Popeye, der Seefahrer - 15. Popeyes Vorfahren Frühling in Paris

  • 2 months ago


00:00I'm strong to do the damage, cause I ain't big finnage.
00:19Here, I'll get you.
00:22It's just a picnic.
00:33There's many more.
00:45Oh, what do you know?
00:48What's going on there?
00:52I'm strong to do the damage, cause I ain't big finnage.
00:56I'm a by the sailor man.
01:17I'm strong to do the damage, cause I ain't big finnage.
01:20I'm a by the sailor man.
01:23I'm a by the sailor man.
01:26I'm a by the sailor man.
01:29I'm a by the sailor man.
01:32I'm a by the sailor man.
01:35I'm a by the sailor man.
01:38I'm a by the sailor man.
01:41I'm a by the sailor man.
01:45These boring pigeons are annoying me.
01:48They bring me a big blanket.
01:51I'll give my love to the one who gets it for me over there.
01:57If it's not the stars, it's pigeons.
02:02I'll get you all.
02:04You can believe me.
02:11Oh, I'm stranded.
02:13When Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, was stranded...
02:17Popeye saved her life.
02:27Here, you green-nosed, what do you need?
02:30Here come the pigeons. It's hard to believe.
02:39I can't offer gold, not even my hand.
02:42But you'll get everything, even the sand.
02:47I need more books.
02:57Here you see Prince Popeye at the fountain of eternal youth.
03:01Did he discover it?
03:03Yes, and that's the truth.
03:05Here he is at the moment of his greatest triumph.
03:09But let's go back in history.
03:13His spinach was all, and besides, he was very thirsty.
03:16The hungry swamp monsters were after him and sat close to his heels.
03:21That would have been enough, but to make everything worse,
03:24Prince Di Labludo came after him.
03:29Boy, boy, I'm thirsty.
03:32Oh, it's good, wonderful, fantastic.
03:35Oh, it's fun.
03:39He drank and drank, and then he did something he shouldn't have done.
03:52Now don't tell me that my ancestor came out of there again, Popeye.
03:58What do you think?
03:59Exactly at that moment the swamp monsters came and brought the seaman swamp spinach.
04:03Swamp spinach!
04:09He shot like lightning through the mud wall,
04:12ready to fall on this oversized nothingness.
04:16But then he became a witness to a mysterious process,
04:19because Prince Di Labludo began to shrink.
04:24Oh no, what happened now? That can't be true.
04:29And so Prince Di Labludo learned the truth.
04:32He had actually discovered the fountain of eternal youth.
04:36Tell us more, grandfather.
04:40In 1492 Columbus sailed across the blue ocean.
04:45Was there also a ancestor of Popeye, Grandfather Popdeck?
04:49Well, as you have surely learned at school,
04:52Columbus sailed on the Santa Maria.
04:55A second ship was steered by a Popeye,
04:58and a third by an ugly seaman.
05:06Land ahead, this is my chance to become world famous.
05:10Maybe it will even be called the United States of Pluto.
05:14That would change the course of history.
05:20Pluto chased Columbus almost to the end of the world.
05:28Damn it, I'll show you, wait.
05:33It looked like your ancestor was the first on the journey.
05:37I need my spinach to save Columbus.
05:42Oh no, not that.
05:47Oh no, where is my spinach?
05:51Oh, what's that?
05:53The first electric can opener.
06:01What's going on?
06:04I'll show you what's going on.
06:21Two pizzas with everything.
06:25Imagine, boys, if your ancestor had been there first,
06:29then the capital of Ohio would be called Popeyeville.
06:33Wouldn't that be funny?
06:36Tell us more, Grandfather Popdeck.
06:40You've heard enough.
06:42Give me the book, kids. Your past is a secret,
06:45and your future is a beautiful dream.
06:48But you are what you are, Popeyes, and you will always be,
06:51and don't have any fantasies.
06:54Am I right, Grandpa?
06:56Your uncle Popeye is absolutely right, kids.
06:59Don't have any fantasies.
07:13Okay, boys, Olivia, we have to go.
07:18Oh, no!
07:20Oh, you scared me.
07:22How many times have I told you not to leave your toys lying around,
07:25because otherwise a terrible accident can happen?
07:28Yes, Uncle Popeye, we'll clean up our stuff right now.
07:32If you clean up, nothing will happen to you.
07:35Goodbye, Uncle Popeye.
08:17Oh, Popeye!
08:19Paris in springtime!
08:21What a beautiful holiday destination!
08:24Yes, Olivia, you're right.
08:27Oh, Popeye!
08:29Look, aren't these flowers beautiful?
08:34Manu, someone is crying.
08:37Oh, please forgive a poor flower girl.
08:40Why are you crying, my little one?
08:42Can we help you?
08:45I'm Yvette Antoinette.
08:47I'm the great-great-niece of Marie Antoinette,
08:49the queen of France.
08:51But why are you selling flowers?
08:53You should be rich.
08:55That would be nice,
08:57but Marie only left me this diary.
09:01It's about Marie and King Louis XVI.
09:05Oh, she lost her head because of this man.
09:08Oh, Popeye!
09:10It says something about her great treasure.
09:12Oh, great treasure.
09:14Oh, please don't read on, Olivia.
09:16Oh, don't be silly.
09:18Look up to the roof and you'll know
09:21how deep my wealth has sunk.
09:24What do you mean, Olivia?
09:26Oh, if I knew that,
09:28I wouldn't be a poor flower girl
09:30and would wear other clothes.
09:32Oh, we'll help you, my love.
09:34Right, Popeye?
09:36But Olivia, we're on vacation.
09:38It won't be difficult.
09:40I won't go after the treasure this time.
09:42A treasure?
09:44I'll get this diary.
09:48Excuse-moi, madame.
09:50What classic moves.
09:52Would you allow me, Hugo Victor,
09:54to paint your portrait, madame?
09:59If only you had something to read, madame.
10:02Oh, how about this diary?
10:04Thank you.
10:06Just what I need.
10:08And now the treasure belongs to Victor.
10:15Oh, my dear.
10:16It's Olivia calling for help.
10:18And the diary, come back!
10:26Here, I'll hang my canvas for you.
10:34You're beautiful, you scoundrel.
10:38Ha ha ha.
10:44There's the diary.
10:46I'll bring it back quickly.
10:56Hey, sailor.
10:58Would you like to buy some postcards
11:00with all the sights?
11:02I'll bring some to my nephew.
11:04Yes, please.
11:06I'll bake them for you.
11:16Give me the diary.
11:18First you have to catch me, my big boy.
11:26Oh, very good. I hung it.
11:30Now I've got you.
11:32Daddy, help!
11:40Oh, my goodness.
11:44Where are you taking me?
11:46Wait, Olivia. I'm coming.
11:48I can use that.
12:00Hey, what's going on?
12:02Let me see. Who's controlling this thing?
12:04That's better.
12:06Oh, no.
12:10It looks like you have a flat.
12:16Do you know there are a lot of portraits here?
12:18This is the Louvre, the most famous museum in Paris.
12:22Marie Antoinette.
12:24Wasn't she beautiful?
12:28She's holding this strange medal
12:30while she's looking at the roofs of Paris.
12:32If we only knew what roof she's talking about.
12:34I think the medal is a clue.
12:36But, Olivia,
12:38how can we see all the roofs in Paris?
12:40I know.
12:42From the Eiffel Tower, of course.
12:44Thank you for the clue, sweetheart.
12:46But for you it's curfew.
12:52We're locked in.
12:54Step back, Olivia.
12:56I'm going to pull a little bit.
13:00Oh, no.
13:06I should have seen you.
13:16What's so funny, madame?
13:18That's better.
13:30I'm going to bring you to a standstill.
13:34Yes, the brake brings the turn.
13:38Oh, it looks like we're stuck.
13:42And this game destroyer of a climber is overtaking us.
13:44But I don't care.
13:46Come with me, Olivia.
13:48We'll walk the rest of the way.
13:50Oh, Popeye.
13:52I'm not limping.
13:54Don't look down, Olivia.
13:56I'll show you.
14:00Excuse me for interrupting you.
14:06It looks like Popeye
14:08has to cancel this treasure hunt.
14:12We can't stop!
14:16Collecting postcards
14:18is really a nice hobby.
14:20We're ready for dinner, Uncle Popeye.
14:22Did you wash your hands, too?
14:24No, but they're clean.
14:26Your hands can't really be clean
14:28if you haven't washed them
14:30with soap and water.
14:32I've got an idea.
14:34There are dirty bazilles on your hands.
14:38The bazilles are gone
14:40when you flush the dirt
14:42off Popeye the Sailor.
14:50We just made it
14:52around the ground.
14:56I think we'd better go back.
15:02Now I'm going to
15:04search all the roofs.
15:08What's that supposed to mean?
15:10I won't let you out of my sight,
15:12my friend.
15:14Let's go, you hear?
15:16The wind must have turned.
15:36Oh, Popeye!
15:38Das ist wirklich fantastisch!
15:40Lass uns aufs Dach steigen!
15:44Dort drüben ist es, Popeye!
15:46Ich seh's mir mal aus der Nähe an.
15:50Ist dir das nah genug, Pop?
15:52Oh, Popeye!
15:54Moment mal.
15:56Dieses Ungeheuer blickt auf den Fluss.
15:58Dort unten ist ein Abwasserkanal.
16:00Marie's Schatz muss sich in den unterirdischen
16:02Abwasserkanälen von Paris befinden.
16:04Das wollte ich nur wissen.
16:08Oh, es ist aber ganz schön
16:10unheimlich hier unten, Popeye.
16:12Ja, diese Abwasserkanäle
16:14sind viele Kilometer lang.
16:16Oh, sieh mal, Popeye.
16:18Da ist das Phantom der Oper.
16:20Untergrundmusik muss hier in Paris
16:22aber groß in Mode sein.
16:24Wir können hier unten
16:26jahrelang herumirren.
16:28Welche Richtung sollen wir nehmen?
16:30Popeye, sieh doch!
16:32Marie muss hier gewesen sein.
16:34Sie wollte bestimmt alleine sein.
16:36Sie hasste nämlich Menschenmengen.
16:38Oh, ein Kombinationsschloss.
16:40Oh, das war Marie Antoinette's Zimmer.
16:50Es ist alles noch so,
16:52wie sie es 1793 verlassen hat.
16:54Nur die Torte war
16:56damals wohl frischer.
16:58Der Schatz muss hier irgendwo sein.
17:00Ich weiß es.
17:02Ja, und ich werde ihn finden.
17:12Die könnten hier eine Putzfrau brauchen.
17:14Ich decke euch zu,
17:16sonst fangt ihr mir noch an zu frieren.
17:22Ich kann nicht das geringste sehen.
17:24Ich muss diesen Sack aufbekommen.
17:26So ist schon besser.
17:28Popeye, was ist das?
17:30Warte, hier ist eine Kerze.
17:32Das sind doch Mäuse.
17:34Mäuse? Das sind Ratten, Olivia.
17:36Und die haben wohl seit 1793
17:38nichts mehr gefressen.
17:40Popeye, tu etwas!
17:56Unter der Matratze ist nichts.
17:58Oh, hast du immer noch nicht genug?
18:00Popeye, gib ihm Torte zu essen!
18:06Er sieht aus, als hätte er einen
18:08in der Krone.
18:10Oh, der Schatz, Popeye!
18:12Diese herrliche Goldkrone
18:14war in dieser jahrhundertealten Torte
18:18Ich krieg mal wieder nichts ab.
18:20Ich tu mir richtig leid.
18:22Hier hast du deinen Schatz,
18:26Danke, Madame.
18:28Jetzt wein doch nicht mehr, mein Kleines.
18:30Das ist das Phantom der Oper.
18:34Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe
18:36Sie beide getäuscht.
18:38Ich bin nicht die Ururgroßnichte von Marie-Antoinette,
18:40sondern Ihr Ururgroßneffe.
18:44Ich habe seit Jahren nach dem Schatz gesucht.
18:46Wie haben Sie ihn gefunden?
18:48Wir sind einfach in Notre-Dame unserer Eingebung gefolgt.
18:50Aber wozu diese Verkleidung?
18:52Nun, ich hatte einfach Angst,
18:54Sie würden mir nicht helfen, wenn Sie mich so sehen würden.
18:56Oh, ich finde, Sie sind süß.
18:58Ihre Maske ist zu ungeheuer
19:02Ohne Maske würden meine Fans mich nicht erkennen.
19:04Und was werden Sie jetzt mit dem Schatz machen?
19:06Ich werde die Krone in meiner Bank
19:10Bitte nehmt meinen Dank an.
19:16Also, das haben wir geschafft, Olivia.
19:18Jetzt gehen wir nicht mehr auf Schatzsuche, sondern auf
19:22Haben Sie da eben etwas von einem Schatz gesagt?
19:24Ich bin der Nachkomme von der berühmten Jean D'Arc.
19:26Vielleicht würden Sie mir beilflich sein,
19:28Ihr Juwelenbesätze schwer zu finden?
19:30Äh, kommt nicht in Frage!
19:34habe ich vielleicht etwas Falsches gesagt?
19:42Okay, Sweepy, ich hole den Spinat.
19:44Und dann schneide ich den Truter.
19:50Hilfe, Papa!
19:54Du sollst nicht mit scharfen Sachen spielen.
19:56Und du solltest sie nicht rumliegen lassen,
19:58wo Kinder sie erreichen können.
20:00Drum gehören scharfe Gegenstände
20:02nicht in Kinderhände,
20:04sagt Popeye der Seemann.
20:22The End.
