Surah Al-Qamar Full By Sheikh Abdallah Abdal WIth English Translation

  • 2 months ago
Al-Qamar is the 54th chapter of the Quran, with 55 verses.The Surah was revealed in Mecca. The opening verses refer to the splitting of the moon. "Qamar", meaning "Moon" in Arabic, is also a common name among Muslims. Benefits of Surah Qamar
Reflection on Divine Signs: Surah Qamar prompts believers to reflect on the miraculous event of the splitting moon. ...
Understanding Divine Justice: ...
Call to Repentance: ...
Fortification of Faith: ...
Hope in Divine Mercy:
00:00In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
00:30In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
01:01Hiding their eyes, they come forth from the graves, as if they were scattered locusts
01:13Rushing to the call, the disbelievers say, this is a difficult day
01:23The people of Noah denied before them, so they denied Our servant and said, crazy and misguided
01:40So he prayed to his Lord, I am overcome, so help me
01:50So We opened the gates of heaven with flowing water
02:08And We caused the earth to burst with springs, so the water met a decree that was destined
02:22And We carried him on boards and stakes
02:29Running with Our eyes as a reward for those who were disbelievers
02:37And We left it as a sign, so is there anyone who will remember
02:46So how was My punishment and warnings
02:51And We have made the Qur'an easy to remember, so is there anyone who will remember
03:00Aad denied, so how was My punishment and warnings
03:08Indeed, We sent against them a roaring wind on the Day of Reckoning
03:26Rushing to the people as if they were scattered locusts
03:37So how was My punishment and warnings
03:42And We have made the Qur'an easy to remember, so is there anyone who will remember
03:51Thamud denied the warnings, so they said, Is there a human being among us who we should follow?
04:05Indeed, then we would be in error and error
04:14Was the remembrance cast upon him from among us? No, he is a liar, a traitor
04:23Tomorrow they will know who is the liar, the traitor
04:29Indeed, We will send the she-camel as a trial for them, so watch over them and be patient
04:39And inform them that the water is a division between them, every drink is prescribed
04:51So they called out to their companion, but he turned away and refused
04:57So how was My punishment and warnings
05:01Indeed, We sent against them a roaring wind on the Day of Reckoning
05:16And We have made the Qur'an easy to remember, so is there anyone who will remember
05:25The people of Lot denied the warnings
05:32Indeed, We sent against them a storm, except for the people of Lot
05:45We saved them by magic, a favor from Us, thus do We reward those who are grateful
05:58And He did warn them of Our punishment, but they disobeyed the warning
06:07And they tried to take him away from his guests, so We wiped their eyes, so taste My punishment and warnings
06:19And early in the morning there will be a permanent punishment, so taste My punishment and warnings
06:33And We have made the Qur'an easy to remember, so is there anyone who will remember
06:43And the people of Pharaoh came with warnings
06:50They denied Our signs, all of them, so We seized them with a mighty, powerful seizure
07:00Are your disbelievers better than those? Or do you have innocence in the scriptures?
07:13Or do they say, We are all victors?
07:20The assembly will be defeated and they will turn their backs
07:25No, the Hour is their appointed time, and the Hour has made it clear and commanded
07:32Indeed, the criminals are in error and in error
07:39On the Day when they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, they will taste the touch of Hell
07:49Indeed, We have created everything according to a decree
07:55And Our command is only one, like a flash of sight
08:06And We have destroyed your commodities, so is there anyone who will remember
08:16And everything they have done is in the scriptures
08:21And each is small and each is great and established
