My Girlfriend Was Stolen by My Best Friend, and I Was Bought by a Rich Heiress…

  • 2 months ago
My Girlfriend Was Stolen by My Best Friend, and I Was Bought by a Rich Heiress…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Ugh, I'm so tired.
00:03My name is Takuto Yamamoto.
00:05I'm a 17-year-old high school student who lost his father at a young age.
00:10My mother raised me, working hard since I was little.
00:13However, she pushed herself too much and ended up getting sick.
00:18Now she can only handle simple jobs.
00:21So I had to start part-time work.
00:23It's really busy, but I want to buy a present for my girlfriend that she's been wanting
00:29for our one-year anniversary.
00:31I have to work hard for that.
00:33Hey, she's here!
00:36Good morning!
00:37Oh, good morning!
00:40T-today you look beautiful as always!
00:45As expected, she's a rich girl.
00:48She's Ali Safukura, a classmate.
00:50The daughter of Tokimeki Company, she excels in both academics and sports.
00:56A perfect rich girl.
00:58Despite being popular with everyone due to her refined behavior, she treats me differently.
01:04Good morning!
01:05G-good morning!
01:09She still won't look me in the eye.
01:11Is she always distant with me because she doesn't like me?
01:14Well, our worlds are completely different, especially since I'm poor.
01:19Anyway, I need to focus on working right now.
01:22That's what I thought, but…
01:25The part-time job is closing down due to the recession.
01:29What should I do?
01:30For my mom and girlfriend, I need to find a new job quickly.
01:34Wait, Uzami with Charao?
01:38The two are my classmates, Uzami and Charao, a close friend of mine in high school.
01:43Uzami is supposed to be my girlfriend, but…
01:48Why are you with Charao?
01:49Oops, did we get caught?
01:50As you can see, we're…
01:53What does that mean?
01:54Charao, you helped me get together with Uzami.
01:55I'm not cheering for you.
01:56We were just laughing at how hard you were trying, man.
01:57Weren't we friends?
01:58You were the first one to talk to me in high school, even though I had no friends until
01:59middle school.
02:00I never thought of us as friends.
02:01I just figured you looked easy to use, so I talked to you.
02:02I'm sorry, Charao.
02:03I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:05I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:07I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:09I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:11I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:15I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:17I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:21I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:23I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:25I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:27I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:29I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:31I'm sorry.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:33I'm sorry.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:35I'm sorry.
02:36I'm sorry.
02:37I'm sorry.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:39I'm sorry.
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02:46I'm sorry.
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02:50I'm sorry.
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05:16I'm sorry.
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05:18I'm sorry.
05:19I'm sorry.
05:20I'm sorry.
05:21I'm sorry.
05:22I'm sorry.
05:23I'm sorry.
05:24I'm sorry.
05:25I'm sorry.
05:26I'm sorry.
05:27I'm sorry.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:29I'm sorry.
05:30I'm sorry.
05:31I'm sorry.
05:32I'm sorry.
05:33I'm sorry.
05:34I'm sorry.
05:35I'm sorry.
05:36I'm sorry.
05:37I'm sorry.
05:38I'm sorry.
05:39I'm sorry.
05:40I'm sorry.
05:41I'm sorry.
05:42I'm sorry.
05:43I'm sorry.
05:45Is she saying that about me?
05:47No, no way.
05:48Not with her.
05:50Maybe it's an irregular heartbeat.
05:52It's not good for you to be with me.
05:55But I can't just ignore when you're in trouble.
06:00She reached out to me because she couldn't leave me in a difficult situation.
06:05I don't want to disregard that feeling.
06:08All right.
06:09I'll do my best from now on.
06:14After returning home, I got the okay from my mom to work overnight.
06:20But you don't have to work so hard for my sake.
06:23There are things more important than money.
06:26Without money, I can't do anything.
06:29Besides, you've worked hard for me until now, and now it's my turn to give my best.
06:35I understand.
06:37If it's what you want to do, I'll support you.
06:40Thank you.
06:42A few days later.
06:44Well then.
06:45Starting today, I'm counting on you.
06:50Should I call you as Miss Fukuda?
06:53Casual language is fine.
06:57My first order.
06:58Also, call me by my first name.
07:00No need to be so polite.
07:03O-okay, Alisa.
07:07Then I'll call you by your first name, too.
07:13Well then, this is my room.
07:16Alisa's room.
07:18It must be beautiful.
07:20Wait, it's messy?
07:22Usually, the butler took care of it.
07:24But he's gone now.
07:27So, this is my first job.
07:29Leave it to me.
07:31A few hours later.
07:33That should do it.
07:36It's so clean!
07:38I've been doing housework on my own since a long time ago.
07:43Good job.
07:45Hey, why are you petting me?
07:48Dad said that servants should be properly praised.
07:51So I always do it.
07:53Didn't you like it?
07:55It's not that I don't like it, but...
07:58Then I'll do it more.
08:00Good job.
08:02It's embarrassing.
08:03Wait, does Alisa not realize anything?
08:08I'm sorry.
08:10Maybe it's embarrassing after all.
08:14Finally noticed.
08:16Just like when she got lost.
08:18Is she naturally like this?
08:20Afterward, Alisa's natural airhead tendencies continued to shine.
08:25She got lost in the house,
08:27appeared with wet hair after taking a bath,
08:30and even got lost on the way to school,
08:32leading to holding hands for guidance.
08:39I need help with studying.
08:42Sure, I can help.
08:44Your skin is so beautiful!
08:47Can you teach me about cosmetics?
08:50Oh, I, um, don't use cosmetics.
08:54She probably doesn't know because she doesn't buy them herself.
08:58Life with her passed in the blink of an eye.
09:01One month later.
09:03I'm back!
09:04What's the lesson for today?
09:06Today, you have piano and English conversation classes.
09:10Got it. Thanks!
09:12Doing lessons every day after school must be tough.
09:16I got it!
09:18Several hours later.
09:20Finally done!
09:22Good job!
09:24I bought a reward for your hard work every day.
09:27This is a new suite from a convenience store!
09:30Yay! I'll do anything else to thank you!
09:34No need! It's a reward for you, Alisa!
09:38This girl seems like she could easily be deceived by someone.
09:46She looks so happy eating!
09:49Huh? Why are you staring at me like that?
09:53Do you want some?
09:55Well then...
09:59You don't want it?
10:02It's delicious, so I want you to try it.
10:06If she says it like that with such a lovely voice, I have no choice but to eat it!
10:14It's delicious, right?
10:18Huh? Why is your face all red?
10:24She probably has no idea what she's doing.
10:27But, Alisa, it must be tough for you every day, with all those lessons.
10:32Well, being the president's daughter, it's unavoidable.
10:37If I can't do anything, it'll give a bad impression of my dad.
10:41I owe my daily life to him, and I want to work hard for him.
10:46Since it's something I want to do, I can give my best.
10:49She's nice, caring for her parents.
10:52In return...
10:54I don't have any friends, though.
10:57Huh? I'm sure everyone at school admires you.
11:01I don't know if I can call them friends.
11:04I'm always doing lessons, never hang out with anyone.
11:07How about this upcoming holiday?
11:10Would you like to go out and have some fun?
11:15Working hard is a good thing, but it's okay to take a break once in a while.
11:18There's this popular anime movie coming out.
11:21Let's go see it together.
11:25Then, will you be my escort?
11:27I'll wear my favorite outfit.
11:29Leave it to me!
11:32On the holiday...
11:34Wow! It's my first time at the movie theater!
11:37Don't you usually watch movies or something?
11:40No, the theater at home is bigger.
11:44The scale is completely different!
11:46Oh, it looks like it's starting.
11:49Oh! I love you!
11:53When we're together, my heart tightens!
11:57And when we're apart, I immediately want to see you.
12:03I see.
12:05Could it be that my feelings are also...
12:08Huh? Did she just say something now?
12:12Ah, that was really good!
12:14Yeah, it was.
12:16So, shall we go home?
12:19Wait, she seems a bit distant.
12:22Maybe she didn't like it?
12:24Hey, that's the wrong way!
12:26It's raining quite heavily.
12:29Luckily, I have a folding umbrella. Here.
12:34Wait, it has a hole in it?
12:38Oh well, use it, Alisa.
12:40But you'll get wet!
12:42I know!
12:44Let's share the umbrella!
12:48So close!
12:50We need to get a bit closer.
12:53Otherwise, we'll get wet.
12:57By the way, she mentioned her favorite outfit.
13:00Her casual clothes are cute too.
13:03And if she were my girlfriend...
13:05What am I thinking?
13:09Wait, did he just come from the park?
13:11He might be astray!
13:12We need to find it quickly!
13:15Hold on, Alisa!
13:17Where are you?
13:19Alisa, your clothes!
13:21I can buy new clothes.
13:23More importantly, the puppy!
13:25You're right. Let's find it quickly!
13:28A few minutes later...
13:30I found him!
13:34He's getting cold from the rain.
13:36Let's bring him home and warm him up in the bath.
13:39I'm back!
13:41I'll quickly fill the bath,
13:43so you and the little one can get in first.
13:46I don't want you catching a cold.
13:48But you're wet too!
13:50I'll be fine.
13:54You don't seem okay at all.
13:56I'm really fine. Don't worry about me.
13:59No way!
14:01Want to join us in the bath?
14:04There's no way I can do that!
14:08One hour later...
14:12Thanks for letting me get in the bath first.
14:15He seems lively now that it's warmed up.
14:18Oof! I'm relieved!
14:21A year ago, something similar happened.
14:25Back then, it was a kitten.
14:27I found a weak kitten,
14:29but I didn't know what to do.
14:31Thanks to you, Takuto,
14:34we managed to find a new owner for it.
14:37I was surprised back then.
14:38You looked like you were about to cry, Alisa.
14:42Thanks to you,
14:44that little one found a new home.
14:46Lately, I've constantly been getting saved by you.
14:50Thank you, always.
14:54What's wrong with me?
14:56When Alisa looks at me,
14:58my heart feels tight.
15:00Could it be I have feelings for Alisa?
15:03At the beginning of the week...
15:06My heart tightens more and more when I become aware of it.
15:10Hey, Takuto!
15:12What's going on here?
15:15Was he taking pictures of us yesterday?
15:18Are you two dating or what?
15:20N-no, we're not!
15:24Well, it's not a match between you and Alisa compared to me, though.
15:31I'm the only one who matches with Alisa,
15:34being rich and all!
15:36So, Alisa, how about going out with me?
15:41Wait a minute!
15:43First of all, Chato, you already have a girlfriend, right?
15:46Shut up!
15:48She spends money too recklessly,
15:50and my pocket money quickly disappears because of her!
15:53Only the rich can date other rich people!
15:56Poor guys like you shouldn't be dating Alisa!
15:59Is that true?
16:01Yeah, that's right!
16:03Only the rich can date each other!
16:05So, poor guys like you, Takuto, should stick to their own kind,
16:09not someone like Alisa!
16:12Don't talk nonsense about Alisa!
16:15It's the truth, right?
16:17If that's the case,
16:19I'll give you this!
16:23I don't really understand how people start dating,
16:25but if there are rules like that, then I can't help it!
16:28I have plenty of money,
16:30so if you need it, I'll give you as much as you want!
16:32So let's date!
16:34N-no! I can't accept that!
16:37Oh no!
16:39Does that mean you won't be my boyfriend?
16:42It's not like that!
16:44Don't believe what Chato says!
16:48Even without money, dating is a matter of personal choice!
16:51Besides, I also like you for who you are!
16:55I'm drawn to your kindness, not because you're rich!
16:59Your compassionate nature towards both people and animals attracted me!
17:04I didn't fall for you because you're rich!
17:07I-I feel the same!
17:10I like Takuto, who always helps me!
17:13Money doesn't matter!
17:17So, will you be my girlfriend?
17:19Yes, of course!
17:23Alisa finally has a boyfriend!
17:26No way! I'm so jealous!
17:29But congrats!
17:31Wait, wait! I won't accept this!
17:34A broke guy like him?
17:36Then, can you make Alisa happy?
17:41I don't think so!
17:43I won't let a guy who tries to steal someone else's girlfriend have her!
17:46I'll be the one to make Alisa happy!
17:49Oh, Chato, he was doing something like that?
17:53Stealing someone else's girlfriend is unacceptable!
17:56W-well, that's...
17:59Wait, can't you only judge people by their money?
18:03Even if you're rich, it doesn't make you a good person, right?
18:07This can't be!
18:09Hey, what's going on here?
18:12Gah! Usami!
18:15Actually, it's a complicated situation.
18:20Openly cheating in the classroom?
18:23What's the meaning of this?
18:24S-shut up! You've got other guys too, right?
18:28Huh? What are you talking about?
18:31Hey, what's all this commotion?
18:34It's you causing trouble again?
18:36Gah! T-teacher!
18:39Wait, it's not what you think!
18:41Well then, let's hear about what you have to say in the student guidance room.
18:46There have been complaints from the locals about your troublesome behavior.
18:50Come with me!
18:52N-no way!
18:54Afterward, it was revealed that both of them had cheating partners.
18:58They were dumped by their respective affairs, and rumors spread throughout the school.
19:03Now, they live a quiet life, having lost popularity among the opposite sex.
19:08Meanwhile, I continued working as Alice's butler, even after we started dating.
19:14As for that puppy, Alice ended up adopting it.
19:17Tonight, I want you to sleep with me.
19:22This little one is lonely.
19:24I think it'll feel more secure with you around.
19:27B-but isn't that a bit problematic?
19:31Takuto, you're my butler, right?
19:34Can't you obey your master's orders?
19:37U-uh, f-fine, I understand.
19:40Well then, good night.
19:44What's so funny?
19:46I was just thinking, if you and I were married,
19:49maybe we'd sleep like this with our child.
19:52W-well, yeah.
19:54Someday, I'll become a respectable adult so that I can marry you, Alisa.
