• 3 months ago


00:00Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby Gabby
00:37We're growing up in the bedrock way
00:43Yabba dab, yabba dab, yabba yabba doo
00:47We are the Flintstone Kids
00:50Yabba dab, yabba dab, yabba yabba doo
00:53The Bedrock Flintstone Kids
00:55The Bedrock Flintstone Kids
00:58Barney, don't leave me!
01:07One, two, oops!
01:09One, two, three, oops!
01:13Barney, what is Freddy doing?
01:15Because he's doing a wrestling match with the rope, I'm betting on the rope.
01:18Nonsense! He's getting in shape for the bike motocross.
01:21The winner gets a big trophy and 25 shells.
01:24And that's why he's practicing rope jumping?
01:29Falling rope is probably the more suitable expression.
01:32One and two and one and two and one and two.
01:35Rocky, I just watched Firestone. He's also training for the race.
01:39This dimwit is trying to beat me.
01:42He's going to be last. Hey, that's too easy for me. I need more weight.
01:46But of course, Rocky.
01:54I wouldn't have thought that Freddy could move so fast.
01:57He's even faster on his way to the fridge.
02:03Hey, Rumpelstein, for a guy who can't move forward, you're moving pretty fast.
02:08I'll show you at the race.
02:10Nobody beats the champ. Eat my dust!
02:15Freddy, watch out!
02:20The well.
02:22The boy has set the wrong horse.
02:24Freddy, are you okay?
02:26Yeah, yeah, but what about my bike?
02:30I think it's still fine.
02:35Do you think your dad can fix it?
02:37Of course. My dad can fix anything.
02:40Sure, he can fix anything. But what about your bike?
02:51That's never going to fix the toast.
02:54Did you go under the garbage collector?
02:57My bike is broken. Can you fix it?
02:59Yeah, if you give me a year.
03:01That's going to take too long.
03:03I was just kidding. But maybe I'll join you this weekend.
03:06Only on the weekend? But dad, the bike race will take place on the weekend.
03:10Oh, yeah? I'm sorry, but I still have so many assignments.
03:14Too bad.
03:17Now it should work.
03:20Toast is easy, but full grain bread will finish me off.
03:24What am I supposed to do now? No bike, no motocross.
03:27No trophy, no 25 mussels.
03:30Thanks for the encouragement.
03:31You're welcome.
03:32I need a new bike, Barney.
03:34Take mine.
03:35I call that a friendship service.
03:37I'll just sell your old bike and buy myself a new one.
03:40You know, Freddy, I actually just wanted to lend you my bike.
03:43What about your dad?
03:44Unfortunately, he doesn't own a bike.
03:46I mean, he needs help.
03:47Could be.
03:48Every time he sees me, he shouts,
03:54Mr. Geröllheimer, give me a chance.
03:56I'm the best car salesman there is.
03:58A natural talent.
03:59Forget it. You're 15 years too young for the job.
04:02But I think I have something for you.
04:05You can wash cars.
04:07Think about it.
04:08I always say, time is mussel.
04:10I pay half a mussel for every car.
04:12That's the best job in town.
04:15By the way, you're the only one.
04:17You don't get another one.
04:18Until I have the mussels for a new bike,
04:20I'm too old to ride it.
04:22Look at that positively.
04:24If you're too old to ride, you don't need one anymore, do you?
04:28Wait a minute.
04:29I have a great idea.
04:30Yes, just cost me a finger.
04:42What do you think this is?
04:43Maybe an alien.
04:45Not Freddy.
04:46That thing.
04:47Step back and I'll show you how to wash two cars at once.
04:58Or how to wash two girls and no car.
05:01I know how to do it.
05:03Yes, by handing out umbrellas.
05:07Attention, I'll try again.
05:10Does it work now?
05:11It's different from what you imagined.
05:16You just invented the first swimming pool.
05:19Look, there's a customer.
05:23Where's your father?
05:24He's on the bench.
05:25I'll take over.
05:27Let it be, Freddy.
05:28I don't think Mr. Geröllheimer will like it.
05:30Nonsense, he'll be thrilled.
05:34A good choice.
05:35The car is almost new.
05:36It belonged to an old lady who didn't have a driver's license.
05:39Aren't you too young to sell cars?
05:41Hey, hey, Dad.
05:42I heard that in small towns the car dealers are small, too.
05:45Hey, hey, son.
05:46That was a good joke.
05:48Clever boy.
05:49Tell me, little one, did you sell a lot of cars?
05:52No one stands here longer than five minutes.
05:54Yes, because the scrap dealer picks them up.
05:56Am I right or am I right, Dad?
05:58You're joking again today, son of a man.
06:01Hey, hey, I remember.
06:03I've seen them before.
06:04I know them from TV.
06:05They are Paolo Pickelstein, the famous car king from Marmorstadt.
06:08Oh, yes, I know them, too.
06:10But where is Kurt, your tiger?
06:12You'll see, little one.
06:15Come to me, Kurt.
06:20Hey, kids.
06:21Kurt is completely harmless.
06:22Unfortunately, he can't catch you.
06:24Look at this.
06:25The perfect car for a country party.
06:28Hey, even with death in his neck, he still thinks about selling.
06:32You were right.
06:33If it's about selling, Freddy is a real tiger.
06:36I wonder if a tiger can sell, too.
06:39Well, this shop is starting to interest me, little one.
06:42It's about time, sir.
06:43Here you'll find the best used cars in the country.
06:45Take a look.
06:46The little one is wearing quite a lot.
06:48Am I right or am I right, Dad?
06:50Not at all.
06:51The car is great.
06:52Hey, hey.
06:53Like father, like son.
06:55I always say, from the mouths of our youth,
06:57the words of the future ring out.
06:59And I tell you, this car is great.
07:01Make your choice.
07:02With or without...
07:03...dead wing.
07:04Once you brake too hard, it falls apart.
07:06Am I right or am I right, Dad?
07:08If you keep doing this, son,
07:10I'll transfer my business to you.
07:17I told you, he's harmless.
07:20Hey, Dad.
07:21I think I should start training for the cycling race.
07:24Are you joining, too?
07:26No chance, little one.
07:27Freddy will win the race.
07:28Oh, come on.
07:29Forget it.
07:30I won't let such a small-town sausage defeat me.
07:32Am I right or am I right?
07:33That's the right attitude.
07:36It was nice to do business with you guys.
07:38See you later.
07:40How about this cheap convertible?
07:42It even has a swimming pool.
07:44You should have waited for Mr. Geröllheimer.
07:47Are you kidding?
07:48Pickelstein is coming back.
07:52I hope he brings a dinghy.
08:04Oh, hello, Mr. Geröllheimer.
08:06This is Freddy.
08:07Freddy, I wanted to thank you for the great sales success.
08:10Don't mention it, Mr. Geröllheimer.
08:12For a salesman like me, it was nothing.
08:15Barney is on his way to you.
08:17He has a surprise for you.
08:20What's going on, Freddy?
08:22Barney is coming.
08:23He has a surprise for me.
08:24Maybe a new bike.
08:28Why did it take so long?
08:31Don't say anything.
08:32The surprise is a new bike.
08:33A bike?
08:34I can see it in front of me.
08:35How I fly over the hurdles.
08:37How I glide over the potholes.
08:39And how I splash through the mud puddles.
08:41I'm in the lead.
08:42And the winner is Freddy Feuerstein.
08:46Thank you for the trophy and for the 25 mussels.
08:49And I owe it all to my excellent sales talent.
08:54You really are a salesman.
08:56What did Pickelstein buy?
08:57A sports car?
08:58A sedan?
08:59A car with a swimming pool?
09:00He bought everything.
09:01The car, the shop, our house.
09:04And now tell me about the surprise.
09:06The surprise is that he will stay in Bedrock
09:08and we will move to Marmorstadt.
09:11Goodbye, Freddy.
09:12It was nice to be your friend.
09:15No bike?
09:18No Barney?
09:19But, but...
09:20Oh, no.
09:21The salesman has seduced his best friend to the big city.
09:25Not you.
09:26Barney, my other best friend.
09:29Forget the motocross.
09:30Barney will leave Bedrock soon.
09:32I'm losing my best friend.
09:34What should I do?
09:37I've got it.
09:38I have to find a new friend.
09:42Filo, I have to ask you something.
09:44Don't you want my best friend?
09:46I'm following him.
09:47Who are you following?
09:48The rascal who stole the nuts from my squirrel.
09:52Please make sure you don't fall into any of my traps.
09:55Filo, I wanted to ask you if you...
09:57Freddy, did you say something?
09:59He's already done.
10:04Filo is a nice guy, but he can never be my best friend.
10:11Your fridge is as well filled as Barney's.
10:15Ten Mastodon sausages, two Tyrannocles,
10:18a Brontoburger.
10:20That's exactly ten mussels.
10:22You old rascal.
10:26Netslade will never be able to replace Barney.
10:32Why are we doing this?
10:34Just to practice.
10:35Besides, girls should master the art of self-defense.
10:38Wilma, where are you?
10:40I'm here, Betty.
10:41Now I'll show you how to hit a straight.
10:45She's a puncher, but she's not Barney.
10:49I'm sorry.
10:51It's not easy to find a best friend.
10:54Hey, fireball!
10:55I just found out that you're not participating in the race.
10:58You must be out of your mind.
11:02One thing I know for sure, I have an enemy.
11:05I won't cry. I'm too big for that.
11:08Of course I will lose my best friend.
11:10No one will ever be able to replace Barney.
11:14But I will be brave and not cry.
11:17Who needs a best friend?
11:23I need one. I want my Barney back.
11:48I've been looking for him for 80 years and still haven't found a best friend.
11:53Oh, there's someone coming. Maybe I should ask him.
11:58I don't think he wants to...
12:00Wait a minute!
12:01That's Barney!
12:02Barney, it's me!
12:04Your old friend, Freddy.
12:06Did you say Eddie?
12:08I don't know any Eddie.
12:10I haven't found a friend like you in all these years.
12:13It's me, Freddy.
12:14Oh, now I remember. Betty.
12:17My goodness, you've changed.
12:19No, my name is Freddy.
12:28Hello, Freddy.
12:29I don't think I need that anymore.
12:31You remember my name.
12:33Last night in my dream you didn't know my name.
12:35Hey, I also dreamed of us.
12:37That I never had a better friend.
12:39Me too.
12:40You also dreamed that I never had a better friend.
12:43The world is small.
12:44I guess you're packing your things already, right?
12:46Yes, you taught me how to skateboard. Do you remember?
12:49Do I still remember?
12:51Besides, I remember something else.
12:53That's my skateboard.
12:55Oh, I thought we were good friends.
12:57What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours.
13:00Rubber wheels,
13:01golf gloves,
13:03There's a lot of me in the box, but not much of you.
13:06You don't think I wanted to steal that stuff, do you?
13:09What should I expect from someone who doesn't remember my name?
13:12I knew him in my dream.
13:13You're Freddy Firestone, the best friend I've ever had.
13:17I know, Barney. I'm sorry.
13:19I'm just so angry because you're moving away.
13:21I don't want you to leave.
13:23I don't want to leave you either, Freddy.
13:28Oh, boys, we know it's hard for you.
13:30But unfortunately, the parents have to make the decisions.
13:33And don't think it's so easy for us.
13:37We'd rather leave it to others.
13:40I don't understand. Do you know what they're talking about, Barney?
13:43Well, you know, I...
13:46Maybe you should explain it to her.
13:48Please explain to me that Barney can stay here.
13:53Oh, Marble City. I'm sure you'll like it.
13:55If it's supposed to be so great,
13:57why does Piglet want to move here?
13:59Because he wants to live in a small town.
14:02I do too. I don't want to leave Bedrock, Dad.
14:05You know, Barney, it's not easy to be an adult.
14:08Because sometimes you have to make decisions that affect the whole family.
14:11But it's also not easy to be a child,
14:13because you have to accept these decisions.
14:15Do you understand?
14:20Freddy, eat your volcano ice cream.
14:22Then you'll feel much better.
14:24Believe me, you'll never forget Barney.
14:27And he'll never forget you either.
14:30Betty, we wanted to cheer him up.
14:32Oh, that's right.
14:33Listen, Freddy, maybe he won't forget you completely.
14:36That's no consolation either.
14:38Come on, this isn't the end of the world.
14:40How would you feel if Wilma left?
14:43If Wilma left? I think I'd die.
14:47I wanted to say, without you I'd be like a cake without chocolate coating.
14:51And I'd be like ice cream without whipped cream.
14:54Oh, Wilma, don't leave me.
14:56I'll stay here. Stop crying.
14:59Only if you promise me you'll never forget me.
15:02Well, Barney might forget me,
15:04but he'll always remember one thing.
15:07No, the big farewell party I'm throwing for him.
15:10Great idea. But how are you going to pay for it?
15:13With the shells I get when I win the motocross.
15:18Oh, Freddy is like the old man again.
15:20If we cheer him up even more, he'll eat the whole table.
15:28See? He's the man himself. It's as good as new.
15:31And you really think you can win with that wheelbarrow?
15:36You do that with feeling and a wave.
15:39Is that a gravity test, Freddy?
15:41He's just trying to fix his bike for the race.
15:44If I win, Barney will never forget a farewell party.
15:47Yes, Barney would like that, my son. Maybe I can help you.
15:51Don't you have too much to do, Dad?
15:53Sometimes I need a challenge.
15:55But this time I need a wizard.
16:01Am I glad I have this high-speed chain on stock?
16:07Well, better a chain than a briefcase.
16:09So you won't win the beauty contest,
16:11but it's enough to get in, I hope.
16:18Wow, that guy is really fast, Rocky.
16:20He could beat you in the race.
16:23I'll never lose, okay?
16:25He's faster than you. Why are you so sure you'll win?
16:28I'm so sure, because nothing is left to chance. Got it?
16:31Got it.
16:46Today the race is getting more exciting.
16:49The riders are at the start.
16:51The flag is already being hoisted.
16:53And the race has begun.
16:59The first obstacle is the Turkish mudflat.
17:03Go first with a little blind-flight-fire-stamp.
17:07Show them, Rocky!
17:10And now they're approaching the dangerous hill of death.
17:13Come on, guys, you have to get over there.
17:16Come on, Freddy!
17:17Where is Barney?
17:19Is this a race? Is this a race?
17:21What do you understand?
17:23They are now in front of the notorious,
17:25and extremely risky snake pit.
17:27Betty, what are you doing?
17:29Oh, it's so dangerous, I can't see anything.
17:31Uh, don't worry. Freddy keeps his eyes closed, too.
17:35They have just left the dead man's knapsack behind
17:38and are now on the bone-shaking, concrete-hard mudflat.
17:41And now the flat part is stepping on the pedals, guys.
17:46Hey, kid, I told you to step on the pedals.
17:49Come on!
17:54The lead has Horty Rattenfels on his Bad Rock Special.
17:59At second place, Mike Picklestein on his Red Wonder Runner.
18:04At third place, Freddy Feuerstein lies on his...
18:07Uh, uh, yes, it's a bike.
18:12Freddy, Freddy, we believe you!
18:15Freddy, Freddy, don't disappoint us!
18:18The riders are now coming to the key point of the course,
18:21to the Death Swing!
18:30Does he still know what's back and forth?
18:32Freddy has always been a guy who goes backwards.
18:35Yeah, but with style.
18:36Feuerstein has taken second place
18:38and is now chasing the favorite, Horty Rattenfels.
18:43Okay, guys, that was the signal.
18:45It's time for dirty tricks.
18:47We know them the best.
18:49And now it's time for the last lap.
18:51Freddy has to go faster.
18:53Freddy, a mushroom is waiting for you at the finish line.
18:56If that doesn't help.
18:57Oh, is that a hot race, a fire, hot even.
19:02And wet, because now the riders reach the mud hole.
19:18Thank you, I owe you something.
19:20Not at all,
19:21that's what every other small-town boy would have done.
19:24Uh, it looks like Feuerstein has been stopped,
19:27but he's catching up now.
19:29For the last time, she's now passing the mud hole.
19:43Horty Rattenfels is now in the lead.
19:46Horty Rattenfels has a huge lead.
19:48He looks like a sure winner.
20:02Now they're entering the finish line.
20:04Horty Rattenfels is first.
20:06Feuerstein in second place, far behind.
20:09He can't believe it.
20:12And now the death jump.
20:14I hope Freddy remembers the rule number 22 of Gerollheim.
20:17Would you like to share it with a stranger?
20:19Everyone wants a broken neck and leg.
20:21But before you break your leg, you'd better do the handstand.
20:24I'd rather stay ignorant.
20:40It's unbelievable.
20:42Feuerstein wins!
20:43Feuerstein has won!
20:51I could get used to that.
20:53Do it again, Freddy!
20:58And here's your trophy, Freddy.
21:00It was a great race.
21:01The winning prize is a cheque for over 25 mussels.
21:06Hey, Bunny,
21:07I'm throwing you a huge farewell party with the cheque.
21:10I'd rather have the cheque.
21:11It belongs to you, my best friend.
21:13Congratulations, my boy.
21:15I had to win that bike, Dad.
21:17Hey, hey, am I right or am I right?
21:19You're not just a great salesman,
21:21you're also a great bike racer.
21:24Uh, Gerollheimer, I have to talk to you.
21:26About what, Mr. Picklestein?
21:28Well, my boy and I,
21:29we put our heads together earlier
21:31and we've come to an agreement.
21:34You know, we're from the big city
21:35and don't feel so comfortable here in the country,
21:37so I'd like to ask you to let me leave the contract.
21:40Good, nothing better than that.
21:42I also wanted to ask you,
21:43because my family wants to stay here.
21:47You could say that.
21:49Thank you, Mike.
21:50Am I right or am I right?
21:52I owe you something.
21:53And to be honest,
21:54I don't want to be buried in the cove.
21:56Hee-hee-hee-hee, Bunny,
21:58that means you're not moving out.
22:00It's enough if you stay my best friend.
22:02You don't need the cheque either.
22:04Uh, does that mean I don't get a farewell party?
22:07but you get a return party.
