01:01:38in a couple of weeks.
01:01:40Take care.
01:01:42Coming up next, the Prince of Perth AFL legend Ben Cousins
01:01:46and his partner Siobhan Tawa.
01:02:06Welcome back to Dancing With The Stars.
01:02:09Our final celebrity tonight is considered one of the greatest
01:02:12AFL players of all time.
01:02:15But how does that footwork translate to a foxtrot?
01:02:19Let's find out.
01:02:20It's Ben Cousins and his partner Siobhan Tawa.
01:02:27I'm Ben Cousins.
01:02:28I'm a former AFL footballer.
01:02:31I played for Richmond and the West Coast Eagles.
01:02:34I'm Siobhan and this is my fourth season of Dancing With The Stars.
01:02:39The highlight of my career was being part of the side
01:02:42that won the 2006 premiership with the West Coast Eagles.
01:02:46I think we'll make a great dancing team with your dedication
01:02:50and I can work miracles.
01:02:56OK, Ben, do you want to know what our first dance is?
01:02:59Yeah, go on, hit me with it.
01:03:00It's the foxtrot.
01:03:02I think the foxtrot could be challenging for Ben
01:03:04because it does have technical footwork.
01:03:07It's definitely, like, ankle strength, you know, and all the foot,
01:03:11like, all the metatarsals, like, working them all the way down.
01:03:14The heel, toe, toe lower.
01:03:16Yeah, that's a bit better.
01:03:17I did think it was going to be hard,
01:03:19but it's a bit heartbreaking for a day or two
01:03:21when you realise that you're starting from scratch.
01:03:24Catch, chasse, zigzag to...
01:03:27Too fast.
01:03:29At the moment, I'm just trying to get the steps in my head.
01:03:32I haven't got to the smooth and elegant stage yet.
01:03:36But hopefully I do get there.
01:03:38One, two, three, one.
01:03:42Other way.
01:03:43Other way, yeah.
01:03:44It's been great getting to know Siobhan.
01:03:46She's been a great teacher, beautiful person, so patient.
01:03:50One, two...
01:03:51That's the...
01:03:52Feather step.
01:03:53Feather step?
01:03:54I know that we come out of the feather step.
01:03:56We just came out of the feather step.
01:03:59Ben, he's a perfectionist.
01:04:01Your favourite catchphrase is...
01:04:04One more time?
01:04:05One more.
01:04:06One more?
01:04:07Do that again.
01:04:08Three, four.
01:04:14I am looking to take on some new challenges,
01:04:17and this is a big one.
01:04:18It's going to test me.
01:04:19I have no doubt about that.
01:04:21That's right.
01:04:28Please welcome to the floor
01:04:30Ben Cousins and Siobhan Power.
01:04:33Dancing the Foxtrot.
01:04:51Let me tell you about this girl I know
01:04:54She is my baby and she lives next door
01:04:58Every morning before the sun comes up
01:05:01She brings me coffee in my favourite cup
01:05:04That's why I know
01:05:06Yes, I know
01:05:08Hallelujah, I just love her so
01:05:28Now if I call her on the telephone
01:05:32And tell her that I'm all alone
01:05:36By the time I count from one to four
01:05:40I hear her on my door
01:05:44In the evening when the sun goes down
01:05:47When there is nobody else around
01:05:51She kisses me and she holds me tight
01:05:55And tells me, Daddy, everything's all right
01:05:58That's why I know
01:06:00Yes, I know
01:06:02Hallelujah, I just love her so
01:06:11Thank you.
01:06:14Ben Cousins and Siobhan Power.
01:06:17Oh my gosh.
01:06:19Your smile, your smile is so infectious
01:06:23when you dance, Ben.
01:06:25Oh, I've only incorporated the smile the last couple of days
01:06:29so I have been enjoying it the whole way through
01:06:32but it hasn't always looked like I am.
01:06:34I did hear that.
01:06:35So before that, what was Ben's face doing?
01:06:38Oh, pursed lips.
01:06:40Really, you know, really concentrating,
01:06:42a really concentrated face.
01:06:44It was only the last thing that I had to work on was the smile
01:06:48and yeah, I had so much to think about before that, so yeah.
01:06:52You know, your brain goes to football, right?
01:06:55That's your competitive edge, isn't it?
01:06:57I mean, Helen was just saying to me earlier
01:06:59that she's enjoyed your ball work for years.
01:07:03But your footwork was also incredible, wasn't it?
01:07:06I think we should hear from our judges.
01:07:08What do you think?
01:07:09Let's, let's.
01:07:10Looking forward to it.
01:07:12Ben, you know, Sonia, you just said it.
01:07:14There is something so infectious and wonderful about you
01:07:18out on a dance floor.
01:07:21Thank you.
01:07:23And I want you to know, you said in your package
01:07:26that hopefully you get the smooth and elegant thing
01:07:28and I cannot confirm that you got smooth and elegant
01:07:31but what I want to tell you is that you might not have to.
01:07:34You might remember, if you watched last season,
01:07:36we had Issa and smooth and elegant wasn't his game
01:07:39but he came out there and he was himself the whole way through
01:07:43and every dance I was on the edge of my seat
01:07:45watching him with a huge smile on my face
01:07:47and I wanted to see more of him
01:07:49and you're that for me this season.
01:07:51I want to see more of you.
01:07:53I want to see more of you trying and giving it everything
01:07:56and just bringing that heart and joy to the dance floor.
01:07:59So thank you so much for that performance
01:08:01and getting out there.
01:08:03Thank you, Sharna.
01:08:05Yeah, look, you were an incredible footballer.
01:08:08I used to love watching you,
01:08:10even though you played for the wrong team.
01:08:13I'm not going to be mean to you, Ben,
01:08:15but I'm going to push you
01:08:17because I would expect somebody of your talent
01:08:20to be able to do what I'm going to ask you to do.
01:08:23You have to improve your posture.
01:08:26Your shoulder weight is so far forward
01:08:28and your behind is so far behind.
01:08:31All you have to think about is keeping your head
01:08:33over your shoulders, over your hips, over your feet.
01:08:36You're a clever guy and I know you can do that.
01:08:38If you can do that, you're halfway there.
01:08:40Yeah, thank you.
01:08:42Thank you, Helen.
01:08:44Yeah, I totally agree with Helen.
01:08:46The shoulders were raised, which gave you no neck.
01:08:48It was all pigeon chest and the bum was sticking out so far
01:08:51it looked like you were presenting it to the nation, darling.
01:08:55But your smile is great.
01:08:57Your smile is great.
01:08:59Thank you.
01:09:00Thank you, Craig.
01:09:02Ben, I want to help you with what Helen said.
01:09:05So I'm going to show you, if that's OK.
01:09:07Shona, would you mind helping?
01:09:09Yeah, sure.
01:09:13Look out.
01:09:14Here comes Mark.
01:09:15I am lubed up from head to toe, so this is at your peril.
01:09:21Helen talked about your posture.
01:09:23So at the moment, you're dancing like this.
01:09:25You've got your backside out and your head back
01:09:27and your shoulders back.
01:09:28So what you've got to do is you tuck your bottom under,
01:09:31you hold your diaphragm in,
01:09:33you leave your hands towards the girl
01:09:35and keep your weight to the front of your foot.
01:09:37Then when you're dancing, I'm actually not holding Shona,
01:09:40I'm letting her do her own thing.
01:09:43Yeah, she just does it herself.
01:09:45I don't need to hold her
01:09:46because I'm just shifting the body herself.
01:09:48So you don't hold the girl, it's not necessary.
01:09:50All right? You can do it, mate.
01:09:51Thank you.
01:09:52Good effort.
01:09:53Very nice.
01:09:55Mark and Shona.
01:09:56What did you take away from that, Ben?
01:09:58Yeah, invaluable.
01:09:59It was a lot to work on during the week,
01:10:02so looking forward to getting into it.
01:10:04All right.
01:10:05Well, I'll let you head on up to Chris in the Skybox
01:10:08while we take a look back at that beautiful Foxtrot
01:10:12from Ben Cousins and Siobhan Power.
01:10:17And Ben's definitely looking like he's enjoying every minute.
01:10:26A guard of honour on night one.
01:10:28I think the last one would have been in retirement,
01:10:30wouldn't it, Ben?
01:10:31It's been a while, has, yeah.
01:10:33Now, I've got to ask, what is more terrifying?
01:10:36Is it marking up Barry Hall in a grand final
01:10:39or is it dancing on that dance floor?
01:10:41Oh, this is for sure, yeah.
01:10:43It really is just something I've never done before.
01:10:47So, yeah, it is really nerve-wracking.
01:10:49But, you know, I've loved every minute of it so far,
01:10:51so it's good to...
01:10:52It's been a good challenge and, yeah, I've got a great partner,
01:10:55so we've had some fun.
01:10:58And according to Craig,
01:11:01you got into the world of TV presenting quite early there as well,
01:11:05presenting everything.
01:11:07But it felt like, as that performance went on,
01:11:10the more relaxed you got and the more fun you had.
01:11:13Is that fair?
01:11:14Yeah, I think so.
01:11:15You know, I'll be better for the run, hopefully, next week.
01:11:18And beyond, with a bit of luck.
01:11:21So, yeah, we'll see.
01:11:23Let's see the scores.
01:11:25Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have their scores.
01:11:29Craig Revel Horwood.
01:11:33Helen Ritchie.
01:11:34Sorry, Ben, four.
01:11:37Shana Burgess.
01:11:38Room for improvement.
01:11:42Mark Wilson.
01:11:43Come on, Ben, you can do it.
01:11:46What do you think?
01:11:48Oh, well, you know, that's, yeah, not great scores,
01:11:52but, you know, obviously plenty of room for improvement,
01:11:54like they said.
01:11:57Back to you, Sonia.
01:11:59Thank you, Chris.
01:12:01What an incredible evening of dancing.
01:12:04I think we should have a look at the full-time leaderboard before we go.
01:12:08Chris, would you like to show us the full-time leaderboard?
01:12:11Of course I would, Sonia.
01:12:12On top we have Lisa and Ian with 30 points,
01:12:17followed by James and Georgia on 25,
01:12:19Anne and Alex, 18, Nadia and Liu on 17,
01:12:23and Ben and Siobhan on 14.
01:12:27Of course we have six brand-new celebrities next week,
01:12:30but first let's take a look back at how well our celebrities did tonight.
01:12:35Lisa McKeown kicked things off with her fiery tango.
01:12:42Nadia Bartel looked fantastic taking on the cha-cha.
01:12:49Ant Middleton brought some military manoeuvres to the Paso Doble.
01:12:58James set a high bar with his cha-cha-cha.
01:13:05And Ben Cousins kicked some goals with his fancy fox shot.
01:13:15Right, we all here?
01:13:17I think so.
01:13:18What a fantastic first night that was.
01:13:21Will you come back next week, Chris Brown?
01:13:23I will think about it.
01:13:24I'll be back.
01:13:25I'll be back.
01:13:26I'll be back.
01:13:27I'll be back.
01:13:28I'll be back.
01:13:29I'll be back.
01:13:30I'll be back.
01:13:31I'll be back.
01:13:32Will you come back next week, Chris Brown?
01:13:33I will think about it.
01:13:34No, of course.
01:13:35That has been such a ball and honestly such great performances from everyone.
01:13:39So much to look forward to as well.
01:13:41And best of all, there are no eliminations tonight,
01:13:44but the next time these couples dance,
01:13:46they will have to put their best foot forward
01:13:48because tonight's scores will carry over and be added to the scores
01:13:51for their next performance in two weeks' time.
01:13:53That is right.
01:13:54We'll be back next week with six more fantastic celebrities
01:13:57who will be dancing for the first time.
01:13:59They're right there.
01:14:00Do they look excited or nervous to you, Chris?
01:14:03I would have to take their temperature to find out
01:14:06and not in this time slot.
01:14:09Well, the battle of the ballroom has begun.
01:14:12Make sure you join us next week.
01:14:14Until then, goodnight, Australia.
01:14:20Glad to get the first one out of the way.
01:14:23Feel better for it.
01:14:24So, yeah, we'll see, hey?
01:14:27Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:14:28We're ready for the next one.
01:14:29It was fun.
01:14:30It was a fantastic night and you were awesome.
01:14:33I'm just glad I'm not in trouble with you.
01:14:35Oh, I'm so freaking relieved.
01:14:37Craig, listen, on your bike, mate.
01:14:40On your bike, or on mine,
01:14:42and I'll drop you off in the desert somewhere.
