Met Office Evening Weather Forecast 14/07/24- Residual rain in parts of the north

  • 2 months ago
Cloudy skies with light outbreaks of rain and drizzle continuing to affect eastern and southern portions of Scotland and some northern parts of England, perhaps heavy in parts of east and southeast Scotland. Elsewhere, mainly fine and dry, but a risk of rain into the far southwest of England by dawn. Temperatures mostly in double figures but feeling cool locally in rural or exposed spots.
00:00Hello there, good evening. I hope you have managed to enjoy your weekend, although fortunes
00:04have certainly been mixed over the past couple of days.
00:07Well, we did see the sunshine come out on Sunday. It's felt pleasantly warm. Parts of
00:10the Midlands clamouring towards 22 degrees Celsius, but where the cloud has been most
00:15persistent, particularly Northumberland into North Yorkshire, Loftus there not seeing higher
00:20than 12 degrees Celsius, it has felt very cold indeed.
00:24The cloud that's been persistent across eastern areas is still bringing a few outbreaks of
00:28light rain and drizzle during this evening. It could pep up for a time around the firth
00:32of fourth into the Edinburgh way as well into the second half of the night.
00:36For Northern Ireland though, Wales into central southern areas of England are dry nights to
00:40come with some clear skies. A few mist and fog patches developing here and there and
00:44rural spots might drop into single figures underneath the clearest skies, but many of
00:48us will start off Monday morning around 11 to 13 degrees Celsius.
00:52What does the new working week have in store then? It's more of the same of what we've
00:57already seen throughout July, I'm afraid. There's another area of low pressure waiting
01:01in the wings that is quickly going to start to arrive into the southwest for first thing
01:05on Monday. This is quickly going to start bringing some very heavy rainfall indeed into
01:10parts of southwest England. Potentially thundery, torrential downpours developing as we do move
01:16into the early morning rush hour period. And so there is a rain warning in force for southwest
01:20England and Wales throughout Monday. Do take care because some localised flooding and travel
01:25disruption is possible. Some of that rain just pushing into parts of southeastern areas
01:29of England as well, feeling quite humid here, but generally drier towards the northern half
01:34of the UK. A few showers to watch out for, but with some sunny spells in there as well,
01:38perhaps turning a bit hazier into the afternoon as the cloud arrives. But the temperatures
01:42will be responding to that brightness and the sunshine. Many of us seeing temperatures
01:46reach 20 to 21 degrees Celsius and particularly for Northern England, that Northumberland,
01:51North Yorkshire area where it has been so cold over the weekend, that will certainly
01:55make it feel like a much better day overall. This rain will continue its way northwards
02:00as we head into the evening. So for your evening rush hour, we could again see some heavy pulses
02:05around eastern southeastern areas of England into Wales. And the Midlands here is where
02:09it eventually stalls during the overnight period. Generally drier further towards the
02:14Scotland and Northern Ireland into the overnight period, just with an ice or shower still lingering.
02:20But for your early morning rush hour, then on Tuesday, do be aware that there'll still
02:23be some heavy pulses of rain again around northern Wales to over towards the Humber
02:28and Yorkshire area that will slowly clear its way over towards the North Sea during
02:32the daytime. And behind that, we will start to see a mixture of sunshine and showers developing
02:37in. Some of those showers again could be on the heavy side, maybe with further rumbles
02:42of thunder, particularly sharp on eastern counties of England up towards eastern Scotland
02:46as well. Temperatures once again, climbing to highs around 1921 degrees Celsius, though
02:53feeling a little cooler across the far south. Maybe we will start to pick up a bit of a
02:56breeze, particularly through the channel around coastal districts of the southeast as that
03:00low pressure swings its way through throughout the second half of the week. Then Wednesday
03:05at the moment is looking like it could be a slightly drier day for many of us, but there
03:10is further rain on the cards as we head throughout the second half of that week for Thursday
03:15and Friday. Temperatures at least holding up around the mid high teens or over towards
03:2120 degrees Celsius. There are plenty more updates, though, on everything that we can
03:26find over the coming week on our YouTube channel. So make sure you are subscribing and we'll
03:30see you again here later on. Bye bye.
